Bug on Debug trying to start (and stop) before PLC started fixed.
Adding support for detecting platform default settings for target type and canfestival node.
Clear tests folder, leaving only multi-platform tests.
Source: beremiz
Section: devel
Priority: standard
Maintainer: lolitech <gregory.trelat@lolitech.fr>
Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 5)
Standards-Version: 3.7.2
Package: beremiz
Architecture: any
Depends: build-essential, python-wxgtk2.8, python-ctypes, python-wxglade, xpdf, canfestival-devel, canfestival-objdictedit, matiec, docutils, pyro, xmlclass, plcopeneditor
Description: Beremiz is an Open Source framework for automation
With Beremiz, you can :
- Automate everything.
- Take any processor into a PLC.
- Program once, run anywhere.
- Create PLC controled customizable HMIs.
- Conform to standards.
- Avoid vendor lock.