Fixed runtime GUI freeze when stopping PLC from the menu. Added -x 2 argument to to restrict content of systray icon menu.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
from nevow import rend, appserver, inevow, tags, loaders, athena
import simplejson as json
svgfile = '%(svgfile)s'
svguiWidgets = {}
currentId = 0
def getNewId():
global currentId
currentId += 1
return currentId
class SvguiWidget:
def __init__(self, classname, id, **kwargs):
self.classname = classname = id
self.attrs = kwargs.copy()
self.inputs = {}
self.outputs = {}
self.inhibit = False
self.changed = False
def setinput(self, attrname, value):
self.inputs[attrname] = value
def getinput(self, attrname, default=None):
if not self.inputs.has_key(attrname):
self.inputs[attrname] = default
return self.inputs[attrname]
def setoutput(self, attrname, value):
if self.outputs.get(attrname) != value:
self.outputs[attrname] = value
self.changed = True
def updateoutputs(self, **kwargs):
for attrname, value in kwargs.iteritems():
if self.outputs.get(attrname) != value:
self.outputs[attrname] = value
self.changed = True
def RefreshInterface(self):
interface = website.getHMI()
if isinstance(interface, SVGUI_HMI) and self.changed and not self.inhibit:
self.changed = False
d = interface.sendData(self)
if d is not None:
self.inhibit = True
def InterfaceRefreshed(self, result):
self.inhibit = False
if self.changed:
def get_object_init_state(obj):
# Convert objects to a dictionary of their representation
attrs = obj.attrs.copy()
d = { '__class__': obj.classname,
'kwargs': json.dumps(attrs),
return d
def get_object_current_state(obj):
# Convert objects to a dictionary of their representation
d = { '__class__': obj.classname,
'kwargs': json.dumps(obj.outputs),
return d
class SVGUI_HMI(website.PLCHMI):
jsClass = u"LiveSVGPage.LiveSVGWidget"
docFactory = loaders.stan(tags.div(render=tags.directive('liveElement'))[
tags.xml(loaders.xmlfile(os.path.join(WorkingDir, svgfile))),
def HMIinitialisation(self):
gadgets = []
for gadget in svguiWidgets.values():
gadgets.append(unicode(json.dumps(gadget, default=get_object_init_state, indent=2), 'ascii'))
d = self.callRemote('init', gadgets)
def sendData(self,data):
if self.initialised:
return self.callRemote('receiveData',unicode(json.dumps(data, default=get_object_current_state, indent=2), 'ascii'))
return None
def setattr(self, id, attrname, value):
svguiWidgets[id].setinput(attrname, value)
def createSVGUIControl(*args, **kwargs):
id = getNewId()
gad = SvguiWidget(args[0], id, **kwargs)
svguiWidgets[id] = gad
gadget = [unicode(json.dumps(gad, default=get_object_init_state, indent=2), 'ascii')]
interface = website.getHMI()
if isinstance(interface, SVGUI_HMI) and interface.initialised:
interface.callRemote('init', gadget)
return id
def setAttr(id, attrname, value):
gad = svguiWidgets.get(id, None)
if gad is not None:
gad.setoutput(attrname, value)
def updateAttr(id, **kwargs):
gad = svguiWidgets.get(id, None)
if gad is not None:
def getAttr(id, attrname, default=None):
gad = svguiWidgets.get(id, None)
if gad is not None:
return gad.getinput(attrname, default)
return default