SVGHMI: Added SVG widget library browser. Supports browsing and previewing widgets. Widget validation and drag'n'drop are still to be implemented.
// widget_scrollbar.ysl2
template "widget[@type='ScrollBar']", mode="widget_class"{
class ScrollBarWidget extends Widget{
frequency = 10;
position = undefined;
range = undefined;
size = undefined;
mincursize = 0.1;
dispatch(value,oldval, index) {
switch(index) {
case 0:
this.range = Math.max(1,value);
case 1:
this.position = value;
case 2:
this.size = value;
get_ratios() {
let range = this.range;
let size = Math.max(this.range * this.mincursize, Math.min(this.size, range));
let maxh = this.range_elt.height.baseVal.value;
let pixels = maxh;
let units = range;
return [size, maxh, range, pixels, units];
if(this.position == undefined || this.range == undefined || this.size == undefined)
let [size, maxh, range, pixels, units] = this.get_ratios();
let new_y = this.range_elt.y.baseVal.value + Math.round(Math.min(this.position,range-size) * pixels / units);
let new_height = Math.round(maxh * size/range);
this.cursor_elt.y.baseVal.value = new_y;
this.cursor_elt.height.baseVal.value = new_height;
init_mandatory() {
this.cursor_elt.onpointerdown = () => this.on_cursor_down();
this.bound_drag = this.drag.bind(this);
this.bound_drop = this.drop.bind(this);
this.position = Math.round(Math.max(Math.min(position, this.range - this.size), 0));
this.apply_hmi_value(1, this.position);
this.apply_position(is_up ? this.position-this.size
: this.position+this.size);
// get scrollbar -> root transform
let ctm = this.range_elt.getCTM();
// relative motion -> discard translation
ctm.e = 0;
ctm.f = 0;
// root -> scrollbar transform
this.invctm = ctm.inverse();
svg_root.addEventListener("pointerup", this.bound_drop, true);
svg_root.addEventListener("pointermove", this.bound_drag, true);
this.dragpos = this.position;
drop(e) {
svg_root.removeEventListener("pointerup", this.bound_drop, true);
svg_root.removeEventListener("pointermove", this.bound_drag, true);
drag(e) {
let [size, maxh, range, pixels, units] = this.get_ratios();
if(pixels == 0) return;
let point = new DOMPoint(e.movementX, e.movementY);
let movement = point.matrixTransform(this.invctm).y;
this.dragpos += movement * units / pixels;
template "widget[@type='ScrollBar']", mode="widget_defs" {
param "hmi_element";
labels("cursor range");
const "pagebuttons" optional_labels("pageup pagedown");
const "have_pagebuttons","string-length($pagebuttons)>0";
value "$pagebuttons";
| init: function() {
| this.init_mandatory();
if "$have_pagebuttons" {
| this.pageup_elt.onclick = () => this.on_page_click(true);
| this.pagedown_elt.onclick = () => this.on_page_click(false);
| },