WxGlade HMI extension now does only instanciate wx object who's name match extension's name. If no object match the name and no code is provided in 'start' user python code section, then a warning is issued
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of Beremiz, a Integrated Development Environment for
# programming IEC 61131-3 automates supporting plcopen standard and CanFestival.
# Copyright (C) 2012: Edouard TISSERANT and Laurent BESSARD
# See COPYING file for copyrights details.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
from __future__ import absolute_import
from datetime import timedelta
import binascii
import numpy
from graphics.DebugDataConsumer import DebugDataConsumer, TYPE_TRANSLATOR
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Constant for calculate CRC for string variables
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Debug Variable Item Class
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class DebugVariableItem(DebugDataConsumer):
Class that implements an element that consumes debug values for PLC variable and
stores received values for displaying them in graphic panel or table
def __init__(self, parent, variable, store_data=False):
@param parent: Reference to debug variable panel
@param variable: Path of variable to debug
self.Parent = parent
self.Variable = variable
self.StoreData = store_data
# Get Variable data type
def __del__(self):
# Reset reference to debug variable panel
self.Parent = None
def SetVariable(self, variable):
Set path of variable
@param variable: Path of variable to debug
if self.Parent is not None and self.Variable != variable:
# Store variable path
self.Variable = variable
# Get Variable data type
# Refresh debug variable panel
def GetVariable(self, mask=None):
Return path of variable
@param mask: Mask to apply to variable path [var_name, '*',...]
@return: String containing masked variable path
# Apply mask to variable name
if mask is not None:
# '#' correspond to parts that are different between all items
# Extract variable path parts
parts = self.Variable.split('.')
# Adjust mask size to size of variable path
mask = mask + ['*'] * max(0, len(parts) - len(mask))
# Store previous mask
last = None
# Init masked variable path
variable = ""
for m, p in zip(mask, parts):
# Part is not masked, add part prefixed with '.' is previous
# wasn't masked
if m == '*':
variable += ('.' if last == '*' else '') + p
# Part is mask, add '..' if first or previous wasn't masked
elif last is None or last == '*':
variable += '..'
last = m
return variable
return self.Variable
def RefreshVariableType(self):
Get and store variable data type
self.VariableType = self.Parent.GetDataType(self.Variable)
# Reset data stored
def GetVariableType(self):
Return variable data type
@return: Variable data type
return self.VariableType
def GetData(self, start_tick=None, end_tick=None):
Return data stored contained in given range
@param start_tick: Start tick of given range (default None, first data)
@param end_tick: end tick of given range (default None, last data)
@return: Data as numpy.array([(tick, value, forced),...])
# Return immediately if data empty or none
if self.Data is None or len(self.Data) == 0:
return self.Data
# Find nearest data outside given range indexes
start_idx = (self.GetNearestData(start_tick, -1)
if start_tick is not None
else 0)
end_idx = (self.GetNearestData(end_tick, 1)
if end_tick is not None
else len(self.Data))
# Return data between indexes
return self.Data[start_idx:end_idx]
def GetRawValue(self, index):
Return raw value at given index for string variables
@param index: Variable value index
@return: Variable data type
if self.VariableType in ["STRING", "WSTRING"] and index < len(self.RawData):
return self.RawData[index][0]
return ""
def GetValueRange(self):
Return variable value range
@return: (minimum_value, maximum_value)
return self.MinValue, self.MaxValue
def GetDataAndValueRange(self, start_tick, end_tick, full_range=True):
Return variable data and value range for a given tick range
@param start_tick: Start tick of given range (default None, first data)
@param end_tick: end tick of given range (default None, last data)
@param full_range: Value range is calculated on whole data (False: only
calculated on data in given range)
@return: (numpy.array([(tick, value, forced),...]),
min_value, max_value)
# Get data in given tick range
data = self.GetData(start_tick, end_tick)
# Value range is calculated on whole data
if full_range:
return data, self.MinValue, self.MaxValue
# Check that data in given range is not empty
values = data[:, 1]
if len(values) > 0:
# Return value range for data in given tick range
return (data,
data[numpy.argmin(values), 1],
data[numpy.argmax(values), 1])
# Return default values
return data, None, None
def ResetData(self):
Reset data stored when store data option enabled
if self.StoreData and self.IsNumVariable():
# Init table storing data
self.Data = numpy.array([]).reshape(0, 3)
# Init table storing raw data if variable is strin
self.RawData = ([]
if self.VariableType in ["STRING", "WSTRING"]
else None)
# Init Value range variables
self.MinValue = None
self.MaxValue = None
self.Data = None
self.MinValue = None
self.MaxValue = None
# Init variable value
self.Value = ""
def IsNumVariable(self):
Return if variable data type is numeric. String variables are
considered as numeric (string CRC). Time variables are considered
as number of seconds
@return: True if data type is numeric
return (self.Parent.IsNumType(self.VariableType) or
self.VariableType in ["STRING", "WSTRING", "TIME", "TOD", "DT", "DATE"])
def NewValues(self, ticks, values):
Function called by debug thread when a new debug value is available
@param tick: PLC tick when value was captured
@param value: Value captured
@param forced: Forced flag, True if value is forced (default: False)
DebugDataConsumer.NewValues(self, ticks[-1], values[-1], raw=None)
if self.Data is not None:
if self.VariableType in ["STRING", "WSTRING"]:
last_raw_data = (self.RawData[-1]
if len(self.RawData) > 0 else None)
last_raw_data_idx = len(self.RawData) - 1
data_values = []
for tick, (value, forced) in zip(ticks, values):
# Translate forced flag to float for storing in Data table
forced_value = float(forced)
if self.VariableType in ["STRING", "WSTRING"]:
# String data value is CRC
num_value = (binascii.crc32(value) & STRING_CRC_MASK)
elif self.VariableType in ["TIME", "TOD", "DT", "DATE"]:
# Numeric value of time type variables
# is represented in seconds
num_value = float(value.total_seconds())
num_value = float(value)
# Update variable range values
self.MinValue = (min(self.MinValue, num_value)
if self.MinValue is not None
else num_value)
self.MaxValue = (max(self.MaxValue, num_value)
if self.MaxValue is not None
else num_value)
# In the case of string variables, we store raw string value and
# forced flag in raw data table. Only changes in this two values
# are stored. Index to the corresponding raw value is stored in
# data third column
if self.VariableType in ["STRING", "WSTRING"]:
raw_data = (value, forced_value)
if len(self.RawData) == 0 or last_raw_data != raw_data:
last_raw_data_idx += 1
last_raw_data = raw_data
extra_value = last_raw_data_idx
# In other case, data third column is forced flag
extra_value = forced_value
[float(tick), num_value, extra_value])
# Add New data to stored data table
self.Data = numpy.append(self.Data, data_values, axis=0)
# Signal to debug variable panel to refresh
self.Parent.HasNewData = True
def SetForced(self, forced):
Update Forced flag
@param forced: New forced flag
# Store forced flag
if self.Forced != forced:
self.Forced = forced
# Signal to debug variable panel to refresh
self.Parent.HasNewData = True
def SetValue(self, value):
Update value.
@param value: New value
# Remove quote and double quote surrounding string value to get raw value
if self.VariableType == "STRING" and value.startswith("'") and value.endswith("'") or \
self.VariableType == "WSTRING" and value.startswith('"') and value.endswith('"'):
value = value[1:-1]
# Store variable value
if self.Value != value:
self.Value = value
# Signal to debug variable panel to refresh
self.Parent.HasNewData = True
def GetValue(self, tick=None, raw=False):
Return current value or value and forced flag for tick given
@return: Current value or value and forced flag
# If tick given and stored data option enabled
if tick is not None and self.Data is not None:
# Return current value and forced flag if data empty
if len(self.Data) == 0:
return self.Value, self.IsForced()
# Get index of nearest data from tick given
idx = self.GetNearestData(tick, 0)
# Get value and forced flag at given index
value, forced = \
self.RawData[int(self.Data[idx, 2])] \
if self.VariableType in ["STRING", "WSTRING"] \
else self.Data[idx, 1:3]
if self.VariableType in ["TIME", "TOD", "DT", "DATE"]:
value = timedelta(seconds=value)
# Get raw value if asked
if not raw:
value = TYPE_TRANSLATOR.get(
self.VariableType, str)(value)
return value, forced
# Return raw value if asked
if not raw and self.VariableType in ["STRING", "WSTRING"]:
self.VariableType, str)(self.Value)
return self.Value
def GetNearestData(self, tick, adjust):
Return index of nearest data from tick given
@param tick: Tick where find nearest data
@param adjust: Constraint for data position from tick
-1: older than tick
1: newer than tick
0: doesn't matter
@return: Index of nearest data
# Return immediately if data is empty
if self.Data is None:
return None
# Extract data ticks
ticks = self.Data[:, 0]
# Get nearest data from tick
idx = numpy.argmin(abs(ticks - tick))
# Adjust data index according to constraint
if adjust < 0 and ticks[idx] > tick and idx > 0 or \
adjust > 0 and ticks[idx] < tick and idx < len(ticks):
idx += adjust
return idx