author Edouard Tisserant
Mon, 24 Jan 2022 11:14:56 +0100
changeset 3421 70ef15fca028
parent 3360 746e3e3f6537
child 3524 27d298c6f961
permissions -rw-r--r--
IDE: follow-up on change in 83ed4ea362db - added workaround when matiec generated files contain unexpected characters.
// widget_display.ysl2

widget_desc("Display") {
    If Display widget is a svg:text element, then text content is replaced by
    value of given variables, space separated.

    Otherwise, if Display widget is a group containing a svg:text element
    labelled "format", then text content is replaced by printf-like formated
    string. In other words, if "format" labeled text is "%d %s %f", then 3
    variables paths are expected : HMI_IN, HMI_STRING and HMI_REAL.

    In case Display widget is a svg::text element, it is also possible to give
    format string as first argument.

    shortdesc > Printf-like formated text display 

    arg name="format" count="optional" accepts="string" > printf-like format string when not given as svg:text

    path name="fields" count="many" accepts="HMI_INT,HMI_REAL,HMI_STRING,HMI_BOOL" > variables to be displayed

        frequency = 5;
        dispatch(value, oldval, index) {
            this.fields[index] = value;    

widget_defs("Display") {
    const "format" optional_labels("format");
    const "has_format","string-length($format)>0";
    value "$format";

    if "$hmi_element[not(self::svg:text)] and not($has_format)"
        error > Display Widget id="«$hmi_element/@id»" must be a svg::text element itself or a group containing a svg:text element labelled "format"

    const "field_initializer" foreach "path" {
            when "@type='HMI_STRING'" > ""
            otherwise > 0
        if "position()!=last()" > ,
    |     fields: [«$field_initializer»],
    |     animate: function(){
    choose {
        when "$has_format" {
    |       if(this.format_elt.getAttribute("lang")) {
    |           this.format = svg_text_to_multiline(this.format_elt);
    |           this.format_elt.removeAttribute("lang");
    |       }
    |       let str = vsprintf(this.format,this.fields);
    |       multiline_to_svg_text(this.format_elt, str);
        otherwise {
    |       let str = this.args.length == 1 ? vsprintf(this.args[0],this.fields) : this.fields.join(' ');
    |       multiline_to_svg_text(this.element, str);
    |     },
    if "$has_format" {
    |     init: function() {
    |       this.format = svg_text_to_multiline(this.format_elt);
    |     },