OPC-UA: only support the encryption policy selected in config.
By default open62541 client accepts all supported policies, but in makes problem
when negociating with some servers while most clients seems to only support
one policy at a time.
// widget_scrollbar.ysl2
widget_desc("ScrollBar") {
ScrollBar - svg:rect based scrollbar
shortdesc > ScrollBar
path name="value" accepts="HMI_INT" > value
path name="range" accepts="HMI_INT" > range
path name="visible" accepts="HMI_INT" > visible
widget_class("ScrollBar") {
frequency = 10;
position = undefined;
range = undefined;
size = undefined;
mincursize = 0.1;
dispatch(value,oldval, index) {
switch(index) {
case 0:
this.range = Math.max(1,value);
case 1:
this.position = value;
case 2:
this.size = value;
get_ratios() {
let range = this.range;
let size = Math.max(range * this.mincursize, Math.min(this.size, range));
let maxh = this.range_elt.height.baseVal.value;
let pixels = maxh;
return [size, maxh, range, pixels];
if(this.position == undefined || this.range == undefined || this.size == undefined)
let [size, maxh, range, pixels] = this.get_ratios();
let new_y = this.range_elt.y.baseVal.value + Math.round(Math.min(this.position,range-size) * pixels / range);
let new_height = Math.round(maxh * size/range);
this.cursor_elt.y.baseVal.value = new_y;
this.cursor_elt.height.baseVal.value = new_height;
init_mandatory() {
this.cursor_elt.onpointerdown = () => this.on_cursor_down();
this.bound_drag = this.drag.bind(this);
this.bound_drop = this.drop.bind(this);
this.position = Math.round(Math.max(Math.min(position, this.range - this.size), 0));
this.apply_hmi_value(1, this.position);
this.apply_position(is_up ? this.position-this.size
: this.position+this.size);
// get scrollbar -> root transform
let ctm = this.range_elt.getCTM();
// relative motion -> discard translation
ctm.e = 0;
ctm.f = 0;
// root -> scrollbar transform
this.invctm = ctm.inverse();
svg_root.addEventListener("pointerup", this.bound_drop, true);
svg_root.addEventListener("pointermove", this.bound_drag, true);
this.dragpos = this.position;
drop(e) {
svg_root.removeEventListener("pointerup", this.bound_drop, true);
svg_root.removeEventListener("pointermove", this.bound_drag, true);
drag(e) {
let [size, maxh, range, pixels] = this.get_ratios();
if(pixels == 0) return;
let point = new DOMPoint(e.movementX, e.movementY);
let movement = point.matrixTransform(this.invctm).y;
this.dragpos += movement * range / pixels;
widget_defs("ScrollBar") {
labels("cursor range");
const "pagebuttons" optional_labels("pageup pagedown");
const "have_pagebuttons","string-length($pagebuttons)>0";
value "$pagebuttons";
| init: function() {
| this.init_mandatory();
if "$have_pagebuttons" {
| this.pageup_elt.onclick = () => this.on_page_click(true);
| this.pagedown_elt.onclick = () => this.on_page_click(false);
| },