author Edouard Tisserant <>
Tue, 15 Nov 2022 20:43:39 +0100
changeset 3677 6d9040e07c32
parent 2641 c9deff128c37
permissions -rw-r--r--
OPC-UA: only support the encryption policy selected in config.

By default open62541 client accepts all supported policies, but in makes problem
when negociating with some servers while most clients seems to only support
one policy at a time.

Stylesheet used to list EtherCat dictionnary entries.

Copyright (C) 2011-2014: Laurent BESSARD

Distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

See COPYING file for copyrights details.


include yslt.yml2
estylesheet xmlns:ns="entries_list_ns" 
            exclude-result-prefixes="ns" {
    param "min_index";
    param "max_index";
    template "text()";
    template "Device" {
        apply "Profile/Dictionary/Objects/Object";
        foreach "RxPdo" {
            call "pdo_entries" with "direction", "'Receive'";
        foreach "TxPdo" {
            call "pdo_entries" with "direction", "'Transmit'";
    template "Object" {
        variable "index" > «ns:HexDecValue(Index/text())»
        variable "entry_name" > «ns:EntryName(Name)»
        choose {
            when "$index >= $min_index and $index <= $max_index" {
                variable "datatype_name" > «Type/text()»
                variable "default_value" > «Info/DefaultData/text()»
                choose {
                    when "ancestor::Dictionary/child::DataTypes/DataType[Name/text()=$datatype_name][SubItem]" {
                        apply "ancestor::Dictionary/child::DataTypes/DataType[Name/text()=$datatype_name][SubItem]" {
                            with "index" > «$index»
                            with "entry_name" > «$entry_name»
                            with "sub_default_value" > «Info/SubItem/Info/DefaultData/text()»
                    otherwise {
                        variable "subindex" > 0
                        variable "sub_entry_flag" > 0
                        variable "entry" {
                            > «ns:AddEntry($index, $subindex, $entry_name, $datatype_name, BitSize/text(), Flags/Access/text(), Flags/PdoMapping/text(), $default_value, $sub_entry_flag)»
    template "DataType" {
        param "index";
        param "entry_name";
        param "sub_default_value"
        foreach "SubItem" {
            variable "subindex" > «ns:HexDecValue(SubIdx/text())»
            variable "subentry_name" > «$entry_name» - «ns:EntryName(DisplayName, Name/text())»
            variable "sub_entry_flag" > 1
            variable "entry" {
                > «ns:AddEntry($index, $subindex, $subentry_name, Type/text(), BitSize/text(), Flags/Access/text(), Flags/PdoMapping/text(), $sub_default_value, $sub_entry_flag)»
    function "pdo_entries" {
        param "direction";
        variable "pdo_index" > «ns:HexDecValue(Index/text())»
        variable "pdo_name" > «ns:EntryName(Name)»
        foreach "Entry" {
            variable "index" > «ns:HexDecValue(Index/text())»
            choose {
                when "$index >= $min_index and $index <= $max_index" {
                    variable "subindex" > «ns:HexDecValue(SubIndex/text())»
                    variable "subentry_name" > «ns:EntryName(Name)»
                    variable "access" {
                        choose {
                            when "$direction='Transmit'" > ro
                            otherwise > wo
                    variable "pdo_mapping" {
                        choose {
                            when "$direction='Transmit'" > T
                            otherwise > R
                    variable "entry" {
                        > «ns:AddEntry($index, $subindex, $subentry_name, DataType/text(), BitLen/text(), $access, $pdo_mapping, $pdo_index, $pdo_name, $direction)»