OPC-UA: only support the encryption policy selected in config.
By default open62541 client accepts all supported policies, but in makes problem
when negociating with some servers while most clients seems to only support
one policy at a time.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of Beremiz, a Integrated Development Environment for
# programming IEC 61131-3 automates supporting plcopen standard and CanFestival.
# Copyright (C) 2007: Edouard TISSERANT and Laurent BESSARD
# See COPYING file for copyrights details.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
from __future__ import absolute_import
from functools import reduce
import wx
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Helpers
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[CATEGORY, BLOCK] = range(2)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Library Panel
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class LibraryPanel(wx.Panel):
Class that implements a panel displaying a tree containing an hierarchical list
of functions and function blocks available in project an a search control for
quickly find one functions or function blocks in this list and a text control
displaying informations about selected functions or function blocks
def __init__(self, parent, enable_drag=False):
@param parent: Parent wx.Window of LibraryPanel
@param enable_drag: Flag indicating that function or function block can
be drag'n drop from LibraryPanel (default: False)
wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent, style=wx.TAB_TRAVERSAL)
# Define LibraryPanel main sizer
main_sizer = wx.FlexGridSizer(cols=1, hgap=0, rows=2, vgap=0)
# Add SearchCtrl to main sizer
self.SearchCtrl = wx.SearchCtrl(self)
# Add a button with a magnifying glass, essentially to show that this
# control is for searching in tree
self.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT, self.OnSearchCtrlChanged, self.SearchCtrl)
self.OnSearchButtonClick, self.SearchCtrl)
# Bind keyboard event on SearchCtrl text control to catch UP and DOWN
# for search previous and next occurrence
# This protects from fail to start when no children[0] available (possible for wxPython 3.0)
if self.SearchCtrl.GetChildren():
search_textctrl = self.SearchCtrl.GetChildren()[0]
search_textctrl.Bind(wx.EVT_CHAR, self.OnKeyDown)
main_sizer.Add(self.SearchCtrl, flag=wx.GROW)
# Add Splitter window for tree and block comment to main sizer
splitter_window = wx.SplitterWindow(self)
main_sizer.Add(splitter_window, flag=wx.GROW)
# Add TreeCtrl for functions and function blocks library in splitter
# window
self.Tree = wx.TreeCtrl(splitter_window,
size=wx.Size(0, 0),
style=(wx.TR_HAS_BUTTONS |
self.Bind(wx.EVT_TREE_SEL_CHANGED, self.OnTreeItemSelected, self.Tree)
self.Tree.Bind(wx.EVT_CHAR, self.OnKeyDown)
# If drag'n drop is enabled, bind event generated when a drag begins on
# tree to start a drag'n drop
if enable_drag:
self.Bind(wx.EVT_TREE_BEGIN_DRAG, self.OnTreeBeginDrag, self.Tree)
# Add TextCtrl for function and function block informations
self.Comment = wx.TextCtrl(splitter_window, size=wx.Size(0, 80),
splitter_window.SplitHorizontally(self.Tree, self.Comment, -80)
# Reference to the project controller
self.Controller = None
# Variable storing functions and function blocks library to display
self.BlockList = None
def __del__(self):
# Remove reference to project controller
self.Controller = None
def SetController(self, controller):
Set reference to project controller
@param controller: Reference to project controller
self.Controller = controller
def SetBlockList(self, blocklist):
Set function and function block library to display in TreeCtrl
@param blocklist: Function and function block library
# Save functions and function blocks library
self.BlockList = blocklist
# Refresh TreeCtrl values
def SetFocus(self):
Called to give focus to LibraryPanel
Override wx.Window SetFocus method
# Give focus to SearchCtrl
def ResetTree(self):
Reset LibraryPanel values displayed in controls
# Clear SearchCtrl, TreeCtrl and TextCtrl
def RefreshTree(self):
Refresh LibraryPanel values displayed in controls
# Get function and function blocks library
blocktypes = self.BlockList
if blocktypes is None and self.Controller is not None:
# Get library from project controller if not defined
blocktypes = self.Controller.GetBlockTypes()
# Refresh TreeCtrl values if a library is defined
if blocktypes is not None:
# List that will contain tree items to be deleted when TreeCtrl
# will be refreshed
items_to_delete = []
# Get current selected item for selected it when values refreshed
selected_item = self.Tree.GetSelection()
selected_pydata = (self.Tree.GetPyData(selected_item)
if (selected_item.IsOk() and
selected_item != self.Tree.GetRootItem())
else None)
# Don't save selected item if it is a category
selected_infos = ((self.Tree.GetItemText(selected_item),
if (selected_pydata is not None and
selected_pydata["type"] == BLOCK)
else (None, None))
# Get TreeCtrl root item (hidden)
root = self.Tree.GetRootItem()
if not root.IsOk():
# Create root if not present
root = self.Tree.AddRoot("")
# Iterate over functions and function blocks library categories and
# add a tree item to root item for each of them
# Get first child under root item
category_item, root_cookie = self.Tree.GetFirstChild(root)
for category in blocktypes:
# Store category name in a local variable to prevent script
# extracting translated strings for gettext to consider "name"
# to be translated
category_name = category["name"]
# Tree item already exists, set item label
if category_item.IsOk():
self.Tree.SetItemText(category_item, _(category_name))
# Tree item doesn't exist, add new one to root
category_item = self.Tree.AppendItem(root, _(category_name))
# On Windows, needs to get next child of root to have a
# reference to the newly added tree item
if wx.Platform != '__WXMSW__':
category_item, root_cookie = \
self.Tree.GetNextChild(root, root_cookie)
# Set data associated to tree item (only save that item is a
# category)
self.Tree.SetItemData(category_item, {"type": CATEGORY})
# Iterate over functions and function blocks defined in library
# category add a tree item to category tree item for each of
# them
# Get first child under category tree item
blocktype_item, category_cookie = \
for blocktype in category["list"]:
# Tree item already exists, set item label
if blocktype_item.IsOk():
self.Tree.SetItemText(blocktype_item, blocktype["name"])
# Tree item doesn't exist, add new one to category item
blocktype_item = self.Tree.AppendItem(
category_item, blocktype["name"])
# See comment when adding category
if wx.Platform != '__WXMSW__':
blocktype_item, category_cookie = \
# Define data to associate to block tree item
comment = blocktype["comment"]
block_data = {
"type": BLOCK,
"block_type": blocktype["type"],
"inputs": tuple([type
for _name, type, _modifier
in blocktype["inputs"]]),
"extension": (len(blocktype["inputs"])
if blocktype["extensible"] else None),
"comment": _(comment) + blocktype.get("usage", "")
self.Tree.SetItemData(blocktype_item, block_data)
# Select block tree item in tree if it corresponds to
# previously selected one
if selected_infos == (blocktype["name"],
# Update TextCtrl value
# Get next block tree item under category tree item
blocktype_item, category_cookie = \
self.Tree.GetNextChild(category_item, category_cookie)
# Add every remaining tree item under category tree item after
# updating all block items to the list of items to delete
while blocktype_item.IsOk():
blocktype_item, category_cookie = \
self.Tree.GetNextChild(category_item, category_cookie)
# Get next category tree item under root item
category_item, root_cookie = \
self.Tree.GetNextChild(root, root_cookie)
# Add every remaining tree item under root item after updating all
# category items to the list of items to delete
while category_item.IsOk():
category_item, root_cookie = \
self.Tree.GetNextChild(root, root_cookie)
# Remove all items in list of items to delete from TreeCtrl
for item in items_to_delete:
def GetSelectedBlock(self):
Get selected block informations
@return: {"type": block_type_name, "inputs": [input_type,...]} or None
if no block selected
# Get selected item associated data in tree
selected_item = self.Tree.GetSelection()
selected_pydata = (self.Tree.GetPyData(selected_item)
if (selected_item.IsOk() and
selected_item != self.Tree.GetRootItem())
else None)
# Return value is None if selected tree item is root or a category
return ({"type": self.Tree.GetItemText(selected_item),
"inputs": selected_pydata["inputs"]}
if (selected_pydata is not None and
selected_pydata["type"] == BLOCK)
else None)
def SelectTreeItem(self, name, inputs):
Select Tree item corresponding to block informations given
@param name: Block type name
@param inputs: List of block inputs type [input_type,...]
# Find tree item corresponding to block informations
item = self.FindTreeItem(self.Tree.GetRootItem(), name, inputs)
if item is not None and item.IsOk():
# Select tree item found
def FindTreeItem(self, item, name, inputs=None):
Find Tree item corresponding to block informations given
Function is recursive
@param item: Item to test
@param name: Block type name
@param inputs: List of block inputs type [input_type,...]
# Return immediately if item isn't valid
if not item.IsOk():
return None
# Get data associated to item to test
item_pydata = self.Tree.GetPyData(item)
if item_pydata is not None and item_pydata["type"] == BLOCK:
# Only test item corresponding to block
# Test if block inputs type are the same than those given
type_inputs = item_pydata.get("inputs", None)
type_extension = item_pydata.get("extension", None)
if inputs is not None and type_inputs is not None:
same_inputs = reduce(
lambda x, y: x and y,
lambda x: x[0] == x[1] or x[0] == 'ANY' or x[1] == 'ANY',
if type_extension is not None
else inputs))),
same_inputs = True
# Return item if block data corresponds to informations given
if self.Tree.GetItemText(item) == name and same_inputs:
return item
# Test item children if item doesn't correspond
child, child_cookie = self.Tree.GetFirstChild(item)
while child.IsOk():
result = self.FindTreeItem(child, name, inputs)
if result:
return result
child, child_cookie = self.Tree.GetNextChild(item, child_cookie)
return None
def SearchInTree(self, value, mode="first"):
Search in Tree and select item that name contains string given
@param value: String contained in block name to find
@param mode: Search mode ('first', 'previous' or 'next')
(default: 'first')
@return: True if an item was found
# Return immediately if root isn't valid
root = self.Tree.GetRootItem()
if not root.IsOk():
return False
# Set function to navigate in Tree item sibling according to search
# mode defined
sibling_function = (self.Tree.GetPrevSibling
if mode == "previous"
else self.Tree.GetNextSibling)
# Get current selected item (for next and previous mode)
item = self.Tree.GetSelection()
if not item.IsOk() or mode == "first":
item, _item_cookie = self.Tree.GetFirstChild(root)
selected = None
selected = item
# Navigate through tree items until one matching found or reach tree
# starting or ending
while item.IsOk():
# Get item data to get item type
item_pydata = self.Tree.GetPyData(item)
# Item is a block category
if (item == root) or item_pydata["type"] == CATEGORY:
# Get category first or last child according to search mode
# defined
child = (self.Tree.GetLastChild(item)
if mode == "previous"
else self.Tree.GetFirstChild(item)[0])
# If category has no child, go to sibling category
item = (child if child.IsOk() else sibling_function(item))
# Item is a block
# Extract item block name
name = self.Tree.GetItemText(item)
# Test if block name contains string given
if name.upper().find(value.upper()) != -1 and item != selected:
# Select block and collapse all categories other than block
# category
child, child_cookie = self.Tree.GetFirstChild(root)
while child.IsOk():
child, child_cookie = self.Tree.GetNextChild(root, child_cookie)
return True
# Go to next item sibling if block not found
next = sibling_function(item)
# If category has no other child, go to next category sibling
item = (next
if next.IsOk()
else sibling_function(self.Tree.GetItemParent(item)))
return False
def OnSearchCtrlChanged(self, event):
Called when SearchCtrl text control value changed
@param event: TextCtrl change event
# Search for block containing SearchCtrl value in 'first' mode
def OnSearchButtonClick(self, event):
Called when SearchCtrl search button was clicked
@param event: Button clicked event
# Search for block containing SearchCtrl value in 'next' mode
self.SearchInTree(self.SearchCtrl.GetValue(), "next")
def OnTreeItemSelected(self, event):
Called when tree item is selected
@param event: wx.TreeEvent
# Update TextCtrl value with block selected usage
item_pydata = self.Tree.GetPyData(event.GetItem())
if item_pydata is not None and item_pydata["type"] == BLOCK
else "")
# Call extra function defined when tree item is selected
if getattr(self, "_OnTreeItemSelected", None) is not None:
def OnTreeBeginDrag(self, event):
Called when a drag is started in tree
@param event: wx.TreeEvent
selected_item = event.GetItem()
item_pydata = self.Tree.GetPyData(selected_item)
# Item dragged is a block
if item_pydata is not None and item_pydata["type"] == BLOCK:
# Start a drag'n drop
data = wx.TextDataObject(str(
dragSource = wx.DropSource(self.Tree)
def OnKeyDown(self, event):
Called when key is pressed in SearchCtrl text control
@param event: wx.KeyEvent
# Get event keycode and value in SearchCtrl
keycode = event.GetKeyCode()
search_value = self.SearchCtrl.GetValue()
# Up key was pressed and SearchCtrl isn't empty, search for block in
# 'previous' mode
if keycode == wx.WXK_UP and search_value != "":
self.SearchInTree(search_value, "previous")
# Down key was pressed and SearchCtrl isn't empty, search for block in
# 'next' mode
elif keycode == wx.WXK_DOWN and search_value != "":
self.SearchInTree(search_value, "next")
# Handle key normally