author Edouard Tisserant
Tue, 02 Aug 2022 11:50:54 +0200 (2022-08-02)
changeset 3577 6c7a7b22bec9
parent 2627 3ba6a2d26507
permissions -rw-r--r--
IDE+Runtime: fix exception when reconnecting with non-empty trace/force list.

Sometimes, remote call to SetTraceVariableList returned None just after reconnecting:
- changed caller to accept None (in case of connection problem)
- changer SetTraceVariable list to return 4 (DEBUG_SUSPENDED) if debug is suspended
#! gmake

# Makefile to generate XSLT stylesheets from ysl2 files in the same directory

# This uses YML2. 
#   hg clone

# It should be just fine if yml2 is cloned just asside beremiz
# otherwise, point yml2path to yml2 source directory
#   make yml2path=path/to/yml/dir

yml2path ?= $(abspath ../../yml2)

ysl2files := $(wildcard *.ysl2)
xsltfiles := $(patsubst %.ysl2, %.xslt, $(ysl2files))


%.xslt: %.ysl2 ../yslt_noindent.yml2
	$(yml2path)/yml2c -I $(yml2path):../ $< -o $@.tmp
	xmlstarlet fo $@.tmp > $@
	rm $@.tmp
	rm -f $(xsltfiles)