author Andrey Skvortsov <>
Thu, 24 Nov 2016 15:46:17 +0300 (2016-11-24)
changeset 1577 6a3c29fdcfea
parent 1353 fc7aab64589b
child 1936 b85b13b1c2ec
permissions -rw-r--r--
fix issue that if located variable was dropped in location column, then address was changed in wrong row (row - 1).

It's not neccessary to carry about label size. YToRow() does the work.
#! gmake

yml := ../../yml2
ysl2files := $(wildcard *.ysl2)
xsltfiles := $(patsubst %.ysl2, %.xslt, $(ysl2files))


%.xslt: %.ysl2
	$(yml)/yml2c -I $(yml) $< -o $@.tmp
	xmlstarlet fo $@.tmp > $@
	rm $@.tmp
	rm -f $(xsltfiles)