author Andrey Skvortsov <>
Mon, 18 Apr 2016 18:56:51 +0300
changeset 1478 69fe0b81e951
parent 1475 de4ee16f7c6c
child 1503 3a238c0c5993
permissions -rw-r--r--
make attribute CFLAGS and LDFLAGS optional and add default empty value

Actually CFLAGS and LDFLAGS are not required and can be empty.
Without default empty value if target platform in project settings was
set to "Linux" CFLAGS and LDFLAGS was initialized with NoneType.
The result was broken build and it wasn't to save/load project with
such settings.

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/developer/WorkData/PLC/beremiz/beremiz/", line 956, in _Build
if not :
File "/home/developer/WorkData/PLC/beremiz/beremiz/targets/", line 96, in build
Builder_CFLAGS = ' '.join(self.getBuilderCFLAGS())
TypeError: sequence item 0: expected string, NoneType found
import os, re
from lxml import etree

from xmlclass import GenerateParserFromXSD

from CodeFileTreeNode import CodeFile
from PythonEditor import PythonEditor

class PythonFileCTNMixin(CodeFile):

    CODEFILE_NAME = "PyFile"
    EditorType = PythonEditor

    def __init__(self):

        filepath = self.PythonFileName()

        if os.path.isfile(filepath):
            PythonParser = GenerateParserFromXSD(
                os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "py_ext_xsd.xsd"))

            xmlfile = open(filepath, 'r')
            pythonfile_xml =

            pythonfile_xml = pythonfile_xml.replace(
            for cre, repl in [
                (re.compile("(?<!<xhtml:p>)(?:<!\[CDATA\[)"), "<xhtml:p><![CDATA["),
                (re.compile("(?:]]>)(?!</xhtml:p>)"), "]]></xhtml:p>")]:
                pythonfile_xml = cre.sub(repl, pythonfile_xml)

                python_code, error = PythonParser.LoadXMLString(pythonfile_xml)
                if error is None:
            except Exception, exc:
                error = unicode(exc)

            if error is not None:
                    _("Couldn't import old %s file.") % self.CTNName())

    def CodeFileName(self):
        return os.path.join(self.CTNPath(), "pyfile.xml")

    def PythonFileName(self):
        return os.path.join(self.CTNPath(), "py_ext.xml")

    PreSectionsTexts = {}
    PostSectionsTexts = {}
    def GetSection(self,section):
        return self.PreSectionsTexts.get(section,"") + "\n" + \
               getattr(self.CodeFile, section).getanyText() + "\n" + \

    def CTNGenerate_C(self, buildpath, locations):
        # location string for that CTN
        location_str = "_".join(map(lambda x:str(x),
        configname = self.GetCTRoot().GetProjectConfigNames()[0]

        pyextname = self.CTNName()
        varinfos = map(lambda variable : {
                    "name": variable.getname(),
                    "desc" : repr(variable.getdesc()),
                    "onchangecode" : '"'+variable.getonchange()+\
                                         "('"+variable.getname()+"')\"" \
                                     if variable.getonchange() else '""',
                    "onchange" : repr(variable.getonchange()) \
                                 if variable.getonchange() else None,
                    "opts" : repr(variable.getopts()),
                    "configname" : configname.upper(),
                    "uppername" : variable.getname().upper(),
                    "IECtype" : variable.gettype(),
                    "pyextname" :pyextname},
        # python side PLC global variables access stub
        globalstubs = "\n".join(["""\
_%(name)s_ctype, _%(name)s_unpack, _%(name)s_pack = \\
_PySafeGetPLCGlob_%(name)s = PLCBinary.__SafeGetPLCGlob_%(name)s
_PySafeGetPLCGlob_%(name)s.restype = None
_PySafeGetPLCGlob_%(name)s.argtypes = [ctypes.POINTER(_%(name)s_ctype)]
_PySafeSetPLCGlob_%(name)s = PLCBinary.__SafeSetPLCGlob_%(name)s
_PySafeSetPLCGlob_%(name)s.restype = None
_PySafeSetPLCGlob_%(name)s.argtypes = [ctypes.POINTER(_%(name)s_ctype)]
""" % varinfo
      for varinfo in varinfos])

        # Runtime calls (start, stop, init, and cleanup)
        rtcalls = ""
        for section in self.SECTIONS_NAMES:
            if section != "globals":
                rtcalls += "def _runtime_%s_%s():\n" % (location_str, section)
                sectiontext = self.GetSection(section).strip()
                if sectiontext:
                    rtcalls += '    ' + \
                        sectiontext.replace('\n', '\n    ')+"\n\n"
                    rtcalls += "    pass\n\n"

        globalsection = self.GetSection("globals")

        PyFileContent = """\
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
## Code generated by Beremiz python mixin confnode

## Code for PLC global variable access
from targets.typemapping import TypeTranslator
import ctypes
_%(pyextname)sGlobalsDesc = []
__ext_name__ = "%(pyextname)s"
PLCGlobalsDesc.append(( "%(pyextname)s" , _%(pyextname)sGlobalsDesc ))

## User code in "global" scope

## Beremiz python runtime calls

del __ext_name__

""" % locals()

        # write generated content to python file
        runtimefile_path = os.path.join(buildpath,
        runtimefile = open(runtimefile_path, 'w')

        # C code for safe global variables access

        vardecfmt = """\
extern  __IEC_%(IECtype)s_t %(configname)s__%(uppername)s;
IEC_%(IECtype)s __%(name)s_rbuffer = __INIT_%(IECtype)s;
IEC_%(IECtype)s __%(name)s_wbuffer;
long __%(name)s_rlock = 0;
long __%(name)s_wlock = 0;
int __%(name)s_wbuffer_written = 0;
void __SafeGetPLCGlob_%(name)s(IEC_%(IECtype)s *pvalue){
    while(AtomicCompareExchange(&__%(name)s_rlock, 0, 1));
    *pvalue = __%(name)s_rbuffer;
    AtomicCompareExchange((long*)&__%(name)s_rlock, 1, 0);
void __SafeSetPLCGlob_%(name)s(IEC_%(IECtype)s *value){
    while(AtomicCompareExchange(&__%(name)s_wlock, 0, 1));
    __%(name)s_wbuffer = *value;
    __%(name)s_wbuffer_written = 1;
    AtomicCompareExchange((long*)&__%(name)s_wlock, 1, 0);


        vardeconchangefmt = """\
PYTHON_POLL* __%(name)s_notifier;

        varretfmt = """\
    if(!AtomicCompareExchange(&__%(name)s_wlock, 0, 1)){
        if(__%(name)s_wbuffer_written == 1){
            %(configname)s__%(uppername)s.value = __%(name)s_wbuffer;
            __%(name)s_wbuffer_written = 0;
        AtomicCompareExchange((long*)&__%(name)s_wlock, 1, 0);
        varpubfmt = """\
    if(!AtomicCompareExchange(&__%(name)s_rlock, 0, 1)){
        __%(name)s_rbuffer = __GET_VAR(%(configname)s__%(uppername)s);
        AtomicCompareExchange((long*)&__%(name)s_rlock, 1, 0);

        varpubonchangefmt = """\
    if(!AtomicCompareExchange(&__%(name)s_rlock, 0, 1)){
        IEC_%(IECtype)s tmp = __GET_VAR(%(configname)s__%(uppername)s);
        if(__%(name)s_rbuffer != tmp){
            __%(name)s_rbuffer = %(configname)s__%(uppername)s.value;
        AtomicCompareExchange((long*)&__%(name)s_rlock, 1, 0);
        varinitonchangefmt = """\
    __%(name)s_notifier = __GET_GLOBAL_ON%(uppername)sCHANGE();
        vardec = "\n".join([(vardecfmt + vardeconchangefmt
                             if varinfo["onchange"] else vardecfmt)% varinfo
                            for varinfo in varinfos])
        varret = "\n".join([varretfmt % varinfo for varinfo in varinfos])
        varpub = "\n".join([(varpubonchangefmt if varinfo["onchange"] else
                             varpubfmt) % varinfo
                            for varinfo in varinfos])
        varinit = "\n".join([varinitonchangefmt % dict(
                                onchangelen = len(varinfo["onchangecode"]),**varinfo)
                            for varinfo in varinfos if varinfo["onchange"]])

        # TODO : use config name obtained from model instead of default
        # "config.h". User cannot change config name, but project imported
        # or created in older beremiz vesion could use different name.
        PyCFileContent = """\
 * Code generated by Beremiz py_ext confnode
 * for safe global variables access
#include "iec_types_all.h"
#include "POUS.h"
#include "config.h"
#include "beremiz.h"

/* User variables reference */

/* Beremiz confnode functions */
int __init_%(location_str)s(int argc,char **argv){
    return 0;

void __cleanup_%(location_str)s(void){

void __retrieve_%(location_str)s(void){

void __publish_%(location_str)s(void){
""" % locals()

        Gen_PyCfile_path = os.path.join(buildpath, "PyCFile_%s.c"%location_str)
        pycfile = open(Gen_PyCfile_path,'w')

        matiec_flags = '"-l -p -I%s"'%os.path.abspath(

        return ([(Gen_PyCfile_path, matiec_flags)],
                (""%location_str, file(runtimefile_path,"rb")))