author Edouard Tisserant
Sat, 08 Sep 2012 01:24:36 +0200
changeset 811 66a8812457d6
parent 784 a1d970365e41
child 944 52a17be9c4d1
permissions -rw-r--r--
Added subdirectories in documentation, with more deoctree items to test. Enabled i18n in sphinx doc, tested with a small french translation
libraries = [
    ('Python', 'py_ext.PythonLibrary'),
    ('SVGUI', 'svgui.SVGUILibrary')]

catalog = [
    ('canfestival', _('CANopen support'), _('Map located variables over CANopen'), 'canfestival.canfestival.RootClass'),
    ('c_ext', _('C extension'), _('Add C code accessing located variables synchronously'), 'c_ext.CFile'),
    ('py_ext', _('Python file'), _('Add Python code executed asynchronously'), 'py_ext.PythonFile'),
    ('wxglade_hmi', _('WxGlade GUI'), _('Add a simple WxGlade based GUI.'), 'wxglade_hmi.WxGladeHMI'),
    ('svgui', _('SVGUI'), _('Experimental web based HMI'), 'svgui.SVGUI')]

file_editors = []