Tests: add HTML report generation and a workaround to bad exception handling in sikuli.
In case of exception in python code, and since a thread is running
to observe stdout, sikuli was never terminated after an exception.
Unfortunately sys.exepthook doesn't work in that version of jython/sikuli.
Test are now written inside functions witch are passed to run_test to deal
with exception.
// widget_list.ysl2
widget_desc("List") {
List widget is a svg:group, list items are labeled elements
in that group.
To use a List, clone (svg:use) one of the items inside the widget that
expects a List.
Positions of items are relative to each other, and they must all be in the
same place. In order to make editing easier it is therefore recommanded to
make stacked clones of svg elements spread nearby the list.
shortdesc > A named list of named graphical elements
arg name="listname"
widget_defs("List") {
| items: {
foreach "$hmi_element/*[@inkscape:label]" {
| "«@inkscape:label»": "«@id»",
| },