Avoid usage of localized strings before initialization during import in many modules
This happens if import is done before i18n setup
This affects PLCOpenEditor mostly. Beremiz IDE is free from this issue, but moving
initialization from import should make modules more robust.
Otherwise execution result depends on where and when import was done
and this is not a good thing.
Some modules (ConfigTreeNode, features, CodeFileEditor related
classes) still have this, but they are used only in Beremiz.
Most problems result in non-working internatialization.
In some cases (VariablePanel) there is backtrace, because localized
key is not found in non-localized dictionary.
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<project xmlns:ns1="http://www.plcopen.org/xml/tc6_0201" xmlns:xhtml="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns="http://www.plcopen.org/xml/tc6_0201">
<fileHeader companyName="Unknown" productName="Unnamed" productVersion="1" creationDateTime="2014-01-19T11:14:47" contentDescription="This example shows how you can customize build process by using 'make'. "/>
<contentHeader name="Makefile Example" modificationDateTime="2018-08-24T13:12:10">
<scaling x="0" y="0"/>
<scaling x="0" y="0"/>
<scaling x="0" y="0"/>
<pou name="program0" pouType="program">
<variable name="LocalVara">
<variable name="LocalVarb">
<inVariable localId="1" executionOrderId="0" height="30" width="77" negated="false">
<position x="52" y="424"/>
<relPosition x="77" y="15"/>
<outVariable localId="2" executionOrderId="0" height="30" width="77" negated="false">
<position x="167" y="424"/>
<relPosition x="0" y="15"/>
<connection refLocalId="1">
<position x="167" y="439"/>
<position x="129" y="439"/>
<comment localId="3" height="385" width="760">
<position x="32" y="23"/>
<xhtml:p><![CDATA[This example shows how you can customize build process by using 'make'.
Sometimes special steps need to be done to build entire project.
But it's not necessary to create another target in Beremiz every time you need to customize something in build process. Just use for that 'Generic' target and describe all necessary steps in Makefile.
For example, you can
- preprocess generated by Beremiz C source files,
- do some fancy source code transformation using any tools you want,
- use any compiler you want,
- call static analyzers,
- run integration tests on the project,
- upload source code to external build server,
- upload to the target and compile it there,
- flash/transfer your compiled binary to the target,
and much much more.
<configuration name="config">
<resource name="resource1">
<task name="Tsk" priority="0" interval="T#100ms">
<pouInstance name="Inst" typeName="program0"/>