Avoid usage of localized strings before initialization during import in many modules
This happens if import is done before i18n setup
This affects PLCOpenEditor mostly. Beremiz IDE is free from this issue, but moving
initialization from import should make modules more robust.
Otherwise execution result depends on where and when import was done
and this is not a good thing.
Some modules (ConfigTreeNode, features, CodeFileEditor related
classes) still have this, but they are used only in Beremiz.
Most problems result in non-working internatialization.
In some cases (VariablePanel) there is backtrace, because localized
key is not found in non-localized dictionary.
# jsonrpc.py
# original code: http://trac.pyworks.org/pyjamas/wiki/DjangoWithPyJamas
# also from: http://www.pimentech.fr/technologies/outils
from __future__ import absolute_import
import datetime
from django.core.serializers import serialize
from svgui.pyjs.jsonrpc.jsonrpc import JSONRPCServiceBase
# JSONRPCService and jsonremote are used in combination to drastically
# simplify the provision of JSONRPC services. use as follows:
# jsonservice = JSONRPCService()
# @jsonremote(jsonservice)
# def test(request, echo_param):
# return "echoing the param back: %s" % echo_param
# dump jsonservice into urlpatterns:
# (r'^service1/$', 'djangoapp.views.jsonservice'),
class JSONRPCService(JSONRPCServiceBase):
def __call__(self, request, extra=None):
return self.process(request.raw_post_data)
def jsonremote(service):
"""Make JSONRPCService a decorator so that you can write :
from jsonrpc import JSONRPCService
chatservice = JSONRPCService()
def login(request, user_name):
def remotify(func):
if isinstance(service, JSONRPCService):
service.add_method(func.__name__, func)
emsg = 'Service "%s" not found' % str(service.__name__)
raise NotImplementedError(emsg)
return func
return remotify
# FormProcessor provides a mechanism for turning Django Forms into JSONRPC
# Services. If you have an existing Django app which makes prevalent
# use of Django Forms it will save you rewriting the app.
# use as follows. in djangoapp/views.py :
# class SimpleForm(forms.Form):
# testfield = forms.CharField(max_length=100)
# class SimpleForm2(forms.Form):
# testfield = forms.CharField(max_length=20)
# processor = FormProcessor({'processsimpleform': SimpleForm,
# 'processsimpleform2': SimpleForm2})
# this will result in a JSONRPC service being created with two
# RPC functions. dump "processor" into urlpatterns to make it
# part of the app:
# (r'^formsservice/$', 'djangoapp.views.processor'),
def builderrors(form):
d = {}
for error in form.errors.keys():
if error not in d:
d[error] = []
for errorval in form.errors[error]:
return d
# contains the list of arguments in each field
field_names = {
'CharField': ['max_length', 'min_length'],
'IntegerField': ['max_value', 'min_value'],
'FloatField': ['max_value', 'min_value'],
'DecimalField': ['max_value', 'min_value', 'max_digits', 'decimal_places'],
'DateField': ['input_formats'],
'DateTimeField': ['input_formats'],
'TimeField': ['input_formats'],
'RegexField': ['max_length', 'min_length'], # sadly we can't get the expr
'EmailField': ['max_length', 'min_length'],
'URLField': ['max_length', 'min_length', 'verify_exists', 'user_agent'],
'ChoiceField': ['choices'],
'FilePathField': ['path', 'match', 'recursive', 'choices'],
'IPAddressField': ['max_length', 'min_length'],
def describe_field_errors(field):
res = {}
field_type = field.__class__.__name__
msgs = {}
for n, m in field.error_messages.items():
msgs[n] = unicode(m)
res['error_messages'] = msgs
if field_type in ['ComboField', 'MultiValueField', 'SplitDateTimeField']:
res['fields'] = map(describe_field, field.fields)
return res
def describe_fields_errors(fields, field_names):
res = {}
if not field_names:
field_names = fields.keys()
for name in field_names:
field = fields[name]
res[name] = describe_field_errors(field)
return res
def describe_field(field):
res = {}
field_type = field.__class__.__name__
for fname in (field_names.get(field_type, []) +
['help_text', 'label', 'initial', 'required']):
res[fname] = getattr(field, fname)
if field_type in ['ComboField', 'MultiValueField', 'SplitDateTimeField']:
res['fields'] = map(describe_field, field.fields)
return res
def describe_fields(fields, field_names):
res = {}
if not field_names:
field_names = fields.keys()
for name in field_names:
field = fields[name]
res[name] = describe_field(field)
return res
class FormProcessor(JSONRPCService):
def __init__(self, forms, _formcls=None):
if _formcls is None:
for k in forms.keys():
s = FormProcessor({}, forms[k])
self.add_method(k, s.__process)
JSONRPCService.__init__(self, forms)
self.formcls = _formcls
def __process(self, request, params, command=None):
f = self.formcls(params)
if command is None: # just validate
if not f.is_valid():
return {'success': False, 'errors': builderrors(f)}
return {'success': True}
elif 'describe_errors' in command:
field_names = command['describe_errors']
return describe_fields_errors(f.fields, field_names)
elif 'describe' in command:
field_names = command['describe']
return describe_fields(f.fields, field_names)
elif 'save' in command:
if not f.is_valid():
return {'success': False, 'errors': builderrors(f)}
instance = f.save() # XXX: if you want more, over-ride save.
return {'success': True, 'instance': json_convert(instance)}
elif 'html' in command:
return {'success': True, 'html': f.as_table()}
return "unrecognised command"
# The following is incredibly convenient for saving vast amounts of
# coding, avoiding doing silly things like this:
# jsonresult = {'field1': djangoobject.field1,
# 'field2': djangoobject.date.strftime('%Y.%M'),
# ..... }
# The date/time flatten function is there because JSONRPC doesn't
# support date/time objects or formats, so conversion to a string
# is the most logical choice. pyjamas, being python, can easily
# be used to parse the string result at the other end.
# use as follows:
# jsonservice = JSONRPCService()
# @jsonremote(jsonservice)
# def list_some_model(request, start=0, count=10):
# l = SomeDjangoModelClass.objects.filter()
# res = json_convert(l[start:end])
# @jsonremote(jsonservice)
# def list_another_model(request, start=0, count=10):
# l = AnotherDjangoModelClass.objects.filter()
# res = json_convert(l[start:end])
# dump jsonservice into urlpatterns to make the two RPC functions,
# list_some_model and list_another_model part of the django app:
# (r'^service1/$', 'djangoapp.views.jsonservice'),
def dict_datetimeflatten(item):
d = {}
for k, v in item.items():
k = str(k)
if isinstance(v, datetime.date):
d[k] = str(v)
elif isinstance(v, dict):
d[k] = dict_datetimeflatten(v)
d[k] = v
return d
def json_convert(l, fields=None):
res = []
for item in serialize('python', l, fields=fields):
return res