SVGHMI: decoupled operation string evaluation from HMI variable uptdate in change_hmi_variable(), paving the way for min/max boundaries enforcement
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<fileHeader companyName="Unknown" productName="Generic PLC" productVersion="1" creationDateTime="2013-01-29T14:01:00" contentDescription="This example shows logging functionality in Beremiz. Here are shown two ways of logging: - from IEC PLC program; - from python extension. "/>
<contentHeader name="Logging example" modificationDateTime="2018-09-26T13:10:14">
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<scaling x="0" y="0"/>
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<variable name="beat">
<variable name="count">
<variable name="LOGGER0">
<derived name="LOGGER"/>
<variable name="lvl">
<derived name="LOGLEVEL"/>
<simpleValue value="INFO"/>
<variable name="Timer">
<derived name="TOF"/>
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<expression>'IEC side logging: beat #'</expression>
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<xhtml:p><![CDATA[This example shows logging functionality in Beremiz.
Here are shown two ways of logging:
- from IEC PLC program;
- from python extension.
In IEC PLC program every third second (beat) new message is generated and put in PLC log.
See function blocks below.
Every 15 seconds status of PLC program is put in PLC log from python extension.
For more information about logging from python look at 0.x: py_ext_0 implementation in project tree.
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<pouInstance name="prg" typeName="program0"/>