author Andrey Skvortsov <>
Fri, 15 Sep 2017 19:01:31 +0300
changeset 1807 5562f34f2fc2
parent 1783 3311eea28d56
child 1835 7533061a6d82
permissions -rw-r--r--
lazy initialization of highlight pens and brushes for DebugVariableViewer

Constructors wx.Pen() and wx.Brush() require wx.App to exist already.
That causes crash during import of the control,
because import is done before calling main application code.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# This file is part of Beremiz, runtime and an Integrated Development Environment for
# programming IEC 61131-3 automates supporting plcopen standard and CanFestival.
# Copyright (C) 2011: Edouard TISSERANT and Laurent BESSARD
# See COPYING.Runtime file for copyrights details.
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA

import ctypes
from ctypes import *
from datetime import timedelta as td

ctypes.pythonapi.PyString_AsString.argtypes = (ctypes.c_void_p,)
ctypes.pythonapi.PyString_AsString.restype = ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_char)

class IEC_STRING(Structure):
    Must be changed according to changes in iec_types.h
    _fields_ = [("len", c_uint8),
                ("body", c_char * 126)]

class IEC_TIME(Structure):
    Must be changed according to changes in iec_types.h
    _fields_ = [("s", c_long),   # tv_sec
                ("ns", c_long)]  # tv_nsec

def _t(t, u=lambda x: x.value, p=lambda t, x: t(x)): return (t, u, p)

def _ttime(): return (IEC_TIME,
                      lambda x: td(0, x.s, x.ns/1000),
                      lambda t, x: t(x.days * 24 * 3600 + x.seconds, x.microseconds*1000))

SameEndianessTypeTranslator = {
    "BOOL":       _t(c_uint8, lambda x: x.value != 0),
    "STEP":       _t(c_uint8),
    "TRANSITION": _t(c_uint8),
    "ACTION":     _t(c_uint8),
    "SINT":       _t(c_int8),
    "USINT":      _t(c_uint8),
    "BYTE":       _t(c_uint8),
    "STRING":     (IEC_STRING,
                   lambda x: x.body[:x.len],
                   lambda t, x: t(len(x), x)),
    "INT":        _t(c_int16),
    "UINT":       _t(c_uint16),
    "WORD":       _t(c_uint16),
    "DINT":       _t(c_int32),
    "UDINT":      _t(c_uint32),
    "DWORD":      _t(c_uint32),
    "LINT":       _t(c_int64),
    "ULINT":      _t(c_uint64),
    "LWORD":      _t(c_uint64),
    "REAL":       _t(c_float),
    "LREAL":      _t(c_double),
    "TIME":       _ttime(),
    "TOD":        _ttime(),
    "DATE":       _ttime(),
    "DT":         _ttime(),

SwapedEndianessTypeTranslator = {
    # TODO

TypeTranslator = SameEndianessTypeTranslator

# Construct debugger natively supported types
DebugTypesSize = dict([(key, sizeof(t)) for key, (t, p, u) in SameEndianessTypeTranslator.iteritems() if t is not None])

def UnpackDebugBuffer(buff, indexes):
    res = []
    buffoffset = 0
    buffsize = len(buff)
    buffptr = cast(ctypes.pythonapi.PyString_AsString(id(buff)), c_void_p).value
    for iectype in indexes:
        c_type, unpack_func, pack_func = \
            TypeTranslator.get(iectype, (None, None, None))
        if c_type is not None and buffoffset < buffsize:
            cursor = c_void_p(buffptr + buffoffset)
            value = unpack_func(cast(cursor,
            buffoffset += sizeof(c_type) if iectype != "STRING" else len(value)+1
    if buffoffset and buffoffset == buffsize:
        return res
    return None

LogLevels = ["CRITICAL", "WARNING", "INFO", "DEBUG"]
LogLevelsCount = len(LogLevels)
LogLevelsDict = dict(zip(LogLevels, range(LogLevelsCount)))
LogLevelsDefault = LogLevelsDict["DEBUG"]