author Surkov Sergey <>
Tue, 28 Mar 2017 17:09:31 +0300
changeset 1669 54da2cfe0180
parent 533 25437efb7ae4
child 2238 a01a3ed1af2c
permissions -rwxr-xr-x
fix debug button and variable tree generate for actions and transitions in POU instance variable panel
for 'None' type instances(Python POU's, Native, SVGUI, user-defined pou's, etc.) debug button will be disabled. If action or transition instances have opened in instance variable panel,variables from main POU will be loaded. When user press debug button on variable instance in action or transition, instance path to main POU will be used, because all variables of action or transition in instance variable tree belong to main POU.


for i in `cat icons.svg |grep -o -e '%%[^%]*%%'|sed 's/%//g'` 
 if [ $i.png -nt icons.svg ]; then
 	echo "Skip $i"
	rm  -f $i.png
	echo "$INKSCAPE" icons.svg -z -e $i.png -i $i
	"$INKSCAPE" icons.svg -z -e $i.png -i $i

cp ico24.png brz.png
convert ico*.png brz.ico
rm -f ico*.png