author Andrey Skvortsov <>
Sat, 09 Jun 2018 17:13:16 +0300
changeset 2181 52630996e51b
parent 1973 cc7a46953471
child 2741 3cc5663af196
permissions -rw-r--r--
Add command line argument to run linter only on changed files

./tests/tools/ --only-changes

It's recommended to run automatically on each commit,
so the rules are always enforced.
Even better is to use docker for that, so the versions of pep8 and
pylint are the same as on pipeline server.

To do this couple of lines should be added into repository's hgrc file.

[----------- cut from .hg/hgrc------------------]

precommit.linter = ./tests/tools/ --only-changes
# precommit.linter = docker run -it --volume=$PWD:/beremiz --workdir="/beremiz" --volume=$PWD/../CanFestival-3:/CanFestival-3 --memory=1g --entrypoint=/beremiz/tests/tools/ skvorl/beremiz-requirements --only-changes

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# See COPYING.Runtime file for copyrights details.

from __future__ import absolute_import
import ctypes
from ctypes import *
from datetime import timedelta as td

ctypes.pythonapi.PyString_AsString.argtypes = (ctypes.c_void_p,)
ctypes.pythonapi.PyString_AsString.restype = ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_char)

class IEC_STRING(Structure):
    Must be changed according to changes in iec_types.h
    _fields_ = [("len", c_uint8),
                ("body", c_char * 126)]

class IEC_TIME(Structure):
    Must be changed according to changes in iec_types.h
    _fields_ = [("s", c_long),   # tv_sec
                ("ns", c_long)]  # tv_nsec

def _t(t, u=lambda x: x.value, p=lambda t, x: t(x)):
    return (t, u, p)

def _ttime():
    return (IEC_TIME,
            lambda x: td(0, x.s, x.ns/1000.0),
            lambda t, x: t(x.days * 24 * 3600 + x.seconds, x.microseconds*1000))

SameEndianessTypeTranslator = {
    "BOOL":       _t(c_uint8, lambda x: x.value != 0),
    "STEP":       _t(c_uint8),
    "TRANSITION": _t(c_uint8),
    "ACTION":     _t(c_uint8),
    "SINT":       _t(c_int8),
    "USINT":      _t(c_uint8),
    "BYTE":       _t(c_uint8),
    "STRING":     (IEC_STRING,
                   lambda x: x.body[:x.len],
                   lambda t, x: t(len(x), x)),
    "INT":        _t(c_int16),
    "UINT":       _t(c_uint16),
    "WORD":       _t(c_uint16),
    "DINT":       _t(c_int32),
    "UDINT":      _t(c_uint32),
    "DWORD":      _t(c_uint32),
    "LINT":       _t(c_int64),
    "ULINT":      _t(c_uint64),
    "LWORD":      _t(c_uint64),
    "REAL":       _t(c_float),
    "LREAL":      _t(c_double),
    "TIME":       _ttime(),
    "TOD":        _ttime(),
    "DATE":       _ttime(),
    "DT":         _ttime(),

SwapedEndianessTypeTranslator = {
    # TODO

TypeTranslator = SameEndianessTypeTranslator

# Construct debugger natively supported types
DebugTypesSize = dict([(key, sizeof(t)) for key, (t, p, u) in SameEndianessTypeTranslator.iteritems() if t is not None])

def UnpackDebugBuffer(buff, indexes):
    res = []
    buffoffset = 0
    buffsize = len(buff)
    buffptr = cast(ctypes.pythonapi.PyString_AsString(id(buff)), c_void_p).value
    for iectype in indexes:
        c_type, unpack_func, _pack_func = \
            TypeTranslator.get(iectype, (None, None, None))
        if c_type is not None and buffoffset < buffsize:
            cursor = c_void_p(buffptr + buffoffset)
            value = unpack_func(cast(cursor,
            buffoffset += sizeof(c_type) if iectype != "STRING" else len(value)+1
    if buffoffset and buffoffset == buffsize:
        return res
    return None