author Edouard Tisserant <>
Sun, 12 Mar 2023 00:51:53 +0100
changeset 3746 41be039fbb8c
parent 3595 375626e60b63
permissions -rw-r--r--
IDE: fix again ruberband with gtk3.

DC logical functions are now disabled when using GTK3.
Apparently using XOR was still having an effect.
Use regular black pen with no logical funciton instead.
// parse_labels.ysl2

//  Parses:
//  "HMI:WidgetType|freq:param1:param2@a=path1,path1min,path1max@b=path2#a+b>3"
//  Into:
//  widget type="WidgetType" id="blah456" {
//      arg value="param1";
//      arg value="param2";
//      path value=".path1" index=".path1" min="path1min" max="path1max" type="PAGE_LOCAL";
//      path value="/path1" index="348" type="HMI_INT";
//      path value="path4" index="path4" type="HMI_LOCAL";
//  }
const "pathregex",!"'^(\w+=)?([^,=]+)([-.\d,]*)$'"!;

const "newline" |
const "twonewlines", "concat($newline,$newline)";

template "*", mode="parselabel"
    const "label","@inkscape:label";
    const "desc", "svg:desc";

    // add svg:desc field if continuation "\" marker is found at the end of label
    const "len","string-length($label)";
    const "has_continuation", "substring($label,$len,1)='\\'";
    const "full_decl" choose{
        when "$has_continuation" {
           const "_continuation", "substring-before($desc, $twonewlines)";
           const "continuation" choose {
               when "$_continuation" value "$_continuation";
               otherwise value "$desc";
           value "concat(substring($label,1,$len - 1),translate($continuation,$newline,''))";
        otherwise value "$label";

    const "id","@id";

    const "declaration", "substring-after($full_decl,'HMI:')";

    const "_args", "substring-before($declaration,'@')";
    const "args" choose {
        when "$_args" value "$_args";
        otherwise value "$declaration";

    const "_typefreq", "substring-before($args,':')";
    const "typefreq" choose {
        when "$_typefreq" value "$_typefreq";
        otherwise value "$args";

    const "freq", "substring-after($typefreq,'|')";

    const "_type", "substring-before($typefreq,'|')";
    const "type" choose {
        when "$_type" value "$_type";
        otherwise value "$typefreq";
    if "$type" widget {
        attrib "id" > «$id»
        attrib "type" > «$type»
        if "$freq" {
            if "not(regexp:test($freq,'^[0-9]*(\.[0-9]+)?[smh]?'))" {
                error > Widget id:«$id» label:«$full_decl» has wrong syntax of frequency forcing «$freq»
            attrib "freq" > «$freq»

        // find "#" + JS expr at the end
        const "tail", "substring-after($declaration,'@')";
        const "taillen","string-length($tail)";
        const "has_enable", "contains($tail, '#')";
        const "paths" choose{
            when "$has_enable" {
               value "substring-before($tail,'#')";
            otherwise value "$tail";
        if "$has_enable" {
            const "enable_expr", "substring-after($tail,'#')";
            attrib "enable_expr" value "$enable_expr";

        foreach "str:split(substring-after($args, ':'), ':')" {
            arg {
                attrib "value" > «.»

        // for stricter syntax checking, this should make error
        // if $paths contains "@@" or ends with "@" (empty paths)

        foreach "str:split($paths, '@')" {
            if "string-length(.) > 0" path {
                // 1 : global match
                // 2 : assign=
                // 2 : /path
                // 3 : min,max
                const "path_match", "regexp:match(.,$pathregex)";
                const "pathassign", "substring-before($path_match[2],'=')";
                const "pathminmax", "str:split($path_match[4],',')";
                const "path", "$path_match[3]";
                const "pathminmaxcount", "count($pathminmax)";
                if "not($path)"
                    error > Widget id:«$id» label:«$full_decl» has wrong syntax

                attrib "value" value "$path";
                if "$pathassign"
                    attrib "assign" value "$pathassign";
                choose {
                    when "$pathminmaxcount = 2" {
                        attrib "min" > «$pathminmax[1]»
                        attrib "max" > «$pathminmax[2]»
                    when "$pathminmaxcount = 1 or $pathminmaxcount > 2" {
                        error > Widget id:«$id» label:«$full_decl» has wrong syntax of path section «$pathminmax»
                if "$indexed_hmitree" choose {
                    when "regexp:test($path,'^\.[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$')" {
                        attrib "type" > PAGE_LOCAL
                    when "regexp:test($path,'^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$')" {
                        attrib "type" > HMI_LOCAL
                    otherwise {
                        const "item", "$indexed_hmitree/*[@hmipath = $path]";
                        const "pathtype", "local-name($item)";
                        if "$pathminmaxcount = 3 and not($pathtype = 'HMI_INT' or $pathtype = 'HMI_REAL')" {
                            error > Widget id:«$id» label:«$full_decl» path section «$pathminmax» use min and max on non mumeric value
                        if "count($item) = 1" {
                            attrib "index" > «$item/@index»
                            attrib "type" > «$pathtype»
            when "$has_continuation" {
               const "_continuation", "substring-after($desc, $twonewlines)";
               if "$_continuation"
                       desc value "$_continuation";
                if "$desc" desc value "$desc/text()";

// Templates to generate label back from parsed tree
template "arg", mode="genlabel" > :«@value»

template "path", mode="genlabel" {
    > @«@value»
    if "string-length(@min)>0 or string-length(@max)>0"  > ,«@min»,«@max»

template "widget", mode="genlabel" {
    > HMI:«@type»
    apply "arg", mode="genlabel";
    apply "path", mode="genlabel";