author Edouard Tisserant <>
Sun, 12 Mar 2023 00:51:53 +0100
changeset 3746 41be039fbb8c
parent 3690 f41733be17a8
permissions -rw-r--r--
IDE: fix again ruberband with gtk3.

DC logical functions are now disabled when using GTK3.
Apparently using XOR was still having an effect.
Use regular black pen with no logical funciton instead.
// inline_svg.ysl2
// Produce Inline SVG element of resulting XHTML page.

// Since stylesheet output namespace is xhtml, templates that output svg have to be explicitely declared as such 
in xsl decl svgtmpl(match, xmlns="") alias template;
in xsl decl svgfunc(name, xmlns="") alias template;

// Identity template :
//  - copy every attributes 
//  - copy every sub-elements

svgtmpl "@*", mode="inline_svg" xsl:copy;

template "node()", mode="inline_svg" {
  // use real xsl:copy instead copy-of alias from yslt.yml2
  if "not(@id = $discardable_elements/@id)"
      xsl:copy apply "@* | node()", mode="inline_svg";

// replaces inkscape's height and width hints. forces fit
template "svg:svg/@width", mode="inline_svg";
template "svg:svg/@height", mode="inline_svg";
svgtmpl "svg:svg", mode="inline_svg" svg {
    attrib "preserveAspectRatio" > none
    attrib "height" > 100vh
    attrib "width" > 100vw
    apply "@* | node()", mode="inline_svg";
// ensure that coordinate in CSV file generated by inkscape are in default reference frame
template "svg:svg[@viewBox!=concat('0 0 ', @width, ' ', @height)]", mode="inline_svg" {
    error > ViewBox settings other than X=0, Y=0 and Scale=1 are not supported
// ensure that coordinate in CSV file generated by inkscape match svg default unit
template "sodipodi:namedview[@units!='px' or @inkscape:document-units!='px']", mode="inline_svg" {
    error > All units must be set to "px" in Inkscape's document properties

// remove i18n markers, so that defs_by_labels can find text elements
svgtmpl "svg:text/@inkscape:label[starts-with(., '_')]", mode="inline_svg" {
    attrib "{name()}" > «substring(., 2)»

// remove "reference" and "frame" rectangles
svgtmpl "svg:rect[@inkscape:label='reference' or @inkscape:label='frame']", mode="inline_svg" {
    // nothing

svgtmpl "svg:g[svg:rect/@inkscape:label='frame']", mode="inline_svg" {
    const "reference_rect","(../svg:rect | ../svg:g/svg:rect)[@inkscape:label='reference']";
    const "frame_rect","svg:rect[@inkscape:label='frame']";
    const "offset","func:offset($frame_rect, $reference_rect)";

    xsl:copy {
        attrib "svghmi_x_offset" value "$offset/vector/@x";
        attrib "svghmi_y_offset" value "$offset/vector/@y";
        apply "@* | node()", mode="inline_svg";

////// Clone unlinking
// svg:use (inkscape's clones) inside a widgets are
// replaced by real elements they refer in order to :
//  - allow finding "needle" element in "meter" widget,
//    even if "needle" is in a group refered by a svg use.
//  - if "needle" is visible through a svg:use for
//    each instance of the widget, then needle would show
//    the same position in all instances
// For now, clone unlinkink applies to descendants of all widget except HMI:Page
// TODO: narrow application of clone unlinking to active elements,
//       while keeping static decoration cloned
const "targets_not_to_unlink", "$hmi_lists/descendant-or-self::svg:*";
const "to_unlink", "$hmi_widgets/descendant-or-self::svg:use";

def "func:is_unlinkable" {
    param "targetid";
    param "eltid";
    result "$eltid = $to_unlink/@id and not($targetid = $targets_not_to_unlink/@id)";

svgtmpl "svg:use", mode="inline_svg"{
    const "targetid","substring-after(@xlink:href,'#')";
    choose {
        when "func:is_unlinkable($targetid, @id)" {
            call "unlink_clone" {
                with "targetid", "$targetid";
        otherwise xsl:copy apply "@*", mode="inline_svg";

// to unlink a clone, an group containing a copy of target element is created
// that way, style and transforms can be preserved
const "_excluded_use_attrs" {
    name > href
    name > width
    name > height
    name > x
    name > y
    name > id
const "excluded_use_attrs","exsl:node-set($_excluded_use_attrs)";

const "_merge_use_attrs" {
    name > transform
    name > style
const "merge_use_attrs","exsl:node-set($_merge_use_attrs)";

svgfunc "unlink_clone"{
    param "targetid";
    param "seed","''";
    const "target", "//svg:*[@id = $targetid]";
    const "seeded_id" choose {
        when "string-length($seed) > 0" > «$seed»_«@id»
        otherwise value "@id";
        attrib "id" value "$seeded_id";
        attrib "original" value "@id";

        choose {
            when "$target[self::svg:g]" {
                foreach "@*[not(local-name() = $excluded_use_attrs/name | $merge_use_attrs)]"
                    attrib "{name()}" > «.»

                if "@style | $target/@style"
                    attrib "style" {
                        > «@style»
                        if "@style and $target/@style" > ;
                        > «$target/@style»

                if "@transform | $target/@transform"
                    attrib "transform" {
                        > «@transform»
                        if "@transform and $target/@transform" >  
                        > «$target/@transform»

                apply "$target/*", mode="unlink_clone"{
                    with "seed","$seeded_id";
            otherwise {
                // include non excluded attributes
                foreach "@*[not(local-name() = $excluded_use_attrs/name)]"
                    attrib "{name()}" > «.»

                apply "$target", mode="unlink_clone"{
                    with "seed","$seeded_id";

// clone unlinking is really similar to deep-copy
// all nodes are sytematically copied
svgtmpl "@id", mode="unlink_clone" {
    param "seed";
    attrib "id" > «$seed»_«.»
    attrib "original" > «.»

svgtmpl "@*", mode="unlink_clone" xsl:copy;

svgtmpl "svg:use", mode="unlink_clone" {
    param "seed";
    const "targetid","substring-after(@xlink:href,'#')";
    choose {
        when "func:is_unlinkable($targetid, @id)" {
            call "unlink_clone" {
                with "targetid", "$targetid";
                with "seed","$seed";
        otherwise xsl:copy apply "@*", mode="unlink_clone" {
            with "seed","$seed";

// copying widgets would have unwanted effect
// instead widget is refered through a svg:use.
svgtmpl "svg:*", mode="unlink_clone" {
    param "seed";
    choose {
        // node recursive copy ends when finding a widget
        when "@id = $hmi_widgets/@id" {
            // place a clone instead of copying
                attrib "xlink:href" > «concat('#',@id)»
        otherwise {
            xsl:copy apply "@* | node()", mode="unlink_clone" {
                with "seed","$seed";

const "result_svg" apply "/", mode="inline_svg";
const "result_svg_ns", "exsl:node-set($result_svg)";

emit "preamble:inline-svg" {
    | const xmlns = "";
    | let id = document.getElementById.bind(document);
    | var svg_root = id("«$svg/@id»");

emit "debug:clone-unlinking" {
    | Unlinked :
    foreach "$to_unlink"{
        | «@id»
    | Not to unlink :
    foreach "$targets_not_to_unlink"{
        | «@id»