author Edouard Tisserant <>
Sun, 12 Mar 2023 00:51:53 +0100
changeset 3746 41be039fbb8c
parent 3579 c5070b6973ba
permissions -rw-r--r--
IDE: fix again ruberband with gtk3.

DC logical functions are now disabled when using GTK3.
Apparently using XOR was still having an effect.
Use regular black pen with no logical funciton instead.
// hmi_tree.ysl2

// Location identifies uniquely SVGHMI instance
param "instance_name";

// HMI Tree computed from VARIABLES.CSV in
const "hmitree", "ns:GetHMITree()";

const "_categories" {
    noindex > HMI_PLC_STATUS
    noindex > HMI_CURRENT_PAGE
const "categories", "exsl:node-set($_categories)";

// HMI Tree Index
const "_indexed_hmitree" apply "$hmitree", mode="index";
const "indexed_hmitree", "exsl:node-set($_indexed_hmitree)";

emit "preamble:hmi-tree" {
    | var hmi_hash = [«$hmitree/@hash»];
    | var heartbeat_index = «$indexed_hmitree/*[@hmipath = '/HEARTBEAT']/@index»;
    | var current_page_var_index = «$indexed_hmitree/*[@hmipath = concat('/CURRENT_PAGE_', $instance_name)]/@index»;
    | var hmitree_types = [

    foreach "$indexed_hmitree/*" 
    |     "«substring(local-name(), 5)»"`if "position()!=last()" > ,`

    | ];
    | var hmitree_paths = [

    foreach "$indexed_hmitree/*" 
    |     "«@hmipath»"`if "position()!=last()" > ,`

    | ];
    | var hmitree_nodes = {

    foreach "$indexed_hmitree/*[local-name() = 'HMI_NODE']" 
    |     "«@hmipath»" : [«@index», "«@class»"]`if "position()!=last()" > ,`
    | };

template "*", mode="index" {
    param "index", "0";
    param "parentpath", "''";
    const "content" {
        const "path"
            choose {
                when "count(ancestor::*)=0" > /
                when "count(ancestor::*)=1" > /«@name»
                otherwise > «$parentpath»/«@name»
        choose {
            when "not(local-name() = $categories/noindex)" {
                xsl:copy {
                    attrib "index" > «$index»
                    attrib "hmipath" > «$path»
                    foreach "@*" xsl:copy;
                apply "*[1]", mode="index"{
                     with "index", "$index + 1";
                     with "parentpath" > «$path»
            otherwise {
                apply "*[1]", mode="index"{
                    with "index", "$index";
                    with "parentpath" > «$path»

    copy "$content";
    apply "following-sibling::*[1]", mode="index" {
        with "index", "$index + count(exsl:node-set($content)/*)";
        with "parentpath" > «$parentpath»

include parse_labels.ysl2

const "_parsed_widgets" {
    widget type="VarInitPersistent" {
        arg value="0";
        path value="lang";
    apply "$hmi_elements", mode="parselabel";

const "parsed_widgets","exsl:node-set($_parsed_widgets)";

def "func:widget" {
    param "id";
    result "$parsed_widgets/widget[@id = $id]";

def "func:is_descendant_path" {
    param "descend";
    param "ancest";
    // TODO : use HMI tree to answer more accurately
    result "string-length($ancest) > 0 and starts-with($descend,$ancest)";

def "func:same_class_paths" {
    param "a";
    param "b";
    const "class_a", "$indexed_hmitree/*[@hmipath = $a]/@class";
    const "class_b", "$indexed_hmitree/*[@hmipath = $b]/@class";
    result "$class_a and $class_b and $class_a = $class_b";

// Debug data
template "*", mode="testtree"{
    param "indent", "''";
    > «$indent» «local-name()» 
    foreach "@*" > «local-name()»="«.»" 
    > \n
    if "text()" > «text()»\n
    apply "*", mode="testtree" {
        with "indent" value "concat($indent,'>')"

emit "debug:hmi-tree" {
    | Raw HMI tree
    apply "$hmitree", mode="testtree";
    | Indexed HMI tree
    apply "$indexed_hmitree", mode="testtree";
    | Parsed Widgets
    copy "_parsed_widgets";
    apply "$parsed_widgets", mode="testtree";