IDE: fix again ruberband with gtk3.
DC logical functions are now disabled when using GTK3.
Apparently using XOR was still having an effect.
Use regular black pen with no logical funciton instead.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of Beremiz, a Integrated Development Environment for
# programming IEC 61131-3 automates supporting plcopen standard and CanFestival.
# Copyright (c) 2016 Mario de Sousa (
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
# This code is made available on the understanding that it will not be
# used in safety-critical situations without a full and competent review.
from __future__ import absolute_import
import os
from six.moves import xrange
from modbus.mb_utils import *
from ConfigTreeNode import ConfigTreeNode
import util.paths as paths
ModbusPath = paths.ThirdPartyPath("Modbus")
# C L I E N T R E Q U E S T #
class _RequestPlug(object):
XSD = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
<xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="">
<xsd:element name="ModbusRequest">
<xsd:attribute name="Function" type="xsd:string" use="optional" default="01 - Read Coils"/>
<xsd:attribute name="SlaveID" use="optional" default="1">
<xsd:restriction base="xsd:integer">
<xsd:minInclusive value="0"/>
<xsd:maxInclusive value="255"/>
<xsd:attribute name="Nr_of_Channels" use="optional" default="1">
<xsd:restriction base="xsd:integer">
<xsd:minInclusive value="1"/>
<xsd:maxInclusive value="2000"/>
<xsd:attribute name="Start_Address" use="optional" default="0">
<xsd:restriction base="xsd:integer">
<xsd:minInclusive value="0"/>
<xsd:maxInclusive value="65535"/>
<xsd:attribute name="Timeout_in_ms" use="optional" default="10">
<xsd:restriction base="xsd:integer">
<xsd:minInclusive value="1"/>
<xsd:maxInclusive value="100000"/>
<xsd:attribute name="Write_on_change" type="xsd:boolean" use="optional" default="false"/>
def GetParamsAttributes(self, path=None):
infos = ConfigTreeNode.GetParamsAttributes(self, path=path)
for element in infos:
if element["name"] == "ModbusRequest":
for child in element["children"]:
if child["name"] == "Function":
list = modbus_function_dict.keys()
child["type"] = list
return infos
def GetVariableLocationTree(self):
current_location = self.GetCurrentLocation()
name = self.BaseParams.getName()
address = self.GetParamsAttributes()[0]["children"][3]["value"]
count = self.GetParamsAttributes()[0]["children"][2]["value"]
function = self.GetParamsAttributes()[0]["children"][0]["value"]
# 'BOOL' or 'WORD'
datatype = modbus_function_dict[function][3]
# 1 or 16
datasize = modbus_function_dict[function][4]
# 'Q' for coils and holding registers, 'I' for input discretes and input registers
# datazone = modbus_function_dict[function][5]
# 'X' for bits, 'W' for words
datatacc = modbus_function_dict[function][6]
# 'Coil', 'Holding Register', 'Input Discrete' or 'Input Register'
dataname = modbus_function_dict[function][7]
# start off with a boolean entry
# This is a flag used to allow the user program to control when to
# execute the Modbus request.
# NOTE: If the Modbus request has a 'current_location' of
# %QX1.2.3
# then the execution control flag will be
# %QX1.
# and all the Modbus registers/coils will be
# %QX1.2.3.0
# %QX1.2.3.1
# %QX1.2.3.2
# ..
# %QX1.2.3.n
entries = []
"name": "Execute request flag",
"size": 1, # BOOL flag
"IEC_type": "BOOL", # BOOL flag
"var_name": "var_name",
"location": "X" + ".".join([str(i) for i in current_location]) + ".0.0",
"description": "Modbus request execution control flag",
"children": []})
"name": "Modbus Request Status flag",
"size": 8, # BYTE flag
"IEC_type": "BYTE", # BYTE flag
"var_name": "var_name",
"location": "B" + ".".join([str(i) for i in current_location]) + ".0.1",
"description": "Modbus request status flag (0 -> OK, 1 -> Network error, 2 -> Received invalid frame, 3 -> Timeout, 4 -> Received error frame)",
"children": []})
"name": "Modbus Error Code",
"size": 8, # BYTE flag
"IEC_type": "BYTE", # BYTE flag
"var_name": "var_name",
"location": "B" + ".".join([str(i) for i in current_location]) + ".0.2",
"description": "Modbus Error Code received in Modbus error frame",
"children": []})
for offset in range(address, address + count):
"name": dataname + " " + str(offset),
"size": datasize,
"IEC_type": datatype,
"var_name": "MB_" + "".join([w[0] for w in dataname.split()]) + "_" + str(offset),
"location": datatacc + ".".join([str(i) for i in current_location]) + "." + str(offset),
"description": "description",
"children": []})
return {"name": name,
"location": ".".join([str(i) for i in current_location]) + ".x",
"children": entries}
def CTNGenerate_C(self, buildpath, locations):
Generate C code
@param current_location: Tupple containing plugin IEC location : %I0.0.4.5 => (0,0,4,5)
@param locations: List of complete variables locations \
[{"IEC_TYPE" : the IEC type (i.e. "INT", "STRING", ...)
"NAME" : name of the variable (generally "__IW0_1_2" style)
"DIR" : direction "Q","I" or "M"
"SIZE" : size "X", "B", "W", "D", "L"
"LOC" : tuple of interger for IEC location (0,1,2,...)
}, ...]
@return: [(C_file_name, CFLAGS),...] , LDFLAGS_TO_APPEND
return [], "", False
# S E R V E R M E M O R Y A R E A #
# dictionary implementing:
# key - string with the description we want in the request plugin GUI
# list - (modbus function number, request type, max count value)
modbus_memtype_dict = {
"01 - Coils": ('1', 'rw_bits', 65536, "BOOL", 1, "Q", "X", "Coil"),
"02 - Input Discretes": ('2', 'ro_bits', 65536, "BOOL", 1, "I", "X", "Input Discrete"),
"03 - Holding Registers": ('3', 'rw_words', 65536, "WORD", 16, "Q", "W", "Holding Register"),
"04 - Input Registers": ('4', 'ro_words', 65536, "WORD", 16, "I", "W", "Input Register"),
class _MemoryAreaPlug(object):
XSD = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
<xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="">
<xsd:element name="MemoryArea">
<xsd:attribute name="MemoryAreaType" type="xsd:string" use="optional" default="01 - Coils"/>
<xsd:attribute name="Nr_of_Channels" use="optional" default="1">
<xsd:restriction base="xsd:integer">
<xsd:minInclusive value="1"/>
<xsd:maxInclusive value="65536"/>
<xsd:attribute name="Start_Address" use="optional" default="0">
<xsd:restriction base="xsd:integer">
<xsd:minInclusive value="0"/>
<xsd:maxInclusive value="65535"/>
def GetParamsAttributes(self, path=None):
infos = ConfigTreeNode.GetParamsAttributes(self, path=path)
for element in infos:
if element["name"] == "MemoryArea":
for child in element["children"]:
if child["name"] == "MemoryAreaType":
list = modbus_memtype_dict.keys()
child["type"] = list
return infos
def GetVariableLocationTree(self):
current_location = self.GetCurrentLocation()
name = self.BaseParams.getName()
address = self.GetParamsAttributes()[0]["children"][2]["value"]
count = self.GetParamsAttributes()[0]["children"][1]["value"]
function = self.GetParamsAttributes()[0]["children"][0]["value"]
# 'BOOL' or 'WORD'
datatype = modbus_memtype_dict[function][3]
# 1 or 16
datasize = modbus_memtype_dict[function][4]
# 'Q' for coils and holding registers, 'I' for input discretes and input registers
# datazone = modbus_memtype_dict[function][5]
# 'X' for bits, 'W' for words
datatacc = modbus_memtype_dict[function][6]
# 'Coil', 'Holding Register', 'Input Discrete' or 'Input Register'
dataname = modbus_memtype_dict[function][7]
entries = []
for offset in range(address, address + count):
"name": dataname + " " + str(offset),
"size": datasize,
"IEC_type": datatype,
"var_name": "MB_" + "".join([w[0] for w in dataname.split()]) + "_" + str(offset),
"location": datatacc + ".".join([str(i) for i in current_location]) + "." + str(offset),
"description": "description",
"children": []})
return {"name": name,
"location": ".".join([str(i) for i in current_location]) + ".x",
"children": entries}
def CTNGenerate_C(self, buildpath, locations):
Generate C code
@param current_location: Tupple containing plugin IEC location : %I0.0.4.5 => (0,0,4,5)
@param locations: List of complete variables locations \
[{"IEC_TYPE" : the IEC type (i.e. "INT", "STRING", ...)
"NAME" : name of the variable (generally "__IW0_1_2" style)
"DIR" : direction "Q","I" or "M"
"SIZE" : size "X", "B", "W", "D", "L"
"LOC" : tuple of interger for IEC location (0,1,2,...)
}, ...]
@return: [(C_file_name, CFLAGS),...] , LDFLAGS_TO_APPEND
return [], "", False
# T C P C L I E N T #
# XXX TODO "Configuration_Name" should disapear in favor of CTN Name, which is already unique
class _ModbusTCPclientPlug(object):
XSD = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
<xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="">
<xsd:element name="ModbusTCPclient">
<xsd:attribute name="Configuration_Name" type="xsd:string" use="optional" default=""/>
<xsd:attribute name="Remote_IP_Address" type="xsd:string" use="optional" default="localhost"/>
<xsd:attribute name="Remote_Port_Number" type="xsd:string" use="optional" default="502"/>
<xsd:attribute name="Invocation_Rate_in_ms" use="optional" default="100">
<xsd:restriction base="xsd:unsignedLong">
<xsd:minInclusive value="0"/>
<xsd:maxInclusive value="2147483647"/>
<xsd:attribute name="Request_Delay_in_ms" use="optional" default="0">
<xsd:restriction base="xsd:integer">
<xsd:minInclusive value="0"/>
<xsd:maxInclusive value="2147483647"/>
# NOTE: Max value of 2147483647 (i32_max) for Invocation_Rate_in_ms and Request_Delay_in_ms
# corresponds to aprox 25 days.
CTNChildrenTypes = [("ModbusRequest", _RequestPlug, "Request")]
# TODO: Replace with CTNType !!!
PlugType = "ModbusTCPclient"
def __init__(self):
# The ModbusTCPclient attribute is added dynamically by ConfigTreeNode._AddParamsMembers()
# It will be an XML parser object created by
# GenerateParserFromXSDstring(self.XSD).CreateRoot()
# Set the default value for the "Configuration_Name" parameter
# The default value will need to be different for each instance of the
# _ModbusTCPclientPlug class, so we cannot hardcode the default value in the XSD above
# This value will be used by the web interface
# (i.e. the extension to the web server used to configure the Modbus parameters).
# (The web server is run/activated/started by
# (The web server code is found in runtime/
# (The Modbus extension to the web server is found in runtime/
loc_str = ".".join(map(str, self.GetCurrentLocation()))
self.ModbusTCPclient.setConfiguration_Name("Modbus TCP Client " + loc_str)
# Return the number of (modbus library) nodes this specific TCP client will need
# return type: (tcp nodes, rtu nodes, ascii nodes)
def GetNodeCount(self):
return (1, 0, 0)
def GetConfigName(self):
""" Return the node's Configuration_Name """
return self.ModbusTCPclient.getConfiguration_Name()
def CTNGenerate_C(self, buildpath, locations):
Generate C code
@param current_location: Tupple containing plugin IEC location : %I0.0.4.5 => (0,0,4,5)
@param locations: List of complete variables locations \
[{"IEC_TYPE" : the IEC type (i.e. "INT", "STRING", ...)
"NAME" : name of the variable (generally "__IW0_1_2" style)
"DIR" : direction "Q","I" or "M"
"SIZE" : size "X", "B", "W", "D", "L"
"LOC" : tuple of interger for IEC location (0,1,2,...)
}, ...]
@return: [(C_file_name, CFLAGS),...] , LDFLAGS_TO_APPEND
return [], "", False
# T C P S E R V E R #
# XXX TODO "Configuration_Name" should disapear in favor of CTN Name, which is already unique
class _ModbusTCPserverPlug(object):
# NOTE: the Port number is a 'string' and not an 'integer'!
# This is because the underlying modbus library accepts strings
# (e.g.: well known port names!)
XSD = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
<xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="">
<xsd:element name="ModbusServerNode">
<xsd:attribute name="Configuration_Name" type="xsd:string" use="optional" default=""/>
<xsd:attribute name="Local_IP_Address" type="xsd:string" use="optional" default="#ANY#"/>
<xsd:attribute name="Local_Port_Number" type="xsd:string" use="optional" default="502"/>
<xsd:attribute name="SlaveID" use="optional" default="0">
<xsd:restriction base="xsd:integer">
<xsd:minInclusive value="0"/>
<xsd:maxInclusive value="255"/>
CTNChildrenTypes = [("MemoryArea", _MemoryAreaPlug, "Memory Area")]
# TODO: Replace with CTNType !!!
PlugType = "ModbusTCPserver"
def __init__(self):
# The ModbusServerNode attribute is added dynamically by ConfigTreeNode._AddParamsMembers()
# It will be an XML parser object created by
# GenerateParserFromXSDstring(self.XSD).CreateRoot()
# Set the default value for the "Configuration_Name" parameter
# The default value will need to be different for each instance of the
# _ModbusTCPclientPlug class, so we cannot hardcode the default value in the XSD above
# This value will be used by the web interface
# (i.e. the extension to the web server used to configure the Modbus parameters).
# (The web server is run/activated/started by
# (The web server code is found in runtime/
# (The Modbus extension to the web server is found in runtime/
loc_str = ".".join(map(str, self.GetCurrentLocation()))
self.ModbusServerNode.setConfiguration_Name("Modbus TCP Server " + loc_str)
# Return the number of (modbus library) nodes this specific TCP server will need
# return type: (tcp nodes, rtu nodes, ascii nodes)
def GetNodeCount(self):
return (1, 0, 0)
# Return a list with a single tuple conatining the (location, IP address, port number)
# location : location of this node in the configuration tree
# port number: IP port used by this Modbus/IP server
# IP address : IP address of the network interface on which the server will be listening
# ("", "*", or "#ANY#" => listening on all interfaces!)
def GetIPServerPortNumbers(self):
port = self.ModbusServerNode.getLocal_Port_Number()
addr = self.ModbusServerNode.getLocal_IP_Address()
return [(self.GetCurrentLocation(), addr, port)]
def GetConfigName(self):
""" Return the node's Configuration_Name """
return self.ModbusServerNode.getConfiguration_Name()
def GetVariableLocationTree(self):
current_location = self.GetCurrentLocation()
name = self.BaseParams.getName()
# start off with flags that count the number of Modbus requests/transactions
# handled by this Modbus server/slave.
# These flags are mapped onto located variables and therefore available to the user programs
# May be used to detect communication errors.
# execute the Modbus request.
# NOTE: If the Modbus slave has a 'current_location' of
# %QX1.2
# then the "Modbus Read Request Counter" will be %MD1.2.0
# then the "Modbus Write Request Counter" will be %MD1.2.1
# then the "Modbus Read Request Flag" will be %MD1.2.2
# then the "Modbus Write Request Flag" will be %MD1.2.3
# Note that any MemoryArea contained under this server/slave
# will ocupy the locations of type
# %MX or %MW
# which will never clash with the %MD used here.
# Additionaly, any MemoryArea contained under this server/slave
# will ocupy locations with
# %M1.2.a.b (with a and b being numbers in range 0, 1, ...)
# and therefore never ocupy the locations
# %M1.2.0
# %M1.2.1
# %M1.2.2
# %M1.2.3
# used by the following flags/counters.
entries = []
"name": "Modbus Read Request Counter",
"size": 32, # UDINT flag
"IEC_type": "UDINT", # UDINT flag
"var_name": "var_name",
"location": "D" + ".".join([str(i) for i in current_location]) + ".0",
"description": "Modbus read request counter",
"children": []})
"name": "Modbus Write Request Counter",
"size": 32, # UDINT flag
"IEC_type": "UDINT", # UDINT flag
"var_name": "var_name",
"location": "D" + ".".join([str(i) for i in current_location]) + ".1",
"description": "Modbus write request counter",
"children": []})
"name": "Modbus Read Request Flag",
"size": 1, # BOOL flag
"IEC_type": "BOOL", # BOOL flag
"var_name": "var_name",
"location": "X" + ".".join([str(i) for i in current_location]) + ".2",
"description": "Modbus read request flag",
"children": []})
"name": "Modbus write Request Flag",
"size": 1, # BOOL flag
"IEC_type": "BOOL", # BOOL flag
"var_name": "var_name",
"location": "X" + ".".join([str(i) for i in current_location]) + ".3",
"description": "Modbus write request flag",
"children": []})
# recursively call all the Memory Areas under this Modbus server/save
# i.e., all the children objects which will be of class _MemoryAreaPlug
for child in self.IECSortedChildren():
return {"name": name,
"location": ".".join([str(i) for i in current_location]) + ".x",
"children": entries}
def CTNGenerate_C(self, buildpath, locations):
Generate C code
@param current_location: Tupple containing plugin IEC location : %I0.0.4.5 => (0,0,4,5)
@param locations: List of complete variables locations \
[{"IEC_TYPE" : the IEC type (i.e. "INT", "STRING", ...)
"NAME" : name of the variable (generally "__IW0_1_2" style)
"DIR" : direction "Q","I" or "M"
"SIZE" : size "X", "B", "W", "D", "L"
"LOC" : tuple of interger for IEC location (0,1,2,...)
}, ...]
@return: [(C_file_name, CFLAGS),...] , LDFLAGS_TO_APPEND
return [], "", False
# R T U C L I E N T #
# XXX TODO "Configuration_Name" should disapear in favor of CTN Name, which is already unique
class _ModbusRTUclientPlug(object):
XSD = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
<xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="">
<xsd:element name="ModbusRTUclient">
<xsd:attribute name="Configuration_Name" type="xsd:string" use="optional" default=""/>
<xsd:attribute name="Serial_Port" type="xsd:string" use="optional" default="/dev/ttyS0"/>
<xsd:attribute name="Baud_Rate" type="xsd:string" use="optional" default="9600"/>
<xsd:attribute name="Parity" type="xsd:string" use="optional" default="even"/>
<xsd:attribute name="Stop_Bits" type="xsd:string" use="optional" default="1"/>
<xsd:attribute name="Invocation_Rate_in_ms" use="optional" default="100">
<xsd:restriction base="xsd:integer">
<xsd:minInclusive value="0"/>
<xsd:maxInclusive value="2147483647"/>
<xsd:attribute name="Request_Delay_in_ms" use="optional" default="0">
<xsd:restriction base="xsd:integer">
<xsd:minInclusive value="0"/>
<xsd:maxInclusive value="2147483647"/>
# NOTE: Max value of 2147483647 (i32_max) for Invocation_Rate_in_ms and Request_Delay_in_ms
# corresponds to aprox 25 days.
CTNChildrenTypes = [("ModbusRequest", _RequestPlug, "Request")]
# TODO: Replace with CTNType !!!
PlugType = "ModbusRTUclient"
def __init__(self):
# The ModbusRTUclient attribute is added dynamically by ConfigTreeNode._AddParamsMembers()
# It will be an XML parser object created by
# GenerateParserFromXSDstring(self.XSD).CreateRoot()
# Set the default value for the "Configuration_Name" parameter
# The default value will need to be different for each instance of the
# _ModbusTCPclientPlug class, so we cannot hardcode the default value in the XSD above
# This value will be used by the web interface
# (i.e. the extension to the web server used to configure the Modbus parameters).
# (The web server is run/activated/started by
# (The web server code is found in runtime/
# (The Modbus extension to the web server is found in runtime/
loc_str = ".".join(map(str, self.GetCurrentLocation()))
self.ModbusRTUclient.setConfiguration_Name("Modbus RTU Client " + loc_str)
def GetParamsAttributes(self, path=None):
infos = ConfigTreeNode.GetParamsAttributes(self, path=path)
for element in infos:
if element["name"] == "ModbusRTUclient":
for child in element["children"]:
if child["name"] == "Baud_Rate":
child["type"] = modbus_serial_baudrate_list
if child["name"] == "Stop_Bits":
child["type"] = modbus_serial_stopbits_list
if child["name"] == "Parity":
child["type"] = modbus_serial_parity_dict.keys()
return infos
# Return the number of (modbus library) nodes this specific RTU client will need
# return type: (tcp nodes, rtu nodes, ascii nodes)
def GetNodeCount(self):
return (0, 1, 0)
def GetConfigName(self):
""" Return the node's Configuration_Name """
return self.ModbusRTUclient.getConfiguration_Name()
def CTNGenerate_C(self, buildpath, locations):
Generate C code
@param current_location: Tupple containing plugin IEC location : %I0.0.4.5 => (0,0,4,5)
@param locations: List of complete variables locations \
[{"IEC_TYPE" : the IEC type (i.e. "INT", "STRING", ...)
"NAME" : name of the variable (generally "__IW0_1_2" style)
"DIR" : direction "Q","I" or "M"
"SIZE" : size "X", "B", "W", "D", "L"
"LOC" : tuple of interger for IEC location (0,1,2,...)
}, ...]
@return: [(C_file_name, CFLAGS),...] , LDFLAGS_TO_APPEND
return [], "", False
# R T U S L A V E #
# XXX TODO "Configuration_Name" should disapear in favor of CTN Name, which is already unique
class _ModbusRTUslavePlug(object):
XSD = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
<xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="">
<xsd:element name="ModbusRTUslave">
<xsd:attribute name="Configuration_Name" type="xsd:string" use="optional" default=""/>
<xsd:attribute name="Serial_Port" type="xsd:string" use="optional" default="/dev/ttyS0"/>
<xsd:attribute name="Baud_Rate" type="xsd:string" use="optional" default="9600"/>
<xsd:attribute name="Parity" type="xsd:string" use="optional" default="even"/>
<xsd:attribute name="Stop_Bits" type="xsd:string" use="optional" default="1"/>
<xsd:attribute name="SlaveID" use="optional" default="1">
<xsd:restriction base="xsd:integer">
<xsd:minInclusive value="1"/>
<xsd:maxInclusive value="255"/>
CTNChildrenTypes = [("MemoryArea", _MemoryAreaPlug, "Memory Area")]
# TODO: Replace with CTNType !!!
PlugType = "ModbusRTUslave"
def __init__(self):
# The ModbusRTUslave attribute is added dynamically by ConfigTreeNode._AddParamsMembers()
# It will be an XML parser object created by
# GenerateParserFromXSDstring(self.XSD).CreateRoot()
# Set the default value for the "Configuration_Name" parameter
# The default value will need to be different for each instance of the
# _ModbusTCPclientPlug class, so we cannot hardcode the default value in the XSD above
# This value will be used by the web interface
# (i.e. the extension to the web server used to configure the Modbus parameters).
# (The web server is run/activated/started by
# (The web server code is found in runtime/
# (The Modbus extension to the web server is found in runtime/
loc_str = ".".join(map(str, self.GetCurrentLocation()))
self.ModbusRTUslave.setConfiguration_Name("Modbus RTU Slave " + loc_str)
def GetParamsAttributes(self, path=None):
infos = ConfigTreeNode.GetParamsAttributes(self, path=path)
for element in infos:
if element["name"] == "ModbusRTUslave":
for child in element["children"]:
if child["name"] == "Baud_Rate":
child["type"] = modbus_serial_baudrate_list
if child["name"] == "Stop_Bits":
child["type"] = modbus_serial_stopbits_list
if child["name"] == "Parity":
child["type"] = modbus_serial_parity_dict.keys()
return infos
# Return the number of (modbus library) nodes this specific RTU slave will need
# return type: (tcp nodes, rtu nodes, ascii nodes)
def GetNodeCount(self):
return (0, 1, 0)
def GetConfigName(self):
""" Return the node's Configuration_Name """
return self.ModbusRTUslave.getConfiguration_Name()
def GetVariableLocationTree(self):
current_location = self.GetCurrentLocation()
name = self.BaseParams.getName()
# start off with flags that count the number of Modbus requests/transactions
# handled by this Modbus server/slave.
# These flags are mapped onto located variables and therefore available to the user programs
# May be used to detect communication errors.
# execute the Modbus request.
# NOTE: If the Modbus slave has a 'current_location' of
# %QX1.2
# then the "Modbus Read Request Counter" will be %MD1.2.0
# then the "Modbus Write Request Counter" will be %MD1.2.1
# then the "Modbus Read Request Flag" will be %MD1.2.2
# then the "Modbus Write Request Flag" will be %MD1.2.3
# Note that any MemoryArea contained under this server/slave
# will ocupy the locations of type
# %MX or %MW
# which will never clash with the %MD used here.
# Additionaly, any MemoryArea contained under this server/slave
# will ocupy locations with
# %M1.2.a.b (with a and b being numbers in range 0, 1, ...)
# and therefore never ocupy the locations
# %M1.2.0
# %M1.2.1
# %M1.2.2
# %M1.2.3
# used by the following flags/counters.
entries = []
"name": "Modbus Read Request Counter",
"size": 32, # UDINT flag
"IEC_type": "UDINT", # UDINT flag
"var_name": "var_name",
"location": "D" + ".".join([str(i) for i in current_location]) + ".0",
"description": "Modbus read request counter",
"children": []})
"name": "Modbus Write Request Counter",
"size": 32, # UDINT flag
"IEC_type": "UDINT", # UDINT flag
"var_name": "var_name",
"location": "D" + ".".join([str(i) for i in current_location]) + ".1",
"description": "Modbus write request counter",
"children": []})
"name": "Modbus Read Request Flag",
"size": 1, # BOOL flag
"IEC_type": "BOOL", # BOOL flag
"var_name": "var_name",
"location": "X" + ".".join([str(i) for i in current_location]) + ".2",
"description": "Modbus read request flag",
"children": []})
"name": "Modbus write Request Flag",
"size": 1, # BOOL flag
"IEC_type": "BOOL", # BOOL flag
"var_name": "var_name",
"location": "X" + ".".join([str(i) for i in current_location]) + ".3",
"description": "Modbus write request flag",
"children": []})
# recursively call all the Memory Areas under this Modbus server/save
# i.e., all the children objects which will be of class _MemoryAreaPlug
for child in self.IECSortedChildren():
return {"name": name,
"location": ".".join([str(i) for i in current_location]) + ".x",
"children": entries}
def CTNGenerate_C(self, buildpath, locations):
Generate C code
@param current_location: Tupple containing plugin IEC location : %I0.0.4.5 => (0,0,4,5)
@param locations: List of complete variables locations \
[{"IEC_TYPE" : the IEC type (i.e. "INT", "STRING", ...)
"NAME" : name of the variable (generally "__IW0_1_2" style)
"DIR" : direction "Q","I" or "M"
"SIZE" : size "X", "B", "W", "D", "L"
"LOC" : tuple of interger for IEC location (0,1,2,...)
}, ...]
@return: [(C_file_name, CFLAGS),...] , LDFLAGS_TO_APPEND
return [], "", False
def _lt_to_str(loctuple):
return '.'.join(map(str, loctuple))
# R O O T C L A S S #
class RootClass(object):
XSD = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
<xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="">
<xsd:element name="ModbusRoot">
<xsd:attribute name="MaxRemoteTCPclients" use="optional" default="10">
<xsd:restriction base="xsd:integer">
<xsd:minInclusive value="0"/>
<xsd:maxInclusive value="65535"/>
CTNChildrenTypes = [("ModbusTCPclient", _ModbusTCPclientPlug, "Modbus TCP Client"),
("ModbusTCPserver", _ModbusTCPserverPlug, "Modbus TCP Server"),
("ModbusRTUclient", _ModbusRTUclientPlug, "Modbus RTU Client"),
("ModbusRTUslave", _ModbusRTUslavePlug, "Modbus RTU Slave")]
# Return the number of (modbus library) nodes this specific instance of the modbus plugin will need
# return type: (tcp nodes, rtu nodes, ascii nodes)
def GetNodeCount(self):
max_remote_tcpclient = self.GetParamsAttributes()[
total_node_count = (max_remote_tcpclient, 0, 0)
for child in self.IECSortedChildren():
# ask each child how many nodes it needs, and add them all up.
total_node_count = tuple(
x1 + x2 for x1, x2 in zip(total_node_count, child.GetNodeCount()))
return total_node_count
# Return a list with tuples of the (location, port numbers) used by all the Modbus/IP servers
def GetIPServerPortNumbers(self):
IPServer_port_numbers = []
for child in self.IECSortedChildren():
if child.CTNType == "ModbusTCPserver":
return IPServer_port_numbers
# Return a list with tuples of the (location, configuration_name) used by all the Modbus nodes (tcp/rtu, clients/servers)
def GetConfigNames(self):
Node_Configuration_Names = []
for child in self.IECSortedChildren():
Node_Configuration_Names.extend([(child.GetCurrentLocation(), child.GetConfigName())])
return Node_Configuration_Names
def CTNGenerate_C(self, buildpath, locations):
# print "#############"
# print self.__class__
# print type(self)
# print "self.CTNType >>>"
# print self.CTNType
# print "type(self.CTNType) >>>"
# print type(self.CTNType)
# print "#############"
loc_dict = {"locstr": "_".join(map(str, self.GetCurrentLocation()))}
# Determine the number of (modbus library) nodes ALL instances of the modbus plugin will need
# total_node_count: (tcp nodes, rtu nodes, ascii nodes)
# Also get a list with tuples of (location, IP address, port number) used by all the Modbus/IP server nodes
# This list is later used to search for duplicates in port numbers!
# IPServer_port_numbers = [(location, IP address, port number), ...]
# location : tuple similar to (0, 3, 1) representing the location in the configuration tree "0.3.1.x"
# IPserver_port_number: a number (i.e. port number used by the Modbus/IP server)
# IP address : IP address of the network interface on which the server will be listening
# ("", "*", or "#ANY#" => listening on all interfaces!)
# Also get a list with tuples of (location, Configuration_Name) used by all the Modbus nodes
# This list is later used to search for duplicates in Configuration Names!
# Node_Configuration_Names = [(location, Configuration_Name), ...]
# location : tuple similar to (0, 3, 1) representing the location in the configuration tree "0.3.1.x"
# Configuration_Name: the "Configuration_Name" string
total_node_count = (0, 0, 0)
IPServer_port_numbers = []
Node_Configuration_Names = []
for CTNInstance in self.GetCTRoot().IterChildren():
if CTNInstance.CTNType == "modbus":
# ask each modbus plugin instance how many nodes it needs, and add them all up.
total_node_count = tuple(x1 + x2 for x1, x2 in zip(total_node_count, CTNInstance.GetNodeCount()))
IPServer_port_numbers. extend(CTNInstance.GetIPServerPortNumbers())
Node_Configuration_Names.extend(CTNInstance.GetConfigNames ())
# Search for use of duplicate Configuration_Names by Modbus nodes
# Configuration Names are used by the web server running on the PLC
# (more precisely, run by to identify and allow
# changing the Modbus parameters after the program has been downloaded
# to the PLC (but before it is started)
# With clashes in the configuration names, the Modbus nodes will not be
# distinguasheble on the web interface!
for i in range(0, len(Node_Configuration_Names) - 1):
for j in range(i + 1, len(Node_Configuration_Names)):
if Node_Configuration_Names[i][1] == Node_Configuration_Names[j][1]:
error_message = _("Error: Modbus plugin nodes %{a1}.x and %{a2}.x use the same Configuration_Name \"{a3}\".\n").format(
# Search for use of duplicate port numbers by Modbus/IP servers
# Note: We only consider duplicate port numbers if using the same network interface!
i = 0
for loc1, addr1, port1 in IPServer_port_numbers[:-1]:
i = i + 1
for loc2, addr2, port2 in IPServer_port_numbers[i:]:
if (port1 == port2) and (
(addr1 == addr2) # on the same network interface
or (addr1 == "") or (addr1 == "*") or (addr1 == "#ANY#") # or one (or both) of the servers
or (addr2 == "") or (addr2 == "*") or (addr2 == "#ANY#") # use all available network interfaces
error_message = _("Error: Modbus plugin nodes %{a1}.x and %{a2}.x use same port number \"{a3}\" " +
"on the same (or overlapping) network interfaces \"{a4}\" and \"{a5}\".\n").format(
a1=_lt_to_str(loc1), a2=_lt_to_str(loc2), a3=port1, a4=addr1, a5=addr2)
# Determine the current location in Beremiz's project configuration
# tree
current_location = self.GetCurrentLocation()
# define a unique name for the generated C and h files
prefix = "_".join(map(str, current_location))
Gen_MB_c_path = os.path.join(buildpath, "MB_%s.c" % prefix)
Gen_MB_h_path = os.path.join(buildpath, "MB_%s.h" % prefix)
c_filename = os.path.join(os.path.split(__file__)[0], "mb_runtime.c")
h_filename = os.path.join(os.path.split(__file__)[0], "mb_runtime.h")
tcpclient_reqs_count = 0
rtuclient_reqs_count = 0
ascclient_reqs_count = 0
tcpclient_node_count = 0
rtuclient_node_count = 0
ascclient_node_count = 0
tcpserver_node_count = 0
rtuserver_node_count = 0
ascserver_node_count = 0
nodeid = 0
client_nodeid = 0
client_requestid = 0
server_id = 0
server_node_list = []
client_node_list = []
client_request_list = []
server_memarea_list = []
loc_vars = []
loc_vars_list = [] # list of variables already declared in C code!
for child in self.IECSortedChildren():
# print "<<<<<<<<<<<<<"
# print "child (self.IECSortedChildren())----->"
# print child.__class__
# print ">>>>>>>>>>>>>"
if child.PlugType == "ModbusTCPserver":
tcpserver_node_count += 1
new_node = GetTCPServerNodePrinted(self, child)
if new_node is None:
return [], "", False
# We currently add 4 flags/counters to each Modbus server/slave
# We add the Modbus read/write counter/flag to each Modbus slave/server
# to allow the user program to determine if the slave is being actively
# read from or written by by a remote Modbus client.
for iecvar in child.GetLocations():
#print "child" + repr(iecvar)
if (len(iecvar["LOC"]) == 3) and (str(iecvar["NAME"]) not in loc_vars_list):
# Add if it is a "Modbus Read Request Counter" (mapped onto %MDa.b.0), so last number is a '0'
if iecvar["LOC"][2] == 0:
loc_vars.append("u32 *" + str(iecvar["NAME"]) + " = &server_nodes[%d].mem_area.flag_read_req_counter;" % (server_id))
# Add if it is a "Modbus Write Request Counter" (mapped onto %MDa.b.1), so last number is a '1'
if iecvar["LOC"][2] == 1:
loc_vars.append("u32 *" + str(iecvar["NAME"]) + " = &server_nodes[%d].mem_area.flag_write_req_counter;" % (server_id))
# Add if it is a "Modbus Read Request Flag" (mapped onto %MDa.b.2), so last number is a '2'
if iecvar["LOC"][2] == 2:
loc_vars.append("u8 *" + str(iecvar["NAME"]) + " = &server_nodes[%d].mem_area.flag_read_req_flag;" % (server_id))
# Add if it is a "Modbus Write Request Counter" (mapped onto %MDa.b.3), so last number is a '3'
if iecvar["LOC"][2] == 3:
loc_vars.append("u8 *" + str(iecvar["NAME"]) + " = &server_nodes[%d].mem_area.flag_write_req_flag;" % (server_id))
for subchild in child.IECSortedChildren():
new_memarea = GetTCPServerMemAreaPrinted(self, subchild, nodeid)
if new_memarea is None:
return [], "", False
function = subchild.GetParamsAttributes()[0]["children"][0]["value"]
# 'ro_bits', 'rw_bits', 'ro_words' or 'rw_words'
memarea = modbus_memtype_dict[function][1]
for iecvar in subchild.GetLocations():
if len(iecvar["LOC"]) == 4:
#print "subchild" + repr(iecvar)
absloute_address = iecvar["LOC"][3]
start_address = int(GetCTVal(subchild, 2))
relative_addr = absloute_address - start_address
# test if relative address in request specified range
if relative_addr in xrange(int(GetCTVal(subchild, 1))):
if str(iecvar["NAME"]) not in loc_vars_list:
loc_vars.append("u16 *" + str(iecvar["NAME"]) + " = &server_nodes[%d].mem_area.%s[%d];" % (
server_id, memarea, absloute_address))
server_id += 1
if child.PlugType == "ModbusRTUslave":
rtuserver_node_count += 1
new_node = GetRTUSlaveNodePrinted(self, child)
if new_node is None:
return [], "", False
# We currently add 4 flags/counters to each Modbus server/slave
# We add the Modbus read/write counter/flag to each Modbus slave/server
# to allow the user program to determine if the slave is being actively
# read from or written by by a remote Modbus client.
for iecvar in child.GetLocations():
#print "child" + repr(iecvar)
if (len(iecvar["LOC"]) == 3) and (str(iecvar["NAME"]) not in loc_vars_list):
# Add if it is a "Modbus Read Request Counter" (mapped onto %MDa.b.0), so last number is a '0'
if iecvar["LOC"][2] == 0:
loc_vars.append("u32 *" + str(iecvar["NAME"]) + " = &server_nodes[%d].mem_area.flag_read_req_counter;" % (server_id))
# Add if it is a "Modbus Write Request Counter" (mapped onto %MDa.b.1), so last number is a '1'
if iecvar["LOC"][2] == 1:
loc_vars.append("u32 *" + str(iecvar["NAME"]) + " = &server_nodes[%d].mem_area.flag_write_req_counter;" % (server_id))
# Add if it is a "Modbus Read Request Flag" (mapped onto %MDa.b.2), so last number is a '2'
if iecvar["LOC"][2] == 2:
loc_vars.append("u8 *" + str(iecvar["NAME"]) + " = &server_nodes[%d].mem_area.flag_read_req_flag;" % (server_id))
# Add if it is a "Modbus Write Request Counter" (mapped onto %MDa.b.3), so last number is a '3'
if iecvar["LOC"][2] == 3:
loc_vars.append("u8 *" + str(iecvar["NAME"]) + " = &server_nodes[%d].mem_area.flag_write_req_flag;" % (server_id))
for subchild in child.IECSortedChildren():
new_memarea = GetTCPServerMemAreaPrinted(
self, subchild, nodeid)
if new_memarea is None:
return [], "", False
function = subchild.GetParamsAttributes()[0]["children"][0]["value"]
# 'ro_bits', 'rw_bits', 'ro_words' or 'rw_words'
memarea = modbus_memtype_dict[function][1]
for iecvar in subchild.GetLocations():
if len(iecvar["LOC"]) == 4:
# print repr(iecvar)
absloute_address = iecvar["LOC"][3]
start_address = int(GetCTVal(subchild, 2))
relative_addr = absloute_address - start_address
# test if relative address in request specified range
if relative_addr in xrange(int(GetCTVal(subchild, 1))):
if str(iecvar["NAME"]) not in loc_vars_list:
loc_vars.append("u16 *" + str(iecvar["NAME"]) + " = &server_nodes[%d].mem_area.%s[%d];" % (
server_id, memarea, absloute_address))
server_id += 1
if child.PlugType == "ModbusTCPclient":
tcpclient_reqs_count += len(child.IECSortedChildren())
new_node = GetTCPClientNodePrinted(self, child)
if new_node is None:
return [], "", False
for subchild in child.IECSortedChildren():
new_req = GetClientRequestPrinted(
self, subchild, client_nodeid)
if new_req is None:
return [], "", False
for iecvar in subchild.GetLocations():
# absloute address - start address
relative_addr = iecvar["LOC"][3] - int(GetCTVal(subchild, 3))
# test if the located variable
# (a) has relative address in request specified range
# AND is NOT
# (b) is a flag added by this modbus plugin.
# We currently add 3 flags: An execution control flag
# and another two status flags.
# We add the "Execution Control Flag" to each client request (one flag per request)
# to allow the user program to control when to execute the request (if not executed periodically)
# While all Modbus registers/coils are mapped onto a location
# with 4 numbers (e.g. %QX0.1.2.55), this control flag is mapped
# onto a location with 4 numbers (e.g. %QX0., where the last
# two numbers are always '0.0', and the first two identify the request.
# In the following if, we check for this condition by checking
# if there are at least 4 or more number in the location's address.
if ( relative_addr in xrange(int(GetCTVal(subchild, 2))) # condition (a) explained above
and len(iecvar["LOC"]) < 5): # condition (b) explained above
if str(iecvar["NAME"]) not in loc_vars_list:
loc_vars.append("u16 *" + str(iecvar["NAME"]) + " = &client_requests[%d].plcv_buffer[%d];" % (client_requestid, relative_addr))
# Now add the located variable in case it is a flag (condition (b) above
if len(iecvar["LOC"]) >= 5: # condition (b) explained above
if str(iecvar["NAME"]) not in loc_vars_list:
# Add if it is a Execution Request Flag (mapped onto %QXa.b.c.0.0), so last number is a '0'
if iecvar["LOC"][4] == 0:
loc_vars.append("u8 *" + str(iecvar["NAME"]) + " = &client_requests[%d].flag_exec_req;" % (client_requestid))
# Add if it is a "Modbus Request Status flag" (mapped onto %QWa.b.c.0.1), so last number is a '1'
# -> will store the result of the last executed MB transaction
# 1 -> error accessing IP network, or serial interface
# 2 -> reply received from server was an invalid frame
# 3 -> server did not reply before timeout expired
# 4 -> server returned a valid Modbus error frame
# -> will be reset (set to 0) once this MB transaction has completed sucesfully
if iecvar["LOC"][4] == 1:
loc_vars.append("u8 *" + str(iecvar["NAME"]) + " = &client_requests[%d].flag_tn_error_code;" % (client_requestid))
# Add if it is a "Modbus Error code" (mapped onto %QWa.b.c.0.2), so last number is a '2'
# -> if "Modbus Request Status flag" is 4, this flag will store the MB error code returned by the MB server in a MB error frame
# -> will be reset (set to 0) once this MB transaction has completed succesfully
if iecvar["LOC"][4] == 2:
loc_vars.append("u8 *" + str(iecvar["NAME"]) + " = &client_requests[%d].flag_mb_error_code;" % (client_requestid))
client_requestid += 1
tcpclient_node_count += 1
client_nodeid += 1
if child.PlugType == "ModbusRTUclient":
rtuclient_reqs_count += len(child.IECSortedChildren())
new_node = GetRTUClientNodePrinted(self, child)
if new_node is None:
return [], "", False
for subchild in child.IECSortedChildren():
new_req = GetClientRequestPrinted(
self, subchild, client_nodeid)
if new_req is None:
return [], "", False
for iecvar in subchild.GetLocations():
# absloute address - start address
relative_addr = iecvar["LOC"][3] - int(GetCTVal(subchild, 3))
# test if the located variable
# (a) has relative address in request specified range
# AND is NOT
# (b) is a flag added by this modbus plugin.
# We currently add 3 flags: An execution control flag
# and another two status flags.
# We add the "Execution Control Flag" to each client request (one flag per request)
# to allow the user program to control when to execute the request (if not executed periodically)
# While all Modbus registers/coils are mapped onto a location
# with 4 numbers (e.g. %QX0.1.2.55), this control flag is mapped
# onto a location with 4 numbers (e.g. %QX0., where the last
# two numbers are always '0.0', and the first two identify the request.
# In the following if, we check for this condition by checking
# if there are at least 4 or more number in the location's address.
if ( relative_addr in xrange(int(GetCTVal(subchild, 2))) # condition (a) explained above
and len(iecvar["LOC"]) < 5): # condition (b) explained above
if str(iecvar["NAME"]) not in loc_vars_list:
"u16 *" + str(iecvar["NAME"]) + " = &client_requests[%d].plcv_buffer[%d];" % (client_requestid, relative_addr))
# Now add the located variable in case it is a flag (condition (b) above
if len(iecvar["LOC"]) >= 5: # condition (b) explained above
if str(iecvar["NAME"]) not in loc_vars_list:
# Add if it is a Execution Request Flag (mapped onto %QXa.b.c.0.0), so last number is a '0'
if iecvar["LOC"][4] == 0:
loc_vars.append("u8 *" + str(iecvar["NAME"]) + " = &client_requests[%d].flag_exec_req;" % (client_requestid))
# Add if it is a "Modbus Request Status flag" (mapped onto %QWa.b.c.0.1), so last number is a '1'
# -> will store the result of the last executed MB transaction
# 1 -> error accessing IP network, or serial interface
# 2 -> reply received from server was an invalid frame
# 3 -> server did not reply before timeout expired
# 4 -> server returned a valid Modbus error frame
# -> will be reset (set to 0) once this MB transaction has completed sucesfully
if iecvar["LOC"][4] == 1:
loc_vars.append("u8 *" + str(iecvar["NAME"]) + " = &client_requests[%d].flag_tn_error_code;" % (client_requestid))
# Add if it is a "Modbus Error code" (mapped onto %QWa.b.c.0.2), so last number is a '2'
# -> if "Modbus Request Status flag" is 4, this flag will store the MB error code returned by the MB server in a MB error frame
# -> will be reset (set to 0) once this MB transaction has completed succesfully
if iecvar["LOC"][4] == 2:
loc_vars.append("u8 *" + str(iecvar["NAME"]) + " = &client_requests[%d].flag_mb_error_code;" % (client_requestid))
client_requestid += 1
rtuclient_node_count += 1
client_nodeid += 1
nodeid += 1
loc_dict["loc_vars"] = "\n".join(loc_vars)
loc_dict["server_nodes_params"] = ",\n\n".join(server_node_list)
loc_dict["client_nodes_params"] = ",\n\n".join(client_node_list)
loc_dict["client_req_params"] = ",\n\n".join(client_request_list)
loc_dict["tcpclient_reqs_count"] = str(tcpclient_reqs_count)
loc_dict["tcpclient_node_count"] = str(tcpclient_node_count)
loc_dict["tcpserver_node_count"] = str(tcpserver_node_count)
loc_dict["rtuclient_reqs_count"] = str(rtuclient_reqs_count)
loc_dict["rtuclient_node_count"] = str(rtuclient_node_count)
loc_dict["rtuserver_node_count"] = str(rtuserver_node_count)
loc_dict["ascclient_reqs_count"] = str(ascclient_reqs_count)
loc_dict["ascclient_node_count"] = str(ascclient_node_count)
loc_dict["ascserver_node_count"] = str(ascserver_node_count)
loc_dict["total_tcpnode_count"] = str(total_node_count[0])
loc_dict["total_rtunode_count"] = str(total_node_count[1])
loc_dict["total_ascnode_count"] = str(total_node_count[2])
loc_dict["max_remote_tcpclient"] = int(
# get template file content into a string, format it with dict
# and write it to proper .h file
mb_main = open(h_filename).read() % loc_dict
f = open(Gen_MB_h_path, 'w')
# same thing as above, but now to .c file
mb_main = open(c_filename).read() % loc_dict
f = open(Gen_MB_c_path, 'w')
LDFLAGS.append(" \"-L" + ModbusPath + "\"")
LDFLAGS.append(" \"" + os.path.join(ModbusPath, "libmb.a") + "\"")
LDFLAGS.append(" \"-Wl,-rpath," + ModbusPath + "\"")
# LDFLAGS.append("\"" + os.path.join(ModbusPath, "mb_slave_and_master.o") + "\"")
# LDFLAGS.append("\"" + os.path.join(ModbusPath, "mb_slave.o") + "\"")
# LDFLAGS.append("\"" + os.path.join(ModbusPath, "mb_master.o") + "\"")
# LDFLAGS.append("\"" + os.path.join(ModbusPath, "mb_tcp.o") + "\"")
# LDFLAGS.append("\"" + os.path.join(ModbusPath, "mb_rtu.o") + "\"")
# LDFLAGS.append("\"" + os.path.join(ModbusPath, "mb_ascii.o") + "\"")
# LDFLAGS.append("\"" + os.path.join(ModbusPath, "sin_util.o") + "\"")
# Target is ARM with linux and not win on x86 so winsock2 (ws2_32) library is useless !!!
# if == 'nt': # other possible values: 'posix' 'os2' 'ce' 'java' 'riscos'
# LDFLAGS.append(" -lws2_32 ") # on windows we need to load winsock
# library!
websettingfile = open(paths.AbsNeighbourFile(__file__, ""), 'r')
websettingcode =
location_str = "_".join(map(str, self.GetCurrentLocation()))
websettingcode = websettingcode % locals()
runtimefile_path = os.path.join(buildpath, "")
runtimefile = open(runtimefile_path, 'w')
return ([(Gen_MB_c_path, ' -I"' + ModbusPath + '"')], LDFLAGS, True,
("" % location_str, open(runtimefile_path, "rb")),