PY_EXT: fix exception with CSV loading.
Template C code used to produce target Ethercat C CIA402 code
Copyright (C) 2011-2014: Laurent BESSARD, Edouard TISSERANT
RTES Lab : CRKim, JBLee, youcu
Higen Motor : Donggu Kang
Distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
See COPYING file for copyrights details.
#include "ecrt.h"
#include "beremiz.h"
#include "iec_types_all.h"
#include "accessor.h"
#include "POUS.h"
/* From CiA402, page 27
Table 30 - State coding
Statusword | PDS FSA state
xxxx xxxx x0xx 0000 | Not ready to switch on
xxxx xxxx x1xx 0000 | Switch on disabled
xxxx xxxx x01x 0001 | Ready to switch on
xxxx xxxx x01x 0011 | Switched on
xxxx xxxx x01x 0111 | Operation enabled
xxxx xxxx x00x 0111 | Quick stop active
xxxx xxxx x0xx 1111 | Fault reaction active
xxxx xxxx x0xx 1000 | Fault
/* From CiA402, Page 63 Statusword for homing mode
Table 106 - Definition of bit 10, bit 12, bit 13
xx00 x0xx xxxx xxxx | Homing procedure is in progress
xx00 x1xx xxxx xxxx | Homing procedure is interrupted or not started
xx01 x0xx xxxx xxxx | Homing is attained, but target is not reached
xx01 x1xx xxxx xxxx | Homing procedure is completed successfully
xx10 x0xx xxxx xxxx | Homing error occurred, velocity is not 0
xx10 x1xx xxxx xxxx | Homing error occurred, velocity is 0
xx11 xxxx xxxx xxxx | reserved
#define FSAFromStatusWord(SW) (SW & 0x006f)
#define HomingStatusWord(SW) (SW & 0x3400)
#define FaultFromStatusWord(SW) (SW & 0x0008)
#define NotReadyToSwitchOn 0b00000000 FSA_sep 0b00100000
#define SwitchOnDisabled 0b01000000 FSA_sep 0b01100000
#define ReadyToSwitchOn 0b00100001
#define SwitchedOn 0b00100011
#define OperationEnabled 0b00100111
#define QuickStopActive 0b00000111
#define FaultReactionActive 0b00001111 FSA_sep 0b00101111
#define Fault 0b00001000 FSA_sep 0b00101000
#define HomingInProgress 0b0000000000000000
#define HomingNotRunning 0b0000010000000000
#define HomingNotReached 0b0001000000000000
#define Homing_Completed 0b0001010000000000
#define HomingErrorInVelo 0b0010000000000000
#define HomingErrorNotVelo 0b0010010000000000
#define HomingReserved 0b0011000000000000 FSA_sep 0b0011010000000000
// StatusWord bits :
#define SW_ReadyToSwitchOn 0x0001
#define SW_SwitchedOn 0x0002
#define SW_OperationEnabled 0x0004
#define SW_Fault 0x0008
#define SW_VoltageEnabled 0x0010
#define SW_QuickStop 0x0020
#define SW_SwitchOnDisabled 0x0040
#define SW_Warning 0x0080
#define SW_Remote 0x0200
#define SW_TargetReached 0x0400
#define SW_InternalLimitActive 0x0800
#define SW_HomingAttained 0x1000
#define SW_HomingError 0x2000
// ControlWord bits :
#define SwitchOn 0x0001
#define EnableVoltage 0x0002
#define QuickStop 0x0004
#define EnableOperation 0x0008
#define FaultReset 0x0080
#define Halt 0x0100
//#define Homing_OperationStart 0x0010
#define Homing_OperationStart_Origin 0x0010
#define Homing_OperationStart_Edit 0x001F
IEC_INT beremiz__IW%(location)s = %(slave_pos)s;
IEC_INT *__IW%(location)s = &beremiz__IW%(location)s;
IEC_INT beremiz__IW%(location)s_402;
IEC_INT *__IW%(location)s_402 = &beremiz__IW%(location)s_402;
static IEC_BOOL __FirstTick = 1;
typedef enum {
mc_mode_none, // No motion mode
mc_mode_csp, // Continuous Synchronous Positionning mode
mc_mode_csv, // Continuous Synchronous Velocity mode
mc_mode_cst, // Continuous Synchronous Torque mode
} mc_axismotionmode_enum;
typedef struct {
IEC_BOOL CommunicationReady;
IEC_UINT NetworkPosition;
IEC_BOOL ReadyForPowerOn;
IEC_BOOL PowerFeedback;
IEC_DINT ActualRawPosition;
IEC_DINT ActualRawVelocity;
IEC_DINT ActualRawTorque;
IEC_DINT RawPositionSetPoint;
IEC_DINT RawVelocitySetPoint;
IEC_DINT RawTorqueSetPoint;
mc_axismotionmode_enum AxisMotionMode;
IEC_LREAL ActualVelocity;
IEC_LREAL ActualPosition;
IEC_LREAL ActualTorque;
typedef struct {
axis_s* axis;
} __CIA402Node;
#define AxsPub __CIA402Node_%(location)s
static __CIA402Node AxsPub;
int __init_%(location)s()
__FirstTick = 1;
return 0;
void __cleanup_%(location)s()
void __retrieve_%(location)s()
if (__FirstTick) {
*__IW%(location)s_402 = __MK_Alloc_AXIS_REF();
AxsPub.axis =
AxsPub.axis->NetworkPosition = beremiz__IW%(location)s;
__FirstTick = 0;
// Default variables retrieve
AxsPub.axis->CommunicationReady =
*(AxsPub.StatusWord) != 0;
#define FSA_sep || FSA ==
uint16_t FSA = FSAFromStatusWord(*(AxsPub.StatusWord));
AxsPub.axis->ReadyForPowerOn = FSA == ReadyToSwitchOn;
AxsPub.axis->PowerFeedback = FSA == OperationEnabled;
#undef FSA_sep
// Extra variables retrieve
void __publish_%(location)s()
IEC_BOOL power =
((*(AxsPub.StatusWord) & SW_VoltageEnabled) != 0)
&& AxsPub.axis->Power;
uint16_t CW = *(AxsPub.ControlWord);
#define FSA_sep : case
// CIA402 node state transition computation
switch (FSAFromStatusWord(*(AxsPub.StatusWord))) {
case SwitchOnDisabled :
CW &= ~(SwitchOn | FaultReset);
CW |= EnableVoltage | QuickStop;
case ReadyToSwitchOn :
case OperationEnabled :
if (!power) {
CW &= ~(FaultReset | EnableOperation);
CW |= SwitchOn | EnableVoltage | QuickStop;
case SwitchedOn :
if (power) {
CW &= ~(FaultReset);
CW |= SwitchOn | EnableVoltage | QuickStop | EnableOperation;
// case Fault :
// /* TODO reset fault only when MC_Reset */
// AxsPub.axis->DriveFault = 1;
// CW &= ~(SwitchOn | EnableVoltage | QuickStop | EnableOperation);
// CW |= FaultReset;
// break;
if(FaultFromStatusWord(*(AxsPub.StatusWord)) == SW_Fault)
AxsPub.axis->DriveFault = 1;
AxsPub.axis->DriveFault = 0;
AxsPub.axis->DriveFaultReset = 0;
CW &= ~(SwitchOn | EnableVoltage | QuickStop | EnableOperation);
CW |= FaultReset;
switch (HomingStatusWord(*(AxsPub.StatusWord))) {
case HomingInProgress:
case HomingNotRunning:
case HomingNotReached:
case Homing_Completed:
AxsPub.axis->HomingCompleted = 1;
case HomingErrorInVelo:
case HomingErrorNotVelo:
AxsPub.axis->HomingCompleted = 1;
case HomingReserved:
#undef FSA_sep
*(AxsPub.ControlWord) = CW;
// CIA402 node modes of operation computation according to axis motion mode
// Default variables publish
// Extra variables publish