author Andrey Skvortsov <>
Wed, 13 Mar 2019 15:43:45 +0300
changeset 2543 2befed4d6ca8
parent 2015 4eeefc6a13fd
child 3750 f62625418bff
permissions -rw-r--r--
Fix Pyro work with SSL wrapper (sslpsk)

Following error was shown in Beremiz console:
PYRO connecting to URI : PYROS://
Exception while connecting to 'PYROS://': non-zero flags not allowed in calls to recv() on <class 'ssl.SSLSocket'>
Connection failed to PYROS://!

Reason is that Pyro calls socket recv() with MSGWAITALL flag, that causes ValueError exception.
recv(), recv_into() (but passing a non-zero flags argument is not allowed)
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# See COPYING.Runtime file for copyrights details.

from __future__ import absolute_import
from ctypes import CDLL, RTLD_GLOBAL, pointer, c_int, POINTER, c_char, create_string_buffer

def TryPreloadXenomai():
    Xenomai 3 (at least for version <= 3.0.6) do not handle properly dlclose
    of shared objects whose dlopen did trigger xenomai_init.
    As a workaround, this pre-loads xenomai libraries that need to be
    initialized and call xenomai_init once for all.

    Xenomai auto init of libs MUST be disabled (see --auto-init-solib in xeno-config)
        for name in ["cobalt", "modechk", "copperplate", "alchemy"]:
            globals()[name] = CDLL("lib"+name+".so", mode=RTLD_GLOBAL)
        cobalt.xenomai_init(pointer(c_int(0)), pointer((POINTER(c_char)*2)(create_string_buffer("prog_name"), None)))
    except Exception: