author Edouard Tisserant <edouard.tisserant@gmail.com>
Tue, 22 Mar 2022 14:50:46 +0100
changeset 3442 29dbdb09da2e
parent 3438 24fbd4d1fe80
child 3527 fbe924df437b
permissions -rw-r--r--
Tests: fix project edit test sikuli IDE test.

Background click based on bitmap matching doesn't work.
Grid dots are not good match candidates.
Rendering probably affected by virtual display's bpp or rasterizer approximations.
#! gmake

# beremiz/tests/Makefile :
#   Makefile to prepare and run Beremiz tests.
#   For developper to:
#       - quickly run a test (TDD) on current code 
#       - write new tests, debug existing tests 
#     Use cases :
#       run given tests
#           $ make run_python_exemple.sikuli
#       run tests from particular test classes
#           $ make ide_tests
#       run one particular test in a Xnest window
#           $ make xnest_run_python_exemple.sikuli
#       run Xnest window with just xterm
#           $ make xnest_xterm
#       run Xnest window with sikuli IDE and xterm
#           $ make xnest_sikuli
#       build minimal beremiz and matiec to run tests
#           $ make own_apps
#   For CI/CD scripts to catch and report all failures. Use cases :
#       run all tests
#           $ make
#   Test results, and other test byproducts are in $(test_dir), 
#   $(test_dir) defaults to $(HOME)/test and can be overloaded:
#       $ make test_dir=${HOME}/other_test_dir
#   Makefile attemps to use xvfb-run to run each test individually with its own
#   X server instance. This behavior can be overloaded
#       $ DISPLAY=:42 make xserver_command='echo "Using $DISPLAY X Server !";'
#   Matiec and Beremiz code are expected to be clean, ready to build
#   Any change in Matiec directory triggers rebuild of matiec.
#   Any change in Matiec and Beremiz directory triggers copy of source code
#   to $(test_dir)/build.
#   BEREMIZPYTHONPATH is expected to be absolute path to python interpreter
#   Please note:
#       In order to run asside a freshly build Matiec, tested beremiz instance
#       needs to run on code from $(test_dir)/build/beremiz, a fresh copy
#       of the Beremiz directory $(src)/beremiz, where we run tests from.

all: source_check cli_tests ide_tests runtime_tests 

# Variable $(src) is directory such that executed 
# $(src)/Makefile is this file.
src := $(abspath $(dir $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))))

# $(workspace) is directory containing this project
workspace ?= $(abspath $(src)/../..)

test_dir ?= $(HOME)/test
build_dir = $(test_dir)/build

OWN_PROJECTS=beremiz matiec

tar_opts=--absolute-names --exclude=.hg --exclude=.git --exclude=.*.pyc --exclude=.*.swp

# sha1 checksum of source is used to force copy/compile on each change

define make_checksum_assign
$(1)_checksum = $(shell tar $(tar_opts) -c $(workspace)/$(1) | sha1sum | cut -d ' ' -f 1)
$(foreach project,$(OWN_PROJECTS),$(eval $(call make_checksum_assign,$(project))))

	mkdir -p $(build_dir)

define make_src_rule
$(build_dir)/$(1)/$($(1)_checksum).sha1: $(build_dir) $(workspace)/$(1)
	rm -rf $(build_dir)/$(1)
	tar -C $(workspace) $(tar_opts) -c $(1) | tar -C $(build_dir) -x
	#cp -a $(workspace)/$(1) $(build_dir)/$(1)
	touch $$@
$(foreach project,$(OWN_PROJECTS),$(eval $(call make_src_rule,$(project))))

$(build_dir)/matiec/iec2c: | $(build_dir)/matiec/$(matiec_checksum).sha1
	cd $(build_dir)/matiec && \
    autoreconf -i && \
    ./configure && \

# TODO: use packge (deb/snap ?)
own_apps: $(build_dir)/matiec/iec2c $(build_dir)/beremiz/$(beremiz_checksum).sha1
	touch $@

ide_test_dir = $(src)/ide_tests
sikuli_ide_tests = $(subst $(ide_test_dir)/,,$(wildcard $(ide_test_dir)/*.sikuli))
pytest_ide_tests = $(subst $(ide_test_dir)/,,$(wildcard $(ide_test_dir)/*.pytest))

define sikuli_idetest_command
	(fluxbox >/dev/null 2>&1 &); BEREMIZPATH=$(build_dir)/beremiz sikulix -r $(src)/ide_tests/$(1) | tee test_stdout.txt; exit $$$${PIPESTATUS[0]}

define pytest_idetest_command
	(fluxbox >/dev/null 2>&1 &); PYTHONPATH=$(ide_test_dir) timeout -k $(KILL_DELAY) $(DELAY) $(PYTEST) --maxfail=1 --timeout=100  $(src)/ide_tests/$(1) | tee test_stdout.txt; exit $$$${PIPESTATUS[0]}

# Xnest based interactive sessions for tests edit and debug. 
# Would be nice with something equivalent to xvfb-run, waiting for USR1.
# Arbitrary "sleep 1" is probably enough for interactive use
define xnest_run
	Xnest :42 -geometry 1920x1080+0+0 & export xnestpid=$$!; sleep 1; DISPLAY=:42 $(1); export res=$$?; kill $${xnestpid} 2>/dev/null; exit $${res}

define prep_test
	rm -rf $(test_dir)/$(1)_idetest
	mkdir $(test_dir)/$(1)_idetest
	cd $(test_dir)/$(1)_idetest

xserver_command ?= xvfb-run -s '-screen 0 1920x1080x24'

define make_idetest_rule
$(test_dir)/$(1)_idetest/.passed: own_apps
	$(call prep_test,$(1)); $(xserver_command) bash -c '$(call $(2),$(1))'
	touch $$@

# Manually invoked rule {testname}.sikuli
$(1): $(test_dir)/$(1)_idetest/.passed

# Manually invoked rule xnest_{testname}.sikuli
# runs test in xnest so that one can see what happens
xnest_$(1): own_apps
	$(call prep_test,$(1)); $$(call xnest_run, bash -c '$(call $(2),$(1))')

ide_tests_targets += $(test_dir)/$(1)_idetest/.passed
$(foreach idetest,$(sikuli_ide_tests),$(eval $(call make_idetest_rule,$(idetest),sikuli_idetest_command)))
$(foreach idetest,$(pytest_ide_tests),$(eval $(call make_idetest_rule,$(idetest),pytest_idetest_command)))

ide_tests : $(ide_tests_targets)
	echo "$(ide_tests_targets) : Passed"

xnest_xterm: own_apps
	$(call xnest_run, bash -c '(fluxbox &);xterm')

xnest_sikuli: own_apps
	$(call xnest_run, bash -c '(fluxbox &);(BEREMIZPATH=$(build_dir)/beremiz xterm -e sikulix &);xterm')

xvfb_sikuli: own_apps
	echo "******************************************"
	echo "On host, run 'xvncviewer' to see sikuli X session"
	echo "Docker container must be created with TESTDEBUG=YES. For example :"
	echo "./clean_docker_container.sh && ./build_docker_image.sh && TESTDEBUG=YES ./create_docker_container.sh && ./build_in_docker.sh xvfb_sikuli"
	echo "******************************************"
	$(xserver_command) bash -c '(fluxbox &);(x11vnc &);(BEREMIZPATH=$(build_dir)/beremiz xterm -e sikulix &);xterm'

	rm -rf $(ide_tests_targets) $(build_dir)

# TODOs 

	echo TODO $@

cli_tests :
	echo TODO $@

	echo TODO $@