author Edouard Tisserant
Thu, 12 Apr 2018 16:29:43 +0200
changeset 1980 28a369bb2676
parent 1919 ccea0fa6ea91
child 2019 92f02bb17c7e
permissions -rw-r--r--
Apply new RT Pipes API from Xenomai 3
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# This file is part of Beremiz, a Integrated Development Environment for
# programming IEC 61131-3 automates supporting plcopen standard and CanFestival.
# Copyright (c) 2016 Mario de Sousa (
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
# This code is made available on the understanding that it will not be
# used in safety-critical situations without a full and competent review.

# dictionary implementing:
# key   - string with the description we want in the request plugin GUI
# tuple - (modbus function number, request type, max count value,
# data_type, bit_size)
modbus_function_dict = {
    "01 - Read Coils":                ('1',  'req_input', 2000, "BOOL",  1, "Q", "X", "Coil"),
    "02 - Read Input Discretes":      ('2',  'req_input', 2000, "BOOL",  1, "I", "X", "Input Discrete"),
    "03 - Read Holding Registers":    ('3',  'req_input',  125, "WORD", 16, "Q", "W", "Holding Register"),
    "04 - Read Input Registers":      ('4',  'req_input',  125, "WORD", 16, "I", "W", "Input Register"),
    "05 - Write Single coil":         ('5', 'req_output',    1, "BOOL",  1, "Q", "X", "Coil"),
    "06 - Write Single Register":     ('6', 'req_output',    1, "WORD", 16, "Q", "W", "Holding Register"),
    "15 - Write Multiple Coils":     ('15', 'req_output', 1968, "BOOL",  1, "Q", "X", "Coil"),
    "16 - Write Multiple Registers": ('16', 'req_output',  123, "WORD", 16, "Q", "W", "Holding Register")}

# Configuration tree value acces helper
def GetCTVal(child, index):
    return child.GetParamsAttributes()[0]["children"][index]["value"]

# Configuration tree value acces helper, for multiple values
def GetCTVals(child, indexes):
    return map(lambda index: GetCTVal(child, index), indexes)

def GetTCPServerNodePrinted(self, child):
    Outputs a string to be used on C files
    params: child - the correspondent subplugin in Beremiz
    node_init_template = '''/*node %(locnodestr)s*/
{"%(locnodestr)s", %(slaveid)s, {naf_tcp, {.tcp = {%(host)s, "%(port)s", DEF_CLOSE_ON_SILENCE}}}, -1 /* mb_nd */, 0 /* init_state */}'''

    location = ".".join(map(str, child.GetCurrentLocation()))
    host, port, slaveid = GetCTVals(child, range(3))
    if host == "#ANY#":
        host = 'INADDR_ANY'
        host = '"' + host + '"'
    # slaveid = GetCTVal(child, 2)
    # if int(slaveid) not in xrange(256):
        # self.GetCTRoot().logger.write_error("Error: Wrong slave ID in %s server node\nModbus Plugin C code returns empty\n"%location)
        # return None

    node_dict = {"locnodestr": location,
                 "host": host,
                 "port": port,
                 "slaveid": slaveid}
    return node_init_template % node_dict

def GetTCPServerMemAreaPrinted(self, child, nodeid):
    Outputs a string to be used on C files
    params: child - the correspondent subplugin in Beremiz
            nodeid - on C code, each request has it's own parent node (sequential, 0..NUMBER_OF_NODES)
                     It's this parameter.
    return: None - if any definition error found
            The string that should be added on C code - if everything goes allright
    request_dict = {}

    request_dict["locreqstr"] = "_".join(map(str, child.GetCurrentLocation()))
    request_dict["nodeid"] = str(nodeid)
    request_dict["address"] = GetCTVal(child, 2)
    if int(request_dict["address"]) not in xrange(65536):
            "Modbus plugin: Invalid Start Address in server memory area node %(locreqstr)s (Must be in the range [0..65535])\nModbus plugin: Aborting C code generation for this node\n" % request_dict)
        return None
    request_dict["count"] = GetCTVal(child, 1)
    if int(request_dict["count"]) not in xrange(1, 65536):
            "Modbus plugin: Invalid number of channels in server memory area node %(locreqstr)s (Must be in the range [1..65536-start_address])\nModbus plugin: Aborting C code generation for this node\n" % request_dict)
        return None
    if (int(request_dict["address"]) + int(request_dict["count"])) not in xrange(1, 65537):
            "Modbus plugin: Invalid number of channels in server memory area node %(locreqstr)s (Must be in the range [1..65536-start_address])\nModbus plugin: Aborting C code generation for this node\n" % request_dict)
        return None

    return ""

modbus_serial_baudrate_list = [
    "110", "300", "600", "1200", "2400", "4800", "9600", "19200", "38400", "57600", "115200"]
modbus_serial_stopbits_list = ["1", "2"]
modbus_serial_parity_dict = {"none": 0, "odd": 1, "even": 2}

def GetRTUSlaveNodePrinted(self, child):
    Outputs a string to be used on C files
    params: child - the correspondent subplugin in Beremiz
    node_init_template = '''/*node %(locnodestr)s*/
{"%(locnodestr)s", %(slaveid)s, {naf_rtu, {.rtu = {"%(device)s", %(baud)s /*baud*/, %(parity)s /*parity*/, 8 /*data bits*/, %(stopbits)s, 0 /* ignore echo */}}}, -1 /* mb_nd */, 0 /* init_state */}'''

    location = ".".join(map(str, child.GetCurrentLocation()))
    device, baud, parity, stopbits, slaveid = GetCTVals(child, range(5))

    node_dict = {"locnodestr": location,
                 "device": device,
                 "baud": baud,
                 "parity": modbus_serial_parity_dict[parity],
                 "stopbits": stopbits,
                 "slaveid": slaveid}
    return node_init_template % node_dict

def GetRTUClientNodePrinted(self, child):
    Outputs a string to be used on C files
    params: child - the correspondent subplugin in Beremiz
    node_init_template = '''/*node %(locnodestr)s*/
{"%(locnodestr)s", {naf_rtu, {.rtu = {"%(device)s", %(baud)s /*baud*/, %(parity)s /*parity*/, 8 /*data bits*/, %(stopbits)s, 0 /* ignore echo */}}}, -1 /* mb_nd */, 0 /* init_state */, %(coms_period)s /* communication period */}'''

    location = ".".join(map(str, child.GetCurrentLocation()))
    device, baud, parity, stopbits, coms_period = GetCTVals(child, range(5))

    node_dict = {"locnodestr": location,
                 "device": device,
                 "baud": baud,
                 "parity": modbus_serial_parity_dict[parity],
                 "stopbits": stopbits,
                 "coms_period": coms_period}
    return node_init_template % node_dict

def GetTCPClientNodePrinted(self, child):
    Outputs a string to be used on C files
    params: child - the correspondent subplugin in Beremiz
    node_init_template = '''/*node %(locnodestr)s*/
{"%(locnodestr)s", {naf_tcp, {.tcp = {"%(host)s", "%(port)s", DEF_CLOSE_ON_SILENCE}}}, -1 /* mb_nd */, 0 /* init_state */, %(coms_period)s /* communication period */, 0 /* prev_error */}'''

    location = ".".join(map(str, child.GetCurrentLocation()))
    host, port, coms_period = GetCTVals(child, range(3))

    node_dict = {"locnodestr": location,
                 "host": host,
                 "port": port,
                 "coms_period": coms_period}
    return node_init_template % node_dict

def GetClientRequestPrinted(self, child, nodeid):
    Outputs a string to be used on C files
    params: child - the correspondent subplugin in Beremiz
            nodeid - on C code, each request has it's own parent node (sequential, 0..NUMBER_OF_NODES)
                     It's this parameter.
    return: None - if any definition error found
            The string that should be added on C code - if everything goes allright

    req_init_template = '''/*request %(locreqstr)s*/
{"%(locreqstr)s", %(nodeid)s, %(slaveid)s, %(iotype)s, %(func_nr)s, %(address)s , %(count)s,
DEF_REQ_SEND_RETRIES, 0 /* error_code */, 0 /* prev_code */, {%(timeout_s)d, %(timeout_ns)d} /* timeout */,
{%(buffer)s}, {%(buffer)s}}'''

    timeout = int(GetCTVal(child, 4))
    timeout_s = int(timeout / 1000)
    timeout_ms = timeout - (timeout_s * 1000)
    timeout_ns = timeout_ms * 1000000

    request_dict = {
        "locreqstr": "_".join(map(str, child.GetCurrentLocation())),
        "nodeid": str(nodeid),
        "slaveid": GetCTVal(child, 1),
        "address": GetCTVal(child, 3),
        "count": GetCTVal(child, 2),
        "timeout": timeout,
        "timeout_s": timeout_s,
        "timeout_ns": timeout_ns,
        "buffer": ",".join(['0'] * int(GetCTVal(child, 2))),
        "func_nr": modbus_function_dict[GetCTVal(child, 0)][0],
        "iotype": modbus_function_dict[GetCTVal(child, 0)][1],
        "maxcount": modbus_function_dict[GetCTVal(child, 0)][2]}

    if int(request_dict["slaveid"]) not in xrange(256):
            "Modbus plugin: Invalid slaveID in TCP client request node %(locreqstr)s (Must be in the range [0..255])\nModbus plugin: Aborting C code generation for this node\n" % request_dict)
        return None
    if int(request_dict["address"]) not in xrange(65536):
            "Modbus plugin: Invalid Start Address in TCP client request node %(locreqstr)s (Must be in the range [0..65535])\nModbus plugin: Aborting C code generation for this node\n" % request_dict)
        return None
    if int(request_dict["count"]) not in xrange(1, 1 + int(request_dict["maxcount"])):
            "Modbus plugin: Invalid number of channels in TCP client request node %(locreqstr)s (Must be in the range [1..%(maxcount)s])\nModbus plugin: Aborting C code generation for this node\n" % request_dict)
        return None
    if (int(request_dict["address"]) + int(request_dict["count"])) not in xrange(1, 65537):
            "Modbus plugin: Invalid number of channels in TCP client request node %(locreqstr)s (start_address + nr_channels must be less than 65536)\nModbus plugin: Aborting C code generation for this node\n" % request_dict)
        return None

    return req_init_template % request_dict