SVGHMI: Add inhibition to widget's apply_hmi_value() so that it does not change variable more frquently than given widget's frequency. This prevents flooding network with many update if browser is producing events at high rate, as for exemple when dragging ScrollBar's cursor.
// widget_display.ysl2
template "widget[@type='Display']", mode="widget_class"
class DisplayWidget extends Widget{
frequency = 5;
dispatch(value, oldval, index) {
this.fields[index] = value;
this.element.textContent = this.args.length == 1 ? vsprintf(this.args[0],this.fields) : this.fields.join(' ');
template "widget[@type='Display']", mode="widget_defs" {
param "hmi_element";
if "$hmi_element[not(self::svg:text)]"
error > Display Widget id="«$hmi_element/@id»" is not a svg::text element
const "field_initializer" foreach "path" {
when "@type='HMI_STRING'" > ""
otherwise > 0
if "position()!=last()" > ,
| fields: [«$field_initializer»],
emit "preamble:display"
/* */
/* global window, exports, define */
!function() {
'use strict'
var re = {
not_string: /[^s]/,
not_bool: /[^t]/,
not_type: /[^T]/,
not_primitive: /[^v]/,
number: /[diefg]/,
numeric_arg: /[bcdiefguxX]/,
json: /[j]/,
not_json: /[^j]/,
text: /^[^\x25]+/,
modulo: /^\x25{2}/,
placeholder: /^\x25(?:([1-9]\d*)\$|\(([^)]+)\))?(\+)?(0|'[^$])?(-)?(\d+)?(?:\.(\d+))?([b-gijostTuvxX])/,
key: /^([a-z_][a-z_\d]*)/i,
key_access: /^\.([a-z_][a-z_\d]*)/i,
index_access: /^\[(\d+)\]/,
sign: /^[+-]/
function sprintf(key) {
// `arguments` is not an array, but should be fine for this call
return sprintf_format(sprintf_parse(key), arguments)
function vsprintf(fmt, argv) {
return sprintf.apply(null, [fmt].concat(argv || []))
function sprintf_format(parse_tree, argv) {
var cursor = 1, tree_length = parse_tree.length, arg, output = '', i, k, ph, pad, pad_character, pad_length, is_positive, sign
for (i = 0; i < tree_length; i++) {
if (typeof parse_tree[i] === 'string') {
output += parse_tree[i]
else if (typeof parse_tree[i] === 'object') {
ph = parse_tree[i] // convenience purposes only
if (ph.keys) { // keyword argument
arg = argv[cursor]
for (k = 0; k < ph.keys.length; k++) {
if (arg == undefined) {
throw new Error(sprintf('[sprintf] Cannot access property "%s" of undefined value "%s"', ph.keys[k], ph.keys[k-1]))
arg = arg[ph.keys[k]]
else if (ph.param_no) { // positional argument (explicit)
arg = argv[ph.param_no]
else { // positional argument (implicit)
arg = argv[cursor++]
if (re.not_type.test(ph.type) && re.not_primitive.test(ph.type) && arg instanceof Function) {
arg = arg()
if (re.numeric_arg.test(ph.type) && (typeof arg !== 'number' && isNaN(arg))) {
throw new TypeError(sprintf('[sprintf] expecting number but found %T', arg))
if (re.number.test(ph.type)) {
is_positive = arg >= 0
switch (ph.type) {
case 'b':
arg = parseInt(arg, 10).toString(2)
case 'c':
arg = String.fromCharCode(parseInt(arg, 10))
case 'd':
case 'i':
arg = parseInt(arg, 10)
case 'j':
arg = JSON.stringify(arg, null, ph.width ? parseInt(ph.width) : 0)
case 'e':
arg = ph.precision ? parseFloat(arg).toExponential(ph.precision) : parseFloat(arg).toExponential()
case 'f':
arg = ph.precision ? parseFloat(arg).toFixed(ph.precision) : parseFloat(arg)
case 'g':
arg = ph.precision ? String(Number(arg.toPrecision(ph.precision))) : parseFloat(arg)
case 'o':
arg = (parseInt(arg, 10) >>> 0).toString(8)
case 's':
arg = String(arg)
arg = (ph.precision ? arg.substring(0, ph.precision) : arg)
case 't':
arg = String(!!arg)
arg = (ph.precision ? arg.substring(0, ph.precision) : arg)
case 'T':
arg =, -1).toLowerCase()
arg = (ph.precision ? arg.substring(0, ph.precision) : arg)
case 'u':
arg = parseInt(arg, 10) >>> 0
case 'v':
arg = arg.valueOf()
arg = (ph.precision ? arg.substring(0, ph.precision) : arg)
case 'x':
arg = (parseInt(arg, 10) >>> 0).toString(16)
case 'X':
arg = (parseInt(arg, 10) >>> 0).toString(16).toUpperCase()
if (re.json.test(ph.type)) {
output += arg
else {
if (re.number.test(ph.type) && (!is_positive || ph.sign)) {
sign = is_positive ? '+' : '-'
arg = arg.toString().replace(re.sign, '')
else {
sign = ''
pad_character = ph.pad_char ? ph.pad_char === '0' ? '0' : ph.pad_char.charAt(1) : ' '
pad_length = ph.width - (sign + arg).length
pad = ph.width ? (pad_length > 0 ? pad_character.repeat(pad_length) : '') : ''
output += ph.align ? sign + arg + pad : (pad_character === '0' ? sign + pad + arg : pad + sign + arg)
return output
var sprintf_cache = Object.create(null)
function sprintf_parse(fmt) {
if (sprintf_cache[fmt]) {
return sprintf_cache[fmt]
var _fmt = fmt, match, parse_tree = [], arg_names = 0
while (_fmt) {
if ((match = re.text.exec(_fmt)) !== null) {
else if ((match = re.modulo.exec(_fmt)) !== null) {
else if ((match = re.placeholder.exec(_fmt)) !== null) {
if (match[2]) {
arg_names |= 1
var field_list = [], replacement_field = match[2], field_match = []
if ((field_match = re.key.exec(replacement_field)) !== null) {
while ((replacement_field = replacement_field.substring(field_match[0].length)) !== '') {
if ((field_match = re.key_access.exec(replacement_field)) !== null) {
else if ((field_match = re.index_access.exec(replacement_field)) !== null) {
else {
throw new SyntaxError('[sprintf] failed to parse named argument key')
else {
throw new SyntaxError('[sprintf] failed to parse named argument key')
match[2] = field_list
else {
arg_names |= 2
if (arg_names === 3) {
throw new Error('[sprintf] mixing positional and named placeholders is not (yet) supported')
placeholder: match[0],
param_no: match[1],
keys: match[2],
sign: match[3],
pad_char: match[4],
align: match[5],
width: match[6],
precision: match[7],
type: match[8]
else {
throw new SyntaxError('[sprintf] unexpected placeholder')
_fmt = _fmt.substring(match[0].length)
return sprintf_cache[fmt] = parse_tree
* export to either browser or node.js
/* eslint-disable quote-props */
if (typeof exports !== 'undefined') {
exports['sprintf'] = sprintf
exports['vsprintf'] = vsprintf
if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {
window['sprintf'] = sprintf
window['vsprintf'] = vsprintf
if (typeof define === 'function' && define['amd']) {
define(function() {
return {
'sprintf': sprintf,
'vsprintf': vsprintf
/* eslint-enable quote-props */
}(); // eslint-disable-line