MQTT: WIP, subscibed topics have no "Retained" attribute.
Allow subscribed and published data models to be different, by removing "Retained" column.
// lists.ysl2
// compute list widget related constants
// for details, refer to :
// widget_list.ysl2
// widget_textlist.ysl2
// widget_textstulelist.ysl2
// List widgets
const "hmi_lists_descs", "$parsed_widgets/widget[@type = 'List']";
const "hmi_lists", "$hmi_elements[@id = $hmi_lists_descs/@id]";
// TextList widget
const "hmi_textlists_descs", "$parsed_widgets/widget[@type = 'TextList']";
const "hmi_textlists", "$hmi_elements[@id = $hmi_textlists_descs/@id]";
// TextStyleList widgets
const "hmi_textstylelists_descs", "$parsed_widgets/widget[@type = 'TextStyleList']";
const "hmi_textstylelists", "$hmi_elements[@id = $hmi_textstylelists_descs/@id]";
const "textstylelist_related" foreach "$hmi_textstylelists" list {
attrib "listid" value "@id";
foreach "func:refered_elements(.)" elt {
attrib "eltid" value "@id";
const "textstylelist_related_ns", "exsl:node-set($textstylelist_related)";