PYRO(S): Added timeout on client side to allow unfreezing IDE after some time when communication with target dropped
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of Beremiz
# Copyright (C) 2011-2014: Laurent BESSARD, Edouard TISSERANT
# RTES Lab : CRKim, JBLee, youcu
# Higen Motor : Donggu Kang
# See COPYING file for copyrights details.
from __future__ import absolute_import
import os
import shutil
import csv
from builtins import str as text
from lxml import etree
import wx
from xmlclass import *
from ConfigTreeNode import XSDSchemaErrorMessage
from etherlab.EthercatSlave import ExtractHexDecValue, ExtractName
from etherlab.EthercatMaster import _EthercatCTN
from etherlab.ConfigEditor import LibraryEditor, ETHERCAT_VENDOR, ETHERCAT_GROUP, ETHERCAT_DEVICE
ScriptDirectory = os.path.split(os.path.realpath(__file__))[0]
# --------------------------------------------------
# Ethercat ConfNode
# --------------------------------------------------
EtherCATInfoParser = GenerateParserFromXSD(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "EtherCATInfo.xsd"))
def EtherCATInfo_XPath(xpath):
return etree.XPath(xpath)
def HexDecValue(context, *args):
return str(ExtractHexDecValue(args[0][0]))
def EntryName(context, *args):
return ExtractName(args[0], args[1][0] if len(args) > 1 else None)
("Index", lambda x: "#x%4.4X" % int(x), "#x0000"),
("SubIndex", str, "0"),
("Name", str, ""),
("Type", str, ""),
("BitSize", int, 0),
("Access", str, ""),
("PDOMapping", str, ""),
("PDO index", str, ""),
("PDO name", str, ""),
("PDO type", str, "")]
class EntryListFactory(object):
def __init__(self, entries):
self.Entries = entries
def AddEntry(self, context, *args):
index, subindex = map(lambda x: int(x[0]), args[:2])
new_entry_infos = {
key: translate(arg[0]) if len(arg) > 0 else default
for (key, translate, default), arg
in zip(ENTRY_INFOS_KEYS, args)}
if (index, subindex) != (0, 0):
entry_infos = self.Entries.get((index, subindex))
if entry_infos is not None:
for param in ["PDO index", "PDO name", "PDO type"]:
value = new_entry_infos.get(param)
if value is not None:
entry_infos[param] = value
self.Entries[(index, subindex)] = new_entry_infos
entries_list_xslt = etree.parse(
os.path.join(ScriptDirectory, "entries_list.xslt"))
cls = EtherCATInfoParser.GetElementClass("DeviceType")
if cls:
profile_numbers_xpath = EtherCATInfo_XPath("Profile/ProfileNo")
def GetProfileNumbers(self):
return [number.text for number in profile_numbers_xpath(self)]
setattr(cls, "GetProfileNumbers", GetProfileNumbers)
def getCoE(self):
mailbox = self.getMailbox()
if mailbox is not None:
return mailbox.getCoE()
return None
setattr(cls, "getCoE", getCoE)
def GetEntriesList(self, limits=None):
entries = {}
factory = EntryListFactory(entries)
entries_list_xslt_tree = etree.XSLT(
entries_list_xslt, extensions={
("entries_list_ns", "AddEntry"): factory.AddEntry,
("entries_list_ns", "HexDecValue"): HexDecValue,
("entries_list_ns", "EntryName"): EntryName})
entries_list_xslt_tree(self, **dict(zip(
["min_index", "max_index"],
map(lambda x: etree.XSLT.strparam(str(x)),
limits if limits is not None else [0x0000, 0xFFFF])
return entries
setattr(cls, "GetEntriesList", GetEntriesList)
def GetSyncManagers(self):
sync_managers = []
for sync_manager in self.getSm():
sync_manager_infos = {}
for name, value in [("Name", sync_manager.getcontent()),
("Start Address", sync_manager.getStartAddress()),
("Default Size", sync_manager.getDefaultSize()),
("Control Byte", sync_manager.getControlByte()),
("Enable", sync_manager.getEnable())]:
if value is None:
value = ""
sync_manager_infos[name] = value
return sync_managers
setattr(cls, "GetSyncManagers", GetSyncManagers)
def GroupItemCompare(x, y):
if x["type"] == y["type"]:
if x["type"] == ETHERCAT_GROUP:
return cmp(x["order"], y["order"])
return cmp(x["name"], y["name"])
elif x["type"] == ETHERCAT_GROUP:
return -1
return 1
def SortGroupItems(group):
for item in group["children"]:
if item["type"] == ETHERCAT_GROUP:
class ModulesLibrary(object):
"column_label": _("PDO alignment"),
"column_size": 150,
"default": 8,
"description": _("Minimal size in bits between 2 pdo entries")
"column_label": _("Max entries by PDO"),
"column_size": 150,
"default": 255,
"description": _("""Maximal number of entries mapped in a PDO
including empty entries used for PDO alignment""")
"column_label": _("Creating new PDO"),
"column_size": 150,
"default": 0,
"description": _("""Adding a PDO not defined in default configuration
for mapping needed location variables
(1 if possible)""")
def __init__(self, path, parent_library=None):
self.Path = path
if not os.path.exists(self.Path):
self.ParentLibrary = parent_library
if parent_library is not None:
self.Library = None
def GetPath(self):
return self.Path
def GetModulesExtraParamsFilePath(self):
return os.path.join(self.Path, "modules_extra_params.cfg")
groups_xpath = EtherCATInfo_XPath("Descriptions/Groups/Group")
devices_xpath = EtherCATInfo_XPath("Descriptions/Devices/Device")
def LoadModules(self):
self.Library = {}
files = os.listdir(self.Path)
for file in files:
filepath = os.path.join(self.Path, file)
if os.path.isfile(filepath) and os.path.splitext(filepath)[-1] == ".xml":
self.modules_infos = None
xmlfile = open(filepath, 'r')
self.modules_infos, error = EtherCATInfoParser.LoadXMLString(
if error is not None:
XSDSchemaErrorMessage % (filepath + error))
except Exception as exc:
self.modules_infos, error = None, text(exc)
if self.modules_infos is not None:
vendor = self.modules_infos.getVendor()
vendor_category = self.Library.setdefault(
{"name": ExtractName(vendor.getName(), _("Miscellaneous")),
"groups": {}})
for group in self.groups_xpath(self.modules_infos):
group_type = group.getType()
"name": ExtractName(group.getName(), group_type),
"parent": group.getParentGroup(),
"order": group.getSortOrder(),
# "value": group.getcontent()["value"],
"devices": [],
for device in self.devices_xpath(self.modules_infos):
device_group = device.getGroupType()
if device_group not in vendor_category["groups"]:
raise ValueError("Not such group \"%s\"" % device_group)
(device.getType().getcontent(), device))
_("Couldn't load {a1} XML file:\n{a2}").format(a1=filepath, a2=error))
return self.Library
def GetModulesLibrary(self, profile_filter=None):
if self.Library is None:
library = []
for vendor_id, vendor in self.Library.iteritems():
groups = []
children_dict = {}
for group_type, group in vendor["groups"].iteritems():
group_infos = {"name": group["name"],
"order": group["order"],
"infos": None,
"children": children_dict.setdefault(group_type, [])}
device_dict = {}
for device_type, device in group["devices"]:
if profile_filter is None or profile_filter in device.GetProfileNumbers():
product_code = device.getType().getProductCode()
revision_number = device.getType().getRevisionNo()
module_infos = {"device_type": device_type,
"vendor": vendor_id,
"product_code": product_code,
"revision_number": revision_number}
module_infos.update(self.GetModuleExtraParams(vendor_id, product_code, revision_number))
device_infos = {"name": ExtractName(device.getName()),
"infos": module_infos,
"children": []}
device_type_occurrences = device_dict.setdefault(device_type, [])
for device_type_occurrences in device_dict.itervalues():
if len(device_type_occurrences) > 1:
for occurrence in device_type_occurrences:
occurrence["name"] += _(" (rev. %s)") % occurrence["infos"]["revision_number"]
if len(group_infos["children"]) > 0:
if group["parent"] is not None:
parent_children = children_dict.setdefault(group["parent"], [])
if len(groups) > 0:
library.append({"name": vendor["name"],
"infos": None,
"children": groups})
library.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(x["name"], y["name"]))
return library
def GetVendors(self):
return [(vendor_id, vendor["name"]) for vendor_id, vendor in self.Library.items()]
def GetModuleInfos(self, module_infos):
vendor = ExtractHexDecValue(module_infos["vendor"])
vendor_infos = self.Library.get(vendor)
if vendor_infos is not None:
for _group_name, group_infos in vendor_infos["groups"].iteritems():
for device_type, device_infos in group_infos["devices"]:
product_code = ExtractHexDecValue(device_infos.getType().getProductCode())
revision_number = ExtractHexDecValue(device_infos.getType().getRevisionNo())
if product_code == ExtractHexDecValue(module_infos["product_code"]) and \
revision_number == ExtractHexDecValue(module_infos["revision_number"]):
self.cntdevice = device_infos
self.cntdeviceType = device_type
return device_infos, self.GetModuleExtraParams(vendor, product_code, revision_number)
return None, None
def ImportModuleLibrary(self, filepath):
if os.path.isfile(filepath):
shutil.copy(filepath, self.Path)
return True
return False
def LoadModulesExtraParams(self):
self.ModulesExtraParams = {}
csvfile_path = self.GetModulesExtraParamsFilePath()
if os.path.exists(csvfile_path):
csvfile = open(csvfile_path, "rb")
sample =
dialect = csv.Sniffer().sniff(sample)
has_header = csv.Sniffer().has_header(sample)
reader = csv.reader(csvfile, dialect)
for row in reader:
if has_header:
has_header = False
params_values = {}
for (param, _param_infos), value in zip(
self.MODULES_EXTRA_PARAMS, row[3:]):
if value != "":
params_values[param] = int(value)
tuple(map(int, row[:3]))] = params_values
def SaveModulesExtraParams(self):
csvfile = open(self.GetModulesExtraParamsFilePath(), "wb")
extra_params = [param for param, _params_infos in self.MODULES_EXTRA_PARAMS]
writer = csv.writer(csvfile, delimiter=';')
writer.writerow(['Vendor', 'product_code', 'revision_number'] + extra_params)
for (vendor, product_code, revision_number), module_extra_params in self.ModulesExtraParams.iteritems():
writer.writerow([vendor, product_code, revision_number] +
[module_extra_params.get(param, '')
for param in extra_params])
def SetModuleExtraParam(self, vendor, product_code, revision_number, param, value):
vendor = ExtractHexDecValue(vendor)
product_code = ExtractHexDecValue(product_code)
revision_number = ExtractHexDecValue(revision_number)
module_infos = (vendor, product_code, revision_number)
self.ModulesExtraParams.setdefault(module_infos, {})
self.ModulesExtraParams[module_infos][param] = value
def GetModuleExtraParams(self, vendor, product_code, revision_number):
vendor = ExtractHexDecValue(vendor)
product_code = ExtractHexDecValue(product_code)
revision_number = ExtractHexDecValue(revision_number)
if self.ParentLibrary is not None:
extra_params = self.ParentLibrary.GetModuleExtraParams(vendor, product_code, revision_number)
extra_params = {}
extra_params.update(self.ModulesExtraParams.get((vendor, product_code, revision_number), {}))
for param, param_infos in self.MODULES_EXTRA_PARAMS:
extra_params.setdefault(param, param_infos["default"])
return extra_params
USERDATA_DIR = wx.StandardPaths.Get().GetUserDataDir()
if wx.Platform != '__WXMSW__':
USERDATA_DIR += '_files'
ModulesDatabase = ModulesLibrary(
os.path.join(USERDATA_DIR, "ethercat_modules"))
class RootClass(object):
CTNChildrenTypes = [("EthercatNode", _EthercatCTN, "Ethercat Master")]
EditorType = LibraryEditor
def __init__(self):
self.ModulesLibrary = None
def GetIconName(self):
return "Ethercat"
def GetModulesLibraryPath(self, project_path=None):
if project_path is None:
project_path = self.CTNPath()
return os.path.join(project_path, "modules")
def OnCTNSave(self, from_project_path=None):
if from_project_path is not None:
return True
def CTNGenerate_C(self, buildpath, locations):
return [], "", False
def LoadModulesLibrary(self):
if self.ModulesLibrary is None:
self.ModulesLibrary = ModulesLibrary(self.GetModulesLibraryPath(), ModulesDatabase)
def GetModulesDatabaseInstance(self):
return ModulesDatabase
def GetModulesLibraryInstance(self):
return self.ModulesLibrary
def GetModulesLibrary(self, profile_filter=None):
return self.ModulesLibrary.GetModulesLibrary(profile_filter)
def GetVendors(self):
return self.ModulesLibrary.GetVendors()
def GetModuleInfos(self, module_infos):
return self.ModulesLibrary.GetModuleInfos(module_infos)