author Andrey Skvortsov <>
Thu, 21 Apr 2016 17:47:35 +0300
changeset 1494 00910a8572d9
parent 811 66a8812457d6
child 3925 1d383b4c0a23
permissions -rw-r--r--
fix wrong Row number in that caused following traceback:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/beremiz/beremiz/", line 1536, in _Connect
dialog = DiscoveryDialog(self.AppFrame)
File "/home/beremiz/beremiz/dialogs/", line 124, in __init__
File "/home/beremiz/beremiz/dialogs/", line 121, in _init_ctrls
File "/home/beremiz/beremiz/dialogs/", line 73, in _init_sizers
File "/home/beremiz/beremiz/dialogs/", line 64, in _init_coll_ButtonGridSizer_Growables
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/wx-3.0-gtk2/wx/", line 15343, in AddGrowableRow
return _core_.FlexGridSizer_AddGrowableRow(*args, **kwargs)
PyAssertionError: C++ assertion "!m_rows || idx < (size_t)m_rows" failed at ../src/common/sizer.cpp(1967) in AddGrowableRow(): invalid row index
IEC 61131-3

    IEC-61131 is a normative document provided by the standards organization IEC
    (International Electrotechnical Commission) and describing a standard for
    implementing programmable controllers.

    The part 3 of this document (commonly named IEC 61131-3) specifies syntax and 
    semantics for programming language for programmable controllers. Beremiz
    implements all the languages described in this document.
PLCopen TC6
    PLCopen is a vendor- and product-independent worldwide association defining
    international standards for various topics related to control programming.
    For this purpose, PLCopen has 6 technical committees.
    The goal of the sixth committee (TC6) is to define a standard file format, 
    based on XML, for exchanging programmables controllers programmed using 
    IEC 61131-3 languages. Beremiz uses this file format for saving the PLC
    programs of projects.