author Edouard Tisserant <>
Wed, 13 May 2020 18:50:07 +0200
changeset 2961 00825316ed00
parent 2943 304e88bae115
child 3010 893cc309f5e2
permissions -rw-r--r--
SVGHMI: Update Button widget to class declaration, and add a button widget in tests/svghmi.
// widget_keypad.ysl2

emit "declarations:keypad" {
    | var keypads = {
    foreach "$keypads_descs"{
        const "keypad_id","@id";
        foreach "arg"{
            const "g", "$geometry[@Id = $keypad_id]";
    |     "«@value»":["«$keypad_id»", «$g/@x», «$g/@y»],
    | }

template "widget[@type='Keypad']", mode="widget_defs" {
    param "hmi_element";
    labels("Esc Enter BackSpace Keys Info Value");
    optional_labels("Sign Space NumDot");
    activable_labels("CapsLock Shift");
    |     init: function() {
    foreach "$hmi_element/*[@inkscape:label = 'Keys']/*" {
    |         id("«@id»").setAttribute("onclick", "hmi_widgets['«$hmi_element/@id»'].on_key_click('«func:escape_quotes(@inkscape:label)»')");
    foreach "str:split('Esc Enter BackSpace Sign Space NumDot CapsLock Shift')" {
    |         if(this.«.»_elt)
    |             this.«.»_elt.setAttribute("onclick", "hmi_widgets['«$hmi_element/@id»'].on_«.»_click()");
    |     },
    |     on_key_click: function(symbols) {
    |         var syms = symbols.split(" ");
    |         this.shift |= this.caps;
    |         this.editstr += syms[this.shift?syms.length-1:0];
    |         this.shift = false;
    |         this.update();
    |     },
    |     on_Esc_click: function() {
    |     },
    |     on_Enter_click: function() {
    |         callback_obj = this.result_callback_obj;
    |         callback_obj.edit_callback(this.editstr);
    |     },
    |     on_BackSpace_click: function() {
    |         this.editstr = this.editstr.slice(0,this.editstr.length-1);
    |         this.update();
    |     },
    |     on_Sign_click: function() {
    |         if(this.editstr[0] == "-")
    |             this.editstr = this.editstr.slice(1,this.editstr.length);
    |         else
    |             this.editstr = "-" + this.editstr;
    |         this.update();
    |     },
    |     on_NumDot_click: function() {
    |         if(this.editstr.indexOf(".") == "-1"){
    |             this.editstr += ".";
    |             this.update();
    |         }
    |     },
    |     on_Space_click: function() {
    |         this.editstr += " ";
    |         this.update();
    |     },
    |     caps: false,
    |     _caps: undefined,
    |     on_CapsLock_click: function() {
    |         this.caps = !this.caps;
    |         this.update();
    |     },
    |     shift: false,
    |     _shift: undefined,
    |     on_Shift_click: function() {
    |         this.shift = !this.shift;
    |         this.caps = false;
    |         this.update();
    |     },
    const "g", "$geometry[@Id = $hmi_element/@id]"; 
    |     coordinates: [«$g/@x», «$g/@y»],
    |     editstr: "",
    |     _editstr: undefined,
    |     result_callback_obj: undefined,
    |     start_edit: function(info, valuetype, callback_obj, initial) {
    |         this.editstr = initial;
    |         this.result_callback_obj = callback_obj;
    |         this.Info_elt.textContent = info;
    |         this.shift = false;
    |         this.caps = false;
    |         this.update();
    |     },
    |     update: function() {
    |         if(this.editstr != this._editstr){
    |             this._editstr = this.editstr;
    |             this.Value_elt.textContent = this.editstr;
    |         }
    |         if(this.shift != this._shift){
    |             this._shift = this.shift;
    |             (this.shift?widget_active_activable:widget_inactive_activable)(this.Shift_sub);
    |         }
    |         if(this.caps != this._caps){
    |             this._caps = this.caps;
    |             (this.caps?widget_active_activable:widget_inactive_activable)(this.CapsLock_sub);
    |         }
    |     },