branch1.1 Korean release
changeset 968 eee7625de1f7
parent 814 5743cbdff669
child 1493 6dbebfcec074
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/dialogs/PouActionDialog.py	Thu Mar 07 11:47:43 2013 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+#This file is part of PLCOpenEditor, a library implementing an IEC 61131-3 editor
+#based on the plcopen standard. 
+#Copyright (C) 2012: Edouard TISSERANT and Laurent BESSARD
+#See COPYING file for copyrights details.
+#This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+#modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+#License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+#version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+#This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#General Public License for more details.
+#You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+#License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+#Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+import wx
+from plcopen.structures import TestIdentifier, IEC_KEYWORDS
+def GetActionLanguages():
+    _ = lambda x : x
+    return [_("IL"), _("ST"), _("LD"), _("FBD")]
+ACTION_LANGUAGES_DICT = dict([(_(language), language) for language in GetActionLanguages()])
+class PouActionDialog(wx.Dialog):
+    def __init__(self, parent):
+        wx.Dialog.__init__(self, parent, size=wx.Size(320, 160), 
+              title=_('Create a new action'))
+        main_sizer = wx.FlexGridSizer(cols=1, hgap=0, rows=2, vgap=10)
+        main_sizer.AddGrowableCol(0)
+        main_sizer.AddGrowableRow(0)
+        infos_sizer = wx.FlexGridSizer(cols=2, hgap=5, rows=3, vgap=15)
+        infos_sizer.AddGrowableCol(1)
+        main_sizer.AddSizer(infos_sizer, border=20, 
+              flag=wx.GROW|wx.TOP|wx.LEFT|wx.RIGHT)
+        actionname_label = wx.StaticText(self, label=_('Action Name:'))
+        infos_sizer.AddWindow(actionname_label, border=4, 
+              flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wx.TOP)
+        self.ActionName = wx.TextCtrl(self)
+        infos_sizer.AddWindow(self.ActionName, flag=wx.GROW)
+        language_label = wx.StaticText(self, label=_('Language:'))
+        infos_sizer.AddWindow(language_label, border=4, 
+              flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wx.TOP)
+        self.Language = wx.ComboBox(self, style=wx.CB_READONLY)
+        infos_sizer.AddWindow(self.Language, flag=wx.GROW)
+        button_sizer = self.CreateButtonSizer(wx.OK|wx.CANCEL|wx.CENTRE)
+        self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnOK, 
+              button_sizer.GetAffirmativeButton())
+        main_sizer.AddSizer(button_sizer, border=20, 
+              flag=wx.ALIGN_RIGHT|wx.BOTTOM|wx.LEFT|wx.RIGHT)
+        self.SetSizer(main_sizer)
+        for option in GetActionLanguages():
+            self.Language.Append(_(option))
+        self.PouNames = []
+        self.PouElementNames = []
+    def OnOK(self, event):
+        error = []
+        action_name = self.ActionName.GetValue()
+        if action_name == "":
+            error.append(_("Action Name"))
+        if self.Language.GetSelection() == -1:
+            error.append(_("Language"))
+        message = None
+        if len(error) > 0:
+            text = ""
+            for i, item in enumerate(error):
+                if i == 0:
+                    text += item
+                elif i == len(error) - 1:
+                    text += _(" and %s")%item
+                else:
+                    text += _(", %s")%item 
+            message = _("Form isn't complete. %s must be filled!") % text
+        elif not TestIdentifier(action_name):
+            message = _("\"%s\" is not a valid identifier!") % action_name
+        elif action_name.upper() in IEC_KEYWORDS:
+            message = _("\"%s\" is a keyword. It can't be used!") % action_name
+        elif action_name.upper() in self.PouNames:
+            message = _("A POU named \"%s\" already exists!") % action_name
+        elif action_name.upper() in self.PouElementNames:
+            message = _("\"%s\" element for this pou already exists!") % action_name
+        if message is not None:
+            dialog = wx.MessageDialog(self, message, _("Error"), wx.OK|wx.ICON_ERROR)
+            dialog.ShowModal()
+            dialog.Destroy()
+        else:
+            self.EndModal(wx.ID_OK)
+    def SetPouNames(self, pou_names):
+        self.PouNames = [pou_name.upper() for pou_name in pou_names]
+    def SetPouElementNames(self, element_names):
+        self.PouElementNames = [element_name.upper() for element_name in element_names]
+    def SetValues(self, values):
+        for item, value in values.items():
+            if item == "actionName":
+                self.ActionName.SetValue(value)
+            elif item == "language":
+                self.Language.SetStringSelection(_(value))
+    def GetValues(self):
+        values = {}
+        values["actionName"] = self.ActionName.GetValue()
+        values["language"] = ACTION_LANGUAGES_DICT[self.Language.GetStringSelection()]
+        return values