changeset 203 cb9901076a21
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/runtime/plc_debug.c	Wed Aug 20 00:11:40 2008 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+ * DEBUGGER code
+ * 
+ * On "publish", when buffer is free, debugger stores arbitrary variables 
+ * content into, and mark this buffer as filled
+ * 
+ * 
+ * Buffer content is read asynchronously, (from non real time part), 
+ * and then buffer marked free again.
+ *  
+ * 
+ * */
+#include "iec_types_all.h"
+#include "POUS.h"
+/*for memcpy*/
+#include <string.h>
+#define BUFFER_SIZE 1024
+#define MAX_SUBSCRIBTION %(subscription_table_count)d
+/* Atomically accessed variable for buffer state */
+#define BUFFER_FREE 0
+#define BUFFER_BUSY 1
+static long buffer_state = BUFFER_FREE;
+/* The buffer itself */
+char debug_buffer[BUFFER_SIZE];
+/* Buffer's cursor*/
+static char* buffer_cursor = debug_buffer;
+typedef struct{
+    void* ptrvalue;
+    __IEC_types_enum type;
+ * Declare programs 
+ **/
+ * Declare global variables from resources and conf 
+ **/
+static int subscription_table[MAX_SUBSCRIBTION];
+static int* latest_subscription = subscription_table;
+static int* subscription_cursor = subscription_table;
+struct_plcvar variable_table[%(variables_pointer_type_table_count)d];
+void __init_debug()
+void __cleanup_debug()
+void __retrieve_debug()
+void __publish_debug()
+    /* Lock buffer */
+    long latest_state = AtomicCompareExchange(
+        &buffer_state,
+        BUFFER_FREE,
+        BUFFER_BUSY);
+    /* If buffer was free */
+    if(latest_state == BUFFER_FREE)
+    {
+        int* subscription;
+        /* Reset buffer cursor */
+        buffer_cursor = debug_buffer;
+        /* iterate over subscriptions */
+        for(subscription=subscription_table;
+            subscription < latest_subscription;
+            subscription++)
+        {
+            /* get variable descriptor */
+            struct_plcvar* my_var = &variable_table[*subscription];
+            char* next_cursor;
+            /* get variable size*/
+            USINT size = __get_type_enum_size(my_var->type);
+            /* compute next cursor positon*/
+            next_cursor = buffer_cursor + size;
+            /* if buffer not full */
+            if(next_cursor < debug_buffer + BUFFER_SIZE)
+            {
+                /* copy data to the buffer */
+                memcpy(buffer_cursor, my_var->ptrvalue, size);
+                /* increment cursor according size*/
+                buffer_cursor = next_cursor;
+            }else{
+                /*TODO : signal overflow*/
+            }
+        }
+        /* Reset buffer cursor again (for IterDebugData)*/
+        buffer_cursor = debug_buffer;
+        subscription_cursor = subscription_table;
+        /* Trigger asynchronous transmission (returns immediately) */
+        InitiateDebugTransfer(); /* size */
+    }
+void RegisterDebugVariable(int idx)
+    /*If subscription table not full */
+    if(latest_subscription - subscription_table < MAX_SUBSCRIBTION)
+    {
+        *(latest_subscription++) = idx;
+        /* TODO pre-calc buffer size and signal overflow*/
+    }else{
+        /*TODO : signal subscription overflow*/
+    }
+void ResetDebugVariables(void)
+    latest_subscription = subscription_table;
+void FreeDebugData()
+    /* atomically mark buffer as free */
+    long latest_state = AtomicCompareExchange(
+        &buffer_state,
+        BUFFER_BUSY,
+        BUFFER_FREE);
+void* IterDebugData(int* idx, const char **type_name)
+    if(subscription_cursor < latest_subscription){
+        *idx = *subscription_cursor;
+        struct_plcvar* my_var = &variable_table[*subscription_cursor++];
+        *type_name = __get_type_enum_name(my_var->type);
+        return my_var->ptrvalue;
+    }
+    return NULL;