changeset 2022 c2295d311402
child 2023 f9f884cf3033
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/etherlab/	Sun Dec 18 19:42:13 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,672 @@
+import os, shutil
+import cPickle
+from xml.dom import minidom
+import wx
+from xmlclass import *
+from PLCControler import UndoBuffer
+TYPECONVERSION = {"BOOL" : "X", "SINT" : "B", "INT" : "W", "DINT" : "D", "LINT" : "L",
+    "USINT" : "B", "UINT" : "W", "UDINT" : "D", "ULINT" : "L", 
+    "BYTE" : "B", "WORD" : "W", "DWORD" : "D", "LWORD" : "L"}
+DATATYPECONVERSION = {"BOOL" : "BIT", "SINT" : "S8", "INT" : "S16", "DINT" : "S32", "LINT" : "S64",
+    "USINT" : "U8", "UINT" : "U16", "UDINT" : "U32", "ULINT" : "U64", 
+    "BYTE" : "U8", "WORD" : "U16", "DWORD" : "U32", "LWORD" : "U64"}
+#                 Ethercat MASTER
+EtherCATConfigClasses = GenerateClassesFromXSD(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "EtherCATConfig.xsd")) 
+def ExtractHexDecValue(value):
+    try:
+        return int(value)
+    except:
+        pass
+    try:
+        return int(value.replace("#", "0"), 16)
+    except:
+        raise "Invalid value for HexDecValue \"%s\"" % value
+def GenerateHexDecValue(value, base=10):
+    if base == 10:
+        return str(value)
+    elif base == 16:
+        return "#x%.8x" % value
+    else:
+        raise "Not supported base"
+cls = EtherCATConfigClasses.get("Config_Slave", None)
+if cls:
+    def getType(self):
+        slave_info = self.getInfo()
+        return {"device_type": slave_info.getName(),
+                "vendor": GenerateHexDecValue(slave_info.getVendorId()),
+                "product_code": GenerateHexDecValue(slave_info.getProductCode(), 16),
+                "revision_number": GenerateHexDecValue(slave_info.getRevisionNo(), 16)}
+    setattr(cls, "getType", getType)
+    def setType(self, type_infos):
+        slave_info = self.getInfo()
+        slave_info.setName(type_infos["device_type"])
+        slave_info.setVendorId(ExtractHexDecValue(type_infos["vendor"]))
+        slave_info.setProductCode(ExtractHexDecValue(type_infos["product_code"]))
+        slave_info.setRevisionNo(ExtractHexDecValue(type_infos["revision_number"]))
+    setattr(cls, "setType", setType)
+cls = EtherCATConfigClasses.get("Slave_Info", None)
+if cls:
+    def getSlavePosition(self):
+        return self.getPhysAddr(), self.getAutoIncAddr()
+    setattr(cls, "getSlavePosition", getSlavePosition)
+    def setSlavePosition(self, alias, pos):
+        self.setPhysAddr(alias)
+        self.setAutoIncAddr(pos)
+    setattr(cls, "setSlavePosition", setSlavePosition)
+class _EthercatPlug:
+    XSD = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
+    <xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="">
+      <xsd:element name="EtherlabNode">
+        <xsd:complexType>
+          <xsd:attribute name="MasterNumber" type="xsd:integer" use="optional" default="0"/>
+          <xsd:attribute name="ConfigurePDOs" type="xsd:boolean" use="optional" default="true"/>
+        </xsd:complexType>
+      </xsd:element>
+    </xsd:schema>
+    """
+    def __init__(self):
+        filepath = self.ConfigFileName()
+        self.Config = EtherCATConfigClasses["EtherCATConfig"]()
+        if os.path.isfile(filepath):
+            xmlfile = open(filepath, 'r')
+            tree = minidom.parse(xmlfile)
+            xmlfile.close()
+            for child in tree.childNodes:
+                if child.nodeType == tree.ELEMENT_NODE and child.nodeName == "EtherCATConfig":
+                    self.Config.loadXMLTree(child, ["xmlns:xsi", "xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation"])
+                    self.CreateConfigBuffer(True)
+        else:
+            self.CreateConfigBuffer(False)
+            self.OnPlugSave()
+    def ExtractHexDecValue(self, value):
+        return ExtractHexDecValue(value)
+    def GetSizeOfType(self, type):
+        return TYPECONVERSION.get(self.GetPlugRoot().GetBaseType(type), None)
+    def ConfigFileName(self):
+        return os.path.join(self.PlugPath(), "config.xml")
+    def GetFilename(self):
+        return self.MandatoryParams[1].getName()
+    def GetSlaves(self):
+        slaves = []
+        for slave in self.Config.getConfig().getSlave():
+            slaves.append(slave.getInfo().getSlavePosition())
+        slaves.sort()
+        return slaves
+    def GetSlave(self, slave_pos):
+        for slave in self.Config.getConfig().getSlave():
+            slave_info = slave.getInfo()
+            if slave_info.getSlavePosition() == slave_pos:
+                return slave
+        return None
+    def AddSlave(self):
+        slaves = self.GetSlaves()
+        if len(slaves) > 0:
+            new_pos = (slaves[-1][0] + 1, 0)
+        else:
+            new_pos = (0, 0)
+        slave = EtherCATConfigClasses["Config_Slave"]()
+        slave_infos = slave.getInfo()
+        slave_infos.setName("undefined")
+        slave_infos.setSlavePosition(new_pos[0], new_pos[1])
+        self.Config.getConfig().appendSlave(slave)
+        self.BufferConfig()
+        return new_pos
+    def RemoveSlave(self, slave_pos):
+        config = self.Config.getConfig()
+        for idx, slave in enumerate(config.getSlave()):
+            slave_infos = slave.getInfo()
+            if slave_infos.getSlavePosition() == slave_pos:
+                config.removeSlave(idx)
+                self.BufferConfig()
+                return True
+        return False
+    def SetSlavePos(self, slave_pos, alias=None, position=None):
+        slave = self.GetSlave(slave_pos)
+        if slave is not None:
+            slave_info = slave.getInfo()
+            new_pos = slave_pos
+            if alias is not None:
+                new_pos = (alias, new_pos[1])
+            if position is not None:
+                new_pos = (new_pos[0], position)
+            if self.GetSlave(new_pos) is not None:
+                return _("Slave with position \"%d:%d\" already exists!" % new_pos)
+            slave_info.setSlavePosition(*new_pos)
+            self.BufferConfig()
+        return None
+    def GetSlaveType(self, slave_pos):
+        slave = self.GetSlave(slave_pos)
+        if slave is not None:
+            return slave.getType()
+        return None
+    def SetSlaveType(self, slave_pos, type_infos):
+        slave = self.GetSlave(slave_pos)
+        if slave is not None:
+            slave.setType(type_infos)
+            self.BufferConfig()
+        return None
+    def GetSlaveInfos(self, slave_pos):
+        slave = self.GetSlave(slave_pos)
+        if slave is not None:
+            type_infos = slave.getType()
+            device = self.GetModuleInfos(type_infos)
+            if device is not None:
+                infos = type_infos.copy()
+                infos.update({"physics": device.getPhysics(),
+                              "pdos": [],
+                              "variables": []})
+                for TxPdo in device.getTxPdo():
+                    ExtractPdoInfos(TxPdo, "Transmit", infos)
+                for RxPdo in device.getRxPdo():
+                    ExtractPdoInfos(RxPdo, "Receive", infos)
+                return infos
+        return None
+    def GetModuleInfos(self, type_infos):
+        return self.PlugParent.GetModuleInfos(type_infos)
+    def GetSlaveTypesLibrary(self):
+        return self.PlugParent.GetModulesLibrary()
+    def _OpenView(self):
+        app_frame = self.GetPlugRoot().AppFrame
+        configeditor = ConfigEditor(app_frame.TabsOpened, self, app_frame)
+        app_frame.EditProjectElement(configeditor, self.GetFilename())
+    PluginMethods = [
+        {"bitmap" : os.path.join("images", "EditCfile"),
+         "name" : _("Edit Config"), 
+         "tooltip" : _("Edit Config"),
+         "method" : "_OpenView"},
+    ]
+    def PlugTestModified(self):
+        return self.ChangesToSave or not self.ConfigIsSaved()    
+    def OnPlugSave(self):
+        filepath = self.ConfigFileName()
+        text = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"no\"?>\n"
+        extras = {"xmlns:xsi":"",
+                  "xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation" : "EtherCATInfo.xsd"}
+        text += self.Config.generateXMLText("EtherCATConfig", 0, extras)
+        xmlfile = open(filepath,"w")
+        xmlfile.write(text.encode("utf-8"))
+        xmlfile.close()
+        self.ConfigBuffer.CurrentSaved()
+        return True
+    def PlugGenerate_C(self, buildpath, locations):
+        """
+        Generate C code
+        @param current_location: Tupple containing plugin IEC location : %I0.0.4.5 => (0,0,4,5)
+        @param locations: List of complete variables locations \
+            [{"IEC_TYPE" : the IEC type (i.e. "INT", "STRING", ...)
+            "NAME" : name of the variable (generally "__IW0_1_2" style)
+            "DIR" : direction "Q","I" or "M"
+            "SIZE" : size "X", "B", "W", "D", "L"
+            "LOC" : tuple of interger for IEC location (0,1,2,...)
+            }, ...]
+        @return: [(C_file_name, CFLAGS),...] , LDFLAGS_TO_APPEND
+        """
+        current_location = self.GetCurrentLocation()
+        # define a unique name for the generated C file
+        location_str = "_".join(map(lambda x:str(x), current_location))
+        Gen_Ethercatfile_path = os.path.join(buildpath, "ethercat_%s.c"%location_str)
+        file_generator = _EthercatCFileGenerator(self, Gen_Ethercatfile_path)
+        for location in locations:
+            loc = location["LOC"][len(current_location):]
+            file_generator.DeclareVariable(loc[:2], loc[2], loc[3], location["IEC_TYPE"], location["DIR"], location["NAME"])
+        file_generator.GenerateCFile()
+        return [(Gen_Ethercatfile_path, '"-I%s"'%os.path.abspath(self.GetPlugRoot().GetIECLibPath()))], "-lethercat -lrtdm", True
+#                      Current Buffering Management Functions
+    """
+    Return a copy of the config
+    """
+    def Copy(self, model):
+        return cPickle.loads(cPickle.dumps(model))
+    def CreateConfigBuffer(self, saved):
+        self.ConfigBuffer = UndoBuffer(cPickle.dumps(self.Config), saved)
+    def BufferConfig(self):
+        self.ConfigBuffer.Buffering(cPickle.dumps(self.Config))
+    def ConfigIsSaved(self):
+        if self.ConfigBuffer is not None:
+            return self.ConfigBuffer.IsCurrentSaved()
+        else:
+            return True
+    def LoadPrevious(self):
+        self.Config = cPickle.loads(self.ConfigBuffer.Previous())
+    def LoadNext(self):
+        self.Config = cPickle.loads(self.ConfigBuffer.Next())
+    def GetBufferState(self):
+        first = self.ConfigBuffer.IsFirst()
+        last = self.ConfigBuffer.IsLast()
+        return not first, not last
+/* Slave %(slave)d, "%(device_type)s"
+ * Vendor ID:       0x%(vendor).8x
+ * Product code:    0x%(product_code).8x
+ * Revision number: 0x%(revision_number).8x
+ */
+ec_pdo_entry_info_t slave_%(slave)d_pdo_entries[] = {
+ec_pdo_info_t slave_%(slave)d_pdos[] = {
+ec_sync_info_t slave_%(slave)d_syncs[] = {
+    {0xff}
+    if (!(slave%(slave)d = ecrt_master_slave_config(master, %(alias)d, %(position)d, 0x%(vendor).8x, 0x%(product_code).8x))) {
+        fprintf(stderr, "Failed to get slave %(device_type)s configuration at alias %(alias)d and position %(position)d.\\n");
+        return -1;
+    }
+    if (ecrt_slave_config_pdos(slave%(slave)d, EC_END, slave_%(slave)d_syncs)) {
+        fprintf(stderr, "Failed to configure PDOs for slave %(device_type)s at alias %(alias)d and position %(position)d.\\n");
+        return -1;
+    }
+class _EthercatCFileGenerator:
+    def __init__(self, controler, filepath):
+        self.Controler = controler
+        self.FilePath = filepath
+        self.UsedVariables = {}
+    def __del__(self):
+        self.Controler = None
+    def DeclareVariable(self, slave_identifier, index, subindex, iec_type, dir, name):
+        slave_variables = self.UsedVariables.setdefault(slave_identifier, {})
+        entry_infos = slave_variables.get((index, subindex), None)
+        if entry_infos is None:
+            slave_variables[(index, subindex)] = (iec_type, dir, name)
+        elif entry_infos != (iec_type, dir, name):
+            raise ValueError, _("Definition conflict for location \"%s\"") % name 
+    def GenerateCFile(self):
+        current_location = self.Controler.GetCurrentLocation()
+        # define a unique name for the generated C file
+        location_str = "_".join(map(lambda x:str(x), current_location))
+        plc_etherlab_filepath = os.path.join(os.path.split(__file__)[0], "plc_etherlab.c")
+        plc_etherlab_file = open(plc_etherlab_filepath, 'r')
+        plc_etherlab_code =
+        plc_etherlab_file.close()
+        str_completion = {
+            "location": location_str,
+            "configure_pdos": int(self.Controler.EtherlabNode.getConfigurePDOs()),
+            "master_number": self.Controler.EtherlabNode.getMasterNumber(),
+            "located_variables_declaration": [],
+            "used_pdo_entry_offset_variables_declaration": [],
+            "used_pdo_entry_configuration": [],
+            "pdos_configuration_declaration": "",
+            "slaves_declaration": "",
+            "slaves_configuration": "",
+            "retrieve_variables": [],
+            "publish_variables": [],
+        }
+        for slave_idx, slave_pos in enumerate(self.Controler.GetSlaves()):
+            slave = self.Controler.GetSlave(slave_pos)
+            if slave is not None:
+                type_infos = slave.getType()
+                device = self.Controler.GetModuleInfos(type_infos)
+                if device is not None:                
+                    pdos = device.getTxPdo() + device.getRxPdo()
+                    if len(pdos) > 0:
+                        slave_variables = self.UsedVariables.get(slave_pos, {})
+                        for element in ["vendor", "product_code", "revision_number"]:
+                            type_infos[element] = ExtractHexDecValue(type_infos[element])
+                        type_infos.update(dict(zip(["slave", "alias", "position"], (slave_idx,) + slave_pos)))
+                        str_completion["slaves_declaration"] += "static ec_slave_config_t *slave%(slave)d = NULL;\n" % type_infos
+                        str_completion["slaves_configuration"] += SLAVE_CONFIGURATION_TEMPLATE % type_infos
+                        pdos_infos = {
+                            "pdos_entries_infos": [],
+                            "pdos_infos": [],
+                            "pdos_sync_infos": [], 
+                        }
+                        pdos_infos.update(type_infos)
+                        sync_managers = []
+                        for sync_manager_idx, sync_manager in enumerate(device.getSm()):
+                            sync_manager_infos = {
+                                "index": sync_manager_idx, 
+                                "slave": slave_idx,
+                                "pdos_number": 0,
+                            }
+                            sync_manager_control_byte = ExtractHexDecValue(sync_manager.getControlByte())
+                            sync_manager_direction = sync_manager_control_byte & 0x0c
+                            sync_manager_watchdog = sync_manager_control_byte & 0x40
+                            if sync_manager_direction:
+                                sync_manager_infos["sync_manager_type"] = "EC_DIR_OUTPUT"
+                            else:
+                                sync_manager_infos["sync_manager_type"] = "EC_DIR_INPUT"
+                            if sync_manager_watchdog:
+                                sync_manager_infos["watchdog"] = "EC_WD_ENABLE"
+                            else:
+                                sync_manager_infos["watchdog"] = "EC_WD_DISABLE"
+                            sync_managers.append(sync_manager_infos)
+                        entry_offset = 0
+                        for pdo in pdos:
+                            sync_managers[pdo.getSm()]["pdos_number"] += 1
+                            entries = pdo.getEntry()
+                            pdo_infos = {
+                                "slave": slave_idx,
+                                "index": ExtractHexDecValue(pdo.getIndex().getcontent()),
+                                "name": ExtractName(pdo.getName()),
+                                "offset": entry_offset,
+                                "entries_number": len(entries)
+                            }
+                            pdos_infos["pdos_infos"].append("    {0x%(index).4x, %(entries_number)d, slave_%(slave)d_pdo_entries + %(offset)d}, /* %(name)s */" % pdo_infos)
+                            entry_offset += len(entries)
+                            for entry in pdo.getEntry():
+                                index = ExtractHexDecValue(entry.getIndex().getcontent())
+                                subindex = ExtractHexDecValue(entry.getSubIndex())
+                                entry_infos = {
+                                    "index": index,
+                                    "subindex": subindex,
+                                    "name": ExtractName(entry.getName()),
+                                    "bitlen": entry.getBitLen(),
+                                }
+                                entry_infos.update(type_infos)
+                                pdos_infos["pdos_entries_infos"].append("    {0x%(index).4x, 0x%(subindex).2x, %(bitlen)d}, /* %(name)s */" % entry_infos)
+                                entry_declaration = slave_variables.get((index, subindex), None)
+                                if entry_declaration is not None:
+                                    entry_infos.update(dict(zip(["var_type", "dir", "var_name"], entry_declaration)))
+                                    if entry_infos["var_type"] != entry.getDataType().getcontent():
+                                        raise ValueError, _("Wrong type for location \"%s\"!") % entry_infos["var_name"]
+                                    data_type = DATATYPECONVERSION.get(entry_infos["var_type"], None)
+                                    if data_type is None:
+                                        raise ValueError, _("Type of location \"%s\" not yet supported!") % entry_infos["var_name"]
+                                    if (entry_infos["dir"] == "I" and sync_managers[pdo.getSm()]["sync_manager_type"] != "EC_DIR_INPUT" or 
+                                        entry_infos["dir"] == "Q" and sync_managers[pdo.getSm()]["sync_manager_type"] != "EC_DIR_OUTPUT"):
+                                        raise ValueError, _("Wrong direction for location \"%s\"!") % entry_infos["var_name"]
+                                    str_completion["located_variables_declaration"].extend(["IEC_%(var_type)s beremiz%(var_name)s;" % entry_infos,
+                                                                                            "IEC_%(var_type)s *%(var_name)s = &beremiz%(var_name)s;" % entry_infos])
+                                    if data_type == "BIT":
+                                        str_completion["used_pdo_entry_offset_variables_declaration"].extend(["static unsigned int slave%(slave)d_%(index).4x_%(subindex).2x;" % entry_infos,
+                                                                                                              "static unsigned int slave%(slave)d_%(index).4x_%(subindex).2x_bit;" % entry_infos])
+                                        str_completion["used_pdo_entry_configuration"].append("    {%(alias)d, %(position)d, 0x%(vendor).8x, 0x%(product_code).8x, 0x%(index).4x, %(subindex)d, &slave%(slave)d_%(index).4x_%(subindex).2x, &slave%(slave)d_%(index).4x_%(subindex).2x_bit}," % entry_infos)
+                                        if entry_infos["dir"] == "I":
+                                            str_completion["retrieve_variables"].append("    beremiz%(name)s = EC_READ_BIT(domain1_pd + slave%(slave)d_%(index).4x_%(subindex).2x, slave%(slave)d_%(index).4x_%(subindex).2x_bit);" % entry_infos)
+                                        elif entry_infos["dir"] == "Q":
+                                            str_completion["publish_variables"].append("    EC_WRITE_BIT(domain1_pd + slave%(slave)d_%(index).4x_%(subindex).2x, slave%(slave)d_%(index).4x_%(subindex).2x_bit, beremiz%(var_name)s);" % entry_infos)
+                                    else:
+                                        entry_infos["data_type"] = data_type
+                                        str_completion["used_pdo_entry_offset_variables_declaration"].append("static unsigned int slave%(slave)d_%(index).4x_%(subindex).2x;" % entry_infos)
+                                        str_completion["used_pdo_entry_configuration"].append("    {%(alias)d, %(position)d, 0x%(vendor).8x, 0x%(product_code).8x, 0x%(index).4x, %(subindex)d, &slave%(slave)d_%(index).4x_%(subindex).2x}," % entry_infos)
+                                        if entry_infos["dir"] == "I":
+                                            str_completion["retrieve_variables"].append("    beremiz%(name)s = EC_READ_BIT(domain1_pd + slave%(slave)d_%(index).4x_%(subindex).2x);" % entry_infos)
+                                        elif entry_infos["dir"] == "Q":
+                                            str_completion["publish_variables"].append("    EC_WRITE_BIT(domain1_pd + slave%(slave)d_%(index).4x_%(subindex).2x, beremiz%(var_name)s);" % entry_infos)
+                        pdo_offset = 0
+                        for sync_manager_infos in sync_managers:
+                            sync_manager_infos["offset"] = pdo_offset
+                            pdos_infos["pdos_sync_infos"].append("    {%(index)d, %(sync_manager_type)s, %(pdos_number)d, slave_%(slave)d_pdos + %(offset)d, %(watchdog)s}," % sync_manager_infos)
+                            pdo_offset += sync_manager_infos["pdos_number"]
+                        for element in ["pdos_entries_infos", "pdos_infos", "pdos_sync_infos"]:
+                            pdos_infos[element] = "\n".join(pdos_infos[element])
+                        str_completion["pdos_configuration_declaration"] += SLAVE_PDOS_CONFIGURATION_DECLARATION % pdos_infos
+        for element in ["used_pdo_entry_offset_variables_declaration", "used_pdo_entry_configuration", "located_variables_declaration", "retrieve_variables", "publish_variables"]:
+            str_completion[element] = "\n".join(str_completion[element])
+        etherlabfile = open(self.FilePath,'w')
+        etherlabfile.write(plc_etherlab_code % str_completion)
+        etherlabfile.close()
+#                 Ethercat Plugin
+EtherCATInfoClasses = GenerateClassesFromXSD(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "EtherCATInfo.xsd")) 
+def GroupItemCompare(x, y):
+    if x["type"] == y["type"]:
+        if x["type"] == ETHERCAT_GROUP:
+            return x["order"].__cmp__(y["order"])
+        else:
+            return x["name"].__cmp__(y["name"])
+    elif x["type"] == ETHERCAT_GROUP:
+        return -1
+    return 1
+def SortGroupItems(group):
+    for item in group["children"]:
+        if item["type"] == ETHERCAT_GROUP:
+            SortGroupItems(item)
+    group["children"].sort(GroupItemCompare)
+def ExtractName(names, default=None):
+    if len(names) == 1:
+        return names[0].getcontent()
+    else:
+        for name in names:
+            if name.getLcId() == 1033:
+                return name.getcontent()
+    return default
+def ExtractPdoInfos(pdo, pdo_type, infos):
+    pdo_index = pdo.getIndex().getcontent()
+    infos["pdos"].append({"Index": pdo_index,
+                          "Name": ExtractName(pdo.getName()),
+                          "Type": pdo_type})
+    for entry in pdo.getEntry():
+        infos["variables"].append({"Index": entry.getIndex().getcontent(),
+                                   "SubIndex": entry.getSubIndex(),
+                                   "Name": ExtractName(entry.getName()),
+                                   "Type": entry.getDataType().getcontent(),
+                                   "PDO": pdo_index})
+class RootClass:
+    PlugChildsTypes = [("EthercatNode",_EthercatPlug,"Ethercat Master")]
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.LoadModulesLibrary()
+    def GetModulesLibraryPath(self):
+        library_path = os.path.join(self.PlugPath(), "modules")
+        if not os.path.exists(library_path):
+            os.mkdir(library_path)
+        return library_path
+    def _ImportModuleLibrary(self):
+        dialog = wx.FileDialog(self.GetPlugRoot().AppFrame, _("Choose an XML file"), os.getcwd(), "",  _("XML files (*.xml)|*.xml|All files|*.*"), wx.OPEN)
+        if dialog.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
+            filepath = dialog.GetPath()
+            if os.path.isfile(filepath):
+                shutil.copy(filepath, self.GetModulesLibraryPath())
+                self.LoadModulesLibrary()
+            else:
+                self.GetPlugRoot().logger.write_error(_("No such XML file: %s\n") % filepath)
+        dialog.Destroy()  
+    PluginMethods = [
+        {"bitmap" : os.path.join("images", "ImportDEF"),
+         "name" : _("Import module library"), 
+         "tooltip" : _("Import module library"),
+         "method" : "_ImportModuleLibrary"},
+    ]
+    def LoadModulesLibrary(self):
+        self.ModulesLibrary = {}
+        library_path = self.GetModulesLibraryPath()
+        files = os.listdir(library_path)
+        for file in files:
+            filepath = os.path.join(library_path, file)
+            if os.path.isfile(filepath) and os.path.splitext(filepath)[-1] == ".xml":
+                xmlfile = open(filepath, 'r')
+                xml_tree = minidom.parse(xmlfile)
+                xmlfile.close()
+                modules_infos = None
+                for child in xml_tree.childNodes:
+                    if child.nodeType == xml_tree.ELEMENT_NODE and child.nodeName == "EtherCATInfo":
+                        modules_infos = EtherCATInfoClasses["EtherCATInfo.xsd"]["EtherCATInfo"]()
+                        modules_infos.loadXMLTree(child, ["xmlns:xsi", "xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation"])
+                if modules_infos is not None:
+                    vendor = modules_infos.getVendor()
+                    vendor_category = self.ModulesLibrary.setdefault(vendor.getId(), {"name": ExtractName(vendor.getName(), _("Miscellaneous")), 
+                                                                                      "groups": {}})
+                    for group in modules_infos.getDescriptions().getGroups().getGroup():
+                        group_type = group.getType()
+                        vendor_category["groups"].setdefault(group_type, {"name": ExtractName(group.getName(), group_type), 
+                                                                          "parent": group.getParentGroup(),
+                                                                          "order": group.getSortOrder(), 
+                                                                          "devices": []})
+                    for device in modules_infos.getDescriptions().getDevices().getDevice():
+                        device_group = device.getGroupType()
+                        if not vendor_category["groups"].has_key(device_group):
+                            raise ValueError, "Not such group \"%\"" % device_group
+                        vendor_category["groups"][device_group]["devices"].append((device.getType().getcontent(), device))
+    def GetModulesLibrary(self):
+        library = []
+        children_dict = {}
+        for vendor_id, vendor in self.ModulesLibrary.iteritems():
+            groups = []
+            library.append({"name": vendor["name"],
+                            "type": ETHERCAT_VENDOR,
+                            "children": groups})
+            for group_type, group in vendor["groups"].iteritems():
+                group_infos = {"name": group["name"],
+                               "order": group["order"],
+                               "type": ETHERCAT_GROUP,
+                               "children": children_dict.setdefault(group_type, [])}
+                if group["parent"] is not None:
+                    parent_children = children_dict.setdefault(group["parent"], [])
+                    parent_children.append(group_infos)
+                else:
+                    groups.append(group_infos)
+                device_dict = {}
+                for device_type, device in group["devices"]:
+                    device_infos = {"name": ExtractName(device.getName()),
+                                    "type": ETHERCAT_DEVICE,
+                                    "infos": {"device_type": device_type,
+                                              "vendor": vendor_id,
+                                              "product_code": device.getType().getProductCode(),
+                                              "revision_number": device.getType().getRevisionNo()}}
+                    group_infos["children"].append(device_infos)
+                    device_type_occurrences = device_dict.setdefault(device_type, [])
+                    device_type_occurrences.append(device_infos)
+                for device_type_occurrences in device_dict.itervalues():
+                    if len(device_type_occurrences) > 1:
+                        for occurrence in device_type_occurrences:
+                            occurrence["name"] += _(" (rev. %s)") % occurrence["infos"]["revision_number"]
+        library.sort(lambda x, y: x["name"].__cmp__(y["name"]))
+        return library
+    def GetModuleInfos(self, type_infos):
+        vendor = self.ModulesLibrary.get(type_infos["vendor"], None)
+        if vendor is not None:
+            for group_name, group in vendor["groups"].iteritems():
+                for device_type, device in group["devices"]:
+                    product_code = device.getType().getProductCode()
+                    revision_number = device.getType().getRevisionNo()
+                    if (device_type == type_infos["device_type"] and
+                        product_code == type_infos["product_code"] and
+                        revision_number == type_infos["revision_number"]):
+                        return device
+        return None