changeset 2643 b98d9e08231f
parent 2446 922f0d84f869
parent 2641 c9deff128c37
--- a/etherlab/	Wed Nov 13 11:21:04 2019 +0100
+++ b/etherlab/	Mon Nov 25 08:10:45 2019 +0100
@@ -50,10 +50,9 @@
                 return name.getcontent()
     return default
-# --------------------------------------------------
 #         Remote Exec Etherlab Commands
-# --------------------------------------------------
 # --------------------- for master ---------------------------
@@ -84,18 +83,21 @@
 returnVal = result
-# ethercat sdos -p (slave position)
-SLAVE_SDO = """
+# ethercat upload -p (slave position) -t (type) (index) (sub index)
 import commands
-result = commands.getoutput("ethercat sdos -p %d")
-returnVal =result
-# ethercat upload -p (slave position) (main index) (sub index)
-import commands
-result = commands.getoutput("ethercat upload -p %d %s %s")
-returnVal =result
+sdo_data = []
+input_data = "%s"
+slave_pos = %d
+command_string = ""
+for sdo_token in input_data.split(","):  
+    if len(sdo_token) > 1:
+        sdo_token = sdo_token.strip()
+        type, idx, subidx = sdo_token.split(" ")
+        command_string = "ethercat upload -p " + str(slave_pos) + " -t " + type + " " + idx + " " + subidx
+        result = commands.getoutput(command_string)
+        sdo_data.append(result)
+returnVal =sdo_data
 # ethercat download -p (slave position) (main index) (sub index) (value)
@@ -119,6 +121,25 @@
 returnVal =result
+# ethercat reg_read -p (slave position) (address) (size)
+import commands
+output = []
+addr, size = range(2)
+slave_num = %d 
+reg_info_str = "%s"
+reg_info_list = reg_info_str.split("|")
+for slave_idx in range(slave_num):
+    for reg_info in reg_info_list:
+        param = reg_info.split(",")
+        result = commands.getoutput("ethercat reg_read -p "
+                                    + str(slave_idx) + " "
+                                    + param[addr] + " "
+                                    + param[size])
+        output.append(str(slave_idx) + "," + param[addr] + "," + result)
+returnVal = output
 # ethercat sii_write -p (slave position) - (contents)
 SII_WRITE = """
 import subprocess
@@ -143,6 +164,12 @@
 returnVal =result
+# ethercat pdos
+PDOS = """
+import commands
+result = commands.getoutput("ethercat pdos -p 0")
+returnVal =result  
 # --------------------------------------------------
 #    Common Method For EtherCAT Management
@@ -152,14 +179,40 @@
     # ----- Data Structure for ethercat management ----
     SlaveState = ""
+    # SDO base data type for Ethercatmaster
+    BaseDataTypes = {
+            "bool": ["BOOLEAN", "BOOL", "BIT"],
+            "uint8": ["BYTE", "USINT", "BIT1", "BIT2", "BIT3", "BIT4", "BIT5", "BIT6",
+                      "BIT7", "BIT8", "BITARR8", "UNSIGNED8"],
+            "uint16": ["BITARR16", "UNSIGNED16", "UINT"],
+            "uint32": ["BITARR32", "UNSIGNED24", "UINT24", "UNSIGNED32", "UDINT"],
+            "uint64": ["UNSINED40", "UINT40", "UNSIGNED48", "UINT48", "UNSIGNED56", 
+                       "UINT56", "UNSIGNED64", "ULINT"],
+            "int8": ["INTEGER8", "SINT"],
+            "int16": ["INTEGER16", "INT"],
+            "int32": ["INTEGER24", "INT24", "INTEGER32", "DINT"],
+            "int64": ["INTEGER40", "INT40", "INTEGER48", "INT48", "INTEGER56", "INT56",
+                      "INTEGER64", "LINT"],
+            "float": ["REAL", "REAL32"],
+            "double": ["LREAL", "REAL64"],
+            "string": ["VISUBLE_STRING", "STRING(n)"],
+            "octet_string": ["OCTET_STRING"],
+            "unicode_string": ["UNICODE_STRING"]
+            }
     # category of SDO data
     DatatypeDescription, CommunicationObject, ManufacturerSpecific, \
         ProfileSpecific, Reserved, AllSDOData = range(6)
-    # store the execution result of "ethercat sdos" command into SaveSDOData.
-    SaveSDOData = []
-    # Flags for checking "write" permission of OD entries
+    # SDO data informations: index, sub-index, type, bit size, category-name 
+    SDOVariables = []
+    SDOSubEntryData = []
+    # defalut value of SDO data in XML
+    # Not Used
+    DefaultValueDic = {}
+    # Flags for checking "write" permission of OD entries 
     CheckPREOP = False
     CheckSAFEOP = False
     CheckOP = False
@@ -241,15 +294,6 @@
     # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     #                        Used SDO Management
     # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    def GetSlaveSDOFromSlave(self):
-        """
-        Get SDO objects information of current slave using "ethercat sdos -p %d" command.
-        Command example : "ethercat sdos -p 0"
-        @return return_val : execution results of "ethercat sdos" command (need to be parsed later)
-        """
-        _error, return_val = self.Controler.RemoteExec(SLAVE_SDO % (self.Controler.GetSlavePos()), return_val=None)
-        return return_val
     def SDODownload(self, data_type, idx, sub_idx, value):
         Set an SDO object value to user-specified value using "ethercat download" command.
@@ -258,11 +302,14 @@
         @param idx : index of the SDO entry
         @param sub_idx : subindex of the SDO entry
         @param value : value of SDO entry
-        """
-        _error, _return_val = self.Controler.RemoteExec(
-            SDO_DOWNLOAD % (data_type, self.Controler.GetSlavePos(), idx, sub_idx, value),
-            return_val=None)
+        """ 
+        valid_type = self.GetValidDataType(data_type)
+        _error, return_val = self.Controler.RemoteExec(
+            SDO_DOWNLOAD%(valid_type, self.Controler.GetSlavePos(),
+                idx, sub_idx, value), return_val = None)
+        return return_val
     def BackupSDODataSet(self):
         Back-up current SDO entry information to restore the SDO data
@@ -282,12 +329,316 @@
         for dummy in range(6):
+    def GetAllSDOValuesFromSlave(self):
+        """
+        Get SDO values of All SDO entries.
+        @return return_val: list of result of "SDO_UPLOAD"
+        """
+        entry_infos = ""
+        alldata_idx = len(self.SDOVariables)
+        counter = 0
+        for category in self.SDOVariables:
+            counter +=1
+            # for avoid redundant repetition 
+            if counter == alldata_idx:
+                continue
+            for entry in category:
+                valid_type = self.GetValidDataType(entry["type"])
+                for_command_string = "%s %s %s ," % \
+                        (valid_type, entry["idx"], entry["subIdx"])
+                entry_infos += for_command_string
+        error, return_val = self.Controler.RemoteExec(SDO_UPLOAD%(entry_infos, self.Controler.GetSlavePos()), return_val = None)
+        return return_val
+    def GetSDOValuesFromSlave(self, entries_info):
+        """
+        Get SDO values of some SDO entries.
+        @param entries_info: dictionary of SDO entries that is wanted to know the value. 
+        @return return_val: list of result of "SDO_UPLOAD"
+        """
+        entry_infos = ""
+        entries_info_list = entries_info.items()
+        entries_info_list.sort()
+        for (idx, subIdx), entry in entries_info_list:
+            valid_type = self.GetValidDataType(entry["type"])
+            for_command_string = "%s %s %s ," % \
+                        (valid_type, str(idx), str(subIdx))
+            entry_infos += for_command_string
+        error, return_val = self.Controler.RemoteExec(SDO_UPLOAD%(entry_infos, self.Controler.GetSlavePos()), return_val = None)
+        return return_val
+    def ExtractObjects(self):
+        """
+        Extract object type items from imported ESI xml.
+        And they are stuctured as dictionary.
+        @return objects: dictionary of objects
+        """
+        objects = {}
+        slave = self.Controler.CTNParent.GetSlave(self.Controler.GetSlavePos())
+        type_infos = slave.getType()
+        device, alignment = self.Controler.CTNParent.GetModuleInfos(type_infos)
+        if device is not None :
+            for dictionary in device.GetProfileDictionaries():
+                dictionary.load()
+                for object in dictionary.getObjects().getObject():
+                    object_index = ExtractHexDecValue(object.getIndex().getcontent())
+                    objects[(object_index)] = object
+        return objects
+    def ExtractAllDataTypes(self):
+        """
+        Extract all data types from imported ESI xml.
+        @return dataTypes: dictionary of datatypes 
+        """
+        dataTypes = {}
+        slave = self.Controler.CTNParent.GetSlave(self.Controler.GetSlavePos())
+        type_infos = slave.getType()
+        device, alignment = self.Controler.CTNParent.GetModuleInfos(type_infos)
+        for dictionary in device.GetProfileDictionaries():
+            dictionary.load()
+            datatypes = dictionary.getDataTypes()
+            if datatypes is not None:
+                for datatype in datatypes.getDataType():
+                    dataTypes[datatype.getName()] = datatype
+        return dataTypes
+    def IsBaseDataType(self, datatype):
+        """
+        Check if the datatype is a base data type.
+        @return baseTypeFlag: true if datatype is a base data type, unless false
+        """
+        baseTypeFlag = False
+        for baseDataTypeList in self.BaseDataTypes.values():
+            if datatype in baseDataTypeList:
+                baseTypeFlag = True
+                break
+        return baseTypeFlag
+    def GetBaseDataType(self, datatype):
+        """
+        Get a base data type corresponding the datatype.
+        @param datatype: Some data type (string format)
+        @return base data type
+        """
+        if self.IsBaseDataType(datatype):
+            return datatype
+        elif not datatype.find("STRING") == -1:
+            return datatype
+        else:
+            datatypes = self.ExtractAllDataTypes()
+            base_datatype = datatypes[datatype].getBaseType()
+            return self.GetBaseDataType(base_datatype)
+    def GetValidDataType(self, datatype):
+        """
+        Convert the datatype into a data type that is possible to download/upload 
+        in etherlab master stack.
+        @param datatype: Some data type (string format)
+        @return base_type: vaild data type
+        """
+        base_type = self.GetBaseDataType(datatype)
+        if re.match("STRING\([0-9]*\)", datatype) is not None:
+            return "string"
+        else:
+            for key, value in self.BaseDataTypes.items():
+                if base_type in value:
+                    return key
+        return base_type 
+    # Not Used 
+    def GetAllEntriesList(self):
+        """
+        Get All entries information that includes index, sub-index, name,
+        type, bit size, PDO mapping, and default value.
+        @return self.entries: dictionary of entry
+        """
+        slave = self.Controler.CTNParent.GetSlave(self.Controler.GetSlavePos())
+        type_infos = slave.getType()
+        device, alignment = self.Controler.CTNParent.GetModuleInfos(type_infos)
+        self.entries = device.GetEntriesList()
+        datatypes = self.ExtractAllDataTypes()
+        objects = self.ExtractObjects()
+        entries_list = self.entries.items()
+        entries_list.sort()
+        # append sub entries
+        for (index, subidx), entry in entries_list:
+            # entry_* is string type
+            entry_type = entry["Type"]
+            entry_index = entry["Index"]
+            try:
+                object_info = objects[index].getInfo()
+            except:
+                continue
+            if object_info is not None:
+                obj_content = object_info.getcontent()
+            typeinfo = datatypes.get(entry_type, None)
+            bitsize = typeinfo.getBitSize()
+            type_content = typeinfo.getcontent()
+            # ArrayInfo type
+            if type_content is not None and type_content["name"] == "ArrayInfo":
+                for arrayinfo in type_content["value"]:
+                    element_num = arrayinfo.getElements()
+                    first_subidx = arrayinfo.getLBound()
+                    for offset in range(element_num):
+                        new_subidx = int(first_subidx) + offset
+                        entry_subidx = hex(new_subidx)
+                        if obj_content["value"][new_subidx]["name"] == "SubItem":
+                            subitem = obj_content["value"][new_subidx]["value"]
+                            subname = subitem[new_subidx].getName()
+                        if subname is not None:
+                            entry_name = "%s - %s" % \
+                                    (ExtractName(objects[index].getName()), subname)
+                        else:
+                            entry_name = ExtractName(objects[index].getName()) 
+                        self.entries[(index, new_subidx)] = {
+                                "Index": entry_index,
+                                "SubIndex": entry_subidx,
+                                "Name": entry_name,
+                                "Type": typeinfo.getBaseType(),
+                                "BitSize": str(bitsize/element_num),
+                                "Access": entry["Access"],
+                                "PDOMapping": entry["PDOMapping"]}
+                        try:
+                            value_info = subitem[new_subidx].getInfo().getcontent()\
+                                                            ["value"][0]["value"][0]
+                            self.AppendDefaultValue(index, new_subidx, value_info)
+                        except:
+                            pass
+                try:
+                    value_info = subitem[subidx].getInfo().getcontent()\
+                                                            ["value"][0]["value"][0]
+                    self.AppendDefaultValue(index, subidx, value_info)
+                except:
+                    pass
+            # EnumInfo type
+            elif type_content is not None and type_content["name"] == "EnumInfo":
+                self.entries[(index, subidx)]["EnumInfo"] = {}
+                for enuminfo in type_content["value"]:
+                    text = enuminfo.getText()
+                    enum = enuminfo.getEnum()
+                    self.entries[(index, subidx)]["EnumInfo"][str(enum)] = text
+                self.entries[(index, subidx)]["DefaultValue"] = "0x00" 
+            # another types
+            else:
+                if subidx == 0x00:
+                    tmp_subidx = 0x00
+                try:
+                    if obj_content["value"][tmp_subidx]["name"] == "SubItem":
+                        sub_name = entry["Name"].split(" - ")[1]
+                        for num in range(len(obj_content["value"])):
+                            if sub_name == \
+                                    obj_content["value"][num]["value"][num].getName():
+                                subitem_content = obj_content["value"][tmp_subidx]\
+                                                             ["value"][tmp_subidx]
+                                value_info = subitem_content.getInfo().getcontent()\
+                                                             ["value"][0]["value"][0]
+                                tmp_subidx += 1
+                                break
+                            else:
+                                value_info = None
+                    else:
+                        value_info = \
+                                obj_content["value"][tmp_subidx]["value"][tmp_subidx]
+                    self.AppendDefaultValue(index, subidx, value_info)
+                except:
+                    pass
+        return self.entries
+    # Not Used  
+    def AppendDefaultValue(self, index, subidx, value_info=None):
+        """
+        Get the default value from the ESI xml
+        @param index: entry index
+        @param subidx: entry sub index
+        @param value_info: dictionary of infomation about default value
+        """
+        # there is not default value.
+        if value_info == None:
+            return
+        raw_value = value_info["value"]
+        # default value is hex binary type.
+        if value_info["name"]  == "DefaultData":
+            raw_value_bit = list(hex(raw_value).split("0x")[1])
+            datatype = self.GetValidDataType(self.entries[(index, subidx)]["Type"])
+            if datatype is "string" or datatype is "octet_string":
+                if "L" in raw_value_bit:
+                    raw_value_bit.remove("L")
+                default_value = "".join(raw_value_bit).decode("hex")
+            elif datatype is "unicode_string":
+                default_value = "".join(raw_value_bit).decode("hex").\
+                                                           decode("utf-8")
+            else:   
+                bit_num = len(raw_value_bit)
+                # padding 
+                if not bit_num%2 == 0:
+                    raw_value_bit.insert(0, "0")
+                default_value_bit = []
+                # little endian -> big endian
+                for num in range(bit_num):
+                    if num%2 == 0:
+                        default_value_bit.insert(0, raw_value_bit[num])
+                        default_value_bit.insert(1, raw_value_bit[num+1])
+                default_value = "0x%s" % "".join(default_value_bit)
+        # default value is string type.
+        # this case is not tested yet.
+        elif value_info["name"] == "DefaultString":
+            default_value = raw_value
+        # default value is Hex or Dec type.
+        elif value_info["name"] == "DefaultValue":
+            default_value = "0x" + hex(ExtractHexDecValue(raw_value))
+        self.entries[(index, subidx)]["DefaultValue"] = default_value
     # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     #                        Used PDO Monitoring
     # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     def RequestPDOInfo(self):
-        Load slave information from RootClass (XML data) and parse the information (calling SlavePDOData() method).
+        Load slave information from RootClass (XML data) and parse the information 
+        (calling SlavePDOData() method).
         # Load slave information from ESI XML file (def
         slave = self.Controler.CTNParent.GetSlave(self.Controler.GetSlavePos())
@@ -314,6 +665,13 @@
             pdo_index = ExtractHexDecValue(pdo.getIndex().getcontent())
             entries = pdo.getEntry()
             pdo_name = ExtractName(pdo.getName())
+            excludes = pdo.getExclude()
+            exclude_list = []
+            Sm = pdo.getSm()
+            if excludes :
+                for exclude in excludes:
+                    exclude_list.append(ExtractHexDecValue(exclude.getcontent()))
             # Initialize entry number count
             count = 0
@@ -329,13 +687,15 @@
                         "entry_index": index,
                         "subindex": subindex,
                         "name": ExtractName(entry.getName()),
-                        "bitlen": entry.getBitLen(),
-                        "type": entry.getDataType().getcontent()
+                        "bitlen": entry.getBitLen()
+                    if entry.getDataType() is not None:
+                        entry_infos["type"] = entry.getDataType().getcontent()
                     count += 1
-            categorys = {"pdo_index": pdo_index, "name": pdo_name, "number_of_entry": count}
+            categorys = {"pdo_index" : pdo_index, "name" : pdo_name, "sm" : Sm,
+                         "number_of_entry" : count, "exclude_list" : exclude_list}  
         # Parsing RxPDO entries
@@ -344,6 +704,13 @@
             pdo_index = ExtractHexDecValue(pdo.getIndex().getcontent())
             entries = pdo.getEntry()
             pdo_name = ExtractName(pdo.getName())
+            excludes = pdo.getExclude()
+            exclude_list = []
+            Sm = pdo.getSm()
+            if excludes :
+                for exclude in excludes:
+                    exclude_list.append(ExtractHexDecValue(exclude.getcontent()))
             # Initialize entry number count
             count = 0
@@ -359,14 +726,16 @@
                         "entry_index": index,
                         "subindex": subindex,
                         "name": ExtractName(entry.getName()),
-                        "bitlen": str(entry.getBitLen()),
-                        "type": entry.getDataType().getcontent()
+                        "bitlen": str(entry.getBitLen())
+                    if entry.getDataType() is not None:
+                        entry_infos["type"] = entry.getDataType().getcontent()
                     count += 1
-            categorys = {"pdo_index": pdo_index, "name": pdo_name, "number_of_entry": count}
-            self.RxPDOCategory.append(categorys)
+            categorys = {"pdo_index" : pdo_index, "name" : pdo_name, "sm" : Sm,
+                         "number_of_entry" : count, "exclude_list" : exclude_list}
+            self.RxPDOCategory.append(categorys) 
     def GetTxPDOCategory(self):
@@ -404,10 +773,10 @@
         Initialize PDO management data structure.
-        self.TxPDOInfos = []
-        self.TxPDOCategorys = []
-        self.RxPDOInfos = []
-        self.RxPDOCategorys = []
+        self.TxPDOInfo = []
+        self.TxPDOCategory = []
+        self.RxPDOInfo = []
+        self.RxPDOCategory = []
     # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     #                        Used EEPROM Management
@@ -496,11 +865,11 @@
                         smartview_infos[cfg] = str(int(bootstrap_data[4*iter+2:4*(iter+1)]+bootstrap_data[4*iter:4*iter+2], 16))
             # get protocol (profile) types supported by mailbox; <Device>-<Mailbox>
-            mb = device.getMailbox()
-            if mb is not None:
-                for mailbox_protocol in mailbox_protocols:
-                    if getattr(mb, "get%s" % mailbox_protocol)() is not None:
-                        smartview_infos["supported_mailbox"] += "%s,  " % mailbox_protocol
+            with device.getMailbox() as mb:
+                if mb is not None:
+                    for mailbox_protocol in mailbox_protocols:
+                        if getattr(mb, "get%s" % mailbox_protocol)() is not None:
+                            smartview_infos["supported_mailbox"] += "%s,  " % mailbox_protocol
             smartview_infos["supported_mailbox"] = smartview_infos["supported_mailbox"].strip(", ")
             # get standard configuration of mailbox; <Device>-<Sm>
@@ -515,24 +884,24 @@
             # get device identity from <Device>-<Type>
-            #  vendor ID; by default, pre-defined value in self.ModulesLibrary
-            #             if device type in 'vendor' item equals to actual slave device type, set 'vendor_id' to vendor ID.
+            # vendor ID; by default, pre-defined value in self.ModulesLibrary
+            # if device type in 'vendor' item equals to actual slave device type, set 'vendor_id' to vendor ID.
             for vendor_id, vendor in self.Controler.CTNParent.CTNParent.ModulesLibrary.Library.iteritems():
                 for available_device in vendor["groups"][vendor["groups"].keys()[0]]["devices"]:
                     if available_device[0] == type_infos["device_type"]:
                         smartview_infos["vendor_id"] = "0x" + "{:0>8x}".format(vendor_id)
-            #  product code;
+            # product code;
             if device.getType().getProductCode() is not None:
                 product_code = device.getType().getProductCode()
                 smartview_infos["product_code"] = "0x"+"{:0>8x}".format(ExtractHexDecValue(product_code))
-            #  revision number;
+            # revision number;
             if device.getType().getRevisionNo() is not None:
                 revision_no = device.getType().getRevisionNo()
                 smartview_infos["revision_no"] = "0x"+"{:0>8x}".format(ExtractHexDecValue(revision_no))
-            #  serial number;
+            # serial number;
             if device.getType().getSerialNo() is not None:
                 serial_no = device.getType().getSerialNo()
                 smartview_infos["serial_no"] = "0x"+"{:0>8x}".format(ExtractHexDecValue(serial_no))
@@ -548,14 +917,14 @@
         @param decnum : decimal value
         @return hex_data : hexadecimal representation of input value in decimal
-        value = "%x" % decnum
+        value = "%x" % int(decnum, 16)
         value_len = len(value)
         if (value_len % 2) == 0:
             hex_len = value_len
             hex_len = (value_len // 2) * 2 + 2
-        hex_data = ("{:0>"+str(hex_len)+"x}").format(decnum)
+        hex_data = ("{:0>"+str(hex_len)+"x}").format(int(decnum, 16))
         return hex_data
@@ -750,7 +1119,7 @@
             data = ""
             for eeprom_element in device.getEeprom().getcontent():
                 if eeprom_element["name"] == "BootStrap":
-                    data = "{:0>16x}".format(eeprom_element)
+                    data = "{:0>16x}".format(int(eeprom_element,16))
             eeprom += self.GenerateEEPROMList(data, 0, 16)
             # get Standard Mailbox for EEPROM offset 0x0030-0x0037; <Device>-<sm>
@@ -794,11 +1163,11 @@
             # get supported mailbox protocols for EEPROM offset 0x0038-0x0039;
             data = 0
-            mb = device.getMailbox()
-            if mb is not None:
-                for bit, mbprot in enumerate(mailbox_protocols):
-                    if getattr(mb, "get%s" % mbprot)() is not None:
-                        data += 1 << bit
+            with device.getMailbox() as mb:
+                if mb is not None:
+                    for bit, mbprot in enumerate(mailbox_protocols):
+                        if getattr(mb, "get%s" % mbprot)() is not None:
+                            data += 1 << bit
             data = "{:0>4x}".format(data)
@@ -808,11 +1177,12 @@
             # get EEPROM size for EEPROM offset 0x007c-0x007d;
+            # Modify by jblee because of update IDE module (minidom -> lxml) 
             data = ""
-            for eeprom_element in device.getEeprom().getcontent():
-                if eeprom_element["name"] == "ByteSize":
-                    eeprom_size = int(str(eeprom_element))
-                    data = "{:0>4x}".format(int(eeprom_element)//1024*8-1)
+            for eeprom_element in device.getEeprom().getchildren():
+                if eeprom_element.tag == "ByteSize":
+                    eeprom_size = int(objectify.fromstring(eeprom_element.tostring()).text)
+                    data = "{:0>4x}".format(eeprom_size/1024*8-1)
             if data == "":
@@ -822,7 +1192,7 @@
             # Version for EEPROM 0x007e-0x007f;
-            #  According to "EtherCAT Slave Device Description(V0.3.0)"
+            # According to "EtherCAT Slave Device Description(V0.3.0)"
@@ -915,7 +1285,7 @@
                     vendor_specific_data += "{:0>2x}".format(ord(data[character]))
         data = ""
-        #  element2-1; <EtherCATInfo>-<Descriptions>-<Devices>-<Device>-<GroupType>
+        # element2-1; <EtherCATInfo>-<Descriptions>-<Devices>-<Device>-<GroupType>
         data = device.getGroupType()
         if data is not None and isinstance(data, text):
             for vendor_spec_string in vendor_spec_strings:
@@ -978,6 +1348,7 @@
                 vendor_specific_data += "{:0>2x}".format(len(data))
                 for character in range(len(data)):
                     vendor_specific_data += "{:0>2x}".format(ord(data[character]))
         data = ""
         #  element4; <EtherCATInfo>-<Descriptions>-<Devices>-<Device>-<Name(LcId is "1033" or "1"?)>
@@ -1183,42 +1554,41 @@
         # word 3 : Physical Layer Port info. and CoE Details
         eeprom.append("01")  # Physical Layer Port info - assume 01
         #  CoE Details; <EtherCATInfo>-<Descriptions>-<Devices>-<Device>-<Mailbox>-<CoE>
-        coe_details = 0
-        mb = device.getMailbox()
         coe_details = 1  # sdo enabled
-        if mb is not None:
-            coe = mb.getCoE()
-            if coe is not None:
-                for bit, flag in enumerate(["SdoInfo", "PdoAssign", "PdoConfig",
-                                            "PdoUpload", "CompleteAccess"]):
-                    if getattr(coe, "get%s" % flag)() is not None:
-                        coe_details += 1 << bit
-        eeprom.append("{:0>2x}".format(coe_details))
-        # word 4 : FoE Details and EoE Details
-        #  FoE Details; <EtherCATInfo>-<Descriptions>-<Devices>-<Device>-<Mailbox>-<FoE>
-        if mb is not None and mb.getFoE() is not None:
-            eeprom.append("01")
-        else:
-            eeprom.append("00")
-        #  EoE Details; <EtherCATInfo>-<Descriptions>-<Devices>-<Device>-<Mailbox>-<EoE>
-        if mb is not None and mb.getEoE() is not None:
-            eeprom.append("01")
-        else:
-            eeprom.append("00")
-        # word 5 : SoE Channels(reserved) and DS402 Channels
-        #  SoE Details; <EtherCATInfo>-<Descriptions>-<Devices>-<Device>-<Mailbox>-<SoE>
-        if mb is not None and mb.getSoE() is not None:
-            eeprom.append("01")
-        else:
-            eeprom.append("00")
-        #  DS402Channels; <EtherCATInfo>-<Descriptions>-<Devices>-<Device>-<Mailbox>-<CoE>: DS402Channels
-        ds402ch = False
-        if mb is not None:
-            coe = mb.getCoE()
-            if coe is not None:
-                ds402ch = coe.getDS402Channels()
+        with device.getMailbox() as mb
+            if mb is not None:
+                coe = mb.getCoE()
+                if coe is not None:
+                    for bit, flag in enumerate(["SdoInfo", "PdoAssign", "PdoConfig",
+                                                "PdoUpload", "CompleteAccess"]):
+                        if getattr(coe, "get%s" % flag)() is not None:
+                            coe_details += 1 << bit
+            eeprom.append("{:0>2x}".format(coe_details))
+            # word 4 : FoE Details and EoE Details
+            #  FoE Details; <EtherCATInfo>-<Descriptions>-<Devices>-<Device>-<Mailbox>-<FoE>
+            if mb is not None and mb.getFoE() is not None:
+                eeprom.append("01")
+            else:
+                eeprom.append("00")
+            #  EoE Details; <EtherCATInfo>-<Descriptions>-<Devices>-<Device>-<Mailbox>-<EoE>
+            if mb is not None and mb.getEoE() is not None:
+                eeprom.append("01")
+            else:
+                eeprom.append("00")
+            # word 5 : SoE Channels(reserved) and DS402 Channels
+            #  SoE Details; <EtherCATInfo>-<Descriptions>-<Devices>-<Device>-<Mailbox>-<SoE>
+            if mb is not None and mb.getSoE() is not None:
+                eeprom.append("01")
+            else:
+                eeprom.append("00")
+            #  DS402Channels; <EtherCATInfo>-<Descriptions>-<Devices>-<Device>-<Mailbox>-<CoE>: DS402Channels
+            ds402ch = False
+            if mb is not None:
+                coe = mb.getCoE()
+                if coe is not None:
+                    ds402ch = coe.getDS402Channels()
         eeprom.append("01" if ds402ch in [True, 1] else "00")
         # word 6 : SysmanClass(reserved) and Flags
@@ -1546,6 +1916,24 @@
         return return_val
+    def MultiRegRead(self, slave_num, reg_infos):
+        """
+        @slave_num:
+        @param addr_info:
+        @return return_val: 
+        """
+        reg_info_str = ""
+        for reg_info in reg_infos:
+            reg_info_str = reg_info_str + "%s|" % reg_info
+        reg_info_str = reg_info_str.strip("|")
+        _error, return_val = self.Controler.RemoteExec(\
+            MULTI_REG_READ%(slave_num, reg_info_str),
+            return_val = None)
+        return return_val
     def RegWrite(self, address, data):
         Write data to slave ESC register using "ethercat reg_write -p %d %s %s" command.
@@ -1567,6 +1955,40 @@
         _error, _return_val = self.Controler.RemoteExec(RESCAN % (self.Controler.GetSlavePos()), return_val=None)
     # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    #                        Used DC Configuration
+    #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    def LoadESIData(self):
+        return_data = []
+        slave = self.Controler.CTNParent.GetSlave(self.Controler.GetSlavePos())
+        type_infos = slave.getType()
+        device, alignment = self.Controler.CTNParent.GetModuleInfos(type_infos)
+        if device.getDc() is not None:
+            for OpMode in device.getDc().getOpMode():
+                temp_data = {
+                    "desc" : OpMode.getDesc() if OpMode.getDesc() is not None else "Unused",
+                    "assign_activate" : OpMode.getAssignActivate() \
+                        if OpMode.getAssignActivate() is not None else "#x0000",
+                    "cycletime_sync0" : OpMode.getCycleTimeSync0().getcontent() \
+                        if OpMode.getCycleTimeSync0() is not None else None,
+                    "shifttime_sync0" : OpMode.getShiftTimeSync0().getcontent() \
+                        if OpMode.getShiftTimeSync0() is not None else None,
+                    "cycletime_sync1" : OpMode.getShiftTimeSync1().getcontent() \
+                        if OpMode.getShiftTimeSync1() is not None else None,
+                    "shifttime_sync1" : OpMode.getShiftTimeSync1().getcontent() \
+                        if OpMode.getShiftTimeSync1() is not None else None
+                }
+                if OpMode.getCycleTimeSync0() is not None:
+                    temp_data["cycletime_sync0_factor"] = OpMode.getCycleTimeSync0().getFactor()
+                if OpMode.getCycleTimeSync1() is not None:
+                    temp_data["cycletime_sync1_factor"] = OpMode.getCycleTimeSync1().getFactor()
+                return_data.append(temp_data)
+        return return_data
+    #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     #                        Common Use Methods
     # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     def CheckConnect(self, cyclic_flag):