changeset 3589 a0b645a934c9
parent 3422 700b39cb4525
child 3591 50600b946ea7
--- a/opc_ua/opcua_client_maker.py	Tue Aug 23 08:39:08 2022 +0200
+++ b/opc_ua/opcua_client_maker.py	Tue Sep 06 21:06:36 2022 +0200
@@ -38,6 +38,16 @@
 directions = ["input", "output"]
+authParams = {
+    "x509":[
+        ("Certificate", "certificate.der"),
+        ("PrivateKey", "private_key.pem"),
+        ("Policy", "Basic256Sha256"),
+        ("Mode", "SignAndEncrypt")],
+    "UserPassword":[
+        ("User", None),
+        ("Password", None)]}
 class OPCUASubListModel(dv.DataViewIndexListModel):
     def __init__(self, data, log):
         dv.DataViewIndexListModel.__init__(self, len(data))
@@ -230,7 +240,7 @@
 class OPCUAClientPanel(wx.SplitterWindow):
-    def __init__(self, parent, modeldata, log, uri_getter):
+    def __init__(self, parent, modeldata, log, config_getter):
         self.log = log
         wx.SplitterWindow.__init__(self, parent, -1)
@@ -242,7 +252,7 @@
         self.client = None
-        self.uri_getter = uri_getter
+        self.config_getter = config_getter
         self.connect_button = wx.ToggleButton(self.inout_panel, -1, "Browse Server")
@@ -298,7 +308,12 @@
-            self.client = Client(self.uri_getter())
+            config = self.config_getter()
+            self.client = Client(config["URI"])
+            # TODO: crypto stuff
+            # client.set_security_string("Basic256Sha256,SignAndEncrypt,certificate-example.der,private-key-example.pem")
             self.client.load_type_definitions()  # load definition of server specific structures/extension objects
             rootnode = self.client.get_root_node()
@@ -478,7 +493,7 @@
                 for row in data:
                     writer.writerow([direction] + row)
-    def GenerateC(self, path, locstr, server_uri):
+    def GenerateC(self, path, locstr, config):
         template = """/* code generated by beremiz OPC-UA extension */
 #include <open62541/client_config_default.h>
@@ -492,65 +507,66 @@
 static C_type c_loc_name##_buf = 0;                                                                 \\
 C_type *c_loc_name = &c_loc_name##_buf;
-void __cleanup_%(locstr)s(void)
+void __cleanup_{locstr}(void)
 #define INIT_READ_VARIANT(ua_type, c_loc_name)                                                     \\
-#define INIT_WRITE_VARIANT(ua_type, ua_type_enum, c_loc_name)       \\
+#define INIT_WRITE_VARIANT(ua_type, ua_type_enum, c_loc_name)                                      \\
     UA_Variant_setScalar(&c_loc_name##_variant, (ua_type*)c_loc_name, &UA_TYPES[ua_type_enum]);
-int __init_%(locstr)s(int argc,char **argv)
+int __init_{locstr}(int argc,char **argv)
     UA_StatusCode retval;
     client = UA_Client_new();
     /* Connect to server */
-    retval = UA_Client_connect(client, "%(uri)s");
-    if(retval != UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD) {
+    retval = UA_Client_connect(client, "{uri}");
+    if(retval != UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD) {{
         return EXIT_FAILURE;
-    }
+    }}
 #define READ_VALUE(ua_type, ua_type_enum, c_loc_name, ua_nodeid_type, ua_nsidx, ua_node_id)        \\
     retval = UA_Client_readValueAttribute(                                                         \\
         client, ua_nodeid_type(ua_nsidx, ua_node_id), &c_loc_name##_variant);                      \\
     if(retval == UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD && UA_Variant_isScalar(&c_loc_name##_variant) &&               \\
-       c_loc_name##_variant.type == &UA_TYPES[ua_type_enum]) {                                     \\
+       c_loc_name##_variant.type == &UA_TYPES[ua_type_enum]) {{                                    \\
             c_loc_name##_buf = *(ua_type*)c_loc_name##_variant.data;                               \\
             UA_Variant_clear(&c_loc_name##_variant);  /* Unalloc requiered on each read ! */       \\
-    }
-void __retrieve_%(locstr)s(void)
+    }}
+void __retrieve_{locstr}(void)
     UA_StatusCode retval;
-#define WRITE_VALUE(ua_type, c_loc_name, ua_nodeid_type, ua_nsidx, ua_node_id)       \\
+#define WRITE_VALUE(ua_type, c_loc_name, ua_nodeid_type, ua_nsidx, ua_node_id)                     \\
     UA_Client_writeValueAttribute(                                                                 \\
         client, ua_nodeid_type(ua_nsidx, ua_node_id), &c_loc_name##_variant);
-void __publish_%(locstr)s(void)
+void __publish_{locstr}(void)
         formatdict = dict(
             locstr   = locstr,
-            uri      = server_uri,
+            uri      = config["URI"],
+            # TODO: pass authentication code.
             decl     = "",
             cleanup  = "",
             init     = "",
@@ -581,7 +597,7 @@
                     formatdict["publish"] += """
     WRITE_VALUE({ua_type}, {c_loc_name}, {ua_nodeid_type}, {ua_nsidx}, {ua_node_id})""".format(**locals())
-        Ccode = template%formatdict
+        Ccode = template.format(**formatdict)
         return Ccode
@@ -594,7 +610,20 @@
     frame = wx.Frame(None, -1, "OPCUA Client Test App", size=(800,600))
-    uri = sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv)>1 else "opc.tcp://localhost:4840"
+    argc = len(sys.argv)
+    config={}
+    config["URI"] = sys.argv[1] if argc>1 else "opc.tcp://localhost:4840"
+    if argc > 2:
+        AuthType = sys.argv[2]
+        config["AuthType"] = AuthType
+        for (name, default), value in izip_longest(authParams[AuthType], sys.argv[3:]):
+            if value is None:
+                if default is None:
+                    raise Exception(name+" param expected")
+                value = default
+            config[name] = value
     test_panel = wx.Panel(frame)
     test_sizer = wx.FlexGridSizer(cols=1, hgap=0, rows=2, vgap=0)
@@ -603,7 +632,7 @@
     modeldata = OPCUAClientModel(print)
-    opcuatestpanel = OPCUAClientPanel(test_panel, modeldata, print, lambda:uri)
+    opcuatestpanel = OPCUAClientPanel(test_panel, modeldata, print, lambda:config)
     def OnGenerate(evt):
         dlg = wx.FileDialog(
@@ -624,7 +653,7 @@
     -I ../../open62541/arch/ ../../open62541/build/bin/libopen62541.a
-"""%(path, path[:-2]) + modeldata.GenerateC(path, "test", uri) + """
+"""%(path, path[:-2]) + modeldata.GenerateC(path, "test", config) + """
 int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {