--- a/plcopen/plcopen.py Thu Sep 26 20:47:36 2013 +0900
+++ b/plcopen/plcopen.py Fri Sep 27 09:32:39 2013 +0900
@@ -23,10 +23,9 @@
#Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
from xmlclass import *
-from structures import *
from types import *
import os, re
-from collections import OrderedDict
+from lxml import etree
Dictionary that makes the relation between var names in plcopen and displayed values
@@ -122,14 +121,84 @@
result = criteria["pattern"].search(text, result.end())
return test_result
-PLCOpenClasses = GenerateClassesFromXSD(os.path.join(os.path.split(__file__)[0], "tc6_xml_v201.xsd"))
-ElementNameToClass = {}
-cls = PLCOpenClasses.get("formattedText", None)
+PLCOpenParser = GenerateParserFromXSD(os.path.join(os.path.split(__file__)[0], "tc6_xml_v201.xsd"))
+PLCOpen_XPath = lambda xpath: etree.XPath(xpath, namespaces=PLCOpenParser.NSMAP)
+<project xmlns:ns1="http://www.plcopen.org/xml/tc6_0201"
+ xmlns:xhtml="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
+ xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
+ xmlns="http://www.plcopen.org/xml/tc6_0201">
+ <fileHeader companyName="" productName="" productVersion=""
+ creationDateTime="1970-01-01T00:00:00"/>
+ <contentHeader name="paste_project">
+ <coordinateInfo>
+ <fbd><scaling x="0" y="0"/></fbd>
+ <ld><scaling x="0" y="0"/></ld>
+ <sfc><scaling x="0" y="0"/></sfc>
+ </coordinateInfo>
+ </contentHeader>
+ <types>
+ <dataTypes/>
+ <pous>%s</pous>
+ </types>
+ <instances>
+ <configurations/>
+ </instances>
+<pou name="paste_pou" pouType="program">
+ <body>
+ <%(body_type)s>%%s</%(body_type)s>
+ </body>
+</pou>""" % locals()
+def LoadProject(filepath):
+ project_file = open(filepath)
+ project_xml = project_file.read().replace(
+ "http://www.plcopen.org/xml/tc6.xsd",
+ "http://www.plcopen.org/xml/tc6_0201")
+ for cre, repl in [
+ (re.compile("(?<!<xhtml:p>)(?:<!\[CDATA\[)"), "<xhtml:p><![CDATA["),
+ (re.compile("(?:]]>)(?!</xhtml:p>)"), "]]></xhtml:p>")]:
+ project_xml = cre.sub(repl, project_xml)
+ project_file.close()
+ return etree.fromstring(project_xml, PLCOpenParser)
+project_pou_xpath = PLCOpen_XPath("/ppx:project/ppx:types/ppx:pous/ppx:pou")
+def LoadPou(xml_string):
+ root = etree.fromstring(
+ PLCOpenParser)
+ return project_pou_xpath(root)[0]
+project_pou_instances_xpath = {
+ body_type: PLCOpen_XPath(
+ "/ppx:project/ppx:types/ppx:pous/ppx:pou[@name='paste_pou']/ppx:body/ppx:%s/*" % body_type)
+ for body_type in ["FBD", "LD", "SFC"]}
+def LoadPouInstances(xml_string, body_type):
+ root = etree.fromstring(
+ LOAD_POU_INSTANCES_PROJECT_TEMPLATE(body_type) % xml_string,
+ PLCOpenParser)
+ return project_pou_instances_xpath[body_type](root)
+def SaveProject(project, filepath):
+ project_file = open(filepath, 'w')
+ project_file.write(etree.tostring(
+ project,
+ pretty_print=True,
+ xml_declaration=True,
+ encoding='utf-8'))
+ project_file.close()
+cls = PLCOpenParser.GetElementClass("formattedText")
if cls:
def updateElementName(self, old_name, new_name):
- text = self.text
+ text = self.getanyText()
index = text.find(old_name)
while index != -1:
if index > 0 and (text[index - 1].isalnum() or text[index - 1] == "_"):
@@ -139,11 +208,11 @@
text = text[:index] + new_name + text[index + len(old_name):]
index = text.find(old_name, index + len(new_name))
- self.text = text
+ self.setanyText(text)
setattr(cls, "updateElementName", updateElementName)
def updateElementAddress(self, address_model, new_leading):
- text = self.text
+ text = self.getanyText()
startpos = 0
result = address_model.search(text, startpos)
while result is not None:
@@ -151,12 +220,12 @@
new_address = groups[0] + new_leading + groups[2]
text = text[:result.start()] + new_address + text[result.end():]
startpos = result.start() + len(new_address)
- result = address_model.search(self.text, startpos)
- self.text = text
+ result = address_model.search(text, startpos)
+ self.setanyText(text)
setattr(cls, "updateElementAddress", updateElementAddress)
def hasblock(self, block_type):
- text = self.text.upper()
+ text = self.getanyText().upper()
index = text.find(block_type.upper())
while index != -1:
if (not (index > 0 and (text[index - 1].isalnum() or text[index - 1] == "_")) and
@@ -167,17 +236,11 @@
setattr(cls, "hasblock", hasblock)
def Search(self, criteria, parent_infos):
- return [(tuple(parent_infos),) + result for result in TestTextElement(self.gettext(), criteria)]
+ return [(tuple(parent_infos),) + result for result in TestTextElement(self.getanyText(), criteria)]
setattr(cls, "Search", Search)
-cls = PLCOpenClasses.get("project", None)
-if cls:
- cls.singleLineAttributes = False
- cls.EnumeratedDataTypeValues = {}
- cls.CustomDataTypeRange = {}
- cls.CustomTypeHierarchy = {}
- cls.ElementUsingTree = {}
- cls.CustomBlockTypes = OrderedDict()
+cls = PLCOpenParser.GetElementClass("project")
+if cls:
def setname(self, name):
@@ -188,522 +251,219 @@
setattr(cls, "getname", getname)
def getfileHeader(self):
- fileheader = {}
- for name, value in [("companyName", self.fileHeader.getcompanyName()),
- ("companyURL", self.fileHeader.getcompanyURL()),
- ("productName", self.fileHeader.getproductName()),
- ("productVersion", self.fileHeader.getproductVersion()),
- ("productRelease", self.fileHeader.getproductRelease()),
- ("creationDateTime", self.fileHeader.getcreationDateTime()),
- ("contentDescription", self.fileHeader.getcontentDescription())]:
+ fileheader_obj = self.fileHeader
+ return {
+ attr: value if value is not None else ""
+ for attr, value in [
+ ("companyName", fileheader_obj.getcompanyName()),
+ ("companyURL", fileheader_obj.getcompanyURL()),
+ ("productName", fileheader_obj.getproductName()),
+ ("productVersion", fileheader_obj.getproductVersion()),
+ ("productRelease", fileheader_obj.getproductRelease()),
+ ("creationDateTime", fileheader_obj.getcreationDateTime()),
+ ("contentDescription", fileheader_obj.getcontentDescription())]
+ }
+ setattr(cls, "getfileHeader", getfileHeader)
+ def setfileHeader(self, fileheader):
+ fileheader_obj = self.fileHeader
+ for attr in ["companyName", "companyURL", "productName",
+ "productVersion", "productRelease", "creationDateTime",
+ "contentDescription"]:
+ value = fileheader.get(attr)
if value is not None:
- fileheader[name] = value
- else:
- fileheader[name] = ""
- return fileheader
- setattr(cls, "getfileHeader", getfileHeader)
- def setfileHeader(self, fileheader):
- if fileheader.has_key("companyName"):
- self.fileHeader.setcompanyName(fileheader["companyName"])
- if fileheader.has_key("companyURL"):
- self.fileHeader.setcompanyURL(fileheader["companyURL"])
- if fileheader.has_key("productName"):
- self.fileHeader.setproductName(fileheader["productName"])
- if fileheader.has_key("productVersion"):
- self.fileHeader.setproductVersion(fileheader["productVersion"])
- if fileheader.has_key("productRelease"):
- self.fileHeader.setproductRelease(fileheader["productRelease"])
- if fileheader.has_key("creationDateTime"):
- self.fileHeader.setcreationDateTime(fileheader["creationDateTime"])
- if fileheader.has_key("contentDescription"):
- self.fileHeader.setcontentDescription(fileheader["contentDescription"])
+ setattr(fileheader_obj, attr, value)
setattr(cls, "setfileHeader", setfileHeader)
def getcontentHeader(self):
- contentheader = {}
- for name, value in [("projectName", self.contentHeader.getname()),
- ("projectVersion", self.contentHeader.getversion()),
- ("modificationDateTime", self.contentHeader.getmodificationDateTime()),
- ("organization", self.contentHeader.getorganization()),
- ("authorName", self.contentHeader.getauthor()),
- ("language", self.contentHeader.getlanguage())]:
- if value is not None:
- contentheader[name] = value
- else:
- contentheader[name] = ""
+ contentheader_obj = self.contentHeader
+ contentheader = {
+ attr: value if value is not None else ""
+ for attr, value in [
+ ("projectName", contentheader_obj.getname()),
+ ("projectVersion", contentheader_obj.getversion()),
+ ("modificationDateTime", contentheader_obj.getmodificationDateTime()),
+ ("organization", contentheader_obj.getorganization()),
+ ("authorName", contentheader_obj.getauthor()),
+ ("language", contentheader_obj.getlanguage())]
+ }
contentheader["pageSize"] = self.contentHeader.getpageSize()
contentheader["scaling"] = self.contentHeader.getscaling()
return contentheader
setattr(cls, "getcontentHeader", getcontentHeader)
def setcontentHeader(self, contentheader):
- if contentheader.has_key("projectName"):
- self.contentHeader.setname(contentheader["projectName"])
- if contentheader.has_key("projectVersion"):
- self.contentHeader.setversion(contentheader["projectVersion"])
- if contentheader.has_key("modificationDateTime"):
- self.contentHeader.setmodificationDateTime(contentheader["modificationDateTime"])
- if contentheader.has_key("organization"):
- self.contentHeader.setorganization(contentheader["organization"])
- if contentheader.has_key("authorName"):
- self.contentHeader.setauthor(contentheader["authorName"])
- if contentheader.has_key("language"):
- self.contentHeader.setlanguage(contentheader["language"])
- if contentheader.has_key("pageSize"):
- self.contentHeader.setpageSize(*contentheader["pageSize"])
- if contentheader.has_key("scaling"):
- self.contentHeader.setscaling(contentheader["scaling"])
+ contentheader_obj = self.contentHeader
+ for attr, value in contentheader.iteritems():
+ func = {"projectName": contentheader_obj.setname,
+ "projectVersion": contentheader_obj.setversion,
+ "authorName": contentheader_obj.setauthor,
+ "pageSize": lambda v: contentheader_obj.setpageSize(*v),
+ "scaling": contentheader_obj.setscaling}.get(attr)
+ if func is not None:
+ func(value)
+ elif attr in ["modificationDateTime", "organization", "language"]:
+ setattr(contentheader_obj, attr, value)
setattr(cls, "setcontentHeader", setcontentHeader)
- def getdataTypes(self):
- return self.types.getdataTypeElements()
+ def gettypeElementFunc(element_type):
+ elements_xpath = PLCOpen_XPath(
+ "ppx:types/ppx:%(element_type)ss/ppx:%(element_type)s[@name=$name]" % locals())
+ def gettypeElement(self, name):
+ elements = elements_xpath(self, name=name)
+ if len(elements) == 1:
+ return elements[0]
+ return None
+ return gettypeElement
+ datatypes_xpath = PLCOpen_XPath("ppx:types/ppx:dataTypes/ppx:dataType")
+ filtered_datatypes_xpath = PLCOpen_XPath(
+ "ppx:types/ppx:dataTypes/ppx:dataType[@name!=$exclude]")
+ def getdataTypes(self, exclude=None):
+ if exclude is not None:
+ return filtered_datatypes_xpath(self, exclude=exclude)
+ return datatypes_xpath(self)
setattr(cls, "getdataTypes", getdataTypes)
- def getdataType(self, name):
- return self.types.getdataTypeElement(name)
- setattr(cls, "getdataType", getdataType)
+ setattr(cls, "getdataType", gettypeElementFunc("dataType"))
def appenddataType(self, name):
- if self.CustomTypeHierarchy.has_key(name):
+ if self.getdataType(name) is not None:
raise ValueError, "\"%s\" Data Type already exists !!!"%name
- self.AddCustomDataType(self.getdataType(name))
setattr(cls, "appenddataType", appenddataType)
def insertdataType(self, index, datatype):
self.types.insertdataTypeElement(index, datatype)
- self.AddCustomDataType(datatype)
setattr(cls, "insertdataType", insertdataType)
def removedataType(self, name):
- self.RefreshDataTypeHierarchy()
- self.RefreshElementUsingTree()
setattr(cls, "removedataType", removedataType)
- def getpous(self):
- return self.types.getpouElements()
+ def getpous(self, exclude=None, filter=[]):
+ return self.xpath(
+ "ppx:types/ppx:pous/ppx:pou%s%s" %
+ (("[@name!='%s']" % exclude) if exclude is not None else '',
+ ("[%s]" % " or ".join(
+ map(lambda x: "@pouType='%s'" % x, filter)))
+ if len(filter) > 0 else ""),
+ namespaces=PLCOpenParser.NSMAP)
setattr(cls, "getpous", getpous)
- def getpou(self, name):
- return self.types.getpouElement(name)
- setattr(cls, "getpou", getpou)
+ setattr(cls, "getpou", gettypeElementFunc("pou"))
def appendpou(self, name, pou_type, body_type):
self.types.appendpouElement(name, pou_type, body_type)
- self.AddCustomBlockType(self.getpou(name))
setattr(cls, "appendpou", appendpou)
def insertpou(self, index, pou):
self.types.insertpouElement(index, pou)
- self.AddCustomBlockType(pou)
setattr(cls, "insertpou", insertpou)
def removepou(self, name):
- self.RefreshCustomBlockTypes()
- self.RefreshElementUsingTree()
setattr(cls, "removepou", removepou)
+ configurations_xpath = PLCOpen_XPath(
+ "ppx:instances/ppx:configurations/ppx:configuration")
def getconfigurations(self):
- configurations = self.instances.configurations.getconfiguration()
- if configurations:
- return configurations
- return []
+ return configurations_xpath(self)
setattr(cls, "getconfigurations", getconfigurations)
+ configuration_xpath = PLCOpen_XPath(
+ "ppx:instances/ppx:configurations/ppx:configuration[@name=$name]")
def getconfiguration(self, name):
- for configuration in self.instances.configurations.getconfiguration():
- if configuration.getname() == name:
- return configuration
+ configurations = configuration_xpath(self, name=name)
+ if len(configurations) == 1:
+ return configurations[0]
return None
setattr(cls, "getconfiguration", getconfiguration)
def addconfiguration(self, name):
- for configuration in self.instances.configurations.getconfiguration():
- if configuration.getname() == name:
- raise ValueError, _("\"%s\" configuration already exists !!!")%name
- new_configuration = PLCOpenClasses["configurations_configuration"]()
+ if self.getconfiguration(name) is not None:
+ raise ValueError, _("\"%s\" configuration already exists !!!") % name
+ new_configuration = PLCOpenParser.CreateElement("configuration", "configurations")
setattr(cls, "addconfiguration", addconfiguration)
def removeconfiguration(self, name):
- found = False
- for idx, configuration in enumerate(self.instances.configurations.getconfiguration()):
- if configuration.getname() == name:
- self.instances.configurations.removeconfiguration(idx)
- found = True
- break
- if not found:
- raise ValueError, ("\"%s\" configuration doesn't exist !!!")%name
+ configuration = self.getconfiguration(name)
+ if configuration is None:
+ raise ValueError, ("\"%s\" configuration doesn't exist !!!") % name
+ self.instances.configurations.remove(configuration)
setattr(cls, "removeconfiguration", removeconfiguration)
+ resources_xpath = PLCOpen_XPath(
+ "ppx:instances/ppx:configurations/ppx:configuration[@name=$configname]/ppx:resource[@name=$name]")
def getconfigurationResource(self, config_name, name):
- configuration = self.getconfiguration(config_name)
- if configuration:
- for resource in configuration.getresource():
- if resource.getname() == name:
- return resource
+ resources = resources_xpath(self, configname=config_name, name=name)
+ if len(resources) == 1:
+ return resources[0]
return None
setattr(cls, "getconfigurationResource", getconfigurationResource)
def addconfigurationResource(self, config_name, name):
+ if self.getconfigurationResource(config_name, name) is not None:
+ raise ValueError, _("\"%s\" resource already exists in \"%s\" configuration !!!") % (name, config_name)
configuration = self.getconfiguration(config_name)
- if configuration:
- for resource in configuration.getresource():
- if resource.getname() == name:
- raise ValueError, _("\"%s\" resource already exists in \"%s\" configuration !!!")%(name, config_name)
- new_resource = PLCOpenClasses["configuration_resource"]()
+ if configuration is not None:
+ new_resource = PLCOpenParser.CreateElement("resource", "configuration")
setattr(cls, "addconfigurationResource", addconfigurationResource)
def removeconfigurationResource(self, config_name, name):
configuration = self.getconfiguration(config_name)
- if configuration:
- found = False
- for idx, resource in enumerate(configuration.getresource()):
- if resource.getname() == name:
- configuration.removeresource(idx)
- found = True
- break
- if not found:
- raise ValueError, _("\"%s\" resource doesn't exist in \"%s\" configuration !!!")%(name, config_name)
+ found = False
+ if configuration is not None:
+ resource = self.getconfigurationResource(config_name, name)
+ if resource is not None:
+ configuration.remove(resource)
+ found = True
+ if not found:
+ raise ValueError, _("\"%s\" resource doesn't exist in \"%s\" configuration !!!")%(name, config_name)
setattr(cls, "removeconfigurationResource", removeconfigurationResource)
def updateElementName(self, old_name, new_name):
- for datatype in self.types.getdataTypeElements():
+ for datatype in self.getdataTypes():
datatype.updateElementName(old_name, new_name)
- for pou in self.types.getpouElements():
+ for pou in self.getpous():
pou.updateElementName(old_name, new_name)
- for configuration in self.instances.configurations.getconfiguration():
+ for configuration in self.getconfigurations():
configuration.updateElementName(old_name, new_name)
setattr(cls, "updateElementName", updateElementName)
def updateElementAddress(self, old_leading, new_leading):
address_model = re.compile(FILTER_ADDRESS_MODEL % old_leading)
- for pou in self.types.getpouElements():
+ for pou in self.getpous():
pou.updateElementAddress(address_model, new_leading)
- for configuration in self.instances.configurations.getconfiguration():
+ for configuration in self.getconfigurations():
configuration.updateElementAddress(address_model, new_leading)
setattr(cls, "updateElementAddress", updateElementAddress)
def removeVariableByAddress(self, address):
- for pou in self.types.getpouElements():
+ for pou in self.getpous():
- for configuration in self.instances.configurations.getconfiguration():
+ for configuration in self.getconfigurations():
setattr(cls, "removeVariableByAddress", removeVariableByAddress)
def removeVariableByFilter(self, leading):
address_model = re.compile(FILTER_ADDRESS_MODEL % leading)
- for pou in self.types.getpouElements():
+ for pou in self.getpous():
- for configuration in self.instances.configurations.getconfiguration():
+ for configuration in self.getconfigurations():
setattr(cls, "removeVariableByFilter", removeVariableByFilter)
- def RefreshDataTypeHierarchy(self):
- self.EnumeratedDataTypeValues = {}
- self.CustomDataTypeRange = {}
- self.CustomTypeHierarchy = {}
- for datatype in self.getdataTypes():
- self.AddCustomDataType(datatype)
- setattr(cls, "RefreshDataTypeHierarchy", RefreshDataTypeHierarchy)
- def AddCustomDataType(self, datatype):
- name = datatype.getname()
- basetype_content = datatype.getbaseType().getcontent()
- if basetype_content["value"] is None:
- self.CustomTypeHierarchy[name] = basetype_content["name"]
- elif basetype_content["name"] in ["string", "wstring"]:
- self.CustomTypeHierarchy[name] = basetype_content["name"].upper()
- elif basetype_content["name"] == "derived":
- self.CustomTypeHierarchy[name] = basetype_content["value"].getname()
- elif basetype_content["name"] in ["subrangeSigned", "subrangeUnsigned"]:
- range = (basetype_content["value"].range.getlower(),
- basetype_content["value"].range.getupper())
- self.CustomDataTypeRange[name] = range
- base_type = basetype_content["value"].baseType.getcontent()
- if base_type["value"] is None:
- self.CustomTypeHierarchy[name] = base_type["name"]
- else:
- self.CustomTypeHierarchy[name] = base_type["value"].getname()
- else:
- if basetype_content["name"] == "enum":
- values = []
- for value in basetype_content["value"].values.getvalue():
- values.append(value.getname())
- self.EnumeratedDataTypeValues[name] = values
- self.CustomTypeHierarchy[name] = "ANY_DERIVED"
- setattr(cls, "AddCustomDataType", AddCustomDataType)
- # Update Block types with user-defined pou added
- def RefreshCustomBlockTypes(self):
- # Reset the tree of user-defined pou cross-use
- self.CustomBlockTypes = OrderedDict()
- for pou in self.getpous():
- self.AddCustomBlockType(pou)
- setattr(cls, "RefreshCustomBlockTypes", RefreshCustomBlockTypes)
- def AddCustomBlockType(self, pou):
- pou_name = pou.getname()
- pou_type = pou.getpouType()
- block_infos = {"name" : pou_name, "type" : pou_type, "extensible" : False,
- "inputs" : [], "outputs" : [], "comment" : pou.getdescription(),
- "generate" : generate_block, "initialise" : initialise_block}
- if pou.getinterface():
- return_type = pou.interface.getreturnType()
- if return_type:
- var_type = return_type.getcontent()
- if var_type["name"] == "derived":
- block_infos["outputs"].append(("OUT", var_type["value"].getname(), "none"))
- elif var_type["name"] in ["string", "wstring"]:
- block_infos["outputs"].append(("OUT", var_type["name"].upper(), "none"))
- else:
- block_infos["outputs"].append(("OUT", var_type["name"], "none"))
- for type, varlist in pou.getvars():
- if type == "InOut":
- for var in varlist.getvariable():
- var_type = var.type.getcontent()
- if var_type["name"] == "derived":
- block_infos["inputs"].append((var.getname(), var_type["value"].getname(), "none"))
- block_infos["outputs"].append((var.getname(), var_type["value"].getname(), "none"))
- elif var_type["name"] in ["string", "wstring"]:
- block_infos["inputs"].append((var.getname(), var_type["name"].upper(), "none"))
- block_infos["outputs"].append((var.getname(), var_type["name"].upper(), "none"))
- else:
- block_infos["inputs"].append((var.getname(), var_type["name"], "none"))
- block_infos["outputs"].append((var.getname(), var_type["name"], "none"))
- elif type == "Input":
- for var in varlist.getvariable():
- var_type = var.type.getcontent()
- if var_type["name"] == "derived":
- block_infos["inputs"].append((var.getname(), var_type["value"].getname(), "none"))
- elif var_type["name"] in ["string", "wstring"]:
- block_infos["inputs"].append((var.getname(), var_type["name"].upper(), "none"))
- else:
- block_infos["inputs"].append((var.getname(), var_type["name"], "none"))
- elif type == "Output":
- for var in varlist.getvariable():
- var_type = var.type.getcontent()
- if var_type["name"] == "derived":
- block_infos["outputs"].append((var.getname(), var_type["value"].getname(), "none"))
- elif var_type["name"] in ["string", "wstring"]:
- block_infos["outputs"].append((var.getname(), var_type["name"].upper(), "none"))
- else:
- block_infos["outputs"].append((var.getname(), var_type["name"], "none"))
- block_infos["usage"] = "\n (%s) => (%s)" % (", ".join(["%s:%s" % (input[1], input[0]) for input in block_infos["inputs"]]),
- ", ".join(["%s:%s" % (output[1], output[0]) for output in block_infos["outputs"]]))
- self.CustomBlockTypes[pou_name]=block_infos
- setattr(cls, "AddCustomBlockType", AddCustomBlockType)
- def AddElementUsingTreeInstance(self, name, type_infos):
- typename = type_infos.getname()
- elements = self.ElementUsingTree.setdefault(typename, set())
- elements.add(name)
- setattr(cls, "AddElementUsingTreeInstance", AddElementUsingTreeInstance)
- def RefreshElementUsingTree(self):
- # Reset the tree of user-defined element cross-use
- self.ElementUsingTree = {}
- pous = self.getpous()
- datatypes = self.getdataTypes()
- # Analyze each datatype
- for datatype in datatypes:
- name = datatype.getname()
- basetype_content = datatype.baseType.getcontent()
- if basetype_content["name"] == "derived":
- self.AddElementUsingTreeInstance(name,
- basetype_content["value"])
- elif basetype_content["name"] in ["subrangeSigned", "subrangeUnsigned", "array"]:
- base_type = basetype_content["value"].baseType.getcontent()
- if base_type["name"] == "derived":
- self.AddElementUsingTreeInstance(name, base_type["value"])
- elif basetype_content["name"] == "struct":
- for element in basetype_content["value"].getvariable():
- type_content = element.type.getcontent()
- if type_content["name"] == "derived":
- self.AddElementUsingTreeInstance(name, type_content["value"])
- # Analyze each pou
- for pou in pous:
- name = pou.getname()
- if pou.interface:
- # Extract variables from every varLists
- for type, varlist in pou.getvars():
- for var in varlist.getvariable():
- vartype_content = var.gettype().getcontent()
- if vartype_content["name"] == "derived":
- self.AddElementUsingTreeInstance(name, vartype_content["value"])
- setattr(cls, "RefreshElementUsingTree", RefreshElementUsingTree)
- def GetParentType(self, type):
- if self.CustomTypeHierarchy.has_key(type):
- return self.CustomTypeHierarchy[type]
- elif TypeHierarchy.has_key(type):
- return TypeHierarchy[type]
- return None
- setattr(cls, "GetParentType", GetParentType)
- def GetBaseType(self, type):
- parent_type = self.GetParentType(type)
- if parent_type is not None:
- if parent_type.startswith("ANY"):
- return type
- else:
- return self.GetBaseType(parent_type)
- return None
- setattr(cls, "GetBaseType", GetBaseType)
- def GetSubrangeBaseTypes(self, exclude):
- derived = []
- for type in self.CustomTypeHierarchy.keys():
- for base_type in DataTypeRange.keys():
- if self.IsOfType(type, base_type) and not self.IsOfType(type, exclude):
- derived.append(type)
- break
- return derived
- setattr(cls, "GetSubrangeBaseTypes", GetSubrangeBaseTypes)
- """
- returns true if the given data type is the same that "reference" meta-type or one of its types.
- """
- def IsOfType(self, type, reference):
- if reference is None:
- return True
- elif type == reference:
- return True
- else:
- parent_type = self.GetParentType(type)
- if parent_type is not None:
- return self.IsOfType(parent_type, reference)
- return False
- setattr(cls, "IsOfType", IsOfType)
- # Return if pou given by name is used by another pou
- def ElementIsUsed(self, name):
- elements = self.ElementUsingTree.get(name, None)
- return elements is not None
- setattr(cls, "ElementIsUsed", ElementIsUsed)
- def DataTypeIsDerived(self, name):
- return name in self.CustomTypeHierarchy.values()
- setattr(cls, "DataTypeIsDerived", DataTypeIsDerived)
- # Return if pou given by name is directly or undirectly used by the reference pou
- def ElementIsUsedBy(self, name, reference):
- elements = self.ElementUsingTree.get(name, set())
- # Test if pou is directly used by reference
- if reference in elements:
- return True
- else:
- # Test if pou is undirectly used by reference, by testing if pous
- # that directly use pou is directly or undirectly used by reference
- selffn = self.ElementIsUsedBy
- for element in elements:
- if selffn(element, reference):
- return True
- return False
- setattr(cls, "ElementIsUsedBy", ElementIsUsedBy)
- def GetDataTypeRange(self, type):
- if self.CustomDataTypeRange.has_key(type):
- return self.CustomDataTypeRange[type]
- elif DataTypeRange.has_key(type):
- return DataTypeRange[type]
- else:
- parent_type = self.GetParentType(type)
- if parent_type is not None:
- return self.GetDataTypeRange(parent_type)
- return None
- setattr(cls, "GetDataTypeRange", GetDataTypeRange)
- def GetEnumeratedDataTypeValues(self, type = None):
- if type is None:
- all_values = []
- for values in self.EnumeratedDataTypeValues.values():
- all_values.extend(values)
- return all_values
- elif self.EnumeratedDataTypeValues.has_key(type):
- return self.EnumeratedDataTypeValues[type]
- return []
+ enumerated_values_xpath = PLCOpen_XPath(
+ "ppx:types/ppx:dataTypes/ppx:dataType/ppx:baseType/ppx:enum/ppx:values/ppx:value")
+ def GetEnumeratedDataTypeValues(self):
+ return [value.getname() for value in enumerated_values_xpath(self)]
setattr(cls, "GetEnumeratedDataTypeValues", GetEnumeratedDataTypeValues)
- # Function that returns the block definition associated to the block type given
- def GetCustomBlockType(self, typename, inputs = None):
- customblocktype = self.CustomBlockTypes.get(typename,None)
- if customblocktype is not None:
- if inputs is not None and inputs != "undefined":
- customblock_inputs = tuple([var_type for name, var_type, modifier in customblocktype["inputs"]])
- if inputs == customblock_inputs:
- return customblocktype
- else:
- return customblocktype
- return None
- setattr(cls, "GetCustomBlockType", GetCustomBlockType)
- # Return Block types checking for recursion
- def GetCustomBlockTypes(self, exclude = None, onlyfunctions = False):
- if exclude is not None:
- return [customblocktype for name,customblocktype in self.CustomBlockTypes.iteritems()
- if (customblocktype["type"] != "program"
- and name != exclude
- and not self.ElementIsUsedBy(exclude, name)
- and not (onlyfunctions and customblocktype["type"] != "function"))]
- return [customblocktype for customblocktype in self.CustomBlockTypes.itervalues()
- if (customblocktype["type"] != "program"
- and not (onlyfunctions and customblocktype["type"] != "function"))]
- setattr(cls, "GetCustomBlockTypes", GetCustomBlockTypes)
- # Return Function Block types checking for recursion
- def GetCustomFunctionBlockTypes(self, exclude = None):
- if exclude is not None:
- return [customblocktype for name,customblocktype in self.CustomBlockTypes.iteritems()
- if (customblocktype["type"] == "functionBlock"
- and name != exclude
- and not self.ElementIsUsedBy(exclude, name))]
- return [customblocktype for customblocktype in self.CustomBlockTypes.itervalues()
- if customblocktype["type"] == "functionBlock"]
- setattr(cls, "GetCustomFunctionBlockTypes", GetCustomFunctionBlockTypes)
- # Return Block types checking for recursion
- def GetCustomBlockResource(self):
- return [customblocktype for customblocktype in self.CustomBlockTypes.itervalues()
- if customblocktype["type"] == "program"]
- setattr(cls, "GetCustomBlockResource", GetCustomBlockResource)
- # Return Data Types checking for recursion
- def GetCustomDataTypes(self, exclude = "", only_locatable = False):
- customdatatypes = []
- for customdatatype in self.getdataTypes():
- if not only_locatable or self.IsLocatableType(customdatatype):
- customdatatype_name = customdatatype.getname()
- if customdatatype_name != exclude and not self.ElementIsUsedBy(exclude, customdatatype_name):
- customdatatypes.append({"name": customdatatype_name, "infos": customdatatype})
- return customdatatypes
- setattr(cls, "GetCustomDataTypes", GetCustomDataTypes)
- # Return if Data Type can be used for located variables
- def IsLocatableType(self, datatype):
- basetype_content = datatype.baseType.getcontent()
- if basetype_content["name"] in ["enum", "struct"]:
- return False
- elif basetype_content["name"] == "derived":
- base_type = self.getdataType(basetype_content["value"].getname())
- if base_type is not None:
- return self.IsLocatableType(base_type)
- elif basetype_content["name"] == "array":
- array_base_type = basetype_content["value"].baseType.getcontent()
- if array_base_type["value"] is not None and array_base_type["name"] not in ["string", "wstring"]:
- base_type = self.getdataType(array_base_type["value"].getname())
- if base_type is not None:
- return self.IsLocatableType(base_type)
- return True
- setattr(cls, "IsLocatableType", IsLocatableType)
def Search(self, criteria, parent_infos=[]):
result = self.types.Search(criteria, parent_infos)
for configuration in self.instances.configurations.getconfiguration():
@@ -711,13 +471,8 @@
return result
setattr(cls, "Search", Search)
-cls = PLCOpenClasses.get("project_fileHeader", None)
-if cls:
- cls.singleLineAttributes = False
-cls = PLCOpenClasses.get("project_contentHeader", None)
-if cls:
- cls.singleLineAttributes = False
+cls = PLCOpenParser.GetElementClass("contentHeader", "project")
+if cls:
def setpageSize(self, width, height):
self.coordinateInfo.setpageSize(width, height)
@@ -740,7 +495,7 @@
return scaling
setattr(cls, "getscaling", getscaling)
-cls = PLCOpenClasses.get("contentHeader_coordinateInfo", None)
+cls = PLCOpenParser.GetElementClass("coordinateInfo", "contentHeader")
if cls:
def setpageSize(self, width, height):
if width == 0 and height == 0:
@@ -809,7 +564,7 @@
variables = varlist.getvariable()
for i in xrange(len(variables)-1, -1, -1):
if variables[i].getaddress() == address:
- variables.pop(i)
+ variables.remove(variables[i])
def _removeConfigurationResourceVariableByFilter(self, address_model):
for varlist in self.getglobalVars():
@@ -819,7 +574,7 @@
if var_address is not None:
result = address_model.match(var_address)
if result is not None:
- variables.pop(i)
+ variables.remove(variables[i])
def _SearchInConfigurationResource(self, criteria, parent_infos=[]):
search_result = _Search([("name", self.getname())], criteria, parent_infos)
@@ -839,33 +594,21 @@
var_number += 1
return search_result
-cls = PLCOpenClasses.get("configurations_configuration", None)
-if cls:
- def addglobalVar(self, type, name, location="", description=""):
+cls = PLCOpenParser.GetElementClass("configuration", "configurations")
+if cls:
+ def addglobalVar(self, var_type, name, location="", description=""):
globalvars = self.getglobalVars()
if len(globalvars) == 0:
- globalvars.append(PLCOpenClasses["varList"]())
- var = PLCOpenClasses["varListPlain_variable"]()
+ globalvars.append(PLCOpenParser.CreateElement("varList"))
+ var = PLCOpenParser.CreateElement("variable", "varListPlain")
- var_type = PLCOpenClasses["dataType"]()
- if type in [x for x,y in TypeHierarchy_list if not x.startswith("ANY")]:
- if type == "STRING":
- var_type.setcontent({"name" : "string", "value" : PLCOpenClasses["elementaryTypes_string"]()})
- elif type == "WSTRING":
- var_type.setcontent({"name" : "wstring", "value" : PLCOpenClasses["elementaryTypes_wstring"]()})
- else:
- var_type.setcontent({"name" : type, "value" : None})
- else:
- derived_type = PLCOpenClasses["derivedTypes_derived"]()
- derived_type.setname(type)
- var_type.setcontent({"name" : "derived", "value" : derived_type})
if location != "":
if description != "":
- ft = PLCOpenClasses["formattedText"]()
- ft.settext(description)
+ ft = PLCOpenParser.CreateElement("documentation", "variable")
+ ft.setanyText(description)
setattr(cls, "addglobalVar", addglobalVar)
@@ -896,7 +639,7 @@
return search_result
setattr(cls, "Search", Search)
-cls = PLCOpenClasses.get("configuration_resource", None)
+cls = PLCOpenParser.GetElementClass("resource", "configuration")
if cls:
def updateElementName(self, old_name, new_name):
_updateConfigurationResourceElementName(self, old_name, new_name)
@@ -937,7 +680,7 @@
return search_result
setattr(cls, "Search", Search)
-cls = PLCOpenClasses.get("resource_task", None)
+cls = PLCOpenParser.GetElementClass("task", "resource")
if cls:
def compatibility(self, tree):
if tree.hasAttribute("interval"):
@@ -986,7 +729,7 @@
criteria, parent_infos)
setattr(cls, "Search", Search)
-cls = PLCOpenClasses.get("pouInstance", None)
+cls = PLCOpenParser.GetElementClass("pouInstance")
if cls:
def compatibility(self, tree):
if tree.hasAttribute("type"):
@@ -1004,31 +747,33 @@
criteria, parent_infos)
setattr(cls, "Search", Search)
-cls = PLCOpenClasses.get("varListPlain_variable", None)
+cls = PLCOpenParser.GetElementClass("variable", "varListPlain")
if cls:
def gettypeAsText(self):
vartype_content = self.gettype().getcontent()
+ vartype_content_name = vartype_content.getLocalTag()
# Variable type is a user data type
- if vartype_content["name"] == "derived":
- return vartype_content["value"].getname()
+ if vartype_content_name == "derived":
+ return vartype_content.getname()
# Variable type is a string type
- elif vartype_content["name"] in ["string", "wstring"]:
- return vartype_content["name"].upper()
+ elif vartype_content_name in ["string", "wstring"]:
+ return vartype_content_name.upper()
# Variable type is an array
- elif vartype_content["name"] == "array":
- base_type = vartype_content["value"].baseType.getcontent()
+ elif vartype_content_name == "array":
+ base_type = vartype_content.baseType.getcontent()
+ base_type_name = base_type.getLocalTag()
# Array derived directly from a user defined type
- if base_type["name"] == "derived":
- basetype_name = base_type["value"].getname()
+ if base_type_name == "derived":
+ basetype_name = base_type.getname()
# Array derived directly from a string type
- elif base_type["name"] in ["string", "wstring"]:
- basetype_name = base_type["name"].upper()
+ elif base_type_name in ["string", "wstring"]:
+ basetype_name = base_type_name.upper()
# Array derived directly from an elementary type
- basetype_name = base_type["name"]
- return "ARRAY [%s] OF %s" % (",".join(map(lambda x : "%s..%s" % (x.getlower(), x.getupper()), vartype_content["value"].getdimension())), basetype_name)
+ basetype_name = base_type_name
+ return "ARRAY [%s] OF %s" % (",".join(map(lambda x : "%s..%s" % (x.getlower(), x.getupper()), vartype_content.getdimension())), basetype_name)
# Variable type is an elementary type
- return vartype_content["name"]
+ return vartype_content_name
setattr(cls, "gettypeAsText", gettypeAsText)
def Search(self, criteria, parent_infos=[]):
@@ -1045,7 +790,7 @@
return search_result
setattr(cls, "Search", Search)
-cls = PLCOpenClasses.get("project_types", None)
+cls = PLCOpenParser.GetElementClass("types", "project")
if cls:
def getdataTypeElements(self):
return self.dataTypes.getdataType()
@@ -1060,10 +805,10 @@
setattr(cls, "getdataTypeElement", getdataTypeElement)
def appenddataTypeElement(self, name):
- new_datatype = PLCOpenClasses["dataTypes_dataType"]()
+ new_datatype = PLCOpenParser.CreateElement("dataType", "dataTypes")
+ self.dataTypes.appenddataType(new_datatype)
- new_datatype.baseType.setcontent({"name" : "BOOL", "value" : None})
- self.dataTypes.appenddataType(new_datatype)
+ new_datatype.baseType.setcontent(PLCOpenParser.CreateElement("BOOL", "dataType"))
setattr(cls, "appenddataTypeElement", appenddataTypeElement)
def insertdataTypeElement(self, index, dataType):
@@ -1072,9 +817,9 @@
def removedataTypeElement(self, name):
found = False
- for idx, element in enumerate(self.dataTypes.getdataType()):
+ for element in self.dataTypes.getdataType():
if element.getname() == name:
- self.dataTypes.removedataType(idx)
+ self.dataTypes.remove(element)
found = True
if not found:
@@ -1097,12 +842,12 @@
for element in self.pous.getpou():
if element.getname() == name:
raise ValueError, _("\"%s\" POU already exists !!!")%name
- new_pou = PLCOpenClasses["pous_pou"]()
+ new_pou = PLCOpenParser.CreateElement("pou", "pous")
+ self.pous.appendpou(new_pou)
- new_pou.appendbody(PLCOpenClasses["body"]())
+ new_pou.appendbody(PLCOpenParser.CreateElement("body", "pou"))
- self.pous.appendpou(new_pou)
setattr(cls, "appendpouElement", appendpouElement)
def insertpouElement(self, index, pou):
@@ -1111,9 +856,9 @@
def removepouElement(self, name):
found = False
- for idx, element in enumerate(self.pous.getpou()):
+ for element in self.pous.getpou():
if element.getname() == name:
- self.pous.removepou(idx)
+ self.pous.remove(element)
found = True
if not found:
@@ -1133,7 +878,7 @@
def _updateBaseTypeElementName(self, old_name, new_name):
self.baseType.updateElementName(old_name, new_name)
-cls = PLCOpenClasses.get("dataTypes_dataType", None)
+cls = PLCOpenParser.GetElementClass("dataType", "dataTypes")
if cls:
setattr(cls, "updateElementName", _updateBaseTypeElementName)
@@ -1149,33 +894,45 @@
return search_result
setattr(cls, "Search", Search)
-cls = PLCOpenClasses.get("dataType", None)
+cls = PLCOpenParser.GetElementClass("dataType")
if cls:
def updateElementName(self, old_name, new_name):
- if self.content["name"] in ["derived", "array", "subrangeSigned", "subrangeUnsigned"]:
- self.content["value"].updateElementName(old_name, new_name)
- elif self.content["name"] == "struct":
- for element in self.content["value"].getvariable():
+ content_name = self.content.getLocalTag()
+ if content_name in ["derived", "array", "subrangeSigned", "subrangeUnsigned"]:
+ self.content.updateElementName(old_name, new_name)
+ elif content_name == "struct":
+ for element in self.content.getvariable():
element_type = element.type.updateElementName(old_name, new_name)
setattr(cls, "updateElementName", updateElementName)
def Search(self, criteria, parent_infos=[]):
search_result = []
- if self.content["name"] in ["derived", "array", "enum", "subrangeSigned", "subrangeUnsigned"]:
- search_result.extend(self.content["value"].Search(criteria, parent_infos))
- elif self.content["name"] == "struct":
- for i, element in enumerate(self.content["value"].getvariable()):
+ content_name = self.content.getLocalTag()
+ if content_name in ["derived", "array", "enum", "subrangeSigned", "subrangeUnsigned"]:
+ search_result.extend(self.content.Search(criteria, parent_infos + ["base"]))
+ elif content_name == "struct":
+ for i, element in enumerate(self.content.getvariable()):
search_result.extend(element.Search(criteria, parent_infos + ["struct", i]))
- basetype = self.content["name"]
- if basetype in ["string", "wstring"]:
- basetype = basetype.upper()
- search_result.extend(_Search([("base", basetype)], criteria, parent_infos))
+ if content_name in ["string", "wstring"]:
+ content_name = content_name.upper()
+ search_result.extend(_Search([("base", content_name)], criteria, parent_infos))
return search_result
setattr(cls, "Search", Search)
-cls = PLCOpenClasses.get("derivedTypes_array", None)
+cls = PLCOpenParser.GetElementClass("derived", "dataType")
+if cls:
+ def updateElementName(self, old_name, new_name):
+ if self.name == old_name:
+ self.name = new_name
+ setattr(cls, "updateElementName", updateElementName)
+ def Search(self, criteria, parent_infos=[]):
+ return [(tuple(parent_infos),) + result for result in TestTextElement(self.name, criteria)]
+ setattr(cls, "Search", Search)
+cls = PLCOpenParser.GetElementClass("array", "dataType")
if cls:
setattr(cls, "updateElementName", _updateBaseTypeElementName)
@@ -1195,68 +952,100 @@
criteria, parent_infos))
return search_result
-cls = PLCOpenClasses.get("derivedTypes_subrangeSigned", None)
+cls = PLCOpenParser.GetElementClass("subrangeSigned", "dataType")
if cls:
setattr(cls, "updateElementName", _updateBaseTypeElementName)
setattr(cls, "Search", _SearchInSubrange)
-cls = PLCOpenClasses.get("derivedTypes_subrangeUnsigned", None)
+cls = PLCOpenParser.GetElementClass("subrangeUnsigned", "dataType")
if cls:
setattr(cls, "updateElementName", _updateBaseTypeElementName)
setattr(cls, "Search", _SearchInSubrange)
-cls = PLCOpenClasses.get("derivedTypes_enum", None)
+cls = PLCOpenParser.GetElementClass("enum", "dataType")
if cls:
def updateElementName(self, old_name, new_name):
setattr(cls, "updateElementName", updateElementName)
+ enumerated_datatype_values_xpath = PLCOpen_XPath("ppx:values/ppx:value")
def Search(self, criteria, parent_infos=[]):
search_result = []
- for i, value in enumerate(self.values.getvalue()):
+ for i, value in enumerate(enumerated_datatype_values_xpath(self)):
for result in TestTextElement(value.getname(), criteria):
search_result.append((tuple(parent_infos + ["value", i]),) + result)
return search_result
setattr(cls, "Search", Search)
-cls = PLCOpenClasses.get("pous_pou", None)
-if cls:
+def _getvariableTypeinfos(variable_type):
+ type_content = variable_type.getcontent()
+ type_content_type = type_content.getLocalTag()
+ if type_content_type == "derived":
+ return type_content.getname()
+ return type_content_type.upper()
+cls = PLCOpenParser.GetElementClass("pou", "pous")
+if cls:
+ block_inputs_xpath = PLCOpen_XPath(
+ "ppx:interface/*[self::ppx:inputVars or self::ppx:inOutVars]/ppx:variable")
+ block_outputs_xpath = PLCOpen_XPath(
+ "ppx:interface/*[self::ppx:outputVars or self::ppx:inOutVars]/ppx:variable")
+ def getblockInfos(self):
+ block_infos = {
+ "name" : self.getname(),
+ "type" : self.getpouType(),
+ "extensible" : False,
+ "inputs" : [],
+ "outputs" : [],
+ "comment" : self.getdescription()}
+ if self.interface is not None:
+ return_type = self.interface.getreturnType()
+ if return_type is not None:
+ block_infos["outputs"].append(
+ ("OUT", _getvariableTypeinfos(return_type), "none"))
+ block_infos["inputs"].extend(
+ [(var.getname(), _getvariableTypeinfos(var.type), "none")
+ for var in block_inputs_xpath(self)])
+ block_infos["outputs"].extend(
+ [(var.getname(), _getvariableTypeinfos(var.type), "none")
+ for var in block_outputs_xpath(self)])
+ block_infos["usage"] = ("\n (%s) => (%s)" %
+ (", ".join(["%s:%s" % (input[1], input[0])
+ for input in block_infos["inputs"]]),
+ ", ".join(["%s:%s" % (output[1], output[0])
+ for output in block_infos["outputs"]])))
+ return block_infos
+ setattr(cls, "getblockInfos", getblockInfos)
def setdescription(self, description):
doc = self.getdocumentation()
if doc is None:
- doc = PLCOpenClasses["formattedText"]()
+ doc = PLCOpenParser.CreateElement("documentation", "pou")
- doc.settext(description)
+ doc.setanyText(description)
setattr(cls, "setdescription", setdescription)
def getdescription(self):
doc = self.getdocumentation()
if doc is not None:
- return doc.gettext()
+ return doc.getanyText()
return ""
setattr(cls, "getdescription", getdescription)
- def setbodyType(self, type):
+ def setbodyType(self, body_type):
if len(self.body) > 0:
- if type == "IL":
- self.body[0].setcontent({"name" : "IL", "value" : PLCOpenClasses["formattedText"]()})
- elif type == "ST":
- self.body[0].setcontent({"name" : "ST", "value" : PLCOpenClasses["formattedText"]()})
- elif type == "LD":
- self.body[0].setcontent({"name" : "LD", "value" : PLCOpenClasses["body_LD"]()})
- elif type == "FBD":
- self.body[0].setcontent({"name" : "FBD", "value" : PLCOpenClasses["body_FBD"]()})
- elif type == "SFC":
- self.body[0].setcontent({"name" : "SFC", "value" : PLCOpenClasses["body_SFC"]()})
+ if body_type in ["IL", "ST", "LD", "FBD", "SFC"]:
+ self.body[0].setcontent(PLCOpenParser.CreateElement(body_type, "body"))
raise ValueError, "%s isn't a valid body type!"%type
setattr(cls, "setbodyType", setbodyType)
def getbodyType(self):
if len(self.body) > 0:
- return self.body[0].getcontent()["name"]
+ return self.body[0].getcontent().getLocalTag()
setattr(cls, "getbodyType", getbodyType)
def resetexecutionOrder(self):
@@ -1274,9 +1063,9 @@
self.body[0].setelementExecutionOrder(instance, new_executionOrder)
setattr(cls, "setelementExecutionOrder", setelementExecutionOrder)
- def addinstance(self, name, instance):
+ def addinstance(self, instance):
if len(self.body) > 0:
- self.body[0].appendcontentInstance(name, instance)
+ self.body[0].appendcontentInstance(instance)
setattr(cls, "addinstance", addinstance)
def getinstances(self):
@@ -1326,88 +1115,78 @@
for name, value in VarTypes.items():
reverse_types[value] = name
for varlist in self.interface.getcontent():
- vars.append((reverse_types[varlist["name"]], varlist["value"]))
+ vars.append((reverse_types[varlist.getLocalTag()], varlist))
return vars
setattr(cls, "getvars", getvars)
def setvars(self, vars):
if self.interface is None:
- self.interface = PLCOpenClasses["pou_interface"]()
- self.interface.setcontent([])
- for vartype, varlist in vars:
- self.interface.appendcontent({"name" : VarTypes[vartype], "value" : varlist})
+ self.interface = PLCOpenParser.CreateElement("interface", "pou")
+ self.interface.setcontent(vars)
setattr(cls, "setvars", setvars)
- def addpouLocalVar(self, type, name, location="", description=""):
- self.addpouVar(type, name, location=location, description=description)
+ def addpouLocalVar(self, var_type, name, location="", description=""):
+ self.addpouVar(var_type, name, location=location, description=description)
setattr(cls, "addpouLocalVar", addpouLocalVar)
- def addpouExternalVar(self, type, name):
+ def addpouExternalVar(self, var_type, name):
self.addpouVar(type, name, "externalVars")
setattr(cls, "addpouExternalVar", addpouExternalVar)
- def addpouVar(self, type, name, var_class="localVars", location="", description=""):
+ def addpouVar(self, var_type, name, var_class="localVars", location="", description=""):
if self.interface is None:
- self.interface = PLCOpenClasses["pou_interface"]()
+ self.interface = PLCOpenParser.CreateElement("interface", "pou")
content = self.interface.getcontent()
- if len(content) == 0 or content[-1]["name"] != var_class:
- content.append({"name" : var_class, "value" : PLCOpenClasses["interface_%s" % var_class]()})
+ if len(content) == 0:
+ varlist = PLCOpenParser.CreateElement(var_class, "interface")
+ self.interface.setcontent([varlist])
+ elif content[-1] != var_class:
+ varlist = PLCOpenParser.CreateElement(var_class, "interface")
+ content[-1].addnext(varlist)
- varlist = content[-1]["value"]
+ varlist = content[-1]
variables = varlist.getvariable()
if varlist.getconstant() or varlist.getretain() or len(variables) > 0 and variables[0].getaddress():
- content.append({"name" : var_class, "value" : PLCOpenClasses["interface_%s" % var_class]()})
- var = PLCOpenClasses["varListPlain_variable"]()
+ varlist = PLCOpenParser.CreateElement(var_class, "interface")
+ content[-1].addnext(varlist)
+ var = PLCOpenParser.CreateElement("variable", "varListPlain")
- var_type = PLCOpenClasses["dataType"]()
- if type in [x for x,y in TypeHierarchy_list if not x.startswith("ANY")]:
- if type == "STRING":
- var_type.setcontent({"name" : "string", "value" : PLCOpenClasses["elementaryTypes_string"]()})
- elif type == "WSTRING":
- var_type.setcontent({"name" : "wstring", "value" : PLCOpenClasses["elementaryTypes_wstring"]()})
- else:
- var_type.setcontent({"name" : type, "value" : None})
- else:
- derived_type = PLCOpenClasses["derivedTypes_derived"]()
- derived_type.setname(type)
- var_type.setcontent({"name" : "derived", "value" : derived_type})
if location != "":
if description != "":
- ft = PLCOpenClasses["formattedText"]()
- ft.settext(description)
+ ft = PLCOpenParser.CreateElement("documentation", "variable")
+ ft.setanyText(description)
- content[-1]["value"].appendvariable(var)
+ varlist.appendvariable(var)
setattr(cls, "addpouVar", addpouVar)
def changepouVar(self, old_type, old_name, new_type, new_name):
if self.interface is not None:
content = self.interface.getcontent()
for varlist in content:
- variables = varlist["value"].getvariable()
+ variables = varlist.getvariable()
for var in variables:
if var.getname() == old_name:
vartype_content = var.gettype().getcontent()
- if vartype_content["name"] == "derived" and vartype_content["value"].getname() == old_type:
+ if vartype_content.getLocalTag() == "derived" and vartype_content.getname() == old_type:
- vartype_content["value"].setname(new_type)
+ vartype_content.setname(new_type)
setattr(cls, "changepouVar", changepouVar)
- def removepouVar(self, type, name):
+ def removepouVar(self, var_type, name):
if self.interface is not None:
content = self.interface.getcontent()
for varlist in content:
- variables = varlist["value"].getvariable()
- for var in variables:
+ for var in varlist.getvariable():
if var.getname() == name:
vartype_content = var.gettype().getcontent()
- if vartype_content["name"] == "derived" and vartype_content["value"].getname() == type:
- variables.remove(var)
+ if vartype_content.getLocalTag() == "derived" and vartype_content.getname() == var_type:
+ varlist.remove(var)
- if len(varlist["value"].getvariable()) == 0:
+ if len(varlist.getvariable()) == 0:
setattr(cls, "removepouVar", removepouVar)
@@ -1415,7 +1194,7 @@
def hasblock(self, name=None, block_type=None):
if self.getbodyType() in ["FBD", "LD", "SFC"]:
for instance in self.getinstances():
- if (isinstance(instance, PLCOpenClasses["fbdObjects_block"]) and
+ if (isinstance(instance, PLCOpenParser.GetElementClass("block", "fbdObjects")) and
(name and instance.getinstanceName() == name or
block_type and instance.gettypeName() == block_type)):
return True
@@ -1434,22 +1213,22 @@
return False
setattr(cls, "hasblock", hasblock)
- def addtransition(self, name, type):
- if not self.transitions:
+ def addtransition(self, name, body_type):
+ if self.transitions is None:
- transition = PLCOpenClasses["transitions_transition"]()
+ transition = PLCOpenParser.CreateElement("transition", "transitions")
+ self.transitions.appendtransition(transition)
- transition.setbodyType(type)
- if type == "ST":
- transition.settext(":= ;")
- elif type == "IL":
- transition.settext("\tST\t%s"%name)
- self.transitions.appendtransition(transition)
+ transition.setbodyType(body_type)
+ if body_type == "ST":
+ transition.setanyText(":= ;")
+ elif body_type == "IL":
+ transition.setanyText("\tST\t%s"%name)
setattr(cls, "addtransition", addtransition)
def gettransition(self, name):
- if self.transitions:
+ if self.transitions is not None:
for transition in self.transitions.gettransition():
if transition.getname() == name:
return transition
@@ -1457,42 +1236,40 @@
setattr(cls, "gettransition", gettransition)
def gettransitionList(self):
- if self.transitions:
+ if self.transitions is not None:
return self.transitions.gettransition()
return []
setattr(cls, "gettransitionList", gettransitionList)
def removetransition(self, name):
- if self.transitions:
- transitions = self.transitions.gettransition()
- i = 0
+ if self.transitions is not None:
removed = False
- while i < len(transitions) and not removed:
- if transitions[i].getname() == name:
- if transitions[i].getbodyType() in ["FBD", "LD", "SFC"]:
- for instance in transitions[i].getinstances():
- if isinstance(instance, PLCOpenClasses["fbdObjects_block"]):
+ for transition in self.transitions.gettransition():
+ if transition.getname() == name:
+ if transition.getbodyType() in ["FBD", "LD", "SFC"]:
+ for instance in transition.getinstances():
+ if isinstance(instance, PLCOpenParser.GetElementClass("block", "fbdObjects")):
- transitions.pop(i)
+ self.transitions.remove(transition)
removed = True
- i += 1
+ break
if not removed:
raise ValueError, _("Transition with name %s doesn't exist!")%name
setattr(cls, "removetransition", removetransition)
- def addaction(self, name, type):
- if not self.actions:
+ def addaction(self, name, body_type):
+ if self.actions is None:
- action = PLCOpenClasses["actions_action"]()
+ action = PLCOpenParser.CreateElement("action", "actions")
+ self.actions.appendaction(action)
- action.setbodyType(type)
- self.actions.appendaction(action)
+ action.setbodyType(body_type)
setattr(cls, "addaction", addaction)
def getaction(self, name):
- if self.actions:
+ if self.actions is not None:
for action in self.actions.getaction():
if action.getname() == name:
return action
@@ -1506,28 +1283,26 @@
setattr(cls, "getactionList", getactionList)
def removeaction(self, name):
- if self.actions:
- actions = self.actions.getaction()
- i = 0
+ if self.actions is not None:
removed = False
- while i < len(actions) and not removed:
- if actions[i].getname() == name:
- if actions[i].getbodyType() in ["FBD", "LD", "SFC"]:
- for instance in actions[i].getinstances():
- if isinstance(instance, PLCOpenClasses["fbdObjects_block"]):
+ for action in self.actions.getaction():
+ if action.getname() == name:
+ if action.getbodyType() in ["FBD", "LD", "SFC"]:
+ for instance in action.getinstances():
+ if isinstance(instance, PLCOpenParser.GetElementClass("block", "fbdObjects")):
- actions.pop(i)
+ self.actions.remove(action)
removed = True
- i += 1
+ break
if not removed:
raise ValueError, _("Action with name %s doesn't exist!")%name
setattr(cls, "removeaction", removeaction)
def updateElementName(self, old_name, new_name):
- if self.interface:
+ if self.interface is not None:
for content in self.interface.getcontent():
- for var in content["value"].getvariable():
+ for var in content.getvariable():
var_address = var.getaddress()
if var_address is not None:
if var_address == old_name:
@@ -1535,9 +1310,9 @@
if var.getname() == old_name:
var_type_content = var.gettype().getcontent()
- if var_type_content["name"] == "derived":
- if var_type_content["value"].getname() == old_name:
- var_type_content["value"].setname(new_name)
+ if var_type_content.getLocalTag() == "derived":
+ if var_type_content.getname() == old_name:
+ var_type_content.setname(new_name)
self.body[0].updateElementName(old_name, new_name)
for action in self.getactionList():
action.updateElementName(old_name, new_name)
@@ -1546,9 +1321,9 @@
setattr(cls, "updateElementName", updateElementName)
def updateElementAddress(self, address_model, new_leading):
- if self.interface:
+ if self.interface is not None:
for content in self.interface.getcontent():
- for var in content["value"].getvariable():
+ for var in content.getvariable():
var_address = var.getaddress()
if var_address is not None:
var.setaddress(update_address(var_address, address_model, new_leading))
@@ -1560,24 +1335,22 @@
setattr(cls, "updateElementAddress", updateElementAddress)
def removeVariableByAddress(self, address):
- if self.interface:
+ if self.interface is not None:
for content in self.interface.getcontent():
- variables = content["value"].getvariable()
- for i in xrange(len(variables)-1, -1, -1):
- if variables[i].getaddress() == address:
- variables.pop(i)
+ for variable in content.getvariable():
+ if variable.getaddress() == address:
+ content.remove(variable)
setattr(cls, "removeVariableByAddress", removeVariableByAddress)
def removeVariableByFilter(self, address_model):
- if self.interface:
+ if self.interface is not None:
for content in self.interface.getcontent():
- variables = content["value"].getvariable()
- for i in xrange(len(variables)-1, -1, -1):
- var_address = variables[i].getaddress()
+ for variable in content.getvariable():
+ var_address = variable.getaddress()
if var_address is not None:
result = address_model.match(var_address)
if result is not None:
- variables.pop(i)
+ content.remove(variable)
setattr(cls, "removeVariableByFilter", removeVariableByFilter)
def Search(self, criteria, parent_infos=[]):
@@ -1589,11 +1362,11 @@
if self.interface is not None:
var_number = 0
for content in self.interface.getcontent():
- variable_type = searchResultVarTypes.get(content["value"], "var_local")
- variables = content["value"].getvariable()
- for modifier, has_modifier in [("constant", content["value"].getconstant()),
- ("retain", content["value"].getretain()),
- ("non_retain", content["value"].getnonretain())]:
+ variable_type = searchResultVarTypes.get(content, "var_local")
+ variables = content.getvariable()
+ for modifier, has_modifier in [("constant", content.getconstant()),
+ ("retain", content.getretain()),
+ ("non_retain", content.getnonretain())]:
if has_modifier:
for result in TestTextElement(modifier, criteria):
search_result.append((tuple(parent_infos + [variable_type, (var_number, var_number + len(variables)), modifier]),) + result)
@@ -1610,22 +1383,14 @@
return search_result
setattr(cls, "Search", Search)
-def setbodyType(self, type):
- if type == "IL":
- self.body.setcontent({"name" : "IL", "value" : PLCOpenClasses["formattedText"]()})
- elif type == "ST":
- self.body.setcontent({"name" : "ST", "value" : PLCOpenClasses["formattedText"]()})
- elif type == "LD":
- self.body.setcontent({"name" : "LD", "value" : PLCOpenClasses["body_LD"]()})
- elif type == "FBD":
- self.body.setcontent({"name" : "FBD", "value" : PLCOpenClasses["body_FBD"]()})
- elif type == "SFC":
- self.body.setcontent({"name" : "SFC", "value" : PLCOpenClasses["body_SFC"]()})
+def setbodyType(self, body_type):
+ if body_type in ["IL", "ST", "LD", "FBD", "SFC"]:
+ self.body.setcontent(PLCOpenParser.CreateElement(body_type, "body"))
raise ValueError, "%s isn't a valid body type!"%type
def getbodyType(self):
- return self.body.getcontent()["name"]
+ return self.body.getcontent().getLocalTag()
def resetexecutionOrder(self):
@@ -1636,8 +1401,8 @@
def setelementExecutionOrder(self, instance, new_executionOrder):
self.body.setelementExecutionOrder(instance, new_executionOrder)
-def addinstance(self, name, instance):
- self.body.appendcontentInstance(name, instance)
+def addinstance(self, instance):
+ self.body.appendcontentInstance(instance)
def getinstances(self):
return self.body.getcontentInstances()
@@ -1663,7 +1428,7 @@
def hasblock(self, name=None, block_type=None):
if self.getbodyType() in ["FBD", "LD", "SFC"]:
for instance in self.getinstances():
- if (isinstance(instance, PLCOpenClasses["fbdObjects_block"]) and
+ if (isinstance(instance, PLCOpenParser.GetElementClass("block", "fbdObjects")) and
(name and instance.getinstanceName() == name or
block_type and instance.gettypeName() == block_type)):
return True
@@ -1678,7 +1443,7 @@
self.body.updateElementAddress(address_model, new_leading)
-cls = PLCOpenClasses.get("transitions_transition", None)
+cls = PLCOpenParser.GetElementClass("transition", "transitions")
if cls:
setattr(cls, "setbodyType", setbodyType)
setattr(cls, "getbodyType", getbodyType)
@@ -1706,7 +1471,7 @@
return search_result
setattr(cls, "Search", Search)
-cls = PLCOpenClasses.get("actions_action", None)
+cls = PLCOpenParser.GetElementClass("action", "actions")
if cls:
setattr(cls, "setbodyType", setbodyType)
setattr(cls, "getbodyType", getbodyType)
@@ -1734,27 +1499,9 @@
return search_result
setattr(cls, "Search", Search)
-cls = PLCOpenClasses.get("body", None)
+cls = PLCOpenParser.GetElementClass("body")
if cls:
cls.currentExecutionOrderId = 0
- cls.instances_dict = {}
- setattr(cls, "_init_", getattr(cls, "__init__"))
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- self._init_(*args, **kwargs)
- self.instances_dict = {}
- setattr(cls, "__init__", __init__)
- setattr(cls, "_loadXMLTree", getattr(cls, "loadXMLTree"))
- def loadXMLTree(self, *args, **kwargs):
- self._loadXMLTree(*args, **kwargs)
- if self.content["name"] in ["LD","FBD","SFC"]:
- self.instances_dict = dict(
- [(element["value"].getlocalId(), element)
- for element in self.content["value"].getcontent()])
- setattr(cls, "loadXMLTree", loadXMLTree)
def resetcurrentExecutionOrderId(self):
object.__setattr__(self, "currentExecutionOrderId", 0)
@@ -1766,44 +1513,44 @@
setattr(cls, "getnewExecutionOrderId", getnewExecutionOrderId)
def resetexecutionOrder(self):
- if self.content["name"] == "FBD":
- for element in self.content["value"].getcontent():
- if not isinstance(element["value"], (PLCOpenClasses.get("commonObjects_comment", None),
- PLCOpenClasses.get("commonObjects_connector", None),
- PLCOpenClasses.get("commonObjects_continuation", None))):
- element["value"].setexecutionOrderId(0)
+ if self.content.getLocalTag() == "FBD":
+ for element in self.content.getcontent():
+ if not isinstance(element, (PLCOpenParser.GetElementClass("comment", "commonObjects"),
+ PLCOpenParser.GetElementClass("connector", "commonObjects"),
+ PLCOpenParser.GetElementClass("continuation", "commonObjects"))):
+ element.setexecutionOrderId(0)
raise TypeError, _("Can only generate execution order on FBD networks!")
setattr(cls, "resetexecutionOrder", resetexecutionOrder)
def compileexecutionOrder(self):
- if self.content["name"] == "FBD":
+ if self.content.getLocalTag() == "FBD":
- for element in self.content["value"].getcontent():
- if isinstance(element["value"], PLCOpenClasses.get("fbdObjects_outVariable", None)) and element["value"].getexecutionOrderId() == 0:
- connections = element["value"].connectionPointIn.getconnections()
+ for element in self.content.getcontent():
+ if isinstance(element, PLCOpenParser.GetElementClass("outVariable", "fbdObjects")) and element.getexecutionOrderId() == 0:
+ connections = element.connectionPointIn.getconnections()
if connections and len(connections) == 1:
- element["value"].setexecutionOrderId(self.getnewExecutionOrderId())
+ element.setexecutionOrderId(self.getnewExecutionOrderId())
raise TypeError, _("Can only generate execution order on FBD networks!")
setattr(cls, "compileexecutionOrder", compileexecutionOrder)
def compileelementExecutionOrder(self, link):
- if self.content["name"] == "FBD":
+ if self.content.getLocalTag() == "FBD":
localid = link.getrefLocalId()
instance = self.getcontentInstance(localid)
- if isinstance(instance, PLCOpenClasses.get("fbdObjects_block", None)) and instance.getexecutionOrderId() == 0:
+ if isinstance(instance, PLCOpenParser.GetElementClass("block", "fbdObjects")) and instance.getexecutionOrderId() == 0:
for variable in instance.inputVariables.getvariable():
connections = variable.connectionPointIn.getconnections()
if connections and len(connections) == 1:
- elif isinstance(instance, PLCOpenClasses.get("commonObjects_continuation", None)) and instance.getexecutionOrderId() == 0:
+ elif isinstance(instance, PLCOpenParser.GetElementClass("continuation", "commonObjects")) and instance.getexecutionOrderId() == 0:
name = instance.getname()
for tmp_instance in self.getcontentInstances():
- if isinstance(tmp_instance, PLCOpenClasses.get("commonObjects_connector", None)) and tmp_instance.getname() == name and tmp_instance.getexecutionOrderId() == 0:
+ if isinstance(tmp_instance, PLCOpenParser.GetElementClass("connector", "commonObjects")) and tmp_instance.getname() == name and tmp_instance.getexecutionOrderId() == 0:
connections = tmp_instance.connectionPointIn.getconnections()
if connections and len(connections) == 1:
@@ -1812,124 +1559,125 @@
setattr(cls, "compileelementExecutionOrder", compileelementExecutionOrder)
def setelementExecutionOrder(self, instance, new_executionOrder):
- if self.content["name"] == "FBD":
+ if self.content.getLocalTag() == "FBD":
old_executionOrder = instance.getexecutionOrderId()
if old_executionOrder is not None and old_executionOrder != 0 and new_executionOrder != 0:
- for element in self.content["value"].getcontent():
- if element["value"] != instance and not isinstance(element["value"], PLCOpenClasses.get("commonObjects_comment", None)):
- element_executionOrder = element["value"].getexecutionOrderId()
+ for element in self.content.getcontent():
+ if element != instance and not isinstance(element, PLCOpenParser.GetElementClass("comment", "commonObjects")):
+ element_executionOrder = element.getexecutionOrderId()
if old_executionOrder <= element_executionOrder <= new_executionOrder:
- element["value"].setexecutionOrderId(element_executionOrder - 1)
+ element.setexecutionOrderId(element_executionOrder - 1)
if new_executionOrder <= element_executionOrder <= old_executionOrder:
- element["value"].setexecutionOrderId(element_executionOrder + 1)
+ element.setexecutionOrderId(element_executionOrder + 1)
raise TypeError, _("Can only generate execution order on FBD networks!")
setattr(cls, "setelementExecutionOrder", setelementExecutionOrder)
- def appendcontentInstance(self, name, instance):
- if self.content["name"] in ["LD","FBD","SFC"]:
- element = {"name" : name, "value" : instance}
- self.content["value"].appendcontent(element)
- self.instances_dict[instance.getlocalId()] = element
+ def appendcontentInstance(self, instance):
+ if self.content.getLocalTag() in ["LD","FBD","SFC"]:
+ self.content.appendcontent(instance)
- raise TypeError, _("%s body don't have instances!")%self.content["name"]
+ raise TypeError, _("%s body don't have instances!")%self.content.getLocalTag()
setattr(cls, "appendcontentInstance", appendcontentInstance)
def getcontentInstances(self):
- if self.content["name"] in ["LD","FBD","SFC"]:
- instances = []
- for element in self.content["value"].getcontent():
- instances.append(element["value"])
- return instances
+ if self.content.getLocalTag() in ["LD","FBD","SFC"]:
+ return self.content.getcontent()
- raise TypeError, _("%s body don't have instances!")%self.content["name"]
+ raise TypeError, _("%s body don't have instances!")%self.content.getLocalTag()
setattr(cls, "getcontentInstances", getcontentInstances)
- def getcontentInstance(self, id):
- if self.content["name"] in ["LD","FBD","SFC"]:
- instance = self.instances_dict.get(id, None)
- if instance is not None:
- return instance["value"]
+ instance_by_id_xpath = PLCOpen_XPath("*[@localId=$localId]")
+ instance_by_name_xpath = PLCOpen_XPath("ppx:block[@instanceName=$name]")
+ def getcontentInstance(self, local_id):
+ if self.content.getLocalTag() in ["LD","FBD","SFC"]:
+ instance = instance_by_id_xpath(self.content, localId=local_id)
+ if len(instance) > 0:
+ return instance[0]
return None
- raise TypeError, _("%s body don't have instances!")%self.content["name"]
+ raise TypeError, _("%s body don't have instances!")%self.content.getLocalTag()
setattr(cls, "getcontentInstance", getcontentInstance)
def getcontentRandomInstance(self, exclude):
- if self.content["name"] in ["LD","FBD","SFC"]:
- ids = self.instances_dict.viewkeys() - exclude
- if len(ids) > 0:
- return self.instances_dict[ids.pop()]["value"]
+ if self.content.getLocalTag() in ["LD","FBD","SFC"]:
+ instance = self.content.xpath("*%s[position()=1]" %
+ ("[not(%s)]" % " or ".join(
+ map(lambda x: "@localId=%d" % x, exclude))
+ if len(exclude) > 0 else ""))
+ if len(instance) > 0:
+ return instance[0]
return None
- raise TypeError, _("%s body don't have instances!")%self.content["name"]
+ raise TypeError, _("%s body don't have instances!")%self.content.getLocalTag()
setattr(cls, "getcontentRandomInstance", getcontentRandomInstance)
def getcontentInstanceByName(self, name):
- if self.content["name"] in ["LD","FBD","SFC"]:
- for element in self.content["value"].getcontent():
- if isinstance(element["value"], PLCOpenClasses.get("fbdObjects_block", None)) and element["value"].getinstanceName() == name:
- return element["value"]
+ if self.content.getLocalTag() in ["LD","FBD","SFC"]:
+ instance = instance_by_name_xpath(self.content)
+ if len(instance) > 0:
+ return instance[0]
+ return None
- raise TypeError, _("%s body don't have instances!")%self.content["name"]
+ raise TypeError, _("%s body don't have instances!")%self.content.getLocalTag()
setattr(cls, "getcontentInstanceByName", getcontentInstanceByName)
- def removecontentInstance(self, id):
- if self.content["name"] in ["LD","FBD","SFC"]:
- element = self.instances_dict.pop(id, None)
- if element is not None:
- self.content["value"].getcontent().remove(element)
+ def removecontentInstance(self, local_id):
+ if self.content.getLocalTag() in ["LD","FBD","SFC"]:
+ instance = instance_by_id_xpath(self.content, localId=local_id)
+ if len(instance) > 0:
+ self.content.remove(instance[0])
raise ValueError, _("Instance with id %d doesn't exist!")%id
- raise TypeError, "%s body don't have instances!"%self.content["name"]
+ raise TypeError, "%s body don't have instances!"%self.content.getLocalTag()
setattr(cls, "removecontentInstance", removecontentInstance)
def settext(self, text):
- if self.content["name"] in ["IL","ST"]:
- self.content["value"].settext(text)
+ if self.content.getLocalTag() in ["IL","ST"]:
+ self.content.setanyText(text)
- raise TypeError, _("%s body don't have text!")%self.content["name"]
+ raise TypeError, _("%s body don't have text!")%self.content.getLocalTag()
setattr(cls, "settext", settext)
def gettext(self):
- if self.content["name"] in ["IL","ST"]:
- return self.content["value"].gettext()
+ if self.content.getLocalTag() in ["IL","ST"]:
+ return self.content.getanyText()
- raise TypeError, _("%s body don't have text!")%self.content["name"]
+ raise TypeError, _("%s body don't have text!")%self.content.getLocalTag()
setattr(cls, "gettext", gettext)
def hasblock(self, block_type):
- if self.content["name"] in ["IL","ST"]:
- return self.content["value"].hasblock(block_type)
+ if self.content.getLocalTag() in ["IL","ST"]:
+ return self.content.hasblock(block_type)
- raise TypeError, _("%s body don't have text!")%self.content["name"]
+ raise TypeError, _("%s body don't have text!")%self.content.getLocalTag()
setattr(cls, "hasblock", hasblock)
def updateElementName(self, old_name, new_name):
- if self.content["name"] in ["IL", "ST"]:
- self.content["value"].updateElementName(old_name, new_name)
+ if self.content.getLocalTag() in ["IL", "ST"]:
+ self.content.updateElementName(old_name, new_name)
- for element in self.content["value"].getcontent():
- element["value"].updateElementName(old_name, new_name)
+ for element in self.content.getcontent():
+ element.updateElementName(old_name, new_name)
setattr(cls, "updateElementName", updateElementName)
def updateElementAddress(self, address_model, new_leading):
- if self.content["name"] in ["IL", "ST"]:
- self.content["value"].updateElementAddress(address_model, new_leading)
+ if self.content.getLocalTag() in ["IL", "ST"]:
+ self.content.updateElementAddress(address_model, new_leading)
- for element in self.content["value"].getcontent():
- element["value"].updateElementAddress(address_model, new_leading)
+ for element in self.content.getcontent():
+ element.updateElementAddress(address_model, new_leading)
setattr(cls, "updateElementAddress", updateElementAddress)
def Search(self, criteria, parent_infos=[]):
- if self.content["name"] in ["IL", "ST"]:
- search_result = self.content["value"].Search(criteria, parent_infos + ["body", 0])
+ if self.content.getLocalTag() in ["IL", "ST"]:
+ search_result = self.content.Search(criteria, parent_infos + ["body", 0])
search_result = []
- for element in self.content["value"].getcontent():
- search_result.extend(element["value"].Search(criteria, parent_infos))
+ for element in self.content.getcontent():
+ search_result.extend(element.Search(criteria, parent_infos))
return search_result
setattr(cls, "Search", Search)
@@ -1972,15 +1720,11 @@
def _filterConnections(connectionPointIn, localId, connections):
in_connections = connectionPointIn.getconnections()
if in_connections is not None:
- to_delete = []
- for i, connection in enumerate(in_connections):
+ for connection in in_connections:
connected = connection.getrefLocalId()
if not connections.has_key((localId, connected)) and \
not connections.has_key((connected, localId)):
- to_delete.append(i)
- to_delete.reverse()
- for i in to_delete:
- connectionPointIn.removeconnection(i)
+ connectionPointIn.remove(connection)
def _filterConnectionsSingle(self, connections):
if self.connectionPointIn is not None:
@@ -1991,8 +1735,8 @@
_filterConnections(connectionPointIn, self.localId, connections)
def _getconnectionsdefinition(instance, connections_end):
- id = instance.getlocalId()
- return dict([((id, end), True) for end in connections_end])
+ local_id = instance.getlocalId()
+ return dict([((local_id, end), True) for end in connections_end])
def _updateConnectionsId(connectionPointIn, translation):
connections_end = []
@@ -2063,9 +1807,8 @@
"multiple": _updateConnectionsIdMultiple},
-def _initElementClass(name, classname, connectionPointInType="none"):
- ElementNameToClass[name] = classname
- cls = PLCOpenClasses.get(classname, None)
+def _initElementClass(name, parent, connectionPointInType="none"):
+ cls = PLCOpenParser.GetElementClass(name, parent)
if cls:
setattr(cls, "getx", getx)
setattr(cls, "gety", gety)
@@ -2146,7 +1889,7 @@
return getvariableinfos
def _getconnectorinfosFunction(type):
- def getvariableinfos(self):
+ def getconnectorinfos(self):
infos = _getelementinfos(self)
infos["type"] = type
infos["specific_values"]["name"] = self.getname()
@@ -2155,7 +1898,7 @@
elif type == "continuation":
infos["outputs"].append(_getconnectioninfos(self, self.connectionPointOut))
return infos
- return getvariableinfos
+ return getconnectorinfos
def _getpowerrailinfosFunction(type):
def getpowerrailinfos(self):
@@ -2172,16 +1915,16 @@
return infos
return getpowerrailinfos
-def _getldelementinfosFunction(type):
+def _getldelementinfosFunction(ld_element_type):
def getldelementinfos(self):
infos = _getelementinfos(self)
- infos["type"] = type
+ infos["type"] = ld_element_type
specific_values = infos["specific_values"]
specific_values["name"] = self.getvariable()
_getexecutionOrder(self, specific_values)
specific_values["negated"] = self.getnegated()
specific_values["edge"] = self.getedge()
- if type == "coil":
+ if ld_element_type == "coil":
specific_values["storage"] = self.getstorage()
infos["inputs"].append(_getconnectioninfos(self, self.connectionPointIn, True))
infos["outputs"].append(_getconnectioninfos(self, self.connectionPointOut))
@@ -2210,7 +1953,7 @@
return infos
return getdivergenceinfos
-cls = _initElementClass("comment", "commonObjects_comment")
+cls = _initElementClass("comment", "commonObjects")
if cls:
def getinfos(self):
infos = _getelementinfos(self)
@@ -2220,11 +1963,11 @@
setattr(cls, "getinfos", getinfos)
def setcontentText(self, text):
- self.content.settext(text)
+ self.content.setanyText(text)
setattr(cls, "setcontentText", setcontentText)
def getcontentText(self):
- return self.content.gettext()
+ return self.content.getanyText()
setattr(cls, "getcontentText", getcontentText)
def updateElementName(self, old_name, new_name):
@@ -2239,7 +1982,7 @@
return self.content.Search(criteria, parent_infos + ["comment", self.getlocalId(), "content"])
setattr(cls, "Search", Search)
-cls = _initElementClass("block", "fbdObjects_block")
+cls = _initElementClass("block", "fbdObjects")
if cls:
def getBoundingBox(self):
bbox = _getBoundingBox(self)
@@ -2298,49 +2041,41 @@
return search_result
setattr(cls, "Search", Search)
-cls = _initElementClass("leftPowerRail", "ldObjects_leftPowerRail")
+cls = _initElementClass("leftPowerRail", "ldObjects")
if cls:
setattr(cls, "getinfos", _getpowerrailinfosFunction("leftPowerRail"))
-cls = _initElementClass("rightPowerRail", "ldObjects_rightPowerRail", "multiple")
+cls = _initElementClass("rightPowerRail", "ldObjects", "multiple")
if cls:
setattr(cls, "getinfos", _getpowerrailinfosFunction("rightPowerRail"))
-cls = _initElementClass("contact", "ldObjects_contact", "single")
+def _UpdateLDElementName(self, old_name, new_name):
+ if self.variable == old_name:
+ self.variable = new_name
+def _UpdateLDElementAddress(self, address_model, new_leading):
+ self.variable = update_address(self.variable, address_model, new_leading)
+def _getSearchInLDElement(ld_element_type):
+ def SearchInLDElement(self, criteria, parent_infos=[]):
+ return _Search([("reference", self.variable)], criteria, parent_infos + [ld_element_type, self.getlocalId()])
+ return SearchInLDElement
+cls = _initElementClass("contact", "ldObjects", "single")
if cls:
setattr(cls, "getinfos", _getldelementinfosFunction("contact"))
- def updateElementName(self, old_name, new_name):
- if self.variable == old_name:
- self.variable = new_name
- setattr(cls, "updateElementName", updateElementName)
- def updateElementAddress(self, address_model, new_leading):
- self.variable = update_address(self.variable, address_model, new_leading)
- setattr(cls, "updateElementAddress", updateElementAddress)
- def Search(self, criteria, parent_infos=[]):
- return _Search([("reference", self.getvariable())], criteria, parent_infos + ["contact", self.getlocalId()])
- setattr(cls, "Search", Search)
-cls = _initElementClass("coil", "ldObjects_coil", "single")
+ setattr(cls, "updateElementName", _UpdateLDElementName)
+ setattr(cls, "updateElementAddress", _UpdateLDElementAddress)
+ setattr(cls, "Search", _getSearchInLDElement("contact"))
+cls = _initElementClass("coil", "ldObjects", "single")
if cls:
setattr(cls, "getinfos", _getldelementinfosFunction("coil"))
- def updateElementName(self, old_name, new_name):
- if self.variable == old_name:
- self.variable = new_name
- setattr(cls, "updateElementName", updateElementName)
- def updateElementAddress(self, address_model, new_leading):
- self.variable = update_address(self.variable, address_model, new_leading)
- setattr(cls, "updateElementAddress", updateElementAddress)
- def Search(self, criteria, parent_infos=[]):
- return _Search([("reference", self.getvariable())], criteria, parent_infos + ["coil", self.getlocalId()])
- setattr(cls, "Search", Search)
-cls = _initElementClass("step", "sfcObjects_step", "single")
+ setattr(cls, "updateElementName", _UpdateLDElementName)
+ setattr(cls, "updateElementAddress", _UpdateLDElementAddress)
+ setattr(cls, "Search", _getSearchInLDElement("coil"))
+cls = _initElementClass("step", "sfcObjects", "single")
if cls:
def getinfos(self):
infos = _getelementinfos(self)
@@ -2348,11 +2083,11 @@
specific_values = infos["specific_values"]
specific_values["name"] = self.getname()
specific_values["initial"] = self.getinitialStep()
- if self.connectionPointIn:
+ if self.connectionPointIn is not None:
infos["inputs"].append(_getconnectioninfos(self, self.connectionPointIn, True))
- if self.connectionPointOut:
+ if self.connectionPointOut is not None:
infos["outputs"].append(_getconnectioninfos(self, self.connectionPointOut))
- if self.connectionPointOutAction:
+ if self.connectionPointOutAction is not None:
specific_values["action"] = _getconnectioninfos(self, self.connectionPointOutAction)
return infos
setattr(cls, "getinfos", getinfos)
@@ -2361,7 +2096,7 @@
return _Search([("name", self.getname())], criteria, parent_infos + ["step", self.getlocalId()])
setattr(cls, "Search", Search)
-cls = PLCOpenClasses.get("transition_condition", None)
+cls = PLCOpenParser.GetElementClass("condition", "transition")
if cls:
def compatibility(self, tree):
connections = []
@@ -2378,7 +2113,7 @@
tree.childNodes = [node]
setattr(cls, "compatibility", compatibility)
-cls = _initElementClass("transition", "sfcObjects_transition")
+cls = _initElementClass("transition", "sfcObjects")
if cls:
def getinfos(self):
infos = _getelementinfos(self)
@@ -2399,49 +2134,48 @@
return infos
setattr(cls, "getinfos", getinfos)
- def setconditionContent(self, type, value):
- if not self.condition:
+ def setconditionContent(self, condition_type, value):
+ if self.condition is None:
- if type == "reference":
- condition = PLCOpenClasses["condition_reference"]()
+ if condition_type == "connection":
+ condition = PLCOpenParser.CreateElement("connectionPointIn", "condition")
+ else:
+ condition = PLCOpenParser.CreateElement(condition_type, "condition")
+ self.condition.setcontent(condition)
+ if condition_type == "reference":
- elif type == "inline":
- condition = PLCOpenClasses["condition_inline"]()
- condition.setcontent({"name" : "ST", "value" : PLCOpenClasses["formattedText"]()})
+ elif condition_type == "inline":
+ condition.setcontent(PLCOpenParser.CreateElement("ST", "inline"))
- elif type == "connection":
- type = "connectionPointIn"
- condition = PLCOpenClasses["connectionPointIn"]()
- self.condition.setcontent({"name" : type, "value" : condition})
setattr(cls, "setconditionContent", setconditionContent)
def getconditionContent(self):
- if self.condition:
+ if self.condition is not None:
content = self.condition.getcontent()
- values = {"type" : content["name"]}
+ values = {"type" : content.getLocalTag()}
if values["type"] == "reference":
- values["value"] = content["value"].getname()
+ values["value"] = content.getname()
elif values["type"] == "inline":
- values["value"] = content["value"].gettext()
+ values["value"] = content.gettext()
elif values["type"] == "connectionPointIn":
values["type"] = "connection"
- values["value"] = content["value"]
+ values["value"] = content
return values
return ""
setattr(cls, "getconditionContent", getconditionContent)
def getconditionConnection(self):
- if self.condition:
+ if self.condition is not None:
content = self.condition.getcontent()
- if content["name"] == "connectionPointIn":
- return content["value"]
+ if content.getLocalTag() == "connectionPointIn":
+ return content
return None
setattr(cls, "getconditionConnection", getconditionConnection)
def getBoundingBox(self):
bbox = _getBoundingBoxSingle(self)
condition_connection = self.getconditionConnection()
- if condition_connection:
+ if condition_connection is not None:
return bbox
setattr(cls, "getBoundingBox", getBoundingBox)
@@ -2449,14 +2183,14 @@
def translate(self, dx, dy):
_translateSingle(self, dx, dy)
condition_connection = self.getconditionConnection()
- if condition_connection:
+ if condition_connection is not None:
_translateConnections(condition_connection, dx, dy)
setattr(cls, "translate", translate)
def filterConnections(self, connections):
_filterConnectionsSingle(self, connections)
condition_connection = self.getconditionConnection()
- if condition_connection:
+ if condition_connection is not None:
_filterConnections(condition_connection, self.localId, connections)
setattr(cls, "filterConnections", filterConnections)
@@ -2465,33 +2199,35 @@
if self.connectionPointIn is not None:
connections_end = _updateConnectionsId(self.connectionPointIn, translation)
condition_connection = self.getconditionConnection()
- if condition_connection:
+ if condition_connection is not None:
connections_end.extend(_updateConnectionsId(condition_connection, translation))
return _getconnectionsdefinition(self, connections_end)
setattr(cls, "updateConnectionsId", updateConnectionsId)
def updateElementName(self, old_name, new_name):
- if self.condition:
+ if self.condition is not None:
content = self.condition.getcontent()
- if content["name"] == "reference":
- if content["value"].getname() == old_name:
- content["value"].setname(new_name)
- elif content["name"] == "inline":
- content["value"].updateElementName(old_name, new_name)
+ content_name = content.getLocalTag()
+ if content_name == "reference":
+ if content.getname() == old_name:
+ content.setname(new_name)
+ elif content_name == "inline":
+ content.updateElementName(old_name, new_name)
setattr(cls, "updateElementName", updateElementName)
def updateElementAddress(self, address_model, new_leading):
- if self.condition:
+ if self.condition is not None:
content = self.condition.getcontent()
- if content["name"] == "reference":
- content["value"].setname(update_address(content["value"].getname(), address_model, new_leading))
- elif content["name"] == "inline":
- content["value"].updateElementAddress(address_model, new_leading)
+ content_name = content.getLocalTag()
+ if content_name == "reference":
+ content.setname(update_address(content.getname(), address_model, new_leading))
+ elif content_name == "inline":
+ content.updateElementAddress(address_model, new_leading)
setattr(cls, "updateElementAddress", updateElementAddress)
def getconnections(self):
condition_connection = self.getconditionConnection()
- if condition_connection:
+ if condition_connection is not None:
return condition_connection.getconnections()
return None
setattr(cls, "getconnections", getconnections)
@@ -2500,30 +2236,31 @@
parent_infos = parent_infos + ["transition", self.getlocalId()]
search_result = []
content = self.condition.getcontent()
- if content["name"] == "reference":
- search_result.extend(_Search([("reference", content["value"].getname())], criteria, parent_infos))
- elif content["name"] == "inline":
- search_result.extend(content["value"].Search(criteria, parent_infos + ["inline"]))
+ content_name = content.getLocalTag()
+ if content_name == "reference":
+ search_result.extend(_Search([("reference", content.getname())], criteria, parent_infos))
+ elif content_name == "inline":
+ search_result.extend(content.Search(criteria, parent_infos + ["inline"]))
return search_result
setattr(cls, "Search", Search)
-cls = _initElementClass("selectionDivergence", "sfcObjects_selectionDivergence", "single")
+cls = _initElementClass("selectionDivergence", "sfcObjects", "single")
if cls:
setattr(cls, "getinfos", _getdivergenceinfosFunction(True, False))
-cls = _initElementClass("selectionConvergence", "sfcObjects_selectionConvergence", "multiple")
+cls = _initElementClass("selectionConvergence", "sfcObjects", "multiple")
if cls:
setattr(cls, "getinfos", _getdivergenceinfosFunction(False, False))
-cls = _initElementClass("simultaneousDivergence", "sfcObjects_simultaneousDivergence", "single")
+cls = _initElementClass("simultaneousDivergence", "sfcObjects", "single")
if cls:
setattr(cls, "getinfos", _getdivergenceinfosFunction(True, True))
-cls = _initElementClass("simultaneousConvergence", "sfcObjects_simultaneousConvergence", "multiple")
+cls = _initElementClass("simultaneousConvergence", "sfcObjects", "multiple")
if cls:
setattr(cls, "getinfos", _getdivergenceinfosFunction(False, True))
-cls = _initElementClass("jumpStep", "sfcObjects_jumpStep", "single")
+cls = _initElementClass("jumpStep", "sfcObjects", "single")
if cls:
def getinfos(self):
infos = _getelementinfos(self)
@@ -2537,7 +2274,7 @@
return _Search([("target", self.gettargetName())], criteria, parent_infos + ["jump", self.getlocalId()])
setattr(cls, "Search", Search)
-cls = PLCOpenClasses.get("actionBlock_action", None)
+cls = PLCOpenParser.GetElementClass("action", "actionBlock")
if cls:
def compatibility(self, tree):
relPosition = reduce(lambda x, y: x | (y.nodeName == "relPosition"), tree.childNodes, False)
@@ -2551,39 +2288,39 @@
setattr(cls, "compatibility", compatibility)
def setreferenceName(self, name):
- if self.reference:
+ if self.reference is not None:
setattr(cls, "setreferenceName", setreferenceName)
def getreferenceName(self):
- if self.reference:
+ if self.reference is not None:
return self.reference.getname()
return None
setattr(cls, "getreferenceName", getreferenceName)
def setinlineContent(self, content):
- if self.inline:
- self.inline.setcontent({"name" : "ST", "value" : PLCOpenClasses["formattedText"]()})
+ if self.inline is not None:
+ self.inline.setcontent(PLCOpenParser.CreateElement("ST", "inline"))
setattr(cls, "setinlineContent", setinlineContent)
def getinlineContent(self):
- if self.inline:
+ if self.inline is not None:
return self.inline.gettext()
return None
setattr(cls, "getinlineContent", getinlineContent)
def updateElementName(self, old_name, new_name):
- if self.reference and self.reference.getname() == old_name:
+ if self.reference is not None and self.reference.getname() == old_name:
- if self.inline:
+ if self.inline is not None:
self.inline.updateElementName(old_name, new_name)
setattr(cls, "updateElementName", updateElementName)
def updateElementAddress(self, address_model, new_leading):
- if self.reference:
+ if self.reference is not None:
self.reference.setname(update_address(self.reference.getname(), address_model, new_leading))
- if self.inline:
+ if self.inline is not None:
self.inline.updateElementAddress(address_model, new_leading)
setattr(cls, "updateElementAddress", updateElementAddress)
@@ -2599,7 +2336,7 @@
criteria, parent_infos)
setattr(cls, "Search", Search)
-cls = _initElementClass("actionBlock", "commonObjects_actionBlock", "single")
+cls = _initElementClass("actionBlock", "commonObjects", "single")
if cls:
def compatibility(self, tree):
for child in tree.childNodes[:]:
@@ -2618,7 +2355,8 @@
def setactions(self, actions):
self.action = []
for params in actions:
- action = PLCOpenClasses["actionBlock_action"]()
+ action = PLCOpenParser.CreateElement("action", "actionBlock")
+ self.appendaction(action)
if params["type"] == "reference":
@@ -2630,7 +2368,6 @@
if params.has_key("indicator"):
- self.action.append(action)
setattr(cls, "setactions", setactions)
def getactions(self):
@@ -2640,17 +2377,17 @@
params["qualifier"] = action.getqualifier()
if params["qualifier"] is None:
params["qualifier"] = "N"
- if action.getreference():
+ if action.getreference() is not None:
params["type"] = "reference"
params["value"] = action.getreferenceName()
- elif action.getinline():
+ elif action.getinline() is not None:
params["type"] = "inline"
params["value"] = action.getinlineContent()
duration = action.getduration()
if duration:
params["duration"] = duration
indicator = action.getindicator()
- if indicator:
+ if indicator is not None:
params["indicator"] = indicator
return actions
@@ -2675,58 +2412,41 @@
setattr(cls, "Search", Search)
def _SearchInIOVariable(self, criteria, parent_infos=[]):
- return _Search([("expression", self.getexpression())], criteria, parent_infos + ["io_variable", self.getlocalId()])
-cls = _initElementClass("inVariable", "fbdObjects_inVariable")
+ return _Search([("expression", self.expression)], criteria, parent_infos + ["io_variable", self.getlocalId()])
+def _UpdateIOElementName(self, old_name, new_name):
+ if self.expression == old_name:
+ self.expression = new_name
+def _UpdateIOElementAddress(self, old_name, new_name):
+ self.expression = update_address(self.expression, address_model, new_leading)
+cls = _initElementClass("inVariable", "fbdObjects")
if cls:
setattr(cls, "getinfos", _getvariableinfosFunction("input", False, True))
- def updateElementName(self, old_name, new_name):
- if self.expression == old_name:
- self.expression = new_name
- setattr(cls, "updateElementName", updateElementName)
- def updateElementAddress(self, address_model, new_leading):
- self.expression = update_address(self.expression, address_model, new_leading)
- setattr(cls, "updateElementAddress", updateElementAddress)
+ setattr(cls, "updateElementName", _UpdateIOElementName)
+ setattr(cls, "updateElementAddress", _UpdateIOElementAddress)
setattr(cls, "Search", _SearchInIOVariable)
-cls = _initElementClass("outVariable", "fbdObjects_outVariable", "single")
+cls = _initElementClass("outVariable", "fbdObjects", "single")
if cls:
setattr(cls, "getinfos", _getvariableinfosFunction("output", True, False))
- def updateElementName(self, old_name, new_name):
- if self.expression == old_name:
- self.expression = new_name
- setattr(cls, "updateElementName", updateElementName)
- def updateElementAddress(self, address_model, new_leading):
- self.expression = update_address(self.expression, address_model, new_leading)
- setattr(cls, "updateElementAddress", updateElementAddress)
+ setattr(cls, "updateElementName", _UpdateIOElementName)
+ setattr(cls, "updateElementAddress", _UpdateIOElementAddress)
setattr(cls, "Search", _SearchInIOVariable)
-cls = _initElementClass("inOutVariable", "fbdObjects_inOutVariable", "single")
+cls = _initElementClass("inOutVariable", "fbdObjects", "single")
if cls:
setattr(cls, "getinfos", _getvariableinfosFunction("inout", True, True))
- def updateElementName(self, old_name, new_name):
- if self.expression == old_name:
- self.expression = new_name
- setattr(cls, "updateElementName", updateElementName)
- def updateElementAddress(self, address_model, new_leading):
- self.expression = update_address(self.expression, address_model, new_leading)
- setattr(cls, "updateElementAddress", updateElementAddress)
+ setattr(cls, "updateElementName", _UpdateIOElementName)
+ setattr(cls, "updateElementAddress", _UpdateIOElementAddress)
setattr(cls, "Search", _SearchInIOVariable)
def _SearchInConnector(self, criteria, parent_infos=[]):
return _Search([("name", self.getname())], criteria, parent_infos + ["connector", self.getlocalId()])
-cls = _initElementClass("continuation", "commonObjects_continuation")
+cls = _initElementClass("continuation", "commonObjects")
if cls:
setattr(cls, "getinfos", _getconnectorinfosFunction("continuation"))
setattr(cls, "Search", _SearchInConnector)
@@ -2736,7 +2456,7 @@
self.name = new_name
setattr(cls, "updateElementName", updateElementName)
-cls = _initElementClass("connector", "commonObjects_connector", "single")
+cls = _initElementClass("connector", "commonObjects", "single")
if cls:
setattr(cls, "getinfos", _getconnectorinfosFunction("connector"))
setattr(cls, "Search", _SearchInConnector)
@@ -2746,15 +2466,16 @@
self.name = new_name
setattr(cls, "updateElementName", updateElementName)
-cls = PLCOpenClasses.get("connection", None)
+cls = PLCOpenParser.GetElementClass("connection")
if cls:
def setpoints(self, points):
- self.position = []
+ positions = []
for point in points:
- position = PLCOpenClasses["position"]()
+ position = PLCOpenParser.CreateElement("position", "connection")
- self.position.append(position)
+ positions.append(position)
+ self.position = positions
setattr(cls, "setpoints", setpoints)
def getpoints(self):
@@ -2764,111 +2485,115 @@
return points
setattr(cls, "getpoints", getpoints)
-cls = PLCOpenClasses.get("connectionPointIn", None)
+cls = PLCOpenParser.GetElementClass("connectionPointIn")
if cls:
def setrelPositionXY(self, x, y):
- self.relPosition = PLCOpenClasses["position"]()
+ self.relPosition = PLCOpenParser.CreateElement("relPosition", "connectionPointIn")
setattr(cls, "setrelPositionXY", setrelPositionXY)
def getrelPositionXY(self):
- if self.relPosition:
+ if self.relPosition is not None:
return self.relPosition.getx(), self.relPosition.gety()
- else:
- return self.relPosition
+ return self.relPosition
setattr(cls, "getrelPositionXY", getrelPositionXY)
def addconnection(self):
- if not self.content:
- self.content = {"name" : "connection", "value" : [PLCOpenClasses["connection"]()]}
- else:
- self.content["value"].append(PLCOpenClasses["connection"]())
+ self.append(PLCOpenParser.CreateElement("connection", "connectionPointIn"))
setattr(cls, "addconnection", addconnection)
def removeconnection(self, idx):
- if self.content:
- self.content["value"].pop(idx)
- if len(self.content["value"]) == 0:
- self.content = None
+ if len(self.content) > idx:
+ self.remove(self.content[idx])
setattr(cls, "removeconnection", removeconnection)
def removeconnections(self):
- if self.content:
- self.content = None
+ self.content = None
setattr(cls, "removeconnections", removeconnections)
+ connection_xpath = PLCOpen_XPath("ppx:connection")
+ connection_by_position_xpath = PLCOpen_XPath("ppx:connection[position()=$pos]")
def getconnections(self):
- if self.content:
- return self.content["value"]
- return []
+ return connection_xpath(self)
setattr(cls, "getconnections", getconnections)
- def setconnectionId(self, idx, id):
- if self.content:
- self.content["value"][idx].setrefLocalId(id)
+ def getconnection(self, idx):
+ connection = connection_by_position_xpath(self, pos=idx+1)
+ if len(connection) > 0:
+ return connection[0]
+ return None
+ setattr(cls, "getconnection", getconnection)
+ def setconnectionId(self, idx, local_id):
+ connection = self.getconnection(idx)
+ if connection is not None:
+ connection.setrefLocalId(local_id)
setattr(cls, "setconnectionId", setconnectionId)
def getconnectionId(self, idx):
- if self.content:
- return self.content["value"][idx].getrefLocalId()
+ connection = self.getconnection(idx)
+ if connection is not None:
+ return connection.getrefLocalId()
return None
setattr(cls, "getconnectionId", getconnectionId)
def setconnectionPoints(self, idx, points):
- if self.content:
- self.content["value"][idx].setpoints(points)
+ connection = self.getconnection(idx)
+ if connection is not None:
+ connection.setpoints(points)
setattr(cls, "setconnectionPoints", setconnectionPoints)
def getconnectionPoints(self, idx):
- if self.content:
- return self.content["value"][idx].getpoints()
+ connection = self.getconnection(idx)
+ if connection is not None:
+ return connection.getpoints()
return []
setattr(cls, "getconnectionPoints", getconnectionPoints)
def setconnectionParameter(self, idx, parameter):
- if self.content:
- self.content["value"][idx].setformalParameter(parameter)
+ connection = self.getconnection(idx)
+ if connection is not None:
+ connection.setformalParameter(parameter)
setattr(cls, "setconnectionParameter", setconnectionParameter)
def getconnectionParameter(self, idx):
- if self.content:
- return self.content["value"][idx].getformalParameter()
+ connection = self.getconnection(idx)
+ if connection is not None:
+ return connection.getformalParameter()
return None
setattr(cls, "getconnectionParameter", getconnectionParameter)
-cls = PLCOpenClasses.get("connectionPointOut", None)
+cls = PLCOpenParser.GetElementClass("connectionPointOut")
if cls:
def setrelPositionXY(self, x, y):
- self.relPosition = PLCOpenClasses["position"]()
+ self.relPosition = PLCOpenParser.CreateElement("relPosition", "connectionPointOut")
setattr(cls, "setrelPositionXY", setrelPositionXY)
def getrelPositionXY(self):
- if self.relPosition:
+ if self.relPosition is not None:
return self.relPosition.getx(), self.relPosition.gety()
return self.relPosition
setattr(cls, "getrelPositionXY", getrelPositionXY)
-cls = PLCOpenClasses.get("value", None)
+cls = PLCOpenParser.GetElementClass("value")
if cls:
def setvalue(self, value):
value = value.strip()
if value.startswith("[") and value.endswith("]"):
- arrayValue = PLCOpenClasses["value_arrayValue"]()
- self.content = {"name" : "arrayValue", "value" : arrayValue}
+ content = PLCOpenParser.CreateElement("arrayValue", "value")
elif value.startswith("(") and value.endswith(")"):
- structValue = PLCOpenClasses["value_structValue"]()
- self.content = {"name" : "structValue", "value" : structValue}
+ content = PLCOpenParser.CreateElement("structValue", "value")
- simpleValue = PLCOpenClasses["value_simpleValue"]()
- self.content = {"name" : "simpleValue", "value": simpleValue}
- self.content["value"].setvalue(value)
+ content = PLCOpenParser.CreateElement("simpleValue", "value")
+ content.setvalue(value)
+ self.setcontent(content)
setattr(cls, "setvalue", setvalue)
def getvalue(self):
- return self.content["value"].getvalue()
+ return self.content.getvalue()
setattr(cls, "getvalue", getvalue)
def extractValues(values):
@@ -2885,15 +2610,15 @@
raise ValueError, _("\"%s\" is an invalid value!")%value
return items
-cls = PLCOpenClasses.get("value_arrayValue", None)
+cls = PLCOpenParser.GetElementClass("arrayValue", "value")
if cls:
arrayValue_model = re.compile("([0-9]*)\((.*)\)$")
def setvalue(self, value):
- self.value = []
+ elements = []
for item in extractValues(value[1:-1]):
item = item.strip()
- element = PLCOpenClasses["arrayValue_value"]()
+ element = PLCOpenParser.CreateElement("value", "arrayValue")
result = arrayValue_model.match(item)
if result is not None:
groups = result.groups()
@@ -2901,14 +2626,18 @@
- self.value.append(element)
+ elements.append(element)
+ self.value = elements
setattr(cls, "setvalue", setvalue)
def getvalue(self):
values = []
for element in self.value:
- repetition = element.getrepetitionValue()
- if repetition is not None and int(repetition) > 1:
+ try:
+ repetition = int(element.getrepetitionValue())
+ except:
+ repetition = 1
+ if repetition > 1:
value = element.getvalue()
if value is None:
value = ""
@@ -2918,20 +2647,21 @@
return "[%s]"%", ".join(values)
setattr(cls, "getvalue", getvalue)
-cls = PLCOpenClasses.get("value_structValue", None)
+cls = PLCOpenParser.GetElementClass("structValue", "value")
if cls:
structValue_model = re.compile("(.*):=(.*)")
def setvalue(self, value):
- self.value = []
+ elements = []
for item in extractValues(value[1:-1]):
result = structValue_model.match(item)
if result is not None:
groups = result.groups()
- element = PLCOpenClasses["structValue_value"]()
+ element = PLCOpenParser.CreateElement("value", "structValue")
- self.value.append(element)
+ elements.append(element)
+ self.value = elements
setattr(cls, "setvalue", setvalue)
def getvalue(self):
@@ -2940,3 +2670,4 @@
values.append("%s := %s"%(element.getmember(), element.getvalue()))
return "(%s)"%", ".join(values)
setattr(cls, "getvalue", getvalue)