changeset 1826 91796f408540
parent 1785 0ff2a45dcefa
child 1829 a776ac02b079
--- a/svgui/pyjs/	Fri Sep 22 10:52:44 2017 +0300
+++ b/svgui/pyjs/	Fri Sep 22 10:54:42 2017 +0300
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
 # limitations under the License.
+from __future__ import print_function
 import sys
 from types import StringType
 import compiler
@@ -226,36 +227,36 @@
             vdec = ''
             vdec = 'var '
-        print >>self.output, UU+"%s%s = function (__mod_name__) {" % (vdec, module_name)
-        print >>self.output, "    if("+module_name+".__was_initialized__) return;"
-        print >>self.output, "    "+UU+module_name+".__was_initialized__ = true;"
-        print >>self.output, UU+"if (__mod_name__ == null) __mod_name__ = '%s';" % (mn)
-        print >>self.output, UU+"%s.__name__ = __mod_name__;" % (raw_module_name)
+        self.printo(UU+"%s%s = function (__mod_name__) {" % (vdec, module_name))
+        self.printo("    if("+module_name+".__was_initialized__) return;")
+        self.printo("    "+UU+module_name+".__was_initialized__ = true;")
+        self.printo(UU+"if (__mod_name__ == null) __mod_name__ = '%s';" % (mn))
+        self.printo(UU+"%s.__name__ = __mod_name__;" % (raw_module_name))
         decl = mod_var_name_decl(raw_module_name)
         if decl:
-            print >>self.output, decl
+            self.printo(decl)
         if self.debug:
             haltException = self.module_prefix + "HaltException"
-            print >>self.output, haltException + ' = function () {'
-            print >>self.output, '  this.message = "Program Halted";'
-            print >>self.output, ' = "' + haltException + '";'
-            print >>self.output, '}'
-            print >>self.output, ''
-            print >>self.output, haltException + ".prototype.__str__ = function()"
-            print >>self.output, '{'
-            print >>self.output, 'return this.message ;'
-            print >>self.output, '}'
-            print >>self.output, haltException + ".prototype.toString = function()"
-            print >>self.output, '{'
-            print >>self.output, 'return + ": \\"" + this.message + "\\"";'
-            print >>self.output, '}'
+            self.printo(haltException + ' = function () {')
+            self.printo('  this.message = "Program Halted";')
+            self.printo(' = "' + haltException + '";')
+            self.printo('}')
+            self.printo('')
+            self.printo(haltException + ".prototype.__str__ = function()")
+            self.printo('{')
+            self.printo('return this.message ;')
+            self.printo('}')
+            self.printo(haltException + ".prototype.toString = function()")
+            self.printo('{')
+            self.printo('return + ": \\"" + this.message + "\\"";')
+            self.printo('}')
             isHaltFunction = self.module_prefix + "IsHaltException"
-            print >>self.output, """
+            self.printo(""")
     %s = function (s) {
       var suffix="HaltException";
       if (s.length < suffix.length) {
@@ -267,7 +268,7 @@
         return ss == suffix;
-                """ % isHaltFunction
+                """ % isHaltFunction)
         for child in mod.node:
             if isinstance(child, ast.Function):
@@ -323,14 +324,17 @@
                 raise TranslationError("unsupported type (in __init__)", child)
         # Initialize all classes for this module
-        # print >> self.output, "__"+self.modpfx()+\
-        #          "classes_initialize = function() {\n"
+        # self.printo("__"+self.modpfx()+\
+        #          "classes_initialize = function() {\n")
         # for className in self.top_level_classes:
-        #    print >> self.output, "\t"+UU+self.modpfx()+"__"+className+"_initialize();"
-        # print >> self.output, "};\n"
-        print >> self.output, "return this;\n"
-        print >> self.output, "}; /* end %s */ \n" % module_name
+        #    self.printo("\t"+UU+self.modpfx()+"__"+className+"_initialize();")
+        # self.printo("};\n")
+        self.printo("return this;\n")
+        self.printo("}; /* end %s */ \n" % module_name)
+    def printo(self, *args):
+        print(*args, file=self.output)
     def module_imports(self):
         return self.imported_modules + self.imported_modules_as
@@ -354,9 +358,9 @@
             # module import directory structure!
             child_name = name[-1]
-        print >> self.output, gen_mod_import(self.raw_module_name,
-                                             strip_py(importName),
-                                             self.dynamic)
+        self.printo(gen_mod_import(self.raw_module_name,
+                                   strip_py(importName),
+                                   self.dynamic))
     def _default_args_handler(self, node, arg_names, current_klass,
@@ -377,21 +381,21 @@
                 default_name = arg_names[default_pos]
                 default_pos += 1
-                print >> output, "    if (typeof %s == 'undefined') %s=%s;" % (default_name, default_name, default_value)
+                self.printo("    if (typeof %s == 'undefined') %s=%s;" % (default_name, default_name, default_value))
     def _varargs_handler(self, node, varargname, arg_names, current_klass):
-        print >>self.output, "    var", varargname, '= new pyjslib.Tuple();'
-        print >>self.output, "    for(var __va_arg="+str(len(arg_names))+"; __va_arg < arguments.length; __va_arg++) {"
-        print >>self.output, "        var __arg = arguments[__va_arg];"
-        print >>self.output, "        "+varargname+".append(__arg);"
-        print >>self.output, "    }"
+        self.printo("    var", varargname, '= new pyjslib.Tuple();')
+        self.printo("    for(var __va_arg="+str(len(arg_names))+"; __va_arg < arguments.length; __va_arg++) {")
+        self.printo("        var __arg = arguments[__va_arg];")
+        self.printo("        "+varargname+".append(__arg);")
+        self.printo("    }")
     def _kwargs_parser(self, node, function_name, arg_names, current_klass):
         if len(node.defaults) or node.kwargs:
             default_pos = len(arg_names) - len(node.defaults)
             if arg_names and arg_names[0] == self.method_self:
                 default_pos -= 1
-            print >>self.output, function_name+'.parse_kwargs = function (', ", ".join(["__kwargs"]+arg_names), ") {"
+            self.printo(function_name+'.parse_kwargs = function (', ", ".join(["__kwargs"]+arg_names), ") {")
             for default_node in node.defaults:
                 default_value = self.expr(default_node, current_klass)
 #                if isinstance(default_node, ast.Const):
@@ -404,19 +408,19 @@
 #                    raise TranslationError("unsupported type (in _method)", default_node)
                 default_name = arg_names[default_pos]
-                print >>self.output, "    if (typeof %s == 'undefined')" % (default_name)
-                print >>self.output, "        %s=__kwargs.%s;" % (default_name, default_name)
+                self.printo("    if (typeof %s == 'undefined')" % (default_name))
+                self.printo("        %s=__kwargs.%s;" % (default_name, default_name))
                 default_pos += 1
             # self._default_args_handler(node, arg_names, current_klass)
             if node.kwargs:
                 arg_names += ["pyjslib.Dict(__kwargs)"]
-            print >>self.output, "    var __r = "+"".join(["[", ", ".join(arg_names), "]"])+";"
+            self.printo("    var __r = "+"".join(["[", ", ".join(arg_names), "]"])+";")
             if node.varargs:
                 self._varargs_handler(node, "__args", arg_names, current_klass)
-                print >>self.output, "    __r.push.apply(__r, __args.getArray())"
-            print >>self.output, "    return __r;"
-            print >>self.output, "};"
+                self.printo("    __r.push.apply(__r, __args.getArray())")
+            self.printo("    return __r;")
+            self.printo("};")
     def _function(self, node, local=False):
         if local:
@@ -436,7 +440,7 @@
         function_args = "(" + ", ".join(declared_arg_names) + ")"
-        print >>self.output, "%s = function%s {" % (function_name, function_args)
+        self.printo("%s = function%s {" % (function_name, function_args))
         self._default_args_handler(node, normal_arg_names, None)
         local_arg_names = normal_arg_names + declared_arg_names
@@ -458,10 +462,10 @@
         lastStmt = [p for p in node.code][-1]
         if not isinstance(lastStmt, ast.Return):
             if not self._isNativeFunc(lastStmt):
-                print >>self.output, "    return null;"
-        print >>self.output, "};"
-        print >>self.output, "%s.__name__ = '%s';\n" % (function_name,
+                self.printo("    return null;")
+        self.printo("};")
+        self.printo("%s.__name__ = '%s';\n" % (function_name,
         self._kwargs_parser(node, function_name, normal_arg_names, None)
@@ -469,13 +473,13 @@
         expr = self.expr(node.value, current_klass)
         # in python a function call always returns None, so we do it
         # here too
-        print >>self.output, "    return " + expr + ";"
+        self.printo("    return " + expr + ";")
     def _break(self, node, current_klass):
-        print >>self.output, "    break;"
+        self.printo("    break;")
     def _continue(self, node, current_klass):
-        print >>self.output, "    continue;"
+        self.printo("    continue;")
     def _callfunc(self, v, current_klass):
@@ -562,7 +566,7 @@
             arg = self.expr(ch4, current_klass)
-        print >>self.output, "pyjslib.printFunc([", ', '.join(call_args), "],", int(isinstance(node, ast.Printnl)), ");"
+        self.printo("pyjslib.printFunc([", ', '.join(call_args), "],", int(isinstance(node, ast.Printnl)), ");")
     def _tryExcept(self, node, current_klass):
         if len(node.handlers) != 1:
@@ -580,10 +584,10 @@
         # local scope, temporary to the function.  oh dearie me.
-        print >>self.output, "    try {"
+        self.printo("    try {")
         for stmt in node.body.nodes:
             self._stmt(stmt, current_klass)
-        print >> self.output, "    } catch(%s) {" % errName
+        self.printo("    } catch(%s) {" % errName)
         if expr:
             k = []
             if isinstance(expr, ast.Tuple):
@@ -591,17 +595,17 @@
                     k.append("(%(err)s.__name__ == %(expr)s.__name__)" % dict(err=errName, expr=self.expr(x, current_klass)))
                 k = [" (%(err)s.__name__ == %(expr)s.__name__) " % dict(err=errName, expr=self.expr(expr, current_klass))]
-            print >> self.output, "   if(%s) {" % '||\n\t\t'.join(k)
+            self.printo("   if(%s) {" % '||\n\t\t'.join(k))
         for stmt in node.handlers[0][2]:
             self._stmt(stmt, current_klass)
         if expr:
-            # print >> self.output, "} else { throw(%s); } " % errName
-            print >> self.output, "}"
+            # self.printo("} else { throw(%s); } " % errName)
+            self.printo("}")
         if node.else_ is not None:
-            print >>self.output, "    } finally {"
+            self.printo("    } finally {")
             for stmt in node.else_:
                 self._stmt(stmt, current_klass)
-        print >>self.output, "    }"
+        self.printo("    }")
     # XXX: change use_getattr to True to enable "strict" compilation
     # but incurring a 100% performance penalty. oops.
@@ -636,11 +640,11 @@
         if == 'ilikesillynamesfornicedebugcode':
-            print top_level, current_klass, repr(v)
-            print self.top_level_vars
-            print self.top_level_functions
-            print self.local_arg_stack
-            print "error..."
+            print(top_level, current_klass, repr(v))
+            print(self.top_level_vars)
+            print(self.top_level_functions)
+            print(self.local_arg_stack)
+            print("error...")
         local_var_names = None
         las = len(self.local_arg_stack)
@@ -786,11 +790,11 @@
             raise TranslationError("more than one base (in _class)", node)
-        print >>self.output, UU+class_name_ + " = function () {"
+        self.printo(UU+class_name_ + " = function () {")
         # call superconstructor
         # if base_class:
-        #    print >>self.output, "    __" + base_class + ".call(this);"
-        print >>self.output, "}"
+        #    self.printo("    __" + base_class + ".call(this);")
+        self.printo("}")
         if not init_method:
             init_method = ast.Function([], "__init__", ["self"], [], 0, None, [])
@@ -813,23 +817,23 @@
         self._function(clsfunc, False)
-        print >>self.output, UU+class_name_ + ".__initialize__ = function () {"
-        print >>self.output, "    if("+UU+class_name_+".__was_initialized__) return;"
-        print >>self.output, "    "+UU+class_name_+".__was_initialized__ = true;"
+        self.printo(UU+class_name_ + ".__initialize__ = function () {")
+        self.printo("    if("+UU+class_name_+".__was_initialized__) return;")
+        self.printo("    "+UU+class_name_+".__was_initialized__ = true;")
         cls_obj = UU+class_name_ + '.prototype.__class__'
         if class_name == "pyjslib.__Object":
-            print >>self.output, "    "+cls_obj+" = {};"
+            self.printo("    "+cls_obj+" = {};")
             if base_class and base_class not in ("object", "pyjslib.__Object"):
-                print >>self.output, "    if(!"+UU+base_class_+".__was_initialized__)"
-                print >>self.output, "        "+UU+base_class_+".__initialize__();"
-                print >>self.output, "    pyjs_extend(" + UU+class_name_ + ", "+UU+base_class_+");"
-            else:
-                print >>self.output, "    pyjs_extend(" + UU+class_name_ + ", "+UU+"pyjslib.__Object);"
-        print >>self.output, "    "+cls_obj+".__new__ = "+UU+class_name+";"
-        print >>self.output, "    "+cls_obj+".__name__ = '""';"
+                self.printo("    if(!"+UU+base_class_+".__was_initialized__)")
+                self.printo("        "+UU+base_class_+".__initialize__();")
+                self.printo("    pyjs_extend(" + UU+class_name_ + ", "+UU+base_class_+");")
+            else:
+                self.printo("    pyjs_extend(" + UU+class_name_ + ", "+UU+"pyjslib.__Object);")
+        self.printo("    "+cls_obj+".__new__ = "+UU+class_name+";")
+        self.printo("    "+cls_obj+".__name__ = '""';")
         for child in node.code:
             if isinstance(child, ast.Pass):
@@ -843,9 +847,9 @@
                 raise TranslationError("unsupported type (in _class)", child)
-        print >>self.output, "}"
-        print >> self.output, class_name_+".__initialize__();"
+        self.printo("}")
+        self.printo(class_name_+".__initialize__();")
     def classattr(self, node, current_klass):
         self._assign(node, current_klass, True)
@@ -854,8 +858,8 @@
         if node.expr2:
             raise TranslationError("More than one expression unsupported",
-        print >> self.output, "throw (%s);" % self.expr(
-            node.expr1, current_klass)
+        self.printo("throw (%s);" % self.expr(
+            node.expr1, current_klass))
     def _method(self, node, current_klass, class_name, class_name_):
         # reset global var scope
@@ -875,8 +879,8 @@
         if staticmethod:
             staticfunc = ast.Function([], class_name_+".", node.argnames, node.defaults, node.flags, node.doc, node.code, node.lineno)
             self._function(staticfunc, True)
-            print >>self.output, "    " + UU+class_name_ + ".prototype.__class__." + + " = " + class_name_+"."";"
-            print >>self.output, "    " + UU+class_name_ + ".prototype.__class__." + + ".static_method = true;"
+            self.printo("    " + UU+class_name_ + ".prototype.__class__." + + " = " + class_name_+"."";")
+            self.printo("    " + UU+class_name_ + ".prototype.__class__." + + ".static_method = true;")
             if len(arg_names) == 0:
@@ -901,7 +905,7 @@
             fexpr = UU + class_name_ + ".prototype.__class__." +
             fexpr = UU + class_name_ + ".prototype." +
-        print >>self.output, "    "+fexpr + " = function" + function_args + " {"
+        self.printo("    "+fexpr + " = function" + function_args + " {")
         # default arguments
         self._default_args_handler(node, normal_arg_names, current_klass)
@@ -921,7 +925,7 @@
         # remove the top local arg names
-        print >>self.output, "    };"
+        self.printo("    };")
         self._kwargs_parser(node, fexpr, normal_arg_names, current_klass)
@@ -929,26 +933,26 @@
             # Have to create a version on the instances which automatically passes the
             # class as "self"
             altexpr = UU + class_name_ + ".prototype." +
-            print >>self.output, "    "+altexpr + " = function() {"
-            print >>self.output, "        return " + fexpr + ".apply(this.__class__, arguments);"
-            print >>self.output, "    };"
-            print >>self.output, "    "+fexpr+".class_method = true;"
-            print >>self.output, "    "+altexpr+".instance_method = true;"
+            self.printo("    "+altexpr + " = function() {")
+            self.printo("        return " + fexpr + ".apply(this.__class__, arguments);")
+            self.printo("    };")
+            self.printo("    "+fexpr+".class_method = true;")
+            self.printo("    "+altexpr+".instance_method = true;")
             # For instance methods, we need an unbound version in the class object
             altexpr = UU + class_name_ + ".prototype.__class__." +
-            print >>self.output, "    "+altexpr + " = function() {"
-            print >>self.output, "        return " + fexpr + ".call.apply("+fexpr+", arguments);"
-            print >>self.output, "    };"
-            print >>self.output, "    "+altexpr+".unbound_method = true;"
-            print >>self.output, "    "+fexpr+".instance_method = true;"
-            print >>self.output, "    "+altexpr+".__name__ = '%s';" %
-        print >>self.output, UU + class_name_ + ".prototype.%s.__name__ = '%s';" % \
-            (,
+            self.printo("    "+altexpr + " = function() {")
+            self.printo("        return " + fexpr + ".call.apply("+fexpr+", arguments);")
+            self.printo("    };")
+            self.printo("    "+altexpr+".unbound_method = true;")
+            self.printo("    "+fexpr+".instance_method = true;")
+            self.printo("    "+altexpr+".__name__ = '%s';" %
+        self.printo(UU + class_name_ + ".prototype.%s.__name__ = '%s';" %
+                    (,
         if node.kwargs or len(node.defaults):
-            print >>self.output, "    "+altexpr + ".parse_kwargs = " + fexpr + ".parse_kwargs;"
+            self.printo("    "+altexpr + ".parse_kwargs = " + fexpr + ".parse_kwargs;")
         self.method_self = None
         self.method_imported_globals = set()
@@ -964,7 +968,7 @@
     def _stmt(self, node, current_klass):
         debugStmt = self.debug and not self._isNativeFunc(node)
         if debugStmt:
-            print >>self.output, '  try {'
+            self.printo('  try {')
         if isinstance(node, ast.Return):
             self._return(node, current_klass)
@@ -1025,7 +1029,7 @@
                 '  }'
             for s in out:
-                print >>self.output, s
+                self.printo(s)
     def get_line_trace(self, node):
         lineNum = "Unknown"
@@ -1053,7 +1057,7 @@
             lhs = self._name(node.node, current_klass)
         op = node.op
         rhs = self.expr(node.expr, current_klass)
-        print >>self.output, "    " + lhs + " " + op + " " + rhs + ";"
+        self.printo("    " + lhs + " " + op + " " + rhs + ";")
     def _assign(self, node, current_klass, top_level=False):
         if len(node.nodes) != 1:
@@ -1128,7 +1132,7 @@
                     raise TranslationError("must have one sub (in _assign)", v)
                 idx = self.expr(v.subs[0], current_klass)
                 value = self.expr(node.expr, current_klass)
-                print >>self.output, "    " + obj + ".__setitem__(" + idx + ", " + value + ");"
+                self.printo("    " + obj + ".__setitem__(" + idx + ", " + value + ");")
                 raise TranslationError("unsupported flag (in _assign)", v)
@@ -1136,8 +1140,7 @@
             uniqueID = self.nextTupleAssignID
             self.nextTupleAssignID += 1
             tempName = "__tupleassign" + str(uniqueID) + "__"
-            print >>self.output, "    var " + tempName + " = " + \
-                                 self.expr(node.expr, current_klass) + ";"
+            self.printo("    var " + tempName + " = " + self.expr(node.expr, current_klass) + ";")
             for index, child in enumerate(v.getChildNodes()):
                 rhs = tempName + ".__getitem__(" + str(index) + ")"
@@ -1153,18 +1156,17 @@
                                                    "(in _assign)", child)
                         idx = self.expr(child.subs[0], current_klass)
                         value = self.expr(node.expr, current_klass)
-                        print >>self.output, "    " + obj + ".__setitem__(" \
-                            + idx + ", " + rhs + ");"
+                        self.printo("    " + obj + ".__setitem__(" + idx + ", " + rhs + ");")
-                print >>self.output, "    " + lhs + " = " + rhs + ";"
+                self.printo("    " + lhs + " = " + rhs + ";")
             raise TranslationError("unsupported type (in _assign)", v)
         rhs = self.expr(node.expr, current_klass)
         if dbg:
-            print "b", repr(node.expr), rhs
-        print >>self.output, "    " + lhs + " " + op + " " + rhs + ";"
+            print("b", repr(node.expr), rhs)
+        self.printo("    " + lhs + " " + op + " " + rhs + ";")
     def _discard(self, node, current_klass):
@@ -1175,24 +1177,24 @@
                 debugStmt = False
             if debugStmt:
                 st = self.get_line_trace(node)
-                print >>self.output, "sys.addstack('%s');\n" % st
+                self.printo("sys.addstack('%s');\n" % st)
             if isinstance(node.expr.node, ast.Name) and == NATIVE_JS_FUNC_NAME:
                 if len(node.expr.args) != 1:
                     raise TranslationError("native javascript function %s must have one arg" % NATIVE_JS_FUNC_NAME, node.expr)
                 if not isinstance(node.expr.args[0], ast.Const):
                     raise TranslationError("native javascript function %s must have constant arg" % NATIVE_JS_FUNC_NAME, node.expr)
                 raw_js = node.expr.args[0].value
-                print >>self.output, raw_js
+                self.printo(raw_js)
                 expr = self._callfunc(node.expr, current_klass)
-                print >>self.output, "    " + expr + ";"
+                self.printo("    " + expr + ";")
             if debugStmt:
-                print >>self.output, "sys.popstack();\n"
+                self.printo("sys.popstack();\n")
         elif isinstance(node.expr, ast.Const):
             if node.expr.value is not None:  # Empty statements generate ignore None
-                print >>self.output, self._const(node.expr)
+                self.printo(self._const(node.expr))
             raise TranslationError("unsupported type (in _discard)", node.expr)
@@ -1217,9 +1219,9 @@
         if test:
             expr = self.expr(test, current_klass)
-            print >>self.output, "    " + keyword + " (pyjslib.bool(" + expr + ")) {"
-        else:
-            print >>self.output, "    " + keyword + " {"
+            self.printo("    " + keyword + " (pyjslib.bool(" + expr + ")) {")
+        else:
+            self.printo("    " + keyword + " {")
         if isinstance(consequence, ast.Stmt):
             for child in consequence.nodes:
@@ -1227,7 +1229,7 @@
             raise TranslationError("unsupported type (in _if_test)", consequence)
-        print >>self.output, "    }"
+        self.printo("    }")
     def _from(self, node):
         for name in node.names:
@@ -1315,33 +1317,33 @@
         lhs = "var " + assign_name
         iterator_name = "__" + assign_name
-        print >>self.output, """
+        self.printo("""
         var %(iterator_name)s = %(list_expr)s.__iter__();
         try {
             while (true) {
                 %(lhs)s %(op)s %(iterator_name);
-        """ % locals()
+        """ % locals())
         for node in node.body.nodes:
             self._stmt(node, current_klass)
-        print >>self.output, """
+        self.printo("""
         } catch (e) {
             if (e.__name__ != pyjslib.StopIteration.__name__) {
                 throw e;
-        """ % locals()
+        """ % locals())
     def _while(self, node, current_klass):
         test = self.expr(node.test, current_klass)
-        print >>self.output, "    while (pyjslib.bool(" + test + ")) {"
+        self.printo("    while (pyjslib.bool(" + test + ")) {")
         if isinstance(node.body, ast.Stmt):
             for child in node.body.nodes:
                 self._stmt(child, current_klass)
             raise TranslationError("unsupported type (in _while)", node.body)
-        print >>self.output, "    }"
+        self.printo("    }")
     def _const(self, node):
         if isinstance(node.value, int):
@@ -1411,7 +1413,7 @@
     def _subscript_stmt(self, node, current_klass):
         if node.flags == "OP_DELETE":
-            print >>self.output, "    " + self.expr(node.expr, current_klass) + ".__delitem__(" + self.expr(node.subs[0], current_klass) + ");"
+            self.printo("    " + self.expr(node.expr, current_klass) + ".__delitem__(" + self.expr(node.subs[0], current_klass) + ");")
             raise TranslationError("unsupported flag (in _subscript)", node)
@@ -1439,10 +1441,10 @@
         function_args = ", ".join(arg_names)
         for child in node.getChildNodes():
             expr = self.expr(child, None)
-        print >> res, "function (%s){" % function_args
+        print("function (%s){" % function_args, file=res)
         self._default_args_handler(node, arg_names, None,
-        print >> res, 'return %s;}' % expr
+        print('return %s;}' % expr, file=res)
         return res.getvalue()
     def _slice(self, node, current_klass):
@@ -1561,9 +1563,9 @@
         if self.verbose:
             if override:
-                print "Importing %s (Platform %s)" % (module_name, self.platform)
+                print("Importing %s (Platform %s)" % (module_name, self.platform))
             elif importing:
-                print "Importing %s" % (module_name)
+                print("Importing %s" % (module_name))
         return mod, override
@@ -1717,28 +1719,28 @@
             if self.verbose:
-                print 'Including LIB', library
-            print >> lib_code, '\n//\n// BEGIN LIB '+library+'\n//\n'
-            print >> lib_code, self._translate(
-                library, False, debug=debug, imported_js=imported_js)
-            print >> lib_code, "/* initialize static library */"
-            print >> lib_code, "%s%s();\n" % (UU, library)
-            print >> lib_code, '\n//\n// END LIB '+library+'\n//\n'
+                print('Including LIB', library)
+            print('\n//\n// BEGIN LIB '+library+'\n//\n', file=lib_code)
+            print(self._translate(library, False, debug=debug, imported_js=imported_js),
+                  file=lib_code)
+            print("/* initialize static library */", file=lib_code)
+            print("%s%s();\n" % (UU, library), file=lib_code)
+            print('\n//\n// END LIB '+library+'\n//\n', file=lib_code)
         if module_name:
-            print >> app_code, self._translate(
-                module_name, is_app, debug=debug, imported_js=imported_js)
+            print(self._translate(module_name, is_app, debug=debug, imported_js=imported_js),
+                  file=app_code)
         for js in imported_js:
             path = self.findFile(js)
             if os.path.isfile(path):
                 if self.verbose:
-                    print 'Including JS', js
-                print >> lib_code,  '\n//\n// BEGIN JS '+js+'\n//\n'
-                print >> lib_code, file(path).read()
-                print >> lib_code,  '\n//\n// END JS '+js+'\n//\n'
-            else:
-                print >>sys.stderr, 'Warning: Unable to find imported javascript:', js
+                    print('Including JS', js)
+                print('\n//\n// BEGIN JS '+js+'\n//\n', file=lib_code)
+                print(file(path).read(), file=lib_code)
+                print('\n//\n// END JS '+js+'\n//\n', file=lib_code)
+            else:
+                print('Warning: Unable to find imported javascript:', js, file=sys.stderr)
         return lib_code.getvalue(), app_code.getvalue()
@@ -1750,17 +1752,17 @@
 def main():
     import sys
     if len(sys.argv) < 2:
-        print >> sys.stderr, usage % sys.argv[0]
+        print(usage % sys.argv[0], file=sys.stderr)
     file_name = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[1])
     if not os.path.isfile(file_name):
-        print >> sys.stderr, "File not found %s" % file_name
+        print("File not found %s" % file_name, file=sys.stderr)
     if len(sys.argv) > 2:
         module_name = sys.argv[2]
         module_name = None
-    print translate(file_name, module_name),
+    print(translate(file_name, module_name), end="")
 if __name__ == "__main__":