changeset 411 8261c8f1e365
parent 410 092e33606e51
child 412 2b9bc5ee30c0
--- a/tests/linux/python_cwiid/runtime.py	Thu Oct 08 11:09:01 2009 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-#                                                                              #
-#   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify       #
-#   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by       #
-#   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or          #
-#   (at your option) any later version.                                        #
-#                                                                              #
-#   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,            #
-#   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of             #
-#   GNU General Public License for more details.                               #
-#                                                                              #
-#   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License          #
-#   along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.      #
-#                                                                              #
-import cwiid
-import sys
-from threading import Thread
-## Configuration
-wm = None
-wiimote_hwaddr = '' # Use your address to speed up the connection proccess
-#wiimote_hwaddr = '00:19:1D:5D:5D:DC'
-last_point = (0,0)
-btA = 0
-btB = 0
-def cback(messages):
-    '''Wiimote callback managing method
-    Recieves a message list, each element is different, see the libcwiid docs'''
-    global btA, btB, last_point
-    #print messages
-    #print "wiimote callback"
-    for msg in messages:
-#        if msg[0] == cwiid.MESG_IR:
-#            # msg is of the form (cwiid.MESG_IR, (((x, y), size) or None * 4))
-#            for p in msg[1]:
-#                if p:
-#                    pos = p['pos'][0], p['pos'][1] # point is mirrored
-#                    #s = max(p['size'], 1)
-#                    last_point = tuple(pos)
-#                    #print "last_point",last_point
-        if msg[0] == cwiid.MESG_BTN:
-            # msg is of the form (cwiid.MESG_BTN, cwiid.BTN_*)
-            if msg[1] & cwiid.BTN_A:
-                btA = 1
-                #print "btA = 1"
-            else:
-                btA = 0
-                #print "btA = 0"
-            if msg[1] & cwiid.BTN_B:
-                btB = 1
-                #print "btB = 1"
-            else:
-                btB = 0
-        elif msg[0] == cwiid.MESG_NUNCHUK:
-               #sbb = msg[1]['buttons']
-               last_point = msg[1]['stick']
-               #ssx = msg[1]['stick'][0]
-               #ssy = msg[1]['stick'][1]
-               #msg[1]['acc'][0]
-               #msg[1]['acc'][1]
-               #msg[1]['acc'][2]
-                #print "btB = 0"
-        #elif msg[0] == cwiid.MESG_STATUS:
-        #    # msg is of the form (cwiid.MESG_BTN, { 'status' : value, ... })
-        #    print msg[1]
-def Connect_Wiimote(frameobj):
-    global wm,wiimote_hwaddr
-    try:
-    #if False:
-        print "Press 1+2 Now !!!!"
-        sys.stdout.flush()
-        wm = cwiid.Wiimote(wiimote_hwaddr)
-        if wm is not None:
-            # each message will contain info about ir and buttons
-            wm.rpt_mode = cwiid.RPT_BTN | cwiid.RPT_EXT # | cwiid.RPT_STATUS | cwiid.RPT_IR | 
-            # tell cwiid to use the callback interface and allways send button events
-            wm.enable(cwiid.FLAG_MESG_IFC)
-                      #| cwiid.FLAG_NONBLOCK
-                      #| cwiid.FLAG_REPEAT_BTN)
-            # specify wich function will manage messages AFTER the other settings
-            wm.mesg_callback = cback
-            # quick check on the wiimote
-            print "Got Wiimote!"
-            frameobj.label_1.SetLabel("Got Wiimote !")
-            st = wm.state
-            for e in st:
-                print str(e).ljust(8), ">", st[e]
-    except:
-    #else:
-        print "Error with wiimote " + str(wiimote_hwaddr)
-        frameobj.label_1.SetLabel("Wiimote NOK")
-    sys.stdout.flush()
-def _runtime_cleanup():
-    if wm is not None:
-        wm.close()
-def start_manu(self,evt):
-    self.label_1.SetLabel("press 1+2 now !!!")
-    wx.CallAfter(Connect_Wiimote, self)
-    evt.Skip()
-HMIFrame.start_manu = start_manu
-def _runtime_begin():
-    pass
-    #wx.CallAfter(Connect_Wiimote)
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