branch1.1 Korean release
changeset 1280 72a826dfcfbb
parent 1124 b1705000eba1
child 1315 ff14a66bbd12
--- a/c_ext/c_ext.py	Wed Mar 13 12:34:55 2013 +0900
+++ b/c_ext/c_ext.py	Wed Jul 31 10:45:07 2013 +0900
@@ -1,19 +1,10 @@
 import os
-from xml.dom import minidom
-import cPickle
-from xmlclass import *
 from CFileEditor import CFileEditor
+from CodeFileTreeNode import CodeFile
-CFileClasses = GenerateClassesFromXSD(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "cext_xsd.xsd"))
-TYPECONVERSION = {"BOOL" : "X", "SINT" : "B", "INT" : "W", "DINT" : "D", "LINT" : "L",
-    "USINT" : "B", "UINT" : "W", "UDINT" : "D", "ULINT" : "L", "REAL" : "D", "LREAL" : "L",
-    "STRING" : "B", "BYTE" : "B", "WORD" : "W", "DWORD" : "D", "LWORD" : "L", "WSTRING" : "W"}
-class CFile:
+class CFile(CodeFile):
     XSD = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
     <xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
       <xsd:element name="CExtension">
@@ -24,142 +15,25 @@
+    CODEFILE_NAME = "CFile"
+        "includes",
+        "globals",
+        "initFunction",
+        "cleanUpFunction",
+        "retrieveFunction",
+        "publishFunction"]
     EditorType = CFileEditor
-    def __init__(self):
-        filepath = self.CFileName()
-        self.CFile = CFileClasses["CFile"]()
-        if os.path.isfile(filepath):
-            xmlfile = open(filepath, 'r')
-            tree = minidom.parse(xmlfile)
-            xmlfile.close()
-            for child in tree.childNodes:
-                if child.nodeType == tree.ELEMENT_NODE and child.nodeName == "CFile":
-                    self.CFile.loadXMLTree(child, ["xmlns", "xmlns:xsi", "xsi:schemaLocation"])
-                    self.CreateCFileBuffer(True)
-        else:
-            self.CreateCFileBuffer(False)
-            self.OnCTNSave()
+    def GenerateClassesFromXSDstring(self, xsd_string):
+        return GenerateClassesFromXSDstring(xsd_string)
     def GetIconName(self):
         return "Cfile"
-    def CFileName(self):
+    def CodeFileName(self):
         return os.path.join(self.CTNPath(), "cfile.xml")
-    def GetBaseTypes(self):
-        return self.GetCTRoot().GetBaseTypes()
-    def GetDataTypes(self, basetypes = False, only_locatables = False):
-        return self.GetCTRoot().GetDataTypes(basetypes=basetypes, only_locatables=only_locatables)
-    def GetSizeOfType(self, type):
-        return TYPECONVERSION.get(self.GetCTRoot().GetBaseType(type), None)
-    def SetVariables(self, variables):
-        self.CFile.variables.setvariable([])
-        for var in variables:
-            variable = CFileClasses["variables_variable"]()
-            variable.setname(var["Name"])
-            variable.settype(var["Type"])
-            variable.setclass(var["Class"])
-            self.CFile.variables.appendvariable(variable)
-    def GetVariables(self):
-        datas = []
-        for var in self.CFile.variables.getvariable():
-            datas.append({"Name" : var.getname(), "Type" : var.gettype(), "Class" : var.getclass()})
-        return datas
-    def GetVariableLocationTree(self):
-        '''See ConfigTreeNode.GetVariableLocationTree() for a description.'''
-        current_location = ".".join(map(str, self.GetCurrentLocation()))
-        vars = []
-        input = memory = output = 0
-        for var in self.CFile.variables.getvariable():
-            var_size = self.GetSizeOfType(var.gettype())
-            var_location = ""
-            if var.getclass() == "input":
-                var_class = LOCATION_VAR_INPUT
-                if var_size is not None:
-                    var_location = "%%I%s%s.%d"%(var_size, current_location, input)
-                input += 1
-            elif var.getclass() == "memory":
-                var_class = LOCATION_VAR_INPUT
-                if var_size is not None:
-                    var_location = "%%M%s%s.%d"%(var_size, current_location, memory)
-                memory += 1
-            else:
-                var_class = LOCATION_VAR_OUTPUT
-                if var_size is not None:
-                    var_location = "%%Q%s%s.%d"%(var_size, current_location, output)
-                output += 1
-            vars.append({"name": var.getname(),
-                         "type": var_class,
-                         "size": var_size,
-                         "IEC_type": var.gettype(),
-                         "var_name": var.getname(),
-                         "location": var_location,
-                         "description": "",
-                         "children": []})
-        return  {"name": self.BaseParams.getName(),
-                "type": LOCATION_CONFNODE,
-                "location": self.GetFullIEC_Channel(),
-                "children": vars}
-    def SetPartText(self, name, text):
-        if name == "Includes":
-            self.CFile.includes.settext(text)
-        elif name == "Globals":
-            self.CFile.globals.settext(text)
-        elif name == "Init":
-            self.CFile.initFunction.settext(text)
-        elif name == "CleanUp":
-            self.CFile.cleanUpFunction.settext(text)
-        elif name == "Retrieve":
-            self.CFile.retrieveFunction.settext(text)
-        elif name == "Publish":
-            self.CFile.publishFunction.settext(text)
-    def GetPartText(self, name):
-        if name == "Includes":
-            return self.CFile.includes.gettext()
-        elif name == "Globals":
-            return self.CFile.globals.gettext()
-        elif name == "Init":
-            return self.CFile.initFunction.gettext()
-        elif name == "CleanUp":
-            return self.CFile.cleanUpFunction.gettext()
-        elif name == "Retrieve":
-            return self.CFile.retrieveFunction.gettext()
-        elif name == "Publish":
-            return self.CFile.publishFunction.gettext()
-        return ""
-    def CTNTestModified(self):
-        return self.ChangesToSave or not self.CFileIsSaved()    
-    def OnCTNSave(self):
-        filepath = self.CFileName()
-        text = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"no\"?>\n"
-        extras = {"xmlns":"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema",
-                  "xmlns:xsi":"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance",
-                  "xsi:schemaLocation" : "cext_xsd.xsd"}
-        text += self.CFile.generateXMLText("CFile", 0, extras)
-        xmlfile = open(filepath,"w")
-        xmlfile.write(text.encode("utf-8"))
-        xmlfile.close()
-        self.MarkCFileAsSaved()
-        return True
     def CTNGenerate_C(self, buildpath, locations):
         Generate C code
@@ -178,64 +52,49 @@
         location_str = "_".join(map(str, current_location))
         text = "/* Code generated by Beremiz c_ext confnode */\n\n"
+        text += "#include <stdio.h>\n\n"
         # Adding includes
         text += "/* User includes */\n"
-        text += self.CFile.includes.gettext()
+        text += self.CodeFile.includes.gettext().strip()
         text += "\n"
-        text += '#include "iec_types.h"'
+        text += '#include "iec_types_all.h"\n\n'
         # Adding variables
-        vars = []
-        inputs = memories = outputs = 0
-        for variable in self.CFile.variables.variable:
-            var = {"Name" : variable.getname(), "Type" : variable.gettype()}
-            if variable.getclass() == "input":
-                var["location"] = "__I%s%s_%d"%(self.GetSizeOfType(var["Type"]), location_str, inputs)
-                inputs += 1
-            elif variable.getclass() == "memory":
-                var["location"] = "__M%s%s_%d"%(self.GetSizeOfType(var["Type"]), location_str, memories)
-                memories += 1
-            else:
-                var["location"] = "__Q%s%s_%d"%(self.GetSizeOfType(var["Type"]), location_str, outputs)
-                outputs += 1
-            vars.append(var)
-        text += "/* Beremiz c_ext confnode user variables definition */\n"
-        base_types = self.GetCTRoot().GetBaseTypes()
-        for var in vars:
-            if var["Type"] in base_types:
-                prefix = "IEC_"
-            else:
-                prefix = ""
-            text += "%s%s beremiz%s;\n"%(prefix, var["Type"], var["location"])
-            text += "%s%s *%s = &beremiz%s;\n"%(prefix, var["Type"], var["location"], var["location"])
+        config = self.GetCTRoot().GetProjectConfigNames()[0]
         text += "/* User variables reference */\n"
-        for var in vars:
-            text += "#define %s beremiz%s\n"%(var["Name"], var["location"])
+        for variable in self.CodeFile.variables.variable:
+            var_infos = {
+                "name": variable.getname(),
+                "global": "%s__%s" % (config.upper(),
+                                      variable.getname().upper()),
+                "type": "__IEC_%s_t" % variable.gettype()}
+            text += "extern %(type)s %(global)s;\n" % var_infos
+            text += "#define %(name)s %(global)s.value\n" % var_infos
         text += "\n"
         # Adding user global variables and routines
         text += "/* User internal user variables and routines */\n"
-        text += self.CFile.globals.gettext()
+        text += self.CodeFile.globals.gettext().strip()
+        text += "\n"
         # Adding Beremiz confnode functions
         text += "/* Beremiz confnode functions */\n"
         text += "int __init_%s(int argc,char **argv)\n{\n"%location_str
-        text += self.CFile.initFunction.gettext()
-        text += "  return 0;\n"
-        text += "\n}\n\n"
+        text += self.CodeFile.initFunction.gettext().strip()
+        text += "  return 0;\n}\n\n"
         text += "void __cleanup_%s(void)\n{\n"%location_str
-        text += self.CFile.cleanUpFunction.gettext()
+        text += self.CodeFile.cleanUpFunction.gettext().strip()
         text += "\n}\n\n"
         text += "void __retrieve_%s(void)\n{\n"%location_str
-        text += self.CFile.retrieveFunction.gettext()
+        text += self.CodeFile.retrieveFunction.gettext().strip()
         text += "\n}\n\n"
         text += "void __publish_%s(void)\n{\n"%location_str
-        text += self.CFile.publishFunction.gettext()
+        text += self.CodeFile.publishFunction.gettext().strip()
         text += "\n}\n\n"
         Gen_Cfile_path = os.path.join(buildpath, "CFile_%s.c"%location_str)
@@ -247,48 +106,3 @@
         return [(Gen_Cfile_path, str(self.CExtension.getCFLAGS() + matiec_flags))],str(self.CExtension.getLDFLAGS()),True
-#                      Current Buffering Management Functions
-    """
-    Return a copy of the cfile model
-    """
-    def Copy(self, model):
-        return cPickle.loads(cPickle.dumps(model))
-    def CreateCFileBuffer(self, saved):
-        self.Buffering = False
-        self.CFileBuffer = UndoBuffer(cPickle.dumps(self.CFile), saved)
-    def BufferCFile(self):
-        self.CFileBuffer.Buffering(cPickle.dumps(self.CFile))
-    def StartBuffering(self):
-        self.Buffering = True
-    def EndBuffering(self):
-        if self.Buffering:
-            self.CFileBuffer.Buffering(cPickle.dumps(self.CFile))
-            self.Buffering = False
-    def MarkCFileAsSaved(self):
-        self.EndBuffering()
-        self.CFileBuffer.CurrentSaved()
-    def CFileIsSaved(self):
-        return self.CFileBuffer.IsCurrentSaved() and not self.Buffering
-    def LoadPrevious(self):
-        self.EndBuffering()
-        self.CFile = cPickle.loads(self.CFileBuffer.Previous())
-    def LoadNext(self):
-        self.CFile = cPickle.loads(self.CFileBuffer.Next())
-    def GetBufferState(self):
-        first = self.CFileBuffer.IsFirst() and not self.Buffering
-        last = self.CFileBuffer.IsLast()
-        return not first, not last