changeset 571 427bf9130d12
parent 546 093a20ea5ffc
child 572 c965548cb6f7
--- a/targets/	Thu Feb 03 18:23:24 2011 +0100
+++ b/targets/	Thu Feb 17 10:11:04 2011 +0100
@@ -1,74 +1,74 @@
-import os, re
-from wxPopen import ProcessLogger
-import hashlib
-import time
-includes_re =  re.compile('\s*#include\s*["<]([^">]*)[">].*')
-class toolchain_makefile():
-    def __init__(self, PluginsRootInstance):
-        self.PluginsRootInstance = PluginsRootInstance
-        self.md5key = None 
-        self.buildpath = None
-        self.SetBuildPath(self.PluginsRootInstance._getBuildPath())
-    def SetBuildPath(self, buildpath):
-        self.buildpath = buildpath
-    def GetBinaryCode(self):
-        return None
-    def _GetMD5FileName(self):
-        return os.path.join(self.buildpath, "lastbuildPLC.md5")
-    def GetBinaryCodeMD5(self):
-        if self.md5key is not None:
-            return self.md5key
-        else:
-            try:
-                return open(self._GetMD5FileName(), "r").read()
-            except Exception, e:
-                return None
-    def build(self):
-        srcfiles= []
-        cflags = []
-        for Location, CFilesAndCFLAGS, DoCalls in self.PluginsRootInstance.LocationCFilesAndCFLAGS:
-            wholesrcdata = "" 
-            # Get CFiles list to give it to makefile
-            for CFile, CFLAGS in CFilesAndCFLAGS:
-                CFileName = os.path.basename(CFile)
-                wholesrcdata += open(CFile, "r").read()
-                srcfiles.append(CFileName)
-                if CFLAGS not in cflags:
-                    cflags.append(CFLAGS)
-            self.md5key = hashlib.md5(wholesrcdata).hexdigest()
-            props = self.PluginsRootInstance.GetProjectProperties()
-            self.md5key += '#'.join([props[key] for key in ['companyName',
-                                                            'projectName',
-                                                            'productName']])
-            self.md5key += '#'+','.join(map(str,time.localtime()))
-            # Store new PLC filename based on md5 key
-            f = open(self._GetMD5FileName(), "w")
-            f.write(self.md5key)
-            f.close()
-        beremizcommand = {"src": ' '.join(srcfiles),
-                          "cflags": ' '.join(cflags),
-                          "md5": '"'+self.md5key+'"'
-                         }
-        target = self.PluginsRootInstance.GetTarget().getcontent()["value"]
-        command = target.getCommand().split(' ') +\
-                  [target.getBuildPath()] +\
-                  [arg % beremizcommand for arg in target.getArguments().split(' ')] +\
-                  target.getRule().split(' ')
-        # Call Makefile to build PLC code and link it with target specific code
-        status, result, err_result = ProcessLogger(self.PluginsRootInstance.logger,
-                                                   command).spin()
-        if status :
-            self.PluginsRootInstance.logger.write_error(_("C compilation of %s failed.\n"))
-            return False
-        return True
+import os, re
+from wxPopen import ProcessLogger
+import hashlib
+import time
+includes_re =  re.compile('\s*#include\s*["<]([^">]*)[">].*')
+class toolchain_makefile():
+    def __init__(self, PluginsRootInstance):
+        self.PluginsRootInstance = PluginsRootInstance
+        self.md5key = None 
+        self.buildpath = None
+        self.SetBuildPath(self.PluginsRootInstance._getBuildPath())
+    def SetBuildPath(self, buildpath):
+        self.buildpath = buildpath
+    def GetBinaryCode(self):
+        return None
+    def _GetMD5FileName(self):
+        return os.path.join(self.buildpath, "lastbuildPLC.md5")
+    def GetBinaryCodeMD5(self):
+        if self.md5key is not None:
+            return self.md5key
+        else:
+            try:
+                return open(self._GetMD5FileName(), "r").read()
+            except IOError, e:
+                return None
+    def build(self):
+        srcfiles= []
+        cflags = []
+        for Location, CFilesAndCFLAGS, DoCalls in self.PluginsRootInstance.LocationCFilesAndCFLAGS:
+            wholesrcdata = "" 
+            # Get CFiles list to give it to makefile
+            for CFile, CFLAGS in CFilesAndCFLAGS:
+                CFileName = os.path.basename(CFile)
+                wholesrcdata += open(CFile, "r").read()
+                srcfiles.append(CFileName)
+                if CFLAGS not in cflags:
+                    cflags.append(CFLAGS)
+            self.md5key = hashlib.md5(wholesrcdata).hexdigest()
+            props = self.PluginsRootInstance.GetProjectProperties()
+            self.md5key += '#'.join([props[key] for key in ['companyName',
+                                                            'projectName',
+                                                            'productName']])
+            self.md5key += '#' #+','.join(map(str,time.localtime()))
+            # Store new PLC filename based on md5 key
+            f = open(self._GetMD5FileName(), "w")
+            f.write(self.md5key)
+            f.close()
+        beremizcommand = {"src": ' '.join(srcfiles),
+                          "cflags": ' '.join(cflags),
+                          "md5": '"'+self.md5key+'"'
+                         }
+        target = self.PluginsRootInstance.GetTarget().getcontent()["value"]
+        command = target.getCommand().split(' ') +\
+                  [target.getBuildPath()] +\
+                  [arg % beremizcommand for arg in target.getArguments().split(' ')] +\
+                  target.getRule().split(' ')
+        # Call Makefile to build PLC code and link it with target specific code
+        status, result, err_result = ProcessLogger(self.PluginsRootInstance.logger,
+                                                   command).spin()
+        if status :
+            self.PluginsRootInstance.logger.write_error(_("C compilation of %s failed.\n"))
+            return False
+        return True