changeset 818 1d1bdf6e75bf
parent 814 5743cbdff669
child 1339 6adf05c4508d
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/dialogs/ActionBlockDialog.py	Sun Sep 09 23:05:01 2012 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+#This file is part of PLCOpenEditor, a library implementing an IEC 61131-3 editor
+#based on the plcopen standard. 
+#Copyright (C) 2007: Edouard TISSERANT and Laurent BESSARD
+#See COPYING file for copyrights details.
+#This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+#modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+#License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+#version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+#This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#General Public License for more details.
+#You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+#License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+#Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+import wx
+import wx.grid
+import wx.lib.buttons
+from controls import CustomGrid, CustomTable
+from util.BitmapLibrary import GetBitmap
+#                                  Helpers
+def GetActionTableColnames():
+    _ = lambda x: x
+    return [_("Qualifier"), _("Duration"), _("Type"), _("Value"), _("Indicator")]
+def GetTypeList():
+    _ = lambda x: x
+    return [_("Action"), _("Variable"), _("Inline")]
+#                               Action Table
+class ActionTable(CustomTable):
+    def GetValue(self, row, col):
+        if row < self.GetNumberRows():
+            colname = self.GetColLabelValue(col, False)
+            name = str(self.data[row].get(colname, ""))
+            if colname == "Type":
+                return _(name)
+            return name
+    def SetValue(self, row, col, value):
+        if col < len(self.colnames):
+            colname = self.GetColLabelValue(col, False)
+            if colname == "Type":
+                value = self.Parent.TranslateType[value]
+            self.data[row][colname] = value
+    def _updateColAttrs(self, grid):
+        """
+        wx.Grid -> update the column attributes to add the
+        appropriate renderer given the column name.
+        Otherwise default to the default renderer.
+        """
+        for row in range(self.GetNumberRows()):
+            for col in range(self.GetNumberCols()):
+                editor = None
+                renderer = None
+                readonly = False
+                colname = self.GetColLabelValue(col, False)
+                if colname == "Qualifier":
+                    editor = wx.grid.GridCellChoiceEditor()
+                    editor.SetParameters(self.Parent.QualifierList)
+                if colname == "Duration":
+                    editor = wx.grid.GridCellTextEditor()
+                    renderer = wx.grid.GridCellStringRenderer()
+                    if self.Parent.DurationList[self.data[row]["Qualifier"]]:
+                        readonly = False
+                    else:
+                        readonly = True
+                        self.data[row]["Duration"] = ""
+                elif colname == "Type":
+                    editor = wx.grid.GridCellChoiceEditor()
+                    editor.SetParameters(self.Parent.TypeList)
+                elif colname == "Value":
+                    type = self.data[row]["Type"]
+                    if type == "Action":
+                        editor = wx.grid.GridCellChoiceEditor()
+                        editor.SetParameters(self.Parent.ActionList)
+                    elif type == "Variable":
+                        editor = wx.grid.GridCellChoiceEditor()
+                        editor.SetParameters(self.Parent.VariableList)
+                    elif type == "Inline":
+                        editor = wx.grid.GridCellTextEditor()
+                        renderer = wx.grid.GridCellStringRenderer()
+                elif colname == "Indicator":
+                    editor = wx.grid.GridCellChoiceEditor()
+                    editor.SetParameters(self.Parent.VariableList)
+                grid.SetCellEditor(row, col, editor)
+                grid.SetCellRenderer(row, col, renderer)
+                grid.SetReadOnly(row, col, readonly)
+                grid.SetCellBackgroundColour(row, col, wx.WHITE)
+            self.ResizeRow(grid, row)
+#                            Action Block Dialog
+class ActionBlockDialog(wx.Dialog):
+    def __init__(self, parent):
+        wx.Dialog.__init__(self, parent,
+              size=wx.Size(500, 300), title=_('Edit action block properties'))
+        main_sizer = wx.FlexGridSizer(cols=1, hgap=0, rows=3, vgap=10)
+        main_sizer.AddGrowableCol(0)
+        main_sizer.AddGrowableRow(1)
+        top_sizer = wx.FlexGridSizer(cols=5, hgap=5, rows=1, vgap=0)
+        top_sizer.AddGrowableCol(0)
+        top_sizer.AddGrowableRow(0)
+        main_sizer.AddSizer(top_sizer, border=20,
+              flag=wx.GROW|wx.TOP|wx.LEFT|wx.RIGHT)
+        actions_label = wx.StaticText(self, label=_('Actions:'))
+        top_sizer.AddWindow(actions_label, flag=wx.ALIGN_BOTTOM)
+        for name, bitmap, help in [
+                ("AddButton", "add_element", _("Add action")),
+                ("DeleteButton", "remove_element", _("Remove action")),
+                ("UpButton", "up", _("Move action up")),
+                ("DownButton", "down", _("Move action down"))]:
+            button = wx.lib.buttons.GenBitmapButton(self, bitmap=GetBitmap(bitmap), 
+                  size=wx.Size(28, 28), style=wx.NO_BORDER)
+            button.SetToolTipString(help)
+            setattr(self, name, button)
+            top_sizer.AddWindow(button)
+        self.ActionsGrid = CustomGrid(self, size=wx.Size(0, 0), style=wx.VSCROLL)
+        self.ActionsGrid.DisableDragGridSize()
+        self.ActionsGrid.EnableScrolling(False, True)
+        self.ActionsGrid.Bind(wx.grid.EVT_GRID_CELL_CHANGE, 
+                              self.OnActionsGridCellChange)
+        main_sizer.AddSizer(self.ActionsGrid, border=20,
+              flag=wx.GROW|wx.LEFT|wx.RIGHT)
+        button_sizer = self.CreateButtonSizer(wx.OK|wx.CANCEL|wx.CENTRE)
+        self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnOK, button_sizer.GetAffirmativeButton())
+        main_sizer.AddSizer(button_sizer, border=20, 
+              flag=wx.ALIGN_RIGHT|wx.BOTTOM|wx.LEFT|wx.RIGHT)
+        self.SetSizer(main_sizer)
+        self.Table = ActionTable(self, [], GetActionTableColnames())
+        typelist = GetTypeList()       
+        self.TypeList = ",".join(map(_,typelist))
+        self.TranslateType = dict([(_(value), value) for value in typelist])
+        self.ColSizes = [60, 90, 80, 110, 80]
+        self.ColAlignements = [wx.ALIGN_LEFT, wx.ALIGN_LEFT, wx.ALIGN_LEFT, wx.ALIGN_LEFT, wx.ALIGN_LEFT]
+        self.ActionsGrid.SetTable(self.Table)
+        self.ActionsGrid.SetDefaultValue({"Qualifier" : "N", 
+                                          "Duration" : "", 
+                                          "Type" : "Action", 
+                                          "Value" : "", 
+                                          "Indicator" : ""})
+        self.ActionsGrid.SetButtons({"Add": self.AddButton,
+                                     "Delete": self.DeleteButton,
+                                     "Up": self.UpButton,
+                                     "Down": self.DownButton})
+        self.ActionsGrid.SetRowLabelSize(0)
+        for col in range(self.Table.GetNumberCols()):
+            attr = wx.grid.GridCellAttr()
+            attr.SetAlignment(self.ColAlignements[col], wx.ALIGN_CENTRE)
+            self.ActionsGrid.SetColAttr(col, attr)
+            self.ActionsGrid.SetColMinimalWidth(col, self.ColSizes[col])
+            self.ActionsGrid.AutoSizeColumn(col, False)
+        self.Table.ResetView(self.ActionsGrid)
+        self.ActionsGrid.SetFocus()
+        self.ActionsGrid.RefreshButtons()
+    def OnOK(self, event):
+        self.ActionsGrid.CloseEditControl()
+        self.EndModal(wx.ID_OK)
+    def OnActionsGridCellChange(self, event):
+        wx.CallAfter(self.Table.ResetView, self.ActionsGrid)
+        event.Skip()
+    def SetQualifierList(self, list):
+        self.QualifierList = "," + ",".join(list)
+        self.DurationList = list
+    def SetVariableList(self, list):
+        self.VariableList = "," + ",".join([variable["Name"] for variable in list])
+    def SetActionList(self, list):
+        self.ActionList = "," + ",".join(list)
+    def SetValues(self, actions):
+        for action in actions:
+            row = {"Qualifier" : action["qualifier"], "Value" : action["value"]}
+            if action["type"] == "reference":
+                if action["value"] in self.ActionList:
+                    row["Type"] = "Action"
+                elif action["value"] in self.VariableList:
+                    row["Type"] = "Variable"
+                else:
+                    row["Type"] = "Inline"
+            else:
+                row["Type"] = "Inline"
+            if "duration" in action:
+                row["Duration"] = action["duration"]
+            else:
+                row["Duration"] = ""
+            if "indicator" in action:
+                row["Indicator"] = action["indicator"]
+            else:
+                row["Indicator"] = ""
+            self.Table.AppendRow(row)
+        self.Table.ResetView(self.ActionsGrid)
+        if len(actions) > 0:
+            self.ActionsGrid.SetGridCursor(0, 0)
+        self.ActionsGrid.RefreshButtons()
+    def GetValues(self):
+        values = []
+        for data in self.Table.GetData():
+            action = {"qualifier" : data["Qualifier"], "value" : data["Value"]}
+            if data["Type"] in ["Action", "Variable"]:
+                action["type"] = "reference"
+            else:
+                action["type"] = "inline"
+            if data["Duration"] != "":
+                action["duration"] = data["Duration"]
+            if data["Indicator"] != "":
+                action["indicator"] = data["Indicator"]
+            values.append(action)
+        return values