changeset 1157 72d14a74c643
child 1185 b36755d7c19e
equal deleted inserted replaced
1156:9708ed2a4ac2 1157:72d14a74c643
     1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
     2 <PyFile>
     3   <variables>
     4     <variable name="WiiNunchuckStickX" type="INT"/>
     5     <variable name="WiiNunchuckStickY" type="INT"/>
     6     <variable name="WiiNunchuckButtons" type="BYTE"/>
     7     <variable name="WiiButtons" type="BYTE"/>
     8   </variables>
     9   <globals>
    10 <![CDATA[
    11 import cwiid,commands,sys,re,os,time
    13 wiimote = None
    14 WIIMOTE_ADDR_MODEL = re.compile("((?:[0-9A-F]{2})(?::[0-9A-F]{2}){5})\s*Nintendo")
    15 nunchuckzero = None
    17 def Wiimote_cback(messages, time):
    18     global nunchuckzero
    19     state = dict(messages)
    20     bts = state.get(cwiid.MESG_BTN, None)
    21     if bts is not None:
    22         PLCGlobals.WiiButtons = bts
    23     nunchuck = state.get(cwiid.MESG_NUNCHUK, None)
    24     if nunchuck is not None:
    25         PLCGlobals.WiiNunchuckButtons = nunchuck['buttons']
    26         X,Y = nunchuck['stick']
    27         if nunchuckzero is None:
    28             nunchuckzero = X,Y
    29         (PLCGlobals.WiiNunchuckStickX,
    30          PLCGlobals.WiiNunchuckStickY) = X-nunchuckzero[0],Y-nunchuckzero[1]
    32 def Connect_Wiimote(connected_callback):
    33     global wiimote,nunchuckzero
    34     mac_addr = ''
    35     try:
    36         mac_addr = file("wiimac.txt","rt").read()
    37     except:
    38         PLCObject.LogMessage("Wiimote MAC unknown, scanning bluetooth")
    39         output = commands.getoutput("hcitool scan")
    40         result = WIIMOTE_ADDR_MODEL.search(output)
    41         if result is not None:
    42             mac_addr = result.group(1)
    43             PLCObject.LogMessage("Found Wiimote with MAC %s"%mac_addr)
    44             file("wiimac.txt","wt").write(mac_addr)
    46     # Connect to wiimote
    47     if not mac_addr:
    48         PLCObject.LogMessage("Connection to unknown Wiimote...")
    49         wiimote = cwiid.Wiimote()
    50     else:
    51         PLCObject.LogMessage("Connection to Wiimote %s..."%mac_addr)
    52         wiimote = cwiid.Wiimote(mac_addr)
    54     if wiimote is not None:
    55         nunchuckzero = None
    56         wiimote.rpt_mode = cwiid.RPT_BTN | cwiid.RPT_EXT
    57         # use the callback interface
    58         wiimote.mesg_callback = Wiimote_cback
    59         wiimote.enable(cwiid.FLAG_MESG_IFC)
    60         connected_callback(mac_addr)
    61         PLCObject.LogMessage("Wiimote %s Connected"%mac_addr)
    62     else:
    63         PLCObject.LogMessage("Wiimote %s not found"%mac_addr)
    64         os.remove("wiimac.txt")
    65         connected_callback(None)
    67 def Disconnect_Wiimote():
    68   global wiimote
    69   if wiimote is not None:
    70     wiimote.disable(cwiid.FLAG_MESG_IFC)
    71     time.sleep(0.1)
    72     wiimote.close()
    73     wiimote = None
    74     PLCObject.LogMessage("Wiimote disconnected")
    76 ]]>
    77   </globals>
    78   <init>
    79 <![CDATA[
    80 ]]>
    81   </init>
    82   <cleanup>
    83 <![CDATA[
    84 Disconnect_Wiimote()
    86 ]]>
    87   </cleanup>
    88   <start>
    89 <![CDATA[
    90 ]]>
    91   </start>
    92   <stop>
    93 <![CDATA[
    94 ]]>
    95   </stop>
    96 </PyFile>