changeset 717 1c23952dbde1
parent 684 d376a8b0b602
child 718 5d4dc150b956
equal deleted inserted replaced
716:180e4a7d945c 717:1c23952dbde1
     1 import os, sys
     2 base_folder = os.path.split(sys.path[0])[0]
     3 CanFestivalPath = os.path.join(base_folder, "CanFestival-3")
     4 sys.path.append(os.path.join(CanFestivalPath, "objdictgen"))
     6 from nodelist import NodeList
     7 from nodemanager import NodeManager
     8 import config_utils, gen_cfile, eds_utils
     9 from networkedit import networkedit
    10 from objdictedit import objdictedit
    11 import canfestival_config as local_canfestival_config
    12 from ConfigTree import ConfigTreeNode
    13 from commondialogs import CreateNodeDialog
    14 import wx
    16 from SlaveEditor import SlaveEditor
    17 from NetworkEditor import NetworkEditor
    19 from gnosis.xml.pickle import *
    20 from gnosis.xml.pickle.util import setParanoia
    21 setParanoia(0)
    23 if wx.Platform == '__WXMSW__':
    24     DEFAULT_SETTINGS = {
    25         "CAN_Driver": "can_tcp_win32",
    26         "CAN_Device": "",
    27         "CAN_Baudrate": "125K",
    28         "Slave_NodeId": 2,
    29         "Master_NodeId": 1,
    30     }
    31 else:
    32     DEFAULT_SETTINGS = {
    33         "CAN_Driver": "../CanFestival-3/drivers/can_socket/",
    34         "CAN_Device": "vcan0",
    35         "CAN_Baudrate": "125K",
    36         "Slave_NodeId": 2,
    37         "Master_NodeId": 1,
    38     }
    40 #--------------------------------------------------
    41 #                    SLAVE
    42 #--------------------------------------------------
    44 class _SlavePlug(NodeManager):
    45     XSD = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
    46     <xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="">
    47       <xsd:element name="CanFestivalSlaveNode">
    48         <xsd:complexType>
    49           <xsd:attribute name="CAN_Device" type="xsd:string" use="optional" default="%(CAN_Device)s"/>
    50           <xsd:attribute name="CAN_Baudrate" type="xsd:string" use="optional" default="%(CAN_Baudrate)s"/>
    51           <xsd:attribute name="NodeId" type="xsd:string" use="optional" default="%(Slave_NodeId)d"/>
    52           <xsd:attribute name="Sync_Align" type="xsd:integer" use="optional" default="0"/>
    53           <xsd:attribute name="Sync_Align_Ratio" use="optional" default="50">
    54             <xsd:simpleType>
    55                 <xsd:restriction base="xsd:integer">
    56                     <xsd:minInclusive value="1"/>
    57                     <xsd:maxInclusive value="99"/>
    58                 </xsd:restriction>
    59             </xsd:simpleType>
    60           </xsd:attribute>
    61         </xsd:complexType>
    62       </xsd:element>
    63     </xsd:schema>
    64     """ % DEFAULT_SETTINGS
    66     EditorType = SlaveEditor
    68     def __init__(self):
    69         # TODO change netname when name change
    70         NodeManager.__init__(self)
    71         odfilepath = self.GetSlaveODPath()
    72         if(os.path.isfile(odfilepath)):
    73             self.OpenFileInCurrent(odfilepath)
    74         else:
    75             self.FilePath = ""
    76             dialog = CreateNodeDialog(None, wx.OK)
    77             dialog.Type.Enable(False)
    78             dialog.GenSYNC.Enable(False)
    79             if dialog.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
    80                 name, id, nodetype, description = dialog.GetValues()
    81                 profile, filepath = dialog.GetProfile()
    82                 NMT = dialog.GetNMTManagement()
    83                 options = dialog.GetOptions()
    84                 self.CreateNewNode(name,       # Name - will be changed at build time
    85                                    id,         # NodeID - will be changed at build time
    86                                    "slave",    # Type
    87                                    description,# description 
    88                                    profile,    # profile
    89                                    filepath,   # prfile filepath
    90                                    NMT,        # NMT
    91                                    options)     # options
    92             else:
    93                 self.CreateNewNode("SlaveNode",  # Name - will be changed at build time
    94                                    0x00,         # NodeID - will be changed at build time
    95                                    "slave",      # Type
    96                                    "",           # description 
    97                                    "None",       # profile
    98                                    "", # prfile filepath
    99                                    "heartbeat",  # NMT
   100                                    [])           # options
   101             dialog.Destroy()
   102             self.OnPlugSave()
   104     def GetSlaveODPath(self):
   105         return os.path.join(self.PlugPath(), 'slave.od')
   107     def GetCanDevice(self):
   108         return self.CanFestivalSlaveNode.getCan_Device()
   110     def _OpenView(self):
   111         ConfigTreeNode._OpenView(self)
   112         if self._View is not None:
   113             self._View.SetBusId(self.GetCurrentLocation())
   115     ConfNodeMethods = [
   116         {"bitmap" : os.path.join("images", "NetworkEdit"),
   117          "name" : "Edit slave", 
   118          "tooltip" : "Edit CanOpen slave with ObjdictEdit",
   119          "method" : "_OpenView"},
   120     ]
   122     def OnPlugClose(self):
   123         if self._View:
   124             self._View.Close()
   126     def PlugTestModified(self):
   127         return self.ChangesToSave or self.OneFileHasChanged()
   129     def OnPlugSave(self):
   130         return self.SaveCurrentInFile(self.GetSlaveODPath())
   132     def SetParamsAttribute(self, path, value):
   133         result = ConfigTreeNode.SetParamsAttribute(self, path, value)
   135         # Filter IEC_Channel and Name, that have specific behavior
   136         if path == "BaseParams.IEC_Channel" and self._View is not None:
   137             self._View.SetBusId(self.GetCurrentLocation())
   139         return result
   141     def PlugGenerate_C(self, buildpath, locations):
   142         """
   143         Generate C code
   144         @param current_location: Tupple containing confnode IEC location : %I0.0.4.5 => (0,0,4,5)
   145         @param locations: List of complete variables locations \
   146             [{"IEC_TYPE" : the IEC type (i.e. "INT", "STRING", ...)
   147             "NAME" : name of the variable (generally "__IW0_1_2" style)
   148             "DIR" : direction "Q","I" or "M"
   149             "SIZE" : size "X", "B", "W", "D", "L"
   150             "LOC" : tuple of interger for IEC location (0,1,2,...)
   151             }, ...]
   152         @return: [(C_file_name, CFLAGS),...] , LDFLAGS_TO_APPEND
   153         """
   154         current_location = self.GetCurrentLocation()
   155         # define a unique name for the generated C file
   156         prefix = "_".join(map(str, current_location))
   157         Gen_OD_path = os.path.join(buildpath, "OD_%s.c"%prefix )
   158         # Create a new copy of the model
   159         slave = self.GetCurrentNodeCopy()
   160         slave.SetNodeName("OD_%s"%prefix)
   161         # allow access to local OD from Slave PLC
   162         pointers = config_utils.LocalODPointers(locations, current_location, slave)
   163         res = gen_cfile.GenerateFile(Gen_OD_path, slave, pointers)
   164         if res :
   165             raise Exception, res
   166         res = eds_utils.GenerateEDSFile(os.path.join(buildpath, "Slave_%s.eds"%prefix), slave)
   167         if res :
   168             raise Exception, res
   169         return [(Gen_OD_path,local_canfestival_config.getCFLAGS(CanFestivalPath))],"",False
   171     def LoadPrevious(self):
   172         self.LoadCurrentPrevious()
   174     def LoadNext(self):
   175         self.LoadCurrentNext()
   177     def GetBufferState(self):
   178         return self.GetCurrentBufferState()
   180 #--------------------------------------------------
   181 #                    MASTER
   182 #--------------------------------------------------
   184 class MiniNodeManager(NodeManager):
   186     def __init__(self, parent, filepath, fullname):
   187         NodeManager.__init__(self)
   189         self.OpenFileInCurrent(filepath)
   191         self.Parent = parent
   192         self.Fullname = fullname
   194     def OnCloseEditor(self, view):
   195         self.Parent.OnCloseEditor(view)
   197     def PlugFullName(self):
   198         return self.Fullname
   200     def GetBufferState(self):
   201         return self.GetCurrentBufferState()
   203 class _NodeListPlug(NodeList):
   204     XSD = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
   205     <xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="">
   206       <xsd:element name="CanFestivalNode">
   207         <xsd:complexType>
   208           <xsd:attribute name="CAN_Device" type="xsd:string" use="optional" default="%(CAN_Device)s"/>
   209           <xsd:attribute name="CAN_Baudrate" type="xsd:string" use="optional" default="%(CAN_Baudrate)s"/>
   210           <xsd:attribute name="NodeId" type="xsd:string" use="optional" default="%(Master_NodeId)d"/>
   211           <xsd:attribute name="Sync_TPDOs" type="xsd:boolean" use="optional" default="true"/>
   212         </xsd:complexType>
   213       </xsd:element>
   214     </xsd:schema>
   215     """ % DEFAULT_SETTINGS
   217     EditorType = NetworkEditor
   219     def __init__(self):
   220         manager = NodeManager()
   221         NodeList.__init__(self, manager)
   222         self.LoadProject(self.PlugPath())
   223         self.SetNetworkName(self.BaseParams.getName())
   225     def GetCanDevice(self):
   226         return self.CanFestivalNode.getCan_Device()
   228     def SetParamsAttribute(self, path, value):
   229         result = ConfigTreeNode.SetParamsAttribute(self, path, value)
   231         # Filter IEC_Channel and Name, that have specific behavior
   232         if path == "BaseParams.IEC_Channel" and self._View is not None:
   233             self._View.SetBusId(self.GetCurrentLocation())
   234         elif path == "BaseParams.Name":
   235             self.SetNetworkName(value)
   237         return result
   239     def _OpenView(self):
   240         ConfigTreeNode._OpenView(self)
   241         if self._View is not None:
   242             self._View.SetBusId(self.GetCurrentLocation())
   244     _GeneratedView = None
   245     def _ShowMasterGenerated(self):
   246         if self._GeneratedView is None:
   247             buildpath = self._getBuildPath()
   248             # Eventually create build dir
   249             if not os.path.exists(buildpath):
   250                 self.GetPlugRoot().logger.write_error(_("Error: No PLC built\n"))
   251                 return
   253             masterpath = os.path.join(buildpath, "MasterGenerated.od")
   254             if not os.path.exists(masterpath):
   255                 self.GetPlugRoot().logger.write_error(_("Error: No Master generated\n"))
   256                 return
   258             app_frame = self.GetPlugRoot().AppFrame
   260             manager = MiniNodeManager(self, masterpath, self.PlugFullName() + ".generated_master")
   261             self._GeneratedView = SlaveEditor(app_frame.TabsOpened, manager, app_frame, False)
   263             app_frame.EditProjectElement(self._GeneratedView, "MasterGenerated")
   265     def _CloseGenerateView(self):
   266         if self._GeneratedView is not None:
   267             app_frame = self.GetPlugRoot().AppFrame
   268             if app_frame is not None:
   269                 app_frame.DeletePage(self._GeneratedView)
   271     ConfNodeMethods = [
   272         {"bitmap" : os.path.join("images", "NetworkEdit"),
   273          "name" : _("Edit network"), 
   274          "tooltip" : _("Edit CanOpen Network with NetworkEdit"),
   275          "method" : "_OpenView"},
   276         {"bitmap" : os.path.join("images", "ShowMaster"),
   277          "name" : _("Show Master"), 
   278          "tooltip" : _("Show Master generated by config_utils"),
   279          "method" : "_ShowMasterGenerated"}
   280     ]
   282     def OnCloseEditor(self, view):
   283         ConfigTreeNode.OnCloseEditor(self, view)
   284         if self._GeneratedView == view:
   285             self._GeneratedView = None
   287     def OnPlugClose(self):
   288         ConfigTreeNode.OnPlugClose(self)
   289         self._CloseGenerateView()
   290         return True
   292     def PlugTestModified(self):
   293         return self.ChangesToSave or self.HasChanged()
   295     def OnPlugSave(self):
   296         self.SetRoot(self.PlugPath())
   297         return self.SaveProject() is None
   299     def PlugGenerate_C(self, buildpath, locations):
   300         """
   301         Generate C code
   302         @param current_location: Tupple containing confnode IEC location : %I0.0.4.5 => (0,0,4,5)
   303         @param locations: List of complete variables locations \
   304             [{"IEC_TYPE" : the IEC type (i.e. "INT", "STRING", ...)
   305             "NAME" : name of the variable (generally "__IW0_1_2" style)
   306             "DIR" : direction "Q","I" or "M"
   307             "SIZE" : size "X", "B", "W", "D", "L"
   308             "LOC" : tuple of interger for IEC location (0,1,2,...)
   309             }, ...]
   310         @return: [(C_file_name, CFLAGS),...] , LDFLAGS_TO_APPEND
   311         """
   312         self._CloseGenerateView()
   313         current_location = self.GetCurrentLocation()
   314         # define a unique name for the generated C file
   315         prefix = "_".join(map(str, current_location))
   316         Gen_OD_path = os.path.join(buildpath, "OD_%s.c"%prefix )
   317         # Create a new copy of the model with DCF loaded with PDO mappings for desired location
   318         try:
   319             master, pointers = config_utils.GenerateConciseDCF(locations, current_location, self, self.CanFestivalNode.getSync_TPDOs(),"OD_%s"%prefix)
   320         except config_utils.PDOmappingException, e:
   321             raise Exception, e.message
   322         # Do generate C file.
   323         res = gen_cfile.GenerateFile(Gen_OD_path, master, pointers)
   324         if res :
   325             raise Exception, res
   327         file = open(os.path.join(buildpath, "MasterGenerated.od"), "w")
   328         dump(master, file)
   329         file.close()
   331         return [(Gen_OD_path,local_canfestival_config.getCFLAGS(CanFestivalPath))],"",False
   333     def LoadPrevious(self):
   334         self.Manager.LoadCurrentPrevious()
   336     def LoadNext(self):
   337         self.Manager.LoadCurrentNext()
   339     def GetBufferState(self):
   340         return self.Manager.GetCurrentBufferState()
   342 class RootClass:
   343     XSD = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
   344     <xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="">
   345       <xsd:element name="CanFestivalInstance">
   346         <xsd:complexType>
   347           <xsd:attribute name="CAN_Driver" type="xsd:string" use="optional" default="%(CAN_Driver)s"/>
   348           <xsd:attribute name="Debug_mode" type="xsd:boolean" use="optional" default="false"/>
   349         </xsd:complexType>
   350       </xsd:element>
   351     </xsd:schema>
   352     """ % DEFAULT_SETTINGS
   354     PlugChildsTypes = [("CanOpenNode",_NodeListPlug, "CanOpen Master"),
   355                        ("CanOpenSlave",_SlavePlug, "CanOpen Slave")]
   356     def GetParamsAttributes(self, path = None):
   357         infos = ConfigTreeNode.GetParamsAttributes(self, path = None)
   358         for element in infos:
   359             if element["name"] == "CanFestivalInstance":
   360                 for child in element["children"]:
   361                     if child["name"] == "CAN_Driver":
   362                         DLL_LIST= getattr(local_canfestival_config,"DLL_LIST",None)
   363                         if DLL_LIST is not None:
   364                             child["type"] = DLL_LIST  
   365         return infos
   367     def GetCanDriver(self):
   368         can_driver = self.CanFestivalInstance.getCAN_Driver()
   369         if sys.platform == 'win32':
   370             if self.CanFestivalInstance.getDebug_mode() and os.path.isfile(os.path.join("%s"%(can_driver + '_DEBUG.dll'))):
   371                 can_driver += '_DEBUG.dll'
   372             else:
   373                 can_driver += '.dll'
   374         return can_driver
   376     def PlugGenerate_C(self, buildpath, locations):
   378         format_dict = {"locstr" : "_".join(map(str,self.GetCurrentLocation())),
   379                        "candriver" : self.GetCanDriver(),
   380                        "nodes_includes" : "",
   381                        "board_decls" : "",
   382                        "nodes_init" : "",
   383                        "nodes_open" : "",
   384                        "nodes_stop" : "",
   385                        "nodes_close" : "",
   386                        "nodes_send_sync" : "",
   387                        "nodes_proceed_sync" : "",
   388                        "slavebootups" : "",
   389                        "slavebootup_register" : "",
   390                        "post_sync" : "",
   391                        "post_sync_register" : "",
   392                        }
   393         for child in self.IECSortedChilds():
   394             childlocstr = "_".join(map(str,child.GetCurrentLocation()))
   395             nodename = "OD_%s" % childlocstr
   397             # Try to get Slave Node
   398             child_data = getattr(child, "CanFestivalSlaveNode", None)
   399             if child_data is None:
   400                 # Not a slave -> master
   401                 child_data = getattr(child, "CanFestivalNode")
   402                 # Apply sync setting
   403                 format_dict["nodes_init"] += 'NODE_MASTER_INIT(%s, %s)\n    '%(
   404                        nodename,
   405                        child_data.getNodeId())
   406                 if child_data.getSync_TPDOs():
   407                     format_dict["nodes_send_sync"] += 'NODE_SEND_SYNC(%s)\n    '%(nodename)
   408                     format_dict["nodes_proceed_sync"] += 'NODE_PROCEED_SYNC(%s)\n    '%(nodename)
   410                 # initialize and declare node boot status variables for post_SlaveBootup lookup
   411                 SlaveIDs = child.GetSlaveIDs()
   412                 if len(SlaveIDs) == 0:
   413                     # define post_SlaveBootup lookup functions
   414                     format_dict["slavebootups"] += (
   415                         "static void %s_post_SlaveBootup(CO_Data* d, UNS8 nodeId){}\n"%(nodename))
   416                 else:
   417                     for id in SlaveIDs:
   418                         format_dict["slavebootups"] += (
   419                         "int %s_slave_%d_booted = 0;\n"%(nodename, id))
   420                     # define post_SlaveBootup lookup functions
   421                     format_dict["slavebootups"] += (
   422                         "static void %s_post_SlaveBootup(CO_Data* d, UNS8 nodeId){\n"%(nodename)+
   423                         "    switch(nodeId){\n")
   424                     # one case per declared node, mark node as booted
   425                     for id in SlaveIDs:
   426                         format_dict["slavebootups"] += (
   427                         "        case %d:\n"%(id)+
   428                         "            %s_slave_%d_booted = 1;\n"%(nodename, id)+
   429                         "            break;\n")
   430                     format_dict["slavebootups"] += (
   431                         "        default:\n"+
   432                         "            break;\n"+
   433                         "    }\n"+
   434                         "    if( ")
   435                     # expression to test if all declared nodes booted
   436                     format_dict["slavebootups"] += " && ".join(["%s_slave_%d_booted"%(nodename, id) for id in SlaveIDs])
   437                     format_dict["slavebootups"] += " )\n" + (
   438                         "        Master_post_SlaveBootup(d,nodeId);\n"+
   439                         "}\n")
   440                 # register previously declared func as post_SlaveBootup callback for that node
   441                 format_dict["slavebootup_register"] += (
   442                     "%s_Data.post_SlaveBootup = %s_post_SlaveBootup;\n"%(nodename,nodename))
   443             else:
   444                 # Slave node
   445                 align = child_data.getSync_Align()
   446                 align_ratio=child_data.getSync_Align_Ratio()
   447                 if align > 0:
   448                     format_dict["post_sync"] += (
   449                         "static int %s_CalCount = 0;\n"%(nodename)+
   450                         "static void %s_post_sync(CO_Data* d){\n"%(nodename)+
   451                         "    if(%s_CalCount < %d){\n"%(nodename, align)+
   452                         "        %s_CalCount++;\n"%(nodename)+
   453                         "        align_tick(-1);\n"+
   454                         "    }else{\n"+
   455                         "        align_tick(%d);\n"%(align_ratio)+
   456                         "    }\n"+
   457                         "}\n")
   458                     format_dict["post_sync_register"] += (
   459                         "%s_Data.post_sync = %s_post_sync;\n"%(nodename,nodename))
   460                 format_dict["nodes_init"] += 'NODE_SLAVE_INIT(%s, %s)\n    '%(
   461                        nodename,
   462                        child_data.getNodeId())
   464             # Include generated OD headers
   465             format_dict["nodes_includes"] += '#include "%s.h"\n'%(nodename)
   466             # Declare CAN channels according user filled config
   467             format_dict["board_decls"] += 'BOARD_DECL(%s, "%s", "%s")\n'%(
   468                    nodename,
   469                    child.GetCanDevice(),
   470                    child_data.getCAN_Baudrate())
   471             format_dict["nodes_open"] += 'NODE_OPEN(%s)\n    '%(nodename)
   472             format_dict["nodes_close"] += 'NODE_CLOSE(%s)\n    '%(nodename)
   473             format_dict["nodes_stop"] += 'NODE_STOP(%s)\n    '%(nodename)
   475         filename = os.path.join(os.path.split(__file__)[0],"cf_runtime.c")
   476         cf_main = open(filename).read() % format_dict
   477         cf_main_path = os.path.join(buildpath, "CF_%(locstr)s.c"%format_dict)
   478         f = open(cf_main_path,'w')
   479         f.write(cf_main)
   480         f.close()
   482         return [(cf_main_path, local_canfestival_config.getCFLAGS(CanFestivalPath))],local_canfestival_config.getLDFLAGS(CanFestivalPath), True