author Edouard Tisserant <>
Wed, 28 Apr 2021 23:40:51 +0200
changeset 78 0b05c2bce9e4
parent 0 76005e62091d
permissions -rw-r--r--
Fix expension of macros in pointers with default values.

For example :

in xsl decl widget_class(%name, *clsname="%nameWidget", match="widget[@type='%name']", mode="widget_class") alias template {
| class `text **clsname` extends Widget{
| }


gives now :

<xsl:template match="widget[@type='Input']" mode="widget_class">
<xsl:text>class </xsl:text>
<xsl:text> extends Widget{

Without the fix, <xsl:text>InputWidget</xsl:text> would be <xsl:text>%nameWidget</xsl:text>
include yslt.yml2

define operator "†(\S+)" as call "printType" with "name", "%1";
define operator "“(.*?)”" as call "ucase" with "text", "%1";

decl umlstylesheet is tstylesheet (

umlstylesheet {
    template "/xmi:XMI/uml:Model"
        apply "packagedElement", 0;

    template "packagedElement[@xmi:type='uml:Package']" {
        | package «@name»;
        apply "packagedElement", 0;

    template "packagedElement[@xmi:type='uml:Class']" {
        | class «@name» {
        apply "ownedAttribute";
        | }
        if "position() != last()" |

    template "ownedAttribute[@xmi:type='uml:Property' and count(@association)=0]" {
        | // attribute «@name»
        | public †type get“@name”() {
        |     return «@name»;
        | }
        | public void set“@name”(†type value) {
        |     «@name» = value;
        | }
        | private †type «@name»;
        if "position() != last()" |

    function "ucase" {
        param "text";

        > «translate(substring($text, 1, 1), 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz', 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ')»
        > «substring($text, 2)»

    function "printType" {
        param "name";

        choose {
            when '$name/@href = ""'
                > int
            when '$name/@href = ""'
                > String