Adding support for the new version of xmlclass
Tue, 22 Jan 2008 10:57:41 +0100 (2008-01-22)
changeset 151 aaa80b48bead
parent 150 f7832baaad84
child 152 dcfe7c07ba1c
Adding support for the new version of xmlclass
--- a/	Tue Jan 22 10:53:34 2008 +0100
+++ b/	Tue Jan 22 10:57:41 2008 +0100
@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@
 #License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 #Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
-from minixsv import pyxsval
 from xml.dom import minidom
 from types import StringType, UnicodeType
 import cPickle
@@ -43,28 +42,6 @@
 ScriptDirectory = os.path.split(os.path.realpath(__file__))[0]
-pyxsval is not complete and the parts that are not supported print some error
-reports. This class is used for not displaying them
-class HolePseudoFile:
-    """ Base class for file like objects to facilitate StdOut for the Shell."""
-    def __init__(self, output = None):
-        if output is None: output = []
-        self.output = output
-    def writelines(self, l):
-        map(self.write, l)
-    def write(self, s):
-        pass
-    def flush(self):
-        pass
-    def isatty(self):
-        return false
 #                         Undo Buffer for PLCOpenEditor
@@ -164,7 +141,6 @@
     # Reset PLCControler internal variables
     def Reset(self):
-        self.VerifyXML = False
         self.Project = None
         self.ProjectBuffer = None
         self.Buffering = False
@@ -193,8 +169,8 @@
         # Create the project
         self.Project = plcopen.project()
         properties["creationDateTime"] = datetime(*localtime()[:6])
-        self.Project.setFileHeader(properties)
-        self.Project.setContentHeader(properties)
+        self.Project.setfileHeader(properties)
+        self.Project.setcontentHeader(properties)
         # Initialize the project buffer
         self.ProjectBuffer = UndoBuffer(self.Copy(self.Project), False)
@@ -203,31 +179,31 @@
     # Return project data type names
     def GetProjectDataTypeNames(self):
         if self.Project:
-            return [datatype.getName() for datatype in self.Project.getDataTypes()]
+            return [datatype.getname() for datatype in self.Project.getdataTypes()]
         return []
     # Return project pou names
     def GetProjectPouNames(self):
         if self.Project:
-            return [pou.getName() for pou in self.Project.getPous()]
+            return [pou.getname() for pou in self.Project.getpous()]
         return []
     # Return project pou names
     def GetProjectConfigNames(self):
         if self.Project:
-            return [config.getName() for config in self.Project.getConfigurations()]
+            return [config.getName() for config in self.Project.getconfigurations()]
         return []
     # Return project pou variables
     def GetProjectPouVariables(self, pou_name=None):
         variables = []
-        for pou in self.Project.getPous():
-            if not pou_name or pou_name == pou.getName():
+        for pou in self.Project.getpous():
+            if not pou_name or pou_name == pou.getname():
                 variables.extend([var["Name"] for var in self.GetPouInterfaceVars(pou)])
-                for transition in pou.getTransitionList():
-                    variables.append(transition.getName())
-                for action in pou.getActionList():
-                    variables.append(action.getName())
+                for transition in pou.gettransitionList():
+                    variables.append(transition.getname())
+                for action in pou.getactionList():
+                    variables.append(action.getname())
         return variables
     # Return if project is saved
@@ -261,52 +237,52 @@
     # Change project properties
     def SetProjectProperties(self, name = None, properties = None):
         if name != None:
-            self.Project.setName(name)
+            self.Project.setname(name)
         if properties != None:
-            self.Project.setFileHeader(properties)
-            self.Project.setContentHeader(properties)
+            self.Project.setfileHeader(properties)
+            self.Project.setcontentHeader(properties)
         if name != None or properties != None:
     # Return project properties
     def GetProjectProperties(self):
-        properties = self.Project.getFileHeader()
-        properties.update(self.Project.getContentHeader())
+        properties = self.Project.getfileHeader()
+        properties.update(self.Project.getcontentHeader())
         return properties
     # Return project informations
     def GetProjectInfos(self):
         if self.Project:
-            infos = {"name": self.Project.getName(), "type": ITEM_PROJECT}
+            infos = {"name": self.Project.getname(), "type": ITEM_PROJECT}
             datatypes = {"name": "Data Types", "type": ITEM_UNEDITABLE, "values":[]}
-            for datatype in self.Project.getDataTypes():
-                datatypes["values"].append({"name": datatype.getName(), "type": ITEM_DATATYPE, "values": []})
+            for datatype in self.Project.getdataTypes():
+                datatypes["values"].append({"name": datatype.getname(), "type": ITEM_DATATYPE, "values": []})
             pou_types = {"function": {"name": "Functions", "type": ITEM_UNEDITABLE, "values":[]},
                          "functionBlock": {"name": "Function Blocks", "type": ITEM_UNEDITABLE, "values":[]},
                          "program": {"name": "Programs", "type": ITEM_UNEDITABLE, "values":[]}}
-            for pou in self.Project.getPous():
-                pou_type = pou.getPouType().getValue()
-                pou_infos = {"name": pou.getName(), "type": ITEM_POU}
+            for pou in self.Project.getpous():
+                pou_type = pou.getpouType()
+                pou_infos = {"name": pou.getname(), "type": ITEM_POU}
                 pou_values = []
-                if pou.getBodyType() == "SFC":
+                if pou.getbodyType() == "SFC":
                     transitions = []
-                    for transition in pou.getTransitionList():
-                        transitions.append({"name": transition.getName(), "type": ITEM_TRANSITION, "values": []})
+                    for transition in pou.gettransitionList():
+                        transitions.append({"name": transition.getname(), "type": ITEM_TRANSITION, "values": []})
                     pou_values.append({"name": "Transitions", "type": ITEM_UNEDITABLE, "values": transitions})
                     actions = []
-                    for action in pou.getActionList():
-                        actions.append({"name": action.getName(), "type": ITEM_ACTION, "values": []})
+                    for action in pou.getactionList():
+                        actions.append({"name": action.getname(), "type": ITEM_ACTION, "values": []})
                     pou_values.append({"name": "Actions", "type": ITEM_UNEDITABLE, "values": actions})
                 if pou_type in pou_types:
                     pou_infos["values"] = pou_values
             configurations = {"name": "Configurations", "type": ITEM_UNEDITABLE, "values": []}
-            for config in self.Project.getConfigurations():
-                config_name = config.getName()
+            for config in self.Project.getconfigurations():
+                config_name = config.getname()
                 config_infos = {"name": config_name, "type": ITEM_CONFIGURATION, "values": []}
                 resources = {"name": "Resources", "type": ITEM_UNEDITABLE, "values": []}
-                for resource in config.getResource():
-                    resource_name = resource.getName()
+                for resource in config.getresource():
+                    resource_name = resource.getname()
                     resource_infos = {"name": resource_name, "type": ITEM_RESOURCE, "values": []}
                 config_infos["values"] = [resources]
@@ -322,24 +298,24 @@
         # Reset the tree of user-defined pou cross-use
         self.DataTypeUsingTree = {}
         if self.Project:
-            datatypes = self.Project.getDataTypes()
+            datatypes = self.Project.getdataTypes()
             # Reference all the user-defined data type names and initialize the tree of 
             # user-defined data type cross-use
-            datatypenames = [datatype.getName() for datatype in datatypes]
+            datatypenames = [datatype.getname() for datatype in datatypes]
             for name in datatypenames:
                 self.DataTypeUsingTree[name] = []
             # Analyze each data type
             for datatype in datatypes:
-                name = datatype.getName()
-                basetype_content = datatype.getBaseType().getContent()
+                name = datatype.getname()
+                basetype_content = datatype.getbaseType().getcontent()
                 if basetype_content["name"] == "derived":
-                    basetype_name = basetype_content["value"].getName()
+                    basetype_name = basetype_content["value"].getname()
                     if basetype_name in datatypenames and name not in self.DataTypeUsingTree[basetype_name]:
                 elif basetype_content["name"] in ["subrangeSigned", "subrangeUnsigned", "array"]:
-                    base_type = basetype_content["value"].baseType.getContent()
+                    base_type = basetype_content["value"].baseType.getcontent()
                     if base_type["value"] is not None:
-                        basetype_name = base_type["value"].getName()
+                        basetype_name = base_type["value"].getname()
                         if basetype_name in datatypenames and name not in self.DataTypeUsingTree[basetype_name]:
@@ -348,37 +324,37 @@
         # Reset the tree of user-defined pou cross-use
         self.PouUsingTree = {}
         if self.Project:
-            pous = self.Project.getPous()
+            pous = self.Project.getpous()
             # Reference all the user-defined pou names and initialize the tree of 
             # user-defined pou cross-use
-            pounames = [pou.getName() for pou in pous]
+            pounames = [pou.getname() for pou in pous]
             for name in pounames:
                 self.PouUsingTree[name] = []
             # Analyze each pou 
             for pou in pous:
-                name = pou.getName()
+                name = pou.getname()
                 if pou.interface:
                     # Extract variables from every varLists
-                    for type, varlist in pou.getVars():
-                        for var in varlist.getVariable():
-                            vartype_content = var.getType().getContent()
+                    for type, varlist in pou.getvars():
+                        for var in varlist.getvariable():
+                            vartype_content = var.gettype().getcontent()
                             if vartype_content["name"] == "derived":
-                                typename = vartype_content["value"].getName()
+                                typename = vartype_content["value"].getname()
                                 if typename in pounames and name not in self.PouUsingTree[typename]:
-                bodytype = pou.getBodyType()
+                bodytype = pou.getbodyType()
                 # If pou is written in a graphical language
                 if bodytype in ["FBD","LD","SFC"]:
                     # Analyze each instance of the pou
-                    for instance in pou.getInstances():
-                        if isinstance(instance, plcopen.block):
-                            typename = instance.getTypeName()
+                    for instance in pou.getinstances():
+                        if isinstance(instance, plcopen.fbdObjects_block):
+                            typename = instance.gettypeName()
                             # Update tree if there is a cross-use
                             if typename in pounames and name not in self.PouUsingTree[typename]:
                 # If pou is written in a textual language
                 elif bodytype in ["IL", "ST"]:
-                    text = pou.getText()
+                    text = pou.gettext()
                     # Search if each pou is mentioned in the pou text
                     for typename in pounames:
                         typename_model = re.compile("[ \t\n]%s[ \t\n]"%typename)
@@ -450,14 +426,14 @@
     # Add a Data Type to Project
     def ProjectAddDataType(self, datatype_name):
         # Add the pou to project
-        self.Project.appendDataType(datatype_name)
+        self.Project.appenddataType(datatype_name)
     # Remove a Data Type from project
     def ProjectRemoveDataType(self, datatype_name):
-        self.Project.removeDataType(datatype_name)
+        self.Project.removedataType(datatype_name)
@@ -465,7 +441,7 @@
     # Add a Pou to Project
     def ProjectAddPou(self, pou_name, pou_type, body_type):
         # Add the pou to project
-        self.Project.appendPou(pou_name, pou_type, body_type)
+        self.Project.appendpou(pou_name, pou_type, body_type)
         if pou_type == "function":
             self.SetPouInterfaceReturnType(pou_name, "BOOL")
@@ -474,47 +450,47 @@
     # Remove a Pou from project
     def ProjectRemovePou(self, pou_name):
-        self.Project.removePou(pou_name)
+        self.Project.removepou(pou_name)
     # Add a configuration to Project
     def ProjectAddConfiguration(self, config_name):
-        self.Project.addConfiguration(config_name)
+        self.Project.addconfiguration(config_name)
     # Remove a configuration from project
     def ProjectRemoveConfiguration(self, config_name):
-        self.Project.removeConfiguration(config_name)
+        self.Project.removeconfiguration(config_name)
     # Add a resource to a configuration of the Project
     def ProjectAddConfigurationResource(self, config_name, resource_name):
-        self.Project.addConfigurationResource(config_name, resource_name)
+        self.Project.addconfigurationResource(config_name, resource_name)
     # Remove a resource from a configuration of the project
     def ProjectRemoveConfigurationResource(self, config_name, resource_name):
-        self.Project.removeConfigurationResource(config_name, resource_name)
+        self.Project.removeconfigurationResource(config_name, resource_name)
     # Add a Transition to a Project Pou
     def ProjectAddPouTransition(self, pou_name, transition_name, transition_type):
-        pou = self.Project.getPou(pou_name)
-        pou.addTransition(transition_name, transition_type)
+        pou = self.Project.getpou(pou_name)
+        pou.addtransition(transition_name, transition_type)
     # Remove a Transition from a Project Pou
     def ProjectRemovePouTransition(self, pou_name, transition_name):
-        pou = self.Project.getPou(pou_name)
-        pou.removeTransition(transition_name)
+        pou = self.Project.getpou(pou_name)
+        pou.removetransition(transition_name)
     # Add an Action to a Project Pou
     def ProjectAddPouAction(self, pou_name, action_name, action_type):
-        pou = self.Project.getPou(pou_name)
-        pou.addAction(action_name, action_type)
+        pou = self.Project.getpou(pou_name)
+        pou.addaction(action_name, action_type)
     # Remove an Action from a Project Pou
@@ -524,23 +500,23 @@
             words = element.split("::")
             if words[0] == "A" and words[1] == pou_name and words[2] == action_name:
-        pou = self.Project.getPou(pou_name)
-        pou.removeAction(action_name)
+        pou = self.Project.getpou(pou_name)
+        pou.removeaction(action_name)
     # Change the name of a pou
     def ChangeDataTypeName(self, old_name, new_name):
         # Found the pou corresponding to old name and change its name to new name
-        datatype = self.Project.getDataType(old_name)
-        datatype.setName(new_name)
+        datatype = self.Project.getdataType(old_name)
+        datatype.setname(new_name)
         self.Project.updateElementName(old_name, new_name)
     # Change the name of a pou
     def ChangePouName(self, old_name, new_name):
         # Found the pou corresponding to old name and change its name to new name
-        pou = self.Project.getPou(old_name)
-        pou.setName(new_name)
+        pou = self.Project.getpou(old_name)
+        pou.setname(new_name)
         self.Project.updateElementName(old_name, new_name)
@@ -549,98 +525,98 @@
     # Change the name of a pou transition
     def ChangePouTransitionName(self, pou_name, old_name, new_name):
         # Found the pou transition corresponding to old name and change its name to new name
-        pou = self.Project.getPou(pou_name)
-        transition = pou.getTransition(old_name)
-        transition.setName(new_name)
+        pou = self.Project.getpou(pou_name)
+        transition = pou.gettransition(old_name)
+        transition.setname(new_name)
         pou.updateElementName(old_name, new_name)
     # Change the name of a pou action
     def ChangePouActionName(self, pou_name, old_name, new_name):
         # Found the pou action corresponding to old name and change its name to new name
-        pou = self.Project.getPou(pou_name)
-        action = pou.getAction(old_name)
-        action.setName(new_name)
+        pou = self.Project.getpou(pou_name)
+        action = pou.getaction(old_name)
+        action.setname(new_name)
         pou.updateElementName(old_name, new_name)
     # Change the name of a pou variable
     def ChangePouVariableName(self, pou_name, old_name, new_name):
         # Found the pou action corresponding to old name and change its name to new name
-        pou = self.Project.getPou(pou_name)
-        for type, varlist in pou.getVars():
-            for var in varlist.getVariable():
-                if var.getName() == old_name:
-                    var.setName(new_name)
+        pou = self.Project.getpou(pou_name)
+        for type, varlist in pou.getvars():
+            for var in varlist.getvariable():
+                if var.getname() == old_name:
+                    var.setname(new_name)
     # Change the name of a configuration
     def ChangeConfigurationName(self, old_name, new_name):
         # Found the configuration corresponding to old name and change its name to new name
-        configuration = self.Project.getConfiguration(old_name)
-        configuration.setName(new_name)
+        configuration = self.Project.getconfiguration(old_name)
+        configuration.setname(new_name)
     # Change the name of a configuration resource
     def ChangeConfigurationResourceName(self, config_name, old_name, new_name):
         # Found the resource corresponding to old name and change its name to new name
-        resource = self.Project.getConfigurationResource(config_name)
+        resource = self.Project.getconfigurationResource(config_name)
     # Return the type of the pou given by its name
     def GetPouType(self, name):
         # Found the pou correponding to name and return its type
-        pou = self.Project.getPou(name)
-        return pou.pouType.getValue()
+        pou = self.Project.getpou(name)
+        return pou.getpouType()
     # Return pous with SFC language
     def GetSFCPous(self):
         list = []
         if self.Project:
-            for pou in self.Project.getPous():
+            for pou in self.Project.getpous():
                 if pou.getBodyType() == "SFC":
-                    list.append(pou.getName())
+                    list.append(pou.getname())
         return list
     # Return the body language of the pou given by its name
     def GetPouBodyType(self, name):
         # Found the pou correponding to name and return its body language
-        pou = self.Project.getPou(name)
-        return pou.getBodyType()
+        pou = self.Project.getpou(name)
+        return pou.getbodyType()
     # Return the actions of a pou
     def GetPouTransitions(self, pou_name):
         transitions = []
-        pou = self.Project.getPou(pou_name)
-        if pou.getBodyType() == "SFC":
-            for transition in pou.getTransitionList():
-                transitions.append(transition.getName())
+        pou = self.Project.getpou(pou_name)
+        if pou.getbodyType() == "SFC":
+            for transition in pou.gettransitionList():
+                transitions.append(transition.getname())
         return transitions
     # Return the body language of the transition given by its name
     def GetTransitionBodyType(self, pou_name, pou_transition):
         # Found the pou correponding to name and return its body language
-        pou = self.Project.getPou(pou_name)
-        transition = pou.getTransition(pou_transition)
-        return transition.getBodyType()
+        pou = self.Project.getpou(pou_name)
+        transition = pou.gettransition(pou_transition)
+        return transition.getbodyType()
     # Return the actions of a pou
     def GetPouActions(self, pou_name):
         actions = []
-        pou = self.Project.getPou(pou_name)
-        if pou.getBodyType() == "SFC":
-            for action in pou.getActionList():
-                actions.append(action.getName())
+        pou = self.Project.getpou(pou_name)
+        if pou.getbodyType() == "SFC":
+            for action in pou.getactionList():
+                actions.append(action.getname())
         return actions
     # Return the body language of the pou given by its name
     def GetActionBodyType(self, pou_name, pou_action):
         # Found the pou correponding to name and return its body language
-        pou = self.Project.getPou(pou_name)
-        action = pou.getAction(pou_action)
-        return action.getBodyType()
+        pou = self.Project.getpou(pou_name)
+        action = pou.getaction(pou_action)
+        return action.getbodyType()
     # Extract varlists from a list of vars
     def ExtractVarLists(self, vars):
@@ -650,47 +626,62 @@
         for var in vars:
             if current_type != (var["Class"], var["Retain"], var["Constant"], var["Location"] in ["", None]):
                 current_type = (var["Class"], var["Retain"], var["Constant"], var["Location"] in ["", None])
-                current_varlist = plcopen.varList()
+                if var["Class"] == "Local":
+                    current_varlist = plcopen.interface_localVars()
+                elif var["Class"] == "Global":
+                    current_varlist = plcopen.interface_globalVars()
+                elif var["Class"] == "External":
+                    current_varlist = plcopen.interface_externalVars()
+                elif var["Class"] == "Temp":
+                    current_varlist = plcopen.interface_tempVars()
+                elif var["Class"] == "Input":
+                    current_varlist = plcopen.interface_inputVars()
+                elif var["Class"] == "Output":
+                    current_varlist = plcopen.interface_outputVars()
+                elif var["Class"] == "InOut":
+                    current_varlist = plcopen.interface_inOutVars()
+                else:
+                    current_varlist = plcopen.varList()
                 varlist_list.append((var["Class"], current_varlist))
                 if var["Retain"] == "Yes":
-                    varlist.setRetain(True)
+                    current_varlist.setretain(True)
                 if var["Constant"] == "Yes":
-                    varlist.setConstant(True)
+                    current_varlist.setconstant(True)
             # Create variable and change its properties
             tempvar = plcopen.varListPlain_variable()
-            tempvar.setName(var["Name"])
+            tempvar.setname(var["Name"])
             var_type = plcopen.dataType()
-            if var["Type"] not in var_type.getChoices():
+            if var["Type"] in self.GetBaseTypes():
                 if var["Type"] == "STRING":
-                    var_type.setContent("string", plcopen.string())
+                    var_type.setcontent({"name" : "string", "value" : plcopen.elementaryTypes_string()})
                 elif var["Type"] == "WSTRING":
-                    var_type.setContent("wstring", plcopen.wstring())
+                    var_type.setcontent({"name" : "wstring", "value" : plcopen.elementaryTypes_wstring()})
-                    derived_type = plcopen.derived()
-                    derived_type.setName(var["Type"])
-                    var_type.setContent("derived", derived_type)
+                    var_type.setcontent({"name" : var["Type"], "value" : None})
-                var_type.setContent(var["Type"], None)
-            tempvar.setType(var_type)
+                derived_type = plcopen.derivedTypes_derived()
+                derived_type.setname(var["Type"])
+                var_type.setcontent({"name" : "derived", "value" : derived_type})
+            tempvar.settype(var_type)
             if var["Initial Value"] != "":
                 value = plcopen.value()
-                value.setValue(var["Initial Value"])
-                tempvar.setInitialValue(value)
+                value.setvalue(var["Initial Value"])
+                tempvar.setinitialValue(value)
             if var["Location"] != "":
-                tempvar.setAddress(var["Location"])
+                tempvar.setaddress(var["Location"])
-                tempvar.setAddress(None)
+                tempvar.setaddress(None)
             # Add variable to varList
-            current_varlist.appendVariable(tempvar)
+            current_varlist.appendvariable(tempvar)
         return varlist_list
     # Replace the configuration globalvars by those given
     def SetConfigurationGlobalVars(self, name, vars):
         # Found the configuration corresponding to name
-        configuration = self.Project.getConfiguration(name)
+        configuration = self.Project.getconfiguration(name)
         if configuration:
             # Set configuration global vars
-            configuration.setGlobalVars([])
+            configuration.setglobalVars([])
             for vartype, varlist in self.ExtractVarLists(vars):
@@ -699,35 +690,35 @@
     def GetConfigurationGlobalVars(self, name):
         vars = []
         # Found the configuration corresponding to name
-        configuration = self.Project.getConfiguration(name)
+        configuration = self.Project.getconfiguration(name)
         if configuration:
             # Extract variables from every varLists
-            for varlist in configuration.getGlobalVars():
-                for var in varlist.getVariable():
-                    tempvar = {"Name":var.getName(),"Class":"Global"}
-                    vartype_content = var.getType().getContent()
+            for varlist in configuration.getglobalVars():
+                for var in varlist.getvariable():
+                    tempvar = {"Name" : var.getname(), "Class" : "Global"}
+                    vartype_content = var.gettype().getcontent()
                     if vartype_content["name"] == "derived":
-                        tempvar["Type"] = vartype_content["value"].getName()
+                        tempvar["Type"] = vartype_content["value"].getname()
                     elif vartype_content["name"] in ["string", "wstring"]:
                         tempvar["Type"] = vartype_content["name"].upper()
                         tempvar["Type"] = vartype_content["name"]
                     tempvar["Edit"] = True
-                    initial = var.getInitialValue()
+                    initial = var.getinitialValue()
                     if initial:
-                        tempvar["Initial Value"] = initial.getValue()
+                        tempvar["Initial Value"] = initial.getvalue()
                         tempvar["Initial Value"] = ""
-                    address = var.getAddress()
+                    address = var.getaddress()
                     if address:
                         tempvar["Location"] = address
                         tempvar["Location"] = ""
-                    if varlist.getRetain():
+                    if varlist.getretain():
                         tempvar["Retain"] = "Yes"
                         tempvar["Retain"] = "No"
-                    if varlist.getConstant():
+                    if varlist.getconstant():
                         tempvar["Constant"] = "Yes"
                         tempvar["Constant"] = "No"
@@ -737,10 +728,10 @@
     # Replace the resource globalvars by those given
     def SetConfigurationResourceGlobalVars(self, config_name, name, vars):
         # Found the resource corresponding to name
-        resource = self.Project.getConfigurationResource(config_name, name)
+        resource = self.Project.getconfigurationResource(config_name, name)
         # Set resource global vars
         if resource:
-            resource.setGlobalVars([])
+            resource.setglobalVars([])
             for vartype, varlist in self.ExtractVarLists(vars):
@@ -749,35 +740,35 @@
     def GetConfigurationResourceGlobalVars(self, config_name, name):
         vars = []
         # Found the resource corresponding to name
-        resource = self.Project.getConfigurationResource(config_name, name)
+        resource = self.Project.getconfigurationResource(config_name, name)
         if resource:
             # Extract variables from every varLists
-            for varlist in resource.getGlobalVars():
-                for var in varlist.getVariable():
-                    tempvar = {"Name":var.getName(),"Class":"Global"}
-                    vartype_content = var.getType().getContent()
+            for varlist in resource.getglobalVars():
+                for var in varlist.getvariable():
+                    tempvar = {"Name" : var.getname(), "Class" : "Global"}
+                    vartype_content = var.gettype().getcontent()
                     if vartype_content["name"] == "derived":
-                        tempvar["Type"] = vartype_content["value"].getName()
+                        tempvar["Type"] = vartype_content["value"].getname()
                     elif vartype_content["name"] in ["string", "wstring"]:
                         tempvar["Type"] = vartype_content["name"].upper()
                         tempvar["Type"] = vartype_content["name"]
                     tempvar["Edit"] = True
-                    initial = var.getInitialValue()
+                    initial = var.getinitialValue()
                     if initial:
-                        tempvar["Initial Value"] = initial.getValue()
+                        tempvar["Initial Value"] = initial.getvalue()
                         tempvar["Initial Value"] = ""
-                    address = var.getAddress()
+                    address = var.getaddress()
                     if address:
                         tempvar["Location"] = address
                         tempvar["Location"] = ""
-                    if varlist.getRetain():
+                    if varlist.getretain():
                         tempvar["Retain"] = "Yes"
                         tempvar["Retain"] = "No"
-                    if varlist.getConstant():
+                    if varlist.getconstant():
                         tempvar["Constant"] = "Yes"
                         tempvar["Constant"] = "No"
@@ -787,7 +778,7 @@
     # Return the interface of the pou given by its name
     def GetPouInterfaceVarsByName(self, name):
         # Found the pou correponding to name and return the interface
-        return self.GetPouInterfaceVars(self.Project.getPou(name))
+        return self.GetPouInterfaceVars(self.Project.getpou(name))
     # Return the interface for the given pou
     def GetPouInterfaceVars(self, pou):
@@ -795,34 +786,34 @@
         # Verify that the pou has an interface
         if pou.interface:
             # Extract variables from every varLists
-            for type, varlist in pou.getVars():
-                for var in varlist.getVariable():
-                    tempvar = {"Name":var.getName(),"Class":type}
-                    vartype_content = var.getType().getContent()
+            for type, varlist in pou.getvars():
+                for var in varlist.getvariable():
+                    tempvar = {"Name" : var.getname(), "Class" : type}
+                    vartype_content = var.gettype().getcontent()
                     if vartype_content["name"] == "derived":
-                        tempvar["Type"] = vartype_content["value"].getName()
-                        tempvar["Edit"] = not pou.hasBlock(tempvar["Name"])
+                        tempvar["Type"] = vartype_content["value"].getname()
+                        tempvar["Edit"] = not pou.hasblock(tempvar["Name"])
                         if vartype_content["name"] in ["string", "wstring"]:
                             tempvar["Type"] = vartype_content["name"].upper()
                             tempvar["Type"] = vartype_content["name"]
                         tempvar["Edit"] = True
-                    initial = var.getInitialValue()
+                    initial = var.getinitialValue()
                     if initial:
-                        tempvar["Initial Value"] = initial.getValue()
+                        tempvar["Initial Value"] = initial.getvalue()
                         tempvar["Initial Value"] = ""
-                    address = var.getAddress()
+                    address = var.getaddress()
                     if address:
                         tempvar["Location"] = address
                         tempvar["Location"] = ""
-                    if varlist.getRetain():
+                    if varlist.getretain():
                         tempvar["Retain"] = "Yes"
                         tempvar["Retain"] = "No"
-                    if varlist.getConstant():
+                    if varlist.getconstant():
                         tempvar["Constant"] = "Yes"
                         tempvar["Constant"] = "No"
@@ -832,31 +823,36 @@
     # Replace the Pou interface by the one given
     def SetPouInterfaceVars(self, name, vars):
         # Found the pou corresponding to name and add interface if there isn't one yet
-        pou = self.Project.getPou(name)
+        pou = self.Project.getpou(name)
         if not pou.interface:
             pou.interface = plcopen.pou_interface()
         # Set Pou interface
-        pou.setVars(self.ExtractVarLists(vars))
+        pou.setvars(self.ExtractVarLists(vars))
     # Replace the return type of the pou given by its name (only for functions)
     def SetPouInterfaceReturnType(self, name, type):
-        pou = self.Project.getPou(name)
+        pou = self.Project.getpou(name)
         if not pou.interface:
             pou.interface = plcopen.pou_interface()
         # If there isn't any return type yet, add it
-        return_type = pou.interface.getReturnType()
+        return_type = pou.interface.getreturnType()
         if not return_type:
             return_type = plcopen.dataType()
-            pou.interface.setReturnType(return_type)
+            pou.interface.setreturnType(return_type)
         # Change return type
         if type in self.GetBaseTypes():
-            return_type.setContent(type, None)
+            if type == "STRING":
+                return_type.setcontent({"name" : "string", "value" : plcopen.elementaryTypes_string()})
+            elif type == "WSTRING":
+                return_type.setcontent({"name" : "wstring", "value" : plcopen.elementaryTypes_wstring()})
+            else:
+                return_type.setcontent({"name" : type, "value" : None})
-            derived_type = plcopen.derived()
-            derived_type.setName(type)
-            return_type.setContent("derived", derived_type)
+            derived_type = plcopen.derivedTypes_derived()
+            derived_type.setname(type)
+            return_type.setcontent({"name" : "derived", "value" : derived_type})
     def UpdateProjectUsedPous(self, old_name, new_name):
@@ -871,18 +867,18 @@
     # Return the return type of the pou given by its name
     def GetPouInterfaceReturnTypeByName(self, name):
         # Found the pou correponding to name and return the return type
-        return self.GetPouInterfaceReturnType(self.Project.getPou(name))
+        return self.GetPouInterfaceReturnType(self.Project.getpou(name))
     # Return the return type of the given pou
     def GetPouInterfaceReturnType(self, pou):
         # Verify that the pou has an interface
         if pou.interface:
             # Return the return type if there is one
-            return_type = pou.interface.getReturnType()
+            return_type = pou.interface.getreturnType()
             if return_type:
-                returntype_content = return_type.getContent()
+                returntype_content = return_type.getcontent()
                 if returntype_content["name"] == "derived":
-                    return returntype_content["value"].getName()
+                    return returntype_content["value"].getname()
                 elif returntype_content["name"] in ["string", "wstring"]:
                     return returntype_content["name"].upper()
@@ -894,26 +890,26 @@
         if self.Project:
-            for datatype in self.Project.getDataTypes():
-                name = datatype.getName()
-                basetype_content = datatype.getBaseType().getContent()
+            for datatype in self.Project.getdataTypes():
+                name = datatype.getname()
+                basetype_content = datatype.getbaseType().getcontent()
                 if basetype_content["value"] is None:
                     AddDataTypeHierarchy(name, basetype_content["name"])
                 elif basetype_content["name"] in ["string", "wstring"]:
                     AddDataTypeHierarchy(name, basetype_content["name"].upper())
                 elif basetype_content["name"] == "derived":
-                    AddDataTypeHierarchy(name, basetype_content["value"].getName())
+                    AddDataTypeHierarchy(name, basetype_content["value"].getname())
                 elif basetype_content["name"] in ["subrangeSigned", "subrangeUnsigned"]:
-                    base_type = basetype_content["value"].baseType.getContent()
+                    base_type = basetype_content["value"].baseType.getcontent()
                     if base_type["value"] is None:
                         AddDataTypeHierarchy(name, base_type["name"])
-                        AddDataTypeHierarchy(name, base_type["value"].getName())
+                        AddDataTypeHierarchy(name, base_type["value"].getname())
                     if basetype_content["name"] == "enum":
                         values = []
-                        for value in basetype_content["value"].values.getValue():
-                            values.append(value.getName())
+                        for value in basetype_content["value"].values.getvalue():
+                            values.append(value.getname())
                     AddDataTypeHierarchy(name, "ANY_DERIVED")
@@ -924,58 +920,58 @@
             BlockTypes.append({"name" : "User-defined POUs", "list": []})
         if self.Project:
-            for pou in self.Project.getPous():
-                pou_name = pou.getName()
-                pou_type = pou.pouType.getValue()
+            for pou in self.Project.getpous():
+                pou_name = pou.getname()
+                pou_type = pou.getpouType()
                 if pou_type != "program":
                     block_infos = {"name" : pou_name, "type" : pou_type, "extensible" : False,
                                    "inputs" : [], "outputs" : [], "comment" : "",
                                    "generate" : generate_block, "initialise" : initialise_block }
-                    if pou.getInterface():
-                        for type, varlist in pou.getVars():
+                    if pou.getinterface():
+                        for type, varlist in pou.getvars():
                             if type == "InOut":
-                                for var in varlist.getVariable():
-                                    var_type = var.type.getContent()
+                                for var in varlist.getvariable():
+                                    var_type = var.type.getcontent()
                                     if var_type["name"] == "derived":
-                                        block_infos["inputs"].append((var.getName(),var_type["value"].getName(),"none"))
-                                        block_infos["outputs"].append((var.getName(),var_type["value"].getName(),"none"))
+                                        block_infos["inputs"].append((var.getname(), var_type["value"].getname(), "none"))
+                                        block_infos["outputs"].append((var.getname(), var_type["value"].getname(), "none"))
                                     elif var_type["name"] in ["string", "wstring"]:
-                                        block_infos["inputs"].append((var.getName(),var_type["name"].upper(),"none"))
-                                        block_infos["outputs"].append((var.getName(),var_type["name"].upper(),"none"))
+                                        block_infos["inputs"].append((var.getname(), var_type["name"].upper(), "none"))
+                                        block_infos["outputs"].append((var.getname(), var_type["name"].upper(), "none"))
-                                        block_infos["inputs"].append((var.getName(),var_type["name"],"none"))
-                                        block_infos["outputs"].append((var.getName(),var_type["name"],"none"))
+                                        block_infos["inputs"].append((var.getname(), var_type["name"], "none"))
+                                        block_infos["outputs"].append((var.getname(), var_type["name"], "none"))
                             elif type == "Input":
-                                for var in varlist.getVariable():
-                                    var_type = var.type.getContent()
+                                for var in varlist.getvariable():
+                                    var_type = var.type.getcontent()
                                     if var_type["name"] == "derived":
-                                        block_infos["inputs"].append((var.getName(),var_type["value"].getName(),"none"))
+                                        block_infos["inputs"].append((var.getname(), var_type["value"].getname(), "none"))
                                     elif var_type["name"] in ["string", "wstring"]:
-                                        block_infos["inputs"].append((var.getName(),var_type["name"].upper(),"none"))
+                                        block_infos["inputs"].append((var.getname(), var_type["name"].upper(), "none"))
-                                        block_infos["inputs"].append((var.getName(),var_type["name"],"none"))
+                                        block_infos["inputs"].append((var.getname(), var_type["name"], "none"))
                             elif type == "Output":
-                                for var in varlist.getVariable():
-                                    var_type = var.type.getContent()
+                                for var in varlist.getvariable():
+                                    var_type = var.type.getcontent()
                                     if var_type["name"] == "derived":
-                                        block_infos["outputs"].append((var.getName(),var_type["value"].getName(),"none"))
+                                        block_infos["outputs"].append((var.getname(), var_type["value"].getname(), "none"))
                                     elif var_type["name"] in ["string", "wstring"]:
-                                        block_infos["outputs"].append((var.getName(),var_type["name"].upper(),"none"))
+                                        block_infos["outputs"].append((var.getname(), var_type["name"].upper(), "none"))
-                                        block_infos["outputs"].append((var.getName(),var_type["name"],"none"))    
-                        return_type = pou.interface.getReturnType()
+                                        block_infos["outputs"].append((var.getname(), var_type["name"], "none"))    
+                        return_type = pou.interface.getreturnType()
                         if return_type:
-                            var_type = return_type.getContent()
+                            var_type = return_type.getcontent()
                             if var_type["name"] == "derived":
-                                block_infos["outputs"].append(("",var_type["value"].getName(),"none"))
+                                block_infos["outputs"].append(("", var_type["value"].getname(), "none"))
                             elif var_type["name"] in ["string", "wstring"]:
-                                block_infos["outputs"].append(("",var_type["name"].upper(),"none"))
+                                block_infos["outputs"].append(("", var_type["name"].upper(), "none"))
-                                block_infos["outputs"].append(("",var_type["name"],"none"))
-                    if pou.getBodyType() in ["FBD","LD","SFC"]:
-                        for instance in pou.getInstances():
-                            if isinstance(instance, plcopen.comment):
-                                block_infos["comment"] = instance.getContentText()
+                                block_infos["outputs"].append(("", var_type["name"], "none"))
+                    if pou.getbodyType() in ["FBD","LD","SFC"]:
+                        for instance in pou.getinstances():
+                            if isinstance(instance, plcopen.commonObjects_comment):
+                                block_infos["comment"] = instance.getcontentText()
     # Return Block types checking for recursion
@@ -1033,9 +1029,9 @@
                 if blocktype["type"] == "program":
         if self.Project:
-            for pou in self.Project.getPous():
-                if pou.pouType.getValue() == "program":
-                    blocktypes.append(pou.getName())
+            for pou in self.Project.getpous():
+                if pou.getpouType() == "program":
+                    blocktypes.append(pou.getname())
         return blocktypes
     # Return Data Types checking for recursion
@@ -1050,8 +1046,8 @@
                 name = words[1]
                 name = ""
-            for datatype in self.Project.getDataTypes():
-                datatype_name = datatype.getName()
+            for datatype in self.Project.getdataTypes():
+                datatype_name = datatype.getname()
                 if datatype_name != name and not self.DataTypeIsUsedBy(name, datatype_name):
         return datatypes
@@ -1105,40 +1101,40 @@
         words = tagname.split("::")
         if words[0] == "D":
             infos = {}
-            datatype = self.Project.getDataType(words[1])
-            basetype_content = datatype.baseType.getContent()
+            datatype = self.Project.getdataType(words[1])
+            basetype_content = datatype.baseType.getcontent()
             if basetype_content["value"] is None:
                 infos["type"] = "Directly"
                 infos["base_type"] = basetype_content["name"]
             elif basetype_content["name"] == "derived":
                 infos["type"] = "Directly"
-                infos["base_type"] = basetype_content["value"].getName()
+                infos["base_type"] = basetype_content["value"].getname()
             elif basetype_content["name"] in ["subrangeSigned", "subrangeUnsigned"]:
                 infos["type"] = "Subrange"
-                infos["min"] = basetype_content["value"].range.getLower()
-                infos["max"] = basetype_content["value"].range.getUpper()
-                base_type = basetype_content["value"].baseType.getContent()
+                infos["min"] = basetype_content["value"].range.getlower()
+                infos["max"] = basetype_content["value"].range.getupper()
+                base_type = basetype_content["value"].baseType.getcontent()
                 if base_type["value"] is None:
                     infos["base_type"] = base_type["name"]
-                    infos["base_type"] = base_type["value"].getName()
+                    infos["base_type"] = base_type["value"].getname()
             elif basetype_content["name"] == "enum":
                 infos["type"] = "Enumerated"
                 infos["values"] = []
-                for value in basetype_content["value"].values.getValue():
-                    infos["values"].append(value.getName())
+                for value in basetype_content["value"].values.getvalue():
+                    infos["values"].append(value.getname())
             elif basetype_content["name"] == "array":
                 infos["type"] = "Array"
                 infos["dimensions"] = []
-                for dimension in basetype_content["value"].getDimension():
-                    infos["dimensions"].append(str(dimension.getUpper()))
-                base_type = basetype_content["value"].baseType.getContent()
+                for dimension in basetype_content["value"].getdimension():
+                    infos["dimensions"].append(str(dimension.getupper()))
+                base_type = basetype_content["value"].baseType.getcontent()
                 if base_type["value"] is None:
                     infos["base_type"] = base_type["name"]
-                    infos["base_type"] = base_type["value"].getName()
+                    infos["base_type"] = base_type["value"].getname()
             if datatype.initialValue is not None:
-                infos["initial"] = str(datatype.initialValue.getValue())
+                infos["initial"] = str(datatype.initialValue.getvalue())
                 infos["initial"] = ""
             return infos
@@ -1148,64 +1144,67 @@
     def SetDataTypeInfos(self, tagname, infos):
         words = tagname.split("::")
         if words[0] == "D":
-            datatype = self.Project.getDataType(words[1])
+            datatype = self.Project.getdataType(words[1])
             if infos["type"] == "Directly":
                 if infos["base_type"] in self.GetBaseTypes():
                     if infos["base_type"] == "STRING":
-                        datatype.baseType.setContent("string", plcopen.string())
+                        datatype.baseType.setcontent({"name" : "string", "value" : plcopen.elementaryTypes_string()})
                     elif infos["base_type"] == "WSTRING":
-                        datatype.baseType.setContent("wstring", plcopen.wstring())
-                    else:
-                        datatype.baseType.setContent(infos["base_type"], None)
+                        datatype.baseType.setcontent({"name" : "wstring", "value" : plcopen.elementaryTypes_wstring()})
+                    else:
+                        datatype.baseType.setcontent({"name" : infos["base_type"], "value" : None})
-                    derived_datatype = plcopen.derived()
-                    derived_datatype.setName(infos["base_type"])
-                    datatype.baseType.setContent("derived", derived_datatype)
+                    derived_datatype = plcopen.derivedTypes_derived()
+                    derived_datatype.setname(infos["base_type"])
+                    datatype.baseType.setcontent({"name" : "derived", "value" : derived_datatype})
             elif infos["type"] == "Subrange":
                 if infos["base_type"] in GetSubTypes("ANY_UINT"):
-                    subrange = plcopen.subrangeUnsigned()
-                    datatype.baseType.setContent("subrangeUnsigned", subrange)
+                    subrange = plcopen.derivedTypes_subrangeUnsigned()
+                    datatype.baseType.setcontent({"name" : "subrangeUnsigned", "value" : subrange})
-                    subrange = plcopen.subrangeSigned()
-                    datatype.baseType.setContent("subrangeSigned", subrange)
-                subrange.range.setLower(infos["min"])
-                subrange.range.setUpper(infos["max"])
+                    subrange = plcopen.derivedTypes_subrangeSigned()
+                    datatype.baseType.setcontent({"name" : "subrangeSigned", "value" : subrange})
+                subrange.range.setlower(infos["min"])
+                subrange.range.setupper(infos["max"])
                 if infos["base_type"] in self.GetBaseTypes():
-                    subrange.baseType.setContent(infos["base_type"], None)
+                    subrange.baseType.setcontent({"name" : infos["base_type"], "value" : None})
-                    derived_datatype = plcopen.derived()
-                    derived_datatype.setName(infos["base_type"])
-                    subrange.baseType.setContent("derived", derived_datatype)
+                    derived_datatype = plcopen.derivedTypes_derived()
+                    derived_datatype.setname(infos["base_type"])
+                    subrange.baseType.setcontent({"name" : "derived", "value" : derived_datatype})
             elif infos["type"] == "Enumerated":
-                enumerated = plcopen.enum()
-                for enum_value in infos["values"]:
+                enumerated = plcopen.derivedTypes_enum()
+                for i, enum_value in enumerate(infos["values"]):
                     value = plcopen.values_value()
-                    value.setName(enum_value)
-                    enumerated.values.appendValue(value)
-                datatype.baseType.setContent("enum", enumerated)
+                    value.setname(enum_value)
+                    if i == 0:
+                        enumerated.values.setvalue([value])
+                    else:
+                        enumerated.values.appendvalue(value)
+                datatype.baseType.setcontent({"name" : "enum", "value" : enumerated})
             elif infos["type"] == "Array":
-                array = plcopen.array()
+                array = plcopen.derivedTypes_array()
                 for dimension in infos["dimensions"]:
                     dimension_range = plcopen.rangeSigned()
-                    dimension_range.setLower(1)
-                    dimension_range.setUpper(int(dimension))
-                    array.appendDimension(dimension_range)
+                    dimension_range.setlower(1)
+                    dimension_range.setupper(int(dimension))
+                    array.appenddimension(dimension_range)
                 if infos["base_type"] in self.GetBaseTypes():
                     if infos["base_type"] == "STRING":
-                        array.baseType.setContent("string", plcopen.string())
+                        array.baseType.setcontent({"name" : "string", "value" : plcopen.elementaryTypes_string()})
                     elif infos["base_type"] == "WSTRING":
-                        array.baseType.setContent("wstring", plcopen.wstring())
-                    else:
-                        array.baseType.setContent(infos["base_type"], None)
+                        array.baseType.setcontent({"name" : "wstring", "value" : plcopen.wstring()})
+                    else:
+                        array.baseType.setcontent({"name" : infos["base_type"], "value" : None})
-                    derived_datatype = plcopen.derived()
-                    derived_datatype.setName(infos["base_type"])
-                    array.baseType.setContent("derived", derived_datatype)
-                datatype.baseType.setContent("array", array)
+                    derived_datatype = plcopen.derivedTypes_derived()
+                    derived_datatype.setname(infos["base_type"])
+                    array.baseType.setcontent({"name" : "derived", "value" : derived_datatype})
+                datatype.baseType.setcontent({"name" : "array", "value" : array})
             if infos["initial"] != "":
                 if datatype.initialValue is None:
                     datatype.initialValue = plcopen.value()
-                datatype.initialValue.setValue(infos["initial"])
+                datatype.initialValue.setvalue(infos["initial"])
                 datatype.initialValue = None
@@ -1220,17 +1219,17 @@
     def GetEditedElement(self, tagname):
         words = tagname.split("::")
         if words[0] == "P":
-            return self.Project.getPou(words[1])
+            return self.Project.getpou(words[1])
         if words[0] in ['T', 'A']:
-            pou = self.Project.getPou(words[1])
+            pou = self.Project.getpou(words[1])
             if words[0] == 'T':
-                return pou.getTransition(words[2])
+                return pou.gettransition(words[2])
             elif words[0] == 'A':
-                return pou.getAction(words[2])
+                return pou.getaction(words[2])
         elif words[0] == 'C':
-            return self.Project.getConfiguration(words[1])
+            return self.Project.getconfiguration(words[1])
         elif words[0] == 'R':
-            return self.Project.getConfigurationResource(words[1], words[2])
+            return self.Project.getconfigurationResource(words[1], words[2])
         return None
     # Return edited element name
@@ -1264,7 +1263,7 @@
     def GetEditedElementInterfaceVars(self, tagname):
         words = tagname.split("::")
         if words[0] in ["P","T","A"]:
-            pou = self.Project.getPou(words[1])
+            pou = self.Project.getpou(words[1])
             return self.GetPouInterfaceVars(pou)
         return []
@@ -1272,7 +1271,7 @@
     def GetEditedElementInterfaceReturnType(self, tagname):
         words = tagname.split("::")
         if words[0] == "P":
-            pou = self.Project.getPou(words[1])
+            pou = self.Project.getpou(words[1])
             return self.GetPouInterfaceReturnType(pou)
         elif words[0] == 'T':
             return "BOOL"
@@ -1282,33 +1281,33 @@
     def SetEditedElementText(self, tagname, text):
         element = self.GetEditedElement(tagname)
         if element != None:
-            element.setText(text)
+            element.settext(text)
     # Return the edited element text
     def GetEditedElementText(self, tagname):
         element = self.GetEditedElement(tagname)
         if element != None:
-            return element.getText()
+            return element.gettext()
         return ""
     # Return the edited element transitions
     def GetEditedElementTransitions(self, tagname):
         pou = self.GetEditedElement(tagname)
-        if pou != None and pou.getBodyType() == "SFC":
+        if pou != None and pou.getbodyType() == "SFC":
             transitions = []
-            for transition in pou.getTransitionList():
-                transitions.append(transition.getName())
+            for transition in pou.gettransitionList():
+                transitions.append(transition.getname())
             return transitions
         return []
     # Return edited element transitions
     def GetEditedElementActions(self, tagname):
         pou = self.GetEditedElement(tagname)
-        if pou != None and pou.getBodyType() == "SFC":
+        if pou != None and pou.getbodyType() == "SFC":
             actions = []
-            for action in pou.getActionList():
-                actions.append(action.getName())
+            for action in pou.getactionList():
+                actions.append(action.getname())
             return actions
         return []
@@ -1327,284 +1326,284 @@
         if element is not None:
             # if id is defined
             if id is not None:
-                instance = element.getInstance(id)
+                instance = element.getinstance(id)
-                instance = element.getRandomInstance(exclude)
+                instance = element.getrandomInstance(exclude)
         if instance is not None:
             if id is not None:
                 infos["id"] = id
-                infos["id"] = instance.getLocalId() 
-            infos["x"] = instance.getX()
-            infos["y"] = instance.getY()
-            infos["height"] = instance.getHeight()
-            infos["width"] = instance.getWidth()
-            if isinstance(instance, plcopen.block):
-                infos["name"] = instance.getInstanceName()
-                infos["type"] = instance.getTypeName()
-                executionOrder = instance.getExecutionOrderId()
+                infos["id"] = instance.getlocalId() 
+            infos["x"] = instance.getx()
+            infos["y"] = instance.gety()
+            infos["height"] = instance.getheight()
+            infos["width"] = instance.getwidth()
+            if isinstance(instance, plcopen.fbdObjects_block):
+                infos["name"] = instance.getinstanceName()
+                infos["type"] = instance.gettypeName()
+                executionOrder = instance.getexecutionOrderId()
                 if executionOrder is not None:
                     infos["executionOrder"] = executionOrder
                     infos["executionOrder"] = 0
                 infos["connectors"] = {"inputs":[],"outputs":[]}
-                for variable in instance.inputVariables.getVariable():
+                for variable in instance.inputVariables.getvariable():
                     connector = {}
-                    connector["name"] = variable.getFormalParameter()
-                    connector["position"] = variable.connectionPointIn.getRelPosition()
-                    connector["negated"] = variable.getNegated()
-                    connector["edge"] = variable.getConnectorEdge()
+                    connector["name"] = variable.getformalParameter()
+                    connector["position"] = variable.connectionPointIn.getrelPositionXY()
+                    connector["negated"] = variable.getnegated()
+                    connector["edge"] = variable.getedge()
                     connector["links"] = []
-                    connections = variable.connectionPointIn.getConnections()
+                    connections = variable.connectionPointIn.getconnections()
                     if connections:
                         for link in connections:
-                            dic = {"refLocalId":link.getRefLocalId(),"points":link.getPoints(),"formalParameter":link.getFormalParameter()}
+                            dic = {"refLocalId":link.getrefLocalId(),"points":link.getpoints(),"formalParameter":link.getformalParameter()}
-                for variable in instance.outputVariables.getVariable():
+                for variable in instance.outputVariables.getvariable():
                     connector = {}
-                    connector["name"] = variable.getFormalParameter()
-                    connector["position"] = variable.connectionPointOut.getRelPosition()
-                    connector["negated"] = variable.getNegated()
-                    connector["edge"] = variable.getConnectorEdge()
+                    connector["name"] = variable.getformalParameter()
+                    connector["position"] = variable.connectionPointOut.getrelPositionXY()
+                    connector["negated"] = variable.getnegated()
+                    connector["edge"] = variable.getedge()
-            elif isinstance(instance, plcopen.inVariable):
-                infos["name"] = instance.getExpression()
+            elif isinstance(instance, plcopen.fbdObjects_inVariable):
+                infos["name"] = instance.getexpression()
                 infos["value_type"] = self.GetEditedElementVarValueType(tagname, infos["name"])
                 infos["type"] = "input"
-                executionOrder = instance.getExecutionOrderId()
+                executionOrder = instance.getexecutionOrderId()
                 if executionOrder is not None:
                     infos["executionOrder"] = executionOrder
                     infos["executionOrder"] = 0
                 infos["connector"] = {}
-                infos["connector"]["position"] = instance.connectionPointOut.getRelPosition()
-                infos["connector"]["negated"] = instance.getNegated()
-                infos["connector"]["edge"] = instance.getConnectorEdge()
-            elif isinstance(instance, plcopen.outVariable):
-                infos["name"] = instance.getExpression()
+                infos["connector"]["position"] = instance.connectionPointOut.getrelPositionXY()
+                infos["connector"]["negated"] = instance.getnegated()
+                infos["connector"]["edge"] = instance.getedge()
+            elif isinstance(instance, plcopen.fbdObjects_outVariable):
+                infos["name"] = instance.getexpression()
                 infos["value_type"] = self.GetEditedElementVarValueType(tagname, infos["name"])
                 infos["type"] = "output"
-                executionOrder = instance.getExecutionOrderId()
+                executionOrder = instance.getexecutionOrderId()
                 if executionOrder is not None:
                     infos["executionOrder"] = executionOrder
                     infos["executionOrder"] = 0
                 infos["connector"] = {}
-                infos["connector"]["position"] = instance.connectionPointIn.getRelPosition()
-                infos["connector"]["negated"] = instance.getNegated()
-                infos["connector"]["edge"] = instance.getConnectorEdge()
+                infos["connector"]["position"] = instance.connectionPointIn.getrelPositionXY()
+                infos["connector"]["negated"] = instance.getnegated()
+                infos["connector"]["edge"] = instance.getedge()
                 infos["connector"]["links"] = []
-                connections = instance.connectionPointIn.getConnections()
+                connections = instance.connectionPointIn.getconnections()
                 if connections:
                     for link in connections:
-                        dic = {"refLocalId":link.getRefLocalId(),"points":link.getPoints(),"formalParameter":link.getFormalParameter()}
+                        dic = {"refLocalId":link.getrefLocalId(),"points":link.getpoints(),"formalParameter":link.getformalParameter()}
-            elif isinstance(instance, plcopen.inOutVariable):
-                infos["name"] = instance.getExpression()
+            elif isinstance(instance, plcopen.fbdObjects_inOutVariable):
+                infos["name"] = instance.getexpression()
                 infos["value_type"] = self.GetEditedElementVarValueType(tagname, infos["name"])
                 infos["type"] = "inout"
-                executionOrder = instance.getExecutionOrderId()
+                executionOrder = instance.getexecutionOrderId()
                 if executionOrder is not None:
                     infos["executionOrder"] = executionOrder
                     infos["executionOrder"] = 0
                 infos["connectors"] = {"input":{},"output":{}}
-                infos["connectors"]["output"]["position"] = instance.connectionPointOut.getRelPosition()
-                infos["connectors"]["output"]["negated"] = instance.getNegatedOut()
-                infos["connectors"]["output"]["edge"] = instance.getOutputEdge()
-                infos["connectors"]["input"]["position"] = instance.connectionPointIn.getRelPosition()
-                infos["connectors"]["input"]["negated"] = instance.getNegatedIn()
-                infos["connectors"]["input"]["edge"] = instance.getInputEdge()
+                infos["connectors"]["output"]["position"] = instance.connectionPointOut.getrelPositionXY()
+                infos["connectors"]["output"]["negated"] = instance.getnegatedOut()
+                infos["connectors"]["output"]["edge"] = instance.getedgeOut()
+                infos["connectors"]["input"]["position"] = instance.connectionPointIn.getrelPositionXY()
+                infos["connectors"]["input"]["negated"] = instance.getnegatedIn()
+                infos["connectors"]["input"]["edge"] = instance.getedgeIn()
                 infos["connectors"]["input"]["links"] = []
-                connections = instance.connectionPointIn.getConnections()
+                connections = instance.connectionPointIn.getconnections()
                 if connections:
                     for link in connections:
-                        dic = {"refLocalId":link.getRefLocalId(),"points":link.getPoints(),"formalParameter":link.getFormalParameter()}
+                        dic = {"refLocalId":link.getrefLocalId(),"points":link.getpoints(),"formalParameter":link.getformalParameter()}
-            elif isinstance(instance, plcopen.continuation):
-                infos["name"] = instance.getName()
+            elif isinstance(instance, plcopen.commonObjects_continuation):
+                infos["name"] = instance.getname()
                 infos["type"] = "continuation"
                 infos["connector"] = {}
-                infos["connector"]["position"] = instance.connectionPointOut.getRelPosition()
-            elif isinstance(instance, plcopen.connector):
+                infos["connector"]["position"] = instance.connectionPointOut.getrelPositionXY()
+            elif isinstance(instance, plcopen.commonObjects_connector):
                 infos["name"] = instance.getName()
                 infos["type"] = "connection"
                 infos["connector"] = {}
-                infos["connector"]["position"] = instance.connectionPointIn.getRelPosition()
+                infos["connector"]["position"] = instance.connectionPointIn.getrelPositionXY()
                 infos["connector"]["links"] = []
-                connections = instance.connectionPointIn.getConnections()
+                connections = instance.connectionPointIn.getconnections()
                 if connections:
                     for link in connections:
-                        dic = {"refLocalId":link.getRefLocalId(),"points":link.getPoints(),"formalParameter":link.getFormalParameter()}
+                        dic = {"refLocalId":link.getrefLocalId(),"points":link.getpoints(),"formalParameter":link.getformalParameter()}
-            elif isinstance(instance, plcopen.comment):
+            elif isinstance(instance, plcopen.commonObjects_comment):
                 infos["type"] = "comment"
-                infos["content"] = instance.getContentText()
-            elif isinstance(instance, plcopen.leftPowerRail):
+                infos["content"] = instance.getcontentText()
+            elif isinstance(instance, plcopen.ldObjects_leftPowerRail):
                 infos["type"] = "leftPowerRail"
                 infos["connectors"] = []
-                for connection in instance.getConnectionPointOut():
+                for connection in instance.getconnectionPointOut():
                     connector = {}
-                    connector["position"] = connection.getRelPosition()
+                    connector["position"] = connection.getrelPositionXY()
-            elif isinstance(instance, plcopen.rightPowerRail):
+            elif isinstance(instance, plcopen.ldObjects_rightPowerRail):
                 infos["type"] = "rightPowerRail"
                 infos["connectors"] = []
-                for connection in instance.getConnectionPointIn():
+                for connection in instance.getconnectionPointIn():
                     connector = {}
-                    connector["position"] = connection.getRelPosition()
+                    connector["position"] = connection.getrelPositionXY()
                     connector["links"] = []
-                    connections = connection.getConnections()
+                    connections = connection.getconnections()
                     if connections:
-                        for link in connection.getConnections():
-                            dic = {"refLocalId":link.getRefLocalId(),"points":link.getPoints(),"formalParameter":link.getFormalParameter()}
+                        for link in connection.getconnections():
+                            dic = {"refLocalId":link.getrefLocalId(),"points":link.getpoints(),"formalParameter":link.getformalParameter()}
-            elif isinstance(instance,
-                infos["name"] = instance.getVariable()
+            elif isinstance(instance, plcopen.ldObjects_contact):
+                infos["name"] = instance.getvariable()
                 infos["type"] = "contact"
-                executionOrder = instance.getExecutionOrderId()
+                executionOrder = instance.getexecutionOrderId()
                 if executionOrder is not None:
                     infos["executionOrder"] = executionOrder
                     infos["executionOrder"] = 0
-                infos["negated"] = instance.getNegated()
-                infos["edge"] = instance.getContactEdge()
+                infos["negated"] = instance.getnegated()
+                infos["edge"] = instance.getedge()
                 infos["connectors"] = {"input":{},"output":{}}
-                infos["connectors"]["input"]["position"] = instance.connectionPointIn.getRelPosition()
+                infos["connectors"]["input"]["position"] = instance.connectionPointIn.getrelPositionXY()
                 infos["connectors"]["input"]["links"] = []
-                connections = instance.connectionPointIn.getConnections()
+                connections = instance.connectionPointIn.getconnections()
                 if connections:
                     for link in connections:
-                        dic = {"refLocalId":link.getRefLocalId(),"points":link.getPoints(),"formalParameter":link.getFormalParameter()}
+                        dic = {"refLocalId":link.getrefLocalId(),"points":link.getpoints(),"formalParameter":link.getformalParameter()}
-                infos["connectors"]["output"]["position"] = instance.connectionPointOut.getRelPosition()
-            elif isinstance(instance, plcopen.coil):
-                infos["name"] = instance.getVariable()
+                infos["connectors"]["output"]["position"] = instance.connectionPointOut.getrelPositionXY()
+            elif isinstance(instance, plcopen.ldObjects_coil):
+                infos["name"] = instance.getvariable()
                 infos["type"] = "coil"
-                executionOrder = instance.getExecutionOrderId()
+                executionOrder = instance.getexecutionOrderId()
                 if executionOrder is not None:
                     infos["executionOrder"] = executionOrder
                     infos["executionOrder"] = 0
-                infos["negated"] = instance.getNegated()
-                infos["storage"] = instance.getCoilStorage()
+                infos["negated"] = instance.getnegated()
+                infos["storage"] = instance.getstorage()
                 infos["connectors"] = {"input":{},"output":{}}
-                infos["connectors"]["input"]["position"] = instance.connectionPointIn.getRelPosition()
+                infos["connectors"]["input"]["position"] = instance.connectionPointIn.getrelPositionXY()
                 infos["connectors"]["input"]["links"] = []
-                connections = instance.connectionPointIn.getConnections()
+                connections = instance.connectionPointIn.getconnections()
                 if connections:
                     for link in connections:
-                        dic = {"refLocalId":link.getRefLocalId(),"points":link.getPoints(),"formalParameter":link.getFormalParameter()}
+                        dic = {"refLocalId":link.getrefLocalId(),"points":link.getpoints(),"formalParameter":link.getformalParameter()}
-                infos["connectors"]["output"]["position"] = instance.connectionPointOut.getRelPosition()
-            elif isinstance(instance, plcopen.step):
-                infos["name"] = instance.getName()
+                infos["connectors"]["output"]["position"] = instance.connectionPointOut.getrelPositionXY()
+            elif isinstance(instance, plcopen.sfcObjects_step):
+                infos["name"] = instance.getname()
                 infos["type"] = "step"
-                infos["initial"] = instance.getInitialStep()
+                infos["initial"] = instance.getinitialStep()
                 infos["connectors"] = {}
                 if instance.connectionPointIn:
                     infos["connectors"]["input"] = {}
-                    infos["connectors"]["input"]["position"] = instance.connectionPointIn.getRelPosition()
+                    infos["connectors"]["input"]["position"] = instance.connectionPointIn.getrelPositionXY()
                     infos["connectors"]["input"]["links"] = []
-                    connections = instance.connectionPointIn.getConnections()
+                    connections = instance.connectionPointIn.getconnections()
                     if connections:
                         for link in connections:
-                            dic = {"refLocalId":link.getRefLocalId(),"points":link.getPoints(),"formalParameter":link.getFormalParameter()}
+                            dic = {"refLocalId":link.getrefLocalId(),"points":link.getpoints(),"formalParameter":link.getformalParameter()}
                 if instance.connectionPointOut:
-                    infos["connectors"]["output"] = {"position" : instance.connectionPointOut.getRelPosition()}
+                    infos["connectors"]["output"] = {"position" : instance.connectionPointOut.getrelPositionXY()}
                 if instance.connectionPointOutAction:
-                    infos["connectors"]["action"] = {"position" : instance.connectionPointOutAction.getRelPosition()}
-            elif isinstance(instance, plcopen.transition):
+                    infos["connectors"]["action"] = {"position" : instance.connectionPointOutAction.getrelPositionXY()}
+            elif isinstance(instance, plcopen.sfcObjects_transition):
                 infos["type"] = "transition"
-                condition = instance.getConditionContent()
-                priority = instance.getPriority()
+                condition = instance.getconditionContent()
+                priority = instance.getpriority()
                 if priority == None:
                     infos["priority"] = 0
                     infos["priority"] = priority
                 infos["condition_type"] = condition["type"]
                 infos["connectors"] = {"input":{},"output":{}}
-                infos["connectors"]["input"]["position"] = instance.connectionPointIn.getRelPosition()
+                infos["connectors"]["input"]["position"] = instance.connectionPointIn.getrelPositionXY()
                 infos["connectors"]["input"]["links"] = []
-                connections = instance.connectionPointIn.getConnections()
+                connections = instance.connectionPointIn.getconnections()
                 if connections:
                     for link in connections:
-                        dic = {"refLocalId":link.getRefLocalId(),"points":link.getPoints(),"formalParameter":link.getFormalParameter()}
+                        dic = {"refLocalId":link.getrefLocalId(),"points":link.getpoints(),"formalParameter":link.getformalParameter()}
-                infos["connectors"]["output"]["position"] = instance.connectionPointOut.getRelPosition()
+                infos["connectors"]["output"]["position"] = instance.connectionPointOut.getrelPositionXY()
                 if infos["condition_type"] == "connection":
                     infos["connectors"]["connection"] = {}
                     infos["connectors"]["connection"]["links"] = []
-                    connections = instance.getConnections()
+                    connections = instance.getconnections()
                     if connections:
                         for link in connections:
-                            dic = {"refLocalId":link.getRefLocalId(),"points":link.getPoints(),"formalParameter":link.getFormalParameter()}
+                            dic = {"refLocalId":link.getrefLocalId(),"points":link.getpoints(),"formalParameter":link.getformalParameter()}
                     infos["condition"] = None
                     infos["condition"] = condition["value"]
-            elif isinstance(instance, (plcopen.selectionDivergence, plcopen.simultaneousDivergence)):
-                if isinstance(instance, plcopen.selectionDivergence):
+            elif isinstance(instance, (plcopen.sfcObjects_selectionDivergence, plcopen.sfcObjects_simultaneousDivergence)):
+                if isinstance(instance, plcopen.sfcObjects_selectionDivergence):
                     infos["type"] = "selectionDivergence"
                     infos["type"] = "simultaneousDivergence"
                 infos["connectors"] = {"inputs":[],"outputs":[]}
                 connector = {}
-                connector["position"] = instance.connectionPointIn.getRelPosition()
+                connector["position"] = instance.connectionPointIn.getrelPositionXY()
                 connector["links"] = []
-                connections = instance.connectionPointIn.getConnections()
+                connections = instance.connectionPointIn.getconnections()
                 if connections:
                     for link in connections:
-                        dic = {"refLocalId":link.getRefLocalId(),"points":link.getPoints(),"formalParameter":link.getFormalParameter()}
+                        dic = {"refLocalId":link.getrefLocalId(),"points":link.getpoints(),"formalParameter":link.getformalParameter()}
-                for sequence in instance.getConnectionPointOut():
+                for sequence in instance.getconnectionPointOut():
                     connector = {}
-                    connector["position"] = sequence.getRelPosition()
+                    connector["position"] = sequence.getrelPositionXY()
-            elif isinstance(instance, (plcopen.selectionConvergence, plcopen.simultaneousConvergence)):
-                if isinstance(instance, plcopen.selectionConvergence):
+            elif isinstance(instance, (plcopen.sfcObjects_selectionConvergence, plcopen.sfcObjects_simultaneousConvergence)):
+                if isinstance(instance, plcopen.sfcObjects_selectionConvergence):
                     infos["type"] = "selectionConvergence"
                     infos["type"] = "simultaneousConvergence"
                 infos["connectors"] = {"inputs":[],"outputs":[]}
-                for sequence in instance.getConnectionPointIn():
+                for sequence in instance.getconnectionPointIn():
                     connector = {}
-                    connector["position"] = sequence.getRelPosition()
+                    connector["position"] = sequence.getrelPositionXY()
                     connector["links"] = []
-                    connections = sequence.getConnections()
+                    connections = sequence.getconnections()
                     if connections:
                         for link in connections:
-                            dic = {"refLocalId":link.getRefLocalId(),"points":link.getPoints(),"formalParameter":link.getFormalParameter()}
+                            dic = {"refLocalId":link.getrefLocalId(),"points":link.getpoints(),"formalParameter":link.getformalParameter()}
                 connector = {}
-                connector["position"] = instance.connectionPointOut.getRelPosition()
+                connector["position"] = instance.connectionPointOut.getrelPositionXY()
-            elif isinstance(instance, plcopen.jumpStep):
+            elif isinstance(instance, plcopen.sfcObjects_jumpStep):
                 infos["type"] = "jump"
-                infos["target"] = instance.getTargetName()
+                infos["target"] = instance.gettargetName()
                 infos["connector"] = {}
-                infos["connector"]["position"] = instance.connectionPointIn.getRelPosition()
+                infos["connector"]["position"] = instance.connectionPointIn.getrelPositionXY()
                 infos["connector"]["links"] = []
-                connections = instance.connectionPointIn.getConnections()
+                connections = instance.connectionPointIn.getconnections()
                 if connections:
                     for link in connections:
-                        dic = {"refLocalId":link.getRefLocalId(),"points":link.getPoints(),"formalParameter":link.getFormalParameter()}
+                        dic = {"refLocalId":link.getrefLocalId(),"points":link.getpoints(),"formalParameter":link.getformalParameter()}
-            elif isinstance(instance, plcopen.actionBlock):
+            elif isinstance(instance, plcopen.commonObjects_actionBlock):
                 infos["type"] = "actionBlock"
-                infos["actions"] = instance.getActions()
+                infos["actions"] = instance.getactions()
                 infos["connector"] = {}
-                infos["connector"]["position"] = instance.connectionPointIn.getRelPosition()
+                infos["connector"]["position"] = instance.connectionPointIn.getrelPositionXY()
                 infos["connector"]["links"] = []
-                connections = instance.connectionPointIn.getConnections()
+                connections = instance.connectionPointIn.getconnections()
                 if connections:
                     for link in connections:
-                        dic = {"refLocalId":link.getRefLocalId(),"points":link.getPoints(),"formalParameter":link.getFormalParameter()}
+                        dic = {"refLocalId":link.getrefLocalId(),"points":link.getpoints(),"formalParameter":link.getformalParameter()}
             return infos
         return False
@@ -1612,24 +1611,24 @@
     def ClearEditedElementExecutionOrder(self, tagname):
         element = self.GetEditedElement(tagname)
         if element is not None:
-            element.resetExecutionOrder()
+            element.resetexecutionOrder()
     def ResetEditedElementExecutionOrder(self, tagname):
         element = self.GetEditedElement(tagname)
         if element is not None:
-            element.compileExecutionOrder()
+            element.compileexecutionOrder()
     # Return the variable type of the given pou
     def GetEditedElementVarValueType(self, tagname, varname):
         words = tagname.split("::")
         if words[0] in ["P","T","A"]:
-            pou = self.Project.getPou(words[1])
-            for type, varlist in pou.getVars():
-                for var in varlist.getVariable():
-                    if var.getName() == varname:
-                        vartype_content = var.getType().getContent()
+            pou = self.Project.getpou(words[1])
+            for type, varlist in pou.getvars():
+                for var in varlist.getvariable():
+                    if var.getname() == varname:
+                        vartype_content = var.gettype().getcontent()
                         if vartype_content["name"] == "derived":
-                            return vartype_content["value"].getName()
+                            return vartype_content["value"].getname()
                         elif vartype_content["name"] in ["string", "wstring"]:
                             return vartype_content["name"].upper()
@@ -1647,93 +1646,93 @@
                 result = wire.GetConnectedInfos(0)
             if result != None:
                 refLocalId, formalParameter = result
-                connection.addConnection()
-                connection.setConnectionId(idx, refLocalId)
-                connection.setConnectionPoints(idx, points)
+                connection.addconnection()
+                connection.setconnectionId(idx, refLocalId)
+                connection.setconnectionPoints(idx, points)
                 if formalParameter != "":
-                    connection.setConnectionParameter(idx, formalParameter)
+                    connection.setconnectionParameter(idx, formalParameter)
-                    connection.setConnectionParameter(idx, None)
+                    connection.setconnectionParameter(idx, None)
                 idx += 1
     def AddEditedElementPouVar(self, tagname, type, name):
         words = tagname.split("::")
         if words[0] in ['P', 'T', 'A']:
-            pou = self.Project.getPou(words[1])
-            pou.addPouVar(type, name)
+            pou = self.Project.getpou(words[1])
+            pou.addpouVar(type, name)
     def ChangeEditedElementPouVar(self, tagname, old_type, old_name, new_type, new_name):
         words = tagname.split("::")
         if words[0] in ['P', 'T', 'A']:
-            pou = self.Project.getPou(words[1])
-            pou.changePouVar(old_type, old_name, new_type, new_name)
+            pou = self.Project.getpou(words[1])
+            pou.changepouVar(old_type, old_name, new_type, new_name)
     def AddEditedElementBlock(self, tagname, id, blocktype, blockname = None):
         element = self.GetEditedElement(tagname)
         if element is not None:
-            block = plcopen.block()
-            block.setLocalId(id)
-            block.setTypeName(blocktype)
+            block = plcopen.fbdObjects_block()
+            block.setlocalId(id)
+            block.settypeName(blocktype)
             blocktype_infos = GetBlockType(blocktype)
             if blocktype_infos["type"] != "function" and blockname is not None:
-                block.setInstanceName(blockname)
+                block.setinstanceName(blockname)
                 self.AddEditedElementPouVar(tagname, blocktype, blockname)
-            element.addInstance("block", block)
+            element.addinstance("block", block)
     def SetEditedElementBlockInfos(self, tagname, id, infos):
         element = self.GetEditedElement(tagname)
         if element is not None:
-            block = element.getInstance(id)
-            blocktype = infos.get("type", block.getTypeName())
+            block = element.getinstance(id)
+            blocktype = infos.get("type", block.gettypeName())
             blocktype_infos = GetBlockType(blocktype)
             if blocktype_infos["type"] != "function":
                 if "name" in infos or "type" in infos:
-                    old_name = block.getInstanceName()
-                    old_type = block.getTypeName()
+                    old_name = block.getinstanceName()
+                    old_type = block.gettypeName()
                     new_name = infos.get("name", old_name)
                     new_type = infos.get("type", old_type)
                     self.ChangeEditedElementPouVar(tagname, old_type, old_name, new_type, new_name)
             for param, value in infos.items():
                 if param == "name":
-                    block.setInstanceName(value)
+                    block.setinstanceName(value)
                 elif param == "type":
-                    block.setTypeName(value)
-                elif param == "executionOrder" and block.getExecutionOrderId() != value:
-                    self.GetEditedElement(tagname).setElementExecutionOrder(block, value)
+                    block.settypeName(value)
+                elif param == "executionOrder" and block.getexecutionOrderId() != value:
+                    self.GetEditedElement(tagname).setelementExecutionOrder(block, value)
                 elif param == "height":
-                    block.setHeight(value)
+                    block.setheight(value)
                 elif param == "width":
-                    block.setWidth(value)
+                    block.setwidth(value)
                 elif param == "x":
-                    block.setX(value)
+                    block.setx(value)
                 elif param == "y":
-                    block.setY(value)
+                    block.sety(value)
                 elif param == "connectors":
-                    block.inputVariables.setVariable([])
-                    block.outputVariables.setVariable([])
+                    block.inputVariables.setvariable([])
+                    block.outputVariables.setvariable([])
                     for connector in value["inputs"]:
                         variable = plcopen.inputVariables_variable()
-                        variable.setFormalParameter(connector.GetName())
+                        variable.setformalParameter(connector.GetName())
                         if connector.IsNegated():
-                            variable.setNegated(True)
+                            variable.setnegated(True)
                         if connector.GetEdge() != "none":
-                            variable.setConnectorEdge(connector.GetEdge())
+                            variable.setedge(connector.GetEdge())
                         position = connector.GetRelPosition()
-                        variable.connectionPointIn.setRelPosition(position.x, position.y)
+                        variable.connectionPointIn.setrelPositionXY(position.x, position.y)
                         self.SetConnectionWires(variable.connectionPointIn, connector)
-                        block.inputVariables.appendVariable(variable)
+                        block.inputVariables.appendvariable(variable)
                     for connector in value["outputs"]:
                         variable = plcopen.outputVariables_variable()
-                        variable.setFormalParameter(connector.GetName())
+                        variable.setformalParameter(connector.GetName())
                         if connector.IsNegated():
-                            variable.setNegated(True)
+                            variable.setnegated(True)
                         if connector.GetEdge() != "none":
-                            variable.setConnectorEdge(connector.GetEdge())
+                            variable.setedge(connector.GetEdge())
                         position = connector.GetRelPosition()
-                        variable.addConnectionPointOut()
-                        variable.connectionPointOut.setRelPosition(position.x, position.y)
-                        block.outputVariables.appendVariable(variable)
+                        variable.addconnectionPointOut()
+                        variable.connectionPointOut.setrelPositionXY(position.x, position.y)
+                        block.outputVariables.appendvariable(variable)
     def AddEditedElementVariable(self, tagname, id, type):
@@ -1741,66 +1740,66 @@
         if element is not None:            
             if type == INPUT:
                 name = "inVariable"
-                variable = plcopen.inVariable()
+                variable = plcopen.fbdObjects_inVariable()
             elif type == OUTPUT:
                 name = "outVariable"
-                variable = plcopen.outVariable()
+                variable = plcopen.fbdObjects_outVariable()
             elif type == INOUT:
                 name = "inOutVariable"
-                variable = plcopen.inOutVariable()
-            variable.setLocalId(id)
-            element.addInstance(name, variable)
+                variable = plcopen.fbdObjects_inOutVariable()
+            variable.setlocalId(id)
+            element.addinstance(name, variable)
     def SetEditedElementVariableInfos(self, tagname, id, infos):
         element = self.GetEditedElement(tagname)
         if element is not None:
-            variable = element.getInstance(id)
+            variable = element.getinstance(id)
             for param, value in infos.items():
                 if param == "name":
-                    variable.setExpression(value)    
-                elif param == "executionOrder" and variable.getExecutionOrderId() != value:
-                    self.GetEditedElement(tagname).setElementExecutionOrder(variable, value)
+                    variable.setexpression(value)    
+                elif param == "executionOrder" and variable.getexecutionOrderId() != value:
+                    self.GetEditedElement(tagname).setelementExecutionOrder(variable, value)
                 elif param == "height":
-                    variable.setHeight(value)
+                    variable.setheight(value)
                 elif param == "width":
-                    variable.setWidth(value)
+                    variable.setwidth(value)
                 elif param == "x":
-                    variable.setX(value)
+                    variable.setx(value)
                 elif param == "y":
-                    variable.setY(value)
+                    variable.sety(value)
                 elif param == "connectors":
-                    if isinstance(variable, plcopen.inVariable):
+                    if isinstance(variable, plcopen.fbdObjects_inVariable):
                         if value["output"].IsNegated():
-                            variable.setNegated(True)
+                            variable.setnegated(True)
                         if value["output"].GetEdge() != "none":
-                            variable.setConnectorEdge(value["output"].GetEdge())
+                            variable.setedge(value["output"].GetEdge())
                         position = value["output"].GetRelPosition()
-                        variable.addConnectionPointOut()
-                        variable.connectionPointOut.setRelPosition(position.x, position.y)
-                    elif isinstance(variable, plcopen.outVariable):
+                        variable.addconnectionPointOut()
+                        variable.connectionPointOut.setrelPositionXY(position.x, position.y)
+                    elif isinstance(variable, plcopen.fbdObjects_outVariable):
                         if value["input"].IsNegated():
-                            variable.setNegated(True)
+                            variable.setnegated(True)
                         if value["input"].GetEdge() != "none":
-                            variable.setConnectorEdge(value["input"].GetEdge())
+                            variable.setedge(value["input"].GetEdge())
                         position = value["input"].GetRelPosition()
-                        variable.addConnectionPointIn()
-                        variable.connectionPointIn.setRelPosition(position.x, position.y)
+                        variable.addconnectionPointIn()
+                        variable.connectionPointIn.setrelPositionXY(position.x, position.y)
                         self.SetConnectionWires(variable.connectionPointIn, value["input"])
-                    elif isinstance(variable, plcopen.inOutVariable):
+                    elif isinstance(variable, plcopen.fbdObjects_inOutVariable):
                         if value["input"].IsNegated():
-                            variable.setNegatedIn(True)
+                            variable.setnegatedIn(True)
                         if value["input"].GetEdge() != "none":
-                            variable.setInputEdge(value["input"].GetEdge())
+                            variable.setedgeIn(value["input"].GetEdge())
                         if value["output"].IsNegated():
-                            variable.setNegatedOut(True)
+                            variable.setnegatedOut(True)
                         if value["output"].GetEdge() != "none":
-                            variable.setOutputEdge(value["output"].GetEdge())
+                            variable.setedgeOut(value["output"].GetEdge())
                         position = value["output"].GetRelPosition()
-                        variable.addConnectionPointOut()
-                        variable.connectionPointOut.setRelPosition(position.x, position.y)
+                        variable.addconnectionPointOut()
+                        variable.connectionPointOut.setrelPositionXY(position.x, position.y)
                         position = value["input"].GetRelPosition()
-                        variable.addConnectionPointIn()
-                        variable.connectionPointIn.setRelPosition(position.x, position.y)
+                        variable.addconnectionPointIn()
+                        variable.connectionPointIn.setrelPositionXY(position.x, position.y)
                         self.SetConnectionWires(variable.connectionPointIn, value["input"])
     def AddEditedElementConnection(self, tagname, id, type):
@@ -1808,282 +1807,282 @@
         if element is not None:
             if type == CONNECTOR:
                 name = "connector"
-                connection = plcopen.connector()
+                connection = plcopen.commonObjects_connector()
             elif type == CONTINUATION:
                 name = "continuation"
-                connection = plcopen.continuation()
-            connection.setLocalId(id)
-            element.addInstance(name, connection)
+                connection = plcopen.commonObjects_continuation()
+            connection.setlocalId(id)
+            element.addinstance(name, connection)
     def SetEditedElementConnectionInfos(self, tagname, id, infos):
         element = self.GetEditedElement(tagname)
         if element is not None:
-            connection = element.getInstance(id)
+            connection = element.getinstance(id)
             for param, value in infos.items():
                 if param == "name":
-                    connection.setName(value)    
+                    connection.setname(value)    
                 elif param == "height":
-                    connection.setHeight(value)
+                    connection.setheight(value)
                 elif param == "width":
-                    connection.setWidth(value)
+                    connection.setwidth(value)
                 elif param == "x":
-                    connection.setX(value)
+                    connection.setx(value)
                 elif param == "y":
-                    connection.setY(value)
+                    connection.sety(value)
                 elif param == "connector":
                     position = value.GetRelPosition()
-                    if isinstance(connection, plcopen.continuation):
-                        connection.addConnectionPointOut()
-                        connection.connectionPointOut.setRelPosition(position.x, position.y)
-                    elif isinstance(connection, plcopen.connector):
-                        connection.addConnectionPointIn()
-                        connection.connectionPointIn.setRelPosition(position.x, position.y)
+                    if isinstance(connection, plcopen.commonObjects_continuation):
+                        connection.addconnectionPointOut()
+                        connection.connectionPointOut.setrelPositionXY(position.x, position.y)
+                    elif isinstance(connection, plcopen.commonObjects_connector):
+                        connection.addconnectionPointIn()
+                        connection.connectionPointIn.setrelPositionXY(position.x, position.y)
                         self.SetConnectionWires(connection.connectionPointIn, value)
     def AddEditedElementComment(self, tagname, id):
         element = self.GetEditedElement(tagname)
         if element is not None:
-            comment = plcopen.comment()
-            comment.setLocalId(id)
-            element.addInstance("comment", comment)
+            comment = plcopen.commonObjects_comment()
+            comment.setlocalId(id)
+            element.addinstance("comment", comment)
     def SetEditedElementCommentInfos(self, tagname, id, infos):
         element = self.GetEditedElement(tagname)
         if element is not None:
-            comment = element.getInstance(id)
+            comment = element.getinstance(id)
             for param, value in infos.items():
                 if param == "content":
-                    comment.setContentText(value)
+                    comment.setcontentText(value)
                 elif param == "height":
-                    comment.setHeight(value)
+                    comment.setheight(value)
                 elif param == "width":
-                    comment.setWidth(value)
+                    comment.setwidth(value)
                 elif param == "x":
-                    comment.setX(value)
+                    comment.setx(value)
                 elif param == "y":
-                    comment.setY(value)
+                    comment.sety(value)
     def AddEditedElementPowerRail(self, tagname, id, type):
         element = self.GetEditedElement(tagname)
         if element is not None:
             if type == LEFTRAIL:
                 name = "leftPowerRail"
-                powerrail = plcopen.leftPowerRail()
+                powerrail = plcopen.ldObjects_leftPowerRail()
             elif type == RIGHTRAIL:
                 name = "rightPowerRail"
-                powerrail = plcopen.rightPowerRail()
-            powerrail.setLocalId(id)
-            element.addInstance(name, powerrail)
+                powerrail = plcopen.ldObjects_rightPowerRail()
+            powerrail.setlocalId(id)
+            element.addinstance(name, powerrail)
     def SetEditedElementPowerRailInfos(self, tagname, id, infos):
         element = self.GetEditedElement(tagname)
         if element is not None:
-            powerrail = element.getInstance(id)
+            powerrail = element.getinstance(id)
             for param, value in infos.items():
                 if param == "height":
-                    powerrail.setHeight(value)
+                    powerrail.setheight(value)
                 elif param == "width":
-                    powerrail.setWidth(value)
+                    powerrail.setwidth(value)
                 elif param == "x":
-                    powerrail.setX(value)
+                    powerrail.setx(value)
                 elif param == "y":
-                    powerrail.setY(value)
+                    powerrail.sety(value)
                 elif param == "connectors":
-                    if isinstance(powerrail, plcopen.leftPowerRail):
-                        powerrail.setConnectionPointOut([])
+                    if isinstance(powerrail, plcopen.ldObjects_leftPowerRail):
+                        powerrail.setconnectionPointOut([])
                         for connector in value:
                             position = connector.GetRelPosition()
                             connection = plcopen.leftPowerRail_connectionPointOut()
-                            connection.setRelPosition(position.x, position.y)
+                            connection.setrelPositionXY(position.x, position.y)
-                    elif isinstance(powerrail, plcopen.rightPowerRail):
-                        powerrail.setConnectionPointIn([])
+                    elif isinstance(powerrail, plcopen.ldObjects_rightPowerRail):
+                        powerrail.setconnectionPointIn([])
                         for connector in value:
                             position = connector.GetRelPosition()
                             connection = plcopen.connectionPointIn()
-                            connection.setRelPosition(position.x, position.y)
+                            connection.setrelPositionXY(position.x, position.y)
                             self.SetConnectionWires(connection, connector)
     def AddEditedElementContact(self, tagname, id):
         element = self.GetEditedElement(tagname)
         if element is not None:
-            contact =
-            contact.setLocalId(id)
-            element.addInstance("contact", contact)
+            contact = plcopen.ldObjects_contact()
+            contact.setlocalId(id)
+            element.addinstance("contact", contact)
     def SetEditedElementContactInfos(self, tagname, id, infos):
         element = self.GetEditedElement(tagname)
         if element is not None:
-            contact = element.getInstance(id)
+            contact = element.getinstance(id)
             for param, value in infos.items():
                 if param == "name":
-                    contact.setVariable(value)
+                    contact.setvariable(value)
                 elif param == "type":
                     if value == CONTACT_NORMAL:
-                        contact.setNegated(False)
-                        contact.setContactEdge("none")
+                        contact.setnegated(False)
+                        contact.setedge("none")
                     elif value == CONTACT_REVERSE:
-                        contact.setNegated(True)
-                        contact.setContactEdge("none")
+                        contact.setnegated(True)
+                        contact.setedge("none")
                     elif value == CONTACT_RISING:
-                        contact.setNegated(False)
-                        contact.setContactEdge("rising")
+                        contact.setnegated(False)
+                        contact.setedge("rising")
                     elif value == CONTACT_FALLING:
-                        contact.setNegated(False)
-                        contact.setContactEdge("falling")
+                        contact.setnegated(False)
+                        contact.setedge("falling")
                 elif param == "height":
-                    contact.setHeight(value)
+                    contact.setheight(value)
                 elif param == "width":
-                    contact.setWidth(value)
+                    contact.setwidth(value)
                 elif param == "x":
-                    contact.setX(value)
+                    contact.setx(value)
                 elif param == "y":
-                    contact.setY(value)
+                    contact.sety(value)
                 elif param == "connectors":
                     input_connector = value["input"]
                     position = input_connector.GetRelPosition()
-                    contact.addConnectionPointIn()
-                    contact.connectionPointIn.setRelPosition(position.x, position.y)
+                    contact.addconnectionPointIn()
+                    contact.connectionPointIn.setrelPositionXY(position.x, position.y)
                     self.SetConnectionWires(contact.connectionPointIn, input_connector)
                     output_connector = value["output"]
                     position = output_connector.GetRelPosition()
-                    contact.addConnectionPointOut()
-                    contact.connectionPointOut.setRelPosition(position.x, position.y)
+                    contact.addconnectionPointOut()
+                    contact.connectionPointOut.setrelPositionXY(position.x, position.y)
     def AddEditedElementCoil(self, tagname, id):
         element = self.GetEditedElement(tagname)
         if element is not None:
-            coil = plcopen.coil()
-            coil.setLocalId(id)
-            element.addInstance("coil", coil)
+            coil = plcopen.ldObjects_coil()
+            coil.setlocalId(id)
+            element.addinstance("coil", coil)
     def SetEditedElementCoilInfos(self, tagname, id, infos):
         element = self.GetEditedElement(tagname)
         if element is not None:
-            coil = element.getInstance(id)
+            coil = element.getinstance(id)
             for param, value in infos.items():
                 if param == "name":
-                    coil.setVariable(value)
+                    coil.setvariable(value)
                 elif param == "type":
                     if value == COIL_NORMAL:
-                        coil.setNegated(False)
-                        coil.setCoilStorage("none")
+                        coil.setnegated(False)
+                        coil.setstorage("none")
                     elif value == COIL_REVERSE:
-                        coil.setNegated(True)
-                        coil.setCoilStorage("none")
+                        coil.setnegated(True)
+                        coil.setstorage("none")
                     elif value == COIL_SET:
-                        coil.setNegated(False)
-                        coil.setCoilStorage("set")
+                        coil.setnegated(False)
+                        coil.setstorage("set")
                     elif value == COIL_RESET:
-                        coil.setNegated(False)
-                        coil.setCoilStorage("reset")
+                        coil.setnegated(False)
+                        coil.setstorage("reset")
                 elif param == "height":
-                    coil.setHeight(value)
+                    coil.setheight(value)
                 elif param == "width":
-                    coil.setWidth(value)
+                    coil.setwidth(value)
                 elif param == "x":
-                    coil.setX(value)
+                    coil.setx(value)
                 elif param == "y":
-                    coil.setY(value)
+                    coil.sety(value)
                 elif param == "connectors":
                     input_connector = value["input"]
                     position = input_connector.GetRelPosition()
-                    coil.addConnectionPointIn()
-                    coil.connectionPointIn.setRelPosition(position.x, position.y)
+                    coil.addconnectionPointIn()
+                    coil.connectionPointIn.setrelPositionXY(position.x, position.y)
                     self.SetConnectionWires(coil.connectionPointIn, input_connector)
                     output_connector = value["output"]
                     position = output_connector.GetRelPosition()
-                    coil.addConnectionPointOut()
-                    coil.connectionPointOut.setRelPosition(position.x, position.y)
+                    coil.addconnectionPointOut()
+                    coil.connectionPointOut.setrelPositionXY(position.x, position.y)
     def AddEditedElementStep(self, tagname, id):
         element = self.GetEditedElement(tagname)
         if element is not None:
-            step = plcopen.step()
-            step.setLocalId(id)
-            element.addInstance("step", step)
+            step = plcopen.sfcObjects_step()
+            step.setlocalId(id)
+            element.addinstance("step", step)
     def SetEditedElementStepInfos(self, tagname, id, infos):
         element = self.GetEditedElement(tagname)
         if element is not None:
-            step = element.getInstance(id)
+            step = element.getinstance(id)
             for param, value in infos.items():
                 if param == "name":
-                    step.setName(value)
+                    step.setname(value)
                 elif param == "initial":
-                    step.setInitialStep(value)
+                    step.setinitialStep(value)
                 elif param == "height":
-                    step.setHeight(value)
+                    step.setheight(value)
                 elif param == "width":
-                    step.setWidth(value)
+                    step.setwidth(value)
                 elif param == "x":
-                    step.setX(value)
+                    step.setx(value)
                 elif param == "y":
-                    step.setY(value)
+                    step.sety(value)
                 elif param == "connectors":
                     input_connector = value["input"]
                     if input_connector:
                         position = input_connector.GetRelPosition()
-                        step.addConnectionPointIn()
-                        step.connectionPointIn.setRelPosition(position.x, position.y)
+                        step.addconnectionPointIn()
+                        step.connectionPointIn.setrelPositionXY(position.x, position.y)
                         self.SetConnectionWires(step.connectionPointIn, input_connector)
-                        step.deleteConnectionPointIn()
+                        step.deleteconnectionPointIn()
                     output_connector = value["output"]
                     if output_connector:
                         position = output_connector.GetRelPosition()
-                        step.addConnectionPointOut()
-                        step.connectionPointOut.setRelPosition(position.x, position.y)
-                    else:
-                        step.deleteConnectionPointOut()
+                        step.addconnectionPointOut()
+                        step.connectionPointOut.setrelPositionXY(position.x, position.y)
+                    else:
+                        step.deleteconnectionPointOut()
                     action_connector = value["action"]
                     if action_connector:
                         position = action_connector.GetRelPosition()
-                        step.addConnectionPointOutAction()
-                        step.connectionPointOutAction.setRelPosition(position.x, position.y)
-                    else:
-                        step.deleteConnectionPointOutAction()
+                        step.addconnectionPointOutAction()
+                        step.connectionPointOutAction.setrelPositionXY(position.x, position.y)
+                    else:
+                        step.deleteconnectionPointOutAction()
     def AddEditedElementTransition(self, tagname, id):
         element = self.GetEditedElement(tagname)
         if element is not None:
-            transition = plcopen.transition()
-            transition.setLocalId(id)
-            element.addInstance("transition", transition)
+            transition = plcopen.sfcObjects_transition()
+            transition.setlocalId(id)
+            element.addinstance("transition", transition)
     def SetEditedElementTransitionInfos(self, tagname, id, infos):
         element = self.GetEditedElement(tagname)
         if element is not None:
-            transition = element.getInstance(id)
+            transition = element.getinstance(id)
             for param, value in infos.items():
                 if param == "type" and value != "connection":
-                    transition.setConditionContent(value, infos["condition"])
+                    transition.setconditionContent(value, infos["condition"])
                 elif param == "height":
-                    transition.setHeight(value)
+                    transition.setheight(value)
                 elif param == "width":
-                    transition.setWidth(value)
+                    transition.setwidth(value)
                 elif param == "x":
-                    transition.setX(value)
+                    transition.setx(value)
                 elif param == "y":
-                    transition.setY(value)
+                    transition.sety(value)
                 elif param == "priority":
                     if value != 0:
-                        transition.setPriority(value)
-                    else:
-                        transition.setPriority(None)
+                        transition.setpriority(value)
+                    else:
+                        transition.setpriority(None)
                 elif param == "connectors":
                     input_connector = value["input"]
                     position = input_connector.GetRelPosition()
-                    transition.addConnectionPointIn()
-                    transition.connectionPointIn.setRelPosition(position.x, position.y)
+                    transition.addconnectionPointIn()
+                    transition.connectionPointIn.setrelPositionXY(position.x, position.y)
                     self.SetConnectionWires(transition.connectionPointIn, input_connector)
                     output_connector = value["output"]
                     position = output_connector.GetRelPosition()
-                    transition.addConnectionPointOut()
-                    transition.connectionPointOut.setRelPosition(position.x, position.y)
+                    transition.addconnectionPointOut()
+                    transition.connectionPointOut.setrelPositionXY(position.x, position.y)
                     if infos.get("type", None) == "connection":
-                        transition.setConditionContent("connection", None)
+                        transition.setconditionContent("connection", None)
                         connection_connector = value["connection"]
                         self.SetConnectionWires(transition, connection_connector)
@@ -2092,130 +2091,130 @@
         if element is not None:
             if type == SELECTION_DIVERGENCE:
                 name = "selectionDivergence"
-                divergence = plcopen.selectionDivergence()
+                divergence = plcopen.sfcObjects_selectionDivergence()
             elif type == SELECTION_CONVERGENCE:
                 name = "selectionConvergence"
-                divergence = plcopen.selectionConvergence()
+                divergence = plcopen.sfcObjects_selectionConvergence()
             elif type == SIMULTANEOUS_DIVERGENCE:
                 name = "simultaneousDivergence"
-                divergence = plcopen.simultaneousDivergence()
+                divergence = plcopen.sfcObjects_simultaneousDivergence()
             elif type == SIMULTANEOUS_CONVERGENCE:
                 name = "simultaneousConvergence"
-                divergence = plcopen.simultaneousConvergence()
-            divergence.setLocalId(id)
-            element.addInstance(name, divergence)
+                divergence = plcopen.sfcObjects_simultaneousConvergence()
+            divergence.setlocalId(id)
+            element.addinstance(name, divergence)
     def SetEditedElementDivergenceInfos(self, tagname, id, infos):
         element = self.GetEditedElement(tagname)
         if element is not None:
-            divergence = element.getInstance(id)
+            divergence = element.getinstance(id)
             for param, value in infos.items():
                 if param == "height":
-                    divergence.setHeight(value)
+                    divergence.setheight(value)
                 elif param == "width":
-                    divergence.setWidth(value)
+                    divergence.setwidth(value)
                 elif param == "x":
-                    divergence.setX(value)
+                    divergence.setx(value)
                 elif param == "y":
-                    divergence.setY(value)
+                    divergence.sety(value)
                 elif param == "connectors":
                     input_connectors = value["inputs"]
-                    if isinstance(divergence, (plcopen.selectionDivergence, plcopen.simultaneousDivergence)):
+                    if isinstance(divergence, (plcopen.sfcObjects_selectionDivergence, plcopen.sfcObjects_simultaneousDivergence)):
                         position = input_connectors[0].GetRelPosition()
-                        divergence.addConnectionPointIn()
-                        divergence.connectionPointIn.setRelPosition(position.x, position.y)
+                        divergence.addconnectionPointIn()
+                        divergence.connectionPointIn.setrelPositionXY(position.x, position.y)
                         self.SetConnectionWires(divergence.connectionPointIn, input_connectors[0])
-                        divergence.setConnectionPointIn([])
+                        divergence.setconnectionPointIn([])
                         for input_connector in input_connectors:
                             position = input_connector.GetRelPosition()
-                            if isinstance(divergence, plcopen.selectionConvergence):
+                            if isinstance(divergence, plcopen.sfcObjects_selectionConvergence):
                                 connection = plcopen.selectionConvergence_connectionPointIn()
                                 connection = plcopen.connectionPointIn()
-                            connection.setRelPosition(position.x, position.y)
+                            connection.setrelPositionXY(position.x, position.y)
                             self.SetConnectionWires(connection, input_connector)
-                            divergence.appendConnectionPointIn(connection)
+                            divergence.appendconnectionPointIn(connection)
                     output_connectors = value["outputs"]
-                    if isinstance(divergence, (plcopen.selectionConvergence, plcopen.simultaneousConvergence)):
+                    if isinstance(divergence, (plcopen.sfcObjects_selectionConvergence, plcopen.sfcObjects_simultaneousConvergence)):
                         position = output_connectors[0].GetRelPosition()
-                        divergence.addConnectionPointOut()
-                        divergence.connectionPointOut.setRelPosition(position.x, position.y)
-                    else:
-                        divergence.setConnectionPointOut([])
+                        divergence.addconnectionPointOut()
+                        divergence.connectionPointOut.setrelPositionXY(position.x, position.y)
+                    else:
+                        divergence.setconnectionPointOut([])
                         for output_connector in output_connectors:
                             position = output_connector.GetRelPosition()
-                            if isinstance(divergence, plcopen.selectionDivergence):
+                            if isinstance(divergence, plcopen.sfcObjects_selectionDivergence):
                                 connection = plcopen.selectionDivergence_connectionPointOut()
                                 connection = plcopen.simultaneousDivergence_connectionPointOut()
-                            connection.setRelPosition(position.x, position.y)
-                            divergence.appendConnectionPointOut(connection)
+                            connection.setrelPositionXY(position.x, position.y)
+                            divergence.appendconnectionPointOut(connection)
     def AddEditedElementJump(self, tagname, id):
         element = self.GetEditedElement(tagname)
         if element is not None:
-            jump = plcopen.jumpStep()
-            jump.setLocalId(id)
-            element.addInstance("jumpStep", jump)
+            jump = plcopen.sfcObjects_jumpStep()
+            jump.setlocalId(id)
+            element.addinstance("jumpStep", jump)
     def SetEditedElementJumpInfos(self, tagname, id, infos):
         element = self.GetEditedElement(tagname)
         if element is not None:
-            jump = element.getInstance(id)
+            jump = element.getinstance(id)
             for param, value in infos.items():
                 if param == "target":
-                    jump.setTargetName(value)
+                    jump.settargetName(value)
                 elif param == "height":
-                    jump.setHeight(value)
+                    jump.setheight(value)
                 elif param == "width":
-                    jump.setWidth(value)
+                    jump.setwidth(value)
                 elif param == "x":
-                    jump.setX(value)
+                    jump.setx(value)
                 elif param == "y":
-                    jump.setY(value)
+                    jump.sety(value)
                 elif param == "connector":
                     position = value.GetRelPosition()
-                    jump.addConnectionPointIn()
-                    jump.connectionPointIn.setRelPosition(position.x, position.y)
+                    jump.addconnectionPointIn()
+                    jump.connectionPointIn.setrelPositionXY(position.x, position.y)
                     self.SetConnectionWires(jump.connectionPointIn, value)
     def AddEditedElementActionBlock(self, tagname, id):
         element = self.GetEditedElement(tagname)
         if element is not None:
-            actionBlock = plcopen.actionBlock()
-            actionBlock.setLocalId(id)
-            element.addInstance("actionBlock", actionBlock)
+            actionBlock = plcopen.commonObjects_actionBlock()
+            actionBlock.setlocalId(id)
+            element.addinstance("actionBlock", actionBlock)
     def SetEditedElementActionBlockInfos(self, tagname, id, infos):
         element = self.GetEditedElement(tagname)
         if element is not None:
-            actionBlock = element.getInstance(id)
+            actionBlock = element.getinstance(id)
             for param, value in infos.items():
                 if param == "actions":
-                    actionBlock.setActions(value)
+                    actionBlock.setactions(value)
                 elif param == "height":
-                    actionBlock.setHeight(value)
+                    actionBlock.setheight(value)
                 elif param == "width":
-                    actionBlock.setWidth(value)
+                    actionBlock.setwidth(value)
                 elif param == "x":
-                    actionBlock.setX(value)
+                    actionBlock.setx(value)
                 elif param == "y":
-                    actionBlock.setY(value)
+                    actionBlock.sety(value)
                 elif param == "connector":
                     position = value.GetRelPosition()
-                    actionBlock.addConnectionPointIn()
-                    actionBlock.connectionPointIn.setRelPosition(position.x, position.y)
+                    actionBlock.addconnectionPointIn()
+                    actionBlock.connectionPointIn.setrelPositionXY(position.x, position.y)
                     self.SetConnectionWires(actionBlock.connectionPointIn, value)
     def RemoveEditedElementInstance(self, tagname, id):
         element = self.GetEditedElement(tagname)
         if element is not None:
-            instance = element.getInstance(id)
-            if isinstance(instance, plcopen.block):
-                blocktype = instance.getTypeName()
-                element.removePouVar(blocktype, instance.getInstanceName())    
-            element.removeInstance(id)
+            instance = element.getinstance(id)
+            if isinstance(instance, plcopen.fbdObjects_block):
+                blocktype = instance.gettypeName()
+                element.removepouVar(blocktype, instance.getinstanceName())    
+            element.removeinstance(id)
     def GetEditedResourceVariables(self, tagname):
@@ -2232,14 +2231,14 @@
     def SetEditedResourceInfos(self, tagname, tasks, instances):
         resource = self.GetEditedElement(tagname)
         if resource is not None:
-            resource.setTask([])
-            resource.setPouInstance([])
+            resource.settask([])
+            resource.setpouInstance([])
             task_list = {}
             for task in tasks:
                 new_task = plcopen.resource_task()
-                new_task.setName(task["Name"])
+                new_task.setname(task["Name"])
                 if task["Single"] != "":
-                    new_task.setSingle(task["Single"])
+                    new_task.setsingle(task["Single"])
                 result = duration_model.match(task["Interval"]).groups()
                 if reduce(lambda x, y: x or y != None, result):
                     values = []
@@ -2249,36 +2248,36 @@
                     values.append(int(float(result[-1]) * 1000))
-                    new_task.setInterval(time(*values))
-                new_task.priority.setValue(int(task["Priority"]))
+                    new_task.setinterval(time(*values))
+                new_task.setpriority(int(task["Priority"]))
                 if task["Name"] != "":
                     task_list[task["Name"]] = new_task
-                resource.appendTask(new_task)
+                resource.appendtask(new_task)
             for instance in instances:
                 new_instance = plcopen.pouInstance()
-                new_instance.setName(instance["Name"])
-                new_instance.setType(instance["Type"])
+                new_instance.setname(instance["Name"])
+                new_instance.settype(instance["Type"])
                 if instance["Task"] != "":
-                    task_list[instance["Task"]].appendPouInstance(new_instance)
+                    task_list[instance["Task"]].appendpouInstance(new_instance)
-                    resource.appendPouInstance(new_instance)
+                    resource.appendpouInstance(new_instance)
     def GetEditedResourceInfos(self, tagname):
         resource = self.GetEditedElement(tagname)
         if resource is not None:
-            tasks = resource.getTask()
-            instances = resource.getPouInstance()
+            tasks = resource.gettask()
+            instances = resource.getpouInstance()
             tasks_data = []
             instances_data = []
             for task in tasks:
                 new_task = {}
-                new_task["Name"] = task.getName()
-                single = task.getSingle()
+                new_task["Name"] = task.getname()
+                single = task.getsingle()
                 if single:
                     new_task["Single"] = single
                     new_task["Single"] = ""
-                interval = task.getInterval()
+                interval = task.getinterval()
                 if interval:
                     text = ""
                     if interval.hour != 0:
@@ -2295,39 +2294,31 @@
                     new_task["Interval"] = text
                     new_task["Interval"] = ""
-                new_task["Priority"] = str(task.priority.getValue())
+                new_task["Priority"] = str(task.getpriority())
-                for instance in task.getPouInstance():
+                for instance in task.getpouInstance():
                     new_instance = {}
-                    new_instance["Name"] = instance.getName()
-                    new_instance["Type"] = instance.getType()
-                    new_instance["Task"] = task.getName()
+                    new_instance["Name"] = instance.getname()
+                    new_instance["Type"] = instance.gettype()
+                    new_instance["Task"] = task.getname()
             for instance in instances:
                 new_instance = {}
-                new_instance["Name"] = instance.getName()
-                new_instance["Type"] = instance.getType()
+                new_instance["Name"] = instance.getname()
+                new_instance["Type"] = instance.gettype()
                 new_instance["Task"] = ""
             return tasks_data, instances_data
     def OpenXMLFile(self, filepath):
-        if self.VerifyXML:
-            if sys:
-                sys.stdout = HolePseudoFile()
-            result = pyxsval.parseAndValidate(filepath, os.path.join(ScriptDirectory, "plcopen", "TC6_XML_V10_B.xsd"))
-            if sys:
-                sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
-            tree = result.getTree()
-        else:
-            xmlfile = open(filepath, 'r')
-            tree = minidom.parse(xmlfile)
-            xmlfile.close()
+        xmlfile = open(filepath, 'r')
+        tree = minidom.parse(xmlfile)
+        xmlfile.close()
         self.Project = plcopen.project()
         for child in tree.childNodes:
             if child.nodeType == tree.ELEMENT_NODE and child.nodeName == "project":
-                self.Project.loadXMLTree(child)
+                self.Project.loadXMLTree(child, ["xmlns", "xmlns:xhtml", "xmlns:xsi", "xsi:schemaLocation"])
                 self.ProjectBuffer = UndoBuffer(self.Copy(self.Project), True)
                 self.Buffering = False
@@ -2344,9 +2335,9 @@
         if not filepath and self.FilePath == "":
             return False
-            contentheader = self.Project.getContentHeader()
+            contentheader = self.Project.getcontentHeader()
             contentheader["modificationDateTime"] = datetime(*localtime()[:6])
-            self.Project.setContentHeader(contentheader)
+            self.Project.setcontentHeader(contentheader)
             text = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n"
             extras = {"xmlns" : "",
@@ -2355,13 +2346,6 @@
                       "xsi:schemaLocation" : ""}
             text += self.Project.generateXMLText("project", 0, extras)
-            if self.VerifyXML:
-                if sys:
-                    sys.stdout = HolePseudoFile()
-                pyxsval.parseAndValidateString(text, open(os.path.join(ScriptDirectory, "plcopen", "TC6_XML_V10_B.xsd"),"r").read())
-                if sys:
-                    sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
             if filepath:
                 xmlfile = open(filepath,"w")
--- a/	Tue Jan 22 10:53:34 2008 +0100
+++ b/	Tue Jan 22 10:57:41 2008 +0100
@@ -41,106 +41,110 @@
     compute = ""
     lines = text.splitlines()
     if len(lines) > 0:
-        spaces = 0
-        while lines[0][spaces] == " ":
-            spaces += 1
-        indent = ""
-        for i in xrange(spaces, nb_spaces):
-            indent += " "
-        for line in lines:
-            if line != "":
-                compute += "%s%s\n"%(indent, line)
-            else:
-                compute += "\n"
+        line_num = 0
+        while line_num < len(lines) and len(lines[line_num].strip()) == 0:
+            line_num += 1
+        if line_num < len(lines):
+            spaces = 0
+            while lines[line_num][spaces] == " ":
+                spaces += 1
+            indent = ""
+            for i in xrange(spaces, nb_spaces):
+                indent += " "
+            for line in lines:
+                if line != "":
+                    compute += "%s%s\n"%(indent, line)
+                else:
+                    compute += "\n"
     return compute
 def GenerateDataType(datatype_name):
     if not datatypeComputed.get(datatype_name, True):
         datatypeComputed[datatype_name] = True
         global currentProject, currentProgram
-        datatype = currentProject.getDataType(datatype_name)
-        datatype_def = "  %s :"%datatype.getName()
-        basetype_content = datatype.baseType.getContent()
+        datatype = currentProject.getdataType(datatype_name)
+        datatype_def = "  %s :"%datatype.getname()
+        basetype_content = datatype.baseType.getcontent()
         if basetype_content["name"] in ["string", "wstring"]:
             datatype_def += " %s"%basetype_content["name"].upper()
         elif basetype_content["name"] == "derived":
-            basetype_name = basetype_content["value"].getName()
+            basetype_name = basetype_content["value"].getname()
             datatype_def += " %s"%basetype_name
         elif basetype_content["name"] in ["subrangeSigned", "subrangeUnsigned"]:
-            base_type = basetype_content["value"].baseType.getContent()
+            base_type = basetype_content["value"].baseType.getcontent()
             if base_type["name"] == "derived":
-                basetype_name = base_type["value"].getName()
+                basetype_name = base_type["value"].getname()
                 basetype_name = base_type["name"]
-            min_value = basetype_content["value"].range.getLower()
-            max_value = basetype_content["value"].range.getUpper()
+            min_value = basetype_content["value"].range.getlower()
+            max_value = basetype_content["value"].range.getupper()
             datatype_def += " %s (%d..%d)"%(basetype_name, min_value, max_value)
         elif basetype_content["name"] == "enum":
             values = []
-            for value in basetype_content["value"].values.getValue():
-                values.append(value.getName())
+            for value in basetype_content["value"].values.getvalue():
+                values.append(value.getname())
             datatype_def += " (%s)"%", ".join(values)
         elif basetype_content["name"] == "array":
-            base_type = basetype_content["value"].baseType.getContent()
+            base_type = basetype_content["value"].baseType.getcontent()
             if base_type["name"] == "derived":
-                basetype_name = base_type["value"].getName()
+                basetype_name = base_type["value"].getname()
             elif base_type["name"] in ["string", "wstring"]:
                 basetype_name = base_type["name"].upper()
                 basetype_name = base_type["name"]
             dimensions = []
-            for dimension in basetype_content["value"].getDimension():
-                dimensions.append("0..%d"%(dimension.getUpper() - 1))
+            for dimension in basetype_content["value"].getdimension():
+                dimensions.append("0..%d"%(dimension.getupper() - 1))
             datatype_def += " ARRAY [%s] OF %s"%(",".join(dimensions), basetype_name)
             datatype_def += " %s"%basetype_content["name"]
         if datatype.initialValue is not None:
-            datatype_def += " := %s"%str(datatype.initialValue.getValue())
+            datatype_def += " := %s"%str(datatype.initialValue.getvalue())
         currentProgram += "%s;\n"%datatype_def
 def GeneratePouProgram(pou_name):
     if not pouComputed.get(pou_name, True):
         pouComputed[pou_name] = True
         global currentProject, currentProgram
-        pou = currentProject.getPou(pou_name)
-        pou_type = pou.getPouType().getValue()
+        pou = currentProject.getpou(pou_name)
+        pou_type = pou.getpouType()
         if pou_type in pouTypeNames:
-            pou_program = PouProgram(pou.getName(), pouTypeNames[pou_type])
+            pou_program = PouProgram(pou.getname(), pouTypeNames[pou_type])
             raise ValueError, "Undefined pou type"
-        pou_program.GenerateInterface(pou.getInterface())
+        pou_program.GenerateInterface(pou.getinterface())
         currentProgram += pou_program.GenerateSTProgram()
 def GenerateConfiguration(configuration):
-    config = "\nCONFIGURATION %s\n"%configuration.getName()
-    for varlist in configuration.getGlobalVars():
+    config = "\nCONFIGURATION %s\n"%configuration.getname()
+    for varlist in configuration.getglobalVars():
         config += "  VAR_GLOBAL"
-        if varlist.getRetain():
+        if varlist.getretain():
             config += " RETAIN"
-        if varlist.getConstant():
+        if varlist.getconstant():
             config += " CONSTANT"
         config += "\n"
-        for var in varlist.getVariable():
-            vartype_content = var.getType().getContent()
+        for var in varlist.getvariable():
+            vartype_content = var.gettype().getcontent()
             if vartype_content["name"] == "derived":
-                var_type = vartype_content["value"].getName()
+                var_type = vartype_content["value"].getname()
             elif vartype_content["name"] in ["string", "wstring"]:
                 var_type = vartype_content["name"].upper()
                 var_type = vartype_content["name"]
-            config += "    %s "%var.getName()
-            address = var.getAddress()
+            config += "    %s "%var.getname()
+            address = var.getaddress()
             if address:
                 config += "AT %s "%address
             config += ": %s"%var_type
-            initial = var.getInitialValue()
+            initial = var.getinitialValue()
             if initial:
-                value = str(initial.getValue())
+                value = str(initial.getvalue())
                 value = {"TRUE":"0","FALSE":"1"}.get(value.upper(), value)
                 if var_type == "STRING":
                     config += " := '%s'"%value
@@ -150,36 +154,36 @@
                     config += " := %s"%value
             config += ";\n"
         config += "  END_VAR\n"
-    for resource in configuration.getResource():
+    for resource in configuration.getresource():
         config += GenerateResource(resource)
     config += "END_CONFIGURATION\n"
     return config
 def GenerateResource(resource):
-    resrce = "\n  RESOURCE %s ON BEREMIZ\n"%resource.getName()
-    for varlist in resource.getGlobalVars():
+    resrce = "\n  RESOURCE %s ON BEREMIZ\n"%resource.getname()
+    for varlist in resource.getglobalVars():
         resrce += "    VAR_GLOBAL"
-        if varlist.getRetain():
+        if varlist.getretain():
             resrce += " RETAIN"
-        if varlist.getConstant():
+        if varlist.getconstant():
             resrce += " CONSTANT"
         resrce += "\n"
-        for var in varlist.getVariable():
-            vartype_content = var.getType().getContent()
+        for var in varlist.getvariable():
+            vartype_content = var.gettype().getcontent()
             if vartype_content["name"] == "derived":
-                var_type = vartype_content["value"].getName()
+                var_type = vartype_content["value"].getname()
             elif vartype_content["name"] in ["string", "wstring"]:
                 var_type = vartype_content["name"].upper()
                 var_type = vartype_content["name"]
-            resrce += "      %s "%var.getName()
-            address = var.getAddress()
+            resrce += "      %s "%var.getname()
+            address = var.getaddress()
             if address:
                 resrce += "AT %s "%address
             resrce += ": %s"%var_type
-            initial = var.getInitialValue()
+            initial = var.getinitialValue()
             if initial:
-                value = str(initial.getValue())
+                value = str(initial.getvalue())
                 value = {"TRUE":"0","FALSE":"1"}.get(value.upper(), value)
                 if var_type == "STRING":
                     resrce += " := '%s'"%value
@@ -189,14 +193,14 @@
                     resrce += " := %s"%value
             resrce += ";\n"
         resrce += "    END_VAR\n"
-    tasks = resource.getTask()
+    tasks = resource.gettask()
     for task in tasks:
-        resrce += "    TASK %s("%task.getName()
+        resrce += "    TASK %s("%task.getname()
         args = []
-        single = task.getSingle()
+        single = task.getsingle()
         if single:
             args.append("SINGLE := %s"%single)
-        interval = task.getInterval()
+        interval = task.getinterval()
         if interval:
             text = "t#"
             if interval.hour != 0:
@@ -208,13 +212,13 @@
             if interval.microsecond != 0:
                 text += "%dms"%(interval.microsecond / 1000)
             args.append("INTERVAL := %s"%text)
-        args.append("PRIORITY := %s"%str(task.priority.getValue()))
+        args.append("PRIORITY := %s"%str(task.getpriority()))
         resrce += ",".join(args) + ");\n"
     for task in tasks:
-        for instance in task.getPouInstance():
-            resrce += "    PROGRAM %s WITH %s : %s;\n"%(instance.getName(), task.getName(), instance.getType())
-    for instance in resource.getPouInstance():
-        resrce += "    PROGRAM %s : %s;\n"%(instance.getName(), instance.getType())
+        for instance in task.getpouInstance():
+            resrce += "    PROGRAM %s WITH %s : %s;\n"%(instance.getname(), task.getname(), instance.gettype())
+    for instance in resource.getpouInstance():
+        resrce += "    PROGRAM %s : %s;\n"%(instance.getname(), instance.gettype())
     resrce += "  END_RESOURCE\n"
     return resrce
@@ -258,40 +262,40 @@
         return None
     def GetConnectedConnection(self, connection, body):
-        links = connection.getConnections()
+        links = connection.getconnections()
         if links and len(links) == 1:
             return self.GetLinkedConnection(links[0], body)
         return None
     def GetLinkedConnection(self, link, body):
-        parameter = link.getFormalParameter()
-        instance = body.getContentInstance(link.getRefLocalId())
-        if isinstance(instance, (plcopen.inVariable, plcopen.inOutVariable, plcopen.continuation,, plcopen.coil)):
+        parameter = link.getformalParameter()
+        instance = body.getcontentInstance(link.getrefLocalId())
+        if isinstance(instance, (plcopen.fbdObjects_inVariable, plcopen.fbdObjects_inOutVariable, plcopen.commonObjects_continuation, plcopen.ldObjects_contact, plcopen.ldObjects_coil)):
             return instance.connectionPointOut
-        elif isinstance(instance, plcopen.block):
-            outputvariables = instance.outputVariables.getVariable()
+        elif isinstance(instance, plcopen.fbdObjects_block):
+            outputvariables = instance.outputVariables.getvariable()
             if len(outputvariables) == 1:
                 return outputvariables[0].connectionPointOut
             elif parameter:
                 for variable in outputvariables:
-                    if variable.getFormalParameter() == parameter:
+                    if variable.getformalParameter() == parameter:
                         return variable.connectionPointOut
                 point = link.getPosition()[-1]
                 for variable in outputvariables:
-                    relposition = variable.connectionPointOut.getRelPosition()
-                    blockposition = instance.getPosition()
+                    relposition = variable.connectionPointOut.getrelPositionXY()
+                    blockposition = instance.getposition()
                     if point.x == blockposition.x + relposition[0] and point.y == blockposition.y + relposition[1]:
                         return variable.connectionPointOut
-        elif isinstance(instance, plcopen.leftPowerRail):
-            outputconnections = instance.getConnectionPointOut()
+        elif isinstance(instance, plcopen.ldObjects_leftPowerRail):
+            outputconnections = instance.getconnectionPointOut()
             if len(outputconnections) == 1:
                 return outputconnections[0]
-                point = link.getPosition()[-1]
+                point = link.getposition()[-1]
                 for outputconnection in outputconnections:
-                    relposition = outputconnection.getRelPosition()
-                    powerrailposition = instance.getPosition()
+                    relposition = outputconnection.getrelPositionXY()
+                    powerrailposition = instance.getposition()
                     if point.x == powerrailposition.x + relposition[0] and point.y == powerrailposition.y + relposition[1]:
                         return outputconnection
         return None
@@ -304,106 +308,106 @@
     def GenerateInterface(self, interface):
         if self.Type == "FUNCTION":
-            returntype_content = interface.getReturnType().getContent()
+            returntype_content = interface.getreturnType().getcontent()
             if returntype_content["value"] is None:
                 self.ReturnType = returntype_content["name"]
-                self.ReturnType = returntype_content["value"].getName()
-        for varlist in interface.getContent():
+                self.ReturnType = returntype_content["value"].getname()
+        for varlist in interface.getcontent():
             variables = []
             located = False
-            for var in varlist["value"].getVariable():
-                vartype_content = var.getType().getContent()
+            for var in varlist["value"].getvariable():
+                vartype_content = var.gettype().getcontent()
                 if vartype_content["name"] == "derived":
-                    var_type = vartype_content["value"].getName()
+                    var_type = vartype_content["value"].getname()
                     blocktype = GetBlockType(var_type)
                     if blocktype is not None:
-                        variables.extend(blocktype["initialise"](var_type, var.getName()))
+                        variables.extend(blocktype["initialise"](var_type, var.getname()))
                         located = False
-                        initial = var.getInitialValue()
+                        initial = var.getinitialValue()
                         if initial:
-                            initial_value = initial.getValue()
+                            initial_value = initial.getvalue()
                             initial_value = None
-                        address = var.getAddress()
+                        address = var.getaddress()
                         if address:
                             located = True
-                        variables.append((vartype_content["value"].getName(), var.getName(), address, initial_value))
+                        variables.append((vartype_content["value"].getname(), var.getname(), address, initial_value))
-                    initial = var.getInitialValue()
+                    initial = var.getinitialValue()
                     if initial:
-                        initial_value = initial.getValue()
+                        initial_value = initial.getvalue()
                         initial_value = None
-                    address = var.getAddress()
+                    address = var.getaddress()
                     if address:
                         located = True
                     if vartype_content["name"] in ["string", "wstring"]:
-                        variables.append((vartype_content["name"].upper(), var.getName(), address, initial_value))
+                        variables.append((vartype_content["name"].upper(), var.getname(), address, initial_value))
-                        variables.append((vartype_content["name"], var.getName(), address, initial_value))
+                        variables.append((vartype_content["name"], var.getname(), address, initial_value))
             if len(variables) > 0:
-                self.Interface.append((varTypeNames[varlist["name"]], varlist["value"].getRetain(), 
-                            varlist["value"].getConstant(), located, variables))
+                self.Interface.append((varTypeNames[varlist["name"]], varlist["value"].getretain(), 
+                            varlist["value"].getconstant(), located, variables))
     def GenerateConnectionTypes(self, pou):
-        body = pou.getBody()
-        body_content = body.getContent()
+        body = pou.getbody()
+        body_content = body.getcontent()
         body_type = body_content["name"]
         if body_type in ["FBD", "LD", "SFC"]:
-            for instance in body.getContentInstances():
-                if isinstance(instance, (plcopen.inVariable, plcopen.outVariable, plcopen.inOutVariable)):
-                    expression = instance.getExpression()
+            for instance in body.getcontentInstances():
+                if isinstance(instance, (plcopen.fbdObjects_inVariable, plcopen.fbdObjects_outVariable, plcopen.fbdObjects_inOutVariable)):
+                    expression = instance.getexpression()
                     var_type = self.GetVariableType(expression)
-                    if expression == pou.getName():
-                        returntype_content = pou.interface.getReturnType().getContent()
+                    if expression == pou.getname():
+                        returntype_content = pou.interface.getreturnType().getcontent()
                         if returntype_content["name"] == "derived":
-                            var_type = returntype_content["value"].getName()
+                            var_type = returntype_content["value"].getname()
                         elif returntype_content["name"] in ["string", "wstring"]:
                             var_type = returntype_content["name"].upper()
                             var_type = returntype_content["name"]
                     elif var_type is None:
                         var_type = expression.split("#")[0]
-                    if isinstance(instance, (plcopen.inVariable, plcopen.inOutVariable)):
+                    if isinstance(instance, (plcopen.fbdObjects_inVariable, plcopen.fbdObjects_inOutVariable)):
                         self.ConnectionTypes[instance.connectionPointOut] = var_type
-                    if isinstance(instance, (plcopen.outVariable, plcopen.inOutVariable)):
+                    if isinstance(instance, (plcopen.fbdObjects_outVariable, plcopen.fbdObjects_inOutVariable)):
                         self.ConnectionTypes[instance.connectionPointIn] = var_type
                         connected = self.GetConnectedConnection(instance.connectionPointIn, body)
                         if connected and connected not in self.ConnectionTypes:
                             for connection in self.ExtractRelatedConnections(connected):
                                 self.ConnectionTypes[connection] = var_type
-                elif isinstance(instance, (, plcopen.coil)):
+                elif isinstance(instance, (plcopen.ldObjects_contact, plcopen.ldObjects_coil)):
                     self.ConnectionTypes[instance.connectionPointOut] = "BOOL"
                     self.ConnectionTypes[instance.connectionPointIn] = "BOOL"
                     connected = self.GetConnectedConnection(instance.connectionPointIn, body)
                     if connected and connected not in self.ConnectionTypes:
                         for connection in self.ExtractRelatedConnections(connected):
                             self.ConnectionTypes[connection] = "BOOL"
-                elif isinstance(instance, plcopen.leftPowerRail):
-                    for connection in instance.getConnectionPointOut():
+                elif isinstance(instance, plcopen.ldObjects_leftPowerRail):
+                    for connection in instance.getconnectionPointOut():
                         self.ConnectionTypes[connection] = "BOOL"
-                elif isinstance(instance, plcopen.rightPowerRail):
-                    for connection in instance.getConnectionPointIn():
+                elif isinstance(instance, plcopen.ldObjects_rightPowerRail):
+                    for connection in instance.getconnectionPointIn():
                         self.ConnectionTypes[connection] = "BOOL"
                         connected = self.GetConnectedConnection(connection, body)
                         if connected and connected not in self.ConnectionTypes:
                             for connection in self.ExtractRelatedConnections(connected):
                                 self.ConnectionTypes[connection] = "BOOL"
-                elif isinstance(instance, plcopen.transition):
-                    content = instance.condition.getContent()
+                elif isinstance(instance, plcopen.sfcObjects_transition):
+                    content = instance.condition.getcontent()
                     if content["name"] == "connection" and len(content["value"]) == 1:
                         connected = self.GetLinkedConnection(content["value"][0], body)
                         if connected and connected not in self.ConnectionTypes:
                             for connection in self.ExtractRelatedConnections(connected):
                                 self.ConnectionTypes[connection] = "BOOL"
-                elif isinstance(instance, plcopen.block):
-                    block_infos = GetBlockType(instance.getTypeName())
+                elif isinstance(instance, plcopen.fbdObjects_block):
+                    block_infos = GetBlockType(instance.gettypeName())
                     undefined = {}
-                    for variable in instance.outputVariables.getVariable():
-                        output_name = variable.getFormalParameter()
+                    for variable in instance.outputVariables.getvariable():
+                        output_name = variable.getformalParameter()
                         for oname, otype, oqualifier in block_infos["outputs"]:
                             if output_name == oname and variable.connectionPointOut not in self.ConnectionTypes:
                                 if otype.startswith("ANY"):
@@ -413,8 +417,8 @@
                                     for connection in self.ExtractRelatedConnections(variable.connectionPointOut):
                                         self.ConnectionTypes[connection] = otype
-                    for variable in instance.inputVariables.getVariable():
-                        input_name = variable.getFormalParameter()
+                    for variable in instance.inputVariables.getvariable():
+                        input_name = variable.getformalParameter()
                         for iname, itype, iqualifier in block_infos["inputs"]:
                             if input_name == iname:
                                 connected = self.GetConnectedConnection(variable.connectionPointIn, body)
@@ -443,64 +447,64 @@
                                 self.ConnectionTypes[connection] = var_type
     def GenerateProgram(self, pou):
-        body = pou.getBody()
-        body_content = body.getContent()
+        body = pou.getbody()
+        body_content = body.getcontent()
         body_type = body_content["name"]
         if body_type in ["IL","ST"]:
-            self.Program = ReIndentText(body_content["value"].getText(), 2)
+            self.Program = ReIndentText(body_content["value"].gettext(), 2)
         elif body_type == "FBD":
             orderedInstances = []
             otherInstances = []
-            for instance in body.getContentInstances():
-                if isinstance(instance, (plcopen.outVariable, plcopen.inOutVariable, plcopen.block)):
-                    executionOrderId = instance.getExecutionOrderId()
+            for instance in body.getcontentInstances():
+                if isinstance(instance, (plcopen.fbdObjects_outVariable, plcopen.fbdObjects_inOutVariable, plcopen.fbdObjects_block)):
+                    executionOrderId = instance.getexecutionOrderId()
                     if executionOrderId > 0:
                         orderedInstances.append((executionOrderId, instance))
-                elif isinstance(instance, plcopen.connector):
+                elif isinstance(instance, plcopen.commonObjects_connector):
             instances = [instance for (executionOrderId, instance) in orderedInstances] + otherInstances
             for instance in instances:
-                if isinstance(instance, (plcopen.outVariable, plcopen.inOutVariable)):
-                    var = instance.getExpression()
-                    connections = instance.connectionPointIn.getConnections()
+                if isinstance(instance, (plcopen.fbdObjects_outVariable, plcopen.fbdObjects_inOutVariable)):
+                    var = instance.getexpression()
+                    connections = instance.connectionPointIn.getconnections()
                     if connections and len(connections) == 1:
                         expression = self.ComputeFBDExpression(body, connections[0])
                         self.Program += "  %s := %s;\n"%(var, expression)
-                elif isinstance(instance, plcopen.block):
-                    block_type = instance.getTypeName()
+                elif isinstance(instance, plcopen.fbdObjects_block):
+                    block_type = instance.gettypeName()
                     block_infos = GetBlockType(block_type)
                     block_infos["generate"](self, instance, body, None)
-                elif isinstance(instance, plcopen.connector):
-                    connector = instance.getName()
+                elif isinstance(instance, plcopen.commonObjects_connector):
+                    connector = instance.getname()
                     if self.ComputedConnectors.get(connector, None):
-                    connections = instance.connectionPointIn.getConnections()
+                    connections = instance.connectionPointIn.getconnections()
                     if connections and len(connections) == 1:
                         self.ComputedConnectors[connector] = self.ComputeFBDExpression(body, connections[0])
         elif body_type == "LD":
-            for instance in body.getContentInstances():
-                if isinstance(instance, plcopen.coil):
-                    paths = self.GenerateLDPaths(instance.connectionPointIn.getConnections(), body)
+            for instance in body.getcontentInstances():
+                if isinstance(instance, plcopen.ldObjects_coil):
+                    paths = self.GenerateLDPaths(instance.connectionPointIn.getconnections(), body)
                     if len(paths) > 0:
                         paths = tuple(paths)
                         paths = paths[0] 
-                    variable = self.ExtractModifier(instance, instance.getVariable())
+                    variable = self.ExtractModifier(instance, instance.getvariable())
                     expression = self.ComputeLDExpression(paths, True)
                     self.Program += "  %s := %s;\n"%(variable, expression)
         elif body_type == "SFC":
-            for instance in body.getContentInstances():
-                if isinstance(instance, plcopen.step):
+            for instance in body.getcontentInstances():
+                if isinstance(instance, plcopen.sfcObjects_step):
                     self.GenerateSFCStep(instance, pou)
-                elif isinstance(instance, plcopen.actionBlock):
+                elif isinstance(instance, plcopen.commonObjects_actionBlock):
                     self.GenerateSFCStepActions(instance, pou)
-                elif isinstance(instance, plcopen.transition):
+                elif isinstance(instance, plcopen.sfcObjects_transition):
                     self.GenerateSFCTransition(instance, pou)
-                elif isinstance(instance, plcopen.jumpStep):
+                elif isinstance(instance, plcopen.sfcObjects_jumpStep):
                     self.GenerateSFCJump(instance, pou)
             if len(self.InitialSteps) > 0 and self.SFCComputedBlocks != "":
                 action_name = "COMPUTE_FUNCTION_BLOCKS"
@@ -512,24 +516,24 @@
     def ComputeFBDExpression(self, body, link, order = False):
-        localid = link.getRefLocalId()
-        instance = body.getContentInstance(localid)
-        if isinstance(instance, (plcopen.inVariable, plcopen.inOutVariable)):
-            return instance.getExpression()
-        elif isinstance(instance, plcopen.block):
-            block_type = instance.getTypeName()
+        localid = link.getrefLocalId()
+        instance = body.getcontentInstance(localid)
+        if isinstance(instance, (plcopen.fbdObjects_inVariable, plcopen.fbdObjects_inOutVariable)):
+            return instance.getexpression()
+        elif isinstance(instance, plcopen.fbdObjects_block):
+            block_type = instance.gettypeName()
             block_infos = GetBlockType(block_type)
             return block_infos["generate"](self, instance, body, link, order)
-        elif isinstance(instance, plcopen.continuation):
-            name = instance.getName()
+        elif isinstance(instance, plcopen.commonObjects_continuation):
+            name = instance.getname()
             computed_value = self.ComputedConnectors.get(name, None)
             if computed_value != None:
                 return computed_value
-            for tmp_instance in body.getContentInstances():
-                if isinstance(tmp_instance, plcopen.connector):
-                    if tmp_instance.getName() == name:
-                        connections = tmp_instance.connectionPointIn.getConnections()
+            for tmp_instance in body.getcontentInstances():
+                if isinstance(tmp_instance, plcopen.commonObjects_connector):
+                    if tmp_instance.getname() == name:
+                        connections = tmp_instance.connectionPointIn.getconnections()
                         if connections and len(connections) == 1:
                             expression = self.ComputeFBDExpression(body, connections[0], order)
                             self.ComputedConnectors[name] = expression
@@ -539,18 +543,18 @@
     def GenerateLDPaths(self, connections, body):
         paths = []
         for connection in connections:
-            localId = connection.getRefLocalId()
-            next = body.getContentInstance(localId)
-            if isinstance(next, plcopen.leftPowerRail):
+            localId = connection.getrefLocalId()
+            next = body.getcontentInstance(localId)
+            if isinstance(next, plcopen.ldObjects_leftPowerRail):
-            elif isinstance(next, plcopen.block):
-                block_type = next.getTypeName()
+            elif isinstance(next, plcopen.fbdObjects_block):
+                block_type = next.gettypeName()
                 block_infos = GetBlockType(block_type)
                 paths.append(block_infos["generate"](self, next, body, connection))
-                variable = self.ExtractModifier(next, next.getVariable())
-                result = self.GenerateLDPaths(next.connectionPointIn.getConnections(), body)
+                variable = self.ExtractModifier(next, next.getvariable())
+                result = self.GenerateLDPaths(next.connectionPointIn.getconnections(), body)
                 if len(result) > 1:
                     paths.append([variable, tuple(result)])
                 elif type(result[0]) == ListType:
@@ -564,63 +568,63 @@
     def GetNetworkType(self, connections, body):
         network_type = "FBD"
         for connection in connections:
-            localId = connection.getRefLocalId()
-            next = body.getContentInstance(localId)
-            if isinstance(next, plcopen.leftPowerRail) or isinstance(next,
+            localId = connection.getrefLocalId()
+            next = body.getcontentInstance(localId)
+            if isinstance(next, plcopen.ldObjects_leftPowerRail) or isinstance(next, plcopen.ldObjects_contact):
                 return "LD"
-            elif isinstance(next, plcopen.block):
-                 for variable in next.inputVariables.getVariable():
-                     result = self.GetNetworkType(variable.connectionPointIn.getConnections(), body)
+            elif isinstance(next, plcopen.fbdObjects_block):
+                 for variable in next.inputVariables.getvariable():
+                     result = self.GetNetworkType(variable.connectionPointIn.getconnections(), body)
                      if result != "FBD":
                          return result
-            elif isinstance(next, plcopen.inVariable):
+            elif isinstance(next, plcopen.fbdObjects_inVariable):
                 return "FBD"
-            elif isinstance(next, plcopen.inOutVariable):
-                return self.GetNetworkType(next.connectionPointIn.getConnections(), body)
+            elif isinstance(next, plcopen.fbdObjects_inOutVariable):
+                return self.GetNetworkType(next.connectionPointIn.getconnections(), body)
                 return None
         return "FBD"
     def ExtractDivergenceInput(self, divergence, pou):
-        connectionPointIn = divergence.getConnectionPointIn()
+        connectionPointIn = divergence.getconnectionPointIn()
         if connectionPointIn:
-            connections = connectionPointIn.getConnections()
+            connections = connectionPointIn.getconnections()
             if len(connections) == 1:
-                instanceLocalId = connections[0].getRefLocalId()
-                return pou.body.getContentInstance(instanceLocalId)
+                instanceLocalId = connections[0].getrefLocalId()
+                return pou.body.getcontentInstance(instanceLocalId)
         return None
     def ExtractConvergenceInputs(self, convergence, pou):
         instances = []
-        for connectionPointIn in convergence.getConnectionPointIn():
-            connections = connectionPointIn.getConnections()
+        for connectionPointIn in convergence.getconnectionPointIn():
+            connections = connectionPointIn.getconnections()
             if len(connections) == 1:
-                instanceLocalId = connections[0].getRefLocalId()
-                instances.append(pou.body.getContentInstance(instanceLocalId))
+                instanceLocalId = connections[0].getrefLocalId()
+                instances.append(pou.body.getcontentInstance(instanceLocalId))
         return instances
     def GenerateSFCStep(self, step, pou):
-        step_name = step.getName()
+        step_name = step.getname()
         if step_name not in self.SFCNetworks["Steps"].keys():
-            if step.getInitialStep():
+            if step.getinitialStep():
-            step_infos = {"initial" : step.getInitialStep(), "transitions" : [], "actions" : []}
+            step_infos = {"initial" : step.getinitialStep(), "transitions" : [], "actions" : []}
             if step.connectionPointIn:
                 instances = []
-                connections = step.connectionPointIn.getConnections()
+                connections = step.connectionPointIn.getconnections()
                 if len(connections) == 1:
-                    instanceLocalId = connections[0].getRefLocalId()
-                    instance = pou.body.getContentInstance(instanceLocalId)
-                    if isinstance(instance, plcopen.transition):
+                    instanceLocalId = connections[0].getrefLocalId()
+                    instance = pou.body.getcontentInstance(instanceLocalId)
+                    if isinstance(instance, plcopen.sfcObjects_transition):
-                    elif isinstance(instance, plcopen.selectionConvergence):
+                    elif isinstance(instance, plcopen.sfcObjects_selectionConvergence):
                         instances.extend(self.ExtractConvergenceInputs(instance, pou))
-                    elif isinstance(instance, plcopen.simultaneousDivergence):
+                    elif isinstance(instance, plcopen.sfcObjects_simultaneousDivergence):
                         transition = self.ExtractDivergenceInput(instance, pou)
                         if transition:
-                            if isinstance(transition, plcopen.transition):
+                            if isinstance(transition, plcopen.sfcObjects_transition):
-                            elif isinstance(transition, plcopen.selectionConvergence):
+                            elif isinstance(transition, plcopen.sfcObjects_selectionConvergence):
                                 instances.extend(self.ExtractConvergenceInputs(transition, pou))
                 for instance in instances:
                     self.GenerateSFCTransition(instance, pou)
@@ -629,23 +633,23 @@
             self.SFCNetworks["Steps"][step_name] = step_infos
     def GenerateSFCJump(self, jump, pou):
-        jump_target = jump.getTargetName()
+        jump_target = jump.gettargetName()
         if jump.connectionPointIn:
             instances = []
-            connections = jump.connectionPointIn.getConnections()
+            connections = jump.connectionPointIn.getconnections()
             if len(connections) == 1:
-                instanceLocalId = connections[0].getRefLocalId()
-                instance = pou.body.getContentInstance(instanceLocalId)
-                if isinstance(instance, plcopen.transition):
+                instanceLocalId = connections[0].getrefLocalId()
+                instance = pou.body.getcontentInstance(instanceLocalId)
+                if isinstance(instance, plcopen.sfcObjects_transition):
-                elif isinstance(instance, plcopen.selectionConvergence):
+                elif isinstance(instance, plcopen.sfcObjects_selectionConvergence):
                     instances.extend(self.ExtractConvergenceInputs(instance, pou))
-                elif isinstance(instance, plcopen.simultaneousDivergence):
+                elif isinstance(instance, plcopen.sfcObjects_simultaneousDivergence):
                     transition = self.ExtractDivergenceInput(instance, pou)
                     if transition:
-                        if isinstance(transition, plcopen.transition):
+                        if isinstance(transition, plcopen.sfcObjects_transition):
-                        elif isinstance(transition, plcopen.selectionConvergence):
+                        elif isinstance(transition, plcopen.sfcObjects_selectionConvergence):
                             instances.extend(self.ExtractConvergenceInputs(transition, pou))
             for instance in instances:
                 self.GenerateSFCTransition(instance, pou)
@@ -653,14 +657,14 @@
     def GenerateSFCStepActions(self, actionBlock, pou):
-        connections = actionBlock.connectionPointIn.getConnections()
+        connections = actionBlock.connectionPointIn.getconnections()
         if len(connections) == 1:
-            stepLocalId = connections[0].getRefLocalId()
-            step = pou.body.getContentInstance(stepLocalId)
+            stepLocalId = connections[0].getrefLocalId()
+            step = pou.body.getcontentInstance(stepLocalId)
             self.GenerateSFCStep(step, pou)
-            step_name = step.getName()
+            step_name = step.getname()
             if step_name in self.SFCNetworks["Steps"].keys():
-                actions = actionBlock.getActions()
+                actions = actionBlock.getactions()
                 for action in actions:
                     action_infos = {"qualifier" : action["qualifier"], "content" : action["value"]}
                     if "duration" in action:
@@ -677,27 +681,27 @@
     def GenerateSFCAction(self, action_name, pou):
         if action_name not in self.SFCNetworks["Actions"].keys():
-            actionContent = pou.getAction(action_name)
+            actionContent = pou.getaction(action_name)
             if actionContent:
-                actionType = actionContent.getBodyType()
-                actionBody = actionContent.getBody()
+                actionType = actionContent.getbodyType()
+                actionBody = actionContent.getbody()
                 if actionType in ["ST", "IL"]:
-                    self.SFCNetworks["Actions"][action_name] = ReIndentText(actionContent.getText(), 4)
+                    self.SFCNetworks["Actions"][action_name] = ReIndentText(actionContent.gettext(), 4)
                 elif actionType == "FBD":
-                    for instance in actionBody.getContentInstances():
-                        if isinstance(instance, plcopen.outVariable):
-                            var = instance.getExpression()
-                            connections = instance.connectionPointIn.getConnections()
+                    for instance in actionBody.getcontentInstances():
+                        if isinstance(instance, plcopen.fbdObjects_outVariable):
+                            var = instance.getexpression()
+                            connections = instance.connectionPointIn.getconnections()
                             if connections and len(connections) == 1:
                                 expression = self.ComputeFBDExpression(actionBody, connections[0])
                                 action_content = self.Program + "  %s := %s;\n"%(var, expression)
                                 self.Program = ""
                                 self.SFCNetworks["Actions"][action_name] = ReIndentText(action_content, 4)
                 elif actionType == "LD":
-                    for instance in actionbody.getContentInstances():
-                        if isinstance(instance, plcopen.coil):
-                            paths = self.GenerateLDPaths(instance.connectionPointIn.getConnections(), actionBody)
-                            variable = self.ExtractModifier(instance, instance.getVariable())
+                    for instance in actionbody.getcontentInstances():
+                        if isinstance(instance, plcopen.ldObjects_coil):
+                            paths = self.GenerateLDPaths(instance.connectionPointIn.getconnections(), actionBody)
+                            variable = self.ExtractModifier(instance, instance.getvariable())
                             expression = self.ComputeLDExpression(paths, True)
                             action_content = self.Program + "  %s := %s;\n"%(variable, expression)
                             self.Program = ""
@@ -706,53 +710,53 @@
     def GenerateSFCTransition(self, transition, pou):
         if transition not in self.SFCNetworks["Transitions"].keys():
             steps = []
-            connections = transition.connectionPointIn.getConnections()
+            connections = transition.connectionPointIn.getconnections()
             if len(connections) == 1:
-                instanceLocalId = connections[0].getRefLocalId()
-                instance = pou.body.getContentInstance(instanceLocalId)
-                if isinstance(instance, plcopen.step):
+                instanceLocalId = connections[0].getrefLocalId()
+                instance = pou.body.getcontentInstance(instanceLocalId)
+                if isinstance(instance, plcopen.sfcObjects_step):
-                elif isinstance(instance, plcopen.selectionDivergence):
+                elif isinstance(instance, plcopen.sfcObjects_selectionDivergence):
                     step = self.ExtractDivergenceInput(instance, pou)
                     if step:
-                        if isinstance(step, plcopen.step):
+                        if isinstance(step, plcopen.sfcObjects_step):
-                        elif isinstance(step, plcopen.simultaneousConvergence):
+                        elif isinstance(step, plcopen.sfcObjects_simultaneousConvergence):
                             steps.extend(self.ExtractConvergenceInputs(step, pou))
-                elif isinstance(instance, plcopen.simultaneousConvergence):
+                elif isinstance(instance, plcopen.sfcObjects_simultaneousConvergence):
                     steps.extend(self.ExtractConvergenceInputs(instance, pou))
-            transition_infos = {"priority": transition.getPriority(), "from": [], "to" : []}
-            transitionValues = transition.getConditionContent()
+            transition_infos = {"priority": transition.getpriority(), "from": [], "to" : []}
+            transitionValues = transition.getconditionContent()
             if transitionValues["type"] == "inline":
                 transition_infos["content"] = "\n    := %s;\n"%transitionValues["value"]
             elif transitionValues["type"] == "reference":
-                transitionContent = pou.getTransition(transitionValues["value"])
-                transitionType = transitionContent.getBodyType()
-                transitionBody = transitionContent.getBody()
+                transitionContent = pou.gettransition(transitionValues["value"])
+                transitionType = transitionContent.getbodyType()
+                transitionBody = transitionContent.getbody()
                 if transitionType == "IL":
-                    transition_infos["content"] = ":\n%s"%ReIndentText(transitionBody.getText(), 4)
+                    transition_infos["content"] = ":\n%s"%ReIndentText(transitionBody.gettext(), 4)
                 elif transitionType == "ST":
-                    transition_infos["content"] = "\n%s"%ReIndentText(transitionBody.getText(), 4)
+                    transition_infos["content"] = "\n%s"%ReIndentText(transitionBody.gettext(), 4)
                 elif transitionType == "FBD":
-                    for instance in transitionBody.getContentInstances():
-                        if isinstance(instance, plcopen.outVariable):
-                            connections = instance.connectionPointIn.getConnections()
+                    for instance in transitionBody.getcontentInstances():
+                        if isinstance(instance, plcopen.fbdObjects_outVariable):
+                            connections = instance.connectionPointIn.getconnections()
                             if connections and len(connections) == 1:
                                 expression = self.ComputeFBDExpression(transitionBody, connections[0])
                                 transition_infos["content"] = "\n    := %s;\n"%expression
                                 self.SFCComputedBlocks += self.Program
                                 self.Program = ""
                 elif transitionType == "LD":
-                    for instance in transitionBody.getContentInstances():
-                        if isinstance(instance, plcopen.coil):
-                            paths = self.GenerateLDPaths(instance.connectionPointIn.getConnections(), transitionBody)
+                    for instance in transitionBody.getcontentInstances():
+                        if isinstance(instance, plcopen.ldObjects_coil):
+                            paths = self.GenerateLDPaths(instance.connectionPointIn.getconnections(), transitionBody)
                             expression = self.ComputeLDExpression(paths, True)
                             transition_infos["content"] = "\n    := %s;\n"%expression
                             self.SFCComputedBlocks += self.Program
                             self.Program = ""
             elif transitionValues["type"] == "connection":
-                body = pou.getBody()
-                connections = transition.getConnections()
+                body = pou.getbody()
+                connections = transition.getconnections()
                 network_type = self.GetNetworkType(connections, body)
                 if network_type == None:
                     raise Exception
@@ -769,7 +773,7 @@
                     self.Program = ""
             for step in steps:
                 self.GenerateSFCStep(step, pou)
-                step_name = step.getName()
+                step_name = step.getname()
                 if step_name in self.SFCNetworks["Steps"].keys():
@@ -840,15 +844,14 @@
             return paths
     def ExtractModifier(self, variable, text):
-        if variable.getNegated():
+        if variable.getnegated():
             return "NOT(%s)"%text
-            edge = variable.getEdge()
-            if edge:
-                if edge.getValue() == "rising":
-                    return self.AddTrigger("R_TRIG", text)
-                elif edge.getValue() == "falling":
-                    return self.AddTrigger("F_TRIG", text)
+            edge = variable.getedge()
+            if edge == "rising":
+                return self.AddTrigger("R_TRIG", text)
+            elif edge == "falling":
+                return self.AddTrigger("F_TRIG", text)
         return text
     def AddTrigger(self, edge, text):
@@ -904,10 +907,10 @@
     global currentProject, currentProgram
     currentProject = project
     currentProgram = ""
-    for datatype in project.getDataTypes():
-        datatypeComputed[datatype.getName()] = False
-    for pou in project.getPous():
-        pouComputed[pou.getName()] = False
+    for datatype in project.getdataTypes():
+        datatypeComputed[datatype.getname()] = False
+    for pou in project.getpous():
+        pouComputed[pou.getname()] = False
     if len(datatypeComputed) > 0:
         currentProgram += "TYPE\n"
         for datatype_name in datatypeComputed.keys():
@@ -915,7 +918,7 @@
         currentProgram += "END_TYPE\n\n"
     for pou_name in pouComputed.keys():
-    for config in project.getConfigurations():
+    for config in project.getconfigurations():
         currentProgram += GenerateConfiguration(config)
     return currentProgram
--- a/examples/example.xml	Tue Jan 22 10:53:34 2008 +0100
+++ b/examples/example.xml	Tue Jan 22 10:57:41 2008 +0100
@@ -3,28 +3,28 @@
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+              contentDescription="Example of PLCOpenEditor usage"/>
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+                 modificationDateTime="2008-01-22 11:01:23"
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@@ -33,8 +33,8 @@
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@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@
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+            <range lower="-4500" upper="4500"/>
@@ -143,53 +143,53 @@
-            <inVariable localId="2" width="88" height="32" executionOrderId="0">
-              <position y="80" x="64"/>
-              <connectionPointOut>
-                <relPosition y="16" x="88"/>
+            <inVariable localId="2" height="32" width="88">
+              <position x="64" y="80"/>
+              <connectionPointOut>
+                <relPosition x="88" y="16"/>
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-              <position y="200" x="64"/>
-              <connectionPointOut>
-                <relPosition y="16" x="88"/>
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+              <position x="64" y="200"/>
+              <connectionPointOut>
+                <relPosition x="88" y="16"/>
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-              <position y="176" x="584"/>
-              <connectionPointIn>
-                <relPosition y="16" x="0"/>
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+              <position x="584" y="176"/>
+              <connectionPointIn>
+                <relPosition x="0" y="16"/>
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-                  <position y="192" x="584"/>
-                  <position y="192" x="528"/>
+                  <position x="584" y="192"/>
+                  <position x="528" y="192"/>
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-              <position y="104" x="232"/>
+            <block localId="6" width="104" height="88" typeName="AND" executionOrderId="3">
+              <position x="232" y="104"/>
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-                    <relPosition y="40" x="0"/>
+                    <relPosition x="0" y="40"/>
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-                      <position y="144" x="232"/>
-                      <position y="144" x="192"/>
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-                      <position y="176" x="232"/>
-                      <position y="176" x="192"/>
-                      <position y="216" x="192"/>
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+                      <position x="192" y="176"/>
+                      <position x="192" y="216"/>
+                      <position x="152" y="216"/>
@@ -198,40 +198,40 @@
                 <variable formalParameter="OUT">
-                    <relPosition y="40" x="104"/>
+                    <relPosition x="104" y="40"/>
-            <inVariable localId="7" width="88" height="32" executionOrderId="0">
-              <position y="336" x="64"/>
-              <connectionPointOut>
-                <relPosition y="16" x="88"/>
+            <inVariable localId="7" height="32" width="88">
+              <position x="64" y="336"/>
+              <connectionPointOut>
+                <relPosition x="88" y="16"/>
-            <block localId="8" height="88" width="104" executionOrderId="4" instanceName="" typeName="OR">
-              <position y="240" x="232"/>
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+              <position x="232" y="240"/>
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-                    <relPosition y="40" x="0"/>
+                    <relPosition x="0" y="40"/>
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-                      <position y="280" x="232"/>
-                      <position y="280" x="192"/>
-                      <position y="216" x="192"/>
-                      <position y="216" x="152"/>
+                      <position x="232" y="280"/>
+                      <position x="192" y="280"/>
+                      <position x="192" y="216"/>
+                      <position x="152" y="216"/>
                 <variable formalParameter="IN2">
-                    <relPosition y="72" x="0"/>
+                    <relPosition x="0" y="72"/>
                     <connection refLocalId="7">
-                      <position y="312" x="232"/>
-                      <position y="312" x="192"/>
-                      <position y="352" x="192"/>
-                      <position y="352" x="152"/>
+                      <position x="232" y="312"/>
+                      <position x="192" y="312"/>
+                      <position x="192" y="352"/>
+                      <position x="152" y="352"/>
@@ -240,37 +240,39 @@
                 <variable formalParameter="OUT">
-                    <relPosition y="40" x="104"/>
+                    <relPosition x="104" y="40"/>
             <comment localId="10" height="40" width="272">
-              <position y="24" x="240"/>
-              <content><![CDATA[POU used for testing PLCOpenEditor.]]></content>
+              <position x="240" y="24"/>
+              <content>
+<![CDATA[POU used for testing PLCOpenEditor.]]>
+              </content>
-            <block localId="11" height="96" width="104" executionOrderId="1" instanceName="SR1" typeName="SR">
-              <position y="152" x="424"/>
+            <block localId="11" width="104" height="96" typeName="SR" instanceName="SR1" executionOrderId="1">
+              <position x="424" y="152"/>
                 <variable formalParameter="S1" negated="true">
-                    <relPosition y="40" x="0"/>
+                    <relPosition x="0" y="40"/>
                     <connection refLocalId="6" formalParameter="OUT">
-                      <position y="192" x="424"/>
-                      <position y="192" x="376"/>
-                      <position y="144" x="376"/>
-                      <position y="144" x="336"/>
+                      <position x="424" y="192"/>
+                      <position x="376" y="192"/>
+                      <position x="376" y="144"/>
+                      <position x="336" y="144"/>
                 <variable formalParameter="R">
-                    <relPosition y="80" x="0"/>
+                    <relPosition x="0" y="80"/>
                     <connection refLocalId="8" formalParameter="OUT">
-                      <position y="232" x="424"/>
-                      <position y="232" x="376"/>
-                      <position y="280" x="376"/>
-                      <position y="280" x="336"/>
+                      <position x="424" y="232"/>
+                      <position x="376" y="232"/>
+                      <position x="376" y="280"/>
+                      <position x="336" y="280"/>
@@ -279,7 +281,7 @@
                 <variable formalParameter="Q1">
-                    <relPosition y="40" x="104"/>
+                    <relPosition x="104" y="40"/>
@@ -318,101 +320,103 @@
             <comment localId="1" height="40" width="600">
-              <position y="10" x="10"/>
-              <content><![CDATA[Comment]]></content>
+              <position x="10" y="10"/>
+              <content>
+              </content>
             <leftPowerRail localId="2" height="80" width="3">
-              <position y="60" x="10"/>
+              <position x="10" y="60"/>
               <connectionPointOut formalParameter="">
-                <relPosition y="20" x="3"/>
+                <relPosition x="3" y="20"/>
               <connectionPointOut formalParameter="">
-                <relPosition y="60" x="3"/>
+                <relPosition x="3" y="60"/>
-            <coil localId="3" width="21" height="15">
-              <position y="72" x="265"/>
-              <connectionPointIn>
-                <relPosition y="8" x="0"/>
+            <coil localId="3" height="15" width="21">
+              <position x="265" y="72"/>
+              <connectionPointIn>
+                <relPosition x="0" y="8"/>
                 <connection refLocalId="7">
-                  <position y="80" x="265"/>
-                  <position y="80" x="195"/>
-                </connection>
-              </connectionPointIn>
-              <connectionPointOut>
-                <relPosition y="8" x="21"/>
+                  <position x="265" y="80"/>
+                  <position x="195" y="80"/>
+                </connection>
+              </connectionPointIn>
+              <connectionPointOut>
+                <relPosition x="21" y="8"/>
             <rightPowerRail localId="4" height="40" width="3">
-              <position y="60" x="323"/>
-              <connectionPointIn>
-                <relPosition y="20" x="0"/>
+              <position x="323" y="60"/>
+              <connectionPointIn>
+                <relPosition x="0" y="20"/>
                 <connection refLocalId="3">
-                  <position y="80" x="323"/>
-                  <position y="80" x="286"/>
+                  <position x="323" y="80"/>
+                  <position x="286" y="80"/>
-            <contact localId="5" width="21" height="15" negated="true">
-              <position y="72" x="42"/>
-              <connectionPointIn>
-                <relPosition y="8" x="0"/>
+            <contact localId="5" height="15" width="21" negated="true">
+              <position x="42" y="72"/>
+              <connectionPointIn>
+                <relPosition x="0" y="8"/>
                 <connection refLocalId="2">
-                  <position y="80" x="42"/>
-                  <position y="80" x="13"/>
-                </connection>
-              </connectionPointIn>
-              <connectionPointOut>
-                <relPosition y="8" x="21"/>
+                  <position x="42" y="80"/>
+                  <position x="13" y="80"/>
+                </connection>
+              </connectionPointIn>
+              <connectionPointOut>
+                <relPosition x="21" y="8"/>
-            <contact localId="7" width="21" height="15">
-              <position y="72" x="174"/>
-              <connectionPointIn>
-                <relPosition y="8" x="0"/>
+            <contact localId="7" height="15" width="21">
+              <position x="174" y="72"/>
+              <connectionPointIn>
+                <relPosition x="0" y="8"/>
                 <connection refLocalId="5">
-                  <position y="80" x="174"/>
-                  <position y="80" x="63"/>
+                  <position x="174" y="80"/>
+                  <position x="63" y="80"/>
                 <connection refLocalId="9">
-                  <position y="80" x="174"/>
-                  <position y="80" x="144"/>
-                  <position y="120" x="144"/>
-                  <position y="120" x="114"/>
-                </connection>
-              </connectionPointIn>
-              <connectionPointOut>
-                <relPosition y="8" x="21"/>
+                  <position x="174" y="80"/>
+                  <position x="144" y="80"/>
+                  <position x="144" y="120"/>
+                  <position x="114" y="120"/>
+                </connection>
+              </connectionPointIn>
+              <connectionPointOut>
+                <relPosition x="21" y="8"/>
-            <contact localId="8" width="21" height="15">
-              <position y="112" x="42"/>
-              <connectionPointIn>
-                <relPosition y="8" x="0"/>
+            <contact localId="8" height="15" width="21">
+              <position x="42" y="112"/>
+              <connectionPointIn>
+                <relPosition x="0" y="8"/>
                 <connection refLocalId="2">
-                  <position y="120" x="42"/>
-                  <position y="120" x="13"/>
-                </connection>
-              </connectionPointIn>
-              <connectionPointOut>
-                <relPosition y="8" x="21"/>
+                  <position x="42" y="120"/>
+                  <position x="13" y="120"/>
+                </connection>
+              </connectionPointIn>
+              <connectionPointOut>
+                <relPosition x="21" y="8"/>
-            <contact localId="9" width="21" height="15" negated="true">
-              <position y="112" x="93"/>
-              <connectionPointIn>
-                <relPosition y="8" x="0"/>
+            <contact localId="9" height="15" width="21" negated="true">
+              <position x="93" y="112"/>
+              <connectionPointIn>
+                <relPosition x="0" y="8"/>
                 <connection refLocalId="8">
-                  <position y="120" x="93"/>
-                  <position y="120" x="63"/>
-                </connection>
-              </connectionPointIn>
-              <connectionPointOut>
-                <relPosition y="8" x="21"/>
+                  <position x="93" y="120"/>
+                  <position x="63" y="120"/>
+                </connection>
+              </connectionPointIn>
+              <connectionPointOut>
+                <relPosition x="21" y="8"/>
@@ -546,59 +550,61 @@
           <transition name="TR1">
-              <ST><![CDATA[:= AND(IN1, IN2, IN3);]]></ST>
+              <ST>
+<![CDATA[:= AND(IN1, IN2, IN3);]]>
+              </ST>
           <transition name="TR2">
-                <inVariable localId="2" width="54" height="27">
-                  <position y="59" x="27"/>
+                <inVariable localId="2" height="27" width="54">
+                  <position x="27" y="59"/>
-                    <relPosition y="13" x="54"/>
+                    <relPosition x="54" y="13"/>
-                <inVariable localId="3" width="53" height="27">
-                  <position y="140" x="28"/>
+                <inVariable localId="3" height="27" width="53">
+                  <position x="28" y="140"/>
-                    <relPosition y="13" x="53"/>
+                    <relPosition x="53" y="13"/>
-                <outVariable localId="4" width="57" height="27">
-                  <position y="82" x="340"/>
+                <outVariable localId="4" height="27" width="57">
+                  <position x="340" y="82"/>
-                    <relPosition y="13" x="0"/>
+                    <relPosition x="0" y="13"/>
                     <connection refLocalId="5" formalParameter="Q1">
-                      <position y="95" x="340"/>
-                      <position y="95" x="261"/>
+                      <position x="340" y="95"/>
+                      <position x="261" y="95"/>
-                <block localId="5" height="70" width="100" instanceName="SR1" typeName="SR">
-                  <position y="63" x="161"/>
+                <block localId="5" width="100" height="70" typeName="SR" instanceName="SR1">
+                  <position x="161" y="63"/>
                     <variable formalParameter="S1">
-                        <relPosition y="32" x="0"/>
+                        <relPosition x="0" y="32"/>
                         <connection refLocalId="2">
-                          <position y="95" x="161"/>
-                          <position y="95" x="121"/>
-                          <position y="72" x="121"/>
-                          <position y="72" x="81"/>
+                          <position x="161" y="95"/>
+                          <position x="121" y="95"/>
+                          <position x="121" y="72"/>
+                          <position x="81" y="72"/>
                     <variable formalParameter="R">
-                        <relPosition y="57" x="0"/>
+                        <relPosition x="0" y="57"/>
                         <connection refLocalId="3">
-                          <position y="120" x="161"/>
-                          <position y="120" x="121"/>
-                          <position y="153" x="121"/>
-                          <position y="153" x="81"/>
+                          <position x="161" y="120"/>
+                          <position x="121" y="120"/>
+                          <position x="121" y="153"/>
+                          <position x="81" y="153"/>
@@ -607,7 +613,7 @@
                     <variable formalParameter="Q1">
-                        <relPosition y="32" x="100"/>
+                        <relPosition x="100" y="32"/>
@@ -619,69 +625,69 @@
                 <leftPowerRail localId="1" height="98" width="2">
-                  <position y="20" x="31"/>
+                  <position x="31" y="20"/>
                   <connectionPointOut formalParameter="None">
-                    <relPosition y="20" x="2"/>
+                    <relPosition x="2" y="20"/>
                   <connectionPointOut formalParameter="None">
-                    <relPosition y="64" x="2"/>
+                    <relPosition x="2" y="64"/>
-                <contact localId="2" width="21" height="15">
-                  <position y="32" x="72"/>
+                <contact localId="2" height="15" width="21">
+                  <position x="72" y="32"/>
-                    <relPosition y="8" x="0"/>
+                    <relPosition x="0" y="8"/>
                     <connection refLocalId="1">
-                      <position y="40" x="72"/>
-                      <position y="40" x="33"/>
+                      <position x="72" y="40"/>
+                      <position x="33" y="40"/>
-                    <relPosition y="8" x="21"/>
+                    <relPosition x="21" y="8"/>
-                <contact localId="3" width="21" height="15" edge="rising">
-                  <position y="76" x="72"/>
+                <contact localId="3" height="15" width="21" edge="rising">
+                  <position x="72" y="76"/>
-                    <relPosition y="8" x="0"/>
+                    <relPosition x="0" y="8"/>
                     <connection refLocalId="1">
-                      <position y="84" x="72"/>
-                      <position y="84" x="33"/>
+                      <position x="72" y="84"/>
+                      <position x="33" y="84"/>
-                    <relPosition y="8" x="21"/>
+                    <relPosition x="21" y="8"/>
-                <coil localId="4" width="21" height="15" negated="true">
-                  <position y="32" x="208"/>
+                <coil localId="4" height="15" width="21" negated="true">
+                  <position x="208" y="32"/>
-                    <relPosition y="8" x="0"/>
+                    <relPosition x="0" y="8"/>
                     <connection refLocalId="2">
-                      <position y="40" x="208"/>
-                      <position y="40" x="93"/>
+                      <position x="208" y="40"/>
+                      <position x="93" y="40"/>
                     <connection refLocalId="3">
-                      <position y="40" x="208"/>
-                      <position y="40" x="131"/>
-                      <position y="84" x="131"/>
-                      <position y="84" x="93"/>
+                      <position x="208" y="40"/>
+                      <position x="131" y="40"/>
+                      <position x="131" y="84"/>
+                      <position x="93" y="84"/>
-                    <relPosition y="8" x="21"/>
+                    <relPosition x="21" y="8"/>
                 <rightPowerRail localId="5" height="40" width="2">
-                  <position y="19" x="271"/>
+                  <position x="271" y="19"/>
-                    <relPosition y="21" x="0"/>
+                    <relPosition x="0" y="21"/>
                     <connection refLocalId="4">
-                      <position y="40" x="271"/>
-                      <position y="40" x="229"/>
+                      <position x="271" y="40"/>
+                      <position x="229" y="40"/>
@@ -701,188 +707,190 @@
-            <step localId="1" height="31" width="46" initialStep="true" name="Start">
-              <position y="46" x="82"/>
+            <step localId="1" height="31" width="46" name="Start" initialStep="true">
+              <position x="82" y="46"/>
               <connectionPointOut formalParameter="None">
-                <relPosition y="31" x="23"/>
+                <relPosition x="23" y="31"/>
             <transition localId="2" height="2" width="20">
-              <position y="102" x="95"/>
-              <connectionPointIn>
-                <relPosition y="0" x="10"/>
+              <position x="95" y="102"/>
+              <connectionPointIn>
+                <relPosition x="10" y="0"/>
                 <connection refLocalId="1">
-                  <position y="102" x="105"/>
-                  <position y="77" x="105"/>
-                </connection>
-              </connectionPointIn>
-              <connectionPointOut>
-                <relPosition y="2" x="10"/>
+                  <position x="105" y="102"/>
+                  <position x="105" y="77"/>
+                </connection>
+              </connectionPointIn>
+              <connectionPointOut>
+                <relPosition x="10" y="2"/>
                 <reference name="TR1"/>
             <step localId="3" height="27" width="29" name="Init">
-              <position y="129" x="91"/>
-              <connectionPointIn>
-                <relPosition y="0" x="14"/>
+              <position x="91" y="129"/>
+              <connectionPointIn>
+                <relPosition x="14" y="0"/>
                 <connection refLocalId="2">
-                  <position y="129" x="105"/>
-                  <position y="104" x="105"/>
+                  <position x="105" y="129"/>
+                  <position x="105" y="104"/>
               <connectionPointOut formalParameter="None">
-                <relPosition y="27" x="14"/>
+                <relPosition x="14" y="27"/>
               <connectionPointOutAction formalParameter="None">
-                <relPosition y="13" x="29"/>
+                <relPosition x="29" y="13"/>
             <selectionDivergence localId="4" height="1" width="391">
-              <position y="181" x="105"/>
-              <connectionPointIn>
-                <relPosition y="0" x="0"/>
+              <position x="105" y="181"/>
+              <connectionPointIn>
+                <relPosition x="0" y="0"/>
                 <connection refLocalId="3">
-                  <position y="181" x="105"/>
-                  <position y="156" x="105"/>
+                  <position x="105" y="181"/>
+                  <position x="105" y="156"/>
               <connectionPointOut formalParameter="None">
-                <relPosition y="1" x="0"/>
+                <relPosition x="0" y="1"/>
               <connectionPointOut formalParameter="None">
-                <relPosition y="1" x="228"/>
+                <relPosition x="228" y="1"/>
               <connectionPointOut formalParameter="None">
-                <relPosition y="1" x="391"/>
+                <relPosition x="391" y="1"/>
             <transition localId="5" height="2" width="20">
-              <position y="207" x="95"/>
-              <connectionPointIn>
-                <relPosition y="0" x="10"/>
+              <position x="95" y="207"/>
+              <connectionPointIn>
+                <relPosition x="10" y="0"/>
                 <connection refLocalId="4">
-                  <position y="207" x="105"/>
-                  <position y="182" x="105"/>
-                </connection>
-              </connectionPointIn>
-              <connectionPointOut>
-                <relPosition y="2" x="10"/>
+                  <position x="105" y="207"/>
+                  <position x="105" y="182"/>
+                </connection>
+              </connectionPointIn>
+              <connectionPointOut>
+                <relPosition x="10" y="2"/>
                 <inline name="None">
-                  <ST><![CDATA[IN2 AND IN3]]></ST>
+                  <ST>
+<![CDATA[IN2 AND IN3]]>
+                  </ST>
             <step localId="6" height="27" width="48" name="Step1">
-              <position y="262" x="81"/>
-              <connectionPointIn>
-                <relPosition y="0" x="24"/>
+              <position x="81" y="262"/>
+              <connectionPointIn>
+                <relPosition x="24" y="0"/>
                 <connection refLocalId="21">
-                  <position y="262" x="105"/>
-                  <position y="237" x="105"/>
+                  <position x="105" y="262"/>
+                  <position x="105" y="237"/>
               <connectionPointOut formalParameter="None">
-                <relPosition y="27" x="24"/>
+                <relPosition x="24" y="27"/>
-            <transition localId="7" height="2" priority="1" width="20">
-              <position y="207" x="323"/>
-              <connectionPointIn>
-                <relPosition y="0" x="10"/>
+            <transition localId="7" height="2" width="20" priority="1">
+              <position x="323" y="207"/>
+              <connectionPointIn>
+                <relPosition x="10" y="0"/>
                 <connection refLocalId="4">
-                  <position y="207" x="333"/>
-                  <position y="182" x="333"/>
-                </connection>
-              </connectionPointIn>
-              <connectionPointOut>
-                <relPosition y="2" x="10"/>
+                  <position x="333" y="207"/>
+                  <position x="333" y="182"/>
+                </connection>
+              </connectionPointIn>
+              <connectionPointOut>
+                <relPosition x="10" y="2"/>
                 <reference name="TR2"/>
             <step localId="8" height="27" width="48" name="Step2">
-              <position y="234" x="309"/>
-              <connectionPointIn>
-                <relPosition y="0" x="24"/>
+              <position x="309" y="234"/>
+              <connectionPointIn>
+                <relPosition x="24" y="0"/>
                 <connection refLocalId="7">
-                  <position y="234" x="333"/>
-                  <position y="209" x="333"/>
+                  <position x="333" y="234"/>
+                  <position x="333" y="209"/>
               <connectionPointOut formalParameter="None">
-                <relPosition y="27" x="24"/>
+                <relPosition x="24" y="27"/>
             <transition localId="9" height="2" width="20">
-              <position y="207" x="486"/>
-              <connectionPointIn>
-                <relPosition y="0" x="10"/>
+              <position x="486" y="207"/>
+              <connectionPointIn>
+                <relPosition x="10" y="0"/>
                 <connection refLocalId="4">
-                  <position y="207" x="496"/>
-                  <position y="182" x="496"/>
-                </connection>
-              </connectionPointIn>
-              <connectionPointOut>
-                <relPosition y="2" x="10"/>
+                  <position x="496" y="207"/>
+                  <position x="496" y="182"/>
+                </connection>
+              </connectionPointIn>
+              <connectionPointOut>
+                <relPosition x="10" y="2"/>
                 <reference name="TR4"/>
             <step localId="10" height="27" width="48" name="Step3">
-              <position y="234" x="472"/>
-              <connectionPointIn>
-                <relPosition y="0" x="24"/>
+              <position x="472" y="234"/>
+              <connectionPointIn>
+                <relPosition x="24" y="0"/>
                 <connection refLocalId="9">
-                  <position y="234" x="496"/>
-                  <position y="209" x="496"/>
+                  <position x="496" y="234"/>
+                  <position x="496" y="209"/>
               <connectionPointOut formalParameter="None">
-                <relPosition y="27" x="24"/>
+                <relPosition x="24" y="27"/>
               <connectionPointOutAction formalParameter="None">
-                <relPosition y="13" x="48"/>
+                <relPosition x="48" y="13"/>
             <transition localId="11" height="2" width="20">
-              <position y="342" x="95"/>
-              <connectionPointIn>
-                <relPosition y="0" x="10"/>
+              <position x="95" y="342"/>
+              <connectionPointIn>
+                <relPosition x="10" y="0"/>
                 <connection refLocalId="23">
-                  <position y="342" x="105"/>
-                  <position y="317" x="105"/>
-                </connection>
-              </connectionPointIn>
-              <connectionPointOut>
-                <relPosition y="2" x="10"/>
+                  <position x="105" y="342"/>
+                  <position x="105" y="317"/>
+                </connection>
+              </connectionPointIn>
+              <connectionPointOut>
+                <relPosition x="10" y="2"/>
                 <reference name="TR3"/>
             <jumpStep localId="12" height="13" width="12" targetName="Start">
-              <position y="369" x="99"/>
-              <connectionPointIn>
-                <relPosition y="0" x="6"/>
+              <position x="99" y="369"/>
+              <connectionPointIn>
+                <relPosition x="6" y="0"/>
                 <connection refLocalId="11">
-                  <position y="369" x="105"/>
-                  <position y="344" x="105"/>
+                  <position x="105" y="369"/>
+                  <position x="105" y="344"/>
             <actionBlock localId="13" height="30" width="100">
-              <position y="127" x="145"/>
-              <connectionPointIn>
-                <relPosition y="15" x="0"/>
+              <position x="145" y="127"/>
+              <connectionPointIn>
+                <relPosition x="0" y="15"/>
                 <connection refLocalId="3">
-                  <position y="142" x="145"/>
-                  <position y="142" x="120"/>
+                  <position x="145" y="142"/>
+                  <position x="120" y="142"/>
@@ -890,78 +898,82 @@
             <transition localId="14" height="2" width="20">
-              <position y="286" x="323"/>
-              <connectionPointIn>
-                <relPosition y="0" x="10"/>
+              <position x="323" y="286"/>
+              <connectionPointIn>
+                <relPosition x="10" y="0"/>
                 <connection refLocalId="8">
-                  <position y="286" x="333"/>
-                  <position y="261" x="333"/>
-                </connection>
-              </connectionPointIn>
-              <connectionPointOut>
-                <relPosition y="2" x="10"/>
+                  <position x="333" y="286"/>
+                  <position x="333" y="261"/>
+                </connection>
+              </connectionPointIn>
+              <connectionPointOut>
+                <relPosition x="10" y="2"/>
                 <inline name="None">
-                  <ST><![CDATA[IN5]]></ST>
+                  <ST>
+                  </ST>
             <transition localId="15" height="2" width="20">
-              <position y="346" x="486"/>
-              <connectionPointIn>
-                <relPosition y="0" x="10"/>
+              <position x="486" y="346"/>
+              <connectionPointIn>
+                <relPosition x="10" y="0"/>
                 <connection refLocalId="10">
-                  <position y="346" x="496"/>
-                  <position y="261" x="496"/>
-                </connection>
-              </connectionPointIn>
-              <connectionPointOut>
-                <relPosition y="2" x="10"/>
+                  <position x="496" y="346"/>
+                  <position x="496" y="261"/>
+                </connection>
+              </connectionPointIn>
+              <connectionPointOut>
+                <relPosition x="10" y="2"/>
                 <inline name="None">
-                  <ST><![CDATA[IN5]]></ST>
+                  <ST>
+                  </ST>
             <selectionConvergence localId="16" height="1" width="163">
-              <position y="373" x="333"/>
-              <connectionPointIn>
-                <relPosition y="0" x="0"/>
+              <position x="333" y="373"/>
+              <connectionPointIn>
+                <relPosition x="0" y="0"/>
                 <connection refLocalId="14">
-                  <position y="373" x="333"/>
-                  <position y="288" x="333"/>
-                </connection>
-              </connectionPointIn>
-              <connectionPointIn>
-                <relPosition y="0" x="163"/>
+                  <position x="333" y="373"/>
+                  <position x="333" y="288"/>
+                </connection>
+              </connectionPointIn>
+              <connectionPointIn>
+                <relPosition x="163" y="0"/>
                 <connection refLocalId="15">
-                  <position y="373" x="496"/>
-                  <position y="348" x="496"/>
-                </connection>
-              </connectionPointIn>
-              <connectionPointOut>
-                <relPosition y="1" x="80"/>
+                  <position x="496" y="373"/>
+                  <position x="496" y="348"/>
+                </connection>
+              </connectionPointIn>
+              <connectionPointOut>
+                <relPosition x="80" y="1"/>
             <jumpStep localId="19" height="13" width="12" targetName="Init">
-              <position y="399" x="407"/>
-              <connectionPointIn>
-                <relPosition y="0" x="6"/>
+              <position x="407" y="399"/>
+              <connectionPointIn>
+                <relPosition x="6" y="0"/>
                 <connection refLocalId="16">
-                  <position y="399" x="413"/>
-                  <position y="374" x="413"/>
+                  <position x="413" y="399"/>
+                  <position x="413" y="374"/>
             <actionBlock localId="20" height="90" width="173">
-              <position y="232" x="545"/>
-              <connectionPointIn>
-                <relPosition y="15" x="0"/>
+              <position x="545" y="232"/>
+              <connectionPointIn>
+                <relPosition x="0" y="15"/>
                 <connection refLocalId="10">
-                  <position y="247" x="545"/>
-                  <position y="247" x="520"/>
+                  <position x="545" y="247"/>
+                  <position x="520" y="247"/>
               <action indicator="IN5">
@@ -972,57 +984,59 @@
               <action qualifier="P">
-                  <ST><![CDATA[IN2 := TRUE;]]></ST>
+                  <ST>
+<![CDATA[IN2 := TRUE;]]>
+                  </ST>
             <simultaneousDivergence localId="21" height="3" width="118">
-              <position y="234" x="105"/>
-              <connectionPointIn>
-                <relPosition y="0" x="0"/>
+              <position x="105" y="234"/>
+              <connectionPointIn>
+                <relPosition x="0" y="0"/>
                 <connection refLocalId="5">
-                  <position y="234" x="105"/>
-                  <position y="209" x="105"/>
+                  <position x="105" y="234"/>
+                  <position x="105" y="209"/>
               <connectionPointOut formalParameter="None">
-                <relPosition y="3" x="0"/>
+                <relPosition x="0" y="3"/>
               <connectionPointOut formalParameter="None">
-                <relPosition y="3" x="118"/>
+                <relPosition x="118" y="3"/>
             <step localId="22" height="27" width="48" name="Step4">
-              <position y="262" x="199"/>
-              <connectionPointIn>
-                <relPosition y="0" x="24"/>
+              <position x="199" y="262"/>
+              <connectionPointIn>
+                <relPosition x="24" y="0"/>
                 <connection refLocalId="21">
-                  <position y="262" x="223"/>
-                  <position y="237" x="223"/>
+                  <position x="223" y="262"/>
+                  <position x="223" y="237"/>
               <connectionPointOut formalParameter="None">
-                <relPosition y="27" x="24"/>
+                <relPosition x="24" y="27"/>
             <simultaneousConvergence localId="23" height="3" width="118">
-              <position y="314" x="105"/>
-              <connectionPointIn>
-                <relPosition y="0" x="0"/>
+              <position x="105" y="314"/>
+              <connectionPointIn>
+                <relPosition x="0" y="0"/>
                 <connection refLocalId="6">
-                  <position y="314" x="105"/>
-                  <position y="289" x="105"/>
-                </connection>
-              </connectionPointIn>
-              <connectionPointIn>
-                <relPosition y="0" x="118"/>
+                  <position x="105" y="314"/>
+                  <position x="105" y="289"/>
+                </connection>
+              </connectionPointIn>
+              <connectionPointIn>
+                <relPosition x="118" y="0"/>
                 <connection refLocalId="22">
-                  <position y="314" x="223"/>
-                  <position y="289" x="223"/>
-                </connection>
-              </connectionPointIn>
-              <connectionPointOut>
-                <relPosition y="3" x="0"/>
+                  <position x="223" y="314"/>
+                  <position x="223" y="289"/>
+                </connection>
+              </connectionPointIn>
+              <connectionPointOut>
+                <relPosition x="0" y="3"/>
@@ -1101,8 +1115,8 @@
       <configuration name="ConfigTest">
         <resource name="ResourceTest">
-          <task name="Toto" priority="6" single="Tutu">
-            <pouInstance type="SFCTest" name="Program1"/>
+          <task name="Toto" single="Tutu" priority="6">
+            <pouInstance name="Program1" type="SFCTest"/>
             <variable name="Titi" address="%MW30">
--- a/plcopen/	Tue Jan 22 10:53:34 2008 +0100
+++ b/plcopen/	Tue Jan 22 10:57:41 2008 +0100
@@ -28,8 +28,6 @@
 import plcopen
 for classname, cls in plcopen.PLCOpenClasses.items():
     plcopen.__dict__[classname] = cls
-for typename, typ in plcopen.PLCOpenTypes.items():
-    plcopen.__dict__[typename] = typ
 from plcopen import VarOrder
 from structures import *
--- a/plcopen/	Tue Jan 22 10:53:34 2008 +0100
+++ b/plcopen/	Tue Jan 22 10:57:41 2008 +0100
@@ -44,37 +44,10 @@
 QualifierList = {"N" : False, "R" : False, "S" : False, "L" : True, "D" : True, 
     "P" : False, "P0" : False, "P1" : False, "SD" : True, "DS" : True, "SL" : True}
-PLCOpenClasses, PLCOpenTypes = GenerateClassesFromXSD(os.path.join(os.path.split(__file__)[0], "TC6_XML_V10_B.xsd"))
+PLCOpenClasses = GenerateClassesFromXSD(os.path.join(os.path.split(__file__)[0], "TC6_XML_V10_B.xsd"))
 cls = PLCOpenClasses.get("formattedText", None)
 if cls:
-    cls.text = ""
-    def getText(self):
-        return self.text
-    setattr(cls, "getText", getText)
-    def setText(self, text):
-        self.text = text
-    setattr(cls, "setText", setText)
-    def loadXMLTree(self, tree):
-        self.text = GetAttributeValue(tree)
-        if len(self.text.splitlines()) > 1:
-            self.text = self.text[1:].rstrip()
-    setattr(cls, "loadXMLTree", loadXMLTree)
-    def generateXMLText(self, name, indent, extras = {}):
-        ind1, ind2 = getIndent(indent, name)
-        if len(self.text.splitlines()) > 1:
-            text = ind1 + "<%s>\n<![CDATA[\n"%name
-            text += "%s\n"%self.text
-            text += "]]>\n" + ind1 + "</%s>\n"%name
-            return text
-        else:
-            return ind1 + "<%s><![CDATA[%s]]></%s>\n"%(name, self.text, name)
-    setattr(cls, "generateXMLText", generateXMLText)
     def updateElementName(self, old_name, new_name):
         index = self.text.find(old_name)
         while index != -1:
@@ -91,187 +64,187 @@
 if cls:
     cls.singleLineAttributes = False
-    def setName(self, name):
-        self.contentHeader.setName(name)
-    setattr(cls, "setName", setName)
+    def setname(self, name):
+        self.contentHeader.setname(name)
+    setattr(cls, "setname", setname)
-    def getName(self):
-        return self.contentHeader.getName()
-    setattr(cls, "getName", getName)
-    def getFileHeader(self):
+    def getname(self):
+        return self.contentHeader.getname()
+    setattr(cls, "getname", getname)
+    def getfileHeader(self):
         fileheader = {}
-        fileheader["companyName"] = self.fileHeader.getCompanyName()
-        if self.fileHeader.getCompanyURL():
-            fileheader["companyURL"] = self.fileHeader.getCompanyURL()
-        fileheader["productName"] = self.fileHeader.getProductName()
-        fileheader["productVersion"] = self.fileHeader.getProductVersion()
-        if self.fileHeader.getProductRelease():
-            fileheader["productRelease"] = self.fileHeader.getProductRelease()
-        fileheader["creationDateTime"] = self.fileHeader.getCreationDateTime()
-        if self.fileHeader.getContentDescription():
-            fileheader["contentDescription"] = self.fileHeader.getContentDescription()
+        fileheader["companyName"] = self.fileHeader.getcompanyName()
+        if self.fileHeader.getcompanyURL():
+            fileheader["companyURL"] = self.fileHeader.getcompanyURL()
+        fileheader["productName"] = self.fileHeader.getproductName()
+        fileheader["productVersion"] = self.fileHeader.getproductVersion()
+        if self.fileHeader.getproductRelease():
+            fileheader["productRelease"] = self.fileHeader.getproductRelease()
+        fileheader["creationDateTime"] = self.fileHeader.getcreationDateTime()
+        if self.fileHeader.getcontentDescription():
+            fileheader["contentDescription"] = self.fileHeader.getcontentDescription()
         return fileheader
-    setattr(cls, "getFileHeader", getFileHeader)
-    def setFileHeader(self, fileheader):
-        self.fileHeader.setCompanyName(fileheader["companyName"])
+    setattr(cls, "getfileHeader", getfileHeader)
+    def setfileHeader(self, fileheader):
+        self.fileHeader.setcompanyName(fileheader["companyName"])
         if "companyURL" in fileheader:
-            self.fileHeader.setCompanyURL(fileheader["companyURL"])
-        self.fileHeader.setProductName(fileheader["productName"])
-        self.fileHeader.setProductVersion(fileheader["productVersion"])
+            self.fileHeader.setcompanyURL(fileheader["companyURL"])
+        self.fileHeader.setproductName(fileheader["productName"])
+        self.fileHeader.setproductVersion(fileheader["productVersion"])
         if "productRelease" in fileheader:
-            self.fileHeader.setProductRelease(fileheader["productRelease"])
-        self.fileHeader.setCreationDateTime(fileheader["creationDateTime"])
+            self.fileHeader.setproductRelease(fileheader["productRelease"])
+        self.fileHeader.setcreationDateTime(fileheader["creationDateTime"])
         if "contentDescription" in fileheader:
-            self.fileHeader.setContentDescription(fileheader["contentDescription"])
-    setattr(cls, "setFileHeader", setFileHeader)
-    def getContentHeader(self):
+            self.fileHeader.setcontentDescription(fileheader["contentDescription"])
+    setattr(cls, "setfileHeader", setfileHeader)
+    def getcontentHeader(self):
         contentheader = {}
-        contentheader["projectName"] = self.contentHeader.getName()
-        if self.contentHeader.getVersion():
-            contentheader["projectVersion"] = self.contentHeader.getVersion()
-        if self.contentHeader.getModificationDateTime():
-            contentheader["modificationDateTime"] = self.contentHeader.getModificationDateTime()
-        if self.contentHeader.getOrganization():
-            contentheader["organization"] = self.contentHeader.getOrganization()
-        if self.contentHeader.getAuthor():
-            contentheader["authorName"] = self.contentHeader.getAuthor()
-        if self.contentHeader.getLanguage():
-            contentheader["language"] = self.contentHeader.getLanguage()
-        contentheader["pageSize"] = self.contentHeader.getPageSize()
-        contentheader["scaling"] = self.contentHeader.getScaling()
+        contentheader["projectName"] = self.contentHeader.getname()
+        if self.contentHeader.getversion():
+            contentheader["projectVersion"] = self.contentHeader.getversion()
+        if self.contentHeader.getmodificationDateTime():
+            contentheader["modificationDateTime"] = self.contentHeader.getmodificationDateTime()
+        if self.contentHeader.getorganization():
+            contentheader["organization"] = self.contentHeader.getorganization()
+        if self.contentHeader.getauthor():
+            contentheader["authorName"] = self.contentHeader.getauthor()
+        if self.contentHeader.getlanguage():
+            contentheader["language"] = self.contentHeader.getlanguage()
+        contentheader["pageSize"] = self.contentHeader.getpageSize()
+        contentheader["scaling"] = self.contentHeader.getscaling()
         return contentheader
-    setattr(cls, "getContentHeader", getContentHeader)
-    def setContentHeader(self, contentheader):
-        self.contentHeader.setName(contentheader["projectName"])
+    setattr(cls, "getcontentHeader", getcontentHeader)
+    def setcontentHeader(self, contentheader):
+        self.contentHeader.setname(contentheader["projectName"])
         if "projectVersion" in contentheader:
-            self.contentHeader.setVersion(contentheader["projectVersion"])
+            self.contentHeader.setversion(contentheader["projectVersion"])
         if "modificationDateTime" in contentheader:
-            self.contentHeader.setModificationDateTime(contentheader["modificationDateTime"])
+            self.contentHeader.setmodificationDateTime(contentheader["modificationDateTime"])
         if "organization" in contentheader:
-            self.contentHeader.setOrganization(contentheader["organization"])
+            self.contentHeader.setorganization(contentheader["organization"])
         if "authorName" in contentheader:
-            self.contentHeader.setAuthor(contentheader["authorName"])
+            self.contentHeader.setauthor(contentheader["authorName"])
         if "language" in contentheader:
-            self.contentHeader.setLanguage(contentheader["language"])
-        self.contentHeader.setPageSize(*contentheader["pageSize"])
-        self.contentHeader.setScaling(contentheader["scaling"])
-    setattr(cls, "setContentHeader", setContentHeader)
-    def getDataTypes(self):
-        return self.types.getDataTypeElements()
-    setattr(cls, "getDataTypes", getDataTypes)
-    def getDataType(self, name):
-        return self.types.getDataTypeElement(name)
-    setattr(cls, "getDataType", getDataType)
-    def appendDataType(self, name):
-        self.types.appendDataTypeElement(name)
-    setattr(cls, "appendDataType", appendDataType)
+            self.contentHeader.setlanguage(contentheader["language"])
+        self.contentHeader.setpageSize(*contentheader["pageSize"])
+        self.contentHeader.setscaling(contentheader["scaling"])
+    setattr(cls, "setcontentHeader", setcontentHeader)
+    def getdataTypes(self):
+        return self.types.getdataTypeElements()
+    setattr(cls, "getdataTypes", getdataTypes)
+    def getdataType(self, name):
+        return self.types.getdataTypeElement(name)
+    setattr(cls, "getdataType", getdataType)
+    def appenddataType(self, name):
+        self.types.appenddataTypeElement(name)
+    setattr(cls, "appenddataType", appenddataType)
-    def insertDataType(self, index, datatype):
-        self.types.insertDataTypeElement(index, datatype)
-    setattr(cls, "insertDataType", insertDataType)
-    def removeDataType(self, name):
-        self.types.removeDataTypeElement(name)
-    setattr(cls, "removeDataType", removeDataType)
-    def getPous(self):
-        return self.types.getPouElements()
-    setattr(cls, "getPous", getPous)
-    def getPou(self, name):
-        return self.types.getPouElement(name)
-    setattr(cls, "getPou", getPou)
-    def appendPou(self, name, pou_type, body_type):
-        self.types.appendPouElement(name, pou_type, body_type)
-    setattr(cls, "appendPou", appendPou)
+    def insertdataType(self, index, datatype):
+        self.types.insertdataTypeElement(index, datatype)
+    setattr(cls, "insertdataType", insertdataType)
+    def removedataType(self, name):
+        self.types.removedataTypeElement(name)
+    setattr(cls, "removedataType", removedataType)
+    def getpous(self):
+        return self.types.getpouElements()
+    setattr(cls, "getpous", getpous)
+    def getpou(self, name):
+        return self.types.getpouElement(name)
+    setattr(cls, "getpou", getpou)
+    def appendpou(self, name, pou_type, body_type):
+        self.types.appendpouElement(name, pou_type, body_type)
+    setattr(cls, "appendpou", appendpou)
-    def insertPou(self, index, pou):
-        self.types.insertPouElement(index, pou)
-    setattr(cls, "insertPou", insertPou)
-    def removePou(self, name):
-        self.types.removePouElement(name)
-    setattr(cls, "removePou", removePou)
-    def getConfigurations(self):
-        configurations = self.instances.configurations.getConfiguration()
+    def insertpou(self, index, pou):
+        self.types.insertpouElement(index, pou)
+    setattr(cls, "insertpou", insertpou)
+    def removepou(self, name):
+        self.types.removepouElement(name)
+    setattr(cls, "removepou", removepou)
+    def getconfigurations(self):
+        configurations = self.instances.configurations.getconfiguration()
         if configurations:
             return configurations
         return []
-    setattr(cls, "getConfigurations", getConfigurations)
-    def getConfiguration(self, name):
-        for configuration in self.instances.configurations.getConfiguration():
-            if configuration.getName() == name:
+    setattr(cls, "getconfigurations", getconfigurations)
+    def getconfiguration(self, name):
+        for configuration in self.instances.configurations.getconfiguration():
+            if configuration.getname() == name:
                 return configuration
         return None
-    setattr(cls, "getConfiguration", getConfiguration)
-    def addConfiguration(self, name):
-        for configuration in self.instances.configurations.getConfiguration():
-            if configuration.getName() == name:
+    setattr(cls, "getconfiguration", getconfiguration)
+    def addconfiguration(self, name):
+        for configuration in self.instances.configurations.getconfiguration():
+            if configuration.getname() == name:
                 raise ValueError, "\"%s\" configuration already exists !!!"%name
         new_configuration = PLCOpenClasses["configurations_configuration"]()
-        new_configuration.setName(name)
-        self.instances.configurations.appendConfiguration(new_configuration)
-    setattr(cls, "addConfiguration", addConfiguration)    
-    def removeConfiguration(self, name):
+        new_configuration.setname(name)
+        self.instances.configurations.appendconfiguration(new_configuration)
+    setattr(cls, "addconfiguration", addconfiguration)    
+    def removeconfiguration(self, name):
         found = False
-        for idx, configuration in enumerate(self.instances.configurations.getConfiguration()):
-            if configuration.getName() == name:
-                self.instances.configurations.removeConfiguration(idx)
+        for idx, configuration in enumerate(self.instances.configurations.getconfiguration()):
+            if configuration.getname() == name:
+                self.instances.configurations.removeconfiguration(idx)
                 found = True
         if not found:
             raise ValueError, "\"%s\" configuration doesn't exist !!!"%name
-    setattr(cls, "removeConfiguration", removeConfiguration)
-    def getConfigurationResource(self, config_name, name):
-        configuration = self.getConfiguration(config_name)
+    setattr(cls, "removeconfiguration", removeconfiguration)
+    def getconfigurationResource(self, config_name, name):
+        configuration = self.getconfiguration(config_name)
         if configuration:
-            for resource in configuration.getResource():
-                if resource.getName() == name:
+            for resource in configuration.getresource():
+                if resource.getname() == name:
                     return resource
         return None
-    setattr(cls, "getConfigurationResource", getConfigurationResource)
-    def addConfigurationResource(self, config_name, name):
-        configuration = self.getConfiguration(config_name)
+    setattr(cls, "getconfigurationResource", getconfigurationResource)
+    def addconfigurationResource(self, config_name, name):
+        configuration = self.getconfiguration(config_name)
         if configuration:
-            for resource in configuration.getResource():
-                if resource.getName() == name:
+            for resource in configuration.getresource():
+                if resource.getname() == name:
                     raise ValueError, "\"%s\" resource already exists in \"%s\" configuration !!!"%(name, config_name)
             new_resource = PLCOpenClasses["configuration_resource"]()
-            new_resource.setName(name)
-            configuration.appendResource(new_resource)
-    setattr(cls, "addConfigurationResource", addConfigurationResource)
-    def removeConfigurationResource(self, config_name, name):
-        configuration = self.getConfiguration(config_name)
+            new_resource.setname(name)
+            configuration.appendresource(new_resource)
+    setattr(cls, "addconfigurationResource", addconfigurationResource)
+    def removeconfigurationResource(self, config_name, name):
+        configuration = self.getconfiguration(config_name)
         if configuration:
             found = False
-            for idx, resource in enumerate(configuration.getResource()):
-                if resource.getName() == name:
-                    configuration.removeResource(idx)
+            for idx, resource in enumerate(configuration.getresource()):
+                if resource.getname() == name:
+                    configuration.removeresource(idx)
                     found = True
             if not found:
                 raise ValueError, "\"%s\" resource doesn't exist in \"%s\" configuration !!!"%(name, config_name)
-    setattr(cls, "removeConfigurationResource", removeConfigurationResource)
-    def updateElementName(self, old_name, new_name):
-        for pou in self.types.getPouElements():
+    setattr(cls, "removeconfigurationResource", removeconfigurationResource)
+    def updateElementName(self, old_name, new_name):
+        for pou in self.types.getpouElements():
             pou.updateElementName(old_name, new_name)
-        for configuration in self.instances.configurations.getConfiguration():
+        for configuration in self.instances.configurations.getconfiguration():
             configuration.updateElementName(old_name, new_name)
     setattr(cls, "updateElementName", updateElementName)
@@ -283,71 +256,71 @@
 if cls:
     cls.singleLineAttributes = False
-    def setPageSize(self, width, height):
-        self.coordinateInfo.setPageSize(width, height)
-    setattr(cls, "setPageSize", setPageSize)
-    def getPageSize(self):
-        return self.coordinateInfo.getPageSize()
-    setattr(cls, "getPageSize", getPageSize)
-    def setScaling(self, scaling):
+    def setpageSize(self, width, height):
+        self.coordinateInfo.setpageSize(width, height)
+    setattr(cls, "setpageSize", setpageSize)
+    def getpageSize(self):
+        return self.coordinateInfo.getpageSize()
+    setattr(cls, "getpageSize", getpageSize)
+    def setscaling(self, scaling):
         for language, (x, y) in scaling.items():
-            self.coordinateInfo.setScaling(language, x, y)
-    setattr(cls, "setScaling", setScaling)
-    def getScaling(self):
+            self.coordinateInfo.setscaling(language, x, y)
+    setattr(cls, "setscaling", setscaling)
+    def getscaling(self):
         scaling = {}
-        scaling["FBD"] = self.coordinateInfo.getScaling("FBD")
-        scaling["LD"] = self.coordinateInfo.getScaling("LD")
-        scaling["SFC"] = self.coordinateInfo.getScaling("SFC")
+        scaling["FBD"] = self.coordinateInfo.getscaling("FBD")
+        scaling["LD"] = self.coordinateInfo.getscaling("LD")
+        scaling["SFC"] = self.coordinateInfo.getscaling("SFC")
         return scaling
-    setattr(cls, "getScaling", getScaling)
+    setattr(cls, "getscaling", getscaling)
 cls = PLCOpenClasses.get("contentHeader_coordinateInfo", None)
 if cls:
-    def setPageSize(self, width, height):
+    def setpageSize(self, width, height):
         if width == 0 and height == 0:
-            self.deletePageSize()
+            self.deletepageSize()
             if self.pageSize is None:
-                self.addPageSize()
-            self.pageSize.setX(width)
-            self.pageSize.setY(height)
-    setattr(cls, "setPageSize", setPageSize)
-    def getPageSize(self):
+                self.addpageSize()
+            self.pageSize.setx(width)
+            self.pageSize.sety(height)
+    setattr(cls, "setpageSize", setpageSize)
+    def getpageSize(self):
         if self.pageSize is not None:
-            return self.pageSize.getX(), self.pageSize.getY()
+            return self.pageSize.getx(), self.pageSize.gety()
         return 0, 0
-    setattr(cls, "getPageSize", getPageSize)
-    def setScaling(self, language, x, y):
+    setattr(cls, "getpageSize", getpageSize)
+    def setscaling(self, language, x, y):
         if language == "FBD":
-            self.fbd.scaling.setX(x)
-            self.fbd.scaling.setY(y)
+            self.fbd.scaling.setx(x)
+            self.fbd.scaling.sety(y)
         elif language == "LD":
-            self.ld.scaling.setX(x)
-            self.ld.scaling.setY(y)
+            self.ld.scaling.setx(x)
+            self.ld.scaling.sety(y)
         elif language == "SFC":
-            self.sfc.scaling.setX(x)
-            self.sfc.scaling.setY(y)
-    setattr(cls, "setScaling", setScaling)
-    def getScaling(self, language):
+            self.sfc.scaling.setx(x)
+            self.sfc.scaling.sety(y)
+    setattr(cls, "setscaling", setscaling)
+    def getscaling(self, language):
         if language == "FBD":
-            return self.fbd.scaling.getX(), self.fbd.scaling.getY()
+            return self.fbd.scaling.getx(), self.fbd.scaling.gety()
         elif language == "LD":
-            return self.ld.scaling.getX(), self.ld.scaling.getY()
+            return self.ld.scaling.getx(), self.ld.scaling.gety()
         elif language == "SFC":
-            return self.sfc.scaling.getX(), self.sfc.scaling.getY()
+            return self.sfc.scaling.getx(), self.sfc.scaling.gety()
         return 0, 0
-    setattr(cls, "getScaling", getScaling)
+    setattr(cls, "getscaling", getscaling)
 cls = PLCOpenClasses.get("configurations_configuration", None)
 if cls:
     def updateElementName(self, old_name, new_name):
-        for resource in self.getResource():
+        for resource in self.getresource():
             resource.updateElementName(old_name, new_name)
     setattr(cls, "updateElementName", updateElementName)
@@ -379,850 +352,798 @@
 cls = PLCOpenClasses.get("project_types", None)
 if cls:
-    def getDataTypeElements(self):
-        return self.dataTypes.getDataType()
-    setattr(cls, "getDataTypeElements", getDataTypeElements)
-    def getDataTypeElement(self, name):
-        elements = self.dataTypes.getDataType()
+    def getdataTypeElements(self):
+        return self.dataTypes.getdataType()
+    setattr(cls, "getdataTypeElements", getdataTypeElements)
+    def getdataTypeElement(self, name):
+        elements = self.dataTypes.getdataType()
         for element in elements:
-            if element.getName() == name:
+            if element.getname() == name:
                 return element
         return None
-    setattr(cls, "getDataTypeElement", getDataTypeElement)
-    def appendDataTypeElement(self, name):
-        for element in self.dataTypes.getDataType():
-            if element.getName() == name:
+    setattr(cls, "getdataTypeElement", getdataTypeElement)
+    def appenddataTypeElement(self, name):
+        for element in self.dataTypes.getdataType():
+            if element.getname() == name:
                 raise ValueError, "\"%s\" Data Type already exists !!!"%name
         new_datatype = PLCOpenClasses["dataTypes_dataType"]()
-        new_datatype.setName(name)
-        new_datatype.baseType.setContent("BOOL", None)
-        self.dataTypes.appendDataType(new_datatype)
-    setattr(cls, "appendDataTypeElement", appendDataTypeElement)
+        new_datatype.setname(name)
+        new_datatype.baseType.setcontent({"name" : "BOOL", "value" : None})
+        self.dataTypes.appenddataType(new_datatype)
+    setattr(cls, "appenddataTypeElement", appenddataTypeElement)
-    def insertDataTypeElement(self, index, datatype):
-        self.dataTypes.insertDataType(index, datatype)
-    setattr(cls, "insertDataTypeElement", insertDataTypeElement)
-    def removeDataTypeElement(self, name):
+    def insertdataTypeElement(self, index, dataType):
+        self.dataTypes.insertdataType(index, dataType)
+    setattr(cls, "insertdataTypeElement", insertdataTypeElement)
+    def removedataTypeElement(self, name):
         found = False
-        for idx, element in enumerate(self.dataTypes.getDataType()):
-            if element.getName() == name:
-                self.dataTypes.removeDataType(idx)
+        for idx, element in enumerate(self.dataTypes.getdataType()):
+            if element.getname() == name:
+                self.dataTypes.removedataType(idx)
                 found = True
         if not found:
             raise ValueError, "\"%s\" Data Type doesn't exist !!!"%name
-    setattr(cls, "removeDataTypeElement", removeDataTypeElement)
-    def getPouElements(self):
-        return self.pous.getPou()
-    setattr(cls, "getPouElements", getPouElements)
-    def getPouElement(self, name):
-        elements = self.pous.getPou()
+    setattr(cls, "removedataTypeElement", removedataTypeElement)
+    def getpouElements(self):
+        return self.pous.getpou()
+    setattr(cls, "getpouElements", getpouElements)
+    def getpouElement(self, name):
+        elements = self.pous.getpou()
         for element in elements:
-            if element.getName() == name:
+            if element.getname() == name:
                 return element
         return None
-    setattr(cls, "getPouElement", getPouElement)
-    def appendPouElement(self, name, pou_type, body_type):
-        for element in self.pous.getPou():
-            if element.getName() == name:
+    setattr(cls, "getpouElement", getpouElement)
+    def appendpouElement(self, name, pou_type, body_type):
+        for element in self.pous.getpou():
+            if element.getname() == name:
                 raise ValueError, "\"%s\" POU already exists !!!"%name
         new_pou = PLCOpenClasses["pous_pou"]()
-        new_pou.setName(name)
-        new_pou.pouType.setValue(pou_type)
-        new_pou.setBody(PLCOpenClasses["body"]())
-        new_pou.setBodyType(body_type)
-        self.pous.appendPou(new_pou)
-    setattr(cls, "appendPouElement", appendPouElement)
+        new_pou.setname(name)
+        new_pou.setpouType(pou_type)
+        new_pou.setbody(PLCOpenClasses["body"]())
+        new_pou.setbodyType(body_type)
+        self.pous.appendpou(new_pou)
+    setattr(cls, "appendpouElement", appendpouElement)
-    def insertPouElement(self, index, pou):
-        self.pous.insertPou(index, pou)
-    setattr(cls, "insertPouElement", insertPouElement)
-    def removePouElement(self, name):
+    def insertpouElement(self, index, pou):
+        self.pous.insertpou(index, pou)
+    setattr(cls, "insertpouElement", insertpouElement)
+    def removepouElement(self, name):
         found = False
-        for idx, element in enumerate(self.pous.getPou()):
-            if element.getName() == name:
-                self.pous.removePou(idx)
+        for idx, element in enumerate(self.pous.getpou()):
+            if element.getname() == name:
+                self.pous.removepou(idx)
                 found = True
         if not found:
             raise ValueError, "\"%s\" POU doesn't exist !!!"%name
-    setattr(cls, "removePouElement", removePouElement)
-def setBodyType(self, type):
+    setattr(cls, "removepouElement", removepouElement)
+def setbodyType(self, type):
     if type == "IL":
-        self.body.setContent("IL", PLCOpenClasses["formattedText"]())
+        self.body.setcontent({"name" : "IL", "value" : PLCOpenClasses["formattedText"]()})
     elif type == "ST":
-        self.body.setContent("ST", PLCOpenClasses["formattedText"]())
+        self.body.setcontent({"name" : "ST", "value" : PLCOpenClasses["formattedText"]()})
     elif type == "LD":
-        self.body.setContent("LD", PLCOpenClasses["body_LD"]())
+        self.body.setcontent({"name" : "LD", "value" : PLCOpenClasses["body_LD"]()})
     elif type == "FBD":
-        self.body.setContent("FBD", PLCOpenClasses["body_FBD"]())
+        self.body.setcontent({"name" : "FBD", "value" : PLCOpenClasses["body_FBD"]()})
     elif type == "SFC":
-        self.body.setContent("SFC", PLCOpenClasses["body_SFC"]())
+        self.body.setcontent({"name" : "SFC", "value" : PLCOpenClasses["body_SFC"]()})
         raise ValueError, "%s isn't a valid body type!"%type
-def getBodyType(self):
-    return self.body.getContent()["name"]
-def resetExecutionOrder(self):
-    self.body.resetExecutionOrder()
-def compileExecutionOrder(self):
-    self.body.compileExecutionOrder()
-def setElementExecutionOrder(self, instance, new_executionOrder):
-    self.body.setElementExecutionOrder(instance, new_executionOrder)
-def addInstance(self, name, instance):
-    self.body.appendContentInstance(name, instance)
-def getInstances(self):
-    return self.body.getContentInstances()
-def getInstance(self, id):
-    return self.body.getContentInstance(id)
-def getRandomInstance(self, exclude):
-    return self.body.getContentRandomInstance(exclude)
-def getInstanceByName(self, name):
-    return self.body.getContentInstanceByName(name)
-def removeInstance(self, id):
-    self.body.removeContentInstance(id)
-def setText(self, text):
-    self.body.setText(text)
-def getText(self):
-    return self.body.getText()
-setattr(cls, "getText", getText)
+def getbodyType(self):
+    return self.body.getcontent()["name"]
+def resetexecutionOrder(self):
+    self.body.resetexecutionOrder()
+def compileexecutionOrder(self):
+    self.body.compileexecutionOrder()
+def setelementExecutionOrder(self, instance, new_executionOrder):
+    self.body.setelementExecutionOrder(instance, new_executionOrder)
+def addinstance(self, name, instance):
+    self.body.appendcontentInstance(name, instance)
+def getinstances(self):
+    return self.body.getcontentInstances()
+def getinstance(self, id):
+    return self.body.getcontentInstance(id)
+def getrandomInstance(self, exclude):
+    return self.body.getcontentRandomInstance(exclude)
+def getinstanceByName(self, name):
+    return self.body.getcontentInstanceByName(name)
+def removeinstance(self, id):
+    self.body.removecontentInstance(id)
+def settext(self, text):
+    self.body.settext(text)
+def gettext(self):
+    return self.body.gettext()
+setattr(cls, "gettext", gettext)
 cls = PLCOpenClasses.get("pous_pou", None)
 if cls:
-    setattr(cls, "setBodyType", setBodyType)
-    setattr(cls, "getBodyType", getBodyType)
-    setattr(cls, "resetExecutionOrder", resetExecutionOrder)
-    setattr(cls, "compileExecutionOrder", compileExecutionOrder)
-    setattr(cls, "setElementExecutionOrder", setElementExecutionOrder)
-    setattr(cls, "addInstance", addInstance)
-    setattr(cls, "getInstances", getInstances)
-    setattr(cls, "getInstance", getInstance)
-    setattr(cls, "getRandomInstance", getRandomInstance)
-    setattr(cls, "getInstanceByName", getInstanceByName)
-    setattr(cls, "removeInstance", removeInstance)
-    setattr(cls, "setText", setText)
-    setattr(cls, "getText", getText)
-    def getVars(self):
+    setattr(cls, "setbodyType", setbodyType)
+    setattr(cls, "getbodyType", getbodyType)
+    setattr(cls, "resetexecutionOrder", resetexecutionOrder)
+    setattr(cls, "compileexecutionOrder", compileexecutionOrder)
+    setattr(cls, "setelementExecutionOrder", setelementExecutionOrder)
+    setattr(cls, "addinstance", addinstance)
+    setattr(cls, "getinstances", getinstances)
+    setattr(cls, "getinstance", getinstance)
+    setattr(cls, "getrandomInstance", getrandomInstance)
+    setattr(cls, "getinstanceByName", getinstanceByName)
+    setattr(cls, "removeinstance", removeinstance)
+    setattr(cls, "settext", settext)
+    setattr(cls, "gettext", gettext)
+    def getvars(self):
         vars = []
         reverse_types = {}
         for name, value in VarTypes.items():
             reverse_types[value] = name
-        for varlist in self.interface.getContent():
+        for varlist in self.interface.getcontent():
             vars.append((reverse_types[varlist["name"]], varlist["value"]))
         return vars
-    setattr(cls, "getVars", getVars)
-    def setVars(self, vars):
-        self.interface.setContent([])
+    setattr(cls, "getvars", getvars)
+    def setvars(self, vars):
+        self.interface.setcontent([])
         for vartype, varlist in vars:
-            self.interface.appendContent(VarTypes[vartype], varlist)
-    setattr(cls, "setVars", setVars)
-    def addPouVar(self, type, name):
-        content = self.interface.getContent()
+            self.interface.appendcontent({"name" : VarTypes[vartype], "value" : varlist})
+    setattr(cls, "setvars", setvars)
+    def addpouVar(self, type, name):
+        content = self.interface.getcontent()
         if len(content) == 0 or content[-1]["name"] != "localVars":
-            content.append({"name" : "localVars", "value" : PLCOpenClasses["varList"]()})
+            content.append({"name" : "localVars", "value" : PLCOpenClasses["interface_localVars"]()})
             varlist = content[-1]["value"]
-            variables = varlist.getVariable()
-            if varlist.getConstant() or varlist.getRetain() or len(variables) > 0 and variables[0].getAddress():
-                content.append({"name" : "localVars", "value" : PLCOpenClasses["varList"]()})
+            variables = varlist.getvariable()
+            if varlist.getconstant() or varlist.getretain() or len(variables) > 0 and variables[0].getaddress():
+                content.append({"name" : "localVars", "value" : PLCOpenClasses["interface_localVars"]()})
         var = PLCOpenClasses["varListPlain_variable"]()
-        var.setName(name)
+        var.setname(name)
         var_type = PLCOpenClasses["dataType"]()
-        derived_type = PLCOpenClasses["derived"]()
-        derived_type.setName(type)
-        var_type.setContent("derived", derived_type)
-        var.setType(var_type)
-        content[-1]["value"].appendVariable(var)
-    setattr(cls, "addPouVar", addPouVar)
-    def changePouVar(self, old_type, old_name, new_type, new_name):
-        content = self.interface.getContent()
+        derived_type = PLCOpenClasses["derivedTypes_derived"]()
+        derived_type.setname(type)
+        var_type.setcontent({"name" : "derived", "value" : derived_type})
+        var.settype(var_type)
+        content[-1]["value"].appendvariable(var)
+    setattr(cls, "addpouVar", addpouVar)
+    def changepouVar(self, old_type, old_name, new_type, new_name):
+        content = self.interface.getcontent()
         for varlist in content:
-            variables = varlist["value"].getVariable()
+            variables = varlist["value"].getvariable()
             for var in variables:
-                if var.getName() == old_name:
-                    vartype_content = var.getType().getContent()
-                    if vartype_content["name"] == "derived" and vartype_content["value"].getName() == old_type:
-                        var.setName(new_name)
-                        vartype_content["value"].setName(new_type)
+                if var.getname() == old_name:
+                    vartype_content = var.gettype().getcontent()
+                    if vartype_content["name"] == "derived" and vartype_content["value"].getname() == old_type:
+                        var.setname(new_name)
+                        vartype_content["value"].setname(new_type)
-    setattr(cls, "changePouVar", changePouVar)
-    def removePouVar(self, type, name):
-        content = self.interface.getContent()
+    setattr(cls, "changepouVar", changepouVar)
+    def removepouVar(self, type, name):
+        content = self.interface.getcontent()
         for varlist in content:
-            variables = varlist["value"].getVariable()
+            variables = varlist["value"].getvariable()
             for var in variables:
-                if var.getName() == name:
-                    vartype_content = var.getType().getContent()
-                    if vartype_content["name"] == "derived" and vartype_content["value"].getName() == type:
+                if var.getname() == name:
+                    vartype_content = var.gettype().getcontent()
+                    if vartype_content["name"] == "derived" and vartype_content["value"].getname() == type:
-            if len(varlist["value"].getVariable()) == 0:
+            if len(varlist["value"].getvariable()) == 0:
-    setattr(cls, "removePouVar", removePouVar)
-    def hasBlock(self, name):
-        if self.getBodyType() in ["FBD", "LD", "SFC"]:
-            for instance in self.getInstances():
-                if isinstance(instance, PLCOpenClasses["block"]) and instance.getInstanceName() == name:
+    setattr(cls, "removepouVar", removepouVar)
+    def hasblock(self, name):
+        if self.getbodyType() in ["FBD", "LD", "SFC"]:
+            for instance in self.getinstances():
+                if isinstance(instance, PLCOpenClasses["fbdObjects_block"]) and instance.getinstanceName() == name:
                     return True
             if self.transitions:
-                for transition in self.transitions.getTransition():
-                    result = transition.hasBlock(name)
+                for transition in self.transitions.gettransition():
+                    result = transition.hasblock(name)
                     if result:
                         return result
             if self.actions:
-                for action in self.actions.getAction():
-                    result = action.hasBlock(name)
+                for action in self.actions.getaction():
+                    result = action.hasblock(name)
                     if result:
                         return result
         return False
-    setattr(cls, "hasBlock", hasBlock)
-    def addTransition(self, name, type):
+    setattr(cls, "hasblock", hasblock)
+    def addtransition(self, name, type):
         if not self.transitions:
-            self.addTransitions()
-            self.transitions.setTransition([])
+            self.addtransitions()
+            self.transitions.settransition([])
         transition = PLCOpenClasses["transitions_transition"]()
-        transition.setName(name)
-        transition.setBodyType(type)
-        self.transitions.appendTransition(transition)
-    setattr(cls, "addTransition", addTransition)
-    def getTransition(self, name):
+        transition.setname(name)
+        transition.setbodyType(type)
+        self.transitions.appendtransition(transition)
+    setattr(cls, "addtransition", addtransition)
+    def gettransition(self, name):
         if self.transitions:
-            for transition in self.transitions.getTransition():
-                if transition.getName() == name:
+            for transition in self.transitions.gettransition():
+                if transition.getname() == name:
                     return transition
         return None
-    setattr(cls, "getTransition", getTransition)
+    setattr(cls, "gettransition", gettransition)
-    def getTransitionList(self):
+    def gettransitionList(self):
         if self.transitions:
-            return self.transitions.getTransition()
+            return self.transitions.gettransition()
         return []
-    setattr(cls, "getTransitionList", getTransitionList)
-    def removeTransition(self, name):
+    setattr(cls, "gettransitionList", gettransitionList)
+    def removetransition(self, name):
         if self.transitions:
-            transitions = self.transitions.getTransition()
+            transitions = self.transitions.gettransition()
             i = 0
             removed = False
             while i < len(transitions) and not removed:
-                if transitions[i].getName() == name:
+                if transitions[i].getname() == name:
                     removed = True
                 i += 1
             if not removed:
                 raise ValueError, "Transition with name %s doesn't exists!"%name
-    setattr(cls, "removeTransition", removeTransition)
-    def addAction(self, name, type):
+    setattr(cls, "removetransition", removetransition)
+    def addaction(self, name, type):
         if not self.actions:
-            self.addActions()
-            self.actions.setAction([])
+            self.addactions()
+            self.actions.setaction([])
         action = PLCOpenClasses["actions_action"]()
-        action.setName(name)
-        action.setBodyType(type)
-        self.actions.appendAction(action)
-    setattr(cls, "addAction", addAction)
-    def getAction(self, name):
+        action.setname(name)
+        action.setbodyType(type)
+        self.actions.appendaction(action)
+    setattr(cls, "addaction", addaction)
+    def getaction(self, name):
         if self.actions:
-            for action in self.actions.getAction():
-                if action.getName() == name:
+            for action in self.actions.getaction():
+                if action.getname() == name:
                     return action
         return None
-    setattr(cls, "getAction", getAction)
-    def getActionList(self):
+    setattr(cls, "getaction", getaction)
+    def getactionList(self):
         if self.actions:
-            return self.actions.getAction()
+            return self.actions.getaction()
         return []
-    setattr(cls, "getActionList", getActionList)
+    setattr(cls, "getactionList", getactionList)
-    def removeAction(self, name):
+    def removeaction(self, name):
         if self.actions:
-            actions = self.actions.getAction()
+            actions = self.actions.getaction()
             i = 0
             removed = False
             while i < len(actions) and not removed:
-                if actions[i].getName() == name:
+                if actions[i].getname() == name:
                     removed = True
                 i += 1
             if not removed:
                 raise ValueError, "Action with name %s doesn't exists!"%name
-    setattr(cls, "removeAction", removeAction)
+    setattr(cls, "removeaction", removeaction)
     def updateElementName(self, old_name, new_name):
         self.body.updateElementName(old_name, new_name)
-        for action in self.getActionList():
+        for action in self.getactionList():
             action.updateElementName(old_name, new_name)
-        for transition in self.getTransitionList():
+        for transition in self.gettransitionList():
             transition.updateElementName(old_name, new_name)
     setattr(cls, "updateElementName", updateElementName)
 cls = PLCOpenClasses.get("transitions_transition", None)
 if cls:
-    setattr(cls, "setBodyType", setBodyType)
-    setattr(cls, "getBodyType", getBodyType)
-    setattr(cls, "resetExecutionOrder", resetExecutionOrder)
-    setattr(cls, "compileExecutionOrder", compileExecutionOrder)
-    setattr(cls, "setElementExecutionOrder", setElementExecutionOrder)
-    setattr(cls, "addInstance", addInstance)
-    setattr(cls, "getInstances", getInstances)
-    setattr(cls, "getInstance", getInstance)
-    setattr(cls, "getRandomInstance", getRandomInstance)
-    setattr(cls, "getInstanceByName", getInstanceByName)
-    setattr(cls, "removeInstance", removeInstance)
-    setattr(cls, "setText", setText)
-    setattr(cls, "getText", getText)
+    setattr(cls, "setbodyType", setbodyType)
+    setattr(cls, "getbodyType", getbodyType)
+    setattr(cls, "resetexecutionOrder", resetexecutionOrder)
+    setattr(cls, "compileexecutionOrder", compileexecutionOrder)
+    setattr(cls, "setelementExecutionOrder", setelementExecutionOrder)
+    setattr(cls, "addinstance", addinstance)
+    setattr(cls, "getinstances", getinstances)
+    setattr(cls, "getinstance", getinstance)
+    setattr(cls, "getrandomInstance", getrandomInstance)
+    setattr(cls, "getinstanceByName", getinstanceByName)
+    setattr(cls, "removeinstance", removeinstance)
+    setattr(cls, "settext", settext)
+    setattr(cls, "gettext", gettext)
     def updateElementName(self, old_name, new_name):
         self.body.updateElementName(old_name, new_name)
     setattr(cls, "updateElementName", updateElementName)
-    def hasBlock(self, name):
-        if self.getBodyType() in ["FBD", "LD", "SFC"]:
-            for instance in self.getInstances():
-                if isinstance(instance, PLCOpenClasses["block"]) and instance.getInstanceName() == name:
+    def hasblock(self, name):
+        if self.getbodyType() in ["FBD", "LD", "SFC"]:
+            for instance in self.getinstances():
+                if isinstance(instance, PLCOpenClasses["fbdObjects_block"]) and instance.getinstanceName() == name:
                     return True
         return False
-    setattr(cls, "hasBlock", hasBlock)
+    setattr(cls, "hasblock", hasblock)
 cls = PLCOpenClasses.get("actions_action", None)
 if cls:
-    setattr(cls, "setBodyType", setBodyType)
-    setattr(cls, "getBodyType", getBodyType)
-    setattr(cls, "resetExecutionOrder", resetExecutionOrder)
-    setattr(cls, "compileExecutionOrder", compileExecutionOrder)
-    setattr(cls, "setElementExecutionOrder", setElementExecutionOrder)
-    setattr(cls, "addInstance", addInstance)
-    setattr(cls, "getInstances", getInstances)
-    setattr(cls, "getInstance", getInstance)
-    setattr(cls, "getRandomInstance", getRandomInstance)
-    setattr(cls, "getInstanceByName", getInstanceByName)
-    setattr(cls, "removeInstance", removeInstance)
-    setattr(cls, "setText", setText)
-    setattr(cls, "getText", getText)
+    setattr(cls, "setbodyType", setbodyType)
+    setattr(cls, "getbodyType", getbodyType)
+    setattr(cls, "resetexecutionOrder", resetexecutionOrder)
+    setattr(cls, "compileexecutionOrder", compileexecutionOrder)
+    setattr(cls, "setelementExecutionOrder", setelementExecutionOrder)
+    setattr(cls, "addinstance", addinstance)
+    setattr(cls, "getinstances", getinstances)
+    setattr(cls, "getinstance", getinstance)
+    setattr(cls, "getrandomInstance", getrandomInstance)
+    setattr(cls, "getinstanceByName", getinstanceByName)
+    setattr(cls, "removeinstance", removeinstance)
+    setattr(cls, "settext", settext)
+    setattr(cls, "gettext", gettext)
     def updateElementName(self, old_name, new_name):
         self.body.updateElementName(old_name, new_name)
     setattr(cls, "updateElementName", updateElementName)
-    def hasBlock(self, name):
-        if self.getBodyType() in ["FBD", "LD", "SFC"]:
-            for instance in self.getInstances():
-                if isinstance(instance, PLCOpenClasses["block"]) and instance.getInstanceName() == name:
+    def hasblock(self, name):
+        if self.getbodyType() in ["FBD", "LD", "SFC"]:
+            for instance in self.getinstances():
+                if isinstance(instance, PLCOpenClasses["fbdObjects_block"]) and instance.getinstanceName() == name:
                     return True
         return False
-    setattr(cls, "hasBlock", hasBlock)
+    setattr(cls, "hasblock", hasblock)
 cls = PLCOpenClasses.get("body", None)
 if cls:
     cls.currentExecutionOrderId = 0
-    def resetCurrentExecutionOrderId(self):
+    def resetcurrentExecutionOrderId(self):
         self.currentExecutionOrderId = 0
-    setattr(cls, "resetCurrentExecutionOrderId", resetCurrentExecutionOrderId)
-    def getNewExecutionOrderId(self):
+    setattr(cls, "resetcurrentExecutionOrderId", resetcurrentExecutionOrderId)
+    def getnewExecutionOrderId(self):
         self.currentExecutionOrderId += 1
         return self.currentExecutionOrderId
-    setattr(cls, "getNewExecutionOrderId", getNewExecutionOrderId)
-    def resetExecutionOrder(self):
+    setattr(cls, "getnewExecutionOrderId", getnewExecutionOrderId)
+    def resetexecutionOrder(self):
         if self.content["name"] == "FBD":
-            for element in self.content["value"].getContent():
-                if not isinstance(element["value"], (PLCOpenClasses.get("comment", None), PLCOpenClasses.get("connector", None), PLCOpenClasses.get("continuation", None))):
-                    element["value"].setExecutionOrderId(0)
+            for element in self.content["value"].getcontent():
+                if not isinstance(element["value"], (PLCOpenClasses.get("commonObjects_comment", None), 
+                                                     PLCOpenClasses.get("commonObjects_connector", None), 
+                                                     PLCOpenClasses.get("commonObjects_continuation", None))):
+                    element["value"].setexecutionOrderId(0)
             raise TypeError, "Can only generate execution order on FBD networks!"
-    setattr(cls, "resetExecutionOrder", resetExecutionOrder)
-    def compileExecutionOrder(self):
+    setattr(cls, "resetexecutionOrder", resetexecutionOrder)
+    def compileexecutionOrder(self):
         if self.content["name"] == "FBD":
-            self.resetExecutionOrder()
-            self.resetCurrentExecutionOrderId()
-            for element in self.content["value"].getContent():
-                if isinstance(element["value"], PLCOpenClasses.get("outVariable", None)) and element["value"].getExecutionOrderId() == 0:
-                    connections = element["value"].connectionPointIn.getConnections()
+            self.resetexecutionOrder()
+            self.resetcurrentExecutionOrderId()
+            for element in self.content["value"].getcontent():
+                if isinstance(element["value"], PLCOpenClasses.get("fbdObjects_outVariable", None)) and element["value"].getExecutionOrderId() == 0:
+                    connections = element["value"].connectionPointIn.getconnections()
                     if connections and len(connections) == 1:
-                        self.compileElementExecutionOrder(connections[0])
-                    element["value"].setExecutionOrderId(self.getNewExecutionOrderId())
+                        self.compileelementExecutionOrder(connections[0])
+                    element["value"].setexecutionOrderId(self.getnewExecutionOrderId())
             raise TypeError, "Can only generate execution order on FBD networks!"
-    setattr(cls, "compileExecutionOrder", compileExecutionOrder)
-    def compileElementExecutionOrder(self, link):
+    setattr(cls, "compileexecutionOrder", compileexecutionOrder)
+    def compileelementExecutionOrder(self, link):
         if self.content["name"] == "FBD":
-            localid = link.getRefLocalId()
-            instance = self.getContentInstance(localid)
-            if isinstance(instance, PLCOpenClasses.get("block", None)) and instance.getExecutionOrderId() == 0:
-                for variable in instance.inputVariables.getVariable():
-                    connections = variable.connectionPointIn.getConnections()
+            localid = link.getrefLocalId()
+            instance = self.getcontentInstance(localid)
+            if isinstance(instance, PLCOpenClasses.get("fbdObjects_block", None)) and instance.getexecutionOrderId() == 0:
+                for variable in instance.inputVariables.getvariable():
+                    connections = variable.connectionPointIn.getconnections()
                     if connections and len(connections) == 1:
-                        self.compileElementExecutionOrder(connections[0])
-                instance.setExecutionOrderId(self.getNewExecutionOrderId())
-            elif isinstance(instance, PLCOpenClasses.get("continuation", None)) and instance.getExecutionOrderId() == 0:
-                name = instance.getName()
-                for tmp_instance in self.getContentInstances():
-                    if isinstance(tmp_instance, PLCOpenClasses.get("connector", None)) and tmp_instance.getName() == name and tmp_instance.getExecutionOrderId() == 0:
-                        connections = tmp_instance.connectionPointIn.getConnections()
+                        self.compileelementExecutionOrder(connections[0])
+                instance.setexecutionOrderId(self.getnewExecutionOrderId())
+            elif isinstance(instance, PLCOpenClasses.get("commonObjects_continuation", None)) and instance.getexecutionOrderId() == 0:
+                name = instance.getname()
+                for tmp_instance in self.getcontentInstances():
+                    if isinstance(tmp_instance, PLCOpenClasses.get("commonObjects_connector", None)) and tmp_instance.getname() == name and tmp_instance.getexecutionOrderId() == 0:
+                        connections = tmp_instance.connectionPointIn.getconnections()
                         if connections and len(connections) == 1:
-                            self.compileElementExecutionOrder(connections[0])
+                            self.compileelementExecutionOrder(connections[0])
             raise TypeError, "Can only generate execution order on FBD networks!"
-    setattr(cls, "compileElementExecutionOrder", compileElementExecutionOrder)
-    def setElementExecutionOrder(self, instance, new_executionOrder):
+    setattr(cls, "compileelementExecutionOrder", compileelementExecutionOrder)
+    def setelementExecutionOrder(self, instance, new_executionOrder):
         if self.content["name"] == "FBD":
-            old_executionOrder = instance.getExecutionOrderId()
+            old_executionOrder = instance.getexecutionOrderId()
             if old_executionOrder is not None and old_executionOrder != 0 and new_executionOrder != 0:
-                for element in self.content["value"].getContent():
-                    if element["value"] != instance and not isinstance(element["value"], PLCOpenClasses.get("comment", None)):
-                        element_executionOrder = element["value"].getExecutionOrderId()
+                for element in self.content["value"].getcontent():
+                    if element["value"] != instance and not isinstance(element["value"], PLCOpenClasses.get("commonObjects_comment", None)):
+                        element_executionOrder = element["value"].getexecutionOrderId()
                         if old_executionOrder <= element_executionOrder <= new_executionOrder:
-                            element["value"].setExecutionOrderId(element_executionOrder - 1)
+                            element["value"].setexecutionOrderId(element_executionOrder - 1)
                         if new_executionOrder <= element_executionOrder <= old_executionOrder:
-                            element["value"].setExecutionOrderId(element_executionOrder + 1)
-            instance.setExecutionOrderId(new_executionOrder)
+                            element["value"].setexecutionOrderId(element_executionOrder + 1)
+            instance.setexecutionOrderId(new_executionOrder)
             raise TypeError, "Can only generate execution order on FBD networks!"
-    setattr(cls, "setElementExecutionOrder", setElementExecutionOrder)
-    def appendContentInstance(self, name, instance):
+    setattr(cls, "setelementExecutionOrder", setelementExecutionOrder)
+    def appendcontentInstance(self, name, instance):
         if self.content["name"] in ["LD","FBD","SFC"]:
-            self.content["value"].appendContent(name, instance)
+            self.content["value"].appendcontent({"name" : name, "value" : instance})
             raise TypeError, "%s body don't have instances!"%self.content["name"]
-    setattr(cls, "appendContentInstance", appendContentInstance)
-    def getContentInstances(self):
+    setattr(cls, "appendcontentInstance", appendcontentInstance)
+    def getcontentInstances(self):
         if self.content["name"] in ["LD","FBD","SFC"]:
             instances = []
-            for element in self.content["value"].getContent():
+            for element in self.content["value"].getcontent():
             return instances
             raise TypeError, "%s body don't have instances!"%self.content["name"]
-    setattr(cls, "getContentInstances", getContentInstances)
-    def getContentInstance(self, id):
+    setattr(cls, "getcontentInstances", getcontentInstances)
+    def getcontentInstance(self, id):
         if self.content["name"] in ["LD","FBD","SFC"]:
-            for element in self.content["value"].getContent():
-                if element["value"].getLocalId() == id:
+            for element in self.content["value"].getcontent():
+                if element["value"].getlocalId() == id:
                     return element["value"]
             return None
             raise TypeError, "%s body don't have instances!"%self.content["name"]
-    setattr(cls, "getContentInstance", getContentInstance)
-    def getContentRandomInstance(self, exclude):
+    setattr(cls, "getcontentInstance", getcontentInstance)
+    def getcontentRandomInstance(self, exclude):
         if self.content["name"] in ["LD","FBD","SFC"]:
-            for element in self.content["value"].getContent():
-                if element["value"].getLocalId() not in exclude:
+            for element in self.content["value"].getcontent():
+                if element["value"].getlocalId() not in exclude:
                     return element["value"]
             return None
             raise TypeError, "%s body don't have instances!"%self.content["name"]
-    setattr(cls, "getContentRandomInstance", getContentRandomInstance)
-    def getContentInstanceByName(self, name):
+    setattr(cls, "getcontentRandomInstance", getcontentRandomInstance)
+    def getcontentInstanceByName(self, name):
         if self.content["name"] in ["LD","FBD","SFC"]:
-            for element in self.content["value"].getContent():
+            for element in self.content["value"].getcontent():
                 if element["value"].getLocalId() == name:
                     return element["value"]
             raise TypeError, "%s body don't have instances!"%self.content["name"]
-    setattr(cls, "getContentInstanceByName", getContentInstanceByName)
-    def removeContentInstance(self, id):
+    setattr(cls, "getcontentInstanceByName", getcontentInstanceByName)
+    def removecontentInstance(self, id):
         if self.content["name"] in ["LD","FBD","SFC"]:
             i = 0
             removed = False
-            elements = self.content["value"].getContent()
+            elements = self.content["value"].getcontent()
             while i < len(elements) and not removed:
-                if elements[i]["value"].getLocalId() == id:
-                    self.content["value"].removeContent(i)
+                if elements[i]["value"].getlocalId() == id:
+                    self.content["value"].removecontent(i)
                     removed = True
                 i += 1
             if not removed:
                 raise ValueError, "Instance with id %d doesn't exists!"%id
             raise TypeError, "%s body don't have instances!"%self.content["name"]
-    setattr(cls, "removeContentInstance", removeContentInstance)
-    def setText(self, text):
+    setattr(cls, "removecontentInstance", removecontentInstance)
+    def settext(self, text):
         if self.content["name"] in ["IL","ST"]:
-            self.content["value"].setText(text)
+            self.content["value"].settext(text)
             raise TypeError, "%s body don't have text!"%self.content["name"]
-    setattr(cls, "setText", setText)
-    def getText(self):
+    setattr(cls, "settext", settext)
+    def gettext(self):
         if self.content["name"] in ["IL","ST"]:
-            return self.content["value"].getText()
+            return self.content["value"].gettext()
             raise TypeError, "%s body don't have text!"%self.content["name"]
-    setattr(cls, "getText", getText)
+    setattr(cls, "gettext", gettext)
     def updateElementName(self, old_name, new_name):
         if self.content["name"] in ["IL", "ST"]:
             self.content["value"].updateElementName(old_name, new_name)
-            for element in self.content["value"].getContent():
+            for element in self.content["value"].getcontent():
                 element["value"].updateElementName(old_name, new_name)
     setattr(cls, "updateElementName", updateElementName)
-def getX(self):
-    return self.position.getX()
-def getY(self):
-    return self.position.getY()
-def setX(self, x):
-    self.position.setX(x)
-def setY(self, y):
-    self.position.setY(y)
-cls = PLCOpenClasses.get("comment", None)
-if cls:
-    setattr(cls, "getX", getX)
-    setattr(cls, "getY", getY)
-    setattr(cls, "setX", setX)
-    setattr(cls, "setY", setY)
-    def setContentText(self, text):
-        self.content.setText(text)
-    setattr(cls, "setContentText", setContentText)
+def getx(self):
+    return self.position.getx()
+def gety(self):
+    return self.position.gety()
+def setx(self, x):
+    self.position.setx(x)
+def sety(self, y):
+    self.position.sety(y)
+cls = PLCOpenClasses.get("commonObjects_comment", None)
+if cls:
+    setattr(cls, "getx", getx)
+    setattr(cls, "gety", gety)
+    setattr(cls, "setx", setx)
+    setattr(cls, "sety", sety)
+    def setcontentText(self, text):
+        self.content.settext(text)
+    setattr(cls, "setcontentText", setcontentText)
-    def getContentText(self):
-        return self.content.getText()
-    setattr(cls, "getContentText", getContentText)
+    def getcontentText(self):
+        return self.content.gettext()
+    setattr(cls, "getcontentText", getcontentText)
     def updateElementName(self, old_name, new_name):
         self.content.updateElementName(old_name, new_name)
     setattr(cls, "updateElementName", updateElementName)
-cls = PLCOpenClasses.get("block", None)
-if cls:
-    setattr(cls, "getX", getX)
-    setattr(cls, "getY", getY)
-    setattr(cls, "setX", setX)
-    setattr(cls, "setY", setY)
+cls = PLCOpenClasses.get("fbdObjects_block", None)
+if cls:
+    setattr(cls, "getx", getx)
+    setattr(cls, "gety", gety)
+    setattr(cls, "setx", setx)
+    setattr(cls, "sety", sety)
     def updateElementName(self, old_name, new_name):
         if self.typeName == old_name:
             self.typeName = new_name
     setattr(cls, "updateElementName", updateElementName)
-cls = PLCOpenClasses.get("inputVariables_variable", None)
-if cls:
-    def setConnectorEdge(self, edge):
-        if not self.edge:
-            self.edge = PLCOpenClasses["edgeModifierType"]()
-        self.edge.setValue(edge)
-    setattr(cls, "setConnectorEdge", setConnectorEdge)
-    def getConnectorEdge(self):
-        if self.edge:
-            return self.edge.getValue()
-        return None
-    setattr(cls, "getConnectorEdge", getConnectorEdge)
-cls = PLCOpenClasses.get("outputVariables_variable", None)
-if cls:
-    def setConnectorEdge(self, edge):
-        if not self.edge:
-            self.edge = PLCOpenClasses["edgeModifierType"]()
-        self.edge.setValue(edge)
-    setattr(cls, "setConnectorEdge", setConnectorEdge)
-    def getConnectorEdge(self):
-        if self.edge:
-            return self.edge.getValue()
-        return None
-    setattr(cls, "getConnectorEdge", getConnectorEdge)
-cls = PLCOpenClasses.get("leftPowerRail", None)
-if cls:
-    setattr(cls, "getX", getX)
-    setattr(cls, "getY", getY)
-    setattr(cls, "setX", setX)
-    setattr(cls, "setY", setY)
+cls = PLCOpenClasses.get("ldObjects_leftPowerRail", None)
+if cls:
+    setattr(cls, "getx", getx)
+    setattr(cls, "gety", gety)
+    setattr(cls, "setx", setx)
+    setattr(cls, "sety", sety)
     def updateElementName(self, old_name, new_name):
     setattr(cls, "updateElementName", updateElementName)
-cls = PLCOpenClasses.get("rightPowerRail", None)
-if cls:
-    setattr(cls, "getX", getX)
-    setattr(cls, "getY", getY)
-    setattr(cls, "setX", setX)
-    setattr(cls, "setY", setY)
+cls = PLCOpenClasses.get("ldObjects_rightPowerRail", None)
+if cls:
+    setattr(cls, "getx", getx)
+    setattr(cls, "gety", gety)
+    setattr(cls, "setx", setx)
+    setattr(cls, "sety", sety)
     def updateElementName(self, old_name, new_name):
     setattr(cls, "updateElementName", updateElementName)
-cls = PLCOpenClasses.get("contact", None)
-if cls:
-    setattr(cls, "getX", getX)
-    setattr(cls, "getY", getY)
-    setattr(cls, "setX", setX)
-    setattr(cls, "setY", setY)
-    def setContactEdge(self, edge):
-        if not self.edge:
-            self.edge = PLCOpenClasses["edgeModifierType"]()
-        self.edge.setValue(edge)
-    setattr(cls, "setContactEdge", setContactEdge)
-    def getContactEdge(self):
-        if self.edge:
-            return self.edge.getValue()
-        return None
-    setattr(cls, "getContactEdge", getContactEdge)
+cls = PLCOpenClasses.get("ldObjects_contact", None)
+if cls:
+    setattr(cls, "getx", getx)
+    setattr(cls, "gety", gety)
+    setattr(cls, "setx", setx)
+    setattr(cls, "sety", sety)
     def updateElementName(self, old_name, new_name):
         if self.variable == old_name:
             self.variable = new_name
     setattr(cls, "updateElementName", updateElementName)
-cls = PLCOpenClasses.get("coil", None)
-if cls:
-    setattr(cls, "getX", getX)
-    setattr(cls, "getY", getY)
-    setattr(cls, "setX", setX)
-    setattr(cls, "setY", setY)
-    def setCoilStorage(self, edge):
-        if not
-   = PLCOpenClasses["storageModifierType"]()
-    setattr(cls, "setCoilStorage", setCoilStorage)
-    def getCoilStorage(self):
-        if
-            return
-        return None
-    setattr(cls, "getCoilStorage", getCoilStorage)
+cls = PLCOpenClasses.get("ldObjects_coil", None)
+if cls:
+    setattr(cls, "getx", getx)
+    setattr(cls, "gety", gety)
+    setattr(cls, "setx", setx)
+    setattr(cls, "sety", sety)
     def updateElementName(self, old_name, new_name):
         if self.variable == old_name:
             self.variable = new_name
     setattr(cls, "updateElementName", updateElementName)
-cls = PLCOpenClasses.get("step", None)
-if cls:
-    setattr(cls, "getX", getX)
-    setattr(cls, "getY", getY)
-    setattr(cls, "setX", setX)
-    setattr(cls, "setY", setY)
+cls = PLCOpenClasses.get("sfcObjects_step", None)
+if cls:
+    setattr(cls, "getx", getx)
+    setattr(cls, "gety", gety)
+    setattr(cls, "setx", setx)
+    setattr(cls, "sety", sety)
     def updateElementName(self, old_name, new_name):
     setattr(cls, "updateElementName", updateElementName)
-cls = PLCOpenClasses.get("transition", None)
-if cls:
-    setattr(cls, "getX", getX)
-    setattr(cls, "getY", getY)
-    setattr(cls, "setX", setX)
-    setattr(cls, "setY", setY)
-    def setConditionContent(self, type, value):
+cls = PLCOpenClasses.get("sfcObjects_transition", None)
+if cls:
+    setattr(cls, "getx", getx)
+    setattr(cls, "gety", gety)
+    setattr(cls, "setx", setx)
+    setattr(cls, "sety", sety)
+    def setconditionContent(self, type, value):
         if not self.condition:
-            self.addCondition()
+            self.addcondition()
         if type == "reference":
             condition = PLCOpenClasses["condition_reference"]()
-            condition.setName(value)
+            condition.setname(value)
         elif type == "inline":
             condition = PLCOpenClasses["condition_inline"]()
-            condition.setContent("ST", PLCOpenClasses["formattedText"]())
-            condition.setText(value)
+            condition.setcontent({"name" : "ST", "value" : PLCOpenClasses["formattedText"]()})
+            condition.settext(value)
         elif type == "connection":
             condition = []
-        self.condition.setContent(type, condition)
-    setattr(cls, "setConditionContent", setConditionContent)
+        self.condition.setcontent({"name" : type, "value" : condition})
+    setattr(cls, "setconditionContent", setconditionContent)
-    def getConditionContent(self):
+    def getconditionContent(self):
         if self.condition:
-            content = self.condition.getContent()
+            content = self.condition.getcontent()
             values = {"type" : content["name"]}
             if values["type"] == "reference":
-                values["value"] = content["value"].getName()
+                values["value"] = content["value"].getname()
             elif values["type"] == "inline":
-                values["value"] = content["value"].getText()
+                values["value"] = content["value"].gettext()
             return values
         return ""
-    setattr(cls, "getConditionContent", getConditionContent)
+    setattr(cls, "getconditionContent", getconditionContent)
     def updateElementName(self, old_name, new_name):
         if self.condition:
-            content = self.condition.getContent()
+            content = self.condition.getcontent()
             if content["name"] == "reference":
-                if content["value"].getName() == old_name:
-                    content["value"].setName(new_name)
+                if content["value"].getname() == old_name:
+                    content["value"].setname(new_name)
             elif content["name"] == "inline":
                 content["value"].updateElementName(old_name, new_name)
     setattr(cls, "updateElementName", updateElementName)
-    def addConnection(self):
+    def addconnection(self):
         if self.condition:
-            content = self.condition.getContent()
+            content = self.condition.getcontent()
             if content["name"] != "connection":
-                self.condition.setContent("connection", [])
-                content = self.condition.getContent()
+                self.condition.setcontent({"name" : "connection", "value" : []})
+                content = self.condition.getcontent()
-    setattr(cls, "addConnection", addConnection)
-    def removeConnection(self, idx):
+    setattr(cls, "addconnection", addconnection)
+    def removeconnection(self, idx):
         if self.condition:
-            content = self.condition.getContent()
+            content = self.condition.getcontent()
             if content["name"] == "connection":
-        setattr(cls, "removeConnection", removeConnection)
-    def removeConnections(self):
+        setattr(cls, "removeconnection", removeconnection)
+    def removeconnections(self):
         if self.condition:
-            content = self.condition.getContent()
+            content = self.condition.getcontent()
             if content["name"] == "connection":
                 content["value"] = []
-    setattr(cls, "removeConnections", removeConnections)
-    def getConnections(self):
+    setattr(cls, "removeconnections", removeconnections)
+    def getconnections(self):
         if self.condition:
-            content = self.condition.getContent()
+            content = self.condition.getcontent()
             if content["name"] == "connection":
                 return content["value"]
-    setattr(cls, "getConnections", getConnections)
-    def setConnectionId(self, idx, id):
+    setattr(cls, "getconnections", getconnections)
+    def setconnectionId(self, idx, id):
         if self.condition:
-            content = self.condition.getContent()
+            content = self.condition.getcontent()
             if content["name"] == "connection":
-                content["value"][idx].setRefLocalId(id)
-    setattr(cls, "setConnectionId", setConnectionId)
-    def getConnectionId(self, idx):
+                content["value"][idx].setrefLocalId(id)
+    setattr(cls, "setconnectionId", setconnectionId)
+    def getconnectionId(self, idx):
         if self.condition:
-            content = self.condition.getContent()
+            content = self.condition.getcontent()
             if content["name"] == "connection":
-                return content["value"][idx].getRefLocalId()
+                return content["value"][idx].getrefLocalId()
         return None
-    setattr(cls, "getConnectionId", getConnectionId)
-    def setConnectionPoints(self, idx, points):
+    setattr(cls, "getconnectionId", getconnectionId)
+    def setconnectionPoints(self, idx, points):
         if self.condition:
-            content = self.condition.getContent()
+            content = self.condition.getcontent()
             if content["name"] == "connection":
-                content["value"][idx].setPoints(points)
-    setattr(cls, "setConnectionPoints", setConnectionPoints)
-    def getConnectionPoints(self, idx):
+                content["value"][idx].setpoints(points)
+    setattr(cls, "setconnectionPoints", setconnectionPoints)
+    def getconnectionPoints(self, idx):
         if self.condition:
-            content = self.condition.getContent()
+            content = self.condition.getcontent()
             if content["name"] == "connection":
-                return content["value"][idx].getPoints()
+                return content["value"][idx].getpoints()
         return None
-    setattr(cls, "getConnectionPoints", getConnectionPoints)
-    def setConnectionParameter(self, idx, parameter):
+    setattr(cls, "getconnectionPoints", getconnectionPoints)
+    def setconnectionParameter(self, idx, parameter):
         if self.condition:
-            content = self.condition.getContent()
+            content = self.condition.getcontent()
             if content["name"] == "connection":
-                content["value"][idx].setFormalParameter(parameter)
-    setattr(cls, "setConnectionParameter", setConnectionParameter)
-    def getConnectionParameter(self, idx):
+                content["value"][idx].setformalParameter(parameter)
+    setattr(cls, "setconnectionParameter", setconnectionParameter)
+    def getconnectionParameter(self, idx):
         if self.condition:
-            content = self.condition.getContent()
+            content = self.condition.getcontent()
             if content["name"] == "connection":
-                return content["value"][idx].getFormalParameter()
+                return content["value"][idx].getformalParameter()
         return None
-    setattr(cls, "getConnectionParameter", getConnectionParameter)
-    setattr(cls, "addConnection", addConnection)    
-cls = PLCOpenClasses.get("selectionDivergence", None)
-if cls:
-    setattr(cls, "getX", getX)
-    setattr(cls, "getY", getY)
-    setattr(cls, "setX", setX)
-    setattr(cls, "setY", setY)
+    setattr(cls, "getconnectionParameter", getconnectionParameter)
+cls = PLCOpenClasses.get("sfcObjects_selectionDivergence", None)
+if cls:
+    setattr(cls, "getx", getx)
+    setattr(cls, "gety", gety)
+    setattr(cls, "setx", setx)
+    setattr(cls, "sety", sety)
     def updateElementName(self, old_name, new_name):
     setattr(cls, "updateElementName", updateElementName)
-cls = PLCOpenClasses.get("selectionConvergence", None)
-if cls:
-    setattr(cls, "getX", getX)
-    setattr(cls, "getY", getY)
-    setattr(cls, "setX", setX)
-    setattr(cls, "setY", setY)
+cls = PLCOpenClasses.get("sfcObjects_selectionConvergence", None)
+if cls:
+    setattr(cls, "getx", getx)
+    setattr(cls, "gety", gety)
+    setattr(cls, "setx", setx)
+    setattr(cls, "sety", sety)
     def updateElementName(self, old_name, new_name):
     setattr(cls, "updateElementName", updateElementName)
-cls = PLCOpenClasses.get("simultaneousDivergence", None)
-if cls:
-    setattr(cls, "getX", getX)
-    setattr(cls, "getY", getY)
-    setattr(cls, "setX", setX)
-    setattr(cls, "setY", setY)
+cls = PLCOpenClasses.get("sfcObjects_simultaneousDivergence", None)
+if cls:
+    setattr(cls, "getx", getx)
+    setattr(cls, "gety", gety)
+    setattr(cls, "setx", setx)
+    setattr(cls, "sety", sety)
     def updateElementName(self, old_name, new_name):
     setattr(cls, "updateElementName", updateElementName)
-cls = PLCOpenClasses.get("simultaneousConvergence", None)
-if cls:
-    setattr(cls, "getX", getX)
-    setattr(cls, "getY", getY)
-    setattr(cls, "setX", setX)
-    setattr(cls, "setY", setY)
+cls = PLCOpenClasses.get("sfcObjects_simultaneousConvergence", None)
+if cls:
+    setattr(cls, "getx", getx)
+    setattr(cls, "gety", gety)
+    setattr(cls, "setx", setx)
+    setattr(cls, "sety", sety)
     def updateElementName(self, old_name, new_name):
     setattr(cls, "updateElementName", updateElementName)
-cls = PLCOpenClasses.get("jumpStep", None)
-if cls:
-    setattr(cls, "getX", getX)
-    setattr(cls, "getY", getY)
-    setattr(cls, "setX", setX)
-    setattr(cls, "setY", setY)
+cls = PLCOpenClasses.get("sfcObjects_jumpStep", None)
+if cls:
+    setattr(cls, "getx", getx)
+    setattr(cls, "gety", gety)
+    setattr(cls, "setx", setx)
+    setattr(cls, "sety", sety)
     def updateElementName(self, old_name, new_name):
@@ -1230,202 +1151,142 @@
 cls = PLCOpenClasses.get("actionBlock_action", None)
 if cls:
-    def setQualifierValue(self, value):
-        if self.qualifier:
-            self.qualifier.setValue(value)
-    setattr(cls, "setQualifierValue", setQualifierValue)
-    def getQualifierValue(self):
-        if self.qualifier:
-            return self.qualifier.getValue()
+    def setreferenceName(self, name):
+        if self.reference:
+            self.reference.setname(name)
+    setattr(cls, "setreferenceName", setreferenceName)
+    def getreferenceName(self):
+        if self.reference:
+            return self.reference.getname()
         return None
-    setattr(cls, "getQualifierValue", getQualifierValue)
-    def setReferenceName(self, name):
-        if self.reference:
-            self.reference.setName(name)
-    setattr(cls, "setReferenceName", setReferenceName)
-    def getReferenceName(self):
-        if self.reference:
-            return self.reference.getName()
+    setattr(cls, "getreferenceName", getreferenceName)
+    def setinlineContent(self, content):
+        if self.inline:
+            self.inline.setcontent({"name" : "ST", "value" : PLCOpenClasses["formattedText"]()})
+            self.inline.settext(content)
+    setattr(cls, "setinlineContent", setinlineContent)
+    def getinlineContent(self):
+        if self.inline:
+            return self.inline.gettext()
         return None
-    setattr(cls, "getReferenceName", getReferenceName)
-    def setInlineContent(self, content):
-        if self.inline:
-            self.inline.setContent("ST", PLCOpenClasses["formattedText"]())
-            self.inline.setText(content)
-    setattr(cls, "setInlineContent", setInlineContent)
-    def getInlineContent(self):
-        if self.inline:
-            return self.inline.getText()
-        return None
-    setattr(cls, "getInlineContent", getInlineContent)
-    def updateElementName(self, old_name, new_name):
-        if self.reference and self.reference.getName() == old_name:
-            self.reference.setName(new_name)
+    setattr(cls, "getinlineContent", getinlineContent)
+    def updateElementName(self, old_name, new_name):
+        if self.reference and self.reference.getname() == old_name:
+            self.reference.setname(new_name)
         if self.inline:
             self.inline.updateElementName(old_name, new_name)
     setattr(cls, "updateElementName", updateElementName)
-cls = PLCOpenClasses.get("actionBlock", None)
-if cls:
-    setattr(cls, "getX", getX)
-    setattr(cls, "getY", getY)
-    setattr(cls, "setX", setX)
-    setattr(cls, "setY", setY)
-    def setActions(self, actions):
+cls = PLCOpenClasses.get("commonObjects_actionBlock", None)
+if cls:
+    setattr(cls, "getx", getx)
+    setattr(cls, "gety", gety)
+    setattr(cls, "setx", setx)
+    setattr(cls, "sety", sety)
+    def setactions(self, actions):
         self.action = []
         for params in actions:
             action = PLCOpenClasses["actionBlock_action"]()
-            action.addQualifier()
-            action.setQualifierValue(params["qualifier"])
+            action.setqualifier(params["qualifier"])
             if params["type"] == "reference":
-                action.addReference()
-                action.setReferenceName(params["value"])
+                action.addreference()
+                action.setreferenceName(params["value"])
-                action.addInline()
-                action.setInlineContent(params["value"])
+                action.addinline()
+                action.setinlineContent(params["value"])
             if "duration" in params:
-                action.setDuration(params["duration"])
+                action.setduration(params["duration"])
             if "indicator" in params:
-                action.setIndicator(params["indicator"])
+                action.setindicator(params["indicator"])
-    setattr(cls, "setActions", setActions)
-    def getActions(self):
+    setattr(cls, "setactions", setactions)
+    def getactions(self):
         actions = []
         for action in self.action:
             params = {}
-            params["qualifier"] = action.getQualifierValue()
+            params["qualifier"] = action.getqualifier()
             if params["qualifier"] is None:
                 params["qualifier"] = "N"
-            if action.getReference():
+            if action.getreference():
                 params["type"] = "reference"
-                params["value"] = action.getReferenceName()
-            elif action.getInline():
+                params["value"] = action.getreferenceName()
+            elif action.getinline():
                 params["type"] = "inline"
-                params["value"] = action.getInlineContent()
-            duration = action.getDuration()
+                params["value"] = action.getinlineContent()
+            duration = action.getduration()
             if duration:
                 params["duration"] = duration
-            indicator = action.getIndicator()
+            indicator = action.getindicator()
             if indicator:
                 params["indicator"] = indicator
         return actions
-    setattr(cls, "getActions", getActions)
+    setattr(cls, "getactions", getactions)
     def updateElementName(self, old_name, new_name):
         for action in self.action:
             action.updateElementName(old_name, new_name)
     setattr(cls, "updateElementName", updateElementName)
-cls = PLCOpenClasses.get("inVariable", None)
-if cls:
-    setattr(cls, "getX", getX)
-    setattr(cls, "getY", getY)
-    setattr(cls, "setX", setX)
-    setattr(cls, "setY", setY)
-    def setConnectorEdge(self, edge):
-        if not self.edge:
-            self.edge = PLCOpenClasses["edgeModifierType"]()
-        self.edge.setValue(edge)
-    setattr(cls, "setConnectorEdge", setConnectorEdge)
-    def getConnectorEdge(self):
-        if self.edge:
-            return self.edge.getValue()
-        return None
-    setattr(cls, "getConnectorEdge", getConnectorEdge)
+cls = PLCOpenClasses.get("fbdObjects_inVariable", None)
+if cls:
+    setattr(cls, "getx", getx)
+    setattr(cls, "gety", gety)
+    setattr(cls, "setx", setx)
+    setattr(cls, "sety", sety)
     def updateElementName(self, old_name, new_name):
         if self.expression == old_name:
             self.expression = new_name
     setattr(cls, "updateElementName", updateElementName)
-cls = PLCOpenClasses.get("outVariable", None)
-if cls:
-    setattr(cls, "getX", getX)
-    setattr(cls, "getY", getY)
-    setattr(cls, "setX", setX)
-    setattr(cls, "setY", setY)
-    def setConnectorEdge(self, edge):
-        if not self.edge:
-            self.edge = PLCOpenClasses["edgeModifierType"]()
-        self.edge.setValue(edge)
-    setattr(cls, "setConnectorEdge", setConnectorEdge)
-    def getConnectorEdge(self):
-        if self.edge:
-            return self.edge.getValue()
-        return None
-    setattr(cls, "getConnectorEdge", getConnectorEdge)
+cls = PLCOpenClasses.get("fbdObjects_outVariable", None)
+if cls:
+    setattr(cls, "getx", getx)
+    setattr(cls, "gety", gety)
+    setattr(cls, "setx", setx)
+    setattr(cls, "sety", sety)
     def updateElementName(self, old_name, new_name):
         if self.expression == old_name:
             self.expression = new_name
     setattr(cls, "updateElementName", updateElementName)
-cls = PLCOpenClasses.get("inOutVariable", None)
-if cls:
-    setattr(cls, "getX", getX)
-    setattr(cls, "getY", getY)
-    setattr(cls, "setX", setX)
-    setattr(cls, "setY", setY)
-    def setInputEdge(self, edge):
-        if not self.edgeIn:
-            self.edgeIn = PLCOpenClasses["edgeModifierType"]()
-        self.edgeIn.setValue(edge)
-    setattr(cls, "setInputEdge", setInputEdge)
-    def getInputEdge(self):
-        if self.edgeIn:
-            return self.edgeIn.getValue()
-        return None
-    setattr(cls, "getInputEdge", getInputEdge)
-    def setOutputEdge(self, edge):
-        if not self.edgeOut:
-            self.edgeOut = PLCOpenClasses["edgeModifierType"]()
-        self.edgeOut.setValue(edge)
-    setattr(cls, "setInputEdge", setInputEdge)
-    def getOutputEdge(self):
-        if self.edgeOut:
-            return self.edgeOut.getValue()
-        return None
-    setattr(cls, "getOutputEdge", getOutputEdge)
+cls = PLCOpenClasses.get("fbdObjects_inOutVariable", None)
+if cls:
+    setattr(cls, "getx", getx)
+    setattr(cls, "gety", gety)
+    setattr(cls, "setx", setx)
+    setattr(cls, "sety", sety)
     def updateElementName(self, old_name, new_name):
         if self.expression == old_name:
             self.expression = new_name
     setattr(cls, "updateElementName", updateElementName)
-cls = PLCOpenClasses.get("continuation", None)
-if cls:
-    setattr(cls, "getX", getX)
-    setattr(cls, "getY", getY)
-    setattr(cls, "setX", setX)
-    setattr(cls, "setY", setY)
+cls = PLCOpenClasses.get("commonObjects_continuation", None)
+if cls:
+    setattr(cls, "getx", getx)
+    setattr(cls, "gety", gety)
+    setattr(cls, "setx", setx)
+    setattr(cls, "sety", sety)
     def updateElementName(self, old_name, new_name):
     setattr(cls, "updateElementName", updateElementName)
-cls = PLCOpenClasses.get("connector", None)
-if cls:
-    setattr(cls, "getX", getX)
-    setattr(cls, "getY", getY)
-    setattr(cls, "setX", setX)
-    setattr(cls, "setY", setY)
+cls = PLCOpenClasses.get("commonObjects_connector", None)
+if cls:
+    setattr(cls, "getx", getx)
+    setattr(cls, "gety", gety)
+    setattr(cls, "setx", setx)
+    setattr(cls, "sety", sety)
     def updateElementName(self, old_name, new_name):
@@ -1433,126 +1294,126 @@
 cls = PLCOpenClasses.get("connection", None)
 if cls:
-    def setPoints(self, points):
+    def setpoints(self, points):
         self.position = []
         for point in points:
             position = PLCOpenClasses["position"]()
-            position.setX(point.x)
-            position.setY(point.y)
+            position.setx(point.x)
+            position.sety(point.y)
-    setattr(cls, "setPoints", setPoints)
-    def getPoints(self):
+    setattr(cls, "setpoints", setpoints)
+    def getpoints(self):
         points = []
         for position in self.position:
-            points.append((position.getX(),position.getY()))
+            points.append((position.getx(),position.gety()))
         return points
-    setattr(cls, "getPoints", getPoints)
+    setattr(cls, "getpoints", getpoints)
 cls = PLCOpenClasses.get("connectionPointIn", None)
 if cls:
-    def setRelPosition(self, x, y):
+    def setrelPositionXY(self, x, y):
         self.relPosition = PLCOpenClasses["position"]()
-        self.relPosition.setX(x)
-        self.relPosition.setY(y)
-    setattr(cls, "setRelPosition", setRelPosition)
-    def getRelPosition(self):
+        self.relPosition.setx(x)
+        self.relPosition.sety(y)
+    setattr(cls, "setrelPositionXY", setrelPositionXY)
+    def getrelPositionXY(self):
         if self.relPosition:
-            return self.relPosition.getX(), self.relPosition.getY()
+            return self.relPosition.getx(), self.relPosition.gety()
             return self.relPosition
-    setattr(cls, "getRelPosition", getRelPosition)
-    def addConnection(self):
+    setattr(cls, "getrelPositionXY", getrelPositionXY)
+    def addconnection(self):
         if not self.content:
-            self.content = {"name":"connection","value":[PLCOpenClasses["connection"]()]}
+            self.content = {"name" : "connection", "value" : [PLCOpenClasses["connection"]()]}
-    setattr(cls, "addConnection", addConnection)
-    def removeConnection(self, idx):
+    setattr(cls, "addconnection", addconnection)
+    def removeconnection(self, idx):
         if self.content:
         if len(self.content["value"]) == 0:
             self.content = None
-    setattr(cls, "removeConnection", removeConnection)
-    def removeConnections(self):
+    setattr(cls, "removeconnection", removeconnection)
+    def removeconnections(self):
         if self.content:
             self.content = None
-    setattr(cls, "removeConnections", removeConnections)
-    def getConnections(self):
+    setattr(cls, "removeconnections", removeconnections)
+    def getconnections(self):
         if self.content:
             return self.content["value"]
-    setattr(cls, "getConnections", getConnections)
-    def setConnectionId(self, idx, id):
+    setattr(cls, "getconnections", getconnections)
+    def setconnectionId(self, idx, id):
         if self.content:
-            self.content["value"][idx].setRefLocalId(id)
-    setattr(cls, "setConnectionId", setConnectionId)
-    def getConnectionId(self, idx):
+            self.content["value"][idx].setrefLocalId(id)
+    setattr(cls, "setconnectionId", setconnectionId)
+    def getconnectionId(self, idx):
         if self.content:
-            return self.content["value"][idx].getRefLocalId()
+            return self.content["value"][idx].getrefLocalId()
         return None
-    setattr(cls, "getConnectionId", getConnectionId)
-    def setConnectionPoints(self, idx, points):
+    setattr(cls, "getconnectionId", getconnectionId)
+    def setconnectionPoints(self, idx, points):
         if self.content:
-            self.content["value"][idx].setPoints(points)
-    setattr(cls, "setConnectionPoints", setConnectionPoints)
-    def getConnectionPoints(self, idx):
+            self.content["value"][idx].setpoints(points)
+    setattr(cls, "setconnectionPoints", setconnectionPoints)
+    def getconnectionPoints(self, idx):
         if self.content:
-            return self.content["value"][idx].getPoints()
+            return self.content["value"][idx].getpoints()
         return None
-    setattr(cls, "getConnectionPoints", getConnectionPoints)
-    def setConnectionParameter(self, idx, parameter):
+    setattr(cls, "getconnectionPoints", getconnectionPoints)
+    def setconnectionParameter(self, idx, parameter):
         if self.content:
-            self.content["value"][idx].setFormalParameter(parameter)
-    setattr(cls, "setConnectionParameter", setConnectionParameter)
-    def getConnectionParameter(self, idx):
+            self.content["value"][idx].setformalParameter(parameter)
+    setattr(cls, "setconnectionParameter", setconnectionParameter)
+    def getconnectionParameter(self, idx):
         if self.content:
-            return self.content["value"][idx].getFormalParameter()
+            return self.content["value"][idx].getformalParameter()
         return None
-    setattr(cls, "getConnectionParameter", getConnectionParameter)
+    setattr(cls, "getconnectionParameter", getconnectionParameter)
 cls = PLCOpenClasses.get("connectionPointOut", None)
 if cls:
-    def setRelPosition(self, x, y):
+    def setrelPositionXY(self, x, y):
         self.relPosition = PLCOpenClasses["position"]()
-        self.relPosition.setX(x)
-        self.relPosition.setY(y)
-    setattr(cls, "setRelPosition", setRelPosition)
-    def getRelPosition(self):
+        self.relPosition.setx(x)
+        self.relPosition.sety(y)
+    setattr(cls, "setrelPositionXY", setrelPositionXY)
+    def getrelPositionXY(self):
         if self.relPosition:
-            return self.relPosition.getX(), self.relPosition.getY()
+            return self.relPosition.getx(), self.relPosition.gety()
         return self.relPosition
-    setattr(cls, "getRelPosition", getRelPosition)
+    setattr(cls, "getrelPositionXY", getrelPositionXY)
 cls = PLCOpenClasses.get("value", None)
 if cls:
-    def setValue(self, value):
+    def setvalue(self, value):
         if value.startswith("[") and value.endswith("]"):
             arrayValue = PLCOpenClasses["value_arrayValue"]()
-            self.content = {"name":"arrayValue","value":arrayValue}
+            self.content = {"name" : "arrayValue", "value" : arrayValue}
         elif value.startswith("(") and value.endswith(")"):
             structValue = PLCOpenClasses["value_structValue"]()
-            self.content = {"name":"structValue","value":structValue}
+            self.content = {"name" : "structValue", "value" : structValue}
             simpleValue = PLCOpenClasses["value_simpleValue"]()
-            self.content = {"name":"simpleValue","value":simpleValue}
-        self.content["value"].setValue(value)
-    setattr(cls, "setValue", setValue)
-    def getValue(self):
-        return self.content["value"].getValue()
-    setattr(cls, "getValue", getValue)
+            self.content = {"name" : "simpleValue", "value": simpleValue}
+        self.content["value"].setvalue(value)
+    setattr(cls, "setvalue", setvalue)
+    def getvalue(self):
+        return self.content["value"].getvalue()
+    setattr(cls, "getvalue", getvalue)
 def extractValues(values):
     items = values.split(",")
@@ -1572,7 +1433,7 @@
 if cls:
     arrayValue_model = re.compile("([0-9]*)\((.*)\)$")
-    def setValue(self, value):
+    def setvalue(self, value):
         self.value = []
         for item in extractValues(value[1:-1]):
             item = item.strip()
@@ -1580,43 +1441,43 @@
             result = arrayValue_model.match(item)
             if result is not None:
                 groups = result.groups()
-                element.setRepetitionValue(int(groups[0]))
-                element.setValue(groups[1].strip())
+                element.setrepetitionValue(int(groups[0]))
+                element.setvalue(groups[1].strip())
-                element.setValue(item)
+                element.setvalue(item)
-    setattr(cls, "setValue", setValue)
-    def getValue(self):
+    setattr(cls, "setvalue", setvalue)
+    def getvalue(self):
         values = []
         for element in self.value:
-            repetition = element.getRepetitionValue()
+            repetition = element.getrepetitionValue()
             if repetition is not None and repetition > 1:
-                values.append("%d(%s)"%(repetition, element.getValue()))
+                values.append("%d(%s)"%(repetition, element.getvalue()))
-                values.append(element.getValue())
+                values.append(element.getvalue())
         return "[%s]"%", ".join(values)
-    setattr(cls, "getValue", getValue)
+    setattr(cls, "getvalue", getvalue)
 cls = PLCOpenClasses.get("value_structValue", None)
 if cls:
     structValue_model = re.compile("(.*):=(.*)")
-    def setValue(self, value):
+    def setvalue(self, value):
         self.value = []
         for item in extractValues(value[1:-1]):
             result = arrayValue_model.match(item)
             if result is not None:
                 groups = result.groups()
                 element = PLCOpenClasses["structValue_value"]()
-                element.setMember(groups[0].strip())
-                element.setValue(groups[1].strip())
+                element.setmember(groups[0].strip())
+                element.setvalue(groups[1].strip())
-    setattr(cls, "setValue", setValue)
-    def getValue(self):
+    setattr(cls, "setvalue", setvalue)
+    def getvalue(self):
         values = []
         for element in self.value:
-            values.append("%s := %s"%(element.getMember(), element.getValue()))
+            values.append("%s := %s"%(element.getmember(), element.getvalue()))
         return "(%s)"%", ".join(values)
-    setattr(cls, "getValue", getValue)
+    setattr(cls, "getvalue", getvalue)
--- a/plcopen/	Tue Jan 22 10:53:34 2008 +0100
+++ b/plcopen/	Tue Jan 22 10:57:41 2008 +0100
@@ -34,14 +34,14 @@
                      "L" : ["LINT", "ULINT", "LREAL", "LWORD"]} 
 def generate_block(generator, block, body, link, order=False):
-    body_type = body.getContent()["name"]
-    name = block.getInstanceName()
-    type = block.getTypeName()
-    executionOrderId = block.getExecutionOrderId()
+    body_type = body.getcontent()["name"]
+    name = block.getinstanceName()
+    type = block.gettypeName()
+    executionOrderId = block.getexecutionOrderId()
     block_infos = GetBlockType(type)
     if block_infos["type"] == "function":
-        output_variable = block.outputVariables.getVariable()[0]
-        output_name = "%s%d_OUT"%(type, block.getLocalId())
+        output_variable = block.outputVariables.getvariable()[0]
+        output_name = "%s%d_OUT"%(type, block.getlocalId())
         if not generator.ComputedBlocks.get(block, False) and not order:
             if generator.Interface[-1][0] != "VAR" or generator.Interface[-1][1] or generator.Interface[-1][2] or generator.Interface[-1][3]:
                 generator.Interface.append(("VAR", False, False, False, []))
@@ -50,8 +50,8 @@
                 generator.Interface[-1][4].append(("ANY", output_name, None, None))
             vars = []
-            for variable in block.inputVariables.getVariable():
-                connections = variable.connectionPointIn.getConnections()
+            for variable in block.inputVariables.getvariable():
+                connections = variable.connectionPointIn.getconnections()
                 if connections and len(connections) == 1:
                     if body_type == "FBD" or body_type == "SFC":
                         value = generator.ComputeFBDExpression(body, connections[0], executionOrderId > 0)
@@ -69,15 +69,15 @@
     elif block_infos["type"] == "functionBlock":
         if not generator.ComputedBlocks.get(block, False) and not order:
             vars = []
-            for variable in block.inputVariables.getVariable():
-                connections = variable.connectionPointIn.getConnections()
+            for variable in block.inputVariables.getvariable():
+                connections = variable.connectionPointIn.getconnections()
                 if connections and len(connections) == 1:
-                    parameter = variable.getFormalParameter()
+                    parameter = variable.getformalParameter()
                     if body_type == "FBD" or body_type == "SFC":
                         value = generator.ComputeFBDExpression(body, connections[0], executionOrderId > 0)
                         vars.append("%s := %s"%(parameter, generator.ExtractModifier(variable, value)))
                     elif body_type == "LD":
-                        paths = generator.GenerateLDPaths(variable.connectionPointIn.getConnections(), body)
+                        paths = generator.GenerateLDPaths(variable.connectionPointIn.getconnections(), body)
                         if len(paths) > 0:
                             paths = tuple(paths)
@@ -87,13 +87,13 @@
             generator.Program += "  %s(%s);\n"%(name, ", ".join(vars))
             generator.ComputedBlocks[block] = True
         if link:
-            connectionPoint = link.getPosition()[-1]
+            connectionPoint = link.getposition()[-1]
             connectionPoint = None
-        for variable in block.outputVariables.getVariable():
-            blockPointx, blockPointy = variable.connectionPointOut.getRelPosition()
-            if not connectionPoint or block.getX() + blockPointx == connectionPoint.getX() and block.getY() + blockPointy == connectionPoint.getY():
-                return generator.ExtractModifier(variable, "%s.%s"%(name, variable.getFormalParameter()))
+        for variable in block.outputVariables.getvariable():
+            blockPointx, blockPointy = variable.connectionPointOut.getrelPositionXY()
+            if not connectionPoint or block.getx() + blockPointx == connectionPoint.getx() and block.gety() + blockPointy == connectionPoint.gety():
+                return generator.ExtractModifier(variable, "%s.%s"%(name, variable.getformalParameter()))
         raise ValueError, "No output variable found"
 def initialise_block(type, name):
--- a/xmlclass/	Tue Jan 22 10:53:34 2008 +0100
+++ b/xmlclass/	Tue Jan 22 10:57:41 2008 +0100
@@ -25,3 +25,4 @@
 # Package initialisation
 from xmlclass import *
+from xsdschema import *
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/xmlclass/po.xml	Tue Jan 22 10:57:41 2008 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<purchaseOrder orderDate="1999-10-20">
+  <shipTo country="US">
+    <name>Alice Smith</name>
+    <street>123 Maple Street</street>
+    <city>Mill Valley</city>
+    <state>CA</state>
+    <zip>90952</zip>
+  </shipTo>
+  <billTo country="US">
+    <name>Robert Smith</name>
+    <street>8 Oak Avenue</street>
+    <city>Old Town</city>
+    <state>PA</state>
+    <zip>95819</zip>
+  </billTo>
+  <comment>Hurry, my lawn is going wild!</comment>
+  <items>
+    <item partNum="872-AA">
+      <productName>Lawnmower</productName>
+      <quantity>1</quantity>
+      <USPrice>148.95</USPrice>
+      <comment>Confirm this is electric</comment>
+    </item>
+    <item partNum="926-AA">
+      <productName>Baby Monitor</productName>
+      <quantity>1</quantity>
+      <USPrice>39.98</USPrice>
+      <shipDate>1999-05-21</shipDate>
+    </item>
+  </items>
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/xmlclass/test.xsd	Tue Jan 22 10:57:41 2008 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+<xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="">
+  <xsd:annotation>
+    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
+      Purchase order schema for
+      Copyright 2000 All rights reserved.
+    </xsd:documentation>
+  </xsd:annotation>
+  <xsd:element name="purchaseOrder" type="PurchaseOrderType"/>
+  <xsd:element name="comment" type="xsd:string"/>
+  <xsd:complexType name="PurchaseOrderType">
+    <xsd:sequence>
+      <xsd:element name="shipTo" type="USAddress"/>
+      <xsd:element name="billTo" type="USAddress"/>
+      <xsd:element ref="comment" minOccurs="0"/>
+      <xsd:element name="items"  type="Items"/>
+    </xsd:sequence>
+    <xsd:attribute name="orderDate" type="xsd:date"/>
+  </xsd:complexType>
+  <xsd:complexType name="USAddress">
+    <xsd:sequence>
+      <xsd:element name="name"   type="xsd:string"/>
+      <xsd:element name="street" type="xsd:string"/>
+      <xsd:element name="city"   type="xsd:string"/>
+      <xsd:element name="state"  type="xsd:string"/>
+      <xsd:element name="zip"    type="xsd:decimal"/>
+    </xsd:sequence>
+    <xsd:attribute name="country" type="xsd:NMTOKEN"
+                   fixed="US"/>
+  </xsd:complexType>
+  <xsd:complexType name="Items">
+    <xsd:sequence>
+      <xsd:element name="item" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
+        <xsd:complexType>
+          <xsd:sequence>
+            <xsd:element name="productName" type="xsd:string"/>
+            <xsd:element name="quantity">
+              <xsd:simpleType>
+                <xsd:restriction base="xsd:positiveInteger">
+                  <xsd:maxExclusive value="100"/>
+                </xsd:restriction>
+              </xsd:simpleType>
+            </xsd:element>
+            <xsd:element name="USPrice"  type="xsd:decimal"/>
+            <xsd:element ref="comment"   minOccurs="0"/>
+            <xsd:element name="shipDate" type="xsd:date" minOccurs="0"/>
+          </xsd:sequence>
+          <xsd:attribute name="partNum" type="SKU" use="required"/>
+        </xsd:complexType>
+      </xsd:element>
+    </xsd:sequence>
+  </xsd:complexType>
+  <!-- Stock Keeping Unit, a code for identifying products -->
+  <xsd:simpleType name="SKU">
+    <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
+      <xsd:pattern value="\d{3}-[A-Z]{2}"/>
+    </xsd:restriction>
+  </xsd:simpleType>
--- a/xmlclass/	Tue Jan 22 10:53:34 2008 +0100
+++ b/xmlclass/	Tue Jan 22 10:57:41 2008 +0100
@@ -23,19 +23,34 @@
 #Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
 from xml.dom import minidom
-import sys,re
+import sys, re, datetime
 from types import *
-from datetime import *
 from new import classobj
+LANGUAGES = ["en-US", "fr-FR", "en", "fr"]
+Regular expression models for check all kind of string
+Name_model = re.compile('([a-zA-Z_\:][\w\.\-\:]*)$')
+Names_model = re.compile('([a-zA-Z_\:][\w\.\-\:]*(?: [a-zA-Z_\:][\w\.\-\:]*)*)$')
+NMToken_model = re.compile('([\w\.\-\:]*)$')
+NMTokens_model = re.compile('([\w\.\-\:]*(?: [\w\.\-\:]*)*)$')
+QName_model = re.compile('((?:[a-zA-Z_][\w]*:)?[a-zA-Z_][\w]*)$')
+QNames_model = re.compile('((?:[a-zA-Z_][\w]*:)?[a-zA-Z_][\w]*(?: (?:[a-zA-Z_][\w]*:)?[a-zA-Z_][\w]*)*)$')
+NCName_model = re.compile('([a-zA-Z_][\w]*)$')
+URI_model = re.compile('((?:http://|/)?(?:[\w.]*/?)*)$')
+ONLY_ANNOTATION = re.compile("((?:annotation )?)")
 Regular expression models for extracting dates and times from a string
-time_model = re.compile('([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2}(?:\.[0-9]*)?)(?:Z)?')
-date_model = re.compile('([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})((?:[\-\+][0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2})|Z)?')
-datetime_model = re.compile('([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})[ T]([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2}(?:\.[0-9]*)?)((?:[\-\+][0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2})|Z)?')
-class xml_timezone(tzinfo):
+time_model = re.compile('([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2}(?:\.[0-9]*)?)(?:Z)?$')
+date_model = re.compile('([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})((?:[\-\+][0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2})|Z)?$')
+datetime_model = re.compile('([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})[ T]([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2}(?:\.[0-9]*)?)((?:[\-\+][0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2})|Z)?$')
+class xml_timezone(datetime.tzinfo):
     def SetOffset(self, offset):
         if offset == "Z":
@@ -56,11 +71,20 @@
     def dst(self, dt):
         return ZERO
-XSD_INTEGER_TYPES = ["integer","nonPositiveInteger","negativeInteger","long",
-    "int","short","byte","nonNegativeInteger","unsignedLong","unsignedInt",
-    "unsignedShort","unsignedByte","positiveInteger"]
-XSD_STRING_TYPES = ["string","normalizedString","token","anyURI","NMTOKEN","language"]
+] = range(12)
+def NotSupportedYet(type):
+    """
+    Function that generates a function that point out to user that datatype asked
+    are not yet supported by xmlclass
+    @param type: data type
+    @return: function generated
+    """
+    def GetUnknownValue(attr):
+        raise ValueError, "\"%s\" type isn't supported by \"xmlclass\" yet!"%type
+    return GetUnknownValue
 This function calculates the number of whitespace for indentation
@@ -70,529 +94,893 @@
     second = first + len(balise) + 1
     return "\t".expandtabs(first), "\t".expandtabs(second)
-Function that extracts data from a node
-def GetAttributeValue(attr):
+def GetAttributeValue(attr, extract = True):
+    """
+    Function that extracts data from a tree node
+    @param attr: tree node containing data to extract
+    @param extract: attr is a tree node or not
+    @return: data extracted as string
+    """
+    if not extract:
+        return attr
     if len(attr.childNodes) == 1:
         return attr.childNodes[0].data.encode()
+        # content is a CDATA
         text = ""
         for node in attr.childNodes:
             if node.nodeName != "#text":
                 text +=
         return text
-Function that computes value from a python type (Only Boolean are critical because
-there is no uppercase in plcopen)
-def ComputeValue(value):
-    if type(value) == BooleanType:
-        if value:
-            return "true"
-        else:
-            return "false"
+def GetNormalizedString(attr, extract = True):
+    """
+    Function that normalizes a string according to XML 1.0. Replace tabulations, 
+    line feed and carriage return by white space
+    @param attr: tree node containing data to extract or data to normalize
+    @param extract: attr is a tree node or not
+    @return: data normalized as string
+    """
+    if extract:
+        return GetAttributeValue(attr).replace("\n", " ").replace("\t", " ")
-        return str(value)
-Function that extracts a value from a string following the xsd type given
-def GetComputedValue(attr_type, value):
-    type_compute = attr_type[4:].replace("[]", "")
-    if type_compute == "boolean":
-         if value == "true":
-             return True
-         elif value == "false":
-             return False
-         else:
-            raise ValueError, "\"%s\" is not a valid boolean!"%value
-    elif type_compute in XSD_INTEGER_TYPES:
-        return int(value)
-    elif type_compute in ["decimal", "float", "double"]:
-        computed_value = float(value)
-        if computed_value % 1 == 0:
-            return int(computed_value)
-        return computed_value
-    elif type_compute in XSD_STRING_TYPES:
+        return attr.replace("\n", " ").replace("\t", " ")
+def GetToken(attr, extract = True):
+    """
+    Function that tokenizes a string according to XML 1.0. Remove any leading and 
+    trailing white space and replace internal sequence of two or more spaces by 
+    only one white space
+    @param attr: tree node containing data to extract or data to tokenize
+    @param extract: attr is a tree node or not
+    @return: data tokenized as string
+    """
+    return " ".join([part for part in GetNormalizedString(attr, extract).split(" ") if part])
+def GetHexInteger(attr, extract = True):
+    """
+    Function that extracts an hexadecimal integer from a tree node or a string
+    @param attr: tree node containing data to extract or data as a string
+    @param extract: attr is a tree node or not
+    @return: data as an integer
+    """
+    if extract:
+        value = GetAttributeValue(attr)
+    else:
+        value = attr
+    try:
+        return int(value, 16)
+    except:
+        raise ValueError, "\"%s\" isn't a valid hexadecimal integer!"%value
+def GenerateIntegerExtraction(minInclusive = None, maxInclusive = None, minExclusive = None, maxExclusive = None):
+    """
+    Function that generates an extraction function for integer defining min and max
+    of integer value
+    @param minInclusive: inclusive minimum
+    @param maxInclusive: inclusive maximum
+    @param minExclusive: exclusive minimum
+    @param maxExclusive: exclusive maximum
+    @return: function generated
+    """
+    def GetInteger(attr, extract = True):
+        """
+        Function that extracts an integer from a tree node or a string
+        @param attr: tree node containing data to extract or data as a string
+        @param extract: attr is a tree node or not
+        @return: data as an integer
+        """
+        if extract:
+            value = GetAttributeValue(attr)
+        else:
+            value = attr
+        try:
+            # TODO: permit to write value like 1E2
+            value = int(value)
+        except:
+            raise ValueError, "\"%s\" isn't a valid integer!"%value
+        if minInclusive is not None and value < minInclusive:
+            raise ValueError, "%d isn't greater or equal to %d!"%(value, minInclusive)
+        if maxInclusive is not None and value > maxInclusive:
+            raise ValueError, "%d isn't lesser or equal to %d!"%(value, maxInclusive)
+        if minExclusive is not None and value <= minExclusive:
+            raise ValueError, "%d isn't greater than %d!"%(value, minExclusive)
+        if maxExclusive is not None and value >= maxExclusive:
+            raise ValueError, "%d isn't lesser than %d!"%(value, maxExclusive)
         return value
-    elif type_compute == "time":
-        result = time_model.match(value)
-        if result:
-            values = result.groups()
-            time_values = [int(v) for v in values[:2]]
-            seconds = float(values[2])
-            time_values.extend([int(seconds), int((seconds % 1) * 1000000)])
-            return time(*time_values)
-        else:
-            raise ValueError, "\"%s\" is not a valid time!"%value
-    elif type_compute == "date":
-        result = date_model.match(value)
-        if result:
-            values = result.groups()
-            date_values = [int(v) for v in values[:3]]
-            if values[3] is not None:
-                tz = xml_timezone()
-                tz.SetOffset(values[3])
-                date_values.append(tz)
-            return date(*date_values)
-        else:
-            raise ValueError, "\"%s\" is not a valid date!"%value
-    elif type_compute == "dateTime":
-        result = datetime_model.match(value)
-        if result:
-            values = result.groups()
-            datetime_values = [int(v) for v in values[:5]]
-            seconds = float(values[5])
-            datetime_values.extend([int(seconds), int((seconds % 1) * 1000000)])
-            if values[6] is not None:
-                tz = xml_timezone()
-                tz.SetOffset(values[6])
-                datetime_values.append(tz)
-            return datetime(*datetime_values)
-        else:
-            raise ValueError, "\"%s\" is not a valid datetime!"%value
+    return GetInteger
+def GenerateFloatExtraction(type, extra_values = []):
+    """
+    Function that generates an extraction function for float
+    @param type: name of the type of float
+    @return: function generated
+    """
+    def GetFloat(attr, extract = True):
+        """
+        Function that extracts a float from a tree node or a string
+        @param attr: tree node containing data to extract or data as a string
+        @param extract: attr is a tree node or not
+        @return: data as a float
+        """
+        if extract:
+            value = GetAttributeValue(attr)
+        else:
+            value = attr
+        try:
+            if value in extra_values:
+                return value
+            return float(value)
+        except:
+            raise ValueError, "\"%s\" isn't a valid %s!"%(value, type)
+    return GetFloat
+def GetBoolean(attr, extract = True):
+    """
+    Function that extracts a boolean from a tree node or a string
+    @param attr: tree node containing data to extract or data as a string
+    @param extract: attr is a tree node or not
+    @return: data as a boolean
+    """
+    if extract:
+        value = GetAttributeValue(attr)
-        print "Can't affect: %s"%type_compute
+        value = attr
+    if value == "true" or value == "1":
+        return True
+    elif value == "false" or value == "0":
+        return False
+    else:
+        raise ValueError, "\"%s\" isn't a valid boolean!"%value
+def GetTime(attr, extract = True):
+    """
+    Function that extracts a time from a tree node or a string
+    @param attr: tree node containing data to extract or data as a string
+    @param extract: attr is a tree node or not
+    @return: data as a time
+    """
+    if extract:
+        result = time_model.match(GetAttributeValue(attr))
+    else:
+        result = time_model.match(attr)
+    if result:
+        values = result.groups()
+        time_values = [int(v) for v in values[:2]]
+        seconds = float(values[2])
+        time_values.extend([int(seconds), int((seconds % 1) * 1000000)])
+        return datetime.time(*time_values)
+    else:
+        raise ValueError, "\"%s\" is not a valid time!"%value
+def GetDate(attr, extract = True):
+    """
+    Function that extracts a date from a tree node or a string
+    @param attr: tree node containing data to extract or data as a string
+    @param extract: attr is a tree node or not
+    @return: data as a date
+    """
+    if extract:
+        result = date_model.match(GetAttributeValue(attr))
+    else:
+        result = date_model.match(attr)
+    if result:
+        values = result.groups()
+        date_values = [int(v) for v in values[:3]]
+        if values[3] is not None:
+            tz = xml_timezone()
+            tz.SetOffset(values[3])
+            date_values.append(tz)
+        return*date_values)
+    else:
+        raise ValueError, "\"%s\" is not a valid date!"%value
+def GetDateTime(attr, extract = True):
+    """
+    Function that extracts date and time from a tree node or a string
+    @param attr: tree node containing data to extract or data as a string
+    @param extract: attr is a tree node or not
+    @return: data as date and time
+    """
+    if extract:
+        result = datetime_model.match(GetAttributeValue(attr))
+    else:
+        result = datetime_model.match(attr)
+    if result:
+        values = result.groups()
+        datetime_values = [int(v) for v in values[:5]]
+        seconds = float(values[5])
+        datetime_values.extend([int(seconds), int((seconds % 1) * 1000000)])
+        if values[6] is not None:
+            tz = xml_timezone()
+            tz.SetOffset(values[6])
+            datetime_values.append(tz)
+        return datetime.datetime(*datetime_values)
+    else:
+        raise ValueError, "\"%s\" is not a valid datetime!"%value
+def GenerateModelNameExtraction(type, model):
+    """
+    Function that generates an extraction function for string matching a model
+    @param type: name of the data type
+    @param model: model that data must match
+    @return: function generated
+    """
+    def GetModelName(attr, extract = True):
+        """
+        Function that extracts a string from a tree node or not and check that
+        string extracted or given match the model
+        @param attr: tree node containing data to extract or data as a string
+        @param extract: attr is a tree node or not
+        @return: data as a string if matching
+        """
+        if extract:
+            value = GetAttributeValue(attr)
+        else:
+            value = attr
+        result = model.match(value)
+        if not result:
+            raise ValueError, "\"%s\" is not a valid %s!"%(value, type)
+        return value
+    return GetModelName
+def GenerateLimitExtraction(min = None, max = None, unbounded = True):
+    """
+    Function that generates an extraction function for integer defining min and max
+    of integer value
+    @param min: minimum limit value
+    @param max: maximum limit value
+    @param unbounded: value can be "unbounded" or not
+    @return: function generated
+    """
+    def GetLimit(attr, extract = True):
+        """
+        Function that extracts a string from a tree node or not and check that
+        string extracted or given is in a list of values
+        @param attr: tree node containing data to extract or data as a string
+        @param extract: attr is a tree node or not
+        @return: data as a string
+        """
+        if extract:
+            value = GetAttributeValue(attr)
+        else:
+            value = attr
+        if value == "unbounded":
+            if unbounded:
+                return value
+            else:
+                raise "\"%s\" isn't a valid value for this member limit!"%value
+        try:
+            limit = int(value)
+        except:
+            raise "\"%s\" isn't a valid value for this member limit!"%value
+        if limit < 0:
+            raise "\"%s\" isn't a valid value for this member limit!"%value
+        elif min is not None and limit < min:
+            raise "\"%s\" isn't a valid value for this member limit!"%value
+        elif max is not None and limit > max:
+            raise "\"%s\" isn't a valid value for this member limit!"%value
+        return limit
+    return GetLimit
+def GenerateEnumeratedExtraction(type, list):
+    """
+    Function that generates an extraction function for enumerated values
+    @param type: name of the data type
+    @param list: list of possible values
+    @return: function generated
+    """
+    def GetEnumerated(attr, extract = True):
+        """
+        Function that extracts a string from a tree node or not and check that
+        string extracted or given is in a list of values
+        @param attr: tree node containing data to extract or data as a string
+        @param extract: attr is a tree node or not
+        @return: data as a string
+        """
+        if extract:
+            value = GetAttributeValue(attr)
+        else:
+            value = attr
+        if value in list:
+            return value
+        else:
+            raise ValueError, "\"%s\" isn't a valid value for %s!"%(value, type)
+    return GetEnumerated
+def GetNamespaces(attr, extract = True):
+    """
+    Function that extracts a list of namespaces from a tree node or a string
+    @param attr: tree node containing data to extract or data as a string
+    @param extract: attr is a tree node or not
+    @return: list of namespaces
+    """
+    if extract:
+        value = GetAttributeValue(attr)
+    else:
+        value = attr
+    if value == "":
+        return []
+    elif value == "##any" or value == "##other":
+        namespaces = [value]
+    else:
+        namespaces = []
+        for item in value.split(" "):
+            if item == "##targetNamespace" or item == "##local":
+                namespaces.append(item)
+            else:
+                result = URI_model.match(item)
+                if result is not None:
+                    namespaces.append(item)
+                else:
+                    raise ValueError, "\"%s\" isn't a valid value for namespace!"%value
+    return namespaces
+def GenerateGetList(type, list):
+    """
+    Function that generates an extraction function for a list of values
+    @param type: name of the data type
+    @param list: list of possible values
+    @return: function generated
+    """
+    def GetLists(attr, extract = True):
+        """
+        Function that extracts a list of values from a tree node or a string
+        @param attr: tree node containing data to extract or data as a string
+        @param extract: attr is a tree node or not
+        @return: list of values
+        """
+        if extract:
+            value = GetAttributeValue(attr)
+        else:
+            value = attr
+        if value == "":
+            return []
+        elif value == "#all":
+            return [value]
+        else:
+            values = []
+            for item in value.split(" "):
+                if item in list:
+                    values.append(item)
+                else:
+                    raise ValueError, "\"%s\" isn't a valid value for %s!"%(value, type)
+            return values
+    return GetLists
+def GenerateModelNameListExtraction(type, model):
+    """
+    Function that generates an extraction function for list of string matching a model
+    @param type: name of the data type
+    @param model: model that list elements must match
+    @return: function generated
+    """
+    def GetModelNameList(attr, extract = True):
+        """
+        Function that extracts a list of string from a tree node or not and check 
+        that all the items extracted match the model
+        @param attr: tree node containing data to extract or data as a string
+        @param extract: attr is a tree node or not
+        @return: data as a list of string if matching 
+        """
+        if extract:
+            value = GetAttributeValue(attr)
+        else:
+            value = attr
+        values = []
+        for item in value.split(" "):
+            result = model.match(item)
+            if result is not None:
+                values.append(item)
+            else:
+                raise ValueError, "\"%s\" isn't a valid value for %s!"%(value, type)
+        return values
+    return GetModelNameList
+def GenerateAnyInfos():
+    def ExtractAny(tree):
+        return
+    def GenerateAny(value, name = None, indent = 0):
+        return "<![CDATA[%s]]>\n"%str(value)
+    return {
+        "type" : COMPLEXTYPE, 
+        "extract" : ExtractAny,
+        "generate" : GenerateAny,
+        "initial" : lambda: "",
+        "check" : lambda x: isinstance(x, (StringType, UnicodeType))
+    }
+def GenerateTagInfos(name):
+    def ExtractTag(tree):
+        if len(tree._attrs) > 0:
+            raise ValueError, "\"%s\" musn't have attributes!"%name
+        if len(tree.childNodes) > 0:
+            raise ValueError, "\"%s\" musn't have children!"%name
         return None
-def GetInitialValueFunction(value):
-    def GetInitialValue():
-        return value
-    return GetInitialValue
-Class that generate class from an XML Tree 
+    def GenerateTag(value, name = None, indent = 0):
+        if name is not None:
+            ind1, ind2 = getIndent(indent, name)
+            return ind1 + "<%s/>\n"%name
+        else:
+            return ""
+    return {
+        "type" : TAG, 
+        "extract" : ExtractTag,
+        "generate" : GenerateTag,
+        "initial" : lambda: None,
+        "check" : lambda x: x == None
+    }
+def GenerateContentInfos(factory, choices):
+    def GetContentInitial():
+        content_name, infos = choices[0]
+        if isinstance(infos["elmt_type"], (UnicodeType, StringType)):
+            namespace, name = DecomposeQualifiedName(infos["elmt_type"])
+            infos["elmt_type"] = factory.GetQualifiedNameInfos(name, namespace)
+        if infos["maxOccurs"] == "unbounded" or infos["maxOccurs"] > 1:
+            return {"name" : content_name, "value" : map(infos["elmt_type"]["initial"], range(infos["minOccurs"]))}
+        else:
+            return {"name" : content_name, "value" : infos["elmt_type"]["initial"]()}
+    def CheckContent(value):
+        for content_name, infos in choices:
+            if content_name == value["name"]:
+                if isinstance(infos["elmt_type"], (UnicodeType, StringType)):
+                    namespace, name = DecomposeQualifiedName(infos["elmt_type"])
+                    infos["elmt_type"] = factory.GetQualifiedNameInfos(name, namespace)
+                if infos["maxOccurs"] == "unbounded" or infos["maxOccurs"] > 1:
+                    if isinstance(value["value"], ListType) and infos["minOccurs"] <= len(value["value"]) <= infos["maxOccurs"]:
+                        return reduce(lambda x, y: x and y, map(infos["elmt_type"]["check"], value["value"]), True)
+                else:
+                    return infos["elmt_type"]["check"](value["value"])
+        return False
+    def ExtractContent(tree, content):
+        for content_name, infos in choices:
+            if content_name == tree.nodeName:
+                if isinstance(infos["elmt_type"], (UnicodeType, StringType)):
+                    namespace, name = DecomposeQualifiedName(infos["elmt_type"])
+                    infos["elmt_type"] = factory.GetQualifiedNameInfos(name, namespace)
+                if infos["maxOccurs"] == "unbounded" or infos["maxOccurs"] > 1:
+                    if isinstance(content, ListType) and len(content) > 0 and content[-1]["name"] == content_name:
+                        content_item = content.pop(-1)
+                        content_item["value"].append(infos["elmt_type"]["extract"](tree))
+                        return content_item
+                    elif not isinstance(content, ListType) and content is not None and content["name"] == content_name:
+                        return {"name" : content_name, "value" : content["value"] + [infos["elmt_type"]["extract"](tree)]}
+                    else:
+                        return {"name" : content_name, "value" : [infos["elmt_type"]["extract"](tree)]}
+                else:
+                    return {"name" : content_name, "value" : infos["elmt_type"]["extract"](tree)}
+        raise ValueError, "Invalid element \"%s\" for content!"%tree.nodeName
+    def GenerateContent(value, name = None, indent = 0):
+        for content_name, infos in choices:
+            if content_name == value["name"]:
+                if isinstance(infos["elmt_type"], (UnicodeType, StringType)):
+                    namespace, name = DecomposeQualifiedName(infos["elmt_type"])
+                    infos["elmt_type"] = factory.GetQualifiedNameInfos(name, namespace)
+                if infos["maxOccurs"] == "unbounded" or infos["maxOccurs"] > 1:
+                    text = ""
+                    for item in value["value"]:
+                        text += infos["elmt_type"]["generate"](item, content_name, indent)
+                    return text
+                else:
+                    return infos["elmt_type"]["generate"](value["value"], content_name, indent)
+        return ""
+    return {
+        "initial" : GetContentInitial,
+        "check" : CheckContent,
+        "extract" : ExtractContent,
+        "generate" : GenerateContent
+    }
+#                           Structure extraction functions
+def DecomposeQualifiedName(name):
+    result = QName_model.match(name)
+    if not result:
+        raise ValueError, "\"%s\" isn't a valid QName value!"%name 
+    parts = result.groups()[0].split(':')
+    if len(parts) == 1:
+        return None, parts[0]
+    return parts
+def GenerateElement(element_name, attributes, elements_model, accept_text = False):
+    def ExtractElement(factory, node):
+        attrs = factory.ExtractNodeAttrs(element_name, node, attributes)
+        children_structure = ""
+        children_infos = []
+        children = []
+        for child in node.childNodes:
+            if child.nodeName not in ["#comment", "#text"]:
+                namespace, childname = DecomposeQualifiedName(child.nodeName)
+                children_structure += "%s "%childname
+        result = elements_model.match(children_structure)
+        if not result:
+            raise ValueError, "Invalid structure for \"%s\" children!. First element invalid."%node.nodeName
+        valid = result.groups()[0]
+        if len(valid) < len(children_structure):
+            raise ValueError, "Invalid structure for \"%s\" children!. Element number %d invalid."%(node.nodeName, len(valid.split(" ")) - 1)
+        for child in node.childNodes:
+            if child.nodeName != "#comment" and (accept_text or child.nodeName != "#text"):
+                if child.nodeName == "#text":
+                    children.append(GetAttributeValue(node))
+                else:
+                    namespace, childname = DecomposeQualifiedName(child.nodeName)
+                    infos = factory.GetQualifiedNameInfos(childname, namespace)
+                    if infos["type"] != SYNTAXELEMENT:
+                        raise ValueError, "\"%s\" can't be a member child!"%name
+                    if element_name in infos["extract"]:
+                        children.append(infos["extract"][element_name](factory, child))
+                    else:
+                        children.append(infos["extract"]["default"](factory, child))
+        return node.nodeName, attrs, children
+    return ExtractElement
+Class that generate class from an XML Tree
 class ClassFactory:
-    def __init__(self, xsd_tree):
-        self.XML_Tree = xsd_tree
+    def __init__(self, document, debug = False):
+        self.Document = document
+        self.Debug = debug
         # Dictionary for stocking Classes and Types definitions created from the XML tree
         self.XMLClassDefinitions = {}
+        self.DefinedNamespaces = {}
+        self.Namespaces = {}
+        self.SchemaNamespace = None
+        self.TargetNamespace = None
+        self.CurrentCompilations = []
         # Dictionaries for stocking Classes and Types generated
+        self.ComputeAfter = []
         self.ComputedClasses = {}
-        self.ComputedTypes = {}
         self.AlreadyComputed = {}
-    """
-    This function recursively creates a definition of the classes and their attributes
-    for plcopen from the xsd file of plcopen opened in a DOM model
-    """
-    def GenerateXSDClasses(self, tree, parent, sequence = False):
-        attributes = {}
-        inheritance = []
-        if sequence:
-            order = []
-        # The lists of attributes and inheritance of the node are generated from the childrens 
-        for node in tree.childNodes:
-            # We make fun of #text elements and all other tags that don't are xsd tags
-            if node.nodeName != "#text" and node.nodeName.startswith("xsd:"):
-                recursion = False
-                name = node.nodeName[4:].encode()
-                # This tags defines an attribute of the class
-                if name in ["element", "attribute"]:
-                    nodename = GetAttributeValue(node._attrs["name"])
-                    default = None
-                    if "type" in node._attrs:
-                        nodetype = GetAttributeValue(node._attrs["type"])
-                        if nodetype.startswith("xsd"):
-                            nodetype = nodetype.replace("xsd", "bse")
-                        elif nodetype.startswith("ppx"):
-                            nodetype = nodetype.replace("ppx", "cls")
+    def GetQualifiedNameInfos(self, name, namespace = None, canbenone = False):
+        if namespace is None:
+            if name in self.Namespaces[self.SchemaNamespace]:
+                return self.Namespaces[self.SchemaNamespace][name]
+            for space, elements in self.Namespaces.items():
+                if space != self.SchemaNamespace and name in elements:
+                    return elements[name]
+            parts = name.split("_", 1)
+            if len(parts) > 1:
+                group = self.GetQualifiedNameInfos(parts[0], namespace)
+                if group is not None and group["type"] == ELEMENTSGROUP:
+                    elements = []
+                    if "elements" in group:
+                        elements = group["elements"]
+                    elif "choices" in group:
+                        elements = group["choices"]
+                    for element in elements:
+                        if element["name"] == parts[1]:
+                            return element
+            if not canbenone:
+                raise ValueError, "Unknown element \"%s\" for any defined namespaces!"%name
+        elif namespace in self.Namespaces:
+            if name in self.Namespaces[namespace]:
+                return self.Namespaces[namespace][name]
+            parts = name.split("_", 1)
+            if len(parts) > 1:
+                group = self.GetQualifiedNameInfos(parts[0], namespace)
+                if group is not None and group["type"] == ELEMENTSGROUP:
+                    elements = []
+                    if "elements" in group:
+                        elements = group["elements"]
+                    elif "choices" in group:
+                        elements = group["choices"]
+                    for element in elements:
+                        if element["name"] == parts[1]:
+                            return element
+            if not canbenone:
+                raise ValueError, "Unknown element \"%s\" for namespace \"%s\"!"%(name, namespace)
+        elif not canbenone:
+            raise ValueError, "Unknown namespace \"%s\"!"%namespace
+        return None
+    def SplitQualifiedName(self, name, namespace = None, canbenone = False):
+        if namespace is None:
+            if name in self.Namespaces[self.SchemaNamespace]:
+                return name, None
+            for space, elements in self.Namespaces.items():
+                if space != self.SchemaNamespace and name in elements:
+                    return name, None
+            parts = name.split("_", 1)
+            if len(parts) > 1:
+                group = self.GetQualifiedNameInfos(parts[0], namespace)
+                if group is not None and group["type"] == ELEMENTSGROUP:
+                    elements = []
+                    if "elements" in group:
+                        elements = group["elements"]
+                    elif "choices" in group:
+                        elements = group["choices"]
+                    for element in elements:
+                        if element["name"] == parts[1]:
+                            return part[1], part[0]
+            if not canbenone:
+                raise ValueError, "Unknown element \"%s\" for any defined namespaces!"%name
+        elif namespace in self.Namespaces:
+            if name in self.Namespaces[namespace]:
+                return name, None
+            parts = name.split("_", 1)
+            if len(parts) > 1:
+                group = self.GetQualifiedNameInfos(parts[0], namespace)
+                if group is not None and group["type"] == ELEMENTSGROUP:
+                    elements = []
+                    if "elements" in group:
+                        elements = group["elements"]
+                    elif "choices" in group:
+                        elements = group["choices"]
+                    for element in elements:
+                        if element["name"] == parts[1]:
+                            return parts[1], parts[0]
+            if not canbenone:
+                raise ValueError, "Unknown element \"%s\" for namespace \"%s\"!"%(name, namespace)
+        elif not canbenone:
+            raise ValueError, "Unknown namespace \"%s\"!"%namespace
+        return None, None
+    def ExtractNodeAttrs(self, element_name, node, valid_attrs):
+        attrs = {}
+        for qualified_name, attr in node._attrs.items():
+            namespace, name =  DecomposeQualifiedName(qualified_name)
+            if name in valid_attrs:
+                infos = self.GetQualifiedNameInfos(name, namespace)
+                if infos["type"] != SYNTAXATTRIBUTE:
+                    raise ValueError, "\"%s\" can't be a member attribute!"%name
+                elif name in attrs:
+                    raise ValueError, "\"%s\" attribute has been twice!"%name
+                elif element_name in infos["extract"]:
+                    attrs[name] = infos["extract"][element_name](attr)
+                else:
+                    attrs[name] = infos["extract"]["default"](attr)
+            elif namespace == "xmlns":
+                infos = self.GetQualifiedNameInfos("anyURI", self.SchemaNamespace)
+                self.DefinedNamespaces[infos["extract"](attr)] = name
+            else:
+                raise ValueError, "Invalid attribute \"%s\" for member \"%s\"!"%(qualified_name, node.nodeName)
+        for attr in valid_attrs:
+            if attr not in attrs and attr in self.Namespaces[self.SchemaNamespace] and "default" in self.Namespaces[self.SchemaNamespace][attr]:
+                if element_name in self.Namespaces[self.SchemaNamespace][attr]["default"]:
+                    default = self.Namespaces[self.SchemaNamespace][attr]["default"][element_name]
+                else:
+                    default = self.Namespaces[self.SchemaNamespace][attr]["default"]["default"]
+                if default is not None:
+                    attrs[attr] = default
+        return attrs
+    def ReduceElements(self, elements, schema=False):
+        result = []
+        for child_infos in elements:
+            if "name" in child_infos[1] and schema:
+                self.CurrentCompilations.append(child_infos[1]["name"])
+            namespace, name = DecomposeQualifiedName(child_infos[0])
+            infos = self.GetQualifiedNameInfos(name, namespace)
+            if infos["type"] != SYNTAXELEMENT:
+                raise ValueError, "\"%s\" can't be a member child!"%name
+            result.append(infos["reduce"](self, child_infos[1], child_infos[2]))
+            if "name" in child_infos[1] and schema:
+                self.CurrentCompilations.pop(-1)
+        annotations = []
+        children = []
+        for element in result:
+            if element["type"] == "annotation":
+                annotations.append(element)
+            else:
+                children.append(element)
+        return annotations, children
+    def AddComplexType(self, typename, infos):
+        if typename not in self.XMLClassDefinitions:
+            self.XMLClassDefinitions[typename] = infos
+        else:
+            raise ValueError, "\"%s\" class already defined. Choose another name!"%typename
+    def ParseSchema(self):
+        pass
+    def ExtractTypeInfos(self, name, parent, typeinfos):
+        if isinstance(typeinfos, (StringType, UnicodeType)):
+            namespace, name = DecomposeQualifiedName(typeinfos)
+            infos = self.GetQualifiedNameInfos(name, namespace)
+            if infos["type"] == COMPLEXTYPE:
+                name, parent = self.SplitQualifiedName(name, namespace)
+                result = self.CreateClass(name, parent, infos)
+                if result is not None and not isinstance(result, (UnicodeType, StringType)):
+                    self.Namespaces[self.TargetNamespace][result["name"]] = result
+                return result
+            elif infos["type"] == ELEMENT and infos["elmt_type"]["type"] == COMPLEXTYPE:
+                name, parent = self.SplitQualifiedName(name, namespace)
+                result = self.CreateClass(name, parent, infos["elmt_type"])
+                if result is not None and not isinstance(result, (UnicodeType, StringType)):
+                    self.Namespaces[self.TargetNamespace][result["name"]] = result
+                return result
+            else:
+                return infos
+        elif typeinfos["type"] == COMPLEXTYPE:
+            return self.CreateClass(name, parent, typeinfos)
+        elif typeinfos["type"] == SIMPLETYPE:
+            return typeinfos
+    """
+    Methods that generates the classes
+    """
+    def CreateClasses(self):
+        self.ParseSchema()
+        for name, infos in self.Namespaces[self.TargetNamespace].items():
+            if infos["type"] == ELEMENT:
+                if not isinstance(infos["elmt_type"], (UnicodeType, StringType)) and infos["elmt_type"]["type"] == COMPLEXTYPE:
+                    self.ComputeAfter.append((name, None, infos["elmt_type"], True))
+                    while len(self.ComputeAfter) > 0:
+                        result = self.CreateClass(*self.ComputeAfter.pop(0))
+                        if result is not None and not isinstance(result, (UnicodeType, StringType)):
+                            self.Namespaces[self.TargetNamespace][result["name"]] = result
+            elif infos["type"] == COMPLEXTYPE:
+                self.ComputeAfter.append((name, None, infos))
+                while len(self.ComputeAfter) > 0:
+                    result = self.CreateClass(*self.ComputeAfter.pop(0))
+                    if result is not None and not isinstance(result, (UnicodeType, StringType)):
+                        self.Namespaces[self.TargetNamespace][result["name"]] = result
+            elif infos["type"] == ELEMENTSGROUP:
+                elements = []
+                if "elements" in infos:
+                    elements = infos["elements"]
+                elif "choices" in infos:
+                    elements = infos["choices"]
+                for element in elements:
+                    if not isinstance(element["elmt_type"], (UnicodeType, StringType)) and element["elmt_type"]["type"] == COMPLEXTYPE:
+                        self.ComputeAfter.append((element["name"], infos["name"], element["elmt_type"]))
+                        while len(self.ComputeAfter) > 0:
+                            result = self.CreateClass(*self.ComputeAfter.pop(0))
+                            if result is not None and not isinstance(result, (UnicodeType, StringType)):
+                                self.Namespaces[self.TargetNamespace][result["name"]] = result
+        return self.ComputedClasses
+    def CreateClass(self, name, parent, classinfos, baseclass = False):
+        if parent is not None:
+            classname = "%s_%s"%(parent, name)
+        else:
+            classname = name
+        # Checks that classe haven't been generated yet
+        if self.AlreadyComputed.get(classname, False):
+            if baseclass:
+                self.AlreadyComputed[classname].IsBaseClass = baseclass
+            return None
+        # If base classes haven't been generated
+        bases = []
+        if "base" in classinfos:
+            result = self.ExtractTypeInfos("base", name, classinfos["base"])
+            if result is None:
+                namespace, base_name = DecomposeQualifiedName(classinfos["base"])                
+                if self.AlreadyComputed.get(base_name, False):
+                    self.ComputeAfter.append((name, parent, classinfos))
+                    if self.TargetNamespace is not None:
+                        return "%s:%s"%(self.TargetNamespace, classname)
-                        # The type of attribute is defines in the child tree so we generate a new class
-                        # No name is defined so we create one from nodename and parent class name
-                        # (because some different nodes can have the same name)
-                        if parent:
-                            classname = "%s_%s"%(parent, nodename)
-                        else:
-                            classname = nodename
-                        if len(node.childNodes) > 0:
-                            self.GenerateXSDClasses(node, classname)
-                            nodetype = "cls:%s"%classname
-                        else:
-                            nodetype = classname
-                    if name == "attribute":
-                        if "use" in node._attrs:
-                            use = GetAttributeValue(node._attrs["use"])
-                        else:
-                            use = "optional"
-                        if "default" in node._attrs:
-                            default = GetAttributeValue(node._attrs["default"])
-                    elif name == "element":
-                        # If a tag can be written more than one time we define a list attribute
-                        if "maxOccurs" in node._attrs and GetAttributeValue(node._attrs["maxOccurs"]) == "unbounded":
-                            nodetype = "%s[]"%nodetype
-                        if "minOccurs" in node._attrs and GetAttributeValue(node._attrs["minOccurs"]) == "0":
-                            use = "optional"
-                        else:
-                            use = "required"
-                    attributes[nodename] = (nodetype, name, use, default)
-                    if sequence:
-                        order.append(nodename)
-                # This tag defines a new class
-                elif name == "complexType" or name == "simpleType":
-                    if "name" in node._attrs:
-                        classname = GetAttributeValue(node._attrs["name"])
-                        super, attrs = self.GenerateXSDClasses(node, classname)
+                        return classname
+            elif result is not None:
+                classinfos["base"] = self.ComputedClasses[result["name"]]
+                bases.append(self.ComputedClasses[result["name"]])
+        bases.append(object)
+        bases = tuple(bases)
+        classmembers = {"__doc__" : classinfos.get("doc", ""), "IsBaseClass" : baseclass}
+        self.AlreadyComputed[classname] = True
+        for attribute in classinfos["attributes"]:
+            infos = self.ExtractTypeInfos(attribute["name"], name, attribute["attr_type"])
+            if infos is not None:                    
+                if infos["type"] != SIMPLETYPE:
+                    raise ValueError, "\"%s\" type is not a simple type!"%attribute["attr_type"]
+                attrname = attribute["name"]
+                if attribute["use"] == "optional":
+                    classmembers[attrname] = None
+                    classmembers["add%s"%attrname] = generateAddMethod(attrname, self, attribute)
+                    classmembers["delete%s"%attrname] = generateDeleteMethod(attrname)
+                else:
+                    classmembers[attrname] = infos["initial"]()
+                classmembers["set%s"%attrname] = generateSetMethod(attrname)
+                classmembers["get%s"%attrname] = generateGetMethod(attrname)
+            else:
+                raise ValueError, "\"%s\" type unrecognized!"%attribute["attr_type"]
+            attribute["attr_type"] = infos
+        for element in classinfos["elements"]:
+            if element["type"] == CHOICE:
+                elmtname = element["name"]
+                choices = []
+                for choice in element["choices"]:
+                    if choice["elmt_type"] == "tag":
+                        choice["elmt_type"] = GenerateTagInfos(choice["name"])
-                        classname = parent
-                        super, attrs = self.GenerateXSDClasses(node, classname.split("_")[-1])
-                    # When all attributes and inheritances have been extracted, the
-                    # values are added in the list of classes to create
-                    if self.XMLClassDefinitions.get(classname, None) == None:
-                        self.XMLClassDefinitions[classname] = (super, attrs)
-                    elif self.XMLClassDefinitions[classname] != (super, attrs):
-                        print "A different class has already got %s for name"%classname
-                # This tag defines an attribute that can have different types
-                elif name == "choice":
-                    super, attrs = self.GenerateXSDClasses(node, parent)
-                    choices = {}
-                    for attr, values in attrs.items():
-                        if attr == "ref":
-                            choices[attr] = values
-                        else:
-                            choices[attr] = values[0]
-                    if "maxOccurs" in node._attrs and GetAttributeValue(node._attrs["maxOccurs"]) == "unbounded":
-                        attributes["multichoice_content"] = choices
-                        if sequence:
-                            order.append("multichoice_content")
-                    else:
-                        attributes["choice_content"] = choices
-                        if sequence:
-                            order.append("choice_content")
-                # This tag defines the order in which class attributes must be written
-                # in plcopen xml file. We have to store this order like an attribute
-                elif name in "sequence":
-                    super, attrs, order = self.GenerateXSDClasses(node, parent, True)
-                    if "maxOccurs" in node._attrs and GetAttributeValue(node._attrs["maxOccurs"]) == "unbounded":
-                        for attr, (attr_type, xml_type, write_type, default) in attrs.items():
-                            attrs[attr] = ("%s[]"%attr_type, xml_type, write_type, default)
-                    if "minOccurs" in node._attrs and GetAttributeValue(node._attrs["minOccurs"]) == "0":
-                        for attr, (attr_type, xml_type, write_type, default) in attrs.items():
-                            attrs[attr] = (attr_type, xml_type, "optional", default)
-                    inheritance.extend(super)
-                    attributes.update(attrs)
-                    attributes["order"] = order
-                # This tag defines of types
-                elif name == "group":
-                    if "name" in node._attrs:
-                        nodename = GetAttributeValue(node._attrs["name"])
-                        super, attrs = self.GenerateXSDClasses(node, None)
-                        self.XMLClassDefinitions[nodename] = (super, {"group":attrs["choice_content"]})
-                    elif "ref" in node._attrs:
-                        if "ref" not in attributes:
-                            attributes["ref"] = [GetAttributeValue(node._attrs["ref"])]
-                        else:
-                            attributes["ref"].append(GetAttributeValue(node._attrs["ref"]))
-                # This tag define a base class for the node
-                elif name == "extension":
-                    super = GetAttributeValue(node._attrs["base"])
-                    if super.startswith("xsd"):
-                        super = super.replace("xsd", "bse")
-                    elif super.startswith("ppx"):
-                        super = super.replace("ppx", "cls")
-                    inheritance.append(super[4:])
-                    recursion = True
-                # This tag defines a restriction on the type of attribute
-                elif name == "restriction":
-                    basetype = GetAttributeValue(node._attrs["base"])
-                    if basetype.startswith("xsd"):
-                        basetype = basetype.replace("xsd", "bse")
-                    elif basetype.startswith("ppx"):
-                        basetype = basetype.replace("ppx", "cls")
-                    attributes["basetype"] = basetype
-                    recursion = True
-                # This tag defines an enumerated type
-                elif name == "enumeration":
-                    if "enum" not in attributes:
-                        attributes["enum"] = [GetAttributeValue(node._attrs["value"])]
-                    else:
-                        attributes["enum"].append(GetAttributeValue(node._attrs["value"]))
-                # This tags defines a restriction on a numerical value
-                elif name in ["minInclusive","maxInclusive"]:
-                    if "limit" not in attributes:
-                        attributes["limit"] = {}
-                    if name == "minInclusive":
-                        attributes["limit"]["min"] = eval(GetAttributeValue(node._attrs["value"]))
-                    elif name == "maxInclusive":
-                        attributes["limit"]["max"] = eval(GetAttributeValue(node._attrs["value"]))
-                # This tag are not important but their childrens are. The childrens are then parsed. 
-                elif name in ["complexContent", "schema"]:
-                    recursion = True
-                # We make fun of xsd documentation
-                elif name in ["annotation"]:
-                    pass
-                else:
-                    # Unable this line to print XSD element that is not yet supported 
-                    #print name
-                    self.GenerateXSDClasses(node, parent)
-                # Parse the childrens of node
-                if recursion:
-                    super, attrs = self.GenerateXSDClasses(node, parent)
-                    inheritance.extend(super)
-                    attributes.update(attrs)
-        # if sequence tag have been found, order is returned
-        if sequence:
-            return inheritance, attributes, order
-        else:
-            return inheritance, attributes
-    """
-    Funtion that returns the Python type and default value for a given type
-    """
-    def GetTypeInitialValue(self, attr_type, default = None):
-        type_compute = attr_type[4:].replace("[]", "")
-        if attr_type.startswith("bse:"):
-            if type_compute == "boolean":
-                if default:
-                    def GetBooleanInitialValue():
-                        return default == "true"
-                    return BooleanType, GetBooleanInitialValue
-                else:
-                    return BooleanType, lambda:False
-            elif type_compute in ["unsignedLong","long","integer"]:
-                if default:
-                    def GetIntegerInitialValue():
-                        return int(default)
-                    return IntType, GetIntegerInitialValue
-                else:
-                    return IntType, lambda:0
-            elif type_compute == "decimal":
-                if default:
-                    def GetFloatInitialValue():
-                        return float(default)
-                    return FloatType, GetFloatInitialValue
-                else:
-                    return FloatType, lambda:0.
-            elif type_compute in ["string","anyURI","NMTOKEN"]:
-                if default:
-                    def GetStringInitialValue():
-                        return default
-                    return StringType, GetStringInitialValue
-                else:
-                    return StringType, lambda:""
-            elif type_compute == "time":
-                if default:
-                    def GetTimeInitialValue():
-                        result = time_model.match(value)
-                        if result:
-                            values = result.groups()
-                            time_values = [int(v) for v in values[:2]]
-                            seconds = float(values[2])
-                            time_values.extend([int(seconds), int((seconds % 1) * 1000000)])
-                            return time(*time_values)
-                        return time(0,0,0,0)
-                    return time, GetTimeInitialValue
-                else:
-                    return time, lambda:time(0,0,0,0)
-            elif type_compute == "date":
-                if default:
-                    def GetDateInitialValue():
-                        result = date_model.match(value)
-                        if result:
-                            date_values = [int(v) for v in result.groups()]
-                            return date(*date_values)
-                        return date(1,1,1)
-                    return date, GetDateInitialValue
-                else:
-                    return date, lambda:date(1,1,1)
-            elif type_compute == "dateTime":
-                if default:
-                    def GetDateTimeInitialValue():
-                        result = datetime_model.match(value)
-                        if result:
-                            values = result.groups()
-                            datetime_values = [int(v) for v in values[:5]]
-                            seconds = float(values[5])
-                            datetime_values.extend([int(seconds), int((seconds % 1) * 1000000)])
-                            return datetime(*datetime_values)
-                        return datetime(1,1,1,0,0,0,0)
-                    return datetime, GetDateTimeInitialValue
-                else:
-                    return datetime, lambda:datetime(1,1,1,0,0,0,0)
-            elif type_compute == "language":
-                if default:
-                    def GetStringInitialValue():
-                        return default
-                    return StringType, GetStringInitialValue
-                else:
-                    return StringType, lambda:"en-US"
-            else:
-                print "Can't affect: %s"%type_compute
-        elif attr_type.startswith("cls:"):
-            if self.XMLClassDefinitions.get(type_compute, None) != None:
-                def GetClassInitialValue():
-                    if self.XMLClassDefinitions.get(type_compute, None) != None:
-                        obj = self.ComputedClasses[type_compute]()
-                        if default:
-                            obj.setValue(default)
-                        return obj
-                    return None
-                return self.XMLClassDefinitions[type_compute], GetClassInitialValue
-        return None, lambda:None
-    """
-    Funtion that returns the Python type and default value for a given type
-    """
-    def GetInitialValues(self, value_types):
-        initial_values = {}
-        for name, value_type in value_types.items():
-            result = self.GetTypeInitialValue(value_type)
-            if result:
-                initial_values[name] = result[1]
-        return initial_values
-    """
-    Methods that generate the classes
-    """
-    def CreateClasses(self):
-        self.GenerateXSDClasses(self.XML_Tree, None)
-        for classname in self.XMLClassDefinitions.keys():
-            self.CreateClass(classname)
-        for classname in self.XMLClassDefinitions.keys():
-            self.MarkUsedClasses(classname)
-        return self.ComputedClasses, self.ComputedTypes
-    def CreateClass(self, classname):
-        # Checks that classe haven't been generated yet
-        if not self.AlreadyComputed.get(classname, False) and classname in self.XMLClassDefinitions:
-            self.AlreadyComputed[classname] = True
-            inheritance, attributes = self.XMLClassDefinitions[classname]
-            #print classname, inheritance, attributes
-            members = {}
-            bases = []
+                        infos = self.ExtractTypeInfos(choice["name"], name, choice["elmt_type"])
+                        if infos is not None:
+                            choice["elmt_type"] = infos
+                    choices.append((choice["name"], choice))
+                classmembers["get%schoices"%elmtname] = generateGetChoicesMethod(element["choices"])
+                classmembers["add%sbytype"%elmtname] = generateAddChoiceByTypeMethod(element["choices"])
+                infos = GenerateContentInfos(self, choices)
+            elif element["type"] == ANY:
+                elmtname = element["name"] = "text"
+                element["minOccurs"] = element["maxOccurs"] = 1
+                infos = GenerateAnyInfos()
+            else:
+                elmtname = element["name"]
+                infos = self.ExtractTypeInfos(element["name"], name, element["elmt_type"])
+            if infos is not None:
+                element["elmt_type"] = infos
+            if element["maxOccurs"] == "unbounded" or element["maxOccurs"] > 1:
+                classmembers[elmtname] = []
+                classmembers["append%s"%elmtname] = generateAppendMethod(elmtname, element["maxOccurs"], self, element)
+                classmembers["insert%s"%elmtname] = generateInsertMethod(elmtname, element["maxOccurs"], self, element)
+                classmembers["remove%s"%elmtname] = generateRemoveMethod(elmtname, element["minOccurs"])
+                classmembers["count%s"%elmtname] = generateCountMethod(elmtname)
+            else:
+                if element["minOccurs"] == 0:
+                    classmembers[elmtname] = None
+                    classmembers["add%s"%elmtname] = generateAddMethod(elmtname, self, element)
+                    classmembers["delete%s"%elmtname] = generateDeleteMethod(elmtname)
+                elif not isinstance(element["elmt_type"], (UnicodeType, StringType)):
+                    classmembers[elmtname] = element["elmt_type"]["initial"]()
+                else:
+                    classmembers[elmtname] = None
+            classmembers["set%s"%elmtname] = generateSetMethod(elmtname)
+            classmembers["get%s"%elmtname] = generateGetMethod(elmtname)
-            # If inheritance classes haven't been generated
-            for base in inheritance:
-                self.CreateClass(base)
-                bases.append(self.ComputedClasses[base])
-            # Checks that all attribute types are available 
-            for attribute, type_attribute in attributes.items():
-                if attribute == "group":
-                    self.ComputedTypes[classname] = type_attribute
-                elif attribute in ["choice_content","multichoice_content"]:
-                    element_types = {}
-                    for attr, value in type_attribute.items():
-                        if attr == "ref":
-                            for ref in value:
-                                self.CreateClass(ref[4:])
-                                element_types.update(self.ComputedTypes[ref[4:]])
-                        else:
-                            element_types[attr] = value
-                    members[attribute] = element_types
-                else:
-                    members[attribute] = type_attribute
-                    if attribute == "enum":
-                        self.ComputedTypes["%s_enum"%classname] = type_attribute
-                    elif attribute not in ["limit", "order"]:
-                        if type_attribute[0].startswith("cls:"):
-                            type_compute = type_attribute[0][4:].replace("[]","")
-                            self.CreateClass(type_compute)
-            if "group" not in attributes:
-                bases = tuple(bases)
-                classmembers = {"IsBaseClass" : True}
-                initialValues = {}
-                for attr, values in members.items():
-                    if attr in ["order", "basetype"]:
-                        pass
-                    # Class is a enumerated type
-                    elif attr == "enum":
-                        value_type, initial = self.GetTypeInitialValue(members["basetype"])
-                        initialValues["value"] = GetInitialValueFunction(values[0])
-                        classmembers["value"] = values[0]
-                        classmembers["setValue"] = generateSetEnumMethod(values, value_type)
-                        classmembers["getValue"] = generateGetMethod("value")
-                        classmembers["getValidValues"] = generateGetChoicesMethod(values)
-                    # Class is a limited type
-                    elif attr == "limit":
-                        value_type, initial = self.GetTypeInitialValue(members["basetype"])
-                        if "min" in values:
-                            initial = max(initial, values["min"])
-                        elif "max" in values:
-                            initial = min(initial, values["max"])
-                        initialValues["value"] = GetInitialValueFunction(initial)
-                        classmembers["value"] = initial
-                        classmembers["setValue"] = generateSetLimitMethod(values, value_type)
-                        classmembers["getValue"] = generateGetMethod("value")
-                    # Class has an attribute that can have different value types
-                    elif attr == "choice_content":
-                        classmembers["content"] = None
-                        initialValues["content"] = lambda:None
-                        classmembers["deleteContent"] = generateDeleteMethod("content")
-                        classmembers["addContent"] = generateAddChoiceMethod(values, self.GetInitialValues(values))
-                        classmembers["setContent"] = generateSetChoiceMethod(values)
-                        classmembers["getContent"] = generateGetMethod("content")
-                        classmembers["getChoices"] = generateGetChoicesMethod(values)
-                    elif attr == "multichoice_content":
-                        classmembers["content"] = []
-                        initialValues["content"] = lambda:[]
-                        classmembers["appendContent"] = generateAppendChoiceMethod(values)
-                        classmembers["appendContentByType"] = generateAppendChoiceByTypeMethod(values, self.GetInitialValues(values))
-                        classmembers["insertContent"] = generateInsertChoiceMethod(values)
-                        classmembers["removeContent"] = generateRemoveMethod("content")
-                        classmembers["countContent"] = generateCountMethod("content")
-                        classmembers["setContent"] = generateSetMethod("content", ListType)
-                        classmembers["getContent"] = generateGetMethod("content")
-                        classmembers["getChoices"] = generateGetChoicesMethod(values)
-                    # It's an attribute of the class
-                    else:
-                        attrname = attr[0].upper()+attr[1:]
-                        attr_type, xml_type, write_type, default = values
-                        value_type, initial = self.GetTypeInitialValue(attr_type, default)
-                        # Value of the attribute is a list
-                        if attr_type.endswith("[]"):
-                            classmembers[attr] = []
-                            initialValues[attr] = lambda:[]
-                            classmembers["append"+attrname] = generateAppendMethod(attr, value_type)
-                            classmembers["insert"+attrname] = generateInsertMethod(attr, value_type)
-                            classmembers["remove"+attrname] = generateRemoveMethod(attr)
-                            classmembers["count"+attrname] = generateCountMethod(attr)
-                            classmembers["set"+attrname] = generateSetMethod(attr, ListType)
-                        else:
-                            if write_type == "optional":
-                                classmembers[attr] = None
-                                initialValues[attr] = lambda:None
-                                classmembers["add"+attrname] = generateAddMethod(attr, initial)
-                                classmembers["delete"+attrname] = generateDeleteMethod(attr)
-                            else:
-                                classmembers[attr] = initial()
-                                initialValues[attr] = initial
-                            classmembers["set"+attrname] = generateSetMethod(attr, value_type)
-                        classmembers["get"+attrname] = generateGetMethod(attr)
-                classmembers["__init__"] = generateInitMethod(bases, initialValues)
-                classmembers["loadXMLTree"] = generateLoadXMLTree(bases, members, self.ComputedClasses)
-                classmembers["generateXMLText"] = generateGenerateXMLText(bases, members)
-                classmembers["getElementAttributes"] = generateGetElementAttributes(members, self.ComputedClasses)
-                classmembers["getElementInfos"] = generateGetElementInfos(members, self.ComputedClasses)
-                classmembers["setElementValue"] = generateSetElementValue(members)
-                classmembers["singleLineAttributes"] = True
-                self.ComputedClasses[classname] = classobj(classname, bases, classmembers)
+        classmembers["__init__"] = generateInitMethod(self, classinfos)
+        classmembers["__setattr__"] = generateSetattrMethod(self, classinfos)
+        classmembers["getStructure"] = generateStructureMethod(classinfos)
+        classmembers["loadXMLTree"] = generateLoadXMLTree(self, classinfos)
+        classmembers["generateXMLText"] = generateGenerateXMLText(self, classinfos)
+        classmembers["getElementAttributes"] = generateGetElementAttributes(self, classinfos)
+        classmembers["getElementInfos"] = generateGetElementInfos(self, classinfos)
+        classmembers["setElementValue"] = generateSetElementValue(self, classinfos)
+        classmembers["singleLineAttributes"] = True
+        class_definition = classobj(str(classname), bases, classmembers)
+        self.ComputedClasses[classname] = class_definition
+        return {"type" : COMPILEDCOMPLEXTYPE,
+                "name" : classname,
+                "check" : generateClassCheckFunction(class_definition),
+                "initial" : generateClassCreateFunction(class_definition),
+                "extract" : generateClassExtractFunction(class_definition),
+                "generate" : class_definition.generateXMLText}
     def MarkUsedClasses(self, classname):
         # Checks that classe haven't been generated yet
@@ -629,7 +1017,9 @@
     Methods that print the classes generated
     def PrintClasses(self):
-        for classname, xmlclass in self.ComputedClasses.items():
+        items = self.ComputedClasses.items()
+        items.sort()
+        for classname, xmlclass in items:
             print "%s : %s"%(classname, str(xmlclass))
     def PrintClassNames(self):
@@ -639,211 +1029,268 @@
             print classname
+Method that generate the method for checking a class instance
+def generateClassCheckFunction(class_definition):
+    def classCheckfunction(instance):
+        return isinstance(instance, class_definition)
+    return classCheckfunction
+Method that generate the method for creating a class instance
+def generateClassCreateFunction(class_definition):
+    def classCreatefunction():
+        return class_definition()
+    return classCreatefunction
+Method that generate the method for extracting a class instance
+def generateClassExtractFunction(class_definition):
+    def classExtractfunction(node):
+        instance = class_definition()
+        instance.loadXMLTree(node)
+        return instance
+    return classExtractfunction
 Method that generate the method for loading an xml tree by following the
 attributes list defined
-def generateLoadXMLTree(bases, members, classes):
-    def loadXMLTreeMethod(self, tree):
-        # If class is derived, values of inheritance classes are loaded
-        for base in bases:
-            base.loadXMLTree(self, tree)
-        # Class is a enumerated or limited value
-        if "enum" in members.keys() or "limit" in members.keys():
-            attr_value = GetAttributeValue(tree)
-            attr_type = members["basetype"]
-            val = GetComputedValue(attr_type, attr_value)
-            self.setValue(val)
-        else:
-            # Load the node attributes if they are defined in the list
-            for attrname, attr in tree._attrs.items():
-                if attrname in members.keys():
-                    attr_type, xml_type, write_type, default = members[attrname]
-                    attr_value = GetAttributeValue(attr)
-                    if write_type != "optional" or attr_value != "":
-                        # Extracts the value
-                        if attr_type.startswith("bse:"):
-                            val = GetComputedValue(attr_type, attr_value)
-                        elif attr_type.startswith("cls:"):
-                            val = classes[attr_type[4:]]()
-                            val.loadXMLTree(attr)
-                        setattr(self, attrname, val)
-            # Load the node childs if they are defined in the list
+def generateSetattrMethod(factory, classinfos):
+    attributes = dict([(attr["name"], attr) for attr in classinfos["attributes"] if attr["use"] != "prohibited"])
+    optional_attributes = [attr["name"] for attr in classinfos["attributes"] if attr["use"] == "optional"]
+    elements = dict([(element["name"], element) for element in classinfos["elements"]])
+    def setattrMethod(self, name, value):
+        if name in attributes:
+            if isinstance(attributes[name]["attr_type"], (UnicodeType, StringType)):
+                namespace, name = DecomposeQualifiedName(infos)
+                attributes[name]["attr_type"] = factory.GetQualifiedNameInfos(name, namespace)
+            if value is None:
+                if name in optional_attributes:
+                    return object.__setattr__(self, name, None)
+                else:
+                    raise ValueError, "Attribute '%s' isn't optional."%name
+            elif "fixed" in attributes[name] and value != attributes[name]["fixed"]:
+                raise ValueError, "Value of attribute '%s' can only be '%s'."%(name, str(attributes[name]["fixed"]))
+            elif attributes[name]["attr_type"]["check"](value):
+                return object.__setattr__(self, name, value)
+            else:
+                raise ValueError, "Invalid value for attribute '%s'."%(name)
+        elif name in elements:
+            if isinstance(elements[name]["elmt_type"], (UnicodeType, StringType)):
+                namespace, name = DecomposeQualifiedName(infos)
+                elements[name]["elmt_type"] = factory.GetQualifiedNameInfos(name, namespace)
+            if value is None:
+                if elements[name]["minOccurs"] == 0 and elements[name]["maxOccurs"] == 1:
+                    return object.__setattr__(self, name, None)
+                else:
+                    raise ValueError, "Attribute '%s' isn't optional."%name
+            elif elements[name]["maxOccurs"] == "unbounded" or elements[name]["maxOccurs"] > 1:
+                if isinstance(value, ListType) and elements[name]["minOccurs"] <= len(value) <= elements[name]["maxOccurs"]:
+                    if reduce(lambda x, y: x and y, map(elements[name]["elmt_type"]["check"], value), True):
+                        return object.__setattr__(self, name, value)
+                raise ValueError, "Attribute '%s' must be a list of valid elements."%name
+            elif "fixed" in elements[name] and value != elements[name]["fixed"]:
+                raise ValueError, "Value of attribute '%s' can only be '%s'."%(name, str(elements[name]["fixed"]))
+            elif elements[name]["elmt_type"]["check"](value):
+                return object.__setattr__(self, name, value)
+            else:
+                raise ValueError, "Invalid value for attribute '%s'."%(name)
+        elif "base" in classinfos:
+            return classinfos["base"].__setattr__(self, name, value)
+        else:
+            raise AttributeError, "'%s' can't have an attribute '%s'."%(classinfos["name"], name)
+    return setattrMethod
+Method that generate the method for generating the xml tree structure model by 
+following the attributes list defined
+def ComputeMultiplicity(name, infos):
+    if infos["minOccurs"] == 0:
+        if infos["maxOccurs"] == "unbounded":
+            return "(?:%s)*"%name
+        elif infos["maxOccurs"] == 1:
+            return "(?:%s)?"%name
+        else:
+            return "(?:%s){0, %d}"%(name, infos["maxOccurs"])
+    elif infos["minOccurs"] == 1:
+        if infos["maxOccurs"] == "unbounded":
+            return "(?:%s)+"%name
+        elif infos["maxOccurs"] == 1:
+            return name
+        else:
+            return "(?:%s){1, %d}"%(name, infos["maxOccurs"])
+    else:
+        if infos["maxOccurs"] == "unbounded":
+            return "(?:%s){%d}(?:%s )*"%(name, infos["minOccurs"], name)
+        else:
+            return "(?:%s){%d, %d}"%(name, infos["minOccurs"], infos["maxOccurs"])
+def generateStructureMethod(classinfos):
+    elements = []
+    for element in classinfos["elements"]:
+        if element["type"] == ANY:
+            elements.append(ComputeMultiplicity("(?:#cdata-section )?", element))
+        elif element["type"] == CHOICE:
+            elements.append(ComputeMultiplicity(
+                "|".join([ComputeMultiplicity("%s "%infos["name"], infos) for infos in element["choices"]]), 
+                element))
+        else:
+            elements.append(ComputeMultiplicity("%s "%element["name"], element))
+    if classinfos.get("order") or len(elements) == 0:
+        structure = "".join(elements)
+    else:
+        raise ValueError, "XSD structure not yet supported!"
+    def getStructureMethod(self):
+        if "base" in classinfos:
+            return classinfos["base"].getStructure(self) + structure
+        return structure
+    return getStructureMethod
+Method that generate the method for loading an xml tree by following the
+attributes list defined
+def generateLoadXMLTree(factory, classinfos):
+    attributes = dict([(attr["name"], attr) for attr in classinfos["attributes"] if attr["use"] != "prohibited"])
+    elements = dict([(element["name"], element) for element in classinfos["elements"]])
+    def loadXMLTreeMethod(self, tree, extras = [], derived = False):
+        if not derived:
+            children_structure = ""
             for node in tree.childNodes:
-                if node.nodeType == node.COMMENT_NODE:
-                    continue
-                name = node.nodeName
-                # We make fun of #text elements
-                if name != "#text":
-                    # Class has an attribute that can have different value types
-                    if "choice_content" in members.keys() and name in members["choice_content"].keys():
-                        attr_type = members["choice_content"][name]
-                        # Extracts the value
-                        if attr_type.startswith("bse:"):
-                            val = GetComputedValue(attr_type.replace("[]",""), GetAttributeValue(node))
-                        elif attr_type.startswith("cls:"):
-                            val = classes[attr_type[4:].replace("[]","")]()
-                            val.loadXMLTree(node)
-                        else:
-                            val = None
-                        # Stock value in content attribute
-                        if val is not None:
-                            if attr_type.endswith("[]"):
-                                if self.content:
-                                    self.content["value"].append(val)
-                                else:
-                                    self.content = {"name":name,"value":[val]}
-                            else:
-                                self.content = {"name":name,"value":val}
-                        else:
-                            self.content = {"name":name,"value":None}
-                    # Class has a list of attributes that can have different value types
-                    elif "multichoice_content" in members.keys() and name in members["multichoice_content"].keys():
-                        attr_type = members["multichoice_content"][name]
-                        # Extracts the value
-                        if attr_type.startswith("bse:"):
-                            val = GetComputedValue(attr_type, GetAttributeValue(node))
-                        elif attr_type.startswith("cls:"):
-                            val = classes[attr_type[4:]]()
-                            val.loadXMLTree(node)
-                        # Add to content attribute list
-                        if val:
-                            self.content.append({"name":name,"value":val})
-                    # The node child is defined in the list
-                    elif name in members.keys():
-                        attr_type, xml_type, write_type, default = members[name]
-                        # Extracts the value
-                        if attr_type.startswith("bse:"):
-                            attr_value = GetAttributeValue(node)
-                            if write_type != "optional" or attr_value != "":
-                                val = GetComputedValue(attr_type.replace("[]",""), attr_value)
-                            else:
-                                val = None
-                        elif attr_type.startswith("cls:"):
-                            val = classes[attr_type[4:].replace("[]","")]()
-                            val.loadXMLTree(node)
-                        # Stock value in attribute
-                        if val:
-                            if attr_type.endswith("[]"):
-                                getattr(self, name).append(val)
-                            else:
-                                setattr(self, name, val)
+                if node.nodeName not in ["#comment", "#text"]:
+                    children_structure += "%s "%node.nodeName
+            structure_model = re.compile("(%s)$"%self.getStructure())
+            result = structure_model.match(children_structure)
+            if not result:
+                raise ValueError, "Invalid structure for \"%s\" children!."%tree.nodeName
+        required_attributes = [attr["name"] for attr in classinfos["attributes"] if attr["use"] == "required"]
+        if "base" in classinfos:
+            extras.extend([attr["name"] for attr in classinfos["attributes"] if attr["use"] != "prohibited"])
+            classinfos["base"].loadXMLTree(self, tree, extras, True)
+        for attrname, attr in tree._attrs.items():
+            if attrname in attributes:
+                if isinstance(attributes[attrname]["attr_type"], (UnicodeType, StringType)):
+                    namespace, name = DecomposeQualifiedName(infos)
+                    attributes[attrname]["attr_type"] = factory.GetQualifiedNameInfos(name, namespace)
+                setattr(self, attrname, attributes[attrname]["attr_type"]["extract"](attr))
+            elif "base" not in classinfos and attrname not in extras:
+                raise ValueError, "Invalid attribute \"%s\" for \"%s\" element!"%(attrname, tree.nodeName)
+            if attrname in required_attributes:
+                required_attributes.remove(attrname)
+        if len(required_attributes) > 0:
+            raise ValueError, "Required attributes %s missing for \"%s\" element!"%(", ".join(["\"%s\""%name for name in required_attributes]), tree.nodeName)
+        first = {}
+        for node in tree.childNodes:
+            name = node.nodeName
+            if name in ["#text", "#comment"]:
+                continue
+            if name in elements:
+                if isinstance(elements[name]["elmt_type"], (UnicodeType, StringType)):
+                    namespace, name = DecomposeQualifiedName(infos)
+                    elements[name]["elmt_type"] = factory.GetQualifiedNameInfos(name, namespace)
+                if elements[name]["maxOccurs"] == "unbounded" or elements[name]["maxOccurs"] > 1:
+                    if first.get(name, True):
+                        setattr(self, name, [elements[name]["elmt_type"]["extract"](node)])
+                        first[name] = False
+                    else:
+                        getattr(self, name).append(elements[name]["elmt_type"]["extract"](node))
+                else:
+                    setattr(self, name, elements[name]["elmt_type"]["extract"](node))
+            elif name == "#cdata-section" and "text" in elements:
+                if elements["text"]["maxOccurs"] == "unbounded" or elements["text"]["maxOccurs"] > 1:
+                    if first.get("text", True):
+                        setattr(self, "text", [elements["text"]["elmt_type"]["extract"](node)])
+                        first["text"] = False
+                    else:
+                        getattr(self, "text").append(elements["text"]["elmt_type"]["extract"](node))
+                else:
+                    setattr(self, "text", elements["text"]["elmt_type"]["extract"](node))
+            elif "content" in elements:
+                content = getattr(self, "content")
+                if elements["content"]["maxOccurs"] == "unbounded" or elements["content"]["maxOccurs"] > 1:
+                    if first.get("content", True):
+                        setattr(self, "content", [elements["content"]["elmt_type"]["extract"](node, None)])
+                        first["content"] = False
+                    else:
+                        content.append(elements["content"]["elmt_type"]["extract"](node, content))
+                else:
+                    setattr(self, "content", elements["content"]["elmt_type"]["extract"](node, content))
     return loadXMLTreeMethod
 Method that generates the method for generating an xml text by following the
 attributes list defined
-def generateGenerateXMLText(bases, members):
-    def generateXMLTextMethod(self, name, indent, extras = {}, derived = False):
+def generateGenerateXMLText(factory, classinfos):
+    def generateXMLTextMethod(self, name, indent = 0, extras = {}, derived = False):
         ind1, ind2 = getIndent(indent, name)
         if not derived:
             text = ind1 + "<%s"%name
             text = ""
-        if len(bases) > 0:
-            base_extras = {}
-        if "order" in members.keys():
-            order = members["order"]
-        else:
-            order = []
-        for attr, values in members.items():
-            if attr != "order" and (attr in ("choice_content", "multichoice_content") or values[1] != "attribute"):
-                if attr not in order:
-                    order.append(attr)
-        size = 0
         first = True
-        for attr, value in extras.items():
-            if not first and not self.singleLineAttributes:
-                text += "\n%s"%(ind2)
-            text += " %s=\"%s\""%(attr, ComputeValue(value))
-            first = False
-        for attr, values in members.items():
-            if attr in ["order","choice_content","multichoice_content"]:
-                pass
-            elif attr in ["enum","limit"]:
-                if not derived:
-                    text += ">%s</%s>\n"%(ComputeValue(self.value),name)
-                else:
-                    text += ComputeValue(self.value)
-                return text
-            elif values[1] == "attribute":
-                value = getattr(self, attr, None)
+        if "base" not in classinfos:
+            for attr, value in extras.items():
+                if not first and not self.singleLineAttributes:
+                    text += "\n%s"%(ind2)
+                text += " %s=\"%s\""%(attr, value)
+                first = False
+            extras.clear()
+        for attr in classinfos["attributes"]:
+            if attr["use"] != "prohibited":
+                if isinstance(attr["attr_type"], (UnicodeType, StringType)):
+                    namespace, name = DecomposeQualifiedName(infos)
+                    attr["attr_type"] = factory.GetQualifiedNameInfos(name, namespace)
+                value = getattr(self, attr["name"], None)
                 if value != None:
-                    if values[0].startswith("cls"):
-                        value = value.getValue()
-                    computed_value = ComputeValue(value)
+                    computed_value = attr["attr_type"]["generate"](value)
                     computed_value = None
-                if values[2] != "optional" or (value != None and computed_value != values[3]):
-                    if len(bases) > 0:
-                        base_extras[attr] = value
+                if attr["use"] != "optional" or (value != None and computed_value != attr.get("default", attr["attr_type"]["generate"](attr["attr_type"]["initial"]()))):
+                    if "base" in classinfos:
+                        extras[attr["name"]] = computed_value
                         if not first and not self.singleLineAttributes:
                             text += "\n%s"%(ind2)
-                        text += " %s=\"%s\""%(attr, computed_value)
+                        text += " %s=\"%s\""%(attr["name"], computed_value)
                     first = False
-        if len(bases) > 0:
-            first, new_text = bases[0].generateXMLText(self, name, indent, base_extras, True)
+        if "base" in classinfos:
+            first, new_text = classinfos["base"].generateXMLText(self, name, indent, extras, True)
             text += new_text
             first = True
-        ind3, ind4 = getIndent(indent + 1, name)
-        for attr in order:
-            value = getattr(self, attr, None)
-            if attr == "choice_content":
-                if self.content:
+        for element in classinfos["elements"]:
+            if isinstance(element["elmt_type"], (UnicodeType, StringType)):
+                namespace, name = DecomposeQualifiedName(infos)
+                element["elmt_type"] = factory.GetQualifiedNameInfos(name, namespace)
+            value = getattr(self, element["name"], None)
+            if element["minOccurs"] == 0 and element["maxOccurs"] == 1:
+                if value is not None:
                     if first:
                         text += ">\n"
                         first = False
-                    value_type = members[attr][self.content["name"]]
-                    if value_type.startswith("bse:"):
-                        if value_type.endswith("[]"):
-                            for content in self.content["value"]:
-                                text += ind1 + "<%s>%s</%s>\n"%(self.content["name"], ComputeValue(content), self.content["name"])
-                        else:
-                            text += ind1 + "<%s>%s</%s>\n"%(self.content["name"], ComputeValue(self.content["value"]), self.content["name"])
-                    elif value_type.endswith("[]"):
-                        for content in self.content["value"]:
-                            text += content.generateXMLText(self.content["name"], indent + 1)
-                    elif self.content["value"] is not None:
-                        text += self.content["value"].generateXMLText(self.content["name"], indent + 1)
-                    else:
-                        ind5, ind6 = getIndent(indent + 1, self.content["name"])
-                        text += ind5 + "<%s/>\n"%self.content["name"]
-            elif attr == "multichoice_content":
-                if len(self.content) > 0:
-                    for element in self.content:
-                        if first:
-                            text += ">\n"
-                            first = False
-                        value_type = members[attr][element["name"]]
-                        if value_type.startswith("bse:"):
-                            text += ind1 + "<%s>%s</%s>\n"%(element["name"], ComputeValue(element["value"]), element["name"])
-                        else:
-                            text += element["value"].generateXMLText(element["name"], indent + 1)
-            elif members[attr][2] != "optional" or value != None:
-                if members[attr][0].endswith("[]"):
-                    if first and len(value) > 0:
-                        text += ">\n"
-                        first = False
-                    for element in value:
-                        if members[attr][0].startswith("bse:"):
-                            text += ind3 + "<%s>%s</%s>\n"%(attr, ComputeValue(element), attr)
-                        else:
-                            text += element.generateXMLText(attr, indent + 1)
-                else:
-                    if first:
-                        text += ">\n"
-                        first = False
-                    if members[attr][0].startswith("bse:"):
-                        text += ind3 + "<%s>%s</%s>\n"%(attr, ComputeValue(value), attr)
-                    else:
-                        text += getattr(self, attr).generateXMLText(attr, indent + 1)
+                    text += element["elmt_type"]["generate"](value, element["name"], indent + 1)
+            elif element["minOccurs"] == 1 and element["maxOccurs"] == 1:
+                if first:
+                    text += ">\n"
+                    first = False
+                text += element["elmt_type"]["generate"](value, element["name"], indent + 1)
+            else:
+                if first and len(value) > 0:
+                    text += ">\n"
+                    first = False
+                for item in value:
+                    text += element["elmt_type"]["generate"](item, element["name"], indent + 1)
         if not derived:
             if first:
                 text += "/>\n"
@@ -854,178 +1301,188 @@
             return first, text
     return generateXMLTextMethod
-def generateGetElementAttributes(members, classes):
+def gettypeinfos(name, facets):
+    if "enumeration" in facets and facets["enumeration"][0] is not None:
+        return facets["enumeration"][0]
+    elif "maxInclusive" in facets:
+        limits = {"max" : None, "min" : None}
+        if facets["maxInclusive"][0] is not None:
+            limits["max"] = facets["maxInclusive"][0]
+        elif facets["maxExclusive"][0] is not None:
+            limits["max"] = facets["maxExclusive"][0] - 1
+        if facets["minInclusive"][0] is not None:
+            limits["min"] = facets["minInclusive"][0]
+        elif facets["minExclusive"][0] is not None:
+            limits["min"] = facets["minExclusive"][0] + 1
+        if limits["max"] is not None or limits["min"] is not None:
+            return limits
+    return name
+def generateGetElementAttributes(factory, classinfos):
     def getElementAttributes(self):
         attr_list = []
-        for attr, values in members.items():
-            if attr in ["order","choice_content","multichoice_content"]:
-                pass
-            elif values[1] == "attribute":
-                attr_params = {"name": attr, "require": values[2] == "required"}
-                if values[0].startswith("cls:"):
-                    attr_value = getattr(self, attr, None)
-                    if attr_value:
-                        attr_params["value"] = attr_value.getValue()
-                    else:
-                        attr_params["value"] = ""
-                    attr_params["type"] = classes[values[0][4:]]().getValidValues()
-                else:
-                    attr_params["value"] = getattr(self, attr, "")
-                    attr_params["type"] = values[0][4:]
+        for attr in classinfos["attributes"]:
+            if attr["use"] != "prohibited":
+                attr_params = {"name" : attr["name"], "require" : attr["use"] == "required", 
+                    "type" : gettypeinfos(attr["attr_type"]["basename"], attr["attr_type"]["facets"]),
+                    "value" : getattr(self, attr["name"], "")}
         return attr_list
     return getElementAttributes
-def generateGetElementInfos(members, classes):
+def generateGetElementInfos(factory, classinfos):
+    attributes = dict([(attr["name"], attr) for attr in classinfos["attributes"] if attr["use"] != "prohibited"])
+    elements = dict([(element["name"], element) for element in classinfos["elements"]])
     def getElementInfos(self, name, path = None):
         attr_type = "element"
         value = None
         children = []
-        if "enum" in members:
-            attr_type = self.getValidValues()
-            value = self.value
-        elif "limit" in members:
-            attr_type = {"min" : None, "max" : None}
-            if "min" in members:
-                attr_type["min"] = members["min"]
-            if "max" in members:
-                attr_type["max"] = members["max"]
-            value = self.value
-        elif path:
-            if "choice_content" in members:
-                return self.content["value"].getElementInfos(self.content["name"], path)
-            elif "multichoice_content" not in members:
-                parts = path.split(".", 1)
-                if parts[0] in members:
-                    values = members[parts[0]]
-                    if values[1] == "attribute" and len(parts) == 1:
-                        attr = getattr(self, parts[0], None)
-                        if attr != None:
-                            if values[0].startswith("cls:"):
-                                return attr.getElementInfos(parts[0])
-                            else:
-                                attr_type = values[0][4:]
-                                value = getattr(self, attr, "")
-                    elif values[1] == "element":
-                        attr = getattr(self, parts[0], None)
-                        if attr != None:
-                            if len(parts) == 1:
-                                return attr.getElementInfos(parts[0])
-                            else:
-                                return attr.getElementInfos(parts[0], parts[1])
-        else:
-            for attr, values in members.items():
-                if attr == "order":
-                    pass
-                elif attr == "choice_content":
-                    attr_type = self.getChoices().items()
-                    if self.content:
-                        value = self.content["name"]
-                        children.extend(self.content["value"].getElementInfos(self.content["name"])["children"])
-                elif attr == "multichoice_content":
-                    for element_infos in self.content:
-                        children.append(element_infos["value"].getElementInfos(element_infos["name"]))
-                elif values[1] == "attribute" and not values[0].startswith("cls:"):
-                    children.append({"name" : attr, "value" : getattr(self, attr, ""), "type" : values[0][4:], "children" : []})
-                else:
-                    element = getattr(self, attr, None)
-                    if not element:
-                        element = classes[values[0][4:]]()
-                    children.append(element.getElementInfos(attr))
+        if path is not None:
+            parts = path.split(".", 1)
+            if parts[0] in attributes:
+                if len(parts) != 0:
+                    raise ValueError, "Wrong path!"
+                attr_type = gettypeinfos(attributes[parts[0]]["attr_type"]["basename"], 
+                                         attributes[parts[0]]["attr_type"]["facets"])
+                value = getattr(self, parts[0], "")
+            elif parts[0] in elements:
+                if element["elmt_type"]["type"] == SIMPLETYPE:
+                    if len(parts) != 0:
+                        raise ValueError, "Wrong path!"
+                    attr_type = gettypeinfos(elements[parts[0]]["elmt_type"]["basename"], 
+                                             elements[parts[0]]["elmt_type"]["facets"])
+                    value = getattr(self, parts[0], "")
+                elif parts[0] == "content":
+                    return self.content["value"].getElementInfos(self.content["name"], path)
+                elif len(parts) == 1:
+                    return attr.getElementInfos(parts[0])
+                else:
+                    return attr.getElementInfos(parts[0], parts[1])
+            else:
+                raise ValueError, "Wrong path!"
+        else:
+            children.extend(self.getElementAttributes())
+            for element_name, element in elements.items():
+                if element_name == "content":
+                    attr_type = [(choice["name"], None) for choice in element["choices"]]
+                    value = self.content["name"]
+                    children.extend(self.content["value"].getElementInfos(self.content["name"])["children"])
+                elif element["elmt_type"]["type"] == SIMPLETYPE:
+                    children.append({"name" : element_name, "require" : element["minOccurs"] != 0, 
+                        "type" : gettypeinfos(element["elmt_type"]["basename"], 
+                                              element["elmt_type"]["facets"]),
+                        "value" : getattr(self, element_name, None)})
+                else:
+                    instance = getattr(self, element_name, None)
+                    if instance is None:
+                        instance = elmt_type["elmt_type"]["initial"]()
+                    children.append(instance.getElementInfos(element_name))
         return {"name" : name, "type" : attr_type, "value" : value, "children" : children}
     return getElementInfos
-def generateSetElementValue(members):
+def generateSetElementValue(factory, classinfos):
+    attributes = dict([(attr["name"], attr) for attr in classinfos["attributes"] if attr["use"] != "prohibited"])
+    elements = dict([(element["name"], element) for element in classinfos["elements"]])
     def setElementValue(self, path, value):
-        if "enum" in members or "limit" in members:
-            if not path:
-                self.setValue(value)
-        elif "choice_content" in members:
+        if "content" in elements:
             if path:
                 self.content["value"].setElementValue(path, value)
-                self.addContent(value)
+                self.addcontentbytype(value)
             parts = path.split(".", 1)
-            if parts[0] in members:
-                values = members[parts[0]]
-                if values[1] == "attribute" and len(parts) == 1:
-                    attr = getattr(self, parts[0], None)
-                    if attr != None:
-                        if values[0].startswith("cls:"):
-                            attr.setElementValue(None, value)
-                        elif values[0][4:] == "boolean":
-                            setattr(self, parts[0], value)
+            if parts[0] in attributes:
+                if len(parts) != 1:
+                    raise ValueError, "Wrong path!"
+                if attributes[parts[0]]["attr_type"]["basename"] == "boolean":
+                    setattr(self, parts[0], value)
+                else:
+                    setattr(self, parts[0], attributes[parts[0]]["attr_type"]["extract"](value, False))
+            elif parts[0] in elements:
+                if elements[parts[0]]["elmt_type"]["type"] == SIMPLETYPE:
+                    if len(parts) != 1:
+                        raise ValueError, "Wrong path!"
+                    if elements[parts[0]]["elmt_type"]["basename"] == "boolean":
+                        setattr(self, parts[0], value)
+                    else:
+                        setattr(self, parts[0], elements[parts[0]]["elmt_type"]["extract"](value, False))
+                else:
+                    instance = getattr(self, parts[0], None)
+                    if instance != None:
+                        if len(parts) == 1:
+                            instance.setElementValue(None, value)
-                            setattr(self, parts[0], GetComputedValue(values[0], value))
-                elif values[1] == "element":
-                    attr = getattr(self, parts[0], None)
-                    if attr != None:
-                        if len(parts) == 1:
-                            attr.setElementValue(None, value)
-                        else:
-                            attr.setElementValue(parts[1], value)
+                            instance.setElementValue(parts[1], value)
     return setElementValue
 Methods that generates the different methods for setting and getting the attributes
-def generateInitMethod(bases, members):
+def generateInitMethod(factory, classinfos):
     def initMethod(self):
-        for base in bases:
-            base.__init__(self)
-        for attr, initial in members.items():
-            setattr(self, attr, initial())
+        if "base" in classinfos:
+            classinfos["base"].__init__(self)
+        for attribute in classinfos["attributes"]:
+            if isinstance(attribute["attr_type"], (UnicodeType, StringType)):
+                namespace, name = DecomposeQualifiedName(attribute["attr_type"])
+                attribute["attr_type"] = factory.GetQualifiedNameInfos(name, namespace)
+            if attribute["use"] == "required":
+                setattr(self, attribute["name"], attribute["attr_type"]["initial"]())
+            elif attribute["use"] == "optional":
+                if "default" in attribute:
+                    setattr(self, attribute["name"], attribute["attr_type"]["extract"](attribute["default"], False))
+                else:
+                    setattr(self, attribute["name"], None)
+        for element in classinfos["elements"]:
+            if isinstance(element["elmt_type"], (UnicodeType, StringType)):
+                namespace, name = DecomposeQualifiedName(element["elmt_type"])
+                element["elmt_type"] = factory.GetQualifiedNameInfos(name, namespace)
+            if element["minOccurs"] == 0 and element["maxOccurs"] == 1:
+                if "default" in element:
+                    setattr(self, element["name"], element["elmt_type"]["extract"](element["default"], False))
+                else:
+                    setattr(self, element["name"], None)
+            elif element["minOccurs"] == 1 and element["maxOccurs"] == 1:
+                setattr(self, element["name"], element["elmt_type"]["initial"]())
+            else:
+                value = []
+                for i in xrange(element["minOccurs"]):
+                    value.append(element["elmt_type"]["initial"]())
+                setattr(self, element["name"], value)
     return initMethod
-def generateSetMethod(attr, attr_type):
+def generateSetMethod(attr):
     def setMethod(self, value):
         setattr(self, attr, value)
     return setMethod
-def generateAddChoiceMethod(choice_type, initial_values):
-    def addChoiceMethod(self, name):
-        if name in choice_type:
-            self.content = {"name" : name, "value" : initial_values[name]()}
-    return addChoiceMethod
-def generateSetChoiceMethod(choice_type):
-    def setChoiceMethod(self, name, value):
-        self.content = {"name" : name, "value" : value}
-    return setChoiceMethod
-def generateGetChoicesMethod(choice_type):
-    def getChoicesMethod(self):
-        return choice_type
-    return getChoicesMethod
-def generateSetEnumMethod(enum, attr_type):
-    def setEnumMethod(self, value):
-        if value in enum:
-            self.value = value
-        else:
-            raise ValueError, "%s is not a valid value. Must be in %s"%(value, str(enum))
-    return setEnumMethod
-def generateSetLimitMethod(limit, attr_type):
-    def setMethod(self, value):
-        if "min" in limit and value < limit["min"]:
-            raise ValueError, "%s is not a valid value. Must be greater than %d"%(value, limit["min"])
-        elif "max" in limit and value > limit["max"]:
-            raise ValueError, "%s is not a valid value. Must be smaller than %d"%(value, limit["max"])
-        else:
-            self.value = value
-    return setMethod
 def generateGetMethod(attr):
     def getMethod(self):
         return getattr(self, attr, None)
     return getMethod
-def generateAddMethod(attr, initial):
+def generateAddMethod(attr, factory, infos):
     def addMethod(self):
-        setattr(self, attr, initial())
+        if infos["type"] == ATTRIBUTE:
+            if isinstance(infos["attr_type"], (UnicodeType, StringType)):
+                namespace, name = DecomposeQualifiedName(infos)
+                infos["attr_type"] = factory.GetQualifiedNameInfos(name, namespace)
+            initial = infos["attr_type"]["initial"]
+            extract = infos["attr_type"]["extract"]
+        elif infos["type"] == ELEMENT:
+            if isinstance(infos["elmt_type"], (UnicodeType, StringType)):
+                namespace, name = DecomposeQualifiedName(infos)
+                infos["elmt_type"] = factory.GetQualifiedNameInfos(name, namespace)
+            initial = infos["elmt_type"]["initial"]
+            extract = infos["elmt_type"]["extract"]
+        else:
+            raise ValueError, "Invalid class attribute!"
+        if "default" in infos:
+            setattr(self, attr, extract(infos["default"], False))
+        else:
+            setattr(self, attr, initial())
     return addMethod
 def generateDeleteMethod(attr):
@@ -1033,35 +1490,58 @@
         setattr(self, attr, None)
     return deleteMethod
-def generateAppendMethod(attr, attr_type):
+def generateAppendMethod(attr, maxOccurs, factory, infos):
     def appendMethod(self, value):
-        getattr(self, attr).append(value)
+        if isinstance(infos["elmt_type"], (UnicodeType, StringType)):
+            namespace, name = DecomposeQualifiedName(infos)
+            infos["elmt_type"] = factory.GetQualifiedNameInfos(name, namespace)
+        attr_list = getattr(self, attr)
+        if maxOccurs == "unbounded" or len(attr_list) < maxOccurs:
+            if infos["elmt_type"]["check"](value):
+                attr_list.append(value)
+            else:
+                raise ValueError, "\"%s\" value isn't valid!"%attr
+        else:
+            raise ValueError, "There can't be more than %d values in \"%s\"!"%(maxOccurs, attr)
     return appendMethod
-def generateInsertMethod(attr, attr_type):
+def generateInsertMethod(attr, maxOccurs, factory, infos):
     def insertMethod(self, index, value):
-        getattr(self, attr).insert(index, value)
+        if isinstance(infos["elmt_type"], (UnicodeType, StringType)):
+            namespace, name = DecomposeQualifiedName(infos)
+            infos["elmt_type"] = factory.GetQualifiedNameInfos(name, namespace)
+        attr_list = getattr(self, attr)
+        if maxOccurs == "unbounded" or len(attr_list) < maxOccurs:
+            if infos["elmt_type"]["check"](value):
+                attr_list.insert(index, value)
+            else:
+                raise ValueError, "\"%s\" value isn't valid!"%attr
+        else:
+            raise ValueError, "There can't be more than %d values in \"%s\"!"%(maxOccurs, attr)
     return insertMethod
-def generateAppendChoiceByTypeMethod(choice_type, initial_values):
+def generateGetChoicesMethod(choice_types):
+    def getChoicesMethod(self):
+        return [choice["name"] for choice in choice_types]
+    return getChoicesMethod
+def generateAddChoiceByTypeMethod(choice_types):
+    choices = dict([(choice["name"], choice) for choice in choice_types])
     def addChoiceMethod(self, name):
-        if name in choice_type:
-            self.content.append({"name" : name, "value" : initial_values[name]()})
+        if name in choices:
+            if isinstance(choices["name"]["elmt_type"], (UnicodeType, StringType)):
+                namespace, name = DecomposeQualifiedName(infos)
+                choices["name"]["elmt_type"] = factory.GetQualifiedNameInfos(name, namespace)
+            self.content = {"name" : name, "value" : choices["name"]["elmt_type"]["initial"]()}
     return addChoiceMethod
-def generateAppendChoiceMethod(choice_types):
-    def appendMethod(self, name, value):
-        self.content.append({"name":name,"value":value})
-    return appendMethod
-def generateInsertChoiceMethod(choice_types):
-    def insertMethod(self, index, name, value):
-        self.content.insert(index, {"name":name,"value":value})
-    return insertMethod
-def generateRemoveMethod(attr):
+def generateRemoveMethod(attr, minOccurs):
     def removeMethod(self, index):
-        getattr(self, attr).pop(index)
+        attr_list = getattr(self, attr)
+        if len(attr_list) > minOccurs:
+            getattr(self, attr).pop(index)
+        else:
+            raise ValueError, "There can't be less than %d values in \"%s\"!"%(minOccurs, attr)
     return removeMethod
 def generateCountMethod(attr):
@@ -1073,28 +1553,13 @@
 This function generate the classes from a class factory
 def GenerateClasses(factory, declare = False):
-    ComputedClasses, ComputedTypes = factory.CreateClasses()
+    ComputedClasses = factory.CreateClasses()
+    #factory.PrintClasses()
     if declare:
         for ClassName, Class in pluginClasses.items():
             sys._getframe(1).f_locals[ClassName] = Class
         for TypeName, Type in pluginTypes.items():
             sys._getframe(1).f_locals[TypeName] = Type
-    return ComputedClasses, ComputedTypes
-This function opens the xsd file and generate the classes from the xml tree
-def GenerateClassesFromXSD(filename, declare = False):
-    xsdfile = open(filename, 'r')
-    factory = ClassFactory(minidom.parse(xsdfile))
-    xsdfile.close()
-    return GenerateClasses(factory, declare)
-This function generate the classes from the xsd given as a string
-def GenerateClassesFromXSDstring(xsdstring, declare = False):
-    factory = ClassFactory(minidom.parseString(xsdstring))
-    return GenerateClasses(factory, declare)
+    return ComputedClasses
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/xmlclass/	Tue Jan 22 10:57:41 2008 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,2451 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+#This file is part of PLCOpenEditor, a library implementing an IEC 61131-3 editor
+#based on the plcopen standard. 
+#Copyright (C) 2007: Edouard TISSERANT and Laurent BESSARD
+#See COPYING file for copyrights details.
+#This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+#modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+#License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+#version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+#This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#General Public License for more details.
+#You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+#License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+#Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+from xml.dom import minidom
+from types import *
+import re, datetime
+from xmlclass import *
+def GenerateDictFacets(facets):
+    return dict([(name, (None, False)) for name in facets])
+def GenerateSimpleTypeXMLText(function):
+    def generateXMLTextMethod(value, name = None, indent = 0):
+        text = ""
+        if name is not None:
+            ind1, ind2 = getIndent(indent, name)
+            text += ind1 + "<%s>"%name
+        text += function(value)
+        if name is not None:
+            text += "</%s>\n"%name
+        return text
+    return generateXMLTextMethod
+def GenerateFloatXMLText(extra_values = []):
+    def generateXMLTextMethod(value, name = None, indent = 0):
+        text = ""
+        if name is not None:
+            ind1, ind2 = getIndent(indent, name)
+            text += ind1 + "<%s>"%name
+        if value in extra_values or value % 1 != 0 or isinstance(value, IntType):
+            text += str(value)
+        else:
+            text += "%.0f"%value
+        if name is not None:
+            text += "</%s>\n"%name
+        return text
+    return generateXMLTextMethod
+DEFAULT_FACETS = GenerateDictFacets(["pattern", "whiteSpace", "enumeration"])
+NUMBER_FACETS = GenerateDictFacets(DEFAULT_FACETS.keys() + ["maxInclusive", "maxExclusive", "minInclusive", "minExclusive"])
+DECIMAL_FACETS = GenerateDictFacets(NUMBER_FACETS.keys() + ["totalDigits", "fractionDigits"])
+STRING_FACETS = GenerateDictFacets(DEFAULT_FACETS.keys() + ["length", "minLength", "maxLength"])
+ALL_FACETS = ["pattern", "whiteSpace", "enumeration", "maxInclusive", 
+    "maxExclusive", "minInclusive", "minExclusive", "totalDigits", 
+    "fractionDigits", "length", "minLength", "maxLength"]
+#                           Structure reducing functions
+# Documentation elements
+def ReduceAppInfo(factory, attributes, elements):
+    return {"type" : "appinfo", "source" : attributes.get("source", None), 
+        "content" : "\n".join(elements)}
+def ReduceDocumentation(factory, attributes, elements):
+    return {"type" : "documentation", "source" : attributes.get("source", None), 
+        "language" : attributes.get("lang", "any"), "content" : "\n".join(elements)}
+def ReduceAnnotation(factory, attributes, elements):
+    annotations, children = factory.ReduceElements(elements)
+    annotation = {"type" : "annotation", "appinfo" : [], "documentation" : {}}
+    for child in children:
+        if child["type"] == "appinfo":
+            annotation["appinfo"].append((child["source"], child["content"]))
+        elif child["type"] == "documentation":
+            if child["source"] is not None:
+                text = "(source : %(source)s):\n%(content)s\n\n"%child
+            else:
+                text = child["content"] + "\n\n"
+            if child["language"] not in annotation["documentation"]:
+                annotation["documentation"] = text
+            else:
+                annotation["documentation"] += text
+    return annotation
+# Simple type elements
+def GenerateFacetReducing(facetname, canbefixed):
+    def ReduceFacet(factory, attributes, elements):
+        annotations, children = factory.ReduceElements(elements)
+        if "value" in attributes:
+            facet = {"type" : facetname, "value" : attributes["value"], "doc" : annotations}
+            if canbefixed:
+                facet["fixed"] = attributes.get("fixed", False)
+            return facet
+        raise ValueError, "A value must be defined for the \"%s\" facet!"%facetname
+    return ReduceFacet
+def ReduceList(factory, attributes, elements):
+    annotations, children = factory.ReduceElements(elements)
+    list = {"type" : "list", "itemType" : attributes.get("itemType", None), "doc" : annotations}
+    if len(children) > 0 and children[0]["type"] == SIMPLETYPE:
+        if list["itemType"] is None:
+            list["itemType"] = children[0]
+        else:
+            raise ValueError, "Only one base type can be defined for restriction!"
+    if list["itemType"] is None:
+        raise ValueError, "No base type has been defined for list!"
+    return list
+def ReduceUnion(factory, attributes, elements):
+    annotations, children = factory.ReduceElements(elements)
+    union = {"type" : "union", "memberTypes" : attributes.get("memberTypes", []), "doc" : annotations}
+    if child in children:
+        if child["type"] == SIMPLETYPE:
+            union["memberTypes"] = child
+    if len(union["memberTypes"]) == 0:
+        raise ValueError, "No base type has been defined for union!"
+    return list
+def ReduceSimpleType(factory, attributes, elements):
+    # Reduce all the simple type children
+    annotations, children = factory.ReduceElements(elements)
+    typeinfos = children[0]
+    # Initialize type informations
+    facets = {}
+    simpleType = {"type" : SIMPLETYPE, "final" : attributes.get("final", []), "doc" : annotations}
+    if "name" in attributes:
+        simpleType["name"] = attributes["name"]
+    if typeinfos["type"] == "restriction":
+        # Search for base type definition
+        if isinstance(typeinfos["base"], (StringType, UnicodeType)):
+            basetypeinfos = factory.FindSchemaElement(typeinfos["base"], SIMPLETYPE)
+            if basetypeinfos is None:
+                raise "\"%s\" isn't defined!"%typeinfos["base"] 
+        else:
+            basetypeinfos = typeinfos["base"]
+        # Check that base type is a simple type
+        if basetypeinfos["type"] != SIMPLETYPE:
+            raise ValueError, "Base type given isn't a simpleType!"
+        typeinfos["basename"] = basetypeinfos["basename"]
+        # Check that derivation is allowed
+        if "final" in basetypeinfos:
+            if "#all" in basetypeinfos["final"]:
+                raise ValueError, "Base type can't be derivated!"
+            if "restriction" in basetypeinfos["final"]:
+                raise ValueError, "Base type can't be derivated by restriction!"
+        # Extract simple type facets
+        for facet in typeinfos["facets"]:
+            facettype = facet["type"]
+            if facettype not in basetypeinfos["facets"]:
+                raise ValueError, "\"%s\" facet can't be defined for \"%s\" type!"%(facettype, type)
+            elif basetypeinfos["facets"][facettype][1]:
+                raise ValueError, "\"%s\" facet is fixed on base type!"%facettype
+            value = facet["value"]
+            basevalue = basetypeinfos["facets"][facettype][0]
+            if facettype == "enumeration":
+                value = basetypeinfos["extract"](value, False)
+                if len(facets) == 0:
+                    facets["enumeration"] = ([value], False)
+                    continue
+                elif facets.keys() == ["enumeration"]:
+                    facets["enumeration"][0].append(value)
+                    continue
+                else:
+                    raise ValueError, "\"enumeration\" facet can't be defined with another facet type!"
+            elif "enumeration" in facets:
+                raise ValueError, "\"enumeration\" facet can't be defined with another facet type!"
+            elif facettype in facets:
+                raise ValueError, "\"%s\" facet can't be defined two times!"%facettype
+            elif facettype == "length":
+                if "minLength" in facets:
+                    raise ValueError, "\"length\" and \"minLength\" facets can't be defined at the same time!"
+                if "maxLength" in facets:
+                    raise ValueError, "\"length\" and \"maxLength\" facets can't be defined at the same time!"
+                try:
+                    value = int(value)
+                except:
+                    raise ValueError, "\"length\" must be an integer!"
+                if value < 0:
+                    raise ValueError, "\"length\" can't be negative!"
+                elif basevalue is not None and basevalue != value:
+                    raise ValueError, "\"length\" can't be different from \"length\" defined in base type!"
+            elif facettype == "minLength":
+                if "length" in facets:
+                    raise ValueError, "\"length\" and \"minLength\" facets can't be defined at the same time!"
+                try:
+                    value = int(value)
+                except:
+                    raise ValueError, "\"minLength\" must be an integer!"
+                if value < 0:
+                    raise ValueError, "\"minLength\" can't be negative!"
+                elif "maxLength" in facets and value > facets["maxLength"]:
+                    raise ValueError, "\"minLength\" must be lesser than or equal to \"maxLength\"!"
+                elif basevalue is not None and basevalue < value:
+                    raise ValueError, "\"minLength\" can't be lesser than \"minLength\" defined in base type!"
+            elif facettype == "maxLength":
+                if "length" in facets:
+                    raise ValueError, "\"length\" and \"maxLength\" facets can't be defined at the same time!"
+                try:
+                    value = int(value)
+                except:
+                    raise ValueError, "\"maxLength\" must be an integer!"
+                if value < 0:
+                    raise ValueError, "\"maxLength\" can't be negative!"
+                elif "minLength" in facets and value < facets["minLength"]:
+                    raise ValueError, "\"minLength\" must be lesser than or equal to \"maxLength\"!"
+                elif basevalue is not None and basevalue > value:
+                    raise ValueError, "\"maxLength\" can't be greater than \"maxLength\" defined in base type!"
+            elif facettype == "minInclusive":
+                if "minExclusive" in facets:
+                    raise ValueError, "\"minExclusive\" and \"minInclusive\" facets can't be defined at the same time!"
+                value = basetypeinfos["extract"](facet["value"], False)
+                if "maxInclusive" in facets and value > facets["maxInclusive"][0]:
+                    raise ValueError, "\"minInclusive\" must be lesser than or equal to \"maxInclusive\"!"
+                elif "maxExclusive" in facets and value >= facets["maxExclusive"][0]:
+                    raise ValueError, "\"minInclusive\" must be lesser than \"maxExclusive\"!"
+            elif facettype == "minExclusive":
+                if "minInclusive" in facets:
+                    raise ValueError, "\"minExclusive\" and \"minInclusive\" facets can't be defined at the same time!"
+                value = basetypeinfos["extract"](facet["value"], False)
+                if "maxInclusive" in facets and value >= facets["maxInclusive"][0]:
+                    raise ValueError, "\"minExclusive\" must be lesser than \"maxInclusive\"!"
+                elif "maxExclusive" in facets and value >= facets["maxExclusive"][0]:
+                    raise ValueError, "\"minExclusive\" must be lesser than \"maxExclusive\"!"
+            elif facettype == "maxInclusive":
+                if "maxExclusive" in facets:
+                    raise ValueError, "\"maxExclusive\" and \"maxInclusive\" facets can't be defined at the same time!"
+                value = basetypeinfos["extract"](facet["value"], False)
+                if "minInclusive" in facets and value < facets["minInclusive"][0]:
+                    raise ValueError, "\"minInclusive\" must be lesser than or equal to \"maxInclusive\"!"
+                elif "minExclusive" in facets and value <= facets["minExclusive"][0]:
+                    raise ValueError, "\"minExclusive\" must be lesser than \"maxInclusive\"!"
+            elif facettype == "maxExclusive":
+                if "maxInclusive" in facets:
+                    raise ValueError, "\"maxExclusive\" and \"maxInclusive\" facets can't be defined at the same time!"
+                value = basetypeinfos["extract"](facet["value"], False)
+                if "minInclusive" in facets and value <= facets["minInclusive"][0]:
+                    raise ValueError, "\"minInclusive\" must be lesser than \"maxExclusive\"!"
+                elif "minExclusive" in facets and value <= facets["minExclusive"][0]:
+                    raise ValueError, "\"minExclusive\" must be lesser than \"maxExclusive\"!"
+            elif facettype == "whiteSpace":
+                if basevalue == "collapse" and value in ["preserve", "replace"] or basevalue == "replace" and value == "preserve":
+                   raise ValueError, "\"whiteSpace\" is incompatible with \"whiteSpace\" defined in base type!"
+            elif facettype == "totalDigits":
+                if "fractionDigits" in facets and value <= facets["fractionDigits"][0]:
+                    raise ValueError, "\"fractionDigits\" must be lesser than or equal to \"totalDigits\"!"
+                elif basevalue is not None and value > basevalue:
+                    raise ValueError, "\"totalDigits\" can't be greater than \"totalDigits\" defined in base type!"
+            elif facettype == "fractionDigits":
+                if "totalDigits" in facets and value <= facets["totalDigits"][0]:
+                    raise ValueError, "\"fractionDigits\" must be lesser than or equal to \"totalDigits\"!"
+                elif basevalue is not None and value > basevalue:
+                    raise ValueError, "\"totalDigits\" can't be greater than \"totalDigits\" defined in base type!"
+            facets[facettype] = (value, facet.get("fixed", False))
+        # Report not redefined facet from base type to new created type 
+        for facettype, facetvalue in basetypeinfos["facets"].items():
+            if facettype not in facets:
+                facets[facettype] = facetvalue
+        # Generate extract value for new created type
+        def ExtractSimpleTypeValue(attr, extract = True):
+            value = basetypeinfos["extract"](attr, extract)
+            for facetname, (facetvalue, facetfixed) in facets.items():
+                if facetvalue is not None:
+                    if facetname == "enumeration" and value not in facetvalue:
+                        raise ValueError, "\"%s\" not in enumerated values"%value
+                    elif facetname == "length" and len(value) != facetvalue:
+                        raise ValueError, "value must have a length of %d"%facetvalue
+                    elif facetname == "minLength" and len(value) < facetvalue:
+                        raise ValueError, "value must have a length of %d at least"%facetvalue
+                    elif facetname == "maxLength" and len(value) > facetvalue:
+                        raise ValueError, "value must have a length of %d at most"%facetvalue
+                    elif facetname == "minInclusive" and value < facetvalue:
+                        raise ValueError, "value must be greater than or equal to %s"%str(facetvalue)
+                    elif facetname == "minExclusive" and value <= facetvalue:
+                        raise ValueError, "value must be greater than %s"%str(facetvalue)
+                    elif facetname == "maxInclusive" and value > facetvalue:
+                        raise ValueError, "value must be lesser than or equal to %s"%str(facetvalue)
+                    elif facetname == "maxExclusive"  and value >= facetvalue:
+                        raise ValueError, "value must be lesser than %s"%str(facetvalue)
+                    elif facetname == "pattern":
+                        model = re.compile("(?:%s)?$"%facetvalue)
+                        result = model.match(value)
+                        if result is None:
+                            raise ValueError, "value doesn't follow the pattern %s"%facetvalue
+                    elif facetname == "whiteSpace":
+                        if facetvalue == "replace":
+                            value = GetNormalizedString(value, False)
+                        elif facetvalue == "collapse":
+                            value = GetToken(value, False)
+            return value
+        def CheckSimpleTypeValue(value):
+            for facetname, (facetvalue, facetfixed) in facets.items():
+                if facetvalue is not None:
+                    if facetname == "enumeration" and value not in facetvalue:
+                        return False
+                    elif facetname == "length" and len(value) != facetvalue:
+                        return False
+                    elif facetname == "minLength" and len(value) < facetvalue:
+                        return False
+                    elif facetname == "maxLength" and len(value) > facetvalue:
+                        return False
+                    elif facetname == "minInclusive" and value < facetvalue:
+                        return False
+                    elif facetname == "minExclusive" and value <= facetvalue:
+                        return False
+                    elif facetname == "maxInclusive" and value > facetvalue:
+                        return False
+                    elif facetname == "maxExclusive"  and value >= facetvalue:
+                        return False
+                    elif facetname == "pattern":
+                        model = re.compile("(?:%s)?$"%facetvalue)
+                        result = model.match(value)
+                        if result is None:
+                            raise ValueError, "value doesn't follow the pattern %s"%facetvalue
+            return True
+        def SimpleTypeInitialValue():
+            for facetname, (facetvalue, facetfixed) in facets.items():
+                if facetvalue is not None:
+                    if facetname == "enumeration":
+                        return facetvalue[0]
+                    elif facetname == "length":
+                        return " "*facetvalue
+                    elif facetname == "minLength":
+                        return " "*minLength
+                    elif facetname == "minInclusive" and facetvalue > 0:
+                        return facetvalue
+                    elif facetname == "minExclusive" and facetvalue >= 0:
+                        return facetvalue + 1
+                    elif facetname == "maxInclusive" and facetvalue < 0:
+                        return facetvalue
+                    elif facetname == "maxExclusive"  and facetvalue <= 0:
+                        return facetvalue - 1
+            return basetypeinfos["initial"]()
+        GenerateSimpleType = basetypeinfos["generate"]
+    elif typeinfos["type"] == "list":
+        # Search for item type definition
+        if isinstance(typeinfos["itemType"], (StringType, UnicodeType)):
+            itemtypeinfos = factory.FindSchemaElement(typeinfos["itemType"], SIMPLETYPE)
+            if itemtypeinfos is None:
+                raise "\"%s\" isn't defined!"%typeinfos["itemType"]
+        else:
+            itemtypeinfos = typeinfos["itemType"]
+        # Check that item type is a simple type
+        if itemtypeinfos["type"] != SIMPLETYPE:
+            raise ValueError, "Item type given isn't a simpleType!"
+        # Check that derivation is allowed
+        if "#all" in itemtypeinfos["final"]:
+            raise ValueError, "Item type can't be derivated!"
+        if "list" in itemtypeinfos["final"]:
+            raise ValueError, "Item type can't be derivated by list!"
+        # Generate extract value for new created type
+        def ExtractSimpleTypeValue(attr, extract = True):
+            values = []
+            for value in GetToken(attr, extract).split(" "):
+                values.append(itemtypeinfos["extract"](value, False))
+            return values
+        def CheckSimpleTypeValue(value):
+            for value in GetToken(attr, extract).split(" "):
+                result = itemtypeinfos["check"](value)
+                if not result:
+                    return result
+            return True
+        SimpleTypeInitialValue = lambda: ""
+        GenerateSimpleType = GenerateSimpleTypeXMLText(lambda x : " ".join(map(itemtypeinfos, values)))
+        facets = GenerateDictFacets(["length", "maxLength", "minLength", "enumeration", "pattern"])
+        facet["whiteSpace"] = ("collapse", False)
+    elif typeinfos["type"] == "union":
+        # Search for member types definition
+        membertypesinfos = []
+        for membertype in typeinfos["memberTypes"]:
+            if isinstance(membertype, (StringType, UnicodeType)):
+                infos = factory.FindSchemaElement(typeinfos["memberTypes"], SIMPLETYPE)
+                if infos is None:
+                    raise "\"%s\" isn't defined!"%typeinfos["itemType"]
+            else:
+                infos = membertype
+            # Check that member type is a simple type
+            if infos["type"] != SIMPLETYPE:
+                raise ValueError, "Member type given isn't a simpleType!"
+            # Check that derivation is allowed
+            if "#all" in infos["final"]:
+                raise ValueError, "Item type can't be derivated!"
+            if "union" in infos["final"]:
+                raise ValueError, "Member type can't be derivated by union!"
+            membertypesinfos.append(infos)
+        # Generate extract value for new created type
+        def ExtractSimpleTypeValue(attr, extract = True):
+            if extract:
+                value = GetAttributeValue(attr)
+            else:
+                value = attr
+            for infos in membertypesinfos:
+                try:
+                    return infos["extract"](attr, False)
+                except:
+                    pass
+            raise ValueError, "\"%s\" isn't valid for type defined for union!"
+        def CheckSimpleTypeValue(value):
+            for infos in membertypesinfos:
+                result = infos["check"](value)
+                if result:
+                    return result
+            return False
+        SimpleTypeInitialValue = membertypesinfos[0]["initial"]
+        def GenerateSimpleTypeFunction(value):
+            if isinstance(value, BooleanType):
+                return {True : "true", False : "false"}[value]
+            else:
+                return str(value)
+        GenerateSimpleType = GenerateSimpleTypeXMLText(GenerateSimpleTypeFunction)
+        facets = GenerateDictFacets(["pattern", "enumeration"])
+    simpleType["facets"] = facets
+    simpleType["extract"] = ExtractSimpleTypeValue
+    simpleType["initial"] = SimpleTypeInitialValue
+    simpleType["check"] = CheckSimpleTypeValue
+    simpleType["generate"] = GenerateSimpleType
+    return simpleType
+# Complex type
+def ExtractAttributes(factory, elements, base = None):
+    if base is not None:
+        basetypeinfos = factory.FindSchemaElement(base, COMPLEXTYPE)
+        if isinstance(basetypeinfos, (UnicodeType, StringType)):
+            attrnames = {}
+        else:
+            attrnames = dict(map(lambda x:(x["name"], True), basetypeinfos["attributes"]))
+    else:
+        attrnames = {}
+    attrs = []
+    for element in elements:
+        if element["type"] == ATTRIBUTE:
+            if attrnames.get(element["name"], False):
+                raise ValueError, "\"%s\" attribute has been defined two times!"%element["name"]
+            else:
+                attrnames[element["name"]] = True
+                attrs.append(element)
+        elif element["type"] == "attributeGroup":
+            attrgroup = factory.FindSchemaElement(element["ref"], ATTRIBUTESGROUP)
+            for attr in attrgroup["attributes"]:
+                if attrnames.get(attr["name"], False):
+                    raise ValueError, "\"%s\" attribute has been defined two times!"%attr["name"]
+                else:
+                    attrnames[attr["name"]] = True
+                    attrs.append(attr)
+        elif element["type"] == "anyAttribute":
+            raise ValueError, "\"anyAttribute\" element isn't supported yet!"
+    return attrs
+def ReduceRestriction(factory, attributes, elements):
+    annotations, children = factory.ReduceElements(elements)
+    restriction = {"type" : "restriction", "base" : attributes.get("base", None), "facets" : [], "doc" : annotations}
+    if len(children) > 0 and children[0]["type"] == SIMPLETYPE:
+        if restriction["base"] is None:
+            restriction["base"] = children.pop(0)
+        else:
+            raise ValueError, "Only one base type can be defined for restriction!"
+    if restriction["base"] is None:
+        raise ValueError, "No base type has been defined for restriction!"
+    while len(children) > 0 and children[0]["type"] in ALL_FACETS:
+        restriction["facets"].append(children.pop(0))
+    restriction["attributes"] = ExtractAttributes(factory, children)
+    return restriction
+def ReduceExtension(factory, attributes, elements):
+    annotations, children = factory.ReduceElements(elements)
+    extension = {"type" : "extension", "attributes" : [], "elements" : [], "base" : attributes.get("base", None), "doc" : annotations}
+    if len(children) > 0:
+        if children[0]["type"] in ["group", "all", CHOICE, "sequence"]:
+            group = children.pop(0)
+            if group["type"] in ["all", "sequence"]:
+                extension["elements"] = group["elements"]
+                extension["order"] = group["order"]
+            elif group["type"] == CHOICE:
+                content = group.copy()
+                content["name"] = "content"
+                extension["elements"].append(content)
+            elif group["type"] == "group":
+                elmtgroup = factory.FindSchemaElement(child["ref"], ELEMENTSGROUP)
+                if "elements" in elmtgroup:
+                    extension["elements"] = elmtgroup["elements"]
+                    extension["order"] = elmtgroup["order"]
+                else:
+                    content = elmtgroup.copy()
+                    content["name"] = "content"
+                    extension["elements"].append(content)
+        extension["attributes"] = ExtractAttributes(factory, children, extension["base"])
+    return extension
+def ReduceSimpleContent(factory, attributes, elements):
+    annotations, children = factory.ReduceElements(elements)
+    simpleContent = children[0].copy()
+    simpleContent["type"] = "simpleContent"
+    return simpleContent
+def ReduceComplexContent(factory, attributes, elements):
+    annotations, children = factory.ReduceElements(elements)
+    complexContent = children[0].copy()
+    complexContent["type"] = "complexContent"
+    return complexContent
+def ReduceComplexType(factory, attributes, elements):
+    annotations, children = factory.ReduceElements(elements)
+    if len(children) > 0:
+        if children[0]["type"] in ["simpleContent", "complexContent"]:
+            complexType = children[0].copy()
+            complexType.update(attributes)
+            complexType["type"] = COMPLEXTYPE
+            return complexType
+        elif children[0]["type"] in ["group", "all", CHOICE, "sequence"]:
+            complexType = {"type" : COMPLEXTYPE, "elements" : [], "order" : True, "doc" : annotations}
+            complexType.update(attributes)
+            group = children.pop(0)
+            if group["type"] in ["all", "sequence"]:
+                if group["minOccurs"] == 0 or group["maxOccurs"] != 1:
+                    if len(group["elements"]) > 1:
+                        raise ValueError, "Not supported yet!"
+                    if group["minOccurs"] == 0:
+                        group["elements"][0]["minOccurs"] = group["minOccurs"]
+                    if group["maxOccurs"] != 1:
+                        group["elements"][0]["maxOccurs"] = group["maxOccurs"]
+                complexType["elements"] = group["elements"]
+                complexType["order"] = group["order"]
+            elif group["type"] == CHOICE:
+                content = group.copy()
+                content["name"] = "content"
+                complexType["elements"].append(content)
+            elif group["type"] == "group":
+                elmtgroup = factory.FindSchemaElement(child["ref"], ELEMENTSGROUP)
+                if "elements" in elmtgroup:
+                    complexType["elements"] = elmtgroup["elements"]
+                    complexType["order"] = elmtgroup["order"]
+                else:
+                    content = elmtgroup.copy()
+                    content["name"] = "content"
+                    complexType["elements"].append(content)
+        else:
+            complexType = {"elements" : [], "order" : True, "doc" : annotations}
+            complexType.update(attributes)
+            complexType["type"] = COMPLEXTYPE
+        complexType["attributes"] = ExtractAttributes(factory, children)
+        return complexType
+    else:
+        raise ValueError, "\"ComplexType\" can't be empty!"
+# Attribute elements
+def ReduceAnyAttribute(factory, attributes, elements):
+    return {"type" : "anyAttribute"}
+def ReduceAttribute(factory, attributes, elements):
+    annotations, children = factory.ReduceElements(elements)
+    if "default" in attributes:
+        if "fixed" in attributes:
+            raise ValueError, "\"default\" and \"fixed\" can't be defined at the same time!"
+        elif attributes.get("use", "optional") != "optional":
+            raise ValueError, "if \"default\" present, \"use\" can only have the value \"optional\"!"
+    attribute = {"type" : ATTRIBUTE, "attr_type" : attributes.get("type", None), "doc" : annotations}
+    if len(children) > 0:
+        if attribute["attr_type"] is None:
+            attribute["attr_type"] = children[0]
+        else:
+            raise ValueError, "Only one type can be defined for attribute!"
+    if "ref" in attributes:
+        if "name" in attributes:
+            raise ValueError, "\"ref\" and \"name\" can't be defined at the same time!"
+        elif "form" in attributes:
+            raise ValueError, "\"ref\" and \"form\" can't be defined at the same time!"
+        elif attribute["attr_type"] is not None:
+            raise ValueError, "if \"ref\" is present, no type can be defined!"
+    elif attribute["attr_type"] is None:
+        raise ValueError, "No type has been defined for attribute!"
+    if "type" in attributes:
+        tmp_attrs = attributes.copy()
+        tmp_attrs.pop("type")
+        attribute.update(tmp_attrs)
+    else:
+        attribute.update(attributes)
+    return attribute
+def ReduceAttributeGroup(factory, attributes, elements):
+    annotations, children = factory.ReduceElements(elements)
+    if "ref" in attributes:
+        return {"type" : "attributeGroup", "ref" : attributes["ref"], "doc" : annotations}
+    else:
+        return {"type" : ATTRIBUTESGROUP, "attributes" : ExtractAttributes(factory, children), "doc" : annotations}
+# Elements groups
+def ReduceAny(factory, attributes, elements):
+    annotations, children = factory.ReduceElements(elements)
+    any = {"type" : ANY, "doc" : annotations}
+    any.update(attributes)
+    return any
+def ReduceElement(factory, attributes, elements):
+    if "default" in attributes and "fixed" in attributes:
+        raise ValueError, "\"default\" and \"fixed\" can't be defined at the same time!"
+    if "ref" in attributes:
+        annotations, children = factory.ReduceElements(elements)
+        for attr in ["name", "default", "fixed", "form", "block", "type"]:
+            if attr in attributes:
+                raise ValueError, "\"ref\" and \"%s\" can't be defined at the same time!"%attr
+        if attributes.get("nillable", False):
+            raise ValueError, "\"ref\" and \"nillable\" can't be defined at the same time!"
+        if len(children) > 0:
+            raise ValueError, "No type and no constraints can be defined where \"ref\" is defined!"
+        infos = factory.FindSchemaElement(attributes["ref"], ELEMENT)
+        if infos is not None:
+            element = infos.copy()
+            element["minOccurs"] = attributes["minOccurs"]
+            element["maxOccurs"] = attributes["maxOccurs"]
+            return element
+        else:
+            raise ValueError, "\"%s\" base type isn't defined or circular referenced!"%name
+    elif "name" in attributes:
+        annotations, children = factory.ReduceElements(elements)
+        element = {"type" : ELEMENT, "elmt_type" : attributes.get("type", None), "doc" : annotations}
+        if len(children) > 0:
+            if element["elmt_type"] is None:
+                element["elmt_type"] = children[0]
+            else:
+                raise ValueError, "Only one type can be defined for attribute!"
+        elif element["elmt_type"] is None:
+            element["elmt_type"] = "tag"
+            element["type"] = TAG
+        if "type" in attributes:
+            tmp_attrs = attributes.copy()
+            tmp_attrs.pop("type")
+            element.update(tmp_attrs)
+        else:
+            element.update(attributes)
+        return element
+    else:
+        raise ValueError, "\"Element\" must have at least a \"ref\" or a \"name\" defined!"
+def ReduceAll(factory, attributes, elements):
+    annotations, children = factory.ReduceElements(elements)
+    for child in children:
+        if children["maxOccurs"] == "unbounded" or children["maxOccurs"] > 1:
+            raise ValueError, "\"all\" item can't have \"maxOccurs\" attribute greater than 1!"
+    return {"type" : "all", "elements" : children, "minOccurs" : attributes["minOccurs"],
+        "maxOccurs" : attributes["maxOccurs"], "order" : False, "doc" : annotations}
+def ReduceChoice(factory, attributes, elements):
+    annotations, children = factory.ReduceElements(elements)
+    choices = []
+    for child in children:
+        if child["type"] in [ELEMENT, ANY, TAG]:
+            choices.append(child)
+        elif child["type"] == "sequence":
+            raise ValueError, "\"sequence\" in \"choice\" is not supported. Create instead a new complex type!"
+        elif child["type"] == CHOICE:
+            choices.extend(child["choices"])
+        elif child["type"] == "group":
+            elmtgroup = factory.FindSchemaElement(child["ref"], ELEMENTSGROUP) 
+            if "choices" not in elmtgroup:
+                raise ValueError, "Only group composed of \"choice\" can be referenced in \"choice\" element!"
+            choices_tmp = []
+            for choice in elmtgroup["choices"]:
+                if not isinstance(choice["elmt_type"], (UnicodeType, StringType)) and choice["elmt_type"]["type"] == COMPLEXTYPE:
+                    elmt_type = "%s_%s"%(elmtgroup["name"], choice["name"])
+                    if factory.TargetNamespace is not None:
+                        elmt_type = "%s:%s"%(factory.TargetNamespace, elmt_type)
+                    new_choice = choice.copy()
+                    new_choice["elmt_type"] = elmt_type
+                    choices_tmp.append(new_choice)
+                else:
+                    choices_tmp.append(choice)
+            choices.extend(choices_tmp)
+    return {"type" : CHOICE, "choices" : choices, "minOccurs" : attributes["minOccurs"],
+        "maxOccurs" : attributes["maxOccurs"], "doc" : annotations}
+def ReduceSequence(factory, attributes, elements):
+    annotations, children = factory.ReduceElements(elements)
+    sequence = []
+    for child in children:
+        if child["type"] in [ELEMENT, ANY, TAG]:
+            sequence.append(child)
+        elif child["type"] == CHOICE:
+            content = child.copy()
+            content["name"] = "content"
+            sequence.append(content)
+        elif child["type"] == "sequence":
+            sequence.extend(child["elements"])
+        elif child["type"] == "group":
+            elmtgroup = factory.FindSchemaElement(child["ref"], ELEMENTSGROUP)
+            if "elements" not in elmtgroup or not elmtgroup["order"]:
+                raise ValueError, "Only group composed of \"sequence\" can be referenced in \"sequence\" element!"
+            elements_tmp = []
+            for element in elmtgroup["elements"]:
+                if not isinstance(element["elmt_type"], (UnicodeType, StringType)) and element["elmt_type"]["type"] == COMPLEXTYPE:
+                    elmt_type = "%s_%s"%(elmtgroup["name"], element["name"])
+                    if factory.TargetNamespace is not None:
+                        elmt_type = "%s:%s"%(factory.TargetNamespace, elmt_type)
+                    new_element = element.copy()
+                    new_element["elmt_type"] = elmt_type
+                    elements_tmp.append(new_element)
+                else:
+                    elements_tmp.append(element)
+            sequence.extend(elements_tmp)
+    return {"type" : "sequence", "elements" : sequence, "minOccurs" : attributes["minOccurs"],
+        "maxOccurs" : attributes["maxOccurs"], "order" : True, "doc" : annotations}
+def ReduceGroup(factory, attributes, elements):
+    annotations, children = factory.ReduceElements(elements)
+    if "ref" in attributes:
+        return {"type" : "group", "ref" : attributes["ref"], "doc" : annotations}
+    else:
+        element = children[0]
+        group = {"type" : ELEMENTSGROUP, "doc" : annotations}
+        if element["type"] == CHOICE:
+            group["choices"] = element["choices"]
+        else:
+            group.update({"elements" : element["elements"], "order" : group["order"]})
+        group.update(attributes)
+        return group
+# Constraint elements
+def ReduceUnique(factory, attributes, elements):
+    annotations, children = factory.ReduceElements(elements)
+    raise ValueError, "\"unique\" element isn't supported yet!"
+def ReduceKey(factory, attributes, elements):
+    annotations, children = factory.ReduceElements(elements)
+    raise ValueError, "\"key\" element isn't supported yet!"
+def ReduceKeyRef(factory, attributes, elements):
+    annotations, children = factory.ReduceElements(elements)
+    raise ValueError, "\"keyref\" element isn't supported yet!"
+def ReduceSelector(factory, attributes, elements):
+    annotations, children = factory.ReduceElements(elements)
+    raise ValueError, "\"selector\" element isn't supported yet!"
+def ReduceField(factory, attributes, elements):
+    annotations, children = factory.ReduceElements(elements)
+    raise ValueError, "\"field\" element isn't supported yet!"
+# Inclusion elements
+def ReduceImport(factory, attributes, elements):
+    annotations, children = factory.ReduceElements(elements)
+    raise ValueError, "\"import\" element isn't supported yet!"
+def ReduceInclude(factory, attributes, elements):
+    annotations, children = factory.ReduceElements(elements)
+    raise ValueError, "\"include\" element isn't supported yet!"
+def ReduceRedefine(factory, attributes, elements):
+    annotations, children = factory.ReduceElements(elements)
+    raise ValueError, "\"redefine\" element isn't supported yet!"
+# Schema element
+def ReduceSchema(factory, attributes, elements):
+    factory.AttributeFormDefault = attributes["attributeFormDefault"]
+    factory.ElementFormDefault = attributes["elementFormDefault"]
+    factory.BlockDefault = attributes["blockDefault"]
+    factory.FinalDefault = attributes["finalDefault"]
+    if "targetNamespace" in attributes:
+        factory.TargetNamespace = factory.DefinedNamespaces.get(attributes["targetNamespace"], None)
+    factory.Namespaces[factory.TargetNamespace] = {}
+    annotations, children = factory.ReduceElements(elements, True)
+    for child in children:
+        if "name" in child:
+            infos = factory.GetQualifiedNameInfos(child["name"], factory.TargetNamespace, True)
+            if infos is None:
+                factory.Namespaces[factory.TargetNamespace][child["name"]] = child
+            elif not CompareSchema(infos, child):
+                raise ValueError, "\"%s\" is defined twice in targetNamespace!"%child["name"]
+def CompareSchema(schema, reference):
+    if isinstance(schema, ListType):
+        if not isinstance(reference, ListType) or len(schema) != len(reference):
+            return False
+        for i, value in enumerate(schema):
+            result = CompareSchema(value, reference[i])
+            if not result:
+                return result
+        return True
+    elif isinstance(schema, DictType):
+        if not isinstance(reference, DictType) or len(schema) != len(reference):
+            return False
+        for name, value in schema.items():
+            ref_value = reference.get(name, None)
+            if ref_value is None:
+                return False
+            result = CompareSchema(value, ref_value)
+            if not result:
+                return result
+        return True
+    elif isinstance(schema, FunctionType):
+        if not isinstance(reference, FunctionType) or schema.__name__ != reference.__name__:
+            return False
+        else:
+            return True
+    return schema == reference
+#                       Base class for XSD schema extraction
+class XSDClassFactory(ClassFactory):
+    def __init__(self, document, debug = False):
+        ClassFactory.__init__(self, document, debug)
+        self.Namespaces["xml"] = {
+            "lang" : {
+                "type" : SYNTAXATTRIBUTE, 
+                "extract" : {
+                    "default" : GenerateEnumeratedExtraction("lang", LANGUAGES)
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        self.Namespaces["xsi"] = {
+            "noNamespaceSchemaLocation" : {
+                "type" : SYNTAXATTRIBUTE, 
+                "extract" : {
+                    "default" : NotSupportedYet("noNamespaceSchemaLocation")
+                }
+            },
+            "nil" : {
+                "type" : SYNTAXATTRIBUTE, 
+                "extract" : {
+                    "default" : NotSupportedYet("nil")
+                }
+            },
+            "schemaLocation" : {
+                "type" : SYNTAXATTRIBUTE, 
+                "extract" : {
+                    "default" : NotSupportedYet("schemaLocation")
+                }
+            },
+            "type" : {
+                "type" : SYNTAXATTRIBUTE, 
+                "extract" : {
+                    "default" : NotSupportedYet("type")
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    def ParseSchema(self):
+        schema = self.Document.childNodes[0]
+        for qualified_name, attr in schema._attrs.items():
+            value = GetAttributeValue(attr)
+            if value == "":
+                namespace, name = DecomposeQualifiedName(qualified_name)
+                if namespace == "xmlns":
+                    self.DefinedNamespaces[""] = name
+                    self.SchemaNamespace = name
+                else:
+                    self.DefinedNamespaces[""] = self.SchemaNamespace
+                self.Namespaces[self.SchemaNamespace] = XSD_NAMESPACE
+        self.Schema = XSD_NAMESPACE["schema"]["extract"]["default"](self, schema)
+        ReduceSchema(self, self.Schema[1], self.Schema[2])
+    def FindSchemaElement(self, element_name, element_type):
+        namespace, name = DecomposeQualifiedName(element_name)
+        element = self.GetQualifiedNameInfos(name, namespace, True)
+        if element is None and namespace == self.TargetNamespace and name not in self.CurrentCompilations:
+            self.CurrentCompilations.append(name)
+            element = self.CreateSchemaElement(name, element_type)
+            self.CurrentCompilations.pop(-1)
+            if element is not None:
+                self.Namespaces[self.TargetNamespace][name] = element
+        if element is None:
+            if name in self.CurrentCompilations:
+                if self.Debug:
+                    print "Warning : \"%s\" is circular referenced!"%element_name
+                return element_name
+            else:
+                raise ValueError, "\"%s\" isn't defined!"%element_name
+        if element["type"] != element_type:
+            raise ValueError, "\"%s\" isn't a group!"%element_name
+        return element
+    def CreateSchemaElement(self, element_name, element_type):
+        for type, attributes, elements in self.Schema[2]:
+            namespace, name = DecomposeQualifiedName(type)
+            if "name" in attributes and attributes["name"] == element_name:
+                element_infos = None
+                if element_type == ATTRIBUTE and name == "attribute":
+                    element_infos = ReduceAttribute(self, attributes, elements)
+                elif element_type == ELEMENT and name == "element":
+                    element_infos = ReduceElement(self, attributes, elements)
+                elif element_type == ATTRIBUTESGROUP and name == "attributeGroup":
+                    element_infos = ReduceAttributeGroup(self, attributes, elements)
+                elif element_type == ELEMENTSGROUP and name == "group":
+                    element_infos = ReduceGroup(self, attributes, elements)
+                elif element_type == SIMPLETYPE and name == "simpleType":
+                    element_infos = ReduceSimpleType(self, attributes, elements)
+                elif element_type == COMPLEXTYPE and name == "complexType":
+                    element_infos = ReduceComplexType(self, attributes, elements)
+                if element_infos is not None:
+                    self.Namespaces[self.TargetNamespace][element_name] = element_infos
+                    return element_infos
+        return None
+This function opens the xsd file and generate the classes from the xml tree
+def GenerateClassesFromXSD(filename, declare = False):
+    xsdfile = open(filename, 'r')
+    factory = XSDClassFactory(minidom.parse(xsdfile))
+    xsdfile.close()
+    factory.ParseSchema()
+    return GenerateClasses(factory, declare)
+This function generate the classes from the xsd given as a string
+def GenerateClassesFromXSDstring(xsdstring, declare = False):
+    factory = XSDClassFactory(minidom.parseString(xsdstring))
+    factory.ParseSchema()
+    return GenerateClasses(factory, declare)
+#                           XSD schema syntax elements
+#                           Syntax elements definition
+    "all" : {"struct" : """
+        <all
+          id = ID
+          maxOccurs = 1 : 1
+          minOccurs = (0 | 1) : 1
+          {any attributes with non-schema namespace . . .}>
+          Content: (annotation?, element*)
+        </all>""",
+        "type" : SYNTAXELEMENT, 
+        "extract" : {
+            "default" : GenerateElement("all", ["id", "maxOccurs", "minOccurs"], 
+                re.compile("((?:annotation )?(?:element )*)"))
+        },
+        "reduce" : ReduceAll
+    },
+    "annotation" : {"struct" : """
+        <annotation
+          id = ID
+          {any attributes with non-schema namespace . . .}>
+          Content: (appinfo | documentation)*
+        </annotation>""",
+        "type" : SYNTAXELEMENT, 
+        "extract" : {
+            "default" : GenerateElement("annotation", ["id"], 
+                re.compile("((?:app_info |documentation )*)"))
+        },
+        "reduce" : ReduceAnnotation
+    },
+    "any" : {"struct": """
+        <any
+          id = ID
+          maxOccurs = (nonNegativeInteger | unbounded)  : 1
+          minOccurs = nonNegativeInteger : 1
+          namespace = ((##any | ##other) | List of (anyURI | (##targetNamespace | ##local)) )  : ##any
+          processContents = (lax | skip | strict) : strict
+          {any attributes with non-schema namespace . . .}>
+          Content: (annotation?)
+        </any>""",
+        "type" : SYNTAXELEMENT, 
+        "extract" : {
+            "default" : GenerateElement("any", 
+                ["id", "maxOccurs", "minOccurs", "namespace", "processContents"], 
+                re.compile("((?:annotation )?(?:simpleType )*)"))
+        },
+        "reduce" : ReduceAny
+    },
+    "anyAttribute" : {"struct" : """
+        <anyAttribute
+          id = ID
+          namespace = ((##any | ##other) | List of (anyURI | (##targetNamespace | ##local)) )  : ##any
+          processContents = (lax | skip | strict) : strict
+          {any attributes with non-schema namespace . . .}>
+          Content: (annotation?)
+        </anyAttribute>""",
+        "type" : SYNTAXELEMENT, 
+        "extract" : {
+            "default" : GenerateElement("anyAttribute",
+                ["id", "namespace", "processContents"], ONLY_ANNOTATION)
+        },
+        "reduce" : ReduceAnyAttribute
+    },
+    "appinfo" : {"struct" : """
+        <appinfo
+          source = anyURI
+          {any attributes with non-schema namespace . . .}>
+          Content: ({any})*
+        </appinfo>""",
+        "type" : SYNTAXELEMENT, 
+        "extract" : {
+            "default" : GenerateElement("appinfo", ["source"], re.compile("(.*)"), True)
+        },
+        "reduce" : ReduceAppInfo
+    },
+    "attribute" : {"struct" : """
+        <attribute
+          default = string
+          fixed = string
+          form = (qualified | unqualified)
+          id = ID
+          name = NCName
+          ref = QName
+          type = QName
+          use = (optional | prohibited | required) : optional
+          {any attributes with non-schema namespace . . .}>
+          Content: (annotation?, simpleType?)
+        </attribute>""",
+        "type" : SYNTAXELEMENT, 
+        "extract" : {
+            "default" : GenerateElement("attribute", 
+                ["default", "fixed", "form", "id", "name", "ref", "type", "use"], 
+                re.compile("((?:annotation )?(?:simpleType )?)")),
+            "schema" : GenerateElement("attribute", 
+                ["default", "fixed", "form", "id", "name", "type"], 
+                re.compile("((?:annotation )?(?:simpleType )?)"))
+        },
+        "reduce" : ReduceAttribute
+    },
+    "attributeGroup" : {"struct" : """
+        <attributeGroup
+          id = ID
+          name = NCName
+          ref = QName
+          {any attributes with non-schema namespace . . .}>
+          Content: (annotation?, ((attribute | attributeGroup)*, anyAttribute?))
+        </attributeGroup>""",
+        "type" : SYNTAXELEMENT, 
+        "extract" : {
+            "default" : GenerateElement("attributeGroup", 
+                ["id", "ref"], ONLY_ANNOTATION),
+            "schema" : GenerateElement("attributeGroup",
+                ["id", "name"], 
+                re.compile("((?:annotation )?(?:(?:attribute |attributeGroup )*(?:anyAttribute )?))"))
+        },
+        "reduce" : ReduceAttributeGroup
+    },
+    "choice" : {"struct" : """
+        <choice
+          id = ID
+          maxOccurs = (nonNegativeInteger | unbounded)  : 1
+          minOccurs = nonNegativeInteger : 1
+          {any attributes with non-schema namespace . . .}>
+          Content: (annotation?, (element | group | choice | sequence | any)*)
+        </choice>""",
+        "type" : SYNTAXELEMENT, 
+        "extract" : {
+            "default" : GenerateElement("choice", ["id", "maxOccurs", "minOccurs"], 
+                re.compile("((?:annotation )?(?:element |group |choice |sequence |any )*)"))
+        },
+        "reduce" : ReduceChoice
+    },
+    "complexContent" : {"struct" : """
+        <complexContent
+          id = ID
+          mixed = boolean
+          {any attributes with non-schema namespace . . .}>
+          Content: (annotation?, (restriction | extension))
+        </complexContent>""",
+        "type" : SYNTAXELEMENT, 
+        "extract" : {
+            "default" : GenerateElement("complexContent", ["id", "mixed"], 
+                re.compile("((?:annotation )?(?:restriction |extension ))"))
+        },
+        "reduce" : ReduceComplexContent
+    },
+    "complexType" : {"struct" : """
+        <complexType
+          abstract = boolean : false
+          block = (#all | List of (extension | restriction))
+          final = (#all | List of (extension | restriction))
+          id = ID
+          mixed = boolean : false
+          name = NCName
+          {any attributes with non-schema namespace . . .}>
+          Content: (annotation?, (simpleContent | complexContent | ((group | all | choice | sequence)?, ((attribute | attributeGroup)*, anyAttribute?))))
+        </complexType>""",
+        "type" : SYNTAXELEMENT, 
+        "extract" : {
+            "default" : GenerateElement("complexType", 
+                ["abstract", "block", "final", "id", "mixed", "name"], 
+                re.compile("((?:annotation )?(?:simpleContent |complexContent |(?:(?:group |all |choice |sequence )?(?:(?:attribute |attributeGroup )*(?:anyAttribute )?))))"))
+        },
+        "reduce" : ReduceComplexType
+    },
+    "documentation" : {"struct" : """
+        <documentation
+          source = anyURI
+          xml:lang = language
+          {any attributes with non-schema namespace . . .}>
+          Content: ({any})*
+        </documentation>""",
+        "type" : SYNTAXELEMENT, 
+        "extract" : {
+            "default" : GenerateElement("documentation", 
+                ["source", "lang"], re.compile("(.*)"), True)
+        },
+        "reduce" : ReduceDocumentation
+    },
+    "element" : {"struct" : """
+        <element
+          abstract = boolean : false
+          block = (#all | List of (extension | restriction | substitution))
+          default = string
+          final = (#all | List of (extension | restriction))
+          fixed = string
+          form = (qualified | unqualified)
+          id = ID
+          maxOccurs = (nonNegativeInteger | unbounded)  : 1
+          minOccurs = nonNegativeInteger : 1
+          name = NCName
+          nillable = boolean : false
+          ref = QName
+          substitutionGroup = QName
+          type = QName
+          {any attributes with non-schema namespace . . .}>
+          Content: (annotation?, ((simpleType | complexType)?, (unique | key | keyref)*))
+        </element>""",
+        "type" : SYNTAXELEMENT, 
+        "extract" : {
+            "default" : GenerateElement("element", 
+                ["abstract", "block", "default", "final", "fixed", "form", "id", "maxOccurs", "minOccurs", "name", "nillable", "ref", "substitutionGroup", "type"], 
+                re.compile("((?:annotation )?(?:simpleType |complexType )?(?:unique |key |keyref )*)")),
+            "schema" : GenerateElement("element", 
+                ["abstract", "block", "default", "final", "fixed", "form", "id", "name", "nillable", "substitutionGroup", "type"], 
+                re.compile("((?:annotation )?(?:simpleType |complexType )?(?:unique |key |keyref )*)"))
+        },
+        "reduce" : ReduceElement
+    },
+    "enumeration" : {"struct" : """
+        <enumeration
+          id = ID
+          value = anySimpleType
+          {any attributes with non-schema namespace . . .}>
+          Content: (annotation?)
+        </enumeration>""",
+        "type" : SYNTAXELEMENT, 
+        "extract" : {
+            "default" : GenerateElement("enumeration", ["id", "value"], ONLY_ANNOTATION)
+        },
+        "reduce" : GenerateFacetReducing("enumeration", False)
+    },
+    "extension" : {"struct" : """
+        <extension
+          base = QName
+          id = ID
+          {any attributes with non-schema namespace . . .}>
+          Content: (annotation?, ((group | all | choice | sequence)?, ((attribute | attributeGroup)*, anyAttribute?)))
+        </extension>""",
+        "type" : SYNTAXELEMENT, 
+        "extract" : {
+            "default" : GenerateElement("extension", ["base", "id"], 
+                re.compile("((?:annotation )?(?:(?:attribute |attributeGroup )*(?:anyAttribute )?))")),
+            "complexContent" : GenerateElement("extension", ["base", "id"], 
+                re.compile("((?:annotation )?(?:group |all |choice |sequence )?(?:(?:attribute |attributeGroup )*(?:anyAttribute )?))"))
+        },
+        "reduce" : ReduceExtension
+    },
+    "field" : {"struct" : """
+        <field
+          id = ID
+          xpath = a subset of XPath expression, see below
+          {any attributes with non-schema namespace . . .}>
+          Content: (annotation?)
+        </field>""",
+        "type" : SYNTAXELEMENT, 
+        "extract" : {
+            "default" : GenerateElement("field", ["id", "xpath"], ONLY_ANNOTATION)
+        },
+        "reduce" : ReduceField
+    },
+    "fractionDigits" : {"struct" : """
+        <fractionDigits
+          fixed = boolean : false
+          id = ID
+          value = nonNegativeInteger
+          {any attributes with non-schema namespace . . .}>
+          Content: (annotation?)
+        </fractionDigits>""",
+        "type" : SYNTAXELEMENT, 
+        "extract" : {
+            "default" : GenerateElement("fractionDigits", 
+                ["fixed", "id", "value"], ONLY_ANNOTATION)
+        },
+        "reduce" : GenerateFacetReducing("fractionDigits", True)
+    },
+    "group" : {"struct" : """
+        <group
+          id = ID
+          maxOccurs = (nonNegativeInteger | unbounded)  : 1
+          minOccurs = nonNegativeInteger : 1
+          name = NCName
+          ref = QName
+          {any attributes with non-schema namespace . . .}>
+          Content: (annotation?, (all | choice | sequence)?)
+        </group>""",
+        "type" : SYNTAXELEMENT, 
+        "extract" : {
+            "default" : GenerateElement("group",
+                ["id", "maxOccurs", "minOccurs", "ref"], 
+                re.compile("((?:annotation )?(?:all |choice |sequence )?)")),
+            "schema" : GenerateElement("group",
+                ["id", "name"], 
+                re.compile("((?:annotation )?(?:all |choice |sequence )?)"))
+        },
+        "reduce" : ReduceGroup
+    },
+    "import" : {"struct" : """
+        <import
+          id = ID
+          namespace = anyURI
+          schemaLocation = anyURI
+          {any attributes with non-schema namespace . . .}>
+          Content: (annotation?)
+        </import>""",
+        "type" : SYNTAXELEMENT, 
+        "extract" : {
+            "default" : GenerateElement("import",
+                ["id", "namespace", "schemaLocation"], ONLY_ANNOTATION)
+        },
+        "reduce" : ReduceImport
+    },
+    "include" : {"struct" : """
+        <include
+          id = ID
+          schemaLocation = anyURI
+          {any attributes with non-schema namespace . . .}>
+          Content: (annotation?)
+        </include>""",
+        "type" : SYNTAXELEMENT, 
+        "extract" : {
+            "default" : GenerateElement("include",
+                ["id", "schemaLocation"], ONLY_ANNOTATION)
+        },
+        "reduce" : ReduceInclude
+    },
+    "key" : {"struct" : """
+        <key
+          id = ID
+          name = NCName
+          {any attributes with non-schema namespace . . .}>
+          Content: (annotation?, (selector, field+))
+        </key>""",
+        "type" : SYNTAXELEMENT, 
+        "extract" : {
+            "default" : GenerateElement("key", ["id", "name"], 
+                re.compile("((?:annotation )?(?:selector |(?:field )+))"))
+        },
+        "reduce" : ReduceKey
+    },
+    "keyref" : {"struct" : """
+        <keyref
+          id = ID
+          name = NCName
+          refer = QName
+          {any attributes with non-schema namespace . . .}>
+          Content: (annotation?, (selector, field+))
+        </keyref>""",
+        "type" : SYNTAXELEMENT, 
+        "extract" : {
+            "default" : GenerateElement("keyref", ["id", "name", "refer"], 
+                re.compile("((?:annotation )?(?:selector |(?:field )+))"))
+        },
+        "reduce" : ReduceKeyRef
+    },
+    "length" : {"struct" : """
+        <length
+          fixed = boolean : false
+          id = ID
+          value = nonNegativeInteger
+          {any attributes with non-schema namespace . . .}>
+          Content: (annotation?)
+        </length>""",
+        "type" : SYNTAXELEMENT, 
+        "extract" : {
+            "default" : GenerateElement("length", 
+                ["fixed", "id", "value"], ONLY_ANNOTATION)
+        },
+        "reduce" : GenerateFacetReducing("length", True)
+    },
+    "list" : {"struct" : """
+        <list
+          id = ID
+          itemType = QName
+          {any attributes with non-schema namespace . . .}>
+          Content: (annotation?, simpleType?)
+        </list>""",
+        "type" : SYNTAXELEMENT, 
+        "extract" : {
+            "default" : GenerateElement("list", ["id", "itemType"], 
+                re.compile("((?:annotation )?(?:simpleType )?)$"))
+        },
+        "reduce" : ReduceList
+    },
+    "maxExclusive" : {"struct" : """
+        <maxInclusive
+          fixed = boolean : false
+          id = ID
+          value = anySimpleType
+          {any attributes with non-schema namespace . . .}>
+          Content: (annotation?)
+        </maxInclusive>""",
+        "type" : SYNTAXELEMENT, 
+        "extract" : {
+            "default" : GenerateElement("maxExclusive",
+                ["fixed", "id", "value"], ONLY_ANNOTATION)
+        },
+        "reduce" : GenerateFacetReducing("maxExclusive", True)
+    },
+    "maxInclusive" : {"struct" : """
+        <maxExclusive
+          fixed = boolean : false
+          id = ID
+          value = anySimpleType
+          {any attributes with non-schema namespace . . .}>
+          Content: (annotation?)
+        </maxExclusive>""",
+        "type" : SYNTAXELEMENT, 
+        "extract" : {
+            "default" : GenerateElement("maxInclusive", 
+                ["fixed", "id", "value"], ONLY_ANNOTATION)
+        },
+        "reduce" : GenerateFacetReducing("maxInclusive", True)
+    },
+    "maxLength" : {"struct" : """
+        <maxLength
+          fixed = boolean : false
+          id = ID
+          value = nonNegativeInteger
+          {any attributes with non-schema namespace . . .}>
+          Content: (annotation?)
+        </maxLength>""",
+        "type" : SYNTAXELEMENT, 
+        "extract" : {
+            "default" : GenerateElement("maxLength", 
+                ["fixed", "id", "value"], ONLY_ANNOTATION)
+        },
+        "reduce" : GenerateFacetReducing("maxLength", True)
+    },
+    "minExclusive" : {"struct" : """
+        <minExclusive
+          fixed = boolean : false
+          id = ID
+          value = anySimpleType
+          {any attributes with non-schema namespace . . .}>
+          Content: (annotation?)
+        </minExclusive>""",
+        "type" : SYNTAXELEMENT, 
+        "extract" : {
+            "default" : GenerateElement("minExclusive", 
+                ["fixed", "id", "value"], ONLY_ANNOTATION)
+        },
+        "reduce" : GenerateFacetReducing("minExclusive", True)
+    },
+    "minInclusive" : {"struct" : """
+        <minInclusive
+          fixed = boolean : false
+          id = ID
+          value = anySimpleType
+          {any attributes with non-schema namespace . . .}>
+          Content: (annotation?)
+        </minInclusive>""",
+        "type" : SYNTAXELEMENT, 
+        "extract" : {
+            "default" : GenerateElement("minInclusive", 
+                ["fixed", "id", "value"], ONLY_ANNOTATION)
+        },
+        "reduce" : GenerateFacetReducing("minInclusive", True)
+    },
+    "minLength" : {"struct" : """
+        <minLength
+          fixed = boolean : false
+          id = ID
+          value = nonNegativeInteger
+          {any attributes with non-schema namespace . . .}>
+          Content: (annotation?)
+        </minLength>""",
+        "type" : SYNTAXELEMENT, 
+        "extract" : {
+            "default" : GenerateElement("minLength",
+                ["fixed", "id", "value"], ONLY_ANNOTATION)
+        },
+        "reduce" : GenerateFacetReducing("minLength", True)
+    },
+    "pattern" : {"struct" : """
+        <pattern
+          id = ID
+          value = string
+          {any attributes with non-schema namespace . . .}>
+          Content: (annotation?)
+        </pattern>""",
+        "type" : SYNTAXELEMENT, 
+        "extract" : {
+            "default" : GenerateElement("pattern", ["id", "value"], ONLY_ANNOTATION)
+        },
+        "reduce" : GenerateFacetReducing("pattern", False)
+    },
+    "redefine" : {"struct" : """
+        <redefine
+          id = ID
+          schemaLocation = anyURI
+          {any attributes with non-schema namespace . . .}>
+          Content: (annotation | (simpleType | complexType | group | attributeGroup))*
+        </redefine>""",
+        "type" : SYNTAXELEMENT, 
+        "extract" : {
+            "default" : GenerateElement("refine", ["id", "schemaLocation"], 
+                re.compile("((?:annotation |(?:simpleType |complexType |group |attributeGroup ))*)"))
+        },
+        "reduce" : ReduceRedefine
+    },
+    "restriction" : {"struct" : """
+        <restriction
+          base = QName
+          id = ID
+          {any attributes with non-schema namespace . . .}>
+          Content: (annotation?, (group | all | choice | sequence)?, ((attribute | attributeGroup)*, anyAttribute?))
+        </restriction>""",
+        "type" : SYNTAXELEMENT, 
+        "extract" : {
+            "default" : GenerateElement("restriction", ["base", "id"], 
+                re.compile("((?:annotation )?(?:(?:simpleType )?(?:(?:minExclusive |minInclusive |maxExclusive |maxInclusive |totalDigits |fractionDigits |length |minLength |maxLength |enumeration |whiteSpace |pattern )*)))")),
+            "simpleContent" : GenerateElement("restriction", ["base", "id"], 
+                re.compile("((?:annotation )?(?:(?:simpleType )?(?:(?:minExclusive |minInclusive |maxExclusive |maxInclusive |totalDigits |fractionDigits |length |minLength |maxLength |enumeration |whiteSpace |pattern )*)?(?:(?:attribute |attributeGroup )*(?:anyAttribute )?)))")),
+            "complexContent" : GenerateElement("restriction", ["base", "id"], 
+                re.compile("((?:annotation )?(?:(?:simpleType )?(?:group |all |choice |sequence )?(?:(?:attribute |attributeGroup )*(?:anyAttribute )?)))")),
+        },
+        "reduce" : ReduceRestriction
+    },
+    "schema" : {"struct" : """
+        <schema
+          attributeFormDefault = (qualified | unqualified) : unqualified
+          blockDefault = (#all | List of (extension | restriction | substitution))  : ''
+          elementFormDefault = (qualified | unqualified) : unqualified
+          finalDefault = (#all | List of (extension | restriction | list | union))  : ''
+          id = ID
+          targetNamespace = anyURI
+          version = token
+          xml:lang = language
+          {any attributes with non-schema namespace . . .}>
+          Content: ((include | import | redefine | annotation)*, (((simpleType | complexType | group | attributeGroup) | element | attribute | notation), annotation*)*)
+        </schema>""",
+        "type" : SYNTAXELEMENT, 
+        "extract" : {
+            "default" : GenerateElement("schema",
+                ["attributeFormDefault", "blockDefault", "elementFormDefault", "finalDefault", "id", "targetNamespace", "version", "lang"], 
+                re.compile("((?:include |import |redefine |annotation )*(?:(?:(?:simpleType |complexType |group |attributeGroup )|element |attribute |annotation )(?:annotation )*)*)"))
+        }
+    },
+    "selector" : {"struct" : """
+        <selector
+          id = ID
+          xpath = a subset of XPath expression, see below
+          {any attributes with non-schema namespace . . .}>
+          Content: (annotation?)
+        </selector>""",
+        "type" : SYNTAXELEMENT, 
+        "extract" : {
+            "default" : GenerateElement("selector", ["id", "xpath"], ONLY_ANNOTATION)
+        },
+        "reduce" : ReduceSelector
+    },
+    "sequence" : {"struct" : """
+        <sequence
+          id = ID
+          maxOccurs = (nonNegativeInteger | unbounded)  : 1
+          minOccurs = nonNegativeInteger : 1
+          {any attributes with non-schema namespace . . .}>
+          Content: (annotation?, (element | group | choice | sequence | any)*)
+        </sequence>""",
+        "type" : SYNTAXELEMENT, 
+        "extract" : {
+            "default" : GenerateElement("sequence", ["id", "maxOccurs", "minOccurs"], 
+                re.compile("((?:annotation )?(?:element |group |choice |sequence |any )*)"))
+        },
+        "reduce" : ReduceSequence
+    },
+    "simpleContent" : {"struct" : """
+        <simpleContent
+          id = ID
+          {any attributes with non-schema namespace . . .}>
+          Content: (annotation?, (restriction | extension))
+        </simpleContent>""",
+        "type" : SYNTAXELEMENT, 
+        "extract" : {
+            "default" : GenerateElement("simpleContent", ["id"], 
+                re.compile("((?:annotation )?(?:restriction |extension ))"))
+        },
+        "reduce" : ReduceSimpleContent
+    },
+    "simpleType" : {"struct" : """
+        <simpleType
+          final = (#all | List of (list | union | restriction))
+          id = ID
+          name = NCName
+          {any attributes with non-schema namespace . . .}>
+          Content: (annotation?, (restriction | list | union))
+        </simpleType>""",
+        "type" : SYNTAXELEMENT, 
+        "extract" : {
+            "default" : GenerateElement("simpleType", ["final", "id", "name"], 
+                re.compile("((?:annotation )?(?:restriction |list |union ))"))
+        },
+        "reduce" : ReduceSimpleType
+    },
+    "totalDigits" : {"struct" : """
+        <totalDigits
+          fixed = boolean : false
+          id = ID
+          value = positiveInteger
+          {any attributes with non-schema namespace . . .}>
+          Content: (annotation?)
+        </totalDigits>""",
+        "type" : SYNTAXELEMENT, 
+        "extract" : {
+            "default" : GenerateElement("totalDigits", 
+                ["fixed", "id", "value"], ONLY_ANNOTATION),
+        },
+        "reduce" : GenerateFacetReducing("totalDigits", True)
+    },
+    "union" : {"struct" : """
+        <union
+          id = ID
+          memberTypes = List of QName
+          {any attributes with non-schema namespace . . .}>
+          Content: (annotation?, simpleType*)
+        </union>""",
+        "type" : SYNTAXELEMENT, 
+        "extract" : {
+            "default" : GenerateElement("union", ["id", "memberTypes"], 
+                re.compile("((?:annotation )?(?:simpleType )*)"))
+        },
+        "reduce" : ReduceUnion
+    },
+    "unique" : {"struct" : """
+        <unique
+          id = ID
+          name = NCName
+          {any attributes with non-schema namespace . . .}>
+          Content: (annotation?, (selector, field+))
+        </unique>""",
+        "type" : SYNTAXELEMENT, 
+        "extract" : {
+            "default" : GenerateElement("unique", ["id", "name"], 
+                re.compile("((?:annotation )?(?:selector |(?:field )+))"))
+        },
+        "reduce" : ReduceUnique
+    },
+    "whiteSpace" : {"struct" : """
+        <whiteSpace
+          fixed = boolean : false
+          id = ID
+          value = (collapse | preserve | replace)
+          {any attributes with non-schema namespace . . .}>
+          Content: (annotation?)
+        </whiteSpace>""",
+        "type" : SYNTAXELEMENT, 
+        "extract" : {
+            "default" : GenerateElement("whiteSpace", 
+                ["fixed", "id", "value"], ONLY_ANNOTATION)
+        },
+        "reduce" : GenerateFacetReducing("whiteSpace", True)
+    },
+#                       Syntax attributes definition
+    "abstract" : {
+        "type" : SYNTAXATTRIBUTE, 
+        "extract" : {
+            "default" : GetBoolean
+        },
+        "default" : {
+            "default" : False
+        }
+    },
+    "attributeFormDefault" : {
+        "type" : SYNTAXATTRIBUTE, 
+        "extract" : {
+            "default" : GenerateEnumeratedExtraction("member attributeFormDefault", ["qualified", "unqualified"])
+        },
+        "default" : {
+            "default" : "unqualified"
+        }
+    },
+    "base" : {
+        "type" : SYNTAXATTRIBUTE, 
+        "extract" : {
+            "default" : GenerateModelNameExtraction("member base", QName_model)
+        }
+    },
+    "block" : {
+        "type" : SYNTAXATTRIBUTE, 
+        "extract" : {
+            "default" : GenerateGetList("block", ["restriction", "extension", "substitution"])
+        }
+    },
+    "blockDefault" : {
+        "type" : SYNTAXATTRIBUTE, 
+        "extract" : {
+            "default" : GenerateGetList("block", ["restriction", "extension", "substitution"])
+        },
+        "default" : {
+            "default" : ""
+        }
+    },
+    "default" : {
+        "type" : SYNTAXATTRIBUTE, 
+        "extract" : {
+            "default" : GetAttributeValue
+        }
+    },
+    "elementFormDefault" : {
+        "type" : SYNTAXATTRIBUTE, 
+        "extract" : {
+            "default" : GenerateEnumeratedExtraction("member elementFormDefault", ["qualified", "unqualified"])
+        },
+        "default" : {
+            "default" : "unqualified"
+        }
+    },
+    "final" : {
+        "type" : SYNTAXATTRIBUTE, 
+        "extract" : {
+            "default" : GenerateGetList("final", ["restriction", "extension", "substitution"]),
+            "simpleType" : GenerateGetList("final", ["list", "union", "restriction"])
+        }
+    },
+    "finalDefault" : {
+        "type" : SYNTAXATTRIBUTE, 
+        "extract" : {
+            "default" : GenerateGetList("finalDefault", ["restriction", "extension", "list", "union"])
+        },
+        "default" : {
+            "default" : ""
+        }
+    },
+    "fixed" : {
+        "type" : SYNTAXATTRIBUTE, 
+        "extract" : {
+            "default" : GetBoolean,
+            "attribute" : GetAttributeValue,
+            "element" : GetAttributeValue
+        },
+        "default" : {
+            "default" : False,
+            "attribute" : None,
+            "element" : None
+        }
+    },
+    "form" : {
+        "type" : SYNTAXATTRIBUTE, 
+        "extract" : {
+            "default" : GenerateEnumeratedExtraction("member form", ["qualified", "unqualified"])
+        }
+    },
+    "id" : {
+        "type" : SYNTAXATTRIBUTE, 
+        "extract" : {
+            "default" : GenerateModelNameExtraction("member id", NCName_model)
+        }
+    },
+    "itemType" : {
+        "type" : SYNTAXATTRIBUTE, 
+        "extract" : {
+            "default" : GenerateModelNameExtraction("member itemType", QName_model)
+        }
+    },
+    "memberTypes" : {
+        "type" : SYNTAXATTRIBUTE, 
+        "extract" : {
+            "default" : GenerateModelNameListExtraction("member memberTypes", QNames_model)
+        },
+    },
+    "maxOccurs" : {
+        "type" : SYNTAXATTRIBUTE, 
+        "extract" : {
+            "default" : GenerateLimitExtraction(),
+            "all" : GenerateLimitExtraction(1, 1, False)
+        },
+        "default" : {
+            "default" : 1
+        }
+    },
+    "minOccurs" : {
+        "type" : SYNTAXATTRIBUTE, 
+        "extract" : {
+            "default" : GenerateLimitExtraction(unbounded = False),
+            "all" : GenerateLimitExtraction(0, 1, False)
+        },
+        "default" : {
+            "default" : 1
+        }
+    },
+    "mixed" : {
+        "type" : SYNTAXATTRIBUTE, 
+        "extract" : {
+            "default" : GetBoolean
+        },
+        "default" : {
+            "default" : None,
+            "complexType" : False
+        }
+    },
+    "name" : {
+        "type" : SYNTAXATTRIBUTE, 
+        "extract" : {
+            "default" : GenerateModelNameExtraction("member name", NCName_model)
+        }
+    },
+    "namespace" : {
+        "type" : SYNTAXATTRIBUTE, 
+        "extract" : {
+            "default" : GenerateModelNameExtraction("member namespace", URI_model),
+            "any" : GetNamespaces
+        },
+        "default" : {
+            "default" : None,
+            "any" : "##any"
+        }
+    },
+    "nillable" : {
+        "type" : SYNTAXATTRIBUTE, 
+        "extract" : {
+            "default" : GetBoolean
+        },
+        "default" : {
+            "default" : False
+        }
+    },
+    "processContents" : {
+        "type" : SYNTAXATTRIBUTE, 
+        "extract" : {
+            "default" : GenerateEnumeratedExtraction("member processContents", ["lax", "skip", "strict"])
+        },
+        "default" : {
+            "default" : "strict"
+        }
+    },
+    "ref" : {
+        "type" : SYNTAXATTRIBUTE, 
+        "extract" : {
+            "default" : GenerateModelNameExtraction("member ref", QName_model)
+        }
+    },
+    "refer" : {
+        "type" : SYNTAXATTRIBUTE,
+        "extract" : {
+            "default" : GenerateModelNameExtraction("member refer", QName_model)
+        }
+    },
+    "schemaLocation" : {
+        "type" : SYNTAXATTRIBUTE, 
+        "extract" : {
+            "default" : GenerateModelNameExtraction("member schemaLocation", URI_model)
+        }
+    },
+    "source" : {
+        "type" : SYNTAXATTRIBUTE,
+        "extract" : {
+            "default" : GenerateModelNameExtraction("member source", URI_model)
+        }
+    },
+    "substitutionGroup" : {
+        "type" : SYNTAXATTRIBUTE, 
+        "extract" : {
+            "default" : GenerateModelNameExtraction("member substitutionGroup", QName_model)
+        }
+    },
+    "targetNamespace" : {
+        "type" : SYNTAXATTRIBUTE, 
+        "extract" : {
+            "default" : GenerateModelNameExtraction("member targetNamespace", URI_model)
+        }
+    },
+    "type" : {
+        "type" : SYNTAXATTRIBUTE, 
+        "extract" : {
+            "default" : GenerateModelNameExtraction("member type", QName_model)
+        }
+    },
+    "use" : {
+        "type" : SYNTAXATTRIBUTE, 
+        "extract" : {
+            "default" : GenerateEnumeratedExtraction("member usage", ["required", "optional", "prohibited"])
+        },
+        "default" : {
+            "default" : "optional"
+        }
+    },
+    "value" : {
+        "type" : SYNTAXATTRIBUTE, 
+        "extract" : {
+            "default" : GetAttributeValue,
+            "fractionDigits" : GenerateIntegerExtraction(minInclusive=0),
+            "length" : GenerateIntegerExtraction(minInclusive=0),
+            "maxLength" : GenerateIntegerExtraction(minInclusive=0),
+            "minLength" : GenerateIntegerExtraction(minInclusive=0),
+            "totalDigits" : GenerateIntegerExtraction(minExclusive=0),
+            "whiteSpace" : GenerateEnumeratedExtraction("value", ["collapse", "preserve", "replace"])
+        }
+    },
+    "version" : {
+        "type" : SYNTAXATTRIBUTE,
+        "extract" : {
+            "default" : GetToken
+        }
+    },
+    "xpath" : {
+        "type" : SYNTAXATTRIBUTE, 
+        "extract" : {
+            "default" : NotSupportedYet("xpath")
+        }
+    },
+#                           Simple types definition
+    "string" : {
+        "type" : SIMPLETYPE,
+        "basename" : "string",
+        "extract" : GetAttributeValue,
+        "facets" : STRING_FACETS,
+        "generate" : GenerateSimpleTypeXMLText(lambda x : x),
+        "initial" : lambda: "",
+        "check" : lambda x: isinstance(x, (StringType, UnicodeType))
+    },
+    "normalizedString" : {
+        "type" : SIMPLETYPE,
+        "basename" : "normalizedString",
+        "extract" : GetNormalizedString,
+        "facets" : STRING_FACETS,
+        "generate" : GenerateSimpleTypeXMLText(lambda x : x),
+        "initial" : lambda: "",
+        "check" : lambda x: isinstance(x, (StringType, UnicodeType))
+    },
+    "token" : {
+        "type" : SIMPLETYPE,
+        "basename" : "token",  
+        "extract" : GetToken,
+        "facets" : STRING_FACETS,
+        "generate" : GenerateSimpleTypeXMLText(lambda x : x),
+        "initial" : lambda: "",
+        "check" : lambda x: isinstance(x, (StringType, UnicodeType))
+    },
+    "base64Binary" : {
+        "type" : SIMPLETYPE, 
+        "basename" : "base64Binary", 
+        "extract" : NotSupportedYet("base64Binary"),
+        "facets" : STRING_FACETS,
+        "generate" : GenerateSimpleTypeXMLText(str),
+        "initial" : lambda: 0,
+        "check" : lambda x: isinstance(x, IntType)
+    },
+    "hexBinary" : {
+        "type" : SIMPLETYPE,
+        "basename" : "hexBinary", 
+        "extract" : GetHexInteger,
+        "facets" : STRING_FACETS,
+        "generate" : GenerateSimpleTypeXMLText(lambda x : "%X"%x),
+        "initial" : lambda: 0,
+        "check" : lambda x: isinstance(x, IntType)
+    },
+    "integer" : {
+        "type" : SIMPLETYPE,
+        "basename" : "integer", 
+        "extract" : GenerateIntegerExtraction(),
+        "facets" : DECIMAL_FACETS,
+        "generate" : GenerateSimpleTypeXMLText(str),
+        "initial" : lambda: 0,
+        "check" : lambda x: isinstance(x, IntType)
+    },
+    "positiveInteger" : {
+        "type" : SIMPLETYPE,
+        "basename" : "positiveInteger", 
+        "extract" : GenerateIntegerExtraction(minExclusive=0),
+        "facets" : DECIMAL_FACETS,
+        "generate" : GenerateSimpleTypeXMLText(str),
+        "initial" : lambda: 0,
+        "check" : lambda x: isinstance(x, IntType)
+    },
+    "negativeInteger" : {
+        "type" : SIMPLETYPE,
+        "basename" : "negativeInteger",
+        "extract" : GenerateIntegerExtraction(maxExclusive=0),
+        "facets" : DECIMAL_FACETS,
+        "generate" : GenerateSimpleTypeXMLText(str),
+        "initial" : lambda: 0,
+        "check" : lambda x: isinstance(x, IntType)
+    },
+    "nonNegativeInteger" : {
+        "type" : SIMPLETYPE, 
+        "basename" : "nonNegativeInteger", 
+        "extract" : GenerateIntegerExtraction(minInclusive=0),
+        "facets" : DECIMAL_FACETS,
+        "generate" : GenerateSimpleTypeXMLText(str),
+        "initial" : lambda: 0,
+        "check" : lambda x: isinstance(x, IntType)
+    },
+    "nonPositiveInteger" : {
+        "type" : SIMPLETYPE,
+        "basename" : "nonPositiveInteger", 
+        "extract" : GenerateIntegerExtraction(maxInclusive=0),
+        "facets" : DECIMAL_FACETS,
+        "generate" : GenerateSimpleTypeXMLText(str),
+        "initial" : lambda: 0,
+        "check" : lambda x: isinstance(x, IntType)
+    },
+    "long" : {
+        "type" : SIMPLETYPE,
+        "basename" : "long",
+        "extract" : GenerateIntegerExtraction(minInclusive=-2**63,maxExclusive=2**63),
+        "facets" : DECIMAL_FACETS,
+        "generate" : GenerateSimpleTypeXMLText(str),
+        "initial" : lambda: 0,
+        "check" : lambda x: isinstance(x, IntType)
+    },
+    "unsignedLong" : {
+        "type" : SIMPLETYPE,
+        "basename" : "unsignedLong",
+        "extract" : GenerateIntegerExtraction(minInclusive=0,maxExclusive=2**64),
+        "facets" : DECIMAL_FACETS,
+        "generate" : GenerateSimpleTypeXMLText(str),
+        "initial" : lambda: 0,
+        "check" : lambda x: isinstance(x, IntType)
+    },
+    "int" : {
+        "type" : SIMPLETYPE,
+        "basename" : "int",
+        "extract" : GenerateIntegerExtraction(minInclusive=-2**31,maxExclusive=2**31),
+        "facets" : DECIMAL_FACETS,
+        "generate" : GenerateSimpleTypeXMLText(str),
+        "initial" : lambda: 0,
+        "check" : lambda x: isinstance(x, IntType)
+    },
+    "unsignedInt" : {
+        "type" : SIMPLETYPE,
+        "basename" : "unsignedInt",
+        "extract" : GenerateIntegerExtraction(minInclusive=0,maxExclusive=2**32),
+        "facets" : DECIMAL_FACETS,
+        "generate" : GenerateSimpleTypeXMLText(str),
+        "initial" : lambda: 0,
+        "check" : lambda x: isinstance(x, IntType)
+    },
+    "short" : {
+        "type" : SIMPLETYPE,
+        "basename" : "short",
+        "extract" : GenerateIntegerExtraction(minInclusive=-2**15,maxExclusive=2**15),
+        "facets" : DECIMAL_FACETS,
+        "generate" : GenerateSimpleTypeXMLText(str),
+        "initial" : lambda: 0,
+        "check" : lambda x: isinstance(x, IntType)
+    },
+    "unsignedShort" : {
+        "type" : SIMPLETYPE,
+        "basename" : "unsignedShort", 
+        "extract" : GenerateIntegerExtraction(minInclusive=0,maxExclusive=2**16),
+        "facets" : DECIMAL_FACETS,
+        "generate" : GenerateSimpleTypeXMLText(str),
+        "initial" : lambda: 0,
+        "check" : lambda x: isinstance(x, IntType)
+    },
+    "byte" : {
+        "type" : SIMPLETYPE,
+        "basename" : "byte",
+        "extract" : GenerateIntegerExtraction(minInclusive=-2**7,maxExclusive=2**7),
+        "facets" : DECIMAL_FACETS,
+        "generate" : GenerateSimpleTypeXMLText(str),
+        "initial" : lambda: 0,
+        "check" : lambda x: isinstance(x, IntType)
+    },
+    "unsignedByte" : {
+        "type" : SIMPLETYPE,
+        "basename" : "unsignedByte",
+        "extract" : GenerateIntegerExtraction(minInclusive=0,maxExclusive=2**8),
+        "facets" : DECIMAL_FACETS,
+        "generate" : GenerateSimpleTypeXMLText(str),
+        "initial" : lambda: 0,
+        "check" : lambda x: isinstance(x, IntType)
+    },
+    "decimal" : {
+        "type" : SIMPLETYPE,
+        "basename" : "decimal",
+        "extract" : GenerateFloatExtraction("decimal"),
+        "facets" : DECIMAL_FACETS,
+        "generate" : GenerateFloatXMLText(),
+        "initial" : lambda: 0.,
+        "check" : lambda x: isinstance(x, (IntType, FloatType))
+    },
+    "float" : {
+        "type" : SIMPLETYPE,
+        "basename" : "float",
+        "extract" : GenerateFloatExtraction("float", ["INF", "-INF", "NaN"]),
+        "facets" : NUMBER_FACETS,
+        "generate" : GenerateFloatXMLText(["INF", "-INF", "NaN"]),
+        "initial" : lambda: 0.,
+        "check" : lambda x: {"INF" : True, "-INF" : True, "NaN" : True}.get(x, isinstance(x, (IntType, FloatType)))
+    },
+    "double" : {
+        "type" : SIMPLETYPE,
+        "basename" : "double",
+        "extract" : GenerateFloatExtraction("double", ["INF", "-INF", "NaN"]),
+        "facets" : NUMBER_FACETS,
+        "generate" : GenerateFloatXMLText(["INF", "-INF", "NaN"]),
+        "initial" : lambda: 0.,
+        "check" : lambda x: {"INF" : True, "-INF" : True, "NaN" : True}.get(x, isinstance(x, (IntType, FloatType)))
+    },
+    "boolean" : {
+        "type" : SIMPLETYPE,
+        "basename" : "boolean",
+        "extract" : GetBoolean,
+        "facets" : ["pattern", "whiteSpace"],
+        "generate" : GenerateSimpleTypeXMLText(lambda x:{True : "true", False : "false"}[x]),
+        "initial" : lambda: False,
+        "check" : lambda x: isinstance(x, BooleanType)
+    },	
+    "duration" : {
+        "type" : SIMPLETYPE,
+        "basename" : "duration",
+        "extract" : NotSupportedYet("duration"),
+        "facets" : NUMBER_FACETS,
+        "generate" : GenerateSimpleTypeXMLText(str),
+        "initial" : lambda: "",
+        "check" : lambda x: isinstance(x, (StringType, UnicodeType))
+    },
+    "dateTime" : {
+        "type" : SIMPLETYPE,
+        "basename" : "dateTime",
+        "extract" : GetDateTime,
+        "facets" : NUMBER_FACETS,
+        "generate" : GenerateSimpleTypeXMLText(str),
+        "initial" : lambda: datetime.datetime(1,1,1,0,0,0,0),
+        "check" : lambda x: isinstance(x, datetime.datetime)
+    },
+    "date" : {
+        "type" : SIMPLETYPE,
+        "basename" : "date",
+        "extract" : GetDate,
+        "facets" : NUMBER_FACETS,
+        "generate" : GenerateSimpleTypeXMLText(str),
+        "initial" : lambda:,1,1),
+        "check" : lambda x: isinstance(x,
+    },
+    "time" : {
+        "type" : SIMPLETYPE,
+        "basename" : "time",
+        "extract" : GetTime,
+        "facets" : NUMBER_FACETS,
+        "generate" : GenerateSimpleTypeXMLText(str),
+        "initial" : lambda: datetime.time(0,0,0,0),
+        "check" : lambda x: isinstance(x, datetime.time)
+    },
+    "gYear" : {
+        "type" : SIMPLETYPE,
+        "basename" : "gYear",
+        "extract" : NotSupportedYet("gYear"),
+        "facets" : NUMBER_FACETS,
+        "generate" : GenerateSimpleTypeXMLText(str),
+        "initial" : lambda: "",
+        "check" : lambda x: isinstance(x, (StringType, UnicodeType))
+    },
+    "gYearMonth" : {
+        "type" : SIMPLETYPE,
+        "basename" : "gYearMonth",
+        "extract" : NotSupportedYet("gYearMonth"),
+        "facets" : NUMBER_FACETS,
+        "generate" : GenerateSimpleTypeXMLText(str),
+        "initial" : lambda: "",
+        "check" : lambda x: isinstance(x, (StringType, UnicodeType))
+    },
+    "gMonth" : {
+        "type" : SIMPLETYPE,
+        "basename" : "gMonth",
+        "extract" : NotSupportedYet("gMonth"),
+        "facets" : NUMBER_FACETS,
+        "generate" : GenerateSimpleTypeXMLText(str),
+        "initial" : lambda: "",
+        "check" : lambda x: isinstance(x, (StringType, UnicodeType))
+    },
+    "gMonthDay" : {
+        "type" : SIMPLETYPE,
+        "basename" : "gMonthDay",
+        "extract" : NotSupportedYet("gMonthDay"),
+        "facets" : NUMBER_FACETS,
+        "generate" : GenerateSimpleTypeXMLText(str),
+        "initial" : lambda: "",
+        "check" : lambda x: isinstance(x, (StringType, UnicodeType))
+    },
+    "gDay" : {
+        "type" : SIMPLETYPE,
+        "basename" : "gDay",
+        "extract" : NotSupportedYet("gDay"),
+        "facets" : NUMBER_FACETS,
+        "generate" : GenerateSimpleTypeXMLText(str),
+        "initial" : lambda: "",
+        "check" : lambda x: isinstance(x, (StringType, UnicodeType))
+    },
+    "Name" : {
+        "type" : SIMPLETYPE,
+        "basename" : "Name",
+        "extract" : GenerateModelNameExtraction("Name", Name_model),
+        "facets" : STRING_FACETS,
+        "generate" : GenerateSimpleTypeXMLText(lambda x: x),
+        "initial" : lambda: "",
+        "check" : lambda x: isinstance(x, (StringType, UnicodeType))
+    },
+    "QName" : {
+        "type" : SIMPLETYPE,
+        "basename" : "QName",
+        "extract" : GenerateModelNameExtraction("QName", QName_model),
+        "facets" : STRING_FACETS,
+        "generate" : GenerateSimpleTypeXMLText(lambda x: x),
+        "initial" : lambda: "",
+        "check" : lambda x: isinstance(x, (StringType, UnicodeType))
+    },
+    "NCName" : {
+        "type" : SIMPLETYPE,
+        "basename" : "NCName",
+        "extract" : GenerateModelNameExtraction("NCName", NCName_model),
+        "facets" : STRING_FACETS,
+        "generate" : GenerateSimpleTypeXMLText(lambda x: x),
+        "initial" : lambda: "",
+        "check" : lambda x: isinstance(x, (StringType, UnicodeType))
+    },
+    "anyURI" : {
+        "type" : SIMPLETYPE,
+        "basename" : "anyURI",
+        "extract" : GenerateModelNameExtraction("anyURI", URI_model),
+        "facets" : STRING_FACETS,
+        "generate" : GenerateSimpleTypeXMLText(lambda x: x),
+        "initial" : lambda: "",
+        "check" : lambda x: isinstance(x, (StringType, UnicodeType))
+    },
+    "language" : {
+        "type" : SIMPLETYPE,
+        "basename" : "language",
+        "extract" : GenerateEnumeratedExtraction("language", LANGUAGES),
+        "facets" : STRING_FACETS,
+        "generate" : GenerateSimpleTypeXMLText(lambda x: x),
+        "initial" : lambda: "en",
+        "check" : lambda x: isinstance(x, (StringType, UnicodeType))
+    },
+    "ID" : {
+        "type" : SIMPLETYPE,
+        "basename" : "ID",
+        "extract" : GenerateModelNameExtraction("ID", Name_model),
+        "facets" : STRING_FACETS,
+        "generate" : GenerateSimpleTypeXMLText(lambda x: x),
+        "initial" : lambda: "",
+        "check" : lambda x: isinstance(x, (StringType, UnicodeType))
+    },
+    "IDREF" : {
+        "type" : SIMPLETYPE,
+        "basename" : "IDREF",
+        "extract" : GenerateModelNameExtraction("IDREF", Name_model),
+        "facets" : STRING_FACETS,
+        "generate" : GenerateSimpleTypeXMLText(lambda x: x),
+        "initial" : lambda: "",
+        "check" : lambda x: isinstance(x, (StringType, UnicodeType))
+    },
+    "IDREFS" : {
+        "type" : SIMPLETYPE,
+        "basename" : "IDREFS",
+        "extract" : GenerateModelNameExtraction("IDREFS", Names_model),
+        "facets" : STRING_FACETS,
+        "generate" : GenerateSimpleTypeXMLText(lambda x: x),
+        "initial" : lambda: "",
+        "check" : lambda x: isinstance(x, (StringType, UnicodeType))
+    },
+    "ENTITY" : {
+        "type" : SIMPLETYPE,
+        "basename" : "ENTITY",
+        "extract" : GenerateModelNameExtraction("ENTITY", Name_model),
+        "facets" : STRING_FACETS,
+        "generate" : GenerateSimpleTypeXMLText(lambda x: x),
+        "initial" : lambda: "",
+        "check" : lambda x: isinstance(x, (StringType, UnicodeType))
+    },
+    "ENTITIES" : {
+        "type" : SIMPLETYPE,
+        "basename" : "ENTITIES",
+        "extract" : GenerateModelNameExtraction("ENTITIES", Names_model),
+        "facets" : STRING_FACETS,
+        "generate" : GenerateSimpleTypeXMLText(lambda x: x),
+        "initial" : lambda: "",
+        "check" : lambda x: isinstance(x, (StringType, UnicodeType))
+    },
+    "NOTATION" : {
+        "type" : SIMPLETYPE,
+        "basename" : "NOTATION",
+        "extract" : GenerateModelNameExtraction("NOTATION", Name_model),
+        "facets" : STRING_FACETS,
+        "generate" : GenerateSimpleTypeXMLText(lambda x: x),
+        "initial" : lambda: "",
+        "check" : lambda x: isinstance(x, (StringType, UnicodeType))
+    },
+    "NMTOKEN" : {
+        "type" : SIMPLETYPE,
+        "basename" : "NMTOKEN",
+        "extract" : GenerateModelNameExtraction("NMTOKEN", NMToken_model),
+        "facets" : STRING_FACETS,
+        "generate" : GenerateSimpleTypeXMLText(lambda x: x),
+        "initial" : lambda: "",
+        "check" : lambda x: isinstance(x, (StringType, UnicodeType))
+    },
+    "NMTOKENS" : {
+        "type" : SIMPLETYPE,
+        "basename" : "NMTOKENS",
+        "extract" : GenerateModelNameExtraction("NMTOKENS", NMTokens_model),
+        "facets" : STRING_FACETS,
+        "generate" : GenerateSimpleTypeXMLText(lambda x: x),
+        "initial" : lambda: "",
+        "check" : lambda x: isinstance(x, (StringType, UnicodeType))
+    },
+    # Complex Types
+    "anyType" : {"type" : COMPLEXTYPE, "extract" : lambda x:None},
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    classes = GenerateClassesFromXSD("test.xsd")
+    # Code for test of test.xsd
+    xmlfile = open("po.xml", 'r')
+    tree = minidom.parse(xmlfile)
+    xmlfile.close()
+    test = classes["PurchaseOrderType"]()
+    for child in tree.childNodes:
+        if child.nodeType == tree.ELEMENT_NODE and child.nodeName == "purchaseOrder":
+            test.loadXMLTree(child)
+    test.items.item[0].setquantity(2)
+    testfile = open("test.xml", 'w')
+    testfile.write("<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n")
+    testfile.write(test.generateXMLText("purchaseOrder"))
+    testfile.close()