Adding support for declare, init, get and set macros
Mon, 30 Nov 2009 15:36:12 +0100 (2009-11-30)
changeset 219 9bb38736f126
parent 218 413842f6152f
child 220 f332b62cd2c1
Adding support for declare, init, get and set macros
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lib/accessor.h	Mon Nov 30 15:36:12 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+#ifndef __ACCESSOR_H
+#define __ACCESSOR_H
+// variable declaration macros
+#define __DECLARE_VAR(type, name)\
+	type name;
+#define __DECLARE_GLOBAL(type, resource, name)\
+	type resource##__##name;\
+	static type *GLOBAL__##name = &resource##__##name;\
+	type __GET_GLOBAL_##name(void) {return *GLOBAL__##name;}\
+	void __SET_GLOBAL_##name(type value) {*GLOBAL__##name = value;}
+#define __DECLARE_GLOBAL_LOCATION(type, location)\
+	extern type *location;
+#define __DECLARE_GLOBAL_LOCATED(type, resource, name)\
+	type *resource##__##name;\
+	static type *GLOBAL__##name;\
+	type __GET_GLOBAL_##name(void) {return *GLOBAL__##name;}\
+	void __SET_GLOBAL_##name(type value) {*GLOBAL__##name = value;}
+#define __DECLARE_EXTERNAL(type, name)\
+	type *name;
+#define __DECLARE_LOCATED(type, name)\
+	type *name;
+// variable initialization macros
+#define __INIT_VAR(name, initial)\
+	name = initial;
+#define __INIT_GLOBAL(name, initial)\
+	*GLOBAL__##name = initial;
+#define __INIT_GLOBAL_LOCATED(resource, name, location)\
+	resource##__##name = location;\
+    GLOBAL__##name = location;
+#define __INIT_EXTERNAL(type, global, name)\
+	{extern type *GLOBAL__##global;\
+	 name = GLOBAL__##global;}
+#define __INIT_LOCATED(type, location, name)\
+	{extern type *location;\
+	 name = location;}
+#define __INIT_LOCATED_VALUE(name, initial)\
+	*name = initial;
+// variable getting macros
+#define __GET_VAR(name)\
+	name
+#define __GET_EXTERNAL(name)\
+	__GET_GLOBAL_##name()
+#define __GET_LOCATED(name)\
+	*(name)
+#define __GET_VAR_BY_REF(name)\
+	&(name)
+#define __GET_EXTERNAL_BY_REF(name)\
+	GLOBAL__##name
+#define __GET_LOCATED_BY_REF(name)\
+	name
+// variable setting macros
+#define __SET_VAR(name, new_value)\
+	name = new_value
+#define __SET_EXTERNAL(name, new_value)\
+	__SET_GLOBAL_##name(value)
+#define __SET_LOCATED(name, new_value)\
+	*(name) = value
+#endif //__ACCESSOR_H
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/stage4/generate_c/	Mon Nov 30 15:36:12 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,480 @@
+ * (c) 2007 Mario de Sousa and Laurent Bessard
+ *
+ * Offered to the public under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
+ * License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * This code is made available on the understanding that it will not be
+ * used in safety-critical situations without a full and competent review.
+ */
+ * An IEC 61131-3 IL and ST compiler.
+ *
+ * Based on the
+ * FINAL DRAFT - IEC 61131-3, 2nd Ed. (2001-12-10)
+ *
+ */
+ * This is one of the versions available for the 4th stage.
+ *
+ * This 4th stage generates a c++ source program equivalent
+ * to the IL and ST code.
+ */
+#define INLINE_RESULT_TEMP_VAR "__res"
+class generate_c_inline_c: public generate_c_typedecl_c {
+  private:
+    /* The name of the IL default variable... */
+	/* The name of the variable used to pass the result of a
+	 * parenthesised instruction list to the immediately preceding
+	 * scope ...
+	 */
+	il_default_variable_c default_variable_name;
+	int fcall_number;
+	symbol_c *fbname;
+    search_expression_type_c *search_expression_type;
+    search_varfb_instance_type_c *search_varfb_instance_type;
+    search_base_type_c search_base_type;
+  public:
+    generate_c_inline_c(stage4out_c *s4o_ptr, symbol_c *name, symbol_c *scope, const char *variable_prefix = NULL)
+    : generate_c_typedecl_c(s4o_ptr),
+      default_variable_name(IL_DEFVAR, NULL)
+    {
+      search_expression_type = new search_expression_type_c(scope);
+      search_varfb_instance_type = new search_varfb_instance_type_c(scope);
+      this->set_variable_prefix(variable_prefix);
+      fcall_number = 0;
+      fbname = name;
+    }
+    virtual ~generate_c_inline_c(void) {
+      delete search_varfb_instance_type;
+    }
+    void *generate_inline(symbol_c *function_name,
+    		symbol_c *return_data_type,
+    		std::list<FUNCTION_PARAM*> param_list) {
+      std::list<FUNCTION_PARAM*>::iterator pt;
+      fcall_number++;
+      s4o.print(s4o.indent_spaces);
+      s4o.print("inline ");
+      return_data_type->accept(*this);
+      s4o.print(" __");
+      fbname->accept(*this);
+      s4o.print("_");
+      function_name->accept(*this);
+      s4o.print_integer(fcall_number);
+      s4o.print("(");
+      s4o.indent_right();
+        if (PARAM_DIRECTION == function_param_iterator_c::direction_in) {
+          PARAM_TYPE->accept(*this);
+          s4o.print(" ");
+          PARAM_NAME->accept(*this);
+          s4o.print(",\n" + s4o.indent_spaces);
+        }
+      }
+      fbname->accept(*this);
+	  s4o.print(" *");
+	  s4o.print(FB_FUNCTION_PARAM);
+	  s4o.indent_left();
+	  s4o.print(")\n" + s4o.indent_spaces);
+	  s4o.print("{\n");
+      s4o.indent_right();
+      s4o.print(s4o.indent_spaces);
+      return_data_type->accept(*this);
+      s4o.print(" "),
+      s4o.print(INLINE_RESULT_TEMP_VAR);
+      s4o.print(";\n");
+		if ((PARAM_DIRECTION == function_param_iterator_c::direction_out ||
+		     PARAM_DIRECTION == function_param_iterator_c::direction_inout) &&
+		    PARAM_VALUE != NULL) {
+		  s4o.print(s4o.indent_spaces);
+		  PARAM_TYPE->accept(*this);
+          s4o.print(" ");
+          s4o.print(TEMP_VAR);
+          PARAM_NAME->accept(*this);
+          s4o.print(" = ");
+          print_check_function(PARAM_TYPE, PARAM_VALUE);
+          s4o.print(";\n");
+		}
+	  }
+	  s4o.print(s4o.indent_spaces + INLINE_RESULT_TEMP_VAR),
+			  s4o.print(" = ");
+	  function_name->accept(*this);
+	  s4o.print("(");
+	  s4o.indent_right();
+		if (pt != param_list.begin())
+		  s4o.print(",\n" + s4o.indent_spaces);
+		if (PARAM_DIRECTION == function_param_iterator_c::direction_in)
+		  PARAM_NAME->accept(*this);
+		else if (PARAM_VALUE != NULL){
+          s4o.print("&");
+          s4o.print(TEMP_VAR);
+          PARAM_NAME->accept(*this);
+        }
+		else {
+		  s4o.print("NULL");
+		}
+	  }
+	  s4o.print(");\n");
+	  s4o.indent_left();
+        if ((PARAM_DIRECTION == function_param_iterator_c::direction_out ||
+        	 PARAM_DIRECTION == function_param_iterator_c::direction_inout) &&
+        	PARAM_VALUE != NULL) {
+          s4o.print(s4o.indent_spaces);
+          unsigned int vartype = search_varfb_instance_type->get_vartype(PARAM_VALUE);
+          if (vartype == search_var_instance_decl_c::external_vt)
+            s4o.print(SET_EXTERNAL);
+          else if (vartype == search_var_instance_decl_c::located_vt)
+            s4o.print(SET_LOCATED);
+          else
+            s4o.print(SET_VAR);
+          s4o.print("(");
+          PARAM_VALUE->accept(*this);
+          s4o.print(", ");
+          print_check_function(PARAM_TYPE, PARAM_NAME, NULL, true);
+          s4o.print(");\n");
+		}
+	  }
+	  s4o.print(s4o.indent_spaces + "return ");
+	  s4o.print(INLINE_RESULT_TEMP_VAR);
+	  s4o.print(";\n");
+      s4o.indent_left();
+      s4o.print(s4o.indent_spaces + "}\n\n");
+      return NULL;
+    }
+  private:
+    /*********************/
+    /* B 1.4 - Variables */
+    /*********************/
+    void *visit(symbolic_variable_c *symbol) {
+      unsigned int vartype = search_varfb_instance_type->get_vartype(symbol);
+      if (vartype == search_var_instance_decl_c::external_vt) {
+        s4o.print(GET_EXTERNAL);
+        s4o.print("(");
+        symbol->var_name->accept(*this);
+      }
+      else {
+        if (vartype == search_var_instance_decl_c::located_vt)
+          s4o.print(GET_LOCATED);
+        else
+          s4o.print(GET_VAR);
+        s4o.print("(");
+        generate_c_base_c::visit(symbol);
+      }
+      s4o.print(")");
+      return NULL;
+    }
+    /********************************************/
+    /* B.1.4.1   Directly Represented Variables */
+    /********************************************/
+    // direct_variable: direct_variable_token   {$$ = new direct_variable_c($1);};
+    void *visit(direct_variable_c *symbol) {
+      TRACE("direct_variable_c");
+      /* Do not use print_token() as it will change everything into uppercase */
+      if (strlen(symbol->value) == 0) ERROR;
+      s4o.print(GET_LOCATED);
+      s4o.print("(");
+      this->print_variable_prefix();
+      s4o.printlocation(symbol->value + 1);
+      s4o.print(")");
+      return NULL;
+    }
+    /****************************************/
+    /* B.2 - Language IL (Instruction List) */
+    /****************************************/
+    /***********************************/
+    /* B 2.1 Instructions and Operands */
+    /***********************************/
+    void *visit(il_function_call_c *symbol) {
+	  function_declaration_c *f_decl = function_symtable.find_value(symbol->function_name);
+	  if (f_decl != function_symtable.end_value()) {
+		bool has_output_params = false;
+		/* determine the base data type returned by the function being called... */
+		search_base_type_c search_base_type;
+		symbol_c *return_data_type = (symbol_c *)f_decl->type_name->accept(search_base_type);
+		if (NULL == return_data_type) ERROR;
+		/* loop through each function parameter, find the value we should pass
+		 * to it, and then output the c equivalent...
+		 */
+		function_param_iterator_c fp_iterator(f_decl);
+		identifier_c *param_name;
+		function_call_param_iterator_c function_call_param_iterator(symbol);
+		for(int i = 1; (param_name = != NULL; i++) {
+		  symbol_c *param_type = fp_iterator.param_type();
+		  if (param_type == NULL) ERROR;
+		  function_param_iterator_c::param_direction_t param_direction = fp_iterator.param_direction();
+		  symbol_c *param_value = NULL;
+		  /* if it is the first parameter, semantics specifies that we should
+		   * get the value off the IL default variable!
+		   */
+		 if (1 == i)
+		   param_value = &this->default_variable_name;
+		  /* Get the value from a foo(<param_name> = <param_value>) style call */
+		  /* NOTE: the following line of code is not required in this case, but it doesn't
+		   * harm to leave it in, as in the case of a non-formal syntax function call,
+		   * it will always return NULL.
+		   * We leave it in in case we later decide to merge this part of the code together
+		   * with the function calling code in generate_c_st_c, which does require
+		   * the following line...
+		   */
+		  if (param_value == NULL)
+			param_value = function_call_param_iterator.search_f(param_name);
+		  /* Get the value from a foo(<param_value>) style call */
+		  if (param_value == NULL)
+			param_value = function_call_param_iterator.next_nf();
+		  if (param_value == NULL && param_direction == function_param_iterator_c::direction_in) {
+			/* No value given for parameter, so we must use the default... */
+			/* First check whether default value specified in function declaration...*/
+			param_value = fp_iterator.default_value();
+		  }
+		  ADD_PARAM_LIST(param_name, param_value, param_type, fp_iterator.param_direction())
+		} /* for(...) */
+			if ((PARAM_DIRECTION == function_param_iterator_c::direction_out ||
+				 PARAM_DIRECTION == function_param_iterator_c::direction_inout) &&
+			  has_output_params = true;
+			}
+		}
+	    if (has_output_params)
+	      generate_inline(symbol->function_name, return_data_type, param_list);
+	  }
+	  return NULL;
+    }
+    void *visit(il_formal_funct_call_c *symbol) {
+	  function_declaration_c *f_decl = function_symtable.find_value(symbol->function_name);
+	  if (f_decl != function_symtable.end_value()) {
+		bool has_output_params = false;
+		/* determine the base data type returned by the function being called... */
+		search_base_type_c search_base_type;
+		symbol_c *return_data_type = (symbol_c *)f_decl->type_name->accept(search_base_type);
+		if (NULL == return_data_type) ERROR;
+		/* loop through each function parameter, find the value we should pass
+		 * to it, and then output the c equivalent...
+		 */
+		function_param_iterator_c fp_iterator(f_decl);
+		identifier_c *param_name;
+		function_call_param_iterator_c function_call_param_iterator(symbol);
+		for(int i = 1; (param_name = != NULL; i++) {
+		  symbol_c *param_type = fp_iterator.param_type();
+		  if (param_type == NULL) ERROR;
+		  function_param_iterator_c::param_direction_t param_direction = fp_iterator.param_direction();
+		  symbol_c *param_value = NULL;
+		  /* Get the value from a foo(<param_name> = <param_value>) style call */
+		  if (param_value == NULL)
+			param_value = function_call_param_iterator.search_f(param_name);
+		  /* Get the value from a foo(<param_value>) style call */
+		  /* NOTE: the following line of code is not required in this case, but it doesn't
+		   * harm to leave it in, as in the case of a formal syntax function call,
+		   * it will always return NULL.
+		   * We leave it in in case we later decide to merge this part of the code together
+		   * with the function calling code in generate_c_st_c, which does require
+		   * the following line...
+		   */
+		  if (param_value == NULL)
+			param_value = function_call_param_iterator.next_nf();
+		  if (param_value == NULL) {
+			/* No value given for parameter, so we must use the default... */
+			/* First check whether default value specified in function declaration...*/
+			param_value = fp_iterator.default_value();
+		  }
+		  ADD_PARAM_LIST(param_name, param_value, param_type, fp_iterator.param_direction())
+		}
+      	  if ((PARAM_DIRECTION == function_param_iterator_c::direction_out ||
+      		   PARAM_DIRECTION == function_param_iterator_c::direction_inout) &&
+      	      PARAM_VALUE != NULL) {
+      	    has_output_params = true;
+      	  }
+        }
+        if (has_output_params)
+	      generate_inline(symbol->function_name, return_data_type, param_list);
+	  }
+      return NULL;
+    }
+    /***************************************/
+    /* B.3 - Language ST (Structured Text) */
+    /***************************************/
+    /***********************/
+    /* B 3.1 - Expressions */
+    /***********************/
+    void *visit(function_invocation_c *symbol) {
+      function_declaration_c *f_decl = function_symtable.find_value(symbol->function_name);
+      if (f_decl != function_symtable.end_value()) {
+    	bool has_output_params = false;
+    	symbol_c *parameter_assignment_list = NULL;
+	    if (NULL != symbol->   formal_param_list) parameter_assignment_list = symbol->   formal_param_list;
+	    if (NULL != symbol->nonformal_param_list) parameter_assignment_list = symbol->nonformal_param_list;
+	    if (NULL == parameter_assignment_list) ERROR;
+	    /* determine the base data type returned by the function being called... */
+		search_base_type_c search_base_type;
+		symbol_c *return_data_type = (symbol_c *)f_decl->type_name->accept(search_base_type);
+		if (NULL == return_data_type) ERROR;
+    	/* loop through each function parameter, find the value we should pass
+         * to it, and then output the c equivalent...
+         */
+        function_param_iterator_c fp_iterator(f_decl);
+        identifier_c *param_name;
+        function_call_param_iterator_c function_call_param_iterator(symbol);
+        for(int i = 1; (param_name = != NULL; i++) {
+          function_param_iterator_c::param_direction_t param_direction = fp_iterator.param_direction();
+          /* Get the value from a foo(<param_name> = <param_value>) style call */
+          symbol_c *param_value = function_call_param_iterator.search_f(param_name);
+          /* Get the value from a foo(<param_value>) style call */
+          if (param_value == NULL)
+            param_value = function_call_param_iterator.next_nf();
+          if (param_value == NULL && param_direction == function_param_iterator_c::direction_in) {
+            /* No value given for parameter, so we must use the default... */
+            /* First check whether default value specified in function declaration...*/
+            param_value = fp_iterator.default_value();
+          }
+          symbol_c *param_type = fp_iterator.param_type();
+          if (param_type == NULL) ERROR;
+          ADD_PARAM_LIST(param_name, param_value, param_type, param_direction)
+        } /* for(...) */
+        // symbol->parameter_assignment->accept(*this);
+      	  if ((PARAM_DIRECTION == function_param_iterator_c::direction_out ||
+      			PARAM_DIRECTION == function_param_iterator_c::direction_inout) &&
+              PARAM_VALUE != NULL) {
+      	    has_output_params = true;
+      	  }
+        }
+        if (has_output_params)
+	      generate_inline(symbol->function_name, return_data_type, param_list);
+      }
+	  return NULL;
+    }
+};  /* generate_c_inline_c */
+class generate_c_inlinefcall_c: public iterator_visitor_c {
+  private:
+	generate_c_inline_c *generate_c_inline;
+  public:
+	generate_c_inlinefcall_c(stage4out_c *s4o_ptr, symbol_c *name, symbol_c *scope, const char *variable_prefix = NULL) {
+	  generate_c_inline = new generate_c_inline_c(s4o_ptr, name, scope, variable_prefix);
+	}
+	virtual ~generate_c_inlinefcall_c(void) {
+	  delete generate_c_inline;
+	}
+  private:
+	void *visit(function_invocation_c *symbol) {
+	  return symbol->accept(*generate_c_inline);
+	}
+	void *visit(il_function_call_c *symbol) {
+	  return symbol->accept(*generate_c_inline);
+	}
+	void *visit(il_formal_funct_call_c *symbol) {
+	  return symbol->accept(*generate_c_inline);
+	}
+}; /* generate_c_inlinefcall_c */