last changeTue, 09 Oct 2018 09:22:53 +0200
2018-10-09 Edouard Tisserant devices/rtdmnet.c : fixed indentation and error handling. stable-1.5 tip
2018-10-08 Edouard Tisserant devices/rtdmnet.c : abuse RTDM api to allow sendmsg and recvmsg to be called indirectly from userland cobalt process ioctl, while rtdm_socket is created from a kernel thread. stable-1.5
2018-10-07 Edouard Tisserant merged stable-1.5
2018-10-05 Florian Pose Set --enable-sii-assign by default. stable-1.5
2018-02-14 Florian Pose Do not call watchdog function while frames are received. stable-1.5
2018-10-05 Edouard Tisserant rtdmnet.c : Fixed rt/nrt invertion for both sendmsg and recvmsg... m( stable-1.5
2018-10-05 Edouard Tisserant RTDM : dropped wrong size check in mmap stable-1.5
2018-10-05 Edouard Tisserant RTDM: More IOCTL requests to be handled in primary mode stable-1.5
2018-10-04 Edouard Tisserant Xenomai 2 to 3 migration says "RTDM drivers implementing differentiated ioctl() support for both domains should serve all real-time only requests from ioctl_rt(), returning -ENOSYS for any unrecognized request, which will cause the adaptive switch to take place automatically to the ioctl_nrt() handler. The ioctl_nrt() should then implement all requests which may be valid from the regular Linux domain exclusively." stable-1.5
2018-10-01 Edouard Tisserant Cosmetic change : rtdm_in_rt_context instead of ipipe_root_p. stable-1.5
2007-10-05 version-1.3.2
2018-10-09 stable-1.5
2017-08-18 default
2012-09-06 redundancy
2010-01-12 stable-1.4
2008-10-02 stable-1.3
2007-02-13 stable-1.2
2006-11-07 stable-1.1
2006-08-03 stable-1.0
2010-01-12 kernel2.6
2010-01-12 kernel-2.4