2006-10-17 Florian Pose BUGFIX: Fixed faulty state acknowledge behavior.
2006-10-17 Florian Pose Fixed typo.
2006-10-17 Florian Pose Renamed fsm->sdodata to fsm->coe_sdodata
2006-10-17 Florian Pose Removed clear functions from headers of kobject-classes.
2006-10-17 Florian Pose Added EC_SLAVE_STATE_ACK_ERR to ec_state_string(); added EC_STATE_STRING_SIZE
2006-10-17 Florian Pose Renamed EC_ACK to EC_SLAVE_STATE_ACK_ERR
2006-10-17 Florian Pose Removed varsized_fields II
2006-10-17 Florian Pose Corrected subbus product code.
2006-10-17 Florian Pose Removed varsized_fields
2006-10-16 Florian Pose Fixed serveral races while starting up under high CPU load.
2006-10-16 Florian Pose Serveral changes to avoid timeouts under high CPU load.
2006-10-16 Florian Pose Minor output changes.
2006-10-13 Florian Pose BUGFIX: Added returns after timeout in SII state machine.
2006-10-13 Florian Pose Added ec_slave_has_subbus()
2006-10-13 Florian Pose Distribution makefile for examples.
2006-10-13 Florian Pose Debug interfaces not compiled by default.
2006-10-13 Florian Pose Removed additional loop in coe_down FSM; renamed mbox_type to mbox_prot.
2006-10-12 Florian Pose Fixed mailbox bug, added mailbox error codes.
2006-10-11 Florian Pose Added EL5101 PDOs to ecdb.h
2006-10-09 Florian Pose Minor changes on Makefile.am
2006-10-09 Florian Pose Improved autotools files.
2006-10-09 Richard Hacker Added file script/Makefile.am
2006-10-09 Richard Hacker Added file ./bootstrap; Added $(DESTDIR) to */Makefile.am make alternate root installs possible
2006-10-05 Andreas Stewering-Bone EL3152 hinzugef?gt
2006-09-28 Florian Pose No bus time measuring on device registration.
2006-09-28 Florian Pose Altered master version string.
2006-09-28 Florian Pose Fixed race on duplicate device registering or device unregistering while requesting master.
2006-09-28 Florian Pose Updated INSTALL file.
2006-09-27 Florian Pose Updated documentation.
2006-09-26 Florian Pose Replaced master's reserved flag by atomic_t available.
2006-09-26 Florian Pose Changes in ecrt_request_master(); minor output changes.
2006-09-26 Florian Pose Documentation: EtherLab-CD; obtaining the DEVICE_INDEX.
2006-09-26 Florian Pose Minor changes in Makefile.am
2006-09-25 Florian Pose Updated documentation concerning autotools/installation.
2006-09-25 Florian Pose Minor changes.
2006-09-25 Florian Pose Added documentation to distribution.
2006-09-25 Florian Pose Improved documentation makefile, removed svn.sty, fixed LaTeX penalties.
2006-09-25 Florian Pose Renamed documentation -> doxygen-output, doc -> documentation.
2006-09-25 Florian Pose Moved doc into trunk
2006-09-25 Florian Pose Fixed --with-linux switch.
2006-09-25 Florian Pose Autotools "--with-linux" switch; "mydist" target
2006-09-25 Florian Pose Added SVN revision to distribution.
2006-09-25 Florian Pose Corrected autotools.
2006-09-25 Florian Pose EtherCAT master with Autotools.
2006-09-23 Florian Pose Bugfix: ecrt_domain_state() always returned -1.
2006-09-19 Florian Pose Allow only one open() on XML device.
2006-09-19 Florian Pose Introduced per-master character devices for XML descriptions.
2006-09-19 Florian Pose Changed identation in init script.
2006-09-18 Florian Pose Added XML daemon.
2006-09-11 Florian Pose lsec: advanced number formatting; no-lines option.
2006-09-11 Florian Pose Coupler information in slave info file, lines in lsec.
2006-09-08 Florian Pose Compile/Version info in sysconfig master info file.
2006-09-04 Florian Pose Improved INSTALL file.
2006-09-01 Florian Pose Updated master version in Doxyfile.
2006-08-31 Florian Pose Fixed bug in data pointer calculation.
2006-08-29 Florian Pose Added PDO defines to ecdb.h
2006-08-23 Florian Pose Updated TODO list.
2006-08-17 Florian Pose Fixed bug in install script.
2006-08-15 Florian Pose Removed unused code.
2006-08-15 Florian Pose Updated mini example.